PAGE SEVEN Legal CONANT & ANNIS, BARWIFTENS Solicitors, Notaries Publle, Bite, Conveyancing , BA, == BAT vister, Solicitor, Notary Publis, Conyeyanger, Money to loan, Of~ fie 14% King Bt, East, Oshawa, P 445, Residence phons $37, (i) N ' Vraser, Barristers, Conveyancers, Notaries Publie, ete, Office over Standard Bank, Entrance Simeoe coe Bt, Phone 13, J, V, Grierson, @., 7. KX, Creighton, B.A, N, C. " ; TT UANHTATER, Rolleitor, Notary, over Dewland's Btore, Money to loan, 16 Simcoe street bart, Phone 67, Resi: dence B478W, oe GREYR AND HUMPHREVE BAR: risters, Solicitors, ete, 24% Bim. coe St, N, Phone 8160, Money to Loan, 7 HALL, B.A, VARIA: ter, otn, Conveyancing and general ractice, 28% King: Bt, Hast, hone 8487, (tf y ] igor Bd oh ste, Money to lean, Alger , opr nsite Prat Office, Phone 1614, FRANK 8. EBB, DARRISTEW, Solicitor, Notary 'ublie, Convey. anger, money to loan, Third floor new Alger Bulldinr, opposite Poat Ofties, Phone 2000, Medical DRE. HAZLEWOOD & HARPER, Dispey Block, Phone - 8060, Of fice hours 9 am, to 8,80 pm, Dr, B. J, Hazlewood, special attention to Surgery and X-Ray Dr, B, H, Harper, special attention to ehild- ren's Diseases and Obstetrics, Sun. day and night calls 2416 or 122, DR. McKAY PHYRICIAN, BUR goon, Accoucher, Office and resi dence. Xing St, Hast, corner Vide toris St, Oshawa, Phone 04, DR, GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN Surgeon, Obstetrician, diseases of infants and children, Office and vesidence, 07 Bond East, Phone 11686, Ea PR, DAVID ARCHER, M.D, O.M, LR OP and B, Edinburgh, Phy. siolan, Surgeon and Obstetrician, Oftico 143 Simcoe Bt, N, Phone 5080, residence 40 Cadiliag Ave, North, Phone 8166, TOW, OAR, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, Obstetrician Office and residence, 618 Simcoe Street north, Phone 2415, i DR. |, ARCHER BROWN, PHYSI. sian, Surgeon and Obstetrician, office and ronaenn 185 Simeoe reet, North phone 3107, "Veterinary Surgeon ry VETERINARTAN Specialist Disenses Domestic Anim« als, Cat and Dog Hospital, 803 King West, Telephone 020, (July 81 mo.) Ear, Nose, t Specialist DR. 7, BRYANS OF 100 BLOOR Street West Toronto will be at his office over Jwv & Lovells Drug fitore eagh Saturday from 1 till 4 p.m, for consultation and treat ment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only, Appointments may ade at drug store, Phone 07, : OHA , Office over Mitohell's , Phone 2060 and 488), hitects architectural work, "Hecond floor, Royal Bank Building, Phone 1406, Rea, phone H00J, soolate architects, Himooe fit, 8 Over Felt Bros, Watch Repairing Swish watchmaker, repair shop at 441% King Street West, Your pat ronage is solicited, and FHUOND HAND DUALER=WE buy and sell used furniture, stoves and tools, Phone 1030, M, ColMs, 8 church St, (July 16-1 mo) Classified Ads. t losertion==114 cents re word, » Minimom eharge 306. 1) went ConAeoU- Bah Soy Te Tor word, Three consecutive inser tions for thy price of first (insertions ares cents a word), am fr three srtions, 60 cents, ~ Box number 100 additional Ask for Classified Ad bi, B 7, PHILCIPE, OVER BAR wolt's, Special attention to X-7ay work, Cas extraction, Nurse In nttendance, Phone 060, House 1412, i . WW, : wr, north, over Mitchell's Drug Stores, (as for extraction, Phone 64, br, 1, E " ' Nitrous oxid onyken gan for extras. tions, Office, Royal Bank Bldg. Phone 048, residence 1876M, Bimeos Bt, N, over Dewland's, Phone 1067, Nes, 202W, Evenings hy appointment, : 1 7 LANOMATD, Dil, DAVIER, Dentists, 87 King Bt, B, Special attention to gas extraction and X- ray work, Nurse In attendance, Phones 1248 and 864, Hemstitching nine cents 8 yard, Pleating skirts one dollar, Dresses cut and