Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Jul 1930, p. 1

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The Oshawa Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, JULY 19, 1930 "All the News It Is News" on Coen Siders Wd vita "Nodes poe News in Brie (By Canadian Prom) [d P Freighter Released Montreal After wasting on the ledge of an iceberg for many hours, the freighter Dalyran was, released and is proceeding fo Montreal Girl Drowns Stratlord <Rose Smith, 14-year-old daughter of Henry 1, Bmith ef Stratford, was drowned in the Avon River here yesterday within view of many bathers » » » Murdered Wife Jefferson, O.=Tilhy Bmith, ex dry agent of Bharon, Pu, was convicted of the murder of his wife and senten ced to die in the electric ehilr, Or tohey 2 LJ ' LJ Strike Gas in Quebes Ottawa =A heavy flow of gas was yeported tn hive heen struck follow ing drilling operations at Lamorale, Que . LJ LJ 187th ANNIVERBARY Brookville, The eongregation of Phillipsyitle Baptist Chureh held its 187th anniversary services re cently Ld LJ LJ HYDRO EXTENDED Brockville Within tha last taw days, hydro elactyio powsW hay heen turned on al hoth Roeekport and Ivy Dea, an extension of the transmission line to serve (hose gactions nf Leeds having heen com: pleted . ' J AMALLIPOX CANES Kingaton,="Thare ave threes cases af smallpox in Kingston and Dr, 8, J, Keyes, medical health ofeer, and the members of the Board of Health are anxious that all ehild: van he vaccinated hefore they ves turn (to -sehool LJ LJ LJ NEW GOLLY RECORD Pleton,==Krie Green, the pro, a Pioton Golf Club, has set 8 new ra. aord for the local econrse, doing the 18 holes in 604, Phil Browne, a loon) player, playing in a foursome, made a hotesin=one this weak, The fant was acopmplished at hole No B, a distance of B80 yards This it is helleved, is the second (ime that a holesin-one has heay made on the local enurse AUSTRALIAN ORANGES ENTERING CANADA (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) Vancouver, B.C, July 19=="The first shipment of Australian oranges (0 enter Vancouver, S000 cases Tram wydney are being unloaded: from the Aorangl for distribution al various paints thraughout the dominion Lo gapture the Canadian market for Australian orange growers is the aim of the wholesale Tryit distribu Lars orgaidEation of nyiney, whieh two months ago sent WW, H, Pierce here to pave the wity for the hig drive ABOUT 180 SHIPS SUNK BY TYPHOON ON JAPANESE COAST (By Canadian Press Losaed Wire) London, Eng, duly 10, == A Liovd's dispateh from Nagasaki, Jap, today said that a typhoon had AWADL Nagasaki and vidinity and northern Kiuahiu Friday morning sinking or severly damaging about 1H0 small steamers, mator hous and junks "a the Ryobi Maru and the Alkoku Maru were sunk in the port of Nagasakl, There were many oak: ualties, U.S. TRADE DROPS TO NEW LOW LEVEL (By Canadian Frean Lonned Wire) Washington, DO, July 10==ins ternational trade of the United Hiates during June declined to the Jowent monthly level, that the coun: try haw experienced (hn the last six Yours, Paports of United Hiaten goods amounted to #800,000,000 wa the commerce department estimated them today, Which was a figure less than that of any month sinee July 1004, when the country's exports amounted to $27,400,000, WEATHER Pressure is high over the south eastern portion of the eantinent and westward of Lake Superior with a shallow trough of low ex: tending heat fram Novthern Que: hee across the Great Lakes te southwest states, Light showers Rave aeen n dures, the avitime proviness and in seme districts of the west, The weather hos boon decidedly warm in southern Ontarie and western Quebec and moderately warm in other places of the Daminien, Lower Lakes and Ottawa and v8 Law aderate winds mantly fale tnd y Warm, Wh dershowers, MB nday moderate winds mostly fair and net quite 0 warm, Georgian Bay and Nevthern Ons tavie=Mederate winds, fair and Jumewhat annler we tonight and CONSERVATIV 16 Cents 8 Week; 3 Cents sa Copy TWELVE PAGES Miss Foster Wins FIRST WOMAN 10 ACCOMPLISH FEAT HAS SCORE OF 280 OUT OF 300 LADY CONAN DOYLE ACCEPTS MESSAGE | Medium at Peterboro, Ont,, | Was Only Woman Ever to Compete in Final of Great Shoot--Almost