Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Jul 1930, p. 1

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A Growing Newspaper in # Growing City The Oshawa Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer "All the News While It Is News" J ARR Dey Latest Sundays and Vile Hiolidess a] "News in Brief Bevious Vive Naniamo, B.C~~Fire breaking out here yesterday destroyed keys oral buildings in the heart of the business districi causing estimatod Toss of $200,000, » » » Auto Unnecessary Hamiiton.~~An auto is not a necessity in a ren) estat husiness, Doputy Judge MeClemont ruled Baturday In deciding that a car could be seized in execution of a Judgment, LJ LJ » Prince Not Coming London ~Bir Godfrey "Thomas, private secretary to the Prince of Whales, described as "pure inven. tion" u story (hat the Prince in. Lends to visit the United States and have a "camping holiday" in Cans adn this year, EMPIRE LABORITES CONVENE IN LONDON (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, Kng, July 81,=The members of the British Common. wealth Labor Conferente held » preliminary meeting here over the week-end und were [nvited fy tea yesterday nt Chequers, the country seat of British premiers, I'hey were shown around the' estate hy the Ri, Hon, Ramsey MacDonald the prime minister and chief of British labor The conference is In session (n- day with John 7, Voster, head of tha Montreal Trados and Labor Counpell, representing Canada BIG INCREASE IN STORAGE CAPACITY Port Arthur to Have One of Largest Grain Elevators in the World li -- N (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Port Arthur, July 21--To make their plant in Port Avthur one of the world's largest, most modern and fastest working terminal grain elevators, J, A, Richardson and fons have closed a contract with Barnett-MoQuoeen Construction Co, for the hullding of 4 storage annex tn the Current River plant, of three and a helt mibion- bushels capacity, Work will start Immediately, Tt in expected the addition will be ready to receive grain late in Nov. omber or early in December Cost. of construction of the an: nex will he in tha neighborhood of $750,000, The addition will give the plant total storage capacity of 7,000,000 hushels, By the end of the present year Port Avthur's grain elevator stor age capacity will have - heen in. ereaned hy nearly 6,000,000 hush. els and Fort William's by some thing aver 4,000,000, . YOUNG TREE. SITTER INJURED IN FALL (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Hamilton, July 81-=Inspired by reports of many and wonderful ens durance contests Lional Clause de. cided to make a name as a (ree glitter for himuelf He started hy olimbhing to the top of a tree in his hack yard, hut his name now appears in print not because he shattered existing re- cords, hut because he slipped, The 1ad sustained a compound fracture of the skull and Is in general hoa: pital in a serious condition 2 KILLED, 7 HURT AS AUTOS GOLLIDE Survivors in Critical Condi- tion and May Not Recover (By Canadian Press Leased Wipe) Chicoutimi, Que, July 81-~Two persons were killed and weven others Injured when two automor piles collided near here aver the week-end, The dead are Rena Rinckburn, 16, and Kmile Jarjour, 80, of Keogami, Que, The Injured were (n the Hotel Dieu hospital here to-day, Attend. ing physlelans sald they were in a opitioal condition and may not yacover, All were vesidents of Grand Bale and Kenogami WEATHER Pressure In low ovey the lake veglon and Gulf of Nt Lawrence and high over the southern 'and westorn States thunderstorms have ocourred in Ontario and western prove incon, Heavy rains have fallen In many distelets in the Wests ern provinces over the weeks end, -hut temperature Is now falv and, moderately warm, Lower Lakoss=Modomye (0 fresh shitting winds mostly fale and decidedly warm, loos al thundershowers, Tuesday wemoderate westerly winds, fale and somewhat cooler, Georglan Bay and Northern Ontarvios=Moderate winds, faly and somowhate cooler tosnight and Tuesday, El eh OU SS OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, JULY 21, 1930 15 Cents 8» Week; 3 Conts » Copy EIGHT PAGES KAISER AND MOOR Wings Separated From Cabin and Fuselage Plunges to Earth, Occupants Dying in Awful Crash THREE SOCIETY LEADERS VICTIMS Death List Includes Two Women -- Lt.