Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Jul 1930, p. 5

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THE OSFIAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, JULY 21, 1930 PAGE FIVE Women's Interests in the SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr, and Mrs, M, 8, Easton, Osii~ awa, are spending their summer Yacation at Capes Chin, Georgian ny, Mr, and Mrs, F. Mighswander and daughters, of Saskatoon, who motored to Ontario spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs, L, A Kock, Cliadstone Avenue, Bernard Kock and Jolin Lay, Toronto University students who are spending the summer in Tren. ton were guests at Lhe home of the former's parents, Mrs, and Mrs, L, A, Kor! over the week-end, Miss Marion Nichols of this eity Is spending her vacation with her parents in Toronto, Rev. D, Thoburn White and family of New York are spending u short visit with an uncle, Mr, (ieorge T. White, Oshawa, Mr, Arthur Cayley, of Chicago, has been a.recent guest of his bro- ther, Mr, R. Cayley, Colborne Street, On ¥riday evening about thirty friends of Mr, aud Mrs. RK, White gathered at thelr home and guve # shower Ip houor of thelr mare riage which took place the day be- fore, Mr, sud Mrs, White received various kinds of kitchen articles, Master Gerald Cooper of Dels ¥Falle College is spending his vaca tion at his home in Oshawa, Mrs, George Fleming, Alma st, has spent the past two weeks at Btoney Lake, Mrs. A, Adams, Lloyd Bireet, 1s visiting her sister, Mrs, James Christie, of Guelph, Ont, Capt. A, Cameron of Salvation Army Headquarters is spending a few days with Mr, and Mrs, J. Walker, 104 Simcoe Street Bouth, Lieut, Goodall, of Mimic, Is & guest of Mr, und Mrs, J, Walker, pimeoe Htreet Bouth, SON OF MARQUESS IS MARRIED (By Canadian Press Leased Wie) London, July 2L=="The mariage togk place at 51. Margaret's West minster of the karl of Ava, son ol he Murquess and Marchioness of Dufferin und Ava, of Clundeboye, Cu, Lown, Ireland, and Misp Maureen ssinness daughter of the Hon kroest wo Mrs, Guinness, of Grosvenor cumiid Glennie n, Shapelised, wun, and Ashiord Castle Co, IIWAY, Lhe Archbishop of Arms wh (rinute of all Ireland) officiats td, amistad by Reve KB Deane, The bride, who wus given awiy by her father, wore a close-fitting gown of white satin, cut on medieval lines, with u full skirt edged with tulle, Lhe back of the skirt formed the long train, which was embroidered with raised satin lillies, and gold leaves, Her tulle veil, which was edged with gold, was held in Jluss with a headdress of gold embroidered leaves, and she carried a sheaf of lillies, The briesmaids, wore close- fitting gowns of white tulle, with full skirts, outlined with finely pleated tulle, They wore headdresses of pale gold crystal, and carried possies of gold and silver crystal flowers, edg- ed with tulle, As an Indication of the trend in the amusement world, the Royal Alexandra theatre in Toronto Is to be wired for talkng plotures,-- Peterboro Examiner, qr i a NOTICE! "The Times will publish re ports of meetings of all Wo- men's Organizations in the community, Kindly address such to Women's Page Ed. ftor or Telephone Number 35, When writing remember to use only one side of paper ---------------------- | July Clearance Our Prices Are Right THE FASHION SHOPPE A4 Shncoe bl. §, For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simooe 8 & = We Deliver Felt Bros. The Cosas Jeweler 1880 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Verdun Road, || Bros, MADE DISCOVERY OF FOLK SONGS Maritime Woman Has Dis- covered Songs Originated by Canadian White : Settlers (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) Toronto, Ont, July 2l=While Canadians have lovked with interest to the folk music and lore of Quer bee, of the Indians, or that trans planted from the old lands to the new, one woman in the Maritimes has found and collected songs that had their