Eliminat ed Wednesday, But Came Back : SGT. LIVIE WINS ST. GEORGE'S VASE English Marksman Has Score of 72 -- Lieut, Desmond Burke, Ottawa, Scores 71 in Shoot (Ry Canadian Press Leased Wire) Higley Camp, England, July 10 Miss Marjorie Vostey wan the King's Prige ar Risley to-day, the first woman In history (to accom plish tha fea! Miss Poster led 100 ernek shots fro mull parts of the empire with # tolal scope of 250 aul of a pow Alhle (00 Only Woman tn Competa Ming Uoster was the anly women aver Lo compete In the fink! stage of the great shoot which commene ad In 1RAO, Ahe won the eovetsd honour and the National Rifle Aw soclation's Gold medal on hey first attempt in the final, Hhe hag ens tared the King's Prige competition In formey years The winner was almost eliming! od In the first stage on Wednesday hut suceesded In gelting Into yonlerday's segond stage ny sheot ng off with other competitors Yesterday sha had third highest nears of 144 out of a possible 160, Today she had 106 out of 4 pos alhle 100 Great Crowd Attends The mateh wan sunshine and a great orowd throng ad the ranges, A stronk hreegs which awept fram one side of the range however, hampered (he marksmen and kept the scares down The winning scorn of gol, RB, M, Hialr of Vaneouvey vear had heap 251 Misa Foster had a seora of 9148 At the half-way mark to-day ona hes hind Lieut, A Keeles of the Nea forth highlanders Wine Nt, George's Vase Risley Camp, England, July 19, With a score of 79 out of a pos sible TH Armorer-Herm:, livie of Risley to-day won the Bt, George's Challenge Vase, gold oross and $60, Major Daptie of India was seoond with 71 and Lisut Desmond Burke of Ottawa, whh the same sore, placed third, Lt. G, A, Molessy of Winnipeg, nonsmamber of the Canadian Higley team, aluo had 71 and Het, Major H, Rusk of Ottawa was right up with 70, RECONCILIATION COMING BETWEEN CAROL AND HELEN Rumanian King and His Queen Gradually Becom: ing Closer Together (Ry Canadian Press Leased Wie) Bucharest, Rumania, July 19= ween Helen accompanied King arn! tosday at the requiem menor: inl services for the late King Fer dinand, their first Journdy togeth or, Whi h the pyblio regarded as an indigation of thelr imminent recanels Hato, i The Rumanian Royal paiv, divepes od when ag Pringe Carvel, the husband forsook WIR native country, were fo gether on the tran to Curtea ie train were Queen Marie, Prinee Nie: halts and Princess Tewna, Indieation of & gradual veeonels lation had heen given by both Helen and the King on several ougasiony since he gave "up the golden-haired madame Mi da Apes and exeents of the coup hy whith he gained the Rumanian throne : I Innt a Missing Man Is Believed Drowned in Lake Near Barrie Barrie, July 19, ==Missing since he left Ahanty Bay late Wednesday I nlght for Minets Point, five miles across Kempenfeldt Bay, Harold Clament, 25, of Toronto, Ia hes Haved to have heen drowned, pro vinelal police headquaniers reports ed here, IN HISTORY Receives Reputed Word feed in bright | From Dead | (By Canadian Prony Lonsed Wire) London, Knog, July 10 Lad vie (nday approved in generul messagn received hy un medium Peterborough, Ontario, named Mary Meron, reputedly from Doyle In he morn As the whe wm Po | 1 it Mrs the late Wir Arthur Conan phe sald that she Was husband's study yesterday Ing inspecting his papers, medium said, although not praying as indieated INBBRAKS It wis the first time she had heen In the room eines Bir Ar thur's death and she agreed with the message that the room wis the ane where she digeussed with Wh Arthur all matters pertaining to thelr faith in spiritustism Norwood Swept By Fire Today Blaze Starting in Finlay Lumber Yard Does Heavy Damage (Ry Canadian Prose Loasnd Wire) Patarboro, July 10,=<0na of Lhe most mysterious and disantrous eonflagrations in the histary of the village of Norwood hroke oul al midnight last night In the store houses, outhulldings and Tumhe factory of J, A, Finlay and Nons Company, Inflieting property dam age amounting to aver $16,000 snd demanding the full efforts of two firefighting forces until well into the day The hlage had its origin In the large frame storehouse and was railing furiously hefore the Nay wood fire eampany arrived, A eal) was