Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Jul 1930, p. 1

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A Growing Newspaper in # Growing City Che Osh Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer mua Daily Times / "All the News While 1 It Is News" | VOL. 7-=NO, 15 ------ Deninttnn Sintare wva. viable Siokdore Selle dds News in Brief (By Consdian Prose) Ontario Old Age Pension Oitawn, 01d age pensions Laing paid tn Ontario now total $7,300, 000 por annup; while grants under the Mothers' Allowance Act tolal $2,260,000 per annum, » » LJ Youth Suicides Vancouver, B.CAnkles and knees tied with rope, and dressed in wo: man's Snhng, the body of Bryan Chadwick McHugh, 16, was found hanging in his home yesterday, There was no suspicion of foul play, police sald, ", ¥ Waman Struck By Train Milton.--Believed to have heen struek by u southbound CNR, train, the body of 'Mrs, John Summerville wits discovered lust night lying on the tracks near here, Coroner Dir, H MeColl will hold an Inquest today, » LJ L] Farmer Minority cent, of the residents of Western Canada will be farmers in the not too distant future, forecast A, ¥, Parker, assistant to president of Winnipeg FKlecirie Company yes machinery for workmen on the prairies would be the cause, he said AMERICAN WINS IN DAVIS CUP SERIES (By Canadian Presa Leased Wire) Auteull, Vranee. July 18-~=Com ng back after losing the first two sats and tralling at 16 In the fifth, Wilmer Allison of Austin; Texas peorad a dramatie victory for the United Htages In the inter-gone Davis Cup tennis final to-day, de feating Goorgio de Rtaefani of Italy 4:07 7-01 64; Beli) 10-8 WO KILLED WHEN BOILER EXPLODES Fvie Seriously Injured in Unexplained Accident at Winnipeg (By Canadiah Press Lonsed Wire) Winnipeg, July 18-=Holler ex. plosion' in a new lovomotive last wight killog two railway men and injured five other persons on he Canadian Pacific Nallway near Molson, 40 miles east of Winnipeg, The aceldent occurred at 6.80 o'elock as engine No, 39807, des. tined for passenger nse, Was draw: ing » freight train east: ward The 7 1 ey R R, Engineer A Firaman dead mre Elliott, Winnipeg; Myers, Winnipeg Phe injured are; Hrakeman M, J, Ripley, Winnipeg, who sutfered a broken hack, and was badly burned. about the lems; Henry Martin, Kakabheka Falls, who res eaived hroken legs and Revere bruises; Fred Parsons, Burton, mask, badly injured, possibly with a hrokon back] two (Fespassers, Dmytro Raveum and Migk Bree, with broken limh and serious burns Telegraph wires were torn down along the right of way by the faren of the blast, and horses and cattle at tha head end of the "ex. tra' were killed RAILWAYS KEEPING LABOR FROM WEST * Are Co-operating in Mini mizing Unemployment Problem (By Canadian Pron Leased Wire) Regina, July 18.-=Ry go-0perats fng with the Haskatohewan Gove ernment and not {mporting labor into the Prairie Provinces for the Lavvest season, the rallway eems panioa ave doing everything in thely power to prevent an AERVAVA- tion of the unemployed situation," Mon, M, A, Macpherson, Attorneys general, announced yesterday, "Of course we cannot exclude any citizens from coming to the province If they wish, any more. than we stop our awn people from moving to another province, Rut the idea Is to out down the im. portation of labor until the press ent surplus is absorbed; then wa might consider obtaining help elaewhera," REIL Co ARI RIVDON WEATHER Pressure is high over the routheastern portion of yhe continent and on the Pacitle coast and relatively low for the Take vogion and to the north. ward of Manitoba, « Showers have occurred in Manitoba and northern distpeloss of Alberta and Saskatchewan alse in some sections of Ontario and Quebec Forecasts ws Lower Lake Region and Ot. tawa and Upper St, Lawrence we OAOTALS southwesterl winds, partly cloudy an warm tosday and Saturday, few loeal thundershowers, Georglan Bay and Norther Ontario == moderate winds, partly cloudy and warm tos day and Vis th ' LIBERAL RAL OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1930 15 Cents 8 Week; 3 Cents » Copy TEN PAGES BURKE AND EMSLEY LEAD . CANADIAN TEAM IN SHOOT FOR KING'S