fred erfectly, Embrodery work, The ell Sho 260% Bimeoe south, Phone 16646, (July 21-1 mo) Dancin bx. "BOOT. of dancing and physical culture, 160 Church Street, Lessons given each evening from 6 p.m, Vor terms eall or phone 874M at above hours, (June 24-1 mo) Optometrist i OH. TUCK, OPIONETRINT, specialist In muscle anomalies, eyesight and ginsses, Aothor of Eye Care and Kye Strain, The Chilg apd [ts Development, Dis: ney Bloek opposite Post Office Phone i616, (July 16-1 mo) a Engineering and Surveying DONEVAN AND BMTTH ~ ONTAR- lo Land Burveyors and Civil Engin eers, sub-divisions, town planning, municipal engineers, 865 or 411 King St, E, Phones 2542) or 2644, Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO, 67 KING RT, Kast, Ambulance, Residence 648 Bimeoe street, north, Phone 210J An LY vamp : ORHAWA TURTAL™ COM, T Armstrong & Son, Proprietors, Funeral and Ambulance Service, day and night, Phone 1088W, 7 Celina, (40) Insurance DAVIN AND HON, INSURANCE, 10 King 8t, west, Oshawa, The olds ost Fire Agency in Oshawa, 40 Re. | utable Fire Companies, WHER PLATING INSURANCE consult R, N, Johns, §0 Simcoe north, Your insurance wants ate landed to and your interests pro- tected, NT anporiation, GATTAGHE "AND BTORAG NW COLE. man's, 86 Bond west, Specialists in furniture moving storage wares house and moving van equipment, Phone §3 a GARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL sand and cinders, Loeal and long distance hauling, Smith & Cox Phone 084, 10 Hond Bt, West, ORHAWA™S OLDERT KaTAH lished furpiture movers, Park Road onrtage, Local and long distance, Frank Cowle Prop, 66 Park Rd South, Phone 215, (July 21-1 mo) Beauty Parlors AUTTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE Shop, Specialists In permanont, finger ahd marcel waving, Per manent wave prices $6, $7.60, $10 and $15, All othor lines of Beauty Culture, © Phoua U0GS, Apply 86 Himeoe street north, EXPERT MARCELLING RY BRT: ty Ward at Petty Lou Permanent Wave Shoppe, Marcel and sham+ poo §1, Phone 2008, WATRON™ HARNTR AND Beauty Shop, 0 Celina Ht, We speor inlize in ladies' hair cutting, mar celling, shampooing, facials, Marcel 60 cents, or apprintments phone 20448, (July 17-1 mo) of this nature, and collect for same, "ss All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Ftc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE » This rule has been found necessary because of loss arising from handling » large number of jh om For thy convenience of customers who find it inconvenient iw come personally to The Times' office, a telephone call will bring » messenger who will receive the advertisement "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENY and arcounts Building Supplies CEMENT BLOUKE, BAND AND gravel for sale~"To Insure prompt delivery, place wdery In advance of delivery date, W, Borrowdale Phone 1614 Spi e BAND, ORAVEL, BLACK LOOW, stone, also any kind of trucking Phone 1070W (July 18-1 mo,) I . Awnings WINDOW AWNINGS = PORCH awnings, verandah curtains, eanop, tops installed. T, Tayler, Trronto Oshawa phone 153 (Apr, 10-1] ) "AWNINGE, CURTAINS Ay TAH, all kinds of canvas goods, Com: plete camp equipment for rent, Yox Hardwarn, phone 25 or 24 Agents for J, J, Turner and Bon, Peterboro, Ontario, (July Shoe Repairing THE RERT PLATE WARE YOU get your shoes fixed like new 1s hy Menko, corner Wimeos N, and Wallam W (June 80-1 mo) Auto Accessories MOTOR ACCEBHORY Co, 41 RING Bireet West, Auto parts and aceess sories for all makes ears, Autos mobiles bought for wrecking, Phone 2066) (June ¥b6-1mao,) airy AUTOMONILY WRECKING Co. New and used parts and ao gessories, cars, trucks, prices rea. sonable; ears wanted, Phone S0B0W, 16-17 