PAGE TEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 0, 1930 SAAAL AAAS AL AL Alas salsa sss ssd ss LALLA AALS LASS PPV PVITITTIIIYYYTIYYITY EASTERN ONTARIO SA ALiiibbAAS SASL Sls sas TART TITTIVITVIVIOYIT ww very pe YYYYY THUCK SMASHES POLES Brockville. A large truck, owned by the Maple Leaf Transport Co, Toronto, wis badly damaged near Mallorytown when ft left the highway and broke off a coupls of telephone poles, No one was ins Jured, BLANT YOR BODIES Brockville ~~Kmployees of the Department of Public Works have again fired ' off dynamite over # portion of the wreckage of the daritl beat J, B, Wing in an effort to dislodge any of the 17 hodies still unrecovered from the 30 men, who were lost in the explo. slon of June 26, The work was fruitless, however, COUNTERVEIT MONEY Brockville. ~During a rush of business on Saturday a counter. fit. $20 American bill was passed at Loblaw's Groceteria In exchange for a small amount of groceries, The spurious bill was originally of §2 denomination, GUTH VIVE YEAIN Kingston, Wilfrid Lavoie, who escaped from Napanee Jail yard And was afterwards vecaptured ot Renfrew, was sentenced to five Yoars in the penitentiary on seve oral charges of theft and jails breaking, ov vs Bellaville.~A cur owned by Mrs, RB, A, Dowd of Ollawa Was completely destroyed by Aire and another car owned by Thomas J» Cranston of Stirling, was badly damaged when they collided ut the intersection of the 6th conces #lon of Rawdon and the Marmors highgway, Mrs, Dowd was pinned in the wreckage hut was rescued, DRUG WTORK, BRAIDED Bellevillo, =A small sum of money, some cigareties, cigareits lighters, chocolate bars and eons pacts were stolen from Dolan's Drug Mlore recently, BOY INJURED Trenton. Crossing the street In Trenton, thirteen year olp Grant Meabrooks was knocked down by an automobile owned and driven by J, Polly, of Hamilton, Three wtitches were required to close # wound In his shoulder, Thy motor. 15 was not held, DEATH ACCIDENTAL Kingston.-~A coroner's jury found that Chancey Goodall came to his death on July 26th, 1040, as A result of Injuries he received on July 10, 1050, when he was thrown out of his wagon on the highway near the Wve Mile House, when an auto driven by Guy M Moon struck him from behind, and that the collision was accidental, MILAN FLIER MAY TRY OCEAN HOP T0 NEW YORK Holder of Two World's Rec. ords Looks to Atlantic for Next Conquest Montecelio, Taly~Vollowing his recent capture of two world aviation reo distance and endurance In a closed circuit Humbert Maddalena Is planning & flight from Reme to New York, He will probably use the same ulrplane that broke the records, au Savols Marchettl S 648, and take his flying companion, Lieutenant Fausto Cee eonl, along, going hy the Arores, with er without a stop He Is uneertaln, of course, until the Tast moment, for Maddalena Is In government service, and the Italian pn Commander Just Arrived! A new and fresh supply of BATHING CAPS colors, siyles, prices, 250 to Doe BATHING SHOES All siges, All Colors, Price, 00 Palv Bar Plugs .. Water Wings vv 80g After Bathing, for those who suffer from sunburn, we advise an immediate ap. plication of \ GRAY'S BALM It sure does take 50¢ out the burn THE REXALL NTORES Jury & Lovell, Lid. King St, BE, Simeoo bt, §, Phone 28 Phone 08 All 250 Government keeps such matters deep secrets until something has actually developed, Scarcely anyone knew Maddalena had taken off Tor his rec ord flight until he had been almost seventy hours in the alr, had travelid nearly 5,000 miles und had safely broken both records, The Savols Marchetti 8 648 is a twin plane of that used by Fervarin and Del Prete in their flight from Rome to Braz i distance of 4800 miles It is a single-motared monoplane construct ed of wood except for the landing gear und motorearringe whieh ure of steel and wluminum, The motor is suspended ahove the fuselage The gasoline tanks, 26 in number, are hidden in the o5-foot wing in five groups, of which the central constitutes the reserve of 20 gullons The total capacity is 1,430 gallons Fhe cabin can be elosed and contains i eot, The motor is un Fiat, develop ing from 870 to 620 horsepower, It sends the pluie non aximum