Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Jul 1930, p. 10

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1930 Markets, Grain and Produce Exchanges (PEOPLE READY "FOUND AT NORTH BAY T0 DEFEAT KING, | BENNETT ASSERTS (C ontinuted from Page 1) "don't provoke' attitude on the tariff in respect to the United States and suggestion In Parha- ment to increass the British pref- eronce, was 'flapping and wrap. ping himeelf In the assumed man. tle of patriotism." He continued: "The people will stamp thelr dis- approval of this Government in no uncertain way, and arc walling nnd straining at the leash for July 28 to record thelr disapproval' Moneers, Ho Says Tha Conservative Party were the plonoers of Empire trade, the Op- position Leader emphatically de- clarad, "Now," he » claimed, "Mr, King says we wre not loyal, We ure the people who are, and 1 am content to lesve this question to the intelligence of the Canadian people, Do you recall the Laurier policy of unrestricte" continenta' free trade, which would make PAGE TEN | Latest News of Stock Do, firsts, per doz, . Butter, dairy, per 1b, 0.26 Do,, creamery, per 1b, 0.33 fruits and Vegetables Asparagus, 2 bunches Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets | iil de". © 4 -- Do., #-qt, 0.60 | were as much as eo lower on | Onions, dry, Taeqt 'bas ol strength of a bearish 26 markets 0 k report and cooler weather, ves 0.4 Open commitments: TLE ' '4 lai 008 010 November, 1,862, Butter Cauliflower er 000 0,10 0.40! 5; November, 1,308, Endive, dozen ,,.... ... 1.001! Two market receipts; Butter | Spinach, peck .. ies 02H! Today, 40,648; last year, 8%,.| Mushrooms, por pound ... 124, Kggs-~Today 57,602; last] laf lettuce, three for ... yoar, H1,675, Heoadl Iottuce, 2 for ., Chicago Spot Parsley, per bunch ,.. Extras, 46%: standards, Onfons, bunch, 3 for tone steady to firm, Kgx» Cress, three for rm / Celery, dozen f1 " Ase; tons easy. ! "4 tine : Oranges, per dozen Honeydew melons each 0.26 Grapofruit, each ,.... 0.10 Benator Champ Clark sald their policies would make us an adjunct of the United States.' Aga Mr, Bennott proceeded "What do thege Liberals mean by Empire trade? Not what you mean. They mean an Empire trade by which they would give a profer- ence without regard to wheihey onything is given to us, 0.36 0.30 0.40 Stock Market Prices v Summary by Canadian Press Toronto and New Yurk mock Quotations Supplied by Biggar and Orawflord, Alger Building, Ushaws Lm 35% ann Bo 50 70 18% 3% 3% 84 LE] 0% 17 01% TN Cann 20 by 21 My 110 11 A7% 41% 71% 29% "7% an 4h1y ABV, 19 19 261% 36% ho his 16% 16% 62% a Ah 14% EEL) 07 78% 24 0.26 010 (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) North Bay, July 24.~Provincia! police here have uncovered four bars of metal believed to be silver encased in u thin outer coating of lead. A sample of the metal ha, been sent to Cobalt for analysis, Provincial constables Bmain and John Gagne, acting on a tip, visited a gravel pit on the oid Callender-North Bay route soarch of illegal liquor but insteard of the hooze they uncovered ths cache of metal, believed the loo of high graders. ver TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on the Toronto Board of Trade are making the following quotations for car lots; Manitoba Wheat--No, 1, North arn, $1,02%; No, 2, Do, #0%e; No, 4 do, 07 %e; No. 4 do, 9bc; No. B, R81 ¢c; No, 6, 72; feed, 60c (edt, Goderich and Bay ports), Manitoba Oats %e; No. 2 do, American Corn abn ho 18% 33% 83% 17 LER / 208 21% 112% IL] 72% "TA 