Only Four Canadians Are Among 200 Eliminated in Second Stage of Contest-- ~=100 Contestants Still in Race CANADIANS IN A GOOD POSITION Burke and Emsley Only Five Points Behind Leader in Shoot--Totel Scores For Two Days Count ln (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Bisley Camp, Eng, July 18-"Ten Canada scored auother triumph at the National Rifle Association meet to-day when Lieut, Desmond Burke of Ottawa, former winner of the King's Prige won the Alexandra Challenge Cup ' Lieut, Burke won with an excels lent score of 60 out of 4 possible 70, He had a perfect U5 In the first range 600 yards fired yosier day, and 04 In the 600 yard dis tance to-day, The other Canadians wera right up In this shoot Two 'Toronto marksmen, Company Nergeant Majors W, A, Hawkins and G4, M, Kmslle scored 68, Lieu, A, © Carter of Torento and Nergeant ¢ W, Foam of Montreal scored 67, Bisley Camp, England, July 18="Ten Canathans will be shooting in the final stage of the historic King's Prige tomorrow Nine are sure of places following their scoring in to divs second tage, and there way litle doubt that the tenth, Company sergl, Major W. A' Hawking of To ronto, would join thems, Hawking has te shout off with 3 other marksmen for 4& remaining places in the "King's Hundred IH Hawkins suceeds in getting into the hnal, as expected, Canada will have two former winners of this reat service, Ritle elassie in the finals Liew, Desmond Burke of aw, winner in 1924 and Hawkins, winner in 1913 Canadian Finalists The Canadian finalists seures in the second ul # possible 130 are; Lieut, Desmond Burke, Ottawa 1424 Cumpany Sgt, Ma), GU Lansley, Loronto 105 Lieut, John Howen, kd menton 141; Sergt, Us MW, Foam, Montreal 140; Bet, Major W, H Kut toll, Victoria 141; Capt, J. EK, Fores man, Hamilton 139; Capt. WW, G, Hel land, Vietoria 139; Sgy Jo Hy Regan, Victoria 19; X-Capt, Alex Martin, formerly of Calgary, 139, X+Nons member of HBisiey team Company Sgt. Major Hawkins, Faronto, with 138, was practically certain of getting into the final and their Mage out Drowns at Neidgeburg Hridgeburg Henry Hehubert, 20 Chicago was drowned yesters day afternoon while swimming in the Niagara River two miles north of Bridgeburg, FREIGHTER HITS ICEBERG AND IS STRANDED ON IT Liner Standing by British Ship Wrecked Near Belle lsle (Ry Canadian Preas Leased Wire) Montreal July 18.-=The Avcher Donaldson liner Athena ix stands ing by the freighter Daeyran 11 miles west northwest of Belle Isle, where the freighter has struck an feeborg according to a wireless message from Capt, James Nlack of the Athenla, The message gives no further de. tails other than the freighter has stranded on the loeberg and it ia belleved the botiom has heen pips ped out of her, The Athena ine ward hound for Montreal has hesn standing HY for twenty-four hours in a dense fog The Dalyran Is owned by Camps hell and. Co, Newcastle on Tyne Kung, The vessel was en route to Montreal with six thousand tons of anthracite from Swansea, Endeavor to Free Nhip Halifax, N&, July 18-0, H. Harvey, local agent of the Marine and flaheries department was ads vised by wireless that an attempt would be made to back the Dal ryan off the berg as soon as the weather clears, The how of the ship was being kept on the edge of the hers, ---t -» - . en » PRIZE TODAY Montreal Lights Sign in Australia (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Montren), Que, July 18.-Al gaven o'clock this morning acting mayor of Montreal, Dr, Z, WH, Les wge, pressed i hutton In fhe «ity hall petting In operation an electrl onl Impulse that was Instantaneous ly garrvied hy beam wireless to Mel hourne, Australia, and lighted » huge eloctrion) sign hearing the word "Montreal at the Melbourne 1000 radio Exhibition, Hurrounded hy local radio and other ofcinls, meting Mayor Les ARe, hy pressing the button, threw the name of his ety In slganth electrieally lighted letters meross the Melbourne town hall, A few minutes prior to the local = core mony the Lord Mayor of Landon, hy a similar, means, fashed out a algn in Melborne declaring the ex hibition open, ES. mp ---- HERE TONIGHT SIR ALFRED MORINE Former Premier of