very origin with Canada und its white settlers, She is Miss Helen Creighton, writer, of Halifax, who is in town for a few days On treeless Devil's Island at the mouth of Hulfux Harbor, where there are wbout 50 inhabitants, Miss Creighton found Ben Hennberry, u shore fisherman and ballad singer who knew more than Y0 songs, Some of them were the Robinhood sens, handed down from father to son, for these people have come in touch with uny folk song revizul, They have little to do with the mainland, From 1300 A.D, the old English songs have sifely passed through the centuries, The old people take their songs very seriously, Miss Creighton says, The young people are taking to the mod- ern musie, but the small children are taught the folk songs by thelr grandparents, About 40 of the 200 songs, music and words, which Miss Creighton has collected are natively und Canadian and Mova Scotian, and there are many more to bie had, she ways, At present Miss Creighton is in Toronto making arrangements for publication of her dis overies, Asked how she worked she sald that at first she took a melodeon to the island, pushing it on a wheel barrow, played 'as the fisher sang, and then wrote down the music, Later she used a dictaphone on. the mainland, and while the singers were glad to help with the songs they loved, there was difficulty because it might be days or a week until they gould get across if it were stormy, When on the island Miss Creighton stays with the lighthouse keeper and his family, ALMONDS Almonds, July 17=Mr, and Mrs, Bentley Sr, of Kinsale, are visitin with their son, Mr, and Mrs Bentley Mrs, Gutherie, Miss Gutherie, Miss Morrison, Miss Estes, all of Toronto, visited on Saturday with Miss Mable Mackey and her mother here Mr. and Mrs, Ted Bentley visited over the week end, July 6th, with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Juck Moss, of Bracebridge, Muskoka Mrs, Norman Wood and children were visitors on Tuesday, with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Trigs, Mr, and Mrs, Kay, Mrs, Jack Moss of Bracebridge, were week end vis: itors with the latter's parents, Mr und Mrs, L. Bentley. Ideal weather assisted greatly to the success of Almends' §, Scheol pienic which was held on Friday at Oshawa-onsthe-Lake, it was well at. tended and everyones enjoved them: selves; everyone was Lieated to ice cream, Lemonade was also provid. ed for the children, A very pleasant time was spent on the Excursion to Rochester, on Wed, last, a goodly number availed them. selves of the holiday and left bright and early that morning returning home in the wee hours of the morn- ing. Those from this vicinity who went were: Crissle Barnfather, Bernice Love, Misses Marion, Ruth and Lila Richardson, Roy Brown, Charlie Baird, Mrs, Lorne Kemp, Irene Howland, Lois Balsdon, Mil ton Balsdon, Miss Elizabeth Fother- Kenneth Lee and Chester Lee. ensrs Hugh and Norman Jeffrey were badly shaken up and bruised in a motor accident, on Sunday, while out motoring with Campbell of Chicago, While near Peterboro they struck some loose gravel on the road, turning the car over twice, At present Messrs Jeffrey Bros, are confined to thelr beds but fortunately no serious damage was done, The other oc- cupants were uninjured, ire destroyed the barn of Mr Richard Brown, Bane Line, Whitby on Wednesday evening about 8.10. The son, Roy, Wai up at the track with the lantern, when sud: denly the lantern hecame a mam of flames, He had to drop it to save himself and immediately the barn was a mass of flames, A quantity of old hay and all the implements were burned, orry to report Mr, Lester Doan is under, the doctor's care at his home here, His many friends hope he will take a change, soon, for the better, The Ladles' Ald have heen busy quilting quilts, during the spring months and have presented the First Ald Home at the lake with two nice quilts, Mr, Theodore Post of Torento, has been holidaying with