Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Jul 1930, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JULY 22, 1930 | The Come-back of Lacrosse | Bob Stevenson of Oshawa Mentioned as an Outstanding | ay (By ¥, George Smith er, In The Globe) Changed (times and changed minds==automobiles, moving ple Lures, softball, golf, tennis and # modern tendency on the part of youth to forsake the game of hard knocks==have contributed to the allegedly mysterious decline of Canada's nations! game, lacrosss, of, and the ocensional brutalities of the game on the part of a very small percentage of those engaged in It undoubtedly helpad-=cariain. Iy inevenssd the rapidity of the decline, Just in what measura it helped put the damper upon the popularity of the onece-great puss time in difficult to gauge, and 14 still the subject of hot controversy in lacrosse clreles, It is one of the most astonishe ing and revolutionary changes in the whole fisld of sport, this prac. teal collagse In popularity of a field sport which back in the days of the Tecumsehs and the Teron. tos and the Shamrocks used (n pack as many as ten, fAftesn and on one occasion elghteen thousand fans Into enclosures to witness struggles which In those days were regarded as momentous Tha green swiard, the white flags, the colorful uniforms and the crowds themselves provided spectacles as entrancing In thelr vista as the games wera exciting and thrilling, The players were heroes, acclaim: od by young and old, Linorosse was the sport of the multitude, not only In the great centres, hut in the smaller towns where the host lacrosse players were hred Coming engagements wera the tid bits of town gossip for days and weoks befora the event, Engages ments of the recent past were items of fond vecolleetion, disous slon and controversy No sport, either hefora or since the paimy Aays, aver engaged the Interest of sporisdom with quite the same In tensity, And still it died in a dec adeor almost died, Refore we Incure the wrath of the remaining Incrosse enthusiasts ==fAnd thera ara none mora In tensely loyal to a sport lat us hasten to explain that lacrosse this Year and last has shown fis first signs of a revival, Nine hundred and seventy-two playing cartitienton were lssued hy the OLA 1,A, the Ontario governing hody n 1989 which was the Avsl increase as far back an recent records show, which Ho only to 1080, The decline In the number of lnorosse players dis 1y¥ authorized to play with organisa ed teams was alarming and as wure . As shooting heralded, the dentheknell of Ingrosss unless something radioal and new were ate tempted hy the lucrosse bodies, Roughly, the decline in the num- hor of certificates Issued since 1085 ran Whe this: 1,514, 1,870, 074, 807, 607, h61, and In 1029, 078, The Ngures for 1040 are not as yet avaliable, but it Is said the 1080 Increase over 194K will ha maintained If not bettered. That 1s the biggest and host rift In the lacrosse storm clouds Ine crores hodles have glimpsed In many a day. It was accomplished mainly hy interesting the Inds of sehool age in lacrosse and by a new schema instituted hy the 0, ALA of distributing Inerosse wloks, rather expensive articles to the boys, The iden was » wicosns, 'The lads liked the game, Any youngster will lke it once he Kets (the iden Miduet registrar tons Jumped from 17 in 1048 to 414 in 1040; Juvenile Inerensed frm Ki to 145, Ad there, aut: Kida of a [alr Increase in the ine termediate ranks, you account for the big Increase In registration The future of lnerosse now Hes in the hands of the youngsters, All the laorosse veterans can do is to nee (hat they are taught to play I 1ike gentlemen, In a sportsman Ike manner There 18 too mueh of the pars Konal contact, the personal strug Kio nEninst an individunl protng ONnIsty ton much warmth and ton much physieal effort shout In CrONNe ovar Lo expect (hat (he Eame can survive on a Inh-de uh plan, Thera will he hard knocks, SLE body ohecking and a few cuts no matter how mueh the rules are tightened up, and it wouldn't he Inurosse Is there wasn't Any hoy OF youth who ounnot take and odd elout and grin Without taking » Wild-ayed swing back ut his op ponent had hotter not take up In rOonse Or, on second thought, Perhaps ha had better take it "up, for thers is no hettey chastenoy for bad temper, no hetter futop for welf-oontrol than the lacrosse finld or laorosse, sinoe It wan handed down to the white man hy the In diane, did not hy accident Acquire the name of "Canada's nationn) game" 1 wan and stil Is the hest HAMA & man or hoy oun play AS an allsround physloal condi toner and hody developer One haw ta ha in physieal sondition tn play, and constant practien In one wentinl to accurate passing and shooting And therein lies ane of WHY In Here are a fow which we ree ommend Protect your feet while