Newfoundland Whe is speaking at a Conservative Rally Here This Evening r-- Mp---------- CARS DEARER URDER AUSTRALIAN TARIFF ine Austria, July 18 effect of the increases in the Aus tralian tart will be to merease the price of mator-cars to the buyer h amounts ranging from S88 for the smallest type to $500 for the higher Pricer ears re-------------- -- Defends Policy of Raising Bids Counsel for Electrical Esti: mators Association Admits Lowest Tenders Eliminated (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) Toronto, July IN Defending the methods of the Electrioal Kati matory' Associwtion hefore a royal commission here this morning, I, Fedgwick, K.CQ, refused to ads mit the practice of raising ten devs to an average and eliminats Ing the lowest tenders, was an ine Jury to the public, Commissions T. M, Phelan, K.C,, asked "Why?" Mr, Hedgwiok replied (hat even It owners of bulldings were foreed to pay a few dollars move, the association has done wood work and should ha carrying on, Come missioner Phelan, suggested this Was "Jamming a henefit down the that of the public", Counsel for the defense Inaisted, however, there wan no evidency Yo show that any acute Injury had heen done to the publie, Major ¥, N, Newton of London, counsel for the orown, pointed out that In the case of the Hospital for Blok Children at Toronto, one contractor admitted he would have tendered for 81,514 loss than the tender aceepted, if ha had not hig eliminated hy the ansoola on, Noy Injured by Train Hamilton, John Thompson, aged five years, who lives at 86 Dundas Marsh, was severely ine Jured yesterday when ho'was struck by a OPH, train near the Desjars dine Canal, 'The hoy was playing on the tracks, CONVICTS KILLED IN DASH FRON JA. Three Others Injured as Pris. oners Make Mad Break for Liberty (Ry Canadian Press Ledsed Wire) Adelaide, South Australia, July 18, Twa convicts weve killed, one wounded andl two palice injured in A daa of prisoners to escape from a Jall quarry today at Yatala, Four prisoners suddenly produc: ed shot guna with sawed oft baryels, foreed the guard to stand on the running board of a motor ear, van the machine glear of the jail pre. olntn and pushed. the guard off as they wped along, Chased by motor patrols from Adelaide the fugitive took refuge Ina school yard with ative on thelr oar hurst, A fight followed during which bullets hreke a window of A room in which children were at study Conservatives Avoiding Major Issues, King Asserts rer -------- | Uy RAY HROWY | (Canadian Pross Stal Correspons { ont), | Sault Kte, Marie, July 18-=Pra mier MpoKensle King ls entering upon what will probably ha the moat strenuous period of the ele ton campaign, This m@ning he left here for North Bay there to [epeak at & meeting tonight, Rut on the way he will probably address gatherings at Hapanolo and also, far a short time, at Rudbury, From North Bay the prime minister will mo to Newmarket for a meeting on Baturday ovening, From that meet ing he will moter ta Torentn and take the train for Ottawa Lest night My, King spoke to a reat audience In the arenn here, Iron and Neel Tariffs Af wan to he expected In a elty where large Industries are looated the prime minister devoted the greater part of his address to the hudget, Taking the {ron and steel Industry as an example he told the audience that the general prosper ity of Canada must be the hauls for prosperity in any particular enter prign, The sale of steel rails, of strigtural steel of other forms of steel wan contingent upoh Canada's proaparity, And Canada's prosper. IY, he asserted, was contingent ups (Continued on Page 1) Typhoon Kills Many in Jdpan Heavy Lows of Life Feared as Communications Are Cut Off | | Wire) Toyko, Japan, July §,The worst (yphoon in ten years swept the island of Kiushiu this morning It wag helleved many were killed and that there will he a heavy pros perty damage, Communioations were out and little news wan avails able fram the island, Heavy Loss of Life Tokyo, Japan, July 18:=The governor of Nagasakl prefecture vadiond a report to the home minis try toeday Indicating there was heavy lows of life among seafarers in the typhoon that hi lower