Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Jul 1930, p. 5

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-- THE gaan DAILY 'IMES, THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1930 PAGE FIVE | Women's Interests in the Home --- and the Community SOCIAL AND PERSONAL My, and Mrs, 5, H, Trumpour of Racime, Wis, were guests of Mr, and Mrs, Goorgs Bull, Simeon Bt, North, yesterday, Mrs. M, B, Mallory of Napanee, is visiting for a few days with Mr, and Mrs, George Bull, Simeon Hit, North, Mr, and Mrs, Dolman and daugh- ter Betty, of Campheliford, ave the guests of Mr, and Mrs, Cleve Vox, Simeon Mtreet North, Mr, and Mrs, H, Lick and family and Miss Louise Luke left this morning on a two weeks motor trip to tha Maritime Provinces, Mrs, B, B, Millard of Oshawa is spending a vacation at Lighthouse Island, Muskoka, Mrs, Mark fmith who is spend. ing the summer at Bishop Bethune College is entertnining a fow friends at tea this afternoon, Mrs, Edward Nadway, Albert Bt, in visiting with her daughter, Mrs, Hildenhrand, of Detroit, Miss Ivy Foote and nephew, Bobble Nateliffe, of Toronto, who have heen visiting for a few days with Mrs, A, Cook, French strest, have returned to thelr home A Trip Saved A recent telephone call to Wine nipeg saved a trip, An Ontarls merchant was ahout fo leave for the West when he learned hy ela phone, thal two western Associaton wera coming Kast In a week's time, Of course one must (ravel, hut the telephones makos one's trip hoth timely and effective, Re duced evening rates an anyone' oalls now begin at 7 pm-stili flower night rates at 8.00 vi m, Ends Piles Quick Pile sufferers can only get quick safe and lasting vellef by removing 'ha ease bad elireulation of the nlond In the lower bowel, Cutting and external remedies can't do this gn Internal medicine must he used, HEM-ROID the prescription of Dr, J, K, Leonhardt, a specialist, suecepeds, hacauss it rvelleves this hlegd congestion and sirangthens the affected parts, HEM-ROID ix sold by Avugeists averywhere, and has such a wonderful record o To right In this eity that Jury Lovell Lid, says Lo avery Pile wilerer, try HEM-ROID at my | 'lak, It must end all Pile agony or oll gol your menay hack, TERT TI OWT Te Quick Relief for Women Women need not endure periedie Paine and headaches, They oan spare themaelves this suffering by taking ZUTOO TABLETS. Mm. Allen Wright, of Fulford, whe was relieved in 30 minutes of savers pain and headache, wrote saying: "Every woman In the land should knew about ZUTOO TABLETS and what they will do." Just try the tablets and know for yoursell how auiokly they stop the pain, ' ww aid ------ a NOTICE ! "The Times" will publish re ports of meetings of all Wor men's Organizations in the eommunity, Rid. 4 ig such to Women's Pag iter or Telephone Ne Ed 35. When writing remember to use only one side of paper, Sau-- July Clearance Our Prices Are Right THE FASHION SHOPPE 84 Simcoe St. 8 PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Blmeos 8b & == We Deliver Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweler SOCIAL POSITION IMPORTANT WHEN GIRL CHOOSES JOB Modern Girl Chootss Career Possessing Best Social Status New York, July 22--Now tha! woman's yight to a carer is thor: oughly established and everybody thinks It is smart to work, what, wa might ask, makes girls choose this kind of work or thet? Doss the salary they are likely to receive In a particular Mine of work make girls decide upon 117 Is it then economic determinism? Is It the degrees of fascination cortain types of notivity ofNer them which others lack? 1s it, then, that they seek expression through work Or could it he the number of el igihle man thay are likely to mest in one kind of work and not In an« other? Is It that they expect to marry though careering? It really is none of these primar ily, answers a woman who has heen in voeational work for the past ten years, a woman whn has advised end consulted with hundreds of girly who are In the sages of choosing thelr life work Misn Hellen Livingstone, a prominent New York educator, Fook to Koelal Position "The most