Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 23 Jul 1930, p. 2

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4 THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 1930 Bowmanville News, advertising and subse the Bowmanville Office of B King Street, ' Daily Times fons will be received at Times In the Cowan Tolophonese=Office--B87; House131, NEWS ABOUT TOWN Tonight at Ch a Tonight the ast performance of the 1080 Chautauqua will be given and hy midnight the huge tent will have gone for another year, To: night's presentation is perhaps the most, spectacular of the whole program, Albert Vierra and his notable company of native singers and fostrymentalists will feature Hawaiian musie as it should be Played and sung, Mr, Vierra has won fame throughout Burope and America for his artistie musies) productions which give a vivid glimpse of 1ife in the far away and iamorous islands of the Pacifle, ve, Vierra will be an interesting speaker on this program and will toll of the life and customs of hor native Hawall, a---- Number of Voters According to the Returning of ficer for the viding there are 10, 060 eitigens entitled to exercise the franchme in 'urham next Monday, Just how many of this numbey will do their duty as citisena re mains to be seen but it eannot be sivessed too much that it In the duty and the privilege of every eltinen to vole, Ii 1s nobody's busi= ness which way you volta hut the main thing Is te vote, Then you are doing what your forefathers fought for centuries ago, If the AVEFage parson had no say In the government of his country thare would ha a Jot of kieking so when that power In given you the best thing to do is to use it Parking nigns The parking signs on King street ars haing painted and there will be ttle excuse now for park: "ing in forbidden places, Parking this year will he straight eurh "parking instead of the usual angle parking which was in vosue a oouple of years ago, ms 1 Tost Mr. Jury's Fox terrier well known to nearly every one in Lown is lost ana any A knowing of fis whereabouts Is asked to vom iunioms immediately with Mp, Jury, On page 8 My, Jury ane nounees a reward of #6 for recovs ory of the dog, Half its head and i) Jun Are hiown, and its body in (0 Conservatives Meet Faturda Tho final meeting of the Cons servative oampaign will be held in the Opera Mouse in Bowmanville on turday night, Prominent speakers will be present and the eandidate Fred W, Bowen whi also address the meeting, No an: nouncement of a moeting In the interests of M, J, Holman, the Liberal candidate has yor been made, a ----.---- HUNDREDS SEE POLLYANNA AT CHAUTAUQUA TENT ------ Martyn Erwin Players Pre sent One of Greatest Suc cesses of the Stage ---- Hundreds of oltisens turned out Ingt evening to wes (he Mariyn Mrwin Players present that great siacens, Pollyanna, at the Chan thugs tent, The attendance wan sn hanvy In fact Lhat soores ware forced to stand as avery Available neal wan taken long before the geheduled time for the ouriain to vine, Thess player with Misa Janet Mardith in the title role gave a most oreditable performs ance of a diffieult but delightful play, When Eleanor Porter, the novellst, published har novel of the same name she gave (to the world one of those outstanding charac. ters in fletlon that are forever cherished, Pollyanna 1s one of those plays which ones seen must bo seen Again and although many HAW Lhe screen version of this play SOMA YOArs ago they found the stage version Just that much more Interesting and the subject of the play just as delightful as ever Any ploy that in based on being Kind shoulda make good and this story centersd around tha orphan ad Pollyanna, tha daughter of a missionary wno had Always taught her to he wiad for something, Enquire at desk for Mp, K, Se . Genosha Hotel Demonstrations==Thumday, July 84th, whatever bappenod, is naturally ng to be & success, But com ined with the story behind the play i would not he the suceess without as fine a company of aes tors us the Mariyn Krwin players, Bvery character from Pollysina herself down to Bleeker the butler was pinged without u hitch and not one bo said to have given # forood or unnatural performance, The result was that the audience wan dontisiel onrried out of the voulms of reality into the spirit of the story and could not help bit fool & gonuine interest in the Iittle orphan girl who radisted Mhappls ness, A A Wo sept STREET FAIR IN ORONO TONIGHT New Chevrolet Sedan Will Be Given Away at Ten O'clock Tonight In one of the biggest nights of the year in Orono when tho much discussed Bireet Var will fil the Durham village to capnoity, All kinds of good things have been Arranged And there should be a Iarge erowd In attend- ance, Ovono sportsmen, hesded hy Orme Camaby, have Installed a new swimming pool costing $1,000 in the