Mr. Jim McQuay, Mr, and Mra, spent Sunday with Stouffville, A very happy family plenie was held In houor of Miss ize Rodd on the event: of her elghtieth birth. enth, on the , Mra. Willlam resented Hall and family relatives In with a purse from the nieces and |. nephews, Between fifty and sixty relatives were present to help osle- brate this event, Among those present were relatives from Dear born, Mich,, Buffalo, N.Y,, Toronto, Oshawa, Sunderland, Greenbank, Kinsale and itby, (I. a8 Kitchener schools, Eleven of the 1029 graduates from University Col. lege, who are this year gradusting as teachers, are shoyn ABOVE; (1) Miss M, 8, MacLean, Port Dalhousie, goes to teach at Port Hope high rehool; (2) Miss Greta A, Reid, 73 Parkway Ave, to York Memorial I high school; (3) Miss M. |, Buther. Many of the graduating class at the Ontario College of Education have already been appointed to the secondary schools of the provinee, at which they will teach next ses. sion, In many cases they are replace: ing girls who have left the profes: slon for matrimony, This summer nineteen are being married from the - LLY land, Chatsworth, to Cayuga school; (4) I7iss E, | Winchester Et, to Delta collegiate, Hamilton; (5) Miss P, B, Howard Dundas, to Kitchener collegiate; (6) | sehool; (10) Miss E. M, Laysosk, Miss J. H. Ranisden, Lambeth, to Woodstock high school; (7) Miss Marion L, Loewe, St, Catharines, to Burford high school; (8) Miss M, to Elora high school, ENFIELD NEWS Enfield, July 17. Mr, Joe Ash ton, Detroit, is visiting with friends | Mr, Wallace Pascoe spent the | week end at Owen Bound Mr, and Mrs, Harry James, Col umbus, visited with Mr, and Mrs John Hepburn Mrs, Mervyn Hohbs Is a few weeks In Linden Mr, Wilfrid and Mr, Godfrey Bowman visited at Mount Forest Mr. and Mrs, Dewitt, Northrut Miss E. Bmith and Mr, FF, Wulf Rochester, and My, and Mrs, |} Ormiston, Nowmanville visited with Mr, and Mrs, W, J, Ormiston Mrs, Robert McCulloch Mi Frank McCulloch, Mr, and Mre | Hyland and family, Voutypool, vi ited with Mrs, H, Stinson und fam iy, Mrs. J. R, Grey and Miss Helen fre Toronto, are visiting at the ome of Mr. Arthur Ormiston Mra, L, CO. Roscoe, Miss Helen and Miss Dorothy Pascoe and Mrs, | W., J, Orimlaton, visited ar \ : Mr. and Mra, Gordon Leask and baby, Taunton, visited with Mi Gilbert spending Mrs F. | Mr, \ J. Hohl taking a summer: course at the of Tarouto Miss Ella Tamblyn, heen engaged as teacher coming year Mr, Robgon is spending Universit) ha | the Orono, for | on the LEFT of the above photo: \ wman, North Pay, | araph is a Vogue model of a slip-on the summer at the sweat r belted over the skirt areund "hot and mouth is dry--pep up with Wrigley's==it moistens mouth and throat. The increased flow of saliva feeds new strength to the blood = you can do more = you feel better, Keep awake with Wrigley TILLIE THE TOILER--Too Good To Be True +] ART SATLROA/ | As wie high da LEFT MaQ LY Ne OUT ON THE For the ladies who Indulge in golf the hips If this begins to take on an archaie air, milady tucks her sweater inside her skirt, whieh she s belts around her waist at the natur al waistline, The shortaaleeved lin on blouse may be warn either. aver or tucked in the gored skirt. The suit is shown in light shanting, but home of his father, Mr I. R, Row man Me, and Mra, Frank Page, Toron to, and Mrs. Cecil Branton, Oshawa, visited with Mr, and Mrs Page Miss Helen Pascoe, who is spend ing the holidays at home, recent! had her tonsils removed Mr, William David MeKensle Columbus, and Miss Marjorie Col laoutt, Bowmanville, visited with Mr, and Mrs, Olive MeCulloch Several from here spent the 12th at Lindsay, Congratulations are tendered to Charley Henry and Miss Klsa Howman on passing the Kutrance Ixaminations Mr, Alfred Prescott's family are under quarantine with Soarlet fev er, IL. H, Newman, Daminion cereal Ist and ohalrman of the Awards Committee of the World's Grain Wxhibitlon and