Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 23 Jul 1930, p. 5

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"HE OSHAWA DAILY IMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 1930 PAGE FIVE Women's Interests in the H ome --- and the Community SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mrs B, W, Rundle and daughter Wilma are spending their (we weeks vacation at Cresares, Miss Doris ¥. Rundle fs holi- daying in Bowmanville with her aunt, Mrs, R, Greenfield, Mrs, John Williamson and her family, of Detroit, has heen visits Ing her mother, Mrs, C, Roughiey, 48 Colina Street, They returned home at the first of the week, Miss Evia Somerville, of News market, is visiting in town With Hiss Mae Works, King Stree, West, Migs Phyllis Donkin, of Toronto, 'ws spending # summer vacation at fishop Bethune College, Miss Sybil Pigott of Antiga And Miss Marion Pigott, of New York, wave heen visiting for the past few waeks at Bishop Bethune College, Miss Sybil Pigott left Oshawa yes larday, Migs Vietoria Wright of Toronto, who has been a guest at Bishop fethune College left yesterday for her home in Toronto The many friends of Mrs, T. H Campbell, 62 Kenneth Avenue regret to hear of the death of her mother at Penrith, England, where Mrs Campbell is now Visiting Miss Nora Montgomery, Mr. Jack Hoover and his sister, Miss Hoover, Wl of Oshawa, left recently for a motor trip to St, Petersburg, Florida, They expeet to he away for three weeks Misses Nose and Florence Huwkes Mary Street, Miss Fa Holmes, Miss Cora Cruse and Mr, Bill Tre win, all of this city, left yesterday wd three weeks' motor trip to Nevin Seotis, New Brunswick and he New Lngland States « \ ANNOUNCEMENTS and Mrs, M, Melntyre An- the engagement of their daughter Elizabeth to H Wilfred Huber, son of My, and Mrs, H. A Huber, h50 Beresford Avenue Tor ante, The mariage will take place the latter part of Augusi Mr nounca FINALLY "1 Inve. being with Teny He sutertaine me by talking ahout things other men never mention' "Oh, has he proposed (o yout" w= Tit-Bits, Kind Old Lady Are you In pain my Hille man?" The Kid "Noo! in me am The uain's A SLA A, NOTICE! "The limes will publish re ports of meatings of all Wo: men's Organizations in the community, Kindly address such to Women's Page Ed iter or Telephone Number 35. When writing remember to use only one side of paper REPAIRING WATCHES OUR WECIALTY Te ha ky en Satelsens ft tel) Lhe eorreet time D. J. BROWN CHE JRWRLKN Offlola oh Inspector for potirr a ra Ost Haltroads » - _ = W. Phone 180 PHONE 232) For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 0 Wimeos Wh B= We Deliver Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweler 12 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH Has Banguet in Twentieth Lenrury Liberal Club onor of Candidate re As the sun was seiting Inst even- ing and spreading its Tong golden 1ays over Lhe ity it shons upon # new and unfamiliar scene In Owh- awa, for Owhawa's newly organ. feed Twentieth Century Liberal Club was making is first step, socially, In the form of a dinner and dance to do honor to the Lib. oral candidate, Mr, W, 11, Moore, Long tables to accommodate thres hundred guests were set under the tress, The guests included not only members of the Twentieth Century bit many others who wore sympathetic with the under: taking, and the members of the club appreciate immenssly the fact tint so many of thelr elders were Interested enough to lend thelr presence on (his Important occas slon, Twentiath Century Clubs cans nol earry on without assistance and encouragement from (ha mem. / of the older ~eneration, At the head table Mr, Moore was wiven the place of honor, next him the aeting viea-president of the Club, Mr, Tra Travell, Others at the head table wera Mr, and Mrs, W, BN, Sinelalr, Miss Minerva Binelalr, Mrs, Turner Skaith, Toe rontn, Miss Jean Dryden, Mise Marion Markie, vice-president of | the Club, Mr. Allen Moore, nresi: dent af the Club and Mrs, Moore, Dr, W, HW. 0iftord, Miss M, Price, Mr, and Mrs, Bric Wenry, Mra Clifford Honry and Mr. John Dry den Among these people whe