Bond Street West, (June 86-1 mo) Work Wanted ~~ OONCRITE WORK, CELLAR AND garage floors sidewalks and road. ways, sand, gravel, cinders, Chris, Ueaham, Phone 2081M, (July 8-1 mo) NEW TROCHEE=1F YOU ARR hothered with cockroaches, 1 will rid your house of them, 140 Olive Ave, Phone 17487, (July 16-1 _mo,) Caulking AVIRY TONE RHOUTH™ NE canlked around the door and win. dow frames, saves fuel, shuts out oold alr, draughts, filles, woot, Adds comfort, preserves frames, J, H, Lawson, Phone THIRSE, (July 10-1mo,) a, 8:1 mo,) PR THUNAE WRRHAT "ATORN moved to Himeoe Mouth, Corner Mill, Herbal Remedies for various Allmenta continued by same fam ous Herbalist, (Julylfi-1 mo,) Painting and Decorating iT, GUTROLE, TIRET CLARE PA. parhanger, painting and graining, rioea right, work suaranteed, #40 Pine Ave, phone J066w or at, ar RADIO ICH AC. oensories for sale, repairs on elec: trio and battery mets, tubes and batteries tested, batteries ve: oharged, rental supplied §1, Phone BH60 Charles a's 146 Rigin it uly 9:1 mo) 760 with rental §1,00, Repaired ang rebuilt, Called for and delivered, Prompt service, Stan Bligdon, ¥0 Mill St, Phone 1880W, (July 81-1 mo) y to Lean d A apply A dl Park: i y Kine Ean, phe 1 A pan arrange a first mortgage on your vesidence If it ia well los cated, Bradley Bros, aver Ward's Store, Simeoe Bt, Houth, (June 88:1 mo) MONTY hundred dollars to loan on first mortgage, Phone 00, Jas, Ryan, Cannington, s (18h) Auctioneer 6) W, J, SUL. A foneer, - Simcos St. 8, Oshawa, Ont, Special attention to houtehold rniture sales and Farm. stock and Implements, Your Patrons Wl 0! al and surgloal 1) { bl OR! pursing, reasonable PERE 1 1 241 mal Hospital WHITRY PRIVAT HORPFITRT maternity and all patients recom mended hy physiolans, Phone 880 Whithy, J, M, MoKee, RN, Bupt, (July 16:1 mo) n an er NW AND FHCOND HAND PUR: niture hought and wold, 186° Rleor Bt, ¥, Phone 1617M, (July 28+1 mo,) Articles For Sale MIALD HARD AND 300 T WOOD slabs, $3.50 per load, Also bone dry body wood, Waterous Meek Limited Phone | = (Apr, 2611) POR BALE-~HRINTZMAN CO, Lid, pianos, new and used pianos, wiso radios, latest models; terms arranged, Apply CG, Trull, Phone L666) (111-L0) FOR HALE == PAINTH, VARN- Ishes, We have the largest assort ment of paints, varnishes, eto, In In the eity, The Paint Btore, K0 King street west, (Abr ib th) AND. GRZVEL, BTONE, CIN ders, black loam, $4.67 per yard, For quality and service phone Ks scry Bros, 843 r 11, (May 8:11) GWAVEL AND RAND, ONE YARD and a quarter of gravel $1.60, Bereened sand 81.75, Prompt de. livery, Phone DEOR1Z after 6 p.m (July 10-1 mo.) OARINET OAR RANGE," WHITE enamel, lke new, used only two months, 94 Montrave Ave, Phone 2486M (180) ROYAL FTANDARD TYPEWRIT- or Looks like now, works like new, perfect $405 cash Apply after 6 pom Lindley, .R, No, 1, Whithy, (18m) $10 AUTO TRAILER FOR HALE, 87 Rewehill mivd, Phone 16041 (18a) For Rent FOUR AND FIVE ROOMED MOD. arn suites including eleotria refrig. oration stove, laundry convepl: ences, eto, continuous hot water wipplied. Apply Bupt, phone 2671, or The Trysts and Guarantee Co, ltd, manager for owner, Toronto, i (8721) TF ONTURNIRHED ROOME, PRI. vate entrance, sultable for family of two, 108 Bond street east, Phone 284 (180) FOR RENT=APARTNENT, OUN- tral, & rooms, newly decorated, all conveniences, lease or hy the month, Hox 746 Times, (160Lf) CHEENFUL "AFARTMENT IN business section, newly decorated, hy the month or year, Rox 747 Times, (160:t1) APARTMENT, FURNTRHED ON unfurnished, Mvery convenience, Phone 1560 or 284TW, (ar) TWO TURNIRRED ROOMS every convenience for light houses keoping or room for two friends, Phone #848, (14e) VURNTNHED HOURERWEPING