velocity of 147 miles per hous special mnovition im the propellor whose pitch can be varied to assist In taking off with extra ordinary loads, For his record light Maddalenn was able to leave the ground with eight tons of fuel, 'I'his 18 enough to earry him under favor able weather from Rome to New York and beyond to the Mississippi Maddalena is one of the most color ful figures of international aviation He Is 45, has performed. some of the most dangerous of flights, and wears three silver medals and one of bron for military valor, a silver medal for aeronautical valor and two war CrORNEN In October, 1927, he made a crulu of the Balkan States, Russia, Scan dinavie, Germany and Switzerland, with a Suvels 62 seaplane, His hei ole rescue work In the Artie re gloins where General Nobile and his crew of the divigible lalla were lost He, with his co-pilot, Captain Cagna, were first to slght Nobile's little red tent and drop provisions and mater ils to the stranded erew from the air, Lieutenant Cecconl in ten years younger and has been flying only three years, He was head of his class In the aeronautical academy anid has given proof of exceptional ubili ty In the air force, wooden Vermont, the first state to experi ment with electric street railways, hay abandoned its lust trolley line, which has been supplanted by motor buses, A German scientist has developed a machine that registers the amount of energy expended hy a planist in playing various kinds of musical compositions, A ventilated creel in which fish can be kept fresh for more than 40 hours after they have heen caught has been Invented by a Salt Lake City resls dent, With an area less than two-thirds ay large as the United States, India contains one-fifth of the world's peo ple its population being estimated at 320,000,000, Switserland has more than 203,000 telephone subscribers using nearly 275.000 telephones, TELEPHONE Five Direct Lines -- 262 mr ---- FOR Jeddo Premium Coal Semet - Solvay Coke Pocahontas, Cannel Dix on Coal Company EL EA ---------- a | Bad Indigestion and Constipation Disappear Quick "FRUIT-A-TIVES" Now Her Only Doctor "Buffered terribly with indigestion ana constipation, couldn't t, A friend advised 'Vrult-a-tives' and . WIE b0 1 fine une well, They nre my doctor when i111," Lwonle Paradis, Mont Carmel, 1,Q Lotters from thdusands say chronic constipation and liver troubles ended overnight with "Frult-a-tives," Hour stomach, bil: lousnoss, hearthurs, gas, bloating vanish like mugle, Vladder and kidney ills, pain in back go In 24 hours, Nerves quiet, sound sleep at once, Jheumatism, neuralgia, neuritis, sick hesdaches disappent In a jitfy, Complexion clears quick, Viamous Canadian doctor's dis covery, Ten of nature's greates remedies combined in handy 1ittle tablet, Amazing quick results, Got "Frult-a-tives'" from drug Elst today, Veel great tomorrow, NINE OLD-TIMERS RETURN T0 HOUSE, ON GOV, SIDE Several Former Cabinet Min. isters Tried to Come Back, But Failed Foronte, July J0,<Vwenty former members of parligment, not members uf the last house, sought re-election in Monday's general election, und nearly half of them were successful Nine were returned I'hey were all Conservatives, Armand Havergoe, K( Montmagny, Que, wus to parliament in 1904, as a Liberal then he has become wn Conse vittive and will again sif on the right of Mr, Speaker, where he has once Sut as a supporter of Sle Wilfred Laurier Another old timer returned fs 1 A. Barette, Herthier-Muaskinonge, who like Lavergne gained u 1iberal sent in the provines of Quebe CoB, Nicholas, first elected 10 Dit lament us a supporter of Sir Robert Borden's wartime unionist govern ment in 917 and later as a Conger vative in 1925, was re-elected in Al goma Fast, Ont, He was defeated In the 1926 election by Benish Bow man, the Liberal whom he defeated Monday Six other Conservative members elected in 1928 but defeated at the subsequent 1920 general election came back this They were Hon, Raymond Morand, In Vases Last, Ont; DM, Wright, in Berth North, Ont; Thomas Nay, in Spring field, Man; Hon, Robert Rogers, Winnipeg South, Man.; W, W Kens nedy, in Winnipeg South Centre, ; Man. and A, U, G, Bury, in Edmon ton Last, Rogers also sit