Immediately turned In for the Hastings department, whieh ar rived on the seana promptly, In the meantime, the flames had swept the adjoining lumber plies and had wpread to a second storehouse and the factory, Only the vallant efforts of the firamen succeeded In saving the faotory which wan burning hadly Two storehousosn wore hurned 1o the ground, and practically all the wher on the premises was des stroyed The amount of + Insurance cars ried on the plant did not amount to mora than a thousand dollars, The cause of the bhlase had not heen ascertained at a late hour (his morning, Great ditfloulty wan axperienced In waving five dwellings, Hovera) private garages at the vear of the houdos were burned as well aa one automobile, Herious damage wan caused to the heme of Mr, and Mra, R, Laws 10, Who ave at present away on a motor trip, Abandosied Ship Sinks London, Eng=The German mers chantman Tavah, enroute from Vals paraiso to Hamburg and Antewerp, whieh was abandoned Thursday by orew and passengers after a fire aboard sank to-day, in the | -------- THRONE TOTTERS TE KING FUAD OF EGYPT Whose wountry has hroken out in internal strife, Britioh battleships have heen dispatched to Alexandria to protest lives of fareign resis dents following viets in which many natives were killed Monday Next is Nomination Day (By Canadian Prose Losssd Wire) Oitawa, July 19. Noaminations {or the dominion general elections will he held next Monday in all the con stituencies with the sxception of the 70 In which the candidates were offi eiull named Inst Monday I'he nominations will he from 12 o'clock noon to 2 po standard time, that 1s the standard in force in the visrtous sections in the dombilon Chicago Police hme Prevent Murder Prominent Man Seriously Hurt When Officer Tries to Stop Shooting (By Ganadian Press Lonsed Wire) Chiopgo July 10, Prominent John W Roamer, wealthy elubman and well-known corporation lawyer wih shot and probably fatally wounded early to-day hy a polies man in the husy uprown section of pheridan Road, © Nroadway and Montrose avenue Noemer win of un pistol against young woman when ofeer Edward Mirandherg van up deflecting the alm Juke an tha An-yearsold attors ney pulled the trigger Roemer then turned the gun oward the palleaman, who opened fire, Hal els from the oMeer's weapon en tered NRoemer's head, and doctors doubted If he would survive, U1 don't know why | tried to kil her, | had never ween her before," pollen quoted Roemer an saying at the hospital, "1 had heen drinking, I dldn't know what | was doing," Shamrock Hits Gale on Way to New York (Ay Captian Press Leased Whe) Partamouth, England, July 10. Nhamroek V ran Ingo a wala within An hour of her departure for New York and Newport tosday, causing Captain Heard to consider the ads visahility of anchoring off Darts holding tha point the head of a mouth until the weather cleared (By Canadian Prass Leased Wine) Orillia, July 10s=Asualling the tarift poliolen of the Lberal Ads (mintuteation, Mr, Bennett here last MEL had oaustie veferences for What he termed "a preference that wives all, asks for npthing, and waves the flag for votes," The Conservative ohleftaln sup: ported hin keynote campaign speech on June 9 at Winnipex on development hy Empire trade hy o resolution paneed only a few daya ARO At A world-wide gathering of bankers in London, Bagland, tn favor of immediate steps for seeurs the | N Bennett Declares British Bankers Adopted His Policy ing and extending the market tor Hritlah goods along lines of reels nrocal trade agreaments mutually advantageous between the nations constituting (he British Bnplva, "Whose Judgment do you prefer «Mp, King's or the bankvs of Londen * the Opposition chieftain exclaimed, "They aay reciprocal Agreaments mutually advantageous, 6 fay do not bargain: take what they mive" The words of the yes solution of these International hankers for yeciprecal agreements were identioal with those used in (Continued on Page 10) King's Prize at Bisley Elliott Has Good Word For Moore (Wpecinl to The Times) Cobourg, July 190, Hon J, ©, Vl Hott, minister of public works, speaking In behalf of Mayor W, A, Vrasor, Livers) candidates fo Northumberland, in the Cobourg opers houses Friday, pald 8 