rodms, Cholea of first or second floor, vent very reasonable, Apply #2 Elm #t, Phone 1300F, wu) (160 CHOICE TOUR ROOMED APART: ment, every convenience, very central, private entrance, immedi: ate possession, Apply 26 Churoh (160) room house or bungalow, In King Hast distriot, August 1, Apply Hox 768 Times, (10-18) ATANTNENT TO RENT, "UN: nished or unfurnished, Every cons venience, very reasonable, Apply 07 Colborne street ent, (171) TO WENT= TROON house, Al conveniences and mars age, Apply B08 Oshawa Rivd, Phone 8084J, (1480) A (¢] ' Rl Bri 7° Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT" VIRST "0C- tober from &6 up to 100 acres farm near highway and Oshawa, Apply Box 760 Times, (160) 0 HENT-- VULLY modern five or six room houses or bungalow, In Wing enst district August 1, Phone 1488), (Wh h) VABHED AT Dominion Garage, £8 Bond strevt west, Phone B106, All cars aL one price #1,00, (July 17-1 ma) (Boer) VOR RALK=TOIT CARY, TRUCK, 'Emiling Pon) stake hody, Apply J, McCauley, IH Melaughlin Blvd, (158) FOR RALE=VORD COUPE, 1044, In good running svder, Will sell cheap, Phone 1683W, 220 Rox. horough Ave, (16n) Real Estate For Sale MODERN 6 NOON HUNGAT,OW North end, Must sell nt sacrifice price, Owner leaving city, Phones 1688W 2 : ____(16e) HOURE™ VOR™ HALE ¥EGO equity In 6 room hriek veneer, central, All convenlences, Would necopl used car or yensonable offer Box 761 Timon, (170) HACHTPION BAC WHATTIFT wx roomed house with every cons venience, ouk floors, ehestput trim, large Earage, on paved wireet North of King street, Price $4200, Box 764 Times, (1TH) Room and Board COMPORTARTE ROOM -- WITH hoard Bultable for one or two Phone 16888W, 188 Allee Birest, pa (160) ROOMERE WANTID, THONE 1046W, 168 Kigin Bt, Kast - I. z -- a (160) Help Wanted--Female WANTED -- AN EXPERTENCED mald for general housework, Aps ply ¥, Lv Henry, 361 King Bt, ¥ (1c) i Wanted : THOER "WHO ARF THROTELED with some chroule allment, such AS nervausness, paralysis, varicose veins, goitre, arthritis, heart weakness, rheumatism, ete, Phoue 8p for a free treatment in your nome, Tune in on Therono\d Health Talks, over station CFRHN Monday, Wednesday and Friday 1,80 p.m, Theronold of Osawa 164 Willlam Street Kast, (Juna 86-1 mo) Ea EY Tu Lost and Found CORT FOX TIRRTEN, WIR haired with Bowmanville tag and name of J, H, H, Jury on tag, He ward for return to Jury & Lovell, (17t0) OFT LADY HE WRIT WATCH, near General Motors maintenance Return to Times office and res celve suitable reward, Public Stenographer PURI RT ENOA RAPIER, OF flees or homes visited, Accounts, hookkeeping, eonrrespondence, manusoripts, ete, Terms moderate, 78 Oshawa Rivd, (180) For Exchange UXOWANG IW TOUNE IN TORONTO for a small house In Oshawa or a car or lot, Box 748 Times " ( ¢) Help Wanted--Male WANTHD == PRACTICAL TIN: amith or furnace man to start in heating business with manufacture or's backing, selling Furnaces, Oil Durners, ete, Wonderful opportune ty for man with ambition, Nox 767 Times, (180) FATTRM IMTTN--NALANY, WI HAVE an opening for two or three ex- perienced canvassing salesmen des airing to become connected with well established company, operate ing stores from coast to const, This {8 a veal chance to met startod, Drawing account guaranteed and generous commission, Hpecial prefs erence to anyone who has sold ine surance, sewing machines, planos or similar lines, Apply 78 Bimoeoe atreet north anytime Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Tridas, ( \ By Thornton W, Burgess The killer has # heart of steel; No pity does he ever feel, Parmer Brown's Boy, Parmer Brown's Boy had had a great thrill, When Kgret the Great White Heron and the three white Little Blue