important factop to most girls In choosing work is the social position that the joh would give," Miss Livingstone inld me "IL Is the standing in & given com munity that this work or that has that determines thelr oholes, Work which stamps them with social in. fariority, Ike domestic servige, they shun like the plague, though thers muy he more pay, more leis ure, an easier life In general UMalary, the amount of Injerest a Joh holds, the number of men they are likely to meet, all are factors, undoubtedly, But the se- clip) standing that her work gives ler In the deciding factor, hackuse that determines her whola scale of vilues In & job where she can hold her head high, As A commun fty-raspacied oarearist, she meeis an entirely different typs of men than she would in other work; she mixes with people who have en: tively different interests and Ideas, and her whole life Is different, Girlie instinctively know this" There (a no absolute seale of sn ela! standing In work, however, ac enrding to Miss Livingstone, Take | New York for example, | Nelling Gioes "Noelal" | "Tan years ago girls who elerk: | rd In stores mot pity, Today, eel {loge girls and social rvegisterites | (have hean ka an invading army | marching Inte department atorn | work) the result Is that it is quite tha social thing to he selling, Spee: | {inlizing In different types of des partment store work has a treamen. | dous vogue Who can say but | | what the future may not sea girls | lgoing - Into specialized domestie | work In-the same way, Home ane | may maka it tha thing te da, Rv ! [ eryhody will da It" Mins Lidvingstona avgnnieed th Cann Tachnioal Hehool's vocational work In Detroit 10 years age, Now she In principal of the Hehyaw Cirle' Technical High Sohenl New York, Her work consists not only of studying the possible vocations girls could follow, but of studying the anommunity and determining what lines are likely to offer the best opportunities for placement upon graduation, Hey school In eludes In 1a ourrieulum millinery, dressmaking, costuma designing, the commercial arts, stonography and all types of clerical work, an metal work and art weaving, and this coming yaar, In response in as wide-spread demand, they will add cosmetology, In all ita branches of heauty, Weddings HOGG==ATOV EN On Monday evening, July 21st, at 7 o'clock tha Rev, Canon de: Ponoler united in marriage Joan Florence, daughter of Mr, and Mra, J, Ntoven, 166 Huron stresl, Oshawa, and Thomas Hogg, son of Mr, and Mrs, Hogg of Heapeler, On tario, The ceremony was perfarmed at . Oeorge's Anglican Churoh Rectbry, The married couple will make thelr home in Oshawa, PIERNRON == KKRON On Tuesday, July 23, a very pret. ty wedding was solemnised at the home of Mr, George Reeson, Ross: land Road, West, when Flossie Ger. trude, daughter of Mr, and Mra, George Reeson, hecame the bride of Harold Pleraon, son of My, and Mra, George Pierson, tha Rev, 0, Craig ofolating, The ceremony took place beneath A beautifully decorated arch on the lawn, The bride who was given in marriage by her father, looked oharming in white orepe with hridal veil and cap of tulle trimmed with orange blossoms, She carried a shower bhouguet of aweetheart roses and babies breath, The maid of honor, Miss Leuta Plerson, and the bridesmaid, Misa Edna Reenon, were gowned In green and pink georgette with mohair hats to toh and carried bouquets of eotheart roses, Little Nopine Plerson, niece of groom, frocked in asure blue with matohing hat, aol: od an flower girl, and carried a Petty hasket of roses and babies reath, Mr, "Gordon Reeson, bro. ther of the bride, was hest man, Lohengrin's wedding march was played by Miss Louise Luke who Wan dressed in yellow orepe, After the ceremony, the wedding PATLY numbering about 15, enjoyed A dainty wedding breakfast on the awn, The Lables ware vay neattily collar in fron how the in Lil leeye it thy There Is a great tie-up In the mode [a shaped dresses tie up for ehie, hats ton, | over a vestee (witch the up to themselves, and there is] of a dress always a tieeup hetween the two | coming model!) Witness the smuriness