high tribute of praise to W, H, Moors, vandidate for the riding nf On turin, "Mr, Moore Is ona of the most distinguished economists In Can adn," he wnid, referring 1o Mr, Moore's appointment ns head of the tariff advisory hoard, "and when he bs elected from HBouth Ontario, as he will he on July 28 despite the campaign of persons! whuse that Is helng waged agninst him, he will be welcomed us a most valuable member of the fed ara) house or of the government of that house, His knewledge of tay ifs and the infinite number of things whieh anter into the making of A Arif in this day and age will he "invaluable" OPPOSITION TO TREATY VOLUBLE U.S, Senate Hears Much Talk From Foes of Pact (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Washington, Dt, July 10 The senate settled down to an en duranes contest bf its own today and wondered how much more time must elapse hefors the voli he foes of the London Naval Treaty run out of words or hresh Murmurs of filibuster" were heard with inoreasing frequency but the doughty leaders of tha opposition vigorously denied they are following any such vourse, Another twelve-hour session lay before the legislators and the pro treaty forges were hopeful that by adjournment tonight the verbal outflow would he nearly exhaust od MORE RIOTING IN INDIA TODAY Reports From Two Sections Indicate Several Were Injured (Ay Canadian Press Lonssd Wire) Madras, India, July 10.-=Vour persons ware injured to-day In rioting at Madura when polices fired into a erowd of Nationalist demon wirators They previously had triad to disperse the assembly by oharging with thely 1athin or staves, The demonstration was In pro teat At arrest At seven plokets of lHaguer shops Pleketers Injured ¢ Karachi, India, July 10Two native ploketers wera in a hosphtal to-day an the oureoma of rioting In the night ahtalde two foreign liquor shops In the Kuropean quarter, The elash oceurred when the pleketers refused (0 allow carters tn unload wines and apirits for the shops ERIC HOOK SAID SAFE IN JUNGLE British Airman Being Cared For by Villagers, Is Report a - s London, Eng, July 19«A Ran goon dixpateh to the exchange Tela graph Company to-day sald villagers near the Balt river (nsisted that lirlo look, missing British alrmgn, wih being eared for fn a certain vil: lage a The report wax being Investigated although floods were making the search difffeult, No other trace of the avaitor wan found In the region where his companion, Jimmie Mat thews, sald he deft hm after thel England to Australia plane erashed more than a fortnight ago ONTARIO FROWNS ON TREE SITTERS (Ry Canadian Press Lonasd Wire) Niagara Pally, July 10 Appar ently trea sitters will be discowns Aged In Ontario, Acting on instrues tions from J, J, Kelso, of the pro. vinelal Childrens' Ald Soolety, elty polls will this afternoon bring Arthur Grandmanon, 14, back to oath, Arthur han been up in the tran winee Thursday morning at 10 o'clock, HERE LAST NIGHT BR ---------- a ---- [ ( j pn [lender of the wt fe ppg ep ant bhatt | ¢ HON, HUGH auerumy [ Prominent Conservative, who gave | a stirring address in the Regent | theatre Inst A SE AT om ---- INDIAN KILLED IN HIGHWAY SMASH ah Indian wom Croker reservation, | Viele ie serious! Fohing, of in the A M1 TIRE, Peter ding Owen 19 Nad) TRS ley unin Wil Indian, | eril und Murine silt of ured night hone i dend Jin daughter, Nad) iwnn, ured " Faronto, also an otnd Gen Hospital, us the Motor ent gecident which Parple Ville list (1 were returning Owe Ie Heut RIT witer ame loose grave diel when the en wn outing id Hen | Tan intn ed oyer in the Lingle Slaying Suspect Caught Chivagn, July 19Thoma whe has been secretly sought us wetun! slaver of Alfred (Juke) Lingle wks captured eaily today in taculir chase In which hundred the street Abbott utamohil Abbett HAE lined cheering delving the same type ned dn the recent at imation of Jnel per Aquat in ten mile tempted us Zith, | a police mile chase. \ | ( [ ( night, 6; Lette prisirie terith crop report of the Canadian the | daskatehewan ES HOLD A RALLY HERE Today CALAMITY RESTING UPON CANADA AND KING GOVT. T0 BLAME, SAYS GUTHRIE --po---------- [Conservative Ex-leader in Vigorous Speech Blames Present Cabinet for Unemployment