Japan, Several hoats sank in Nagas sakl harbor and a number of bodies were Vveocovered after the storm passed the governor sald, The veport sald many publie hulldings were unvoofed and others seriously damaged, including pre feotural government headquarters, Freighter Missing Osaka, Japan, July 18, Reporty 10 the Osaka Asahi to-day sald the freighter Korel Maru. belonging te the ministry of railway LURE sing between Shimon and Fas san, Korean in the Korea strait, Ninety persons were aboard, Roadhouses Wamed Windsor, «= Rorder roadhouses were warned yesterday that it they a0 not atop trafo in Mgquer the Pros vinelal police will resort to methods more drastio than any they have hitherto used to enforce the terms of the ldador Control Act: Canada Wins Alexandra Cup At Bi ET -- -------- Hospital Theft Cees Dismissed (hy Whithy Mian Reportar) Whithy, duly 18,~The seven charges of theft, against employ aon of the Ontario Hosplinl, Whit hy, have heen dismissed These coupes have heen hefore the court for the last ten weeks, and (his afternoon Magisteafo Willis dis missed them on the ground (hat there was no intention of theft on the part of any of the defendants proven, The counsel for the defen dants, DD, A, J, Bwanson, W, H Koennedy and VV, 1H, M, Irwin, stil od that they will take steps to have thee naven men reinstated in they positions Germans Open sley Today HEADS GYRO CLUBS JAMES A NORTHEY Toronte, wha has heen elected pros dent of the International Associa Drive For Rich Trade in India Will Build Network of Fac tories to Provide Goods Now Imported (By Canadinn Press Lonsed Wire) Bombay, India, July 18 A (lay man drive for Indian trade to-dny win opensd hy Export Dienst (Ins din) Limited whieh 'hogan lin aotivigien in Bombay with an Indian organteation ealled Indo-German nroducts corporation The local organisation will set an welling agency throughout India for Waport Dienst, Tie alm was aid to he ultimate sale In India of mil Hous sterling annually and exports to Germany of Indian vaw products In even greater volume, Tho organisation wes repute to have strong Indian financial bacw ing, 1 wan sald A network of fae tories was planned throughout Ine din for the manufacture of dally necessition whieh India has had to buy ahroad, Export Dienst was mora than 200 German manufac turers headed hy Theodore Fleker, who vislied India In Januar) ESCAPES CUSTODY NEAR PETERBORO Prisoner Being Taken Campbellford Is Still at Large ' formed hy to (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Petorhinro, July 16 Daniel Dare rah, Camphallford while belns brought back to that town from London where he was arrested on A charge of false pratences, escap ed custody on the Mhallow Valley road one mile from the highway last night, No olues to his where abouts have yet heen discovered Daveah was in a closed sedan and ih charge of Pallpe Chief 6G, © Arawnley of Campbeliford and an asnlatant, Davealin' arrest was made hy the London polioe an July 164 an the strength of eciroulavized informa tion, "The false pretences charge dates hack to Marveh of this year The assistance of the pravineial police wan secured In the search or the escaped man last nighy, He took to the hush and it is thought that he ia hiding out in the near vielnity, Mitty Killed Rangoon, Murma, July 18 Fifty persons were believed today to have heen killed or seriously injured in a severe earthquake, PREDICTS WAR JAS, W, GERARD U, 8, ambassador ta Germany under President Wilson, who upon recent return to New York from Europe lavas. war is brewing between and Laly tion of Gyre clubs, at their recent sonvention In Tasoma | BRITISH WARSHIPS | REACH ALEXANDRIA, | POPULACE QUIET pt Jul Queen IH it APPEARANCE Wa eect | | eth Mexandvia felt Aoxandria, Vg British huttleship Waumillie today and thel to have had a ealimipg the populace wn irrived upon (My Canadian Presa Losaed Wire) Wiratford, July 18 pounding NOE of warning against the dapper of eranomic penetration hy the I nited Miates, Hon, I. 1 Hepnett, yesterday entered Routhwert On rin AL the same time, the Con pervalive chieftain Issued a wen Iwarning amuinst huekdoor' vasses among Canadian National Hallways