Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Jul 1930, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAILY .IMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 16, 1930 _ PAGE THREE W. H. Moore Hired W. H. Moore Says Liberal Plan Is To Approach Tari Standpoint of Human Element Liberal Candidate Makes on Effective Speech at Joint| Meeting With Muskoka-- Ontario Candidate at Ux- bridge SAYS CONSERVATIVE POLICY A FAILURE Dr. D, J. McDonald, Candi date for Muskoks, On- tario, and Frank Chapman of Pickering, Were Other Speakers (By Bia Keporter) Ushridge, July + AnsarLing that the Conservative tariff policy sought to kpply to Cinada the Na tonal Policy which had proven u fallure during the 17 yoars it hat been in eNect, while the Liberal policy was to apply sane and sound husiness principales to tariff gues tions, Ana base protective (ariff on the welfare of the human els ment In industry, the worker, W WH, Moore, Lineal gandidate In On tario Bouth, delivered n forceful ad dress to un large audience which is sembled in the town hall last night The meeting was a joint one, al whieh Mr, Moore united with Dy J, D, McDonald, Liberal candidate for Muskokun-Ontario, In an appeal to the electors of hoth ridings, the townships of Plekering and Heach as well ak the town and township of Uxbridge, being well represen ted, In addaion to the two cand! dates, hoth of whom spoke aL some lengthy, and were given a cordial vaception from the audience, Frank Chapman of Plekering township, former Progressive candidate for the riding, spoke in support of the two, engidates, while Walter Gould, of Uxbridge noted an chaly man over the gathering Frank Chapman Frank Chapman, the first speak er, confined his remarks to a dis cussion, first, of the tari hoard and its accomplishments, The for mation of the tariff hoard, he sald, had heen advocated hy the Pro gressive Party of Bouth Ontario in 1021, and had heen put inte affect hy the King government, Prior to its formation, he helleved, tariff changes had been made in the In terest of particular parties who made representations for thely awn heneft, The tariff hoard had done away from that system, and adopt od the (dea of Axing tariffs on a selentifio basis and of Investigating tariff applications openly and thoroughly, Mr, Chapman eulogls tieally referred to the work that had heen done hy the tariff hoard, eredit for which, he sald, helonged to the King movernment There WAKA now no more making of tariffs hehind elosed doors, hut avery thing was done openly and ahove hoard with all classes given an op portunity for a hearing, Tha work of the tariff hoard had heen very pleasing to the farmers, who ware given representation hefore the hoard. Dunning Budget One of the results of the tariff hoard was the Dunning hudget, which made tariffs not for the free traders on the protectionists, hut ta heneft tha husiness of the Do Minion of Canada, As one who had heen charged with being a free trader, he was patisfied with the Dunning budget heecause It placed the tariff on a sclentifo hasls, My, Chapman sald he was a sup porter of the King government he oause it had done so mueh for the agrioultural Industry, The govern: ment had equalized taxation hy placing the burdens on the class hest able to pay and alleviating the hurden of taxation on the farmers, although most of the taxation paid hy the farmers {8 not impored hy the federal government, but were made necessary hy the hurdens imposed on townships and county municipalities Kxtending Markets Touching on trade questions the speaker sald the farmers had bene. $ From filed hy the extended markets of Canada, 10 was impossible for Can udiang to consume wil the wher, the pork, and the apples produced, but through the Dunning budbet, with the American mavket closed, nosplendid gesture was helng made 10 seers wider markets in Britain for Canadian produces, The present Campuign was a crucial ons for the farmers, hoviyse they were ul the parting of the ways and thely hops for future markets Iny in the Dunning budger and the return of tha government Dre. dy D MeDonnid br, Ad, BD, MeDongld, of Hunts