for Win nipeg South In 1911, when he was a member of the, Borden government Among the former members who failed 10 come hack were A, Dew Foster, Cons, Hamtw=Kings, N.8, member. for Hants in 1911 and Hos W. Gi, Mitehell, Liberal, Riehmonds Wolle, Que, who failed to hold that neat for the government, Mr, Mit chell wan provincial treasurer in the Quebec government and after his election to the Dominion parliament for St, Antoine division of Montreal in 1921, resigned his seat in 1924 John Harold, former unionist mem her for Brant, Ont, ran as a Liberal but without success, (, Hanna, wo falled to be returned in Hast ings South, Ont, Jo I. Carrick, former Conservative member in 1911, who endorsed the Dunning budget and contested: Port ArthursThunder Bay as a Liberal, wan defeated, an was Dr, Matthew McKay, elected in. 1921 as Liberal member for Renfrew Notth and Hon, T, A Low, former member of the King government who tried to come back in Renfrew South, Dr, M, R, Blake, supporter of the Borden unionist government of 1912, wis unsuccessful in his North Win. nipeg candidature as a Conservative, , elected In lust elected Hime FOUR STANS LEAST HNOWN OF ALL THE SOVIET REPUBLICS Are as Large as ¢ Canada With About an Equal Population Samarkand, Uzbekistan Soviet Re. publie=In the welter of Soviet re- publics and autenomous regions cre: ated by the Belshovist regime the most interesting and least known by the outside world are the four inde pendent republies in Central Asia Jebekistan, Kazakstan, Turkmeniss tan and Tadjikistan, Although in area these republics are almost as large as the entire Dominion of Cans ada, and although they have been ins habited for thousands of years, theiv combined population iy scarcely more than that of the Dominion, In the old Russian Empire most of 'these regions existed as independent Khanates and were ruled by Emirs or Khans, who. were subject to the orders of the Central Russian Govs ernment at St. Petersburg, They have been added to the score of oth. or Soviet republics created hy the Communist dietators within ten ygars. The inhabitants of these news | 2 - The photographs here show features of the world's first travels ling bakery, in charge of Wm, ¥. Broeg., Lectures will be delivered by accompanying experts tg bakers In many cities (1) and (2) show interior views of the travelling bakeries, and (8B) usunl things look outside, whut these une Hke from AN AVALANCHE OF BARGAINS SHOWERED UPON THE THRIFTY SHOPPERS MEN'S MEN'S HATS | SOCKS A WONDERFUL SILK LINED ASSORTMENT GOOD QUALITY FELT. | REGULAR 78¢c AND $1.00 A REAL ' BARGAIN VALUE. SPECIAL, PAIR, PRICED, EA. EACH, 59¢c ($2.50 | 50c ARCADE Departmental Store LEATHERETTE CUSHIONS IDEAL FOR CARS, CAMPS, VERANDAHS, SPECIALLY ae. the est members of the Soviet proletarian union are mostly sturdy nomadic tribesmen of Mongolian, "Turkish, Chinese or Iranian origin descendants uf the warrior hordes of Genghis Khan, Tamerlane amd other war lords of the east, The majority eannot rend or write, but they are honest, sober and law-abiding They live for the lure dome-like stretched over culled "yurt earth and in the winter depend for warmth upon the natural heat of thelr animals and goats, which share thelr humble abodes with them Mare's milk and black bread, supple mented occasionally by the spoils of the chase, ure the principal articles of their diet, Like the gypsies, they seldom remain for they must new pusturages for sheep und goats As these people ur wnt, superstitious and have cal conscrousness whatever, the Soy ICL wuthorities are Hnding it extrem ly diftieuit to wean them away trom the primitive Ines they have led for hundreds of years, und to displace thelr innocuous existences with Ives ol real endeavor, productivity achievement, Few of thom knoy law except that laid down by th chief of their tribe, In the remote districts disputes among the tribes men wre scttled hy means of sword and pistol As a first step toward removal of the colossal 1gnorance that exista among them, the Soviet Government hus troduced the La tn alphabet, which is intinitely simp ler than the Slavic characters, Mil lone of ABC, primers are being printed, and adults of both sexes ure given anstruction