«Col. Hen- derson, Famous Aviator and Pilot of Plane, Was Killed London, Eng, July 2 ==Six persons, including Sir Edward: Ward and Lady Ednam, daugh- ter-in-law of the Earl of Dudley, were killed this afternoon when a Junkers airplane of the Wal. cot Air Lines Limited crashed at Meopham, four miles south of Gravesend, The identified victims ware The Marquis of Dufferin Avi, 42 Viscountess Kdnam, wife of Wil Ham Humble Krie Ward, dsugh- ter-in-law of the Karl of Dudley, fir Kadward Ward, 48, prominent figure In the great way Mrs, Henrik lLonftler Grosvenor Bquare, Mayfair Lieut, «Col, George 1, P, Hen: 4 on, principal of the Henderson i ng HH and pilot of the plane; her ing, assistant pilot A sixth passenger reported in the plane was not accounted for in the list Falls Like Plummet Withesases sald there wis a tog: ifle roar The wings separated from the eahin and the fuselage, containing the passongers, fall straight down, while (he other parts of the machine floated off to some distance, One wing came to earth two miles from the scene of the crash Did Not. Bum The plane, all metal, did not enteh five, It wak suid the machine helongoed to the Henderson Flying Bureau, of which the dead pilot was head, and had been lent to the Walcot company as traffie from La Touquet today was paps tioularly heavy, GOVERNOR SHEDS LITTLE LIGHT ON | PONTBRIAND GASE Difference Between Quebec and Vermont Laws Cause Complications and of Bl (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Montpelier, Vermont, July 81. Governor John W, Weeks sald toe day he was unable to shed any ads ditional Nght on the case of Laar ent Ponthriand, a resident of 8t, Hyacinthe, Quebec, who was Are vested In Vermont in connection with an automobile aecoldent and held in $6,000 hands, Owing to the*international nas ture of the case, HReoretary of State Htimson vequested Informas tion from the foyarmor and Gover: nor Weeks sald he had forwarded to Washington a veport of the aes oldent and the laws Involved, Sharp difference hetween Queheo and Vermont laws dealing with motor vehicle accidents ia expects od to complioate dippesition or the ane, CANADA MAY SELL MORE LEATHER TO STATE OF BRAZIL (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) 'Ottawa, July 21,--Ponslhle ves striotiona of the market for Canas dian feather in the United Hintes may give Canada a market for this gommodity in Brasil where the leather industry in of considerable importance, says A veport to the department of trade and commerce from A, 8, Rleakony, Canadian gov. ernment trade commissioner in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, At the present time imports most of her leather from the United States hut it ia he. Hlaved that a large amount of these sales are vesexports of Canadian NOTED AVIATOR IS AMONG SIX KILLED IN WRECK OF LARGE AIR LINER TODAY Rain and Winds Take 408 Lives Tokyo, Japan, July 21,Torrens Lig) rains and terrific winds today had claimed toll of at least 408 Hves and devastated hige areas In southern Japan and Korea, laying waste property valued hy conser vative Tokyo newspapers at mils Hons of dollars, There were 65H known dead on Kjushiu, Many were missing and hundreds Injured Ontar Family Slain In Axe Murder Farmer, Wife and Son Kill. ed and Home Fired by Slayer (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Chicago, 1s, July 81,--~Char: los A, Anderson, wall to do farms or, his wile and thalr LEyeur-old non were hacked to death with an axe of hatchet In thely farm home near Lake Genova early today, The house was set afire to hide the orime Hight of tha flumes aroused neighbours who arrived at the farm In time to save the house, Breaking Into the dwelling with the ald of Charles Larsen, a brother, of Mrs, Anderson, neigh hors found the hody of Anderson, Bb yoars old, neross his hed, hack ed nhout the head and hod) In another roam was Willis, the won, similarly wounded, hut stihl alive, On the flear