ville, candidate for Muskokn-On tario, then spoke hriefy Lo the su dienes, He opened hy paying uo trl bute to his opponent, Dr. Metiih hon, as n close persons) and pro fessionnl friend, but snid the Metiibhon's record tn offering him wolf as a candidate, wis open for in spaction and evitioism Appeal to Note One fundamental truth had hean imposed on him wis the face that the people themselves de vided what kind ot government they would have, and he did not believe that hespuse wn oman wis elected In 1026 on one of | pier, It did not necessarit menn that he should be slectad In 1080 ann different of Ist es Ha muda a strong appeal for all slo tors to volta on July 24% and " maka it possible to have a proper expression of the wiJl of the ple, Electors, he sald, were no mora Independent tion lasues, and he sure that on July ZK thay would show thelr approval of the Dunning budget Dr, MeDonnld also spoke of tle yulue of (the tari advisory honrd which had heen rasponsihle for the Investigations leading to that hud wel whieh el wel view of slag WHE Achioyamentis he speaker rvaforred to he nehlavements the government elting Neat the old age pension net which was not, a Wome people thought, a child of the Vaerguson government, hut emannied with the King government This act sald Dr, MeDaonald had heen retarved 10 hy his apponent in 1024 Hen worthless sham I'he the government was a constant ve cord of legislation of splendid value to the people of Canada, Dr, Mi Donald pald n high tribute to Mr King a6 on of the greitest sintos men In Canada's histor: nde We government, Cannda's 1rnde had Increased enormously and thera had been from 1021 to 1020 A RVapl Inorease in the number af men employed In Cunnda's Inthup try Government racord of New Fenland Veade Canada's trade with New fh land, sald the speaker, had Inst your shown favorable balance of $3,000,000 in the favor of this country, He vidiewled the (den that New Zealand butter was ruining the dalry Industry ns statistios showed (hat fn 1080 the prices ve volved for hutter and eream had inerensad substantially us compar od with 1024, before the New Zea land trade treaty came into effect Hig opponent, he sald, had greatly oxnggerated the situation In way ing that the dairy Industry had heen ruined by the King govern ment, Instead of exporting bhutie hy teaing, Canada was exporting, It In the stomachs of tourists com Ing from the United Hintes Unemployment My, Dennett, sald the speaker, had ralsed the lssue of cunemploy ment, although In a whale week's debate at Ottawa during the last nounton of pacliament on the sub ject of unemployment he had nol had a word to say, If My, Hennel! was able te solve unemployment in Canada hy an not of parlinment, Ramsay MeDonald would hy wiring for him at once to go over to Wel tain and do something the Lnboy government in Hritaln had so far heen unable to do, He closed hin address hy oharaing Dr, Medih hon with many Inconsistencies be tween his elention statements in 1006 and 1086 and those he wan making today, and appealed for the support of tha slsotors on July oe, W, H, Moore W, H, Moore, | ih candidate EE ALY WHE ATINFAUTION | Beautiful | Silverware | | Felt Bros. Hatablinh od 18480 I YOU take pride in veur various home furnishings, our beautiful silverware will interest you, No matter what your selection may hie, vou are assured ol a mods erate price and the highest quality, 12 Simeoe St. § Oshawa LL} ERTAL 8 1 TAL UNA Inking | CITY OF TORONTO BUS TAX BY-LAW Board of Control Will Make Recommendation to Coun- cil on July 29th of the recent (axing of Garton Conch Hines of Bow hy the Oshaws OH the setlon of th' Toronte of Control, who first in siitited the bus tax In this prov ine, In of interest to this city Wy un vole of 8 ta 4 the Toronto Board of Control decided at» pectin) meeting held last Thursdny to recommend to the city coupe on duly 20th that the by-lnw pli tux on mall Wis Does opural and out of the ety be re Clilw appedrs vither sil the Hy-luw wis only very yevantly pil inte effect Muy Womp ming Controller plammer ville opposed the rescinding of he | hy-luw which was Introduced bh 