Memorial and are now busy in a drive to secure the funds to pay for the much nosded improves ments, In an effort to swell the funds a atreet fair is being held Wednesday night, and it Is ox pected that the energetic sommits tes will have the desired amount by the time the proceeds are count od Orme Gamsby, the 06-year-old young man 18 parhaps the most enthusiastic of the committen fu oharks of the affair, and he haw he a busy driving a ear around the district whieh, as woll as ad vartising (the street fair, It will Aleo ha used as nw prize, The per AOR guessing the numbar of miles covered In thirty-six hours will he Awarded the auto, which Is a new one, Gamshy travelled to Toronto for the Jack Guest reception as well an advertising the stroel fair; nino sold a number of tiokets to his numerous friends In the Queen City A big procession will ha hetd starting at Neweastln at 0.40 (Eastern standard (ime) and prises will be awarded for the hest des orated oar In the procession, WORK ON POSTAL DEPARTMENT TOLD TO KIWANIS CLUB (Continued f trom Page 3) the departments added 10 the seryiee since the beginning of the century were, the parcel post system, by whieh it Is possible to send a parcel at reasonable cost, to almost any part of the world, an Insurance system, the COD. system and the savings bank In conjunction with the post office Great strides have heen made In the speed with which the wail iy handled in the offices In the Domin fon, sald Captain Whittield, In the main offices in Toronto and Montreal labor saving machines had speeded up the reception and dispatching of postal matter to a degree that was almost unbelievable. The use of ma toreyeles and trucks in pleking up and delivering the mails. had tended toward a better service to the indi vidual, The system of dividing cities inte wones, facilitated the sorting and seoper delivery of malls.: An added eature of the postal service was the placing of eity mail clerks on the trains running between Montreal and Toronto, who did nothing else but sort the mall consigned to the elty where the train was due In the morn ing, Instead of going to the post office and belng sorted as haa heen the custom, the mail [x sorted fn the tralne during the night went direct Mid-Summer Sale Continues With Added Specials Penman's Pure Silk, full Chiffon Hose summer shad Rong $1.80, Sale Price, ALLELE AE ARRRRARRRRA IRENA quality | | ie shades 8c 80 ONLY SMART Summer Dresses In Wale shades and rifled duit. Shic Fo sie Va © HOT6. 60 OF Hemmed, of quality Hamed: of yond, SLALLALLEA REAR PILLOW CASES With colored an 7c PURE LINEN CLOTHS Sale Price, wach viii border, 48" x 48" 67c KIDDIES SUN { SUN . bhi a Sivlaring, AULA AAR SUITS Sines 2 to 69¢ KIDDIES' ROMPERS Qf luvs and Brosdeloth, Sizes 1:2 years, Regad up to The. ALL ARMAS 45¢ W. A. DEWLAND, Limited The Whitby Daily Times Advertloing, subseriptions and news will be fehl ot the 2, Whithy Branch Off) , at G " and C v Alter Business Hours--Phone mm, REPRESENTATIVE~JAMES H, ORMISTON EXPECT BUILDING WILL START S00N Work at Hospital Will Boost Building Permits for the Year It is understood hat the Departs ment of Publie Works wiltin a few days, eall for tenders for the cone siriition of the new warehouse for the Ontario Hospital st Whithy, plans for which hive been approved of by the Provincial Secretary's Pes partment The new hullding will he a wel. come nddition to Suniiny's building ermits for this year which so far ave not been ns great as In other yeurs, New construetion work this your has been largely confined to vepulrs although un few new homes have heen erected, With the assurance that local labor will be given n chance on the new warehouse, there should he some work for local tradesmen who find things a little dull on wecount of the building slump TOWN OF WHITBY GAVE DR, KAISER MAJORITY IN 1926 Constrvative Candidate Re. celved 923 Votes, and W. H. Moore, 806 The Town of Whithy In the Veder ul election of 1926 gave the Conser vatlve eandidate, Dr, T. ¥, Kaiser, a majority of 117 votes, 'The total of flelnl vote for the town was Kalser 023: Moore, 80h A recount, held on the application of W: h wre, the Liberal ean didate, on October 12th, Judge I'hompson presiding, reduced Dy Kaiser's majority in the riding b one, but did not alter the Whiths vole Votes received by the two cand! degen in the five polling subdivisions of Whithy, were as follows Poll Kaiser Moss v0 14 0) | 102 ol) 7d Hd \ Pr [1A] 0! Ul) wy 7 Ul IN 10 + 119 70 wee Ba Se Te TANS BG A M A M A M A N LA) Lg 1 oiled ballots, "In one, in A, to A) Majority for I'here wing subdivision to Lo, and one In M, te 2 were | ly to the postman and saved valuable time for she bupiness men In speaking of the development and use of the alr wll services in the Dominion, Captain Whitiield sald that the climatic