Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Jul 1930, p. 8

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r PAGE EIGHT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, JULY 14, 1930 | July 16, Among [ |] hold duties by placing thelr child: and collective farms and 600,000 Al ) Al Lwill open ut Calgary an the morning | Wednesday, ven in nurseries which ave being | WIE be Ariving tvactore, " [of Monduy, dnly 14, Address oF Lye gf subjects to be discussed 18 vr 3 4 fn 3 3 "] b $ Women will compose 00 per 4 {the president, C, N, Cratehtield, blihat of the duhenormel. eniid, Au Bhawintun Valle, Gu, 16 shib |p eon jy to he given hy the aplal li the 7 ant fla ished hy the govevument ana | 5 oral Wghty skilled labourers, : lh by faking thelr meals In publie | gy pay cont of the Tuhourevs having i [od for the warning with veports of Chamber af Commeres of. KAmon mess halls, average qualitications and 45 per J LE committees and of the seerevivy MoE panaiiet wit) he tender It i expectad (hat as A result wnt of non bkiilag farm labourers | [1 Saldwels of Raging, uh JB ol Led Lhe delegates In the evening hy (1) i Hh i of the inerenss in the number of jo percentinge of women in in: | H ; "Lilie Alberta government, Late at ehean to the Asjagites aud Lhe this party lenves (oF Junge " N 1 (1 Hold Down Jobs on Farms, economically Independent women Aumtrinl enterprises will INEYERRE | Federation Hessions Being gehiont hon iL Wn diner wt Ty HIRH engaged in trades, tha number of trom 20 poy cent, in 1040 to 45 per f . . |! hon) h my i on dine Wr | avviving Thursdny, Jwiy 41 " as Laborers and in Dowsewives In proportion fo the) C000 In 1056, They will number Held in Calgary nef er Ala " pd BEng [finiahed business will he sempleis TRE y { " ener WIBINGES LeERIOn Wi | p "nti y y ha Factories toinl nambas nf vam wi ir wan. tro illien In ebarasiiun This Year TPIT LBL TR dd J the tasopt wh. whore to crepe fram G6 tn pereen ' Auather at the legislative huilding | ' ! f 4 ' A mn---- and hullding (trades wil) increase b 4 Why Mrs, Muskrat Didn't Miss the Young Muskrate Moscow, Russla=--Almost ever) More than eaven millon Women | 0p ii on within the Wussduy morning, July 14, fo a one does a man's work in Ruseia | WI he engaged In all sections of | you (ran Yenrs Calgary, Alta, duly 18 «Three | Wo-dny stay. Legal angle of teach _ weineluding the women, national deaonomy hy 1044, This bi 5 seare delegates from all paris of |#I¥ oir ony will hie treated hy : : an ' 0 the il Geogre |} n Alle £0 f By Thornton W. Burgess In exocution of its pregram of | WIL ha 85 ner cont, of Aha total Co wo oman 8 to he Dominion win expected to pie |G i I. Van A on, | wn Fl hold an aflernonn meeting to mike ! i ---- Mp -- ---- = | emancipation of*wemen, the Koviel number of persons working for al nu A tend the annual conference of the {non a 1 "i " Ayeus Jiichanh CRVTAIBRIMENE (OF Lhe DIOBYEER of 4 ound to find A hive in the Saviet Vinion, as wean | ¥ iy dd wiensy {Canadinn Tanehors' Pedevation (oI to be tenderad, hy the Ldmaontoy |O* 50 4 Whatever is, you're houn ' Government plans (0 expand the party' in London, At whieh, of [ne held fn Abert in mid=duly, Pour | public sehagl hoard ang after (hi {seni Ly ! 