amployees "a you realise, [wad Uthat Canada today Ie the greatest customer of the United Pages? We, a country of logs than 10,000,000 people fmpare mara than France germany or treat Neitain herself; tmport- morh than [the millions of Japan And the mil Hons of Ching, This 1s not an aeol dent tin heeause of the laws made hy ony Government during the past eight years." Bil 000,000 a Day Once the Opposition ehiafiain declared, the trade between Canada and the United Niples was a Semadl vivalet," hut naw it had developed Into a "mighty stream" Three million dollars per day were now haing sent on the Aerionn Republic to huy goods from that sountry Mare than $400,000,000 annually wera helng sent ta the Amerioan Republie for wholly o partially manufaotured good My, Dennett vecalled the instance (Coritinued on Page 8) German Gov't Goes to People Reichstag Dissolved When It Refuses to Accept Financial Program - - (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Rerlin, Germany, July 18=The sword of dissolution which had heen hanging over the Relchstaw aver wines the Rruening cabinet gama Inte power determined to push through (ta financial reforms finally fell today Knowing that Chancellor Rruens ing had President Hindenbhuvg's authovigation to send them home if they revoked his revised program, which earlier in the week he had pushed through under artical 48 of the constitution, the Relohatag members nevertheless today pass: od, hy 204 to 281, a motion vevek Ink the cabinet's measures cnn My, Hennett matd taxes among other items in the Dietrieh Ananelal program that provipitated the evisls, Drastie veadjustment of hudget toma heoame necessary ta meet @ deficit In the 1080 hudeet of aver $115,000,000 and halt that much in the 1801 sohedulea, Warned hy 8 Parker GHibert, when he vetived An Agentsgeneral of veparations, to conse juggling ite finances {FI axe pected to gantinue fa progress tos ward a sound economic position, Germany's finance winlater, Dy, Moldenhauer, tackled the problem, He vealgned when it became evi dent that he could not sucveed and the present minister, Dy, Hermann Platrioh was chosen Lo carey on the allempt, LY IN REGENT THEATRE W. H. MOORE DELIVERED "EFFECTIVE SPEECH ON PRINCIPLES OF TARIFFS LIBERAL CANDIDATE IN THEIR EFFECTS laration That Canada's Da ant Asserts W, H, Moore Attitude of Dr, Kalser peaking to an audience which H. Moore, gave i master! tart making, met and denied the Cen Libera! candidute for Annexation Warning Given by Bennett; Hawaii Quoted It was the bachelor and bachelor | UTE | that the the opposition, hecause it hire toeffort of the campalgn so far ered criticism hb | which afdeast ovhr an Ontar [ I" and the greatest of enthusiasm A here it owas punctosted with auth coelved with rapt attention, and wit | [ keene tal interest * Ship Burns in Mid-Atlantic Passengers and Crew of Ger: man Vessel Saved by Bri. tish Steamer (Ry Canadian Presa Leased Wire) London, July 18The Hritish deamer Rangitata radiosd to the [ Partishond wirelesd station today [ {hat she hid rescued all passengers and erew of the German steamer, Taran, which burned and sank at about midnight tn latitude 85164 north, longititute A007 west, The position given was ahout | LAOO miles east of New York In mid=Atlanti The Targis, a ship of 4,647 tons, left Colon, enroute to Hamburg from Valparaiso, Chile, July 7 The Taveis fa a North German Lloyd ship The Rangitata 1a awned hy the Federal Ntoam Navigation Come pany, Lad, a British concern, It was enroute from Colon ta New donland Dredge at Oshawa to Deepen Course For Canadian Henley | 8 Catharines, July 181 was ofetally announced tosday that the | oontraet for deepening the Caw [adian Henley course here has heen awarded to the Canada Dredging Company, Manager Allan German of Welland siated today that the work would commence during the last week in July and would be completed in plenty of time for the vematta which opens August 14th, The dredge Primrose now at Oshawa will ba: brought over for the purpose, DISAPPOINTED AT BRITISH ANSWER French Dislike England's Objections to Briand's Federation Scheme (Ry Canadian Press Loassd Wire) Paris, France, July 