snoke during the evening were Miss Marion Mackie whe nronosed the toast to Mr, Moore, Mr, Moore responding with a stiveine address; Mr. Allan Moore, Mise Minerva Hin clair hoth of whem explained the Twentieth Contury 1ibaral lib: Mr. John Dryden of Brooklin, Mra Clifford Henry, Oshawa, who ont lined the duties af the club and Mrs, Turner Bkaith, of Toronto, wha delivered a speech hoth In fpiving and encouraging to young Liberals Among the guests were a num her from other clubs, Miss Paulin MeDenaugh of Toronto, secretary of the Provinelal Twentieth Cen: tury Liberal Association, Miss Kathryne Gordon, a member of the Toronto Club, Messrs, William MoCGulley, Jack Lewis, hoth mem hers of the Toronto elub and Mr, Morris King, secretary of the What New York is Wearing Worthington | | Lesson By Annebelle i D . Furnished with Fvery Pattern Vv An effective cotton frock made at a amall cont, A deep hip yoke tops the circular faving skirt of a printed chiffon voile in fant new yellow and brown towns, It's sleek slenderness {v em- Phasited by the slight all-around Rubing of the bodice, The ech French V of the bodice Is decidedly slimming. + The cross: aver vestee of plain hrown voile cons tributes further to ita slimness, Rows pi the brown crepe are samrily fem nine, Style No, 2008 is a boon to the wo man with a stout figure, and very becoming to the slim youthful type, It comes in anes 10, 18 yours, 36 38 40, 42, 44, 46, 48 and 50 inches TL Crepe silk, shantung, linen, dimity and printed batiste appropriate, Pattern price 30 cents in stamps or coin (coin preferred), Ro sure to fil in wine of pattern, Address Pattern Department, The Summer Fashion Magasine contain. mest interesting styles for adults for town or vaea: ton wear. Also darling styles for the kiddies, It is 10 cents a copy, Ne, Sine REE RRR EE NE ER Name Street Address : Ciy State Twentieth Century Man's Liberal Club of Toro. lo, All of theses outside people we eiaim that tho res; se given in Oshaws to the Twentieth Century movement Is outstandingly en- thusiastie, In comparison to clubs of other towns and citles In Lhe provines Oshawn's club Is ranked with the largost and (he most jie portant, After the speeches in the park the guents of the evening were in- vited to dance In Notary Hall, | Women's Corner k Var the first time since the trephy PLANNING HALLS In planning your new house, or remodelling an old one, if there 1s to be a hall, there are six points tu be especially kept in mind, First, see that there are windows and doors well placed, the windows , so hat there will he the best possible light Ing, and the doors to promote eis creulition between the rooms, 11 there is an upper story to the house, be sure you have allowed enough space for a stiklrwiy neither too nae row nor too seep, Oiten it | visable to have u vestibule prececd Ing _the hall, especially if the hose fuces In the direction from whieh the previlling wind wd vuln storms come, 'There should be a clonk ¢loset with shelves, clothes hooks, perhips u pole for cont hiangers, And it 1s great convenience hive a tary in this closet or wm There should be a sent, Tor putting on or taking off rubbers and over shoes, perhaps with u lid being stornge spice for this foot there no clothes closet should he n "tree for huts and work or stand for und eunes. Finally, look 10 ing and lighting appuratu wl livu wiljieent 1 | I | there | und comin umbrellus | « the hicat THE INVALUABLE LEMON We only hegin to appre lemony properly in the Apart from Ms thirstquenching qualities it Is Invaluable a hold and benuty wid A froek that should be white has & vellow look loses half freshness, but ui often pet i little yellow looking repented washings, I'v the fr (providing It 1s Bo omaterial that will stand boiling) with slices of § ed fresh lemon, Wey the the holler until the frock Is rea to come out All #1 hold |} | disappeared and the yel lak vill] he gone [J sumer + histim wha i rent Wier het hing | ol lemon was woman wing the King's Prize at clamsie wash drawing from a photograph hing sndue on Jee vr » for " he Bisley shoot, Above is » showing Miss