conditions In Can ada necessitated slow progress in this fleltl, The alr mail had first been utilized to speed up the service be tween Rimouskt and Montreal saving of 24 to a hours on ineomiy malls and 2 to 4 days on the outs poling mails had been eficeted hy no mg planes to meet anil « steamers at that point service in Canada In very closely linked up with that in the United States, stared Captain Whitfield, wiv ing a maximum of service to the business world on letters and postal matter requiring speedy delivery, The most marked instance of the work of the alr mall was to be seen in the first delivery of mail hy alr to the MacKenzie River Basin. There five tonn of mall were handled in a short time, whereas during the winter seas son with dog teams the most mail handled at one time was two hundred pounds, mneet with The air mail In conclusion, Captain Whitfield asked for the cooperation of the business men, and stated that by alds ing the postal department it would he possible to give even hetter service to the community in future Caps tin Whitfield delineated the various ways In which this could be done, namely by paying partiealar attens tion to the addressing of all mall, placing the return address on all pars eels and letters, the observance of JI things ns they PROCLAMATION IS ISSUED FOR CIVIC HOLIDAY - Mayor (, 1, Bowman's officint | proclamation, calling upon the ete zens 10 observe Monday, August 4th, as Whithy's Civie Holiday, was is sued todny, This date was decided upon by the Town Council two weeks ago. So (ar, no move has heen made to stage u celebration, There was some talk some time ago of a field day, and it may yet be held, but the pro molars are kepping very quiet The dute of the local Civie Holl day is in line with that in Oshawa, Toronto and other places, strlet care In the packing of parcels and the mailing of postal matter ut as early an hour is possible, thus use suring quick delivery ns well us ree leving the peak load from the office staffs between the hours of five and seven In the evening, 20TH CENTURY CLUB BANQUET (Continued from Page 4) #ometimes, he remarked, old peo- ple were Inelined to say harsh things of the fiappers and to Judge them wrongly, but naver in any | prevtots enmpaign had thers heen ou gathering of the young people of the country is thers had heen in the | rwentieth Century "Club, which was 8 groal movement with a great work te do Homorking that hiw audience whl largely composed of Liberals; Mr, Moore said he would like tn contrast the Conservative polley wilh tha of the LiAberniu wo far an it affected Canada "hore 1s nw wide gap separating the (wo par tian, Away back in history Libs "Laraliam wan always striving for the vight to responsible govArnment, and our opposition wiways came from (he Conservative party "Today," continued Mr Phere 16 a monstrous change Conservatives are advocating Ine dustrial independence, Their lead- or tolls un Wo must be independ ent industrially, sven as in the Une {ted Mtates, | want you Lo remem ber this, as & challenge to Liberals fem, that you are always Lo wee ure There Is a peautiful ring to the words, 'Ine dustrial tndependance,' bul In Libs eralism there in no place for amply oatohwordn or phrases, no matter how heautiful they sound, There are not the things In Can ad which make for Industrial in dependence, We can never be pelf- supporng and maintain the des grea of elvilisation we have attain. od,' Moors, The Mr, Moore (lustrated his point by taking several of the articles on the banquet table, and pointing out that they were produced from raw materials whieh could not be produced In Canada, "You should not he disappointed In this,' he continued," Think of Dritain, with hor trade In cottons, woollens, cops per and other articles which are not produced in that country, We yot we produced fron. and steel goods valued at $000,000,000 and exporied #70; 000,000 worth of them, Wa have none of the resources from whieh aluminium In made, That comon from British Gulana, but we have elogtrie power that is needed to tirn that into goods which wa sell throughout the world, And we have no tropical fruite Seek Own Destiny "Wa can never be independent industrially an they are fn the Un. ited Ntates,"" sald Mr, Moore, "Don't be led away into trying to do the impossible, Don't try to be like the United Sates, I want you to develop our country, in the Twentieth Century Club, to be splendidly unlike the United Stas ten, Let un strike out on a destiny of our own," Mr, Moors gave a vivid {llustras tion of Britain's history of seeking commerce on the high seas and held thin up as the example for Cans ada to follow, "Our trade routes to the south by land are practical ly olosdd," he said, "Wa resent it, but we an Liberals do not resent it by vituperation, In the King-Dun« ning