of the living room lay Mrs, Anderson, 4§ years old, her wrists and throat out, Beside her lay a bloody hatehet, The son died without regaining consdlousness, The mattross of his hed, an well as the hed of Anders son, had heen wet afire, The smoke awakened Larsen, he told sheriff's offioers, He was hoing detained early today for questioning, GENERAL STRIKE ON IRISH RAILROAD Dublin, Ireland, July 81--A roy solution calling for a general strike on the Great Bouthern Railway sys. tem of Ireland unless dismissed workegs wera not Immediately ve Instated was passed last night by a mass meeting of Irish rallwaymen, The strike was scheduled to hegin at midnight tonight and would tie up rail trae all over the southern and weatern part of the Irish Free Stale, . Nody Recovered Budbury,==After a search of threo days the body of Carlisle Mos Harg, aged 28, son of the Press dont of the Rose Manufacturing Company of Qhloago, Was reoovs ered from the waters of Mountain Lake, MoHurg, who was holidaying in the north, had started on a canoe trip and falled to return, AUTO EXPORTS SHOW INCREASE nsw Gain of 300 Cars Over May But Drop From June Laat Year (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, July 31,-=Total Cana: dian exports of vehleles, including autor obiles, duvins June amount: od In value to §1,67&€420, It was shown in a report lesued today hy the Dominion bureau of statistios, The corresponding figure for Mav 1080 was $1,617,778 and for June, 1000, 0,074,061, The total number af truoks ex ported during the month was 1,400, compared to &08 in the previous mouth ang 8,870 far the same month a year 0, Passenger automobiles exported totalled 2.400, compared tn £101 in May leather, Mien Se. . \ and 5,046 In June, 1030, NOMINATED FOR WILLIAM H, MOORE Nominnted as the Liberal candi: date, Gout. to Aid U nemployment if ntario Makes Application Premier King Answers Mayor Wemp's Request for Help in Toronto Situa- tion (By Ray Brown, Canadian Prem Stal Correspondent) Newmarket, July 21 =Condemna ton of the attitude whieh he wis heing assumed hy Hon i" Bennett, Conservative leader, amd Hon, G, Howard Ferguson, premier of Ontario, in respect to the budgets provisions widening the Bri tish preference, wis voiced hy Pres mier MacKenzie King here aSturday might. Ong of tha mast extraordin: ary features of (the campaign, he averred, was the ridicule and opgosi ton which had been wimed at a great effort to draw the honds closer he tween Canada and the mother "coun ry And this was the more remark able coming from the leaders of a party which had always professed to he strongly pro British in its senti ment R also h Fault is in Loaders "Where are the leaders Conservative party standing on this great dasue "asked the Prime Minister, emphasizin the question with volee and gesture. "lI have no fault to find with the Con servative party, but 1 have with its leaders, and 1 think the Copserva tive party will teach them a'Tesson" The visit of the prime minister to this Wstorie viding which he form erly represented in the House of (Continued on Page §) Murray Leads Golt Pro Match Willie Lamb, Defending Champion, Fellows Close Behind Montreal Star (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) Burlington Golf Club, July 21, Chavile Murray, of the Royal Montreal Club led the field when about half the players in the ans nual Canadian Professional Goll orn Association championship had finlghed thelr first 18 holes of thy 10 hole medal test, Murray's seore was one under par and included a five, four of them putts, Murray wan closely followed hy Wille Lamb of Uplands, the de. fending ohamplon, who had a 71, Lamh missed a putt for a three and & 70 on the home hole, Lex Robson of Islington, runner-up to Gordie Brydwon for the Ontario opens last week had a 78, while Arthur MoPherson of Marlboro WAR fourth with 12, ol the to-day PIRATES CAPTURED Hong Hong, China, July 31, Word was received today of the extirmination of a hand of pirates near Canton by government troops after a daylong fight, Move than 100 pirates were kil led or wounded and 17 government troops were lost fu the battle, RAIN