M, E, Foster of the Women's ny England, whe best $ shots of the British Em: n the King's Plate with » the leadin pire to w score of 200 out of a possible 300, Miss Foster is a poultry farmereite of Frimley, Surrey, and for some time has held a high position in the world of rifle shooting, with ontmen! moistened with a Tittle lemon Juice before ub this on the stains Bong Is apt 10 & Jilee wlone will re stdng, and tar will sometimes he removed by Just rub the stun with the outside of ome lemon peel Apple wlleed for fruit or garnish seems it effect queered ove wishing Tn Lemon nove wali salud or 1a turn onee and thi A little lem ir the sliced up i fyoan going brown rubbed lightly over powdering will help The [reckles the following lotion nd them uwa Strain of 1w mall Jemons into add two sof aleahal, of rosewnter, shake well, th wool When de with nish almost the whol ow spoil ple will heep A lemon wll shin hetore frock! 1h ti prevent having wrilved i Wan Julee on ine then the Il cream OHNE iinly i" cotton I MEAT USE FOR PORCH BOUQUET Use golden rod bi and othe with uw strong scent as porch but do not hrin [hele order pernnn on fl bower the house mikes wer them inte Nn nw FOUN feel I) hut in the open wir thelr beauty mu Hae flowers for table de My oll the shout the table rn KOI Nevey perfume thes he enjoyed Any with a hea aration n petite of those Tl up "Well, my Ind hull 1 Ins! regiment a orgennt | nee 0i1've Tuhhb hat) gol n (the worst "Hoorny! argent ye nnd in lying tend In the field on the vight of he target" Adopt Pale-Face Son ark Poucette, Stony Indian brave ormer at "Indian Beant! each oneer merchant of Banff, ve White, Sr, who has been deal: with the Stony Indiana for oy 1» highly reapected by the tribe In 1018 the Anked Mr, Hi oent head-dn Powcette, ogher th father, outaide the Poucette's tepes. Ind Nr | AON igh | parents m RECIPES DAILY RECIPE Jollied Vegetable Salad 2 tablespoons gelatin, LS cup cold water 2 enps boiling water, 2 cup mild vinegar, LY cup sigh F tunspoon salt ! cups cabbsge, finely I cup euenmber, cut Li cup green pepper, gelatin In cold water five nidnutes, Add boiling water, vinegar, snr and salt When it heging tn stiffen, add prepared vegetables and rn sill molds or into one large mold, When firm, unmaold and ihrye lettuce with MAYOnL aise hredded in dice mineed Souk on a ogarmish ol THERE IN NO UNBELIEY There Is no unbelief; Whoever plants a ased beneath the und And wilts to seas IL push awa clod He trusts In Cod the There Is no unbelief Whoever says when elouds are in the why, "Ne patiant, heart hy and h Trusts the Most Hght breaketh High There is no unhelief Whoever 'neath winter's fisld of snow pllent harvest now flod's powe HOOK I'he of the futur: must know There In no unheliaf; Whoaver les down on his sloop Content to lack each sense in slum her deep, Knows God will keep There In Whoever says known" future alone dares disown no wnhelief tomorrow," "the un "Fhe trusts the power He Thera Is no unbelief The heart that looks on when the ayolids close, And dares to live only woes God's comfort! when life hax knows There 8 no unhelief "or thus by day and night uncon nolounly he heart Jive by lips deny, fod knowelh why! Flianhath that faith the York Chane, LE AL couch to | now a LU [Here -- There] (hod) Expononts of the Roys! and An« clent. Game went down to defent on the Banff Springs Hotel soll course recently when Indian Ar- chery experts played in a »inp- hole foursomes hotween two Indian chiefs, Lone Walker and Jone Kngle, and William Thompson, professions] on the course, and his daughter, Pesgy Dalgleish, former Alberta 1ady golf cham~ pion, The Indians shot thelr are rows from the tees while the golf- ors played In orthodox fashion, I'he archers "holed in" a fours neh dine standing on end on the cup, Up to the ninth hole the game was tied, hut the Indians won the latter with one stroke The Plumbers Opera, opening number presented at Banff Springs Hotel by the Alfred Heather Light Opera Company, that Is running summer season at the wellknown Rockies resort, proved an unquall fed ruccess, while "Tom Tug, the Young