1 Hamad On sunday, doly: 14, the dey Lpelor ta the apening of the confers I nen wl Calgary, the sxeeytive will ¥ be ay veuson Vins behind, field of fobs held by women and | 5,400,000 women or 87 per cent. of | ul : cau ' jer Moth'y Nature, fale blo bald to oh on tha tots) in 1080, feu. ia favorite Annes will be | days at sauelon fn nll hive heen a) Witar naan oy WORKIN BUREN f 8 Fully ranged extending from July 14 taftion is avenged al Gayernment | in which men have held a monop In 1088, tha Yast vear nf (ha Tia wali wa masot: aoabinut i 40k ei at , 4 A House falawed by a teip-ta Ik | " : Jars Muskrats rn ort J ' ! ) on, Ava year reconstruction plan, 1, And at such a party you WA |) a In hein i" Colnary, Lamon Ld) "fal wa Aripia Tih In fet nts Amann The bride Hote omen. fur. thempelvon, : All ' ir ing a WHL he freed | 300,000 women Will he engaged ax {yued in invitation Tus! way of thei Oficlals of the tederation waplain | A nimher ol commit wil ow aii Bind ive hott ars J IH / A \ ' 3 ely I} rdensome gs | t ult techni n' ' i Be ' ) 'T wil Lan We "" , ii of them had gone down 10 the pls ' : of thelr most burdensome house: | "agricultural ach inns" im #tate [door that Cus sont yon that the 1h annual conference beghmit reparts in the moving of | Border Cities Bias River, for you wee, they wanted 10 - y -- , veo something of tho Great World, ELLA CINDERS---First me 10 Cupid and the #miling Pool was not & big Ga nough place for them, Now, you would have thought that thelr mother would have missed (hen ndly, fhe didn't, Kha didn'l seam (0 miss them at all Peter Ttabbit noticed (hin, should think you would ha vary lonesome, Mis, Muskrat," sald . i 4 ip Pater, of should think you would he very A TRYING TE TLR 4 # a HE Ati AND THR v18 Mes, Veter veyy lonesome | jonesome, Mis, Muskrat," sald Peter 4 LEVINE, Sk INGE 1 AR AND THRE when the last of her children goes LE he P A OF SIGHT AULSIED: the Groat World Ak | - Whee! / Mie! = . I OS Mrs, Muskrat, grinned I'ejer "Woman of them J Py OA) vr CITHER EA + J Peter considered for a Moment, | wera paginning to think that they ammipeTvent i - A NARS | Haw in AMAR Finger 1 Hb / 'Well! said he, "sometimes Wy paw all that | could teach them 4 " : ANE YELL, PE h seams to ma there fan't any 1880 gs hy (he time 1 get home again lang, 1" You know, one family ts hardly out fipney" may have started off into nf the way when another one tAken | (ha Great World Your children ite place, 11 seams to me BOMB | qanp seem 10 worry you much times ax If there ave babies In the | yep 1 . dear Old Briavspatch all the time "Nar Ao Yours seem to worry through the summer,' you much, Petar, vepliad Jerry Mp, Muskrat grinned "We bggat then, | guess the mothers de mothers do not have mugh LIme 16 worrying enough for tha whois he lonesome," said she, And With leamily Worrying soems to be part nit another word she dIsAppaAIeU for 5 mother's job, Hello! Here under water and Pater saw no more tomes Longlegs! Now, who can ha of hey that day, ha and whera did ho come fram?" Terry Mugkrat spent mont af i (Copyright, 1080, 7. W. Burgess) time (aking things easy, e The next story: "The Beautiful » was platy 10 ent and Mite itt Luiranger." TELLING TOMMY eulty in getting it, There was no --- work demanding his attention, No od TET ------------ Jarry swam about visited and had Fach polities) party Insists that aan TT -- LE PHA SHAW time generally Peter Rab: (Lhe election wl result in a clean : . ; of V, " 6 3 ood tue | iM romemper hat sweep for (ta wide, This demon DO AMY OTHER BYES TOMMY, THE SEA | | ; io. TP (HAT 11 THE 1 ve, Muskrat had had that [strating that times have not chang. (| ' ' Q 1 THE TAPS \ A ji 4 a in the house in the bank [ed much since the Jast election N MAL BLSIDES ELEPHANT, TH IAPIRS / . . 