18 French polittonl aud jurnalistle elroles voleed disappointment today at the Reitlsh reply to fovelgn minister Rriand's invitation te join in a Kuropean federation of nations, The veply, published tn. morning papers, stated favreaching objec tions to the seheme, Principal among these was that the organisation would set wp new international associations in Bus rape, some of which would be pars allel and duplicating the functions of the League of Natlons, and Whioh "eonld hardly fall th dimin ah hoth eMoiency and authority of [the organs of the League" _ of Canada wis being ruined hy thi King: Dunning budget ore SOUTH ONTARIO AC CLAIMED BY ENTHUSIASTIC AUDIENCE WHICH FILLED REGENT THEATRE LAST 'NIGHT TO HEAR MASTERLY ADDRESS ON THE TARIFF POLICIES OF THE LIBERAL GOVERNMENT AND W. H. Moore Makes Effective Reply to Conservative Dec iry Industry Has Been Ruins ed by the New Zealand Trade Treaty--Gordon D, Con- Played Major Part in Secur- ing Harbor Development Grants for Oshawa and Scores 4 prin » Regent Theatr the Ontarin, Hed ta capaeit the riding of nigh and comprehensive exposition of the Liberal principles of inervative charges that the dairy in Now Zealand trade treaty, and had ceased tn be an object had proven impregnable, is speech radio stations, and It aroused the Yarge audience (ov ated ol lo chain of wis hin i aplendid Timpression Nave his address wa hetakens se nf applause ho that LE] silence which thy Mr. Moore was particularly effecs Hive in his analysin of the situation in the dairying industry, and of the principles of the Beitish preference extensions of the King-Dunning buds get, and his whole address was on a high place and devoid of personalis ties W. F, N, Sinclair, KC. MIP, orestded aver the meeting, and ass sOLtated with Mr, Moore an speakers were WV, M, Gilbert, president of the Oshawa Lumber Company and Gores don Dy Conant, hath of whom deliv « ered brief hut effective speeches, My Conant making a special reference to the faet that Mr, Maore had played in leading part In securing from the governments the grants which had heen wet aside for the development af the Oshawa Harhos WW. H, Moore Mr. Moore; who was given a wone deriul wyvation on rising to speak, the Crowd rising to its feet to cheer, thanked the people of Oshawa for in Kindly reception. in 1936, and jocus larly remarked that he Foped thay since the reception in 1930 was alsa a0 friendly and kindly, the peaple off Oshawa would do a little A wl the voting Change in Thought "There in a marked change coms Ing over the political thought of the peaple of this Eastern Central Ons tari sald Mr. Moore, "1 am noi a prophet but 1 think 1 am a judge of the conditions | see with my own eyes, | know little of the candis (Continued on Page 6) BIG SUM FOR RELIEF OF UNEMPLOYMENT London, Tuly I8=Appropriations of about $0,000 for the Empire Mars heting Fund, and $§2,5300000 for fure ther unemployment relier schemes, are included fn the 1930 supplemens try eatimates, Which were Pr, 10a total of S5100,000 by anothee nue of $2,800,000 today, ITALIANS WOULD |GNORE, BRITAIN IN AIR RACING Te m---- Propose That Schneider Cup Series Be Held in Venice ---- (Ry Canadian Presa Leased Wire) Rome, Italy, June 18:-=The Aere Club of Italy, now in eons fillet with the Hritlah Royal Aer Club aver Italian Sohneider Own entries has proposed to the Inter national Federation of Asronauties that. Great Arian be ignored and the 18381 races be held tn Venlea without payment af any antry fee, The Aero Club of Htaly wrota the International Federation of Aeros NauLion fn part as follows; "The contents of the letier fram the Aero Club of Kagland canna be acknowledged and considered hy the Aero Club of Maly heoausa the letter tgnares tha authority of the International Aeronautical Foderas tion, Instead, the Royal Aero Club of 1taly desires that the authority of the International Federation be acbepted hy all todevated organisa. tions and ignored Wy none, The Rayal Aera Club of Haly in cons sequence does not wish to disouss decisions taken hy the International federation as the Royal Aero of England goss? --

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