in elementary sub jects without chucge, Newspapers and pamphlets of all kinds may now be had in the Uzbekistan, Tadgikis tan, Turmenistan and Kazakstan languages, among all of which there Inn close kinship The Soviet Government is striving hard to emancipate the men ol these remote Asiatic repub lies, Vor centuries these unlettered women have been little more than slaves to thelr men, The Soviet au thorities some time ago initiated a movement for the abolition of the vell, but it has been only partly su cessful, In many parts of Russian Turkestan the Moslem women still guard their faces jealously from the gure of men with heavy black shrouds made of horsehalr, 'I'he wo men have been given the right to vote, but this admittedly is 4 privi lege of doubtful value among a peo ple who are utterly illiterate of even the form of their goverument BEDE DANIELS AT NEW. MARTIN THEATRE most part in willow frames hey sleep on long nn one place keep moving to find their enamels, utterly Jgnot nu polit hy any ulso Wo Bebe Daniels, the glamorous, gold ensvoiced heroine of "Rio Rita" makes her accond appearance on the audible screen in "Love Comes Along," Radio Pletures' all-talking drama which opens at the New Mar: tin Theatre tomorrow, It is the new Hebe Daniels whe is to be seen=the star who has desert ed tha field of light comedy forever and who has taken her place among the greatest of dramatic actresses "Rio Rita" established Bebe Daniels as a new personality, giving her the ohporaniy of revealing startling all-round dramatic ability, urthers more, it disclosed her an un accomp- lished vocal star, capable of singing a score worthy of a featured operas tie soprano, owerful Dramatic Role "Love Comex Along," it is said, pives Miss Daniels an even greater hance "to display her talents than eo preceding picture, Wallace «mith's adaption of the play. "Cons chita," furnishes the star a drama- tic role of unusual power, Bebo sings four new song hits, in cluding "Love Comes Along," and "Night Winds," written especially for the picture by Oscar Levant and Sid« ney Clave, Radio Pictures' success ful composers, - She alsa proves her ability ax an instrumentalist by ae: companying herself on the guitar, Miss Daniels is cast as a member of a show troupe which has been stranded at a remote port, She meets a swaggering young sailor from a tramp schooner, and a most intel fuing love affair results, Jealousy, OWEVOr, causes an estrangement be. tween the two. The manner in whieh their love Is revived forms the high point of an unusually beau. tiful romance, TE TI Se A Roumanian inventor's parachute for air travelers curries the user in a basket, which serves as a seat in an dirplane or dirigible during fights tents fnade ol pelts and | the | STATE OF FERMENT IN INDO-CHINA Thirty-Nine Foreigners Ad- mitted Killed in Rioting Indo-Ching July 40 Unrest among countless millions of Asinties haw nprond Indo China, the Wrench colonial empire of the Far Vast A state of ferm ont reigns and rebellion is rampant Among the 10,6078 %1K Annumites and Tonkinese and they are des manding n rendition of Accounts from the 20,664 Frenchmen who have boon managing thelr wfinliru Thirty-nine, among them three Furopeans, are oMelnlly admitted to have lost their lves In Indo Chinn since the unrest, Intent for several yours, culminated into open and wrmed rebollion In various parts of the country, I'he wound od and Injured number several hundreds A lke number are In Jall Twenty«iwo rebels have sentenced to death but dhly seven ware executed, President Deumers gue having exercised hin right of ¢lomency In favor of the others OMelnl elreles charge that com munist propaganda ix chiefly re sponsible, but the allies' polh during the war, which hrought thousands of Annamites and Ton kinoese to France, In vogarded hy the man in the street an the roal onuge o fthe trouble, The roturn ing Annamite and Tonkinena war pilgrims had learned the nee of fire army and many of them arn now trying thelr skill ngainst the Franch Prance han Chign with » troops, shout hh per cent, ofMcers are white It Is from the ranks of the native poldiers that the most dongerous lenders have cropped up The armed uprisale at