budger, our resentment is ex. prassed In' legislation, In that hudgoet we have sald to the United Ntaten, "You have shut eur goods out, ho we will take what we oan ton of iron ore, RADIO ADDRESS Advertisement Advertisment by Harry Siffen snd muke it ourselves' But there are many things we cannot make ourselves, and we ssid "These wo will have made ns far as posible in the Mother Country.' hat Is our pokey. The Conservatives neve or supported us In our policy Lo Ap- ply a tax to goods from Britain, and they do not support us now In our poliey of Imperial preferences, No Bargaining With Jobs "We have preferences to Great pritain, and did not bargain for returns, Sound sentiment is wound business, and we did nol bargain because that 1s not Liberal policy, ThePs are men here who are in- terested in manufacturing, We did not give your business awuy Lo Oyont Birtain, We ald not bargain away the jobs of your men, We gave Lo Britain our trade with the United Sinton in the things we do not make ourselves, and Lhal gave Groat Britain a wonderful trade opportunity, But Canada is grow. ing, and the things we don't make today we may make tomorrow, We did not bargain so as Lo be ted down In our future development," Meofls at. Annexation Cry Mr, Moors, In closing scoffed at the snnexation cry heing raised hy Mr. Bennett and at Canada being compared to Hawall, saying that there was no annexation wentls mont In Canada, and adding, "Mr Bennett knows It." Ho closed with a plea to the Twentieth Cen- tury Club to continues its work nf« tor tho election, and with a pres diction that, with victory nweeping over the country the TAbaral gov. srnment would agein be returned noert, Monday, th construction, A haa -- (a Only the Connor Thermo has the thermo insulated tub, I, Ra Other speakers at the banquet were Allen Moore, of Pickering, and Miss Minerva Sinclair, of, Osh- awn, who pr d onponded to the toast of "The Twentieth Con- tury Club of gouth Ontario," and John Dryden of Brooklin, and Mrs, Clifford Henry, of Oshawa, who wpoke on the duty of the elub to the candidate, A wiirring address by Mrs, Turn. er Wkaith, nationally known woman speaker, of "Toronto, was one of the brightest spots in the program, "I'he youth of the 20th century in not prepared Lo sceept his opine fon unquestioningly, but continu ally asks, 'Why,'"" Mra; Akaith de- clared, "He is not content simply to vote as did his tather before him, He compares the two political pars ties with the eritienl eyes of youth; wo of the 20th century hellave that tha IAheral party is the party of hrond outlook,~the party whose fdonly appen) to youth," "Tha Conservative conception of protection keeps weaslthy the few at the expense of the many, Liberal. ism 1s the antithesis of Conserve tem, IAboralism cuts the trame menls of hoary traditions snd bes laf and wiands for freedom and equulity of opportunity," "Friendship, on a basis of equal. ity and honor, is a Liberal attitude of mind; an attitude which the Dunning hudget amply personifies,' "Ours 1s a lorious opportunity to whow the coming Canada that old prejudices must disappear, Wa must, have hut ons thought---our country," Weak Heart T Hezdaches All Gone, New Life "FRUIT-A-TIVES" Sop, Years-old Tortures Quick "Was bothered with dissiness, te! Je hendaches, Afl~ ing 'Fruit am entirely raised, fas) 0FNOn,! = Mrs, V, Valeur ". Gabriel, East Thousands ""Frult-a-tives," tell miracles of Constipation, lve or trouble, dizziness, weakness, headaches end overnight, Bad stomach, billousness, indigestion, heartburn, gas vanish promptly, Kidney and bladder fills, pain in back go In 24 hours, Nerves and heart quiet, sound sleep at once, Rheumatism, neuralgia decamp quick, Complexion elears, Ten of nature's greatest reme dies combined in handy little tab. let, Marvelous discovery of fame ous Canadian doctor, Speedy re- sults amaze, Get "Frult-a-tives' Kist today, Becomes overnight, from drug. new person EE. e Hotter it is the more you will appreciate The electric the water in the room, it for you, See it at See Demonstration en 'Saturday at 12 Bond St. E. | did not, last year, produce a single |, -- The Connor patented insulated tub construction of the Connor Thermo Washer holds the heat of prevents it from radiating into, Your kitchen or Inundry is kept cool and airy, There is a wonder.' ful experience of freedom from washday drudgery waiting for you when you let the Connor Thermo Electric Washer and Wringer do Phone fer descriptive folder or thermo asher the machine and After a lL dinar to to your or) vo o after COUPoee when fortune smiles and life seems sweot sss there's nothing like a bi cigar, 2 for 250. (Joll wrapped) "The cigar that's made g 10c, straight (foil wrapped) *18¢. straight MADE MIL D RY MODERN METHODS

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