Conference to he held at Regina In 1082, recently addressed the members of the Ot. tawa Valley feed Growers' Associa tion, He stressed the fact that in view of the splendid awards which were being given the pudging rules would be severe, He Intimat. od that seed which upon test proved true to variety would stand high, the whole object of the exhibition heing to encourage the use of pure er seed, high | W, Seott, 245 Howland Ave, te Mid: Walker, 84 | [and high school; (9) Miss Olive E, Whitley, Goderich, to Weed high Brampton to Forest high school, and (11) Miss M, K, Calhoun, Shelbourne a happy choles for summer golf i tha lightsweight woallens patterned | in an inewapieuous plaid, At the RIGHT, the House of Francis, Paris is displaying the white Mangel blouse trimmed with dainty tucking, I'he photograph is by Henri bh Sketch is by Vogue, | SOLONONS CANNOT FIX PARENTAGE [Real Muddle Over Two In| fants Born in Chicage Hospital Chicago, July scfence failed tonight to make a Holomon-like decision over the parentage of two babies, born three woeks ago in the same hoa pital, The parents in admitting they may never know which baby is which, retained an attorney whe sald he planned two sults against the hospital for $100,000 each, on charges of "gross barelesaness," One little, blue-eyed boy slept in the home of Mr, and Mrs; Wil Ham Watkins, The other baby slept in the home of Mr, and Mrs, Charles Bamberger, Noth Mrs, Watkinge and Mrs, Ramberger were near collapse, Their hushands ware wan and wor ried, The infants were born within a few hours of each other in the Englewood Hospital, Nurses pasted carefully upon their backs ade 21, ==Modern Home --- and the Community When Reo Rose Te was 75c¢. Ib. -- bulk tea at 50c. or 60c. looked cheap, of course. But now that RED ROSE RED LABEL can be bought for at any grocer's, "e satisfied to C. Ib. few people will drink bulk tea. hesive labels with the names of thelr parents And then, when Mrs was bathing the hoy helleved to be hey first-born, she noticed the label, It sald "Wat king, The WRambergers hastily called ths Watkins, the latter ex amined the tag on the bahy they thought was theirs, It sald "Bam- herger." Simple enough vould have hean for Mrs, Watkins and Mrs Bamberger to trade babies, but hospital authorities insisted the mistake merely had coneerned the tags and not the infants thems selves All sclentifie move the doubt The health commissioner ap: pointed a commission of six ex perts to determine the parentage Bo conflicting Is the mass of evid- ence, however, that the experts will not make thelr decision unt) next week, if then Hambergey she fondly tests falled tn re The announcement that hoth parties fee] certain of victory may be taken As A sure sign Y neithey of 'em does.--Border Cities Bar, Judge: 'And why do you think I should be lenient with you? Is this your first offense' Prisoner: No, your honer) it's my lawyer's first ease. but and PAINS No matiar whether It Ia Nitti ashe or & big pain, ne matter whether It comes from headache, neuralgia, the monthly periods of woe menor from a told, ZUTOO TABLETS will relieve It in 20 minuies and lave you Travel The King's Highway Daily Coach Service OSHAWA - TORONTCQ FARE 865¢c LEAVE OSHAWA Eastern LEAVE TORONTO ftandard rM 1.4% 2.40 8.30 4.30 5.80 a.00 7.40 8.80 0.80 v 10,00 v==Runday only, Ww AM, 6.00 f.80 1.80 fio LBL 10.80 11,80 PM, » 13.80 Time AM, PM, f.80 2.00 7.80 480 8.80 4.00 0.80 5.80 10.80 | 4,80 1.80 7.800 PM, + 8,80 12.80 0.80 1.80 10,80 w =Daily except Munday, s==Baturday, Sunday and Holidays only, ------ Coach connections at Toronto for Barrie, Orillia, Brampton, Schomberg, Hamilton, Brantford, Muskoka Whart, Wasaga Beach, Midland, Ottawa, Niagara Falls, Buffalo and intermediate points, Coach eonnections at points, Puftale for all U. 8 A Tickets and information ay GRAY COACH LINES Genosha Hotel . OSHAWA Phone 2828

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