bathing, Shoes, colors, Special price 00. All sizes. All 1% colors, Prices 25¢ up, King St. E Phone 28 ENJOY OUTINGS Without The did day's pleasures In math Impalred complexion not he If you provide yourself with Balms and offer Wear Bathing "ra EAM ean Franch Nypay Ungusnting ov 4ovvvi Meloderma + «0 100 We carry a complete line of Bathing Caps in various JURY & LOVELL Ltd. The Rexall Stores NOT Regret? of a aplen bathing the afte) sunburn or It need recollections offset hy painful often of the alleviating Lotlons, Ungents which we Mw ae Me Mw Ade BAIM ivvnnny Balm vy (EERE Beach Bags, $1.25, Mmeos Kt, WN, Phone 08 --COKE-- SEMET - SOLVAY WE ARE SOLE AGENTS POCAHONTAS SCREENED AND CLEAN - CANNEL SIZED FOR FIRE PLACE DIXON COAL CO. | TEIPHORE 262 ff Hi lie - _--- the principal reasons for tha de eline of the game, There wasn't #0 much to do in the old days and the lacrosse aihistes contd and did devote five avenings nn week to practices, Charles Querrie, who probably knows more lacrosse than any Hing man, tells us he remem hers standing for an hour and n halt or two hours practicing shoots ing at a knot-hole In a fonee, We knew another lacrosss old-timer who confesses to having bullt » honrd shack and to have practiced therein for an hour a day throw ing and eatehing fast drives off Lh fninide angles of the shack, Thess old timers would walk miles and miles after thelr dally toll to reneh the lacrosse practice Aeld, As hay heen intimated, thers wasn't the aompatition of other attractions tn wenken thelr perseverance, And nen resulloowa must whisper thi they played a mors parfoct brand of lacrosse; thelr passing and entehing wers more spsotpen Inv; thelr shooting more deadly; (Who romemhers how Charlie Quarries used to nick the corners of the net?) and thely physier) condition of such perfection that the hard knocks went unnoticed KUL contanding as wa do. thet Jeroen Inavitably ta a hard game und must remuin so, wa think the Americans, whan they cama hey hn fow weeks ako to play the Osh awn Canadian *hamplons, for the Internationn!l championship, show od us a hrand of hotter onleulatad to tuke hold of ang re tain popular faney than (the style of luerosss played in Canada sin the war and to which the publia haw not given such grent support Hpaed and more speed, Bilek hand Hong and triek dodging ts the Am erlean reportoirs, without the nrmeelouting which han marked the Canadian game When th Ontarin nuthoritie han ned the high checking hy pulunry Ave-minute penalty any player whether aceldentally not striking wnother player upon Ite hend, they took a fine step toward cleaning up Inerosse Theoretically a player ls supposed to hit at his opponent's stick ena not at his body, but on all feds 't Is the recornised right of the de fence man to place a few Liutoring blows on the home man's padded rims, even when It is obvious that there In no hape or expectation on the part of the defense man reaching hin opponent's stiek, We find a growing opinion aAmanu those who know the game that hitting ought ta be restricted to 1onitimate efforts at vonching the stick of ha opponent when he (x Carrying the hall AR 0 matter of fact, most of the hlaws so levelled at the body are tor payehologloal effect=--onloulat od to teach the hall earrier that If he tries to Ko around he is gm In to he whaled, Usually the het ter the defense man the less of this Kind of thing he has to In aulee In. The defense man whe fools and knows that his attack INE opponent can outapsed or outs trlek him sometimes resorts to faction whieh still. remain just Within lacrosse law. Wa sy, ban the hody pounding; 1st the de fense man hodysehork the tneam Ing Attacker until hiv teeth rat te hady, Nut If the wttacker Ix so Much faster or trickier an ta ho Alle to encircle the defender, lot him demonstrate it an often ax he IL able, without heing subject to thumps, whieh in the aulokness of Lhe play are apt to land seriously oven If they are meant not tn dn any more than stay the onward [LER of the attacker Wo think this moderate change hot only would remove an objec. towable feature «= abjeotionable Not wa much In fwelt perhaps as for what it sometimes leads to hut would introduce more spead and heilliance on the Attack, The heavy padding, whioh In somewhat of an enoumbrance on the Inorosse fold, automatioally would he lightened after such an alteration In playing rules, There are soma mighty fine types of athletes still engagea In thin mood old game of lnorosss which we think could still thei the multitude of people If the authorities could just get thelr finger upon precisely what ia the matter with ft, We hestitate to mention namos that oeour to us hacaune of the inevitable omission Of a score of others who ought to he mentioned in the same cates gory, Put George Hproula of Nrampton, who has heen flalding 