4 antroller Robbins nt the vei of the 1.14 and no ospiriied de | bite followed Chalrman In pddressin We think the | here Js none on the | Minym Wamp ' Fie k ai Ry Chalrman Hobbued the th trots out th i do, Mayor Wemp which led up the hy -lnw hie In view the mahvithe count) Bond ne H ng in winded Priving in of the 174 Boord stated riminmie Huh All thy | | Lenk torted thi nut Piss EY hit nhmerved | that Wine cithined th the { | Bifold | | | wen HIER the slap Lh i pining 0 the wh Feiron dpsed hie Li Can finpson stated that in hi IRS wine frolivg helief 1 Win The Ihe plunged th tues on then br rging Hi Fda "i 1] rl (ray Conch which he von idoved whether hould Lh in the owned or nul | I'he it i Tinln Dime oto of Ihr much uh, HN ville Con | slip pnt nf uny ell I | doen't Bl pron added I" uit hind foam not porte Commingloney Firion in Just so hin hy wn moun ol hii Mi eithininet glonor ii vid Commi Brien "hist wa hive un Inve of $2 000.000 (rky Cowch Lane wie reavorting heck 1 thie hat | Ihe vend progressive off wre goin When the You toll pititude of u ALL the He cnurin ll pip git not jark town to he i Lig us do | In is further in of nothin davelop this vil understood thn! the wa ol on meant ha oe red In In ands of und plgend in th My matter wis the Palle Chief elend commenced | Intervinwe It In hw Mi to hsve Friend yestorduy tawn Ihe nna nr tan noMevies of Heved that Gurion wa hin hut tilled HOYInUH sen owing tn tniher | out of Hews on With the nt oH TRIED ON CHARGE OF SEMIGING FIR], UNDER 18 YEARS Nelson Hamlin Accused of Serious Offenne---~Trial Proceeds Today of his homuos vin ohanrgod with we the ange of halon: Nelion Hamlin [Aduetion of & girl under alghteen years, appoarad Magintyntn Wi In roller yasterday morning and nfiey siderable evideion Wad heen heard he was vomanded In custody unt this, afternoon His trial a pro paeding today The charge was Inld ws the resnli of relations that had existed he tween the accused and the girl at various times hetween January 1a and June 19h Phe wird tno! tang stated that at the time the offenses took place the acenrsd had promised to marry he Hamlin had said the same thing in an inter view with hap family, the giel sald, But when he found he could not get enough money i in alleged he refused A number of wit nesaes wera oalled hy hoth parties Crown Atterney 1, A Metihhon prosecuted the cass and Col J, 1° drlepson, of Gelerson and Crefgh ton acted for the defendent cour fol ---------- A for Neuth Ontario was the closing apenker, and he osprossed dollght With the manner in whieh Dr, Mes Donald had presented the election lwnnien to his audience, Mr. Moore spoke bplefly on the estion of personalities, and sald wo Kalwor god come to Plekering pnd made a bitter attuek on My, Pepman, # previous speaker, who I heen an employes of the tariff Mle He went into detalls as to novopsity of experts helng ems ul hy the honed to net an techs nflvisora In onvrying out ita mors, The alm of the tail hid hoon to seoure affielency i thinking of party polition, the swployees of the hoard nhout evenly divided between three parties, : I never hear the Conservatives itiee the engaging of a Conner | ative expert but they ortiolged | bitterly the appointment of a Ure Nut the anly thing wan tht presnive expert we wera vancerned with delivarsd the goods Tavift DIfevonees Moora snld he whihed tn on the difference, halves) (Continued on Page 8) [our men My spon k Wren Sanam CITY | up | | thy | Wht Liprio off the I wyening | trom It Kiwanis Lieutenant-Governor MAY RESCIND THE | To Open Kedron Boys' Camp Mr, Vred Moore, lieutenants Governor of Kiwanis for Ontario, Queher and the Maritimes, will officially open the Kiwanis Boys' Camp n week from toduy, on the oueenmlon of the elul's good will pity and open house for the citi wing of this ely, A tine opportunity will bs uf forded to the many men An wumun who have hoen hehing tifa Kiwnniuns with thely support, (ifs anvigl ung otherwise, to pee thar Ihours wud contentions res ing fruition. The second group. of hoys to he given uw forinight's outing wil he in camp, and the vidlors will see the camp wetivities in full