4814 19 a7 1% 16% 62% 064, 45% a4 27% T4% 24% 1674 144 167 101 R% 1001 27 Th 27 27% per cent Am, Inter. Anaconda Auto Btrop Bendix ,. Beth, Steel Byors AM, Can. Dry (Cn, Pilm Pr, Chrysler Col, Gas Fox Film (en, Elec, Gian, Mot, Int, Tel, Kelvinator Mt. Ward Nat, Cash I'l, Rd, Coal Paramount I'h, N. Jor. itadio Radio Kth Simmons St. of N.J I'S. Rubber 11.8. Bteel Vanadium Yel. Truck Money 2 "Lopsided Bargains' Denouncing what he termed "lopsided, jug-handled bargains," the Opposition Leader declared: "Your Prime Minister and mine made a bargain, an unsound bar- gain, which operated to destroy the Canadian dairy industry. And now New Zealand Is hurt and fingry because we have been com- pelled to cancel it." Resolutions were being passed In Now Zen land, he continued, buy no more goods from Canada, Continuing, Mr. Bennett de clare: "I am for that part of the Empire first In which 1 live, | can host serve this Empire, and xo can you, by making Canada greater, for the greatest asset this Empiga can have is through the dovel®ment of a greater Canada | To Steck Exchange ERR) Vn a --------- Low 171 2 1p 14% bo 0% 10% 9 MM % 42 24% 198 20 14 14 204 19% FS % an High "Clow \ 17% 0% 165 62 9% 20 0% EF 42 24% 198 20 13% 2614 10% ne Y% oo an 4h In ee Butter Abe; Girad- Market: Cockshutt Cty, Dry Dis. Sgm. Gypsum Hr, Wal Ford Int, No, 43% -No, 1, feed, 46- 2, yellow, 4 MISSIONARIES RESCUED IN CHINA TORONTO HIDES AND wooL Toronto wholesale dealers in| potatoes, bag .. ... hides and wool are quoting prices | Cucumbers, each to shippers as follows: City hides, | Lemons, per dozen green, 7e¢; bulls and brands, 4c; | Bananas, par dozen country hides, green, 6c; do, cur-| Apples, bus, ed 615 to Te; Toronto City ealf | Can, green pens, green, 10c; country calf, green, | bhaskot .,., ,. fe; ety von! kip, Be; country veal Eggplant, sath kip, Te; do, cured, T% to Bci| Green beans, 6-qt ' country granser kip, 4 to he; horse | Green peppers, six for hides, No. 1, $2.80; No, 2, $1.75; | 'Purnips, bus, ., , ' No. 4, $1.25. Horsohnir, 80¢ 1b. | Tomatoes, 1b, , 0.16 Wool, flat, frea of rejects, 13¢ | Rhubarb, three bunches . , . Ib.i rejects, Kc; sheepskins, 25 (0 | Rudishos, three bunches e, Milifesd, delivered Montreal freights, bags included--Bran, per ton, $28.25; shorts, per ton, $30. 25: middlings, $32.25, Ontario grain---Wlheat, She to Khe; oats, barley, rye, huckwhoat, nominal [83] to Int, N%I, Int, Pet Imp. Ofl 1b My 24% 108% 20% 14% 2014 1914 hs % an 0.06 0.25 2.00 (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Fotchow, July 24~Twenty. British and twenty one United who Chinese war A Hr Me, Frit Mt, Pwr Pg. Hr Khaw ah nh 8, Station 45 ih Standard Mines hl in 101 183 ha he CHICAGD PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, July 22.--The under- fone of the spot egg market was u shade easier this morning, als though quotations held without change, A similar feeling was prevalont so far as the November futures wera concerned, "thos slipping off for fractional losses, Butter extras sold at 36%, but there seomed to be enough de mand present to prevent any slip In quotations below the 15%¢ Yevel, Undergrades were firmer and higher, and carlots of medium and lower grades contfalized were qt, A China, three States mins marooned in the were rescued and brought here las and filling this eountry with a|night by John J. Muccio of the Canada an economic annex of the' : United States? In 1911, you will re-| happy, contented and more .pros- | American consulate and British cor perous people," sul Martin, 7bc onch, A : _ Tallow, solid, i Thi at. on er 5o of hah ye ual; avd 4% to he) cakes, Do., sweet, 6 qt. ,.. ... 