that is knot | shaped, but caught in ted into the dress the . Vogue | with huttoned cuff sheteh a1 the right hi I'hisf in the sketch pre frock, ited crepe has! tieaup may be, fon In RO in how ne i" decorated with haskets of daisies, | iravelling In a blue moive sweat william and roses Bhortly after, the happy coupla left hy motor on un tour of OHAWA and other eastern pointy; the hide gray shoes and hose fox fur, the gift of the groom (oY I i The upper hut | sutnmer even wir of wii Iteral th SIT ner rl iiers crown fAnsem ble with hat of a matehing shade, and platinum hich tie ict ribbon, o . heel i i" OVER Gig ned ht hi ied crewn clrcled ted hand left andl tw the noprent and hy Voy He thelr return will reside at 14 Gibbon Out the Wrent Mi on of Toronto Lowell, Mr an of Chat of Me Cath Of-lawn guests were vi MH, Hen Mr W. Hesson of Now aid Mis, Juin ley ham, My WwW. Wilde = Economical ' «+s dOGS more lasts longer Because --its unique, tiny, flat-shaped particles cover more surface and do a lot more cleaning, Every bit of Old Dutch works, You will be both sur- " prised and delighted with how long a package of Old Dutch lasts, and how econemically and efficiently it does your cleaning. Old Dutch Is perfect for porcelain and enamel, tile, pointed woodwork, floors, refrigerators, stoves, utensils, in fact for all cleaning throughout the home. Old Dutch doesn't scratch, With one smooth sweep It removes all the dirt, grease, grime and stains = as well as the invisible, health - menacing impurities, Old Dutch is your great- ost help in housekeeping and your safeguard to Healthful Cleanliness MADE IN CANADA Win The Le i Te | Mi yyn Canney mner, Mr. Mer (Honda and Foraontn rine, Fred (4 ind Mi lean Cannone of | Women's Corner | WOMEN'S CORNER nthe vlow of Slee children have all nestled inoench hand Oh hushihye, In through the ke he slyly will peey iomy bh Goodnight YOUP eves tight y mishabye, lol on hole fast, fast asleep " Lo net Kish me | nolo Mh hyshah HAYSEED DINNER PARTY ortunnt during: the hat month lot of Tun to give & Ir owould he hg in the ein ih playing place of th lean Walden folowing as the I one 1s CUTIE MIE i I» cond take hay rack Hyidge the | Ah wages this | atl Dear Ail Git nto I hiy Tusk regular do voeum here versely Cum on Wednesday, o' July I'tr dinnel An' ef Rube er aprons and overalls, vor are Invited the ost and the Aner fifteenth hot seven o'clock ain't dressed Hike a vegular veoowen't mit in knock! cedilv voles, When the imera" gals" arrive the Hostess asks each 410 10 gn to the efathesline (hang the dining: room doorway) and un pin a tive-cont, oll loth hiby Each bib 8 tied to another bib thy th [strings and the two thus joined are | hung by two elothes ping, one hear ing the name of a lydy, the other aopentleman, These twin ol Phen ned thelr are, [ unproprinte | ride | the | And ulsn te moire | } | enough 10 lve | pos | tn | when ye | Tinware bs used on the dining | table, even to tin eyps for water and tin spap dishes for candles and | plekles, ete A wooden chopping bowl nay contain the salade, 8 new shiny inexper®ive dustpan may hold the rolls, a small tay conl-scuttle, the lump sugar, and a large Wack triny, elaborately garnished with par sely, radishes und deviled eggs, may hold slices of delicious baked ham! Three or {our feather dusters in a wind pall make a delightful centre | plece. Vour pop bottles may sim vound this and in ench a lighted candle. All these things surmount an old red table cloth, The mald ma serve the coffee from a red gasoline cht. OF course, this must he thor onghtv elean, and she may (1 the cugh with water from a pprinklin can | | Very plain food, hut tasty, may he | served wt the dinner, pumpkin pi for dessert, served on tin plates, after which tin Aoll's Aly bath tubs may he used for finger howls, One ean just hug ne how this dinner tend to erack any comventiomal leehound forrisality, especially when surround ing the festive hoinrd are, elght or twelve "farmers" and thelr gals," dressed ton the oeen | fom a hay rach hugs i ome lives at th Bridge, provided the coneentrite on | mn whilwind of | Afterward