Situation--Government fa Taken $51,000,000 More From People Each Year an Did Meighen Administration, He Claims "Culumity which now nent With these ithe Hous tion faces the Dominion words, dewnaticall ol Commons, one time King und the lust night recovered MacKenzie Wegent "Vheutre Onl sey recent! from a HELI REIT Wis Conservative purty, minister of il health , Mormer prime {oight on secount Gof stood before the iv ou speech und uomost effective faced the My, Cth me to prey ehh, | oH he futhiution a hus through an atered in eles, towns and hamlet Crop Situation Reported Good Better Then Last Year in West, Excellent in Mari times=--Hail Does Damage (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Winnipeg, Joly 10-=The crop Huntion in the west 1s generally than Just your in all three proviees, according to the Commerce (ood Yains he welcomed throughout it in noted and in Ale heria seasonal rains during the rest Hank of would of the season will decide the out come The harvest will he early In all probability, in threa provinces, Fiveellent in Maritimes Ottawa, July 19 he crop sits ition penerall In most excellent nthe maritimes" declared Dr, J, H, Ivindale, deputy minister of agri ulture, on his return from a tour if the sadt, "1 do nol ever remems . her wealng mach better at this time of the year," ha added, "There ia [every promise of an excellent hare vest In eneh of the three provinces from ull the crops." | . . | Again Hits West! a ngnin been raked by the storm king Innt Muukntoon, Mask, July 10,-Craln tinds In this part of Saskatchewan Latest of the ravages came night, when a combination of ervitie wind nnd pelting rain laid Mercury Hits 13 Degrees hl fields low, causing crop loss While Drought Danger [11 Is Serious A witherify Chicago, 11 Tuly 19 United heat fastened ftaelt upon the States today From Great Lakes to from ocean to oceal, cooked I'hivee Hgure rendings were conimon Nrees or better wer virtually every section On the basis of oficial government Ngures, the avernge maximum 'tem peeature for the United States ye terday was 90.58 The nation's granavies, baked hard hy the persistent sun, faced drought, Livestock In many places saw green pastures turn rsset and die, The danger of corn being Hred In the fleld wan felt in Towa Phillipsburg, Kansas had a tem perature of 13 degrees, and Emporia had 100. Seoren of other communities * in the middleswest reported unoMeial readings nhove 100 degrees, Rain In Alberta : Calgary, Alta, July 10,-Coplous | ralng came. to Central Alberta this morning, bringing relief to suns baked grain lands, All crops were parely in need of moisture follow: Ing the long arid spell which acs oompanietd the heat wave and res cord temperatures prevailing here earlier In the week, \ Gull und the country feniperature Ninety de recorded In by siderable done, noma areas ostimated at from KO to 100 per cent, Tynek gardens also were folled the foree of the gale, and cons property damage was Kouth of Coronation, Alta, hall KONA ax big an teacups accompans led the wind, MISSING WOMAN IS FOUND POISONED Owen Sound, July 19<At five o'clock on Saturday morning, after several hours search, Mrs, Alexander Melnnis, of Dundas, was Jound in a serious condition from Lysol pelson Ing lying close to the banka of the Sydenham river In Queens Park by NS Alles, at whose home she had been vooming with her husband and baby, Rev. Dr. G. Pidgeon Declines Pastorate July 10, Rev, Dr, Pldgeon, minister of Bloor Breet United Church, and former moderator of the United Chureh of Canada, han definitely declined the invitation te take the pastorate of the American United Chureh in Montreal, Dr, Pidgeon har had the offer under considera tion for some weeks, Toronto, (George W-------- -- ms ---- ---- Tory Premiers 10 sConcluding a campalen in northern Oigario} Premier Maos Kensie King arvived here - this morning from North Bay, where he apoke hatore large and enthusiasiio gathering last night fn support of Jo Re Hurtubuine, Liberal candidate in the riding of Nipissing After speaking here this after noon Premier King will motor to Aurora and alter delivering a speach thera will journey to News market where a large liberal rally has heen aranged Barrie, short but