Herons took to thelr wings and flew away from the over to the Big River, Farmer Brown's Boy had haan near enough to ses them, Ho had "rubbed his eyes, In fact, he rubbed them (wiee "Dig 1, or didn't 17" suid he to no one st all, for there was no one there to talk to, Ha watched the four Herons until they had disappeared behind the trees mlong the hank of the Big River, He gnessed just where they were going, Then he started in that direction, When he Rot near to the hank of the Big River, opposite the place where he thought he would find the Herons, he crawled, being almost flat on his stomach, You see, he didn't want to he keen, AL last he was whera he could peep over the edge of the hank At first he expari« onead great disappointment, Hea aould not sen those Herons, But, at lust, farther down along the shore, he saw something. white, Ha just erept hack and then circled around #0 A8 to reach the hank opposite that point This timo when he peeped over the hank his Jann fairly leaped with Joy, Wa chuld plainly see all four Herons standing out in the growing wild ries, "Ona of those Is an Egret," sald Farmer Brown's Roy to himself "Yes alr, tha higgest one in an Kgret"" can't he sure, hut I think those others are young Little Blue Herons, 1've read ahout these White Herons, hut | never expects od tn see any up here," Farmer Brown's Boy remained watehing those Herons just as long ne he could, Then he had to wet haok home tn do his chores, Ruch An excited hoy as he was when he told ¥armer Hrown and Mother Hrown about those four big white birds, He could talk of nothing olen, "It would he just like some Willer with a terrible gun to try te shoot ane of those birds," sald he "The more rare and the more heautiful mn bird ts, the more some people want to kill it, I don't understand that at al' I certainly wouldn't for the world have anys thing happen to those birds," The next morning Farmer Rrown's Hoy was at work down In the cornfield, He was thinking Mhout these Herons and hoplug that he would find time to slip aver tn the Smiling Pool, or the Rig River, to look for them, Bua denly he heard the bang of a ters rible gun In the distance, The sound seemed to come from the Hig River, Farmer Brown's Boy dropped his hoe and you should have seen him run! Atralght ACTOS the Green Meadows he ran, In the distance he saw a man with a gun running up along the hank. Then he disappeared, When Farmer Summer Resorts AWIM AT PRENTONVALE, POOLN for adults and ohildren, Arrange ment with Rowmanville-Oshawa Hun Lina for 100 fare during sums mer months, Dressing rooms for lady swimmers, lunches and teas served, Phone 2661), (100) Contracting plastering, electrio 0) alterations, Phone 140 for estimates, (LHL) Palmist MADANT BROWN," FATNTET. Plone appointments S640F, 04 Loulsa Hireet, (June 8i=1 mo) MADAME RENA, PALME, 048 Buena Vista, Appointments, Phone HRW, (Julyd-1 mo,) ERT . + "Spirella Corsetiers PPTL ARINGE ATV LE, health, comfort, Personal attens ton and service, Phone Mra, Rlats ter, Distriot Manager, 2180M, Ghuly 21:1 mo) kd Brown's Boy reached the bank of the Big Tiver, he saw the man fu # boat out in the middie, It was too far for him to ses who it was, "I hope he wasn't shooting at those Herons," muttered Varmer Brown's Boy, as he begun to anxi- ously search tho shers with his keen eyes, AL first he saw nothing out of the way, Then he saw i white feather floating in the wale er, Patiently and anxiously ne then searched through the grows Ing wild rice and so at 16st he dike covered wu beutiful white bird with wonderful plumes that was trying to hide, At wn glance Varmer Brown's Boy waw that that bird lind been whot and that one wing had heen