RELIEVES DROUGHT IN WEST -- (Ay Canadian Press Loassd Wire) Winnipes, * July 21 =Farmers of the west are rejoloing after ome of the best general rains of an ins and=ont erop season, The downpour, concentrated almost to a brief deluge In some areas, came to many farmers an salvation for a time fram threatened drought, Most of the sections where raine were only an were not pressed for mols ure, sii | Titled Britishers Meet Death in Aeroplane Crash ONTARIO RIDING -, r LL] V, KAINER the Conservative Di, Nominated candidate, Roliag Again Breaks Out in Egypt Today One Killed and 87 Injured in Cairo, 20 Hurt at Port Said (By Canadian Press Lansed Wie) Cairn, Egypt Jul 21 The members of the Chamber of Dapu tes today presented a potition to King Vusd to convene an extraor dinary session of parliament. on BaturSay for solution of Kgyptisy political sirife Ouithreak at Caden Calro, Egypt, July 3] One rioter was killed and B7 Injured, 87 worlonsly, hy gunfive and mis slog during severe riotin which elimaxed the politieal situation here today With troops, civil poles and ox cited students hy thousands strug Bling for the uppor hand along principal streets of Calero great damage Lo property was calised The troops were ahliged to use thetr rifles freely, Ho severe wis the encounter that after the police had obtained the upper hand em ergency relief squads Hned some of tie streets trenting the ine Juved, of whom many more than a woeore were taken tn hosplinly Lossos on the side of the police and troops were not made known AL Port bald Port Raid, Jul Blo Twonty persons were injured, six serious: ly when, Kgyptian troops fired on A mob during riott eg In the native quarter kere this forenoon, Hixtean pollen also wera injured before the disturbance was quelled CANADIAN WINS + AMAZONS. TROPHY (Ay Canadian Press Leased Wire) Bisley Camp, Kogland, July #1 Mes, J. N, Down, of Balint John, vo won "The Amagons' chal lenge trophy at the National Rifle Asnocintion shoot herve last week, aovording to the final results made publie today, This trophy, presents ed by tha Duke of Montrose, In open only to women who have never won a prize with the service or mindature rifle at the NRA, shoot, MENTIONED Ry N MoLAUGHIIN Who will he the next Llewtenants Govemor of Ontario, Toronto WLAUGHLIN T0 BE GOVERNOR? Toronto Reports Oshawa | Man Will Receive Appointment Toronto, July 8l-=In an Ww ticle published in its news column today the Toronto Telegram pre datets important © political changes in connection with the appoints ment to the high commisslonership al London of "on, Vincent Mausey, Canadian plenipotentinry to the United States at Washington | Hon, W, D, Ross, #t present Hautenant-governor, will gn 10 Washington In succession to Mr Mussey, aecording 10 the paper and will he followed In governs mant. hous here R, B Mi Iaughiin president of General Motors of Canada, Oshawa by Henri Bourassa Expects Ac clamation in Labelle, Quebec (Hy Girorge Hambleton, Canadian Press mall Correspondent Ottawa, July 81 AL two o'clock tandard time this afternoon nominations closed for the federal alections and the campaign ental ed Its Inst lap IHvislons nomina ting to-day total 171, four of them recurning two memhers cach, Mey enty divisions nominated lust Mons Indications this morning that, unless there is a late nomination of an opposing Henrl Bourassa is Jike an acclamation in Ia Helle Mr. Bourassa stands as un independent, Bhould Mp, Bourassa got an poclamation, he will he the second candidate requrned unop posed, Robert Gardiner, leader of the United Farmers of Alherip, gol an acclamation in the nominations of a week ago To Judge from ready In the field, that in the Maritime provinees, contests will he straight party flghts between Liberals and Con wervatives, In Queheo & number of Independent candidates, of varying shades, are In the field In Mont rel, two women candidates are running, one as a stralght official Liberal; the other as an indepens dent Ontario generally has (Continued on Page 10) Liquor Causes Riot in India Nationalists Continue Cam. paign Despite Efforts at Mediation (By Canadian Presa Leased