duly Nrenuoun Unemployment aud Ita teatment J A npeaker ont "The more political weals, Conspired to Hold Up Work, King Says by provinelal premiers was the keys note of hin speech last night, the charged monies which might have been used for giving work to the unemployed in differ provinces "had been held back by Tory premiers.' Xx Political Conspiracy Continuing the premier you look Into more you see that oonupivacy sald: it, the it has been a on a large Rn he sald, waa Hon Rennett telling tha peaple if Conservatives (Continued on Page 3) rests upon: this country und the yitered, the feuder of the solicitor-generul in the Melghen Government, gravply nccused Prime Mine Liberal party befor culled from his home ut Guelph by the to take Newfoundland, who was unable Tall und broad shouldered, the uhdience had onl effort microphone extensive broudeast wel luis er audience than that present in the theatre and one Hija" Gov responsibility for the of Canada les with the King deun and Hos, Hugh Guthrie, Conservative patty ¢ Jurge audience in this veteran Parlia« Hon, RK. B,- Bennett, Allred Morine, fo serious iness, the place of Sir speak Hon Although he had been given ho aegived ulter a hasty trip from and he showed no sigh of per the af the theatre and wis able to reach which vas om tuge nrrangement throughoiit the provinee Fine Meeting. Lust night's meeting was hy all means the best which the Conseryus tive party has staged in the riding during this campaign, Mayor TI, B. Mitehell presided as chairman, while Dr, "I, V., Kaiser, Conservative canis didute, spoke briefly and received uf rousing reception from the large number who had gathered in the auditorium, Mr. Guthrie given rapt witention, his remarks being onl interrupted bh bursts of cheering Fallure to meet the unemployment problem; the ruination of the agrie aultuenl industry bh imports from other countries, the neglect of the home market, heavy taxation and exe travagance had characterized the King administration the Hen, Mr, Guthrie stated, Ile dealt with each question in detall, contrasting - the methods of the Liberal party to the roposals of the Conservatives which ie claimed to be of a constructive and benéhelal nature Criticizes Budget The Dunning budget was also severely eriticleed by the speaker and he referred to it with great irony As A remarkable erention full of ane omalies und surprises "Mr. Dunning might well say with the Apostle Paul," Mr. Guthrie suge gested, "the good that 1 would | da not, and the evil whieh 1 would not, | do" "Let me in the first place, with you in regretting that Sif (Continued on age 12) WANTED MAN FOUND STOWAWAY ON SHIP (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Montreal, Que, July 10---Hugh Braid, wanted in Montreal for an Attack upon Betty Handene, 19-year old girl, in a Westmount residence yesterday, wan found a stowaway on the Cunard liner Auranin whiel salled for Plymouth, Miss Handene suffered deep cutw about the neck but was expected to recover, op" DROWNS DESPITE | RESCUE EFFORTS (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, July 10,-<Deapite re« peated efforts to reseue him on the part of a companion, Laurence J, Plummer, 85, of this city, wan drowned yesterday in the Rideaw river, Relged apparently with a heart attack, he sank in 156 feet of water and drowned before Gilbert Dawee, could bring him to the suse face, ; SEEK T0 REMOVE TOM BROWN AS AN ESTATE EXECUTOR Application Made to Have Former Stratford Lawyer Deposed (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, July 10.-Notice has heen filed at Osgoode Hall on hes halt of Charles and Walter White, farmers of Downie township, Couns ty of Porth, that on July 24 an ore der will he sought, "removing Tom Rrown, late of = Stratford, Ont, barristersat-law, as executor of the estate of the late Fred B. White", Evidence deposed by the peti tioners ix that the estate consists ed of $7,400, and that since Brown had control of them, tho assets dwindled untd "all that remains 80 far an can be ascertained ia a mortgage from David White to I'red White for £5,000." Rrown is referred to as "a fugitive from Justice', Wis occasional Join Ale

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