'nose balls, and attacking and des onding for more years than pers haps he would oave to mention, ons CIS 10 Us an a fine example of the lacrosse player, Teddy Reeve, defonse man par excellence of the same team, in another example of a fine aportaman, Gordon Thow of at, Himon's comes to mind an an offlolent and sorupulously olean player, At the pu ond of the lorosse fleld we give the palm to "Iaok" Macdonald, now. coaching Minden, hut in days gone by with Nracebridge, Weaton. and other on nanisationn==a player of whom, like ®proaule and some others, tel ereea will say they did. not even lneronse Inorosss Nn otom have to look at him to ase what he Is doing, "Bob" Stephenson, wor ly upon | or | of | If ha can reach him with the | The World's Poultry Congress, whieh was held in Ottawa in 1027 and In whieh Canada plays an important part, will he held at the Crystal Palace, London, July 20:30, with some' 66 countries veprosentid at the fourth triennial mest, Above are shown (1) Feed € Elford, | Ottawn, Dominion poultry hus: handman and president World's | Poultry Belence Association, fo] Weston, and now of chmplone Inu He home pin i" whom we hore ure Hulloy hacky Wi " hit formorly of the Oshawn Ly aang en howe Junt Lhe Know or lens, mun man alhor af the Toranta Maple eam In wtih erode to lneross wan hurved hb slonuhinm, Then plak, with (he warn ull ur of unre men hit Ade Lond who hefor hooke prof men of whom wae Hall 1okn "hus of welght} hore the admire nlwanyn tell for the Hite the 100 und 140 pounders, played up on the home und thelr humps without mur mur. There ara many of them and they wre ren! fellow and hotwesn humps they usually run and trick the hig men ragred Who [1] more nnathey Krenl exception of mare of hing plenty bit let 1 Hon fellow who took ar tone wi n In ne the autatiunding 0 player of all time? The Hily ¥ ALLEY uw Hitt) of tnerosse old«t mor wera the anetime havdshitting axporienced this palm by Ie Lowe, also Kot a onl) In | toorgin Nall "ro amorald in "i of Vib array outiity ers, majority of Bt Catharines, | thin rye) And Art Warwiok, ddl Longfellow Charlie Querrle, Jin Cuvanaush of the ald Mhamrock WH wot n mention, Lionel ( ise hior Iwan admitted by most old<timors, | would have place around whout third on an man ten in dun Who was the Erenjeut gonlkeepor? Hun" Clpy socording to Charlie Quori Fhe mont eolorful flgure? Newsy La londe, who omed tao have Lhe faeulty of transtorming ordin | WEY npEregution into a chinmpton hip outfit, Newsy, hi | tarted. out onlkeepey Cornwall ihe that Kroeat Flelding and attackin playor start HE aut to hide his great goul-get Lng capabilition under (he bushel | of a wonltendlug: job Who wa the hardest-hitting defense man Mayhe (t wan Rosa MaoKonelo of Toronto whe, away hack In before most of u ramemhbeg hoy checked Man eloan through al honrd fence surrounding the play ng field defenun and | Tike Chui Konlke vale made a home i ny nny I may nal | ig for | mag days | " | wm The Next Best Thing | A Ut hy telephone best thing na pet ueker, easier and mare personal than a letter, Outsofstown calls ars AS simple dow ax a local eall and) cheaper than ever before, 'I'he front | pages ol telephone directory | contain a list of places and rates th next | onal visi Hos Vou EE ---------------------- MINS RITA DAVIES Canadian gin! of Toronto, who has CMgned a contract to play in a new dramatic production on the "Great White Way" going tata rehearsal In about two weeks! time, Ass Davies is a former Hart House player, She attends od Bryn Mawr school, Torentu affect a reconcilintion, M the time, Wilhur, it uppe with Mru, Nestor some hegun shooting, Mrs, hur rushed out put on bullet through hi whose able leadership much of the eames of the congress In dus (2) Crystal Palace, London, England, where the fourth World's Poultry Congress will he held this month, and (3) H. B, Donavan, Toronte, chairman of the Canadian National eommitton of Worlds Poultry Con. ures and presidant of the Cana dian National Poultry Association, TWO DIF AFTER TRIPLE SHOOTING Man Shoots Two Women, Then Commits Suicide CHILDREN FOR TREE-S Niagara Youth Down From Perch (By Canadian Press Lon Foronta, July §4¥ erage of endurance hoaginning to thrin hovhood thelr records and "fame riadely shattered hy f odlot hanning this ne port in tha provinee Huling that tressitt Iuh nnd dangerous to Children's Ald Hoole Instructed | In down the plans we soon ax they result, Arthor Grandn 14, Canada's only know down from his bough Falls, Ont Arthur pereh for days Jul long his Ninknra River woul was perpmptorily ore Kalin, divectny the province {yee ha NH Mi Mitssimmons, 60 years old, a und dead, and Mrs, Dolly Nestor, Uh yeurs old, daughter of Mes, Fitestmmeans, fn In the hospital wiffering from bullet wounds as tha result of un shooting affray at the home i