Wire) Bombay, India, duly 81-=While the troubles of turbulent India moved nearer mediation today, res ports told of a olash at Jubbhulpore Haturday whieh caused 60 easual- ties, A an) were hour pandidate, ly ta ge! candiduton al riot developed after Nation alist volunteers lay fn front of a motor truck earerying laguor sup. plies to a contractor's store, Police ploked up and removed the Arst group of prone manifestants, who wera immediately replaced hy others, Police fired elght rounds to end the trotible which followed, Among the injured wera the olty magmirate, the excise ofoer, the poliea superintendent and 19 policemen, LABORITES URGED TO VOTE LIBERAL Winnipeg, July 31 Lahorites were urged (0 vote the Liberal ties ket In Winnipeg South at a meets ing addressed hy H, G, Wyall, prominent member af the Indepens dent Labor Party, Mr, Wyatt ohare god that ©, O, Tanner was running an A Labor oandidate without the haoking of Labor, Members of the Lahor party knew nothing of his candidature, Mr, Wyatt sald, LIONS, BECOMING BOLD, KILL TWENTY Nafrabi: Britigh Rast Afreioa, July 21=The llans whieh frequently menace parts of Uganda have heen usuallly bald lately, devouving 20 natives in the Ankrole and Masa: kar disteiota in the last three weeks, The government has sent reports, hunters after the fierce beasts, | BUTPFIRG AB probability is | the | -- Britain's Best Sculler Beaten (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wie) London, ¥ng., July 21==J, Brad- lay, of Pemhroks College, Lo-day defented Jack Beresford, Jr, in # welling race to decided which of the two should represent Britain al the empire guiness at Hamilton in August Hradlay wan the yaes hy one and a half lengths, It was i closs vaca all the way Heresford's defear game as # he was known for a long time as Britains best sculler He Is the only lying quadruple Hanley ehamplon having won the Diamond Sculls In 1080, 1034, 1086 and 1044 Candidate Named Today, One Acclamation Expected Weekend Toll 16 in Ontario Eight Lives Taken by Drownings, Five Killed in Auto Accidents -- (By Canadian Fress Leased Wire) July 21 Vith the registering new high ards for the year throughout On turin, the week-end eitigens of the provinee in large numbers sought relief at pienic grounds, lake and river shore resorts and in motors drives Ihe result was 16 deaths from auto smashes, drownings and virlohs other forms of accidents, List of Dead Alexander Buchan, aged 21, Ta ronta, deawned in the Humber River Mis, Dadie MacAules Loronte, drowned near Algoma Mills Mrs, Peter Nadjiwan, Cape Cro ker, killed when ear overturned near Purple Valley, Hruee Miss Lillian K, Moss, of Ottawa struck by car at Moulinette Liirence J. Plumnier, drowned in Rideau River John Magness, aged Dalhousie, burned to "ar Frank Edward Penny, of Niagara Falls, Ont, struck by ear at Londen Victor Wright, aged 17, of Haves lack, killed hy train near Btivling George Shupes, aged 75, New Dundee, heart attack, induged hy hot weather Bruna Lavzon, Sudbury, in Vermillion River William Piffki, aged IK, of Ham ton, drowned in Burlington Hay Fairley Heller, aged 4, of 58 Malo Street, Toronto, erushed to death hy car near Bolte Carlisle MeHarg, aged 23, cape, drowned in Mountain Northern Ontario, Murray Taylor, aged 14, of Am herathurg, drowned in Detroit River John Irwin Wilkie, 1}, Owen Sound, hit by a moter war, Mary Ellen Whitton, o, Brighton, drowned in Trent Canal Child Drowns Belleville, July dl=Mary Ellen Whitton, &, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Frank Whitton, ~~ Brighton, was drowned in the Trent canal at Franks ford late last night. She was plays ing with a toy heat, The string broke and in reaching for the boat she fell in thet re Foranta, mometer uyer Ottawa, Port his nl in death drowned of Chi Lake, SHOOTS FOUR THEN KILLS HIMSELF Crazed Laborer Takes Two Lives Before Turning Gun on Self (Ry Canadian Press Leased Wire) Wilkeshavre, Penn, July 81, Trapped tn a heavily wooded see tion of Luzerne county after he had shot down four persons, John Nkopa, farm hand, committed suis olde late yesterday vather than sur render himself to a ponse, Mowing