swing, ux two scores of Osi underprivileged ehildven one Woy un vaentlon awny from city frome und city heat, which would Oo dmposeible tov them, were 1 for the Kiwnule Club snd the hearied people Who hava HWA win ree Lyloted to have & band In siteno AND DISTRICT NEWS backed up and assisted the eub's efforiy An interesting and variegated program has bean lined up for the evening. AL seven o'clock, two Indien' wofthal)l Loamus will play un exhibition game, AL olght o'clock the camp will he officially opened by Lisutenant-Gavarnor Moors, Arrangements are heing com wnee, probably the regimental bund Hafrashment hooths will he 19 uted wl the camp site for the ONINE, und & dance in the camp Iding will bring the night's inrdwood floor has heen nid in the main bullding, and the dunes Is oxpocied to be one of the igh Hghts, A nominal charge will he muds for the dancing, to cover the cost of the orchestra, admis don to the grounds will he freq, whg no charge will he made for the other antertainment provided a ------ . --. , , HEME MY | fe) tht on Lit whieh held | eaplesion on Mor he resimed to Lhe com plated Wolk 1o Its enpe work dyvdgs Primyoss wh #otereith will whey uy night mariov ni QUOT re NOMINATIONS CLORY Haan ae Candidates Mon for for a'elovh Naminution " ul ant foddorn) election elome appear hafore the und deposit then jab being fuMitied th Inst strep cHmpRiEn wi i aliirnin Ip he hey hinve Li officer which will weak of th anter on wn WIOLEN Avil CAN My uf | Yoported ta he thi wl his cur a Vora Tudo cur is blu woeolor and has cover henr | nig the of the Hem of Wilder und Devel Ford Daily if Whith ron poli worpine 4 hud hem talen, The + ive ANON his hosp hroughie conearning Five and Detective FELL ove of A Hit le story to Heht recent! Chile WW. H, Kits Kount Ho Fhntors the Lire Wiel and eanaein Lalaview plonsant Lhe peeipitnt ing Apparently detective on Like Furk Sih wore on hence! dmmet uddanly Fe ane of they whe HO hint pond hn into ty the pnd Captatn Culling the lake, did uld of hi IEEE W101) new frult store opened | King Weel Lhe | wueeupied b haw hind 1 windows shawn FNAMN Id Bale wha cont Conservatory I'laranee pinno Wilor WH doen Hin gunrd al have Hi tinutol not nol go 'n NEW I'he Pr lin sare Henin pint will he Hore on n the "En und Fruit armor vu fH oan WIM tore the the PANN MILAN Pupils of Mi panied the 'e oxi inntlon nine na rehool TTR aur ee Stock Market Prices Mark». Summary by Canadian Vress (oronto and New York stock Quotations Sapplied b) Biggar and Opawtord, Alger Ballding, (shaws ol Toronto Stock Exchange vr e-- » vo---- (None 11% REY High linw 17% toek he, A Of Weng Can, Int Can, hed Conkehott Cry, Dry Din, Mami Im, Miu Gyprum Hy, Wal Int, Ul Int, Nkli nt, Pel Ind, Aleh Imp, Ol Lobe MA" Ms, Hy Mo, It ME, Pwr Rhaw, NM, Htntion | Standard Mining Exchange 10 184 i UR) Ad0 S00 0h non WAN LL LRA " 21460 bl] 184 LR fin FE] An INA Ah id Rh LAL 205 won IA in LEE Abana Alnx Amulet Ng Mix Ch, Rew De, Mins, Maloun, Holl, He, OI Hy, told Hd, Nay Kt, Fly 21 Lk, 8h, 2150 - wore TE Died MILLER «AL Quenn Hospital, London, Ontario, on Tuesday, July 15, 1680, Ralph only son of Mr, and Mes, Joel O Miller, Port Perey, nge 32 years funeral service al Unites | Churel, Port Perey, Thursday, | mat 2.00 pom. Standard Time, L] 2100 Aloxandrin MA nr Thi hue, hon introductory (honours); Donsid Courthin mury school piano; Doroth introductory plano (1st ithel Olsen (1et vluse honours) RINT auras plano VINK THEES REMOVED Three old pine trees, which for Hany stood on the proporty nt the north-west corneas King glooof and Park road, now owned hy the Fuper Te on Co have Faen romoved in orge mike the drivewny fu per Test yours of In fy new room the tion LITTLE PAVING TO 1) During the past three oy WES mxtenelve puv.on his done thi Mout of He puved mand of # mun He nny ther city ile ye Witle pn to he finished and council paving landing "vive 1 DON four yi heii th (8 mile n iy niyronmt Ava of pavement Lhe sme remuinsg the city pon now tun hone nt UL ny to fe Wi dnte led his program MAGINTHATI How na mul rented Major A wha occupied th during the past Mugintrate | not nn MUNT APPOINT