2b | Ne Mns, 710 nal a . » . n . , SS St i I I " Cantaloupes aleon 4 200 / by Peaches, dor. Holl hen Watermolons ., ., Hoe, ann Red Currants Hy. Black currants, 4 1k jonaries have been zone Abana Aux Amulet hl in barrels, Ih, h to Bl%e 1b i FARMERN MARKET The following are quotations, rotall, in efMect on the Bt, Law- rence Murket, Toronto Oil Gold Hh. Tecoiving good were a bit easie A ---- ---- gE ------. inquiry Futures r, and at one time Produce Egen, extras, ea. per dor EN ..,p 0.40 Ss C CAMPAIGN PREMIER OF ONTARIO SATURDAY, JULY 26th 8.80 PM, Daylight Saving Time IN SUPPORT OF lidat vative C Dr. T. E. Kaiser Ontario Riding MEMORIAL PARK OSHAWA LAST AND LARGEST PUBLIC MEETING OF THIS Hon. G. Howard Ferguson 1 Futted Hons, Raspberries, pt Blusherries TORONTO PRODUCE (Buying) wholesale dealers are the following | Toronto | buying produce at prices Eggs ~ Ungraded, cases return frosh extras, 20c¢; fresh firsts, 23, 1 Ontario Creamery 28¢; No. 32, 260%¢ od, 27¢; reconds, Butter--No solids, 27%¢ to to 20%e¢, Churning | to 28e; No "de to 24e, Choose, No, | large, paraffined and government [od, 16%¢ to 16%¢, | Nominal quotations lilppers are as follows I. Poultry 27 No. 2, Special, to 27¢; croam J, 36¢ colored, grad to poultry Alive over 5 lbw, each Over 4 to bh lbs, each Over 314 to 4 Ibn, euch Under 1g Ibs, each ving Broilers, over 1 Ibs, each 4to 3% Ibs 2% to 3 lbs, "is | Over 3 to 2% Iba, oach' ses» | Vid Roosters over § Ibs, each , Over 4 to b lbs, each Young Ducklings, over 5 Iba Do, colored Dressed poultey ditton will be paid 8 to 4 (hove alive prices, (Selling) | Toronto wholesale dealers are | offering produce to retail dealers eons i" in good cons | Nrnda Sh, Grd Sd. Bs Tk, Hx Ventures Wr. Hr 142 1h fil 110 186 | New York behans | NEW YORK High Low 1321 130% 12% 11% 218 216% Ahh 110 186 Clos 150 8% M% 2164, | Stock Am Am Am Can Fr Tel Pr view of their leaders felt that many « vould find them the to he the View of these Conservatives selves unable to support taken hy their leader He believed, said Mr the women of Canada the government's gesture of ship to Breat Britain, Canac had an opportunity to declare herself clearly and strongly in favor ot ou veloping empire trade. If she dul and the present government was returned, her representatives could go tn the imperial conference strong | the consciousness that the Dominio had spoken and that the Canada was behind the contained in the budget DOMINIONS WILL NOT ATTEND CONFERENCE this he stand King, that were hehind friend 1h "nn 80, voice of proposals Federal Ele a THE FINAL Monster Meetin Of the Campaign Will Be Held in Armouries ctions REGIMENTAL BAND AND LOUD SPEAKER | at the following prices | Egga-~Frosh extras, in cartons, de to Bbc; fresh extras, loose, d2¢ to 38¢; firsts, 30c to 81c; see OATURDAY, JULY 26th 8 P.M. Daylight Saving Time PV A | London, ¥ng Tuly 24 Rep! | | Ing to a question in the Houses of | Commons today, prime minister | | Ramsay MacDonald said (t is not | tl prints, | contemplated the Dominfon govern Gle; No. 2 creamery, prints, 30¢, | ts will be represented at the James Moore, M.D. oC, | Cheese New, me. 183c: | nts Ja rApresent ac Pres Sec n Octol . twins, 1844; trpiou, Ke al el S0diey conference in October LIM TED IN SERVICE MAY | 7% & SEPT 27% old stilton, le Poultry | Ohitkem, 5 Iba For convenience and travel comfort Canada's premier trans-continental train will serve you for the twelfth season. Addresses By W. E. N. SINCLAIR, K.C., M.P.P. W. A. DRYDEN Do, 4 to § Ibs Do, 34 to 4 lbs PLAN A LONGER STAY AT BANFF THIS YEAR . . . summer social centre of W. M. GILBERT A. J. GRAVES 24.38 Do, 8 to 84 Ibs the Canadian Rockies... and Lake welght rolls, dpe; Do. 3 Ihe or i / A Arthur G. Slaght, K.C. Louise, only forty miles away. | welaht Henn, over 5 Ibs, ...,..... Rroflers ... ... Of Torofto And Through the Canadian Rockies in day | Lard--Pure, tioreen, 150: tubs, light. 