Neston here Avcording to police, Mi fquarrellod Maneton Ful hiring Kitin widow he Ww who had three haw nf Information given | Ing und Withuy had | the nn dark | he to the Nestor home Ie of treet, and tried 1a] elety for Loy nfter man wenl tendman the on mother wis with her daughter and then he draw uw revolve Fitasimmons fell dend and (wo shots struck Mrs Nestor, Yollowing the shoting, Wil Into the yard and ONTARIO STOPS S CRAZE dren's Aid Inspector Ip tha faney would: he Eo up rs, Nestor's Bi mrs, talked 20 minutes and # hrain ITTING Ordered by Chil. wed Wire) nu he pitting wis of On drenms of have heen in offlolal w arboreal Ing Is fool health, the of Ontario pectors cham As nn n troe-plieey al Niagara 1HEON, on on his us wander Viva) aeros apt when Jered down nf the order, He decided Arthur had bet. Ler abandon his Lite before - an: other treesitter went aloft to heat the record and go luunch the gport in Ontario "But what will be done if would record hreskers won't come newt down the tree?' Mr elsn was usked "We'll make thers coms down wll vlght," he replied, "Under the law wa can take measures when children's health Is endangercd NEW COMPANY AIDS EXPORTS TO EMPIRE Montresl, July 21 A new or ganteation for the development uf Cunnda's frade within the Empire und with foreign countries hay heen cranted hy the formation of the Bush Kervies Corporation (Cunndny) Limited, with offiess at S01 BL, James Hires, Wael, Mont renl The Incorporation of (his com pany In evidence of the growing Importance of Canada's import and export (rade Bush Hervice Corporation (Canada) Limited, 1s the Intest extension of what is said to he the most comprehensive dis tributing system in Kurops and the United Kinles, LOSES ARM WHEN AUTOS SIDESWIPE While he Aow I BE, Catharines, July 48 ariving near here with hiv Iaft arm hanging out of the car win dow Rodney Lalme of 100 Kt, Jams a8 Blreel, Buftalo had the arm practically torn off when he was sldewiped hy un cay procesding In fn westerly direction which has not yet heen Identified. The arm was amputated ROGUE ONG AT 1EGENY IN EXCEPTIONAL FIM ong ang color, high sdvontire nnd romance, are all ended nto the first motion pleture fumoun opera Inuny Tihhett, world Krentont baritone, bids faly also ta hecoms one of the world's greatest movie Ly the result of "he Rogue Playing at the Regent Then Filmed entirely in anlar, diract ed hy Lionel Barrymore, thu master of talking damn, the new pletiurs nn ens Urossing plot with spectacle and Korkeous musi, all woven into a romance of love and adventure Though some of HE mush wn pronches grand opera magnitude, It Is not opera Othe of the RONEN are charming "popular num hers Aud though the integral part of the mu, the story self | ton pleture play muni Tibhott Barring n Laawrenne aperst) + AN Breen combines EONER Arn Hn Potgnant dy Eres mo aside from the n meen 'ure ue well a8 8 grent winger, 1s com~ pelling In the role of the MBging bandit chief of the Caucasus, Car therine Dale Owen makes A vory beautiful heroine, Vor comedy ra. lief, Laurel and Hardy supply ase varied laughs throughout the pies Albertine Baseh's colorful ballet with a hundred hesutifil girls, 16 an added spectacular des (all, The settings rangs from Hussinn palaces to gypsy Yilages in the mountains, A symphony orchestra furnishes the musical baekground, The east includes Wallace Maes donuid, Kate Pris, Judith You sell, Lionel Belmore, Nance O'Nell, Burr Melntosh, James Bradbury, Jr, Ulirleh Haupt, and others of note, sll splendidly carl, Venneos Marion is responsible [or the story, with Aislogue hy John Colton, while Herbert wiothar! and Cliffora Cray Wil. 7 BON KS and lyrics, with ister shy Prang 1ahar, HEADACHES You can't always stop work and glve.in to -a headache, hut you can always get relief from such suffering! tablet or two of Aspirin will ease an aching head every time, Perfectly harmless; preseribed by thousands of doctors, Aneffective antidote for pain, taken by millions of men and women whenever they've a cold, headache; neuralgia or neuritis; rheumatism lumbago, sore Joints, ete, Rea the proven directions that coms with Aspirin and realize how much suffering these tablets can spare you, Aspirin has medical endorses ment, It doesn't depress the heart, OL know what you are Waking, he box bears the word genuine iy red, TRADE MARK ARS. ASPIRIN fasued the plendid IF carries the best-known name in rubber on its sidewall--Goodyear. It is built of famous Goodyear > Supertwist cords. It looks rugged, husky, stout. And it is just as good as it looks. Yet it is priced much below any other Wiare Jou ee 0 sige Jike - HITE of equal J N CANADA MEANS GOOD WEAR thi, pou will find a reli able merchant, able to give you tmmediate service on the World's Greatest Tives 170.00

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