Yen-Bay, in the Tonkin and Vinb-Long, in Cochin China, where most of the easunltios pocurred, wera conceived and ex ocuted by native soldiers, The peasants are content to form processions, waving ved fags and demanding the suppression of taxes on rice, which nppoars to he the only tangible cause of revolt They are not armed and generally disperse after helng challenged by the troops, GRAIN HARVEST GETS UNDER WAY Brougham Farmers Report Good Hay Crop and Fair ~ Berry Yield Baigon boon been holding Indo; minimum of white Only the Brougham, July 28,~Farmori fn thin locality have harvesten their good erop of hay in excellent condition and many have begun i the grain harvest, Herries ware u | fui crop here and excellent price: have been pald by local buyors who deliver to the elty, Twice during the week there have beon car collislons on the main street, No serious damage wan done in either case, tut non observance of road regulations lod to trouble, Traffic on the highway wan unusually heavy on Sunday, Mr, Moore adopted a noval way of advertising hin Oshawa Satur day evening meeting, Urohing and adults alike enjoying thp serenade given hy the band he sent through the township on Saturday, T. Brignal fa busy changing the appearance of the hotel by paints ing the outside woodwork, Misa dna Stevenson of Kin. palo in visiting her aunt, Mim Poatrice Stevenson who is con fined to bed at present, Mra, Gralnger, of Toronto, fix At present visiting her dgughter, Mra, R, D, Miller, Mra, George Philip had the mis. fortune to sprain her ankle cons fining her to the house at prosent, Mr, and Mrs, Alex Rowney and Mins MoPhall, 'of Toronto, were guests of Mr, and Mw, T, C, Brown during the week, Fy Malcolm and family, of Toe ronto and Grant Ww. J cnt on Mry pont Brown Tuenduy Just McMaster, the wook-ond I'he Whepherd I"iyllis Gorow are Oshawn-on-the-Lake | | | | Hundny Toamperanco prved Inaut | Tomperance Hupt Lon that subject, [ Mr, West filled the churgs service hnorers no htowght BARD The W, M meeting nt hold the niternoon's up by a the Jerusalem Mr T, Beer ronto on "Tuesday death und funeral obert Deatty, boy Mi und program sudy of a hook "From My Cline, Ing the week Miss While, Mr, nnd Mrs, St Ville, mpent Punday Mra. Rawson, Alhert. Harvey end with his parents, point a committee to tr had her promise that chargon, this arrangement no longer worries, Malcolm of Galt vistted thelr people on Sunday, y visited his of Taronto, with hrother, John and family, family nnd holidaying at Wan lirown, mn talk Bunday by Mry Kiving the und pulpit Kiave provoking mes. thelr of Mrs Brown on Thursday afternoon, the hoing taken portion from Jorusulom home was ealled to To owing of her brothor once a Brougham + Meggle Burton, of Dutfalo, of Toronte, visitors of thelr relatives hore dur. of Blackstock, was i recent guost of .the Heer family, dohn, of Stout. with My spent Ihe Government of India will an improve quality, yield and methpds of manu tuetnre of jute throughout that coun Never Alone Mary's, family disliked the iden Of her working alone in a big ety, But whe was determined, So they she'd phone every week and reverse the Mary wun delighted with And her family Deep down In the smoker's esteem, there is a genuine fondness for good cigars. It's born in him , . , grows in him ,..and nothing else can satisfy this longin, for a man's size smoke, LA PALINA "The cigar that's made good" pars her Miss oh for his We'll put them back on the road! July to PONT let a cut or bruise rob _ your tires of the long life that was built into them at the factory, We're here to help you get what you pay for. At small cost our Goodyear Factory to the LCR] He wrmin net wer: Goodyear Tuhe Ne. pale Kits take care of emergency ropalrs on the read. Une may save you the price of a new tube or tire and a lot of time and trouble They come In three sizes at low prices, ROY WILLMOT All Weather Tire Shop 11 CELINA STREET, OSHAWA, ONT, Methods and genuine Good- year Repair Materials will put an otherwise good tire back into service. Consult us on all your tire problems and woek the PHONE 2462 tele. A -------------- 2 for be, (foil wrapped) 10¢. straight (foil wrapped) 15¢. straight MADE MILD BY MODERN METHODS