18¢; pails, 17c; prints, 17 to 17% | TT WILLIAM H MOORE = : onde, 26c to 27¢, Butter---No, 1 creamery, GOD SAVE THE KING ------ |. ET ER. Dressed up A6-38 ERR RN AY POVISION PRICES Following are the nge prices for Saturday's market + Smoked meats-- Hams, medium, & to 3be; cooked loin, 48 to 62; smoked rolls, 38e; breakfast bacon, 30 to d40c; hacks, pea | fueaied, 34e; do, #noked, 46 to 3040; butts, 237 %e; shoulders, hams, 26%¢. bh be Pork loins, ie LH Cured meats. Long clear bacon, 0 60 to 70 Iba, 240; to 90 1, 23¢; 90 to 110 Ibe, 2le; " And another day's fun and pleasure starts , , that Is what »' Canadien Pacife Cabin Class trip to Europe means. .six days of healthful pleasure . , even- Ings Aled with cards, music or dancing. . then Europe and all the places that you have reed about and heard discussed . . see London ..Pirls, .Manellles « «Monte Carlo . . Geneve , « Rome . . experienced trovellen choose regal Duchessortha aver I " g ular "Mont" and"'M "ships, Tourist Third Cabin Return Fare os low a1 $185.00 Ask your local agent or Heavy. lightweight 180; tuby, | 1. The go of Rt. Hon. W. L. MacKensie King, being broadcast from Ottawa from 10 p.m. to 12 midnight, will be received by radio and amplified so thes "all the audience may hear it clearly, | | EXTRAORDINARY ATTRACTION Two Famous Bands Ig Attendance the 48th Highlanders Brass Band, of Toronto, under Capain John Slatter, and the 48th Highlanders Pipe Band, of Toronto, under Pipe-Major Fraser, will be in attendance. THESE TWO FAMOUS BANDS WILL LEAD A MONSTER PARADE from Westmount at 7.15 p.m, and ending at the Armouries. All are cordially invited to join in the Parade. The Bands will also give a musical program at the Armouries. BE THERE FOR THE FINAL RALLY EVERYBODY WELCOME i Turkeys LIBERAL CANDIDATE IN ONTARIO RIDING CHAIRMAN GORDON D. CONANT ' Shortening---Tieroes, All de tet aan tly dn. Sia. vam, 1 hi a SAR Special iy SEE Pastry shortening. 150, tubs, ho; Special Features 18e, -------------- "| GORRUPTION, SAYS KING OF TORIES (Continuted from Page 1) fenuitures on road construction until ust hefore the election, He assert od that, while moneys for this con- struction had heen voted lon since, in sipte of unemployment in Bmiaric and Saskatchewan, the governments had held up expenditure in order 10 influence the result of the election, He declared that the time had come for the Jeopla of Canada "to tae hd ho strike a blow at this kind CANADIAN PACIFIC STEAMSHIPS "Always Carry Canadian Pacifte Baprose Travellers' Chiques...Good the World Over" Mr" 1 alan voiced the belief that hundreds of thousands of Con- servatives in different parts of Can- ada were questioning the stand of their leaders with respect te the hud. get provision for widening the Brit. ish preference. They were saying, he declared, that they had theught the Conservative party stood for flag and empire, but this did not Bd M. R. JOHNSON C.P.A,, CP.R King St, Rast, Oshawa

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