Mpeculation | rife who will be appointed police to fi the wv the death of the Hind, LLB position so capably elnven yours During Hind's laet {ne Magistrate | I Willis Whithy conducted vor affielent CRPIY Appointment | TIRE Yacuney Inte ol inn ind will no doa permationt Ihe very mun ne on" untii a made TLHLENTRATED PAPER MAKING (hient ponker wt Kiwanians laneheon yesterday wan My, Poul of the Hawnrd Smith Paper Company My Poulter's addres took the form of sn motion plete performance, showing tn detall the | SHVIONE ninpy (hee maniac npr of high grade linen and hone papers, used In miportant docu mentary work, Hearty applause st tested the Interest of the club In Me, Poulter's fHuminated and 1) luminating lecture, fay in i ake aa NSS Norandn 20406 100 2040 Mh, Grd, 140 LIN 140 wd, Na 160 Iho 160 Th, He, #40 fh ih Ventures 103 (1) 10h Wr, Hr. 10D 10 100 New York Exchange Close 190 W% nk Ney ib [EE na Low 1040 TEN NY nh LER (RR Ne LE] Thy 'A High 186% 70 LET RF hs TEN ne LIEN Th 0h IRAN 2 10 5% not LL) A400 10% "my 0g i 17% Mloek Am, Am Am, Tel, Am, Intel, Anaconda Auto Hitrop Neth, Neol Hyers AM Can, Dry Can, Pao Coy Mme Pry Cn Mim Co, Chrysler Gol, Gan "ox "lim Gen, Klee Gon, Mot art, North Int, Tel Kelvinator Mt, Ward d0d Nut, Cash LEAN I'l, Rd, Coal 10% Paramount #08 Pb, Ny, Jor, DO Radio ,,., 40% Radio Kth, 44 Simmons My Rt Noh 0 TRY U8, Rubber 23% i UN, Nteel - 1034 182 Vanadium LTR FL" Yel, Truck 27H a" Can, Fr, IN » Born VANKHURST-=At the Oshawa General Hospital, on Tuesday, July 18, 1880, to My, ang Mrs Kd. Pankhurat, 42 MoeGregn alreet, a daughter, (1a) | nuved EXPLOSION ON THE DREDGE PRIMROSE REMAINS MYSTERY Defective Wiring Is Only Solution Offered---Injured Cook Recovering crew Are for tho and dredge still wt a lows Lo meeount explosion in the fusl ofl tank of the dredge Primrose, Monday night, which rocked the big dredge, threw the cook, sam Cunningham, with such fores against the galley floor that. he broke his aft Jeg and blew Lockie Togers # deck hand Into the waters of Oshawn Harhor The explosion oveurred toreifle rosy whieh rattled win dows In near-hy cottages and cused alarm to thelr ocetpunts The miracle Is that more havo wie not erested, Two thousand gillons of fuel oll were contained in the tank, enough to have blown the dredge "sky high" ke a steam holler going. off on n Missigsippl river stern wheaeley Prompt setion on the enginesy and nn deck hand the Primrose who sprayed fuel tank with hot steam from the holley and the timely arrival of the city five department probably the from helng de stroved hy flames Vive Chief W, H, Klllot Loduy that an exposed electric von tunel point In the wiring of tha Peimvose was (he reunonnhle theory which could he offersd ps un explanation for the sceldant Fxnminntion of tha aredge vel revenled any dafect Firemen with » of of the the part van) alta only no Ihe hans ['T] In wiring Cunningham hulls from Vort the rook who Arthur, } now resting. quietly at the Usneras! Hosplin) and is under (ha cara of fr. WH, M, MacDonald, An Xeruy exfimination taken yesterday ra ented tht Inft lug had boon broken Yn several places nhove the unkle, An the force of the sxplo slon Hited him off his fest he piruck his head against the galley colling and sustuined a nasty gash Hid condition is regarded as favor hie hing MISSING OSHAWA BOYS LOCATED IN HAMILTON THEATRE Two Young Brothers Had Left Home on July 4 Inds, thir old, must yoling Oshawa toon and Tiftean years have had an iden of colebrating Indopendence Day in a unique fashion, The hoys were reported as missing from thelr home on July Ath and nothing was heard of them until the elty Polles Depart ment was Informed of their appre henslon In Msamilton on Monday night After thely disappearances on July Ath, It was reported that they had heen seen at the lake on the following Munday, but no further trucos of them could ha secured A.W, I, Bmith, truant offiesr of the city instituted a search of the vity for them but without results A notices wus put in The Times on July 0th In the hope that some hoy friends of the missing youths might see the hoy and report the matter to the right authorities, The