his vietims down with a doublesharrelled shot-gun, the orased laborer took the life of Harry D, Bovdont 62:year-old oon tractor of Kingston, Penn, and a Ohlet of Pollea John T, Ruth, of Harvey's Lake, Bordoni's 23-yeaw old son, Franols, {a in a oritioal eons dition and his slater, Frieda Hore dont 17, was wounded in the left arm, E ARE NOMINATED STRAIGHT FIGHT ASSURED "IN ONTARIO RIDING AS ALL NOMINATIONS ARE CLOSED Proceedings Purely Formal ns Papers Are Filed and Found in Order and Poll ing Declared Necessary SAME OPPONENTS AS IN 1926 ELECTION Dr. T, E. Kaiser Is Stalwart of Conservatives While W. H. Moore Represents Liberals in the Fight Whithy, July 21--0Mcially hats wers thrown Into the ring In the faders election CAMPRIER In the riding o Ontarin this afternoon, when the oMelad nominations wera presented 1o Bherift Paxton, Lhe returning oMaoer for the riding, at the town hall here, The nominas ton procesdings wera purely [nr« mal, and aroused hut Hitle interes asl he two candidates nominated were, Dr, 7, V, Kaiser, of Oshawa, who is seeking re-election as the standard-hearer of the Conserva+ tive party, and William H, Moore, of Dunbarton; win 18 the Liberal candidate in the riding, Thus (hed electors have hefore them the same two men as opposed each nther in the 1086 selection campuign, Bines then, however, Dr, Kaiser has hal the experience and prestige nf four years in the House of Cams) mons, while My, Moore has serveds the country for three YEATR AM chatrman of the Tariff Advisory Board, and in that way has gequire ed a wealth of knowledge which 1% proving valuahle tn him In the election campaign While the election act ealls fom only ten names on each nomination! paper, along with a deposit of $200 both candidates presented papery which had far beyond the legal res quirements in the matter of signa tures, the Hets yunning inte severs al hundreds, Both candidates, tong had names vepresentative of all parts of the viding, of Ontarie, The papers were all ready and in orden when the time for nominations opened at one o'clock, daylight save ing time, and while the sheriff stays ed at hig post until three o'clock, this a mera formality to eompin with the law, as no other noming tions were expected, Tha sheriff found the papers of the two eand! dates In order, and at the eloss of the period set, mans the custom ary declaration of the polling to take place an Monday, July 28 Nelther Dp, Kalser nop Moore was present al the town hall during the nomination pros coedings, Dr, Kalser was represents od hy Alex Hall, and My, Moore hy Frank Ehhs, and the proceedings passed off quietly and in arder, WOMAN SAVES HER | NEPHEW AND SEES © SISTER DROWN Hamilton Woman Makes Heroic Rescue Efforts in / Northern Tragedy w---- \ Toronto, July 81,==The cour Ageons Aotions of Mra, Kate Rruceg Hamilton, fn saving the life of hed nephew, Donald and her vallant hut fruitless efforts to save hea slater, Mrs, Hadie MacCanley, Tos yonto, from the swirling waters of Blind River, wera revealed today with the arrival of Mrs, Bruce and her four-year-old nephew from the north Mrs, Bruce and Mrs, MaoCauled along with the foursyear-old youngster, wera out ona herry ploking expedition when the miss hap ooourred, They were olimbhin over some rocks on the bhapk o the river when #tanley slipped and tell in, His mother Immediately famped fn hut the currents guioks ly pulled them out from shore, Als though neither of the women could swim Mes, Brace olimbed down the voeks into the water and tried to reach the boy despite hep sles tor's oles of "don't come in of. we'll all ha drowned" Mrs, Brues then climbed oul and secured a fishing pole Stanley had taken with him and when she eould not reach the pate with the pole unveelad the line and tosspd It ta her sister, ®he had pulled Mra, MaoCOauley to within six feel of shove when the Hine hroke, They the vietim sank out of aight, Means while Hanley had heon washed ta within a few feet of the rocks and the Mr, Mus, Bruoe was able to climb dowy and rescus him, y BAT fad ----------------------UER AAR toa. at

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