hadly hurt, "You poor, poar thing!" said Varmer Brown's Boy, "You poor, poor thing" (Copyright, Boss), The next story; Coward," 1080, TF, W, Burs ""Kirret In No bia Wath pio King rons te, 1] LI) Machinery Repairing NOTHING 200 LARUR NOTHING 100 SMALL Adanac Machine Shop 101 King St, W, Phone 1814 It] JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLONS J. W. Womill, Oph, D, Eyesight Wpecialint Phone 8816 TT ---- | EATON GROCETERIA | | It Pays To Shop | Here Always Good Weather Ahead! sc SEALED TENDERS addressed (0 the un dersigned, and endorsed "Tender for Both Hreakwater Weeonstruetion, Whithy, Ont," will be received until IF o'clock noon (day: lght saving), Friday, August 1, 1000, far the reconstruction of 00 fest of the supersirue: ture ol the Routh Whithy, Outarin County, Ont lana and form of eontract can he seen and speciheation and forms of tender oh tained at this Department, st the oMess of the District Engineer, Equity Building, To yontn, Ont, Torenta Builders Exchange and Construction Industries, 1104 Bay Br, Toronta, Ont, and at the Post Ofmes, Whithy, Ont, Fenders will not he considered unless made on printed forma supplied by the Department and in aceordance With conditions contained therein Each tender must he ascompanied hy an accapied eheque on 4 chartered Penk, ity a lile ta the order of the Minister af Public U orks, equal ta 10 per cont, of the amount of the tender, Hons of the Dominion of Canada or hands of the Canadian National Railway Company will alse be asospied as security, or hands and a cheque If Fequired $0 make up wn odd aman Notao=Blue prints ean he obtained af this Department by depositing an aceapted cheque for the sum of $0.00, payable 10 the order of the Minister af Public Werks, whieh will he returned of the intending bidder submit a regular hid, Hy order, N breakwater, at DESJARDINS, Beeretary, Wark Department of Publie oy. Ottawa, Tuly 14 10:20.) Notice to Creditors | In the matter of the mutate of Augusta Lisk, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County and Frovs ines of Ontarle, married woman, deconsed, Notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against the eatate of Augusta Lisk, who died on or about the Fifth day of June, AD, 1000, at the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontarle, are re quired on or hefore the 1irst day of August, AD, 1000, to send nos ties to the undersigned solicitor for the estate of the sald Augusta Link, deceased, with thelr full names and addresses and full par tioulars In writing of thelr claims, And take notlea that after such mentioned date the Executor wil proceed to distribute the assets of the sald deceased, among the pare ties entitled thereto, and will not be liable for the sald assets or any Jak thereof to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been received at the time of such distribution, DATED at Oshawa this Fifth day of July, AD, \ JOREPH PF, MANGAN, Barrister ete, Onbawa, Ont, Solleltor for Fred Lik, Execus w=DD0 NOL 1086 JOUP CAPo= Lot me finance yous==Addie tional Cash Given, G. R. Holden MOTOR LOANN Room 6, 14} King Bt, East FREE 3 POINT ADJUSTMENT ignition, clean and ade adjust carburetor Cars, 1088 to Cheek Just points, on Chevrolet 1000 models Ontario Motor Sales Ltd, 00 Simcoe Nt, Bouth I Men's Suits, Regular $28.00, Special $12.50 | Dominion Clothing Co. O8 King Bt, W. Phone 814d fi Ye CAREW | UMBI R (© fw O%) hi ---- Diamonds ! Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner a_i 1 ATHOI ky Use CEMENT BLOCKS For Fireproof Garage W. BORROWDALE 900 Carnegle Ave, Phone 1088 VE on (8:11:11) ELLA CINDERS--Out With the Tide MO TATER ' 0 > a1 N Wy 'y nat, ; apa o mi ia Ca .