boys seem to have had an exciting tiny during their travels, first going to Toronto and then proceeding to Hamilton, On Mons duy night they were caught as they tried to steal into the Lyrie Moving Pleture Theatre, The boys attempted to get in by a back door and were captured hy stags hands and handed over ta the authori» tion Bofore going Into the theatre the boys had parked thelr packs in the alley back of the theatre In the paeks were found s quan: tity of oanned goods that the boys ait had beon stolen hy a third boy who fa still at large, The hoys were weary with travel, being rug: pod and dirty after thely week and on half away from home, The hoya were not charged in Hamilton and are being brought to the ofty, Their case will he loked Inte by the Juvenile Court, Twn COLUMBUS Calumbus, July 15, Mra, ©, Ashton and Oshawa, visited with My Robt, Ashton on Bunday, Mr, J, Garbutt and daughter, Ming Bessie Brooklin, at My J Plokering's, Mr, and Mrs, Levi Ward and son, Klymer, Bnflald, visited at My, Thos, Cook on Bunday, Mr, and Mes, 1H, Hardy and fam. ily, Widad, spent Sunday at Mr, Jan, Noeenon's, Mr, and Mes, Mervin Lane, Osh Awa, visited at My, WH, Haye's on Sunday, Miss G, Riohavdaon, spent a few days with Mrs, GL Purves, Mr, and Mrs, WH, Rearle spent a few days at her home at Kpsom, Mr, HL Pascoe and Mr, Killens, are having bathrooms put in thelr homes, ! Miss. I, Lumbers, Toronto visiting with Mr, A, Grass, My, and davghters, and Mrs, Chatham, Mr, and are LIBERAL RALLY TOMORROW IN THE REGENT THEATRE dress on "The Tariff" The Liberal rally in the Roget Theatre tomorrow night promise to ha one of the high Hghis of th eloction cumprign in the viding of Ontario Al this meeting, W. H Moore, the Liberal candidnte Kiva an address on "he # osubject on which, hy reason Wis experiance ay chkirmun of Lhe Turitt Advisory Bonrd, he Is par toulurly well qualified 1o spenk Kupporting My Moore n Penk ars mt this meeting will he Gor aon H, Conant Ident of th Ouhawn Chum bs Commerce und William M proasidani of the Oshawns Lumber Compuny It is announced that the me will not he a long-drawn out fair, hut that 11 will he snappy und Interesting particulnrly n the working people of Osiwe and district, W, EK fincinly, K.( MILE, wil chulrmun to the moesting will bo started wt eight o'vlock prompt, The Onn nwi Citizens' Bund will ha in at tendance prior to the start of the meeting to ronder lively music, It expncing hut he Hagen will be filled important wil ot pre of Glilhert ting Wf not " which in hentri for this aring NOMINATIONS T0 CLOSE ON MONDAY Dr. T. E. Balser, ative, Has Returned Nomn- ination Papers -- T, K, Creighton His Agent | The officiul nomination papel | of candidates for the Voaderal ele {ton in this riding to ba held on July 2518, must be in the hands of Wherift Paxton of Whithy, re turning officer for the riding, not Iter than one o'vlock standard time, two o'clock Oshawa Daylight duving Time, Monday, July 21st The nomination papers of Dr, 1 K., Kniwor, oundidate of (he Con servative Party, were handed in ahout a week ago, They bore the name of 1, K, Creighton; of this eity, as Dr, Kaiser's official agent AL noon today, Bheriff Paxton lind not yet received the poming tion papers of Mr, W, H. Moore, of Plekeirng, who was namad some woeks ago as the candidate of the Liberal Party Both Dr, Kaiser and have been carrying on campaign throughout for several weeks pant FIREMEN KEPT BUSY DURING NOON TODAY BY TWO SMALL BLAZES Two fires kept ment busy during the noon hour today, At 12,00 o'clock they wnawerad a call to the Ritson Nond dump, on Ritson road wouth, where a small blake was hrought under control without diffieulty Half an hour later, at 18,80 pm, An alarm was turned in from the heme of K, Gibbie, #4 Willlam strenl west, On arrival, the fire brigade found a small outhutlding Ablage an the result of a honfive built ton clowa to (t, Damage wan negligible, WMMpRIgn Enth My an the Moore netive counts the fire depart Howard James, Buffalo, apent the week-end at home, Mra, Parnell, Toronto, visited with Mra, 1, Goodman, Mra, Wm, Robson, Toronto, spent Bunday with