wo hot ride or possihl can sufficient! gine amid such unegnectedness! If Beldge Is played, here stigpeatioms for prizes, a he pumpkin ple with the folle alitached his pie, 11 lite i tikes BALE ol & | nrg some | nema Wing verse true, has lots of "eras of pumokin lots than "crust But more We eountry humphin! angel food (left inl HERE) RECOMPANIET a] hei me-mnde the fopan, of 0) little ryhme, OF HOSEN FRIENDS : | Oshawn | 1nrgely | of these Carefully selected leaves and all carefully blended "SALADA" vm a i. | viglon the characters ware taken hy Gordon Crouse, Miss Annbe Britten and Miss Ivy Flom Ing mith randared a musi- wil monologues "The Pig/r'all of LL Vang" neeompanied at the ple ann hy Ming A, Farrell, Community Kinging lod hy Mr. A, Hanning was popu ag Far tha frst tims thaty unfortunate neeldent voeks nko Orland Lint. and with were with thelr friends euch wan called upon remarks, The music for supplied hy "Var Wy Kight I'he hoys In the or chestrn must he congratulated on this, thelr first publie appearance 2 F'o you, we give an. wngel cule Talephona,' Which, of course, is mighty "sweet Wecupae, Vike vom, i is a thing hits good enough to eat!" OPEN MEETING [nye nee Ome Hert He ngnin nnd for n fon Members and Guests Enjoy Dancing and Amusing Skits The (hosen Friend Lodge of held an open mesting last In ape of he wirm this Indany wi nitended with snimost one hundred and thirty people present | The guests ehjoyed dancing and the Intervals that were taken up with amusing sketches, The Are | wii, one antitled "Tale the dancing wa anyone fell nftar Cassar " Tenrhey Hy whit happened mustered h nrmy? upd "Yas he papparad and took the eltadel hy me had nn avaning wenthe event Fhirp the enemy inka I Aown Tenehe | I'll take no snued fram you MINIO TO PERSONAL SERVICE APEARIN 49 Tasty Whole Wheat Bread A modern product of & madern bakery w 0 Mealthful and Nutritious TASTY BREAD 24-0%. ® Loaf Oe MAYFIELD BRAND 39 Wrapped ® ® ® ® ¢ ® J Ld ® ® ® ® BISCUITS . . .. SEA CLAMS . .. CERTO "wr Joell usher WHEAT . . CHEESE CHOCOLATE .. Crass: dh Blackwell's Riehmello Blend DRINKS | TEA... MUSTARD. OLIVES. . {ue VINEGAR... " 0900909000000 000000° Pure oe TOURING N\ Machine Sliced CHERRY CAKE ,. 11h, Slab 8h Christie's Assorted "Jama and Jellies HONEY NUT BUTTER . . A Delightful Combination of Peanut Butter and Pure Honey SALMON.... uw ..... Libby's Prepared + +2 100 OUNTS" You will And Dominion Kiores' Modern Food Markets In these towns handling frowh and cooked meats and delicatessen Amhorsthurs Belleville, Brampton, Bracebridge, Hamilton (1), Kirkland Lake, Leaminglon, London, Midland, Niggas Falls (1), New willy North Bay, Owen Bound, Port Colborne, hudhury, NAPRIN, Timmins, Toronto, CONVENIENT, ISN'T 117 ves, Mam min 23¢ llc Fy oR | vo. 1 min 10¢ Fry's Breakfast + + Condensed qm Large Tin 17¢ COCOA .... MILK LATHER-O PEAS . YEAST JELLIES | ) Evaporated Neatle's Large Tin Soap Goad von Quality tra Royal Cash and Carry (10 44s Te Shirrif's Quince, Grape lives, Jap or Cranberry 23¢ JAM . doen tor SUG Buri 3Be SCunt faire Cokes 29¢ doz... . Hore 12¢ ea, RELISH SPREAD Kraft vor an 23¢ OXYDOL. a A Little Goes a LB nd, 18¢ Long Way + 1 ro Te CORNFLAKES . ... "yd" Perea reo. Be Brand SALT ......n CA 'PRESERVING REQUISITES THAT WILL DELIGHT YOU Rich FRUIT CAKE, 1:b, Slab 250 CROWN JARS Small ,...,. dos, 9Pe ICED FLORENCE CAKE Abn Medium ,. dos. $1.00 Large .... dow. $1.39 RINGS Rubber ,...3 don, 28¢ Zine don, 18¢ BB Jar Purity Table rO 00900 Fy WN LR PRG, 33c Neon TIN 23€ 29¢ . 23¢ Choiee Minced For Better Ve Bottle Hon Tin PAROWAX 2 Pkgs, 28¢ Bossman Tasty Fruit Loaf Made from the choloest sploes and finest quality vecleansd frail, Especially delightful when toasted, 12-0%. Loat ] Qe IT'S WRAPPED , Delightfully Lae, mee 14e Kraft wn 37c Todhunters \n 38¢ wn mn 38¢ a 38¢ vas n@8e von an 12¢ , mente aan 19¢ 1.05 nor, 1 9¢ LR I I) holee Concentrated ay ruit Tey It loed 6'ien, Stuffed i+ + +» Malt, White and Cider © fi o, partners for dinner J WEWT \'p DRIVE OowM A Ber Ta DOIN LET'S All Ue "THE MORE TWEE MeR@\ WR

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