Waterman,' which followed It, was an evon greater hit, The sonson will run during July and August and a number of 18th cens tury operas with Gilbert and Bule livan and Canadian works will be given Sunday, July 20, will see nearly a hundred tourists leave Montreal and Toronto on (he seventh une nunl Across Canada tour Organ ized by Dean #inciair Laird, of Muodonald College, Quabec. They will travel over 6,000 miles In visiting the Pacifio Coast, Vanoou vor Inland, Rocky Mountains Parks, the Prairia Proyinces and nimoat every distriet of oulatand ing beauty ap well aa those of in dustrial and historical interest in Central and Western Canada, Aomatie heat regulation has heen Installed for the first time In Canada an regular equip mont on rallway passenger Gara with the Introduation hy the Cana dian Pacifie Rallway of their new YB" type standard sleepers, con structed at the Angus Khops, Montreal, to the design of the company's experts, Two 'of them ara already In service on the "Trans-Canada Limited," A -bronse memorial tablet mark. ing the houst In Fredericton, where Dliss Carman, Canadian poet, spent his boyhood days, has foen unveiled in the New Rruns- wick eapital by the Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire, New Brunswick seetion, wr | ally, with the International Dalry VACATION You simply must have a Bathing Suit We are offering for a limited time a very Special Price on Children's and Ladies' All Wool Suites in shades of Red, Green and Black. All sizes from 22 to 44, at the very moderate price of ¥, W. Bishop, president of the United Fruit Companies of Nova feotin, sinted recently that fruit growers in the provines expected A bumper erop of good quality fruit thin year, He was of the opinion that the erop would be about LO or 60 per cent, high grade, The National Dairy Counell eof Canada In a recent report stated that Saskatchewan stood third in the Dominion In the maiter of ep: timated gross revenus from dairy products In 1920, The figures are given At $21,000,000 as compared with $20,070,000 the previous , ear, Total production of maple Hi in Canadn for 1080 was 2185870 rallon od at #370 Y/ and | of mapie sugar §,306 pounds, valued at $1,381,615, Average mar ket prioe of maple syrup was $1.77 A gallon, and of maple sugar 17 conts a pound The Province of Quebec wan tha largest producer and balances came from Ontagle Nova Bootia and New Brunswick, The rallway grade ernasing prob tam is ned a problem of the ral) ways making bul essentially Ygacin! problem' and reaponnibil ity for ia solution rests upon society as a whale, in tha opinier of W. P_Borland, Chief of the Ny reat of Bafety, United Mates Inter state Commerce Commission, I -- Canada will he {dentined, ofcl Congress at Coperhagen, Denmark, In 1081, through the appointment Homewhere In Neotland a rector of a country parish was hunting up isolated church people, Calling at one lottage, he aiked the woman Who came to the door If thers were any Episcopalians In the neighborhood, Well, sir, 1 don't rightly know but my husband shel some strange cronture the other night, and ita Akin in on the barn door] - you might take a look at it," SUMMER | DRESSES Regular $8.95 for $4.95 The Fashion Shoppe | M4 Nimeoe B, Phone BORBW | Ou:Ke:Non:Ton, Mohawk Indian who has wen renown In grand opera, whe is to he a feature of grandstand "All Canada" year at the Canadian National Exhibition at Toronte, mana I ® RADIO TONIGHT Hon. HUGH GUTHRIE, K.C. Former Leader Liberal Conservative Party will speak at Central Congregational Church, Winnipeg, © Wednesday, July 23rd, and be broadcast over: CKGW Toronto, CFLC Prescott, CJGC London, CKPR Midland. CKCR Waterloo at 9.30 p.m. Standard Time, 10,30 p.m. Daylight Saving Time TILLIE THE TOILER--A Greater Attraction [QO8H, MAC, W YOU GET THAT BRALT PUI "TAN § --y N QC AT SV 1TH ofr LOOK INE FELLOW 5] y | LOVE pv \ 8 I \ i We £000 King Fentumes Sundioats, tae, Graal Retain sights sated vo AN THRRA abo LOOKIN = | ar "THAY "TANNED BUT | We \BN'Y WHO He'S AT ALL CARRS ANYTHING ABOUT "THAT 2 Goon LOOKING

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