Mr, Levi Ellen, Mr. and Mrs, John Dyer, Osh. awa, visited at Mr, Dyer's over the week-end, Rev, A, KE. Tinkand son, Kerby, of West Dank, Win, spent a few days with his sister, Mra, 1. Web her, My, and Mra, K, Clark, Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs, I, Robbine, Zon, Mr, and Mra, O, Osborne and danghter, Nowmanville spent Sunday at Mp H, Hayes Mr, and Mrs, ¥, Wickett, Torons to, Bundayed with relatives here, Mr, and Mra, Goo, Reeson, Osh AWA, visited at My, Jas, Reeson's, My, and Mrs, Wm, Ratoliffe, Rrooklin, Mr, Gordon Ratoliie, Oshawa, visited with Me, Roy Rat oliffe, f My, and Mes, PG Purves are spending a few days at Kingaton and Ottawa and other places Kast Mp, Stanley Cook, of Oshawa, in viniting hin uncle, Thos, Cook, Mr, Levi Bllena was In Toronto with hin brother, who in very wick on Monday, Tha ball My, here on team looal of game played Naturday night batween a from Port Perry and ou boyn ended 23:30 in fyvor Columbus, Ah a W. H. Moore to Deliver Ad- Tariff" | to capacity | Conserv: | A iE Armories on May 26, Dr. Kaiser States Opponent's Arrangements For Oshawa Meeting Made Before His Nomination, Voters Told |Comervative Candidate In- | forms Garden Party at Whitevale That Moore's Decision to Enter Cam. paign Cannot Be Result of Hasty Consideration HON, GEO. 8S, HENRY ADDRESSES MEETING | Premier Ferguson to Speak in Oshawa on July 26, Kaiser Announces --Gar- den Party Held at Home of Allan Major nicrred nomination il Hull 1 | ie Lon cuimprign I beer { his muoe ' ARETE TY B. Lene re Varlias and before in election es arenis here meeting uw, rv. TF, be candidate ine ce at White fuct, Dr. Kilser that his opponent's the came ul hasty hit heen suh t the hands of lewder stil of both partie Pare mm rest hie the Joy 1 on which the Armes for meetings ver took us ine tin the dite ould used 1" all" (Continued on Vege 7) prob prepped dp or, f What Others Say TET ------ July 14, il he suid Oshawa Oshawa Dally Timeg Mr. lditor Owing to a number of people 4n Oshawin asking me why song of le ster Flute Band did not bring howe noprive from Lindsay; 12th July demonstration, | wish to explain through your paper why, I, hone of Ulster 1x not 'a and Drum Band as they use full flute Instrumentation (except NB flat Baws) and plays the atest mureh muni ) No Ifa In Ontario outside Toronto district is there a prige of tered for mw hand playing pang title, which is the class sons of Ulstar would have to compate 1, A It would have heen very une fly to the fife and drum bunds (alking part in the parade if the Judges had included Hons of Ulster In thely prize Hist, ng there is very Iitle comparicon in a I flat single keyed flute and an 1 flat Bass flute fitted with elght keys and tuning slide Yours truly JOHN BINGHAM, Hons. of Ulster Flute whers Handmanter, Band, Oshawa, In Memoriam CARRIN «In loving memory of Annie Gi, who passed away suds denly nt BEmith's Falls, July 14, 1020, One year has passed Hinee dear Annie reward, Wao loved her in i We love Lier In death God loved her best Ho He ealled her home to ress, God's will he dono, Sadly missed hy the Hill family (13a) passed to hee CARRIE In loving memory of our beloved daughter. and sister, Annie G, Carrie, who died July Tath, 1920 in her nineteenth year, precious one from us has gone, \ voles we loved is still, place fs vacant in our homs Which never can be filled, Wo miss hor at a thousand turns Along life's weary way, "or 1ife 18 not the same to us Binee whe wan oalled away, Madly missed by dad, mother, slater, brothers and Charlie, ' (tia) UNatlons must eultivate the aplvit of tolerance, respect for the rights of others and International Justice Me=Frank 0, Kellogs, Coming Events A Oouta por word each Ine sortion, Minimum charge for each insertion, 8fo, CONRERVATIVE MEETING FRI. day night, July 18, Regent Theatre, Sir Arthur B. Morine, KCL, CRG Lub, exspremier, Newfoundland, (180) SATURDAY NIGHT, JULY 34, monster meeting at Memorial Park, Premier 4, Howard Fer Ruron ¢ (1381) CHOSEN FRIENDN DANCE TO night over Dewland's store, Gonta 280, ladies 100, (13a) --

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