7 ar HORLD DOS. BE ENDED UP of the smiling Tool, Jerry had hag | Port Arthur News-Chronlele WE ELEPHANT BANDA LIT REY, / : y \ W oN A SEAL HAVE TOME AY \ 10 §0 elsewhere, - = . . " Span uF TY 0) { \ D1 (hf ) 4 4 Rh ¥ ' A. sibpone,: anid Peter io Jerry, HE ._, a -- HAY RK ALL HAVE TRUNK b. i a h \ = Pa \ | 1A TRUNK FOR Y "that now the family has gens, yuu TME TABLES § DADDY FF " il f J \ ) Wl Bor can't use [] " {Lif A » YAY 1 or ' Vv ey ge Ara back dn that home of yours In Ne bil T TIME TABLES the bank," a g ' d | / i ferry grinned, "HUpposing LEY ) f Wil { ( \ A bl) make iL so," said he, i ada mss aasas ans od byl AN PIETY IVER, d \ [! | i" if "What do You mean by that? Whithy, Oshawa, Bowmanville . ' | | ; 4 J AWRY demanded Peter, BUN LINE oust what 1 sald," replied Jerry, WEEK DAY SCHEDULE ) /Do you mean that you are net EEX ME Buy | i f living there!" Petey asked, (Eg Alar Api we) : ; on \ TRUNK THE TRUNI SERVES 16 USEFUL fy ue . ! il {AN {RE pi 15 (75 HAM f R" ji py do guested Ho suid J ' Lrava taney hay 1 0 Arrive 4 ; 3 1 I. 1 W i A Of 5 ThE FLE PMA y IR INK ) f ( f ACW y y n . fnur Why! he demanded Pov Manville Oahawa hitny Hoopla! \ : f ] YiICE f ) PRY int Ait i VERAL SPE of TAPIR why 9 thera?" am, FARCMIMG KC MAECTS THE y : 4 wid wh arn! you Uving "id that ' ' nel ame bl Shahi MAY Au) \ FOUND iM iMDIA AMD CENTRAL AND S0UTH For the same reason nt 1 FL vA f 10.05 an. 10.00 am Le) / RE FOUND ITC AFRICA AND ALGERIA y fldn't Nya there before yeplied | 48 85 [38 Bin 1000 pm, 1248 pm v y Sh SIT ' AMERICA, THEIR SHORT TRUNK 1% VERY lorry, and grinned again IMpm 130 my LEE ARE THO SPECIES OF ELEPHANT 3EA ARYA TU MA "You mean-=you mean began LA pom ! My LR] pm, ( ' hd ' Lo) MCOMVEYING $000 10 THE MOUT | Peter. Lm a) po: St an [THE MALES WAVE LONG FLEXIBLE SHOUTS OR to Keke En pay earns VExaglly," ald Jerry inerrunts f of pin , KBh seem ___ LAA MA du Sad dud = g Fons bond : A ing, "That is just what IT mean,' 4 om, h H fim "§ "How many this time} Peter in. | 48 hm ' L hm \ of nm ome 1040 pm 100 om | BRINGING UP FATHER quired, 11,00 5m 15 pom, : B Geo M Jerry shook his head, "'T don't i ' Fant . Anite , y h «Manus "Ppabably | Leave Hy v . f - n -- ------ -------------------- LE My J mdm PIODADY | wospiel Wi Pihavy LORD MALIBOL 1% BOT BEFORE + | MAGGIE HOW DS , =O HC 7 DONT BOTHER ME "Now | know, sald Peter, "why ' 740 nm, GONNA GIT MARRIED PTART WRITIN " TOL AEE ' A NOW MUST CALL (| Mra, Muskrat hasn't seemed to miss ; ' ag 4M | _~N MAGGIE ORDERED | MOST ASK MAGGI CONGRATULATION & ? p N I Nr oo the children who went out Into the | mom 1208 nm, ME To WRITE A [ SoMETHIN ; - ! : | ' weINBR Great World," +% pm 3X am, [| LETTER ©F Cori: ? lig bg, - ' | BEFORE \ FORGET \T: | | | FRATOLATION TO Him . That's it, replied Jerry, 'Nhe 1.45 pom, 410 um, rrm-- -- ~ | | A i ae rn eh Am. err ram om RRS RXN ) had something else to take up her \ : YE mind, Hy the way, Pater, what 43 pm f ' hos ams about your own family? Haven't | 450 pm ' [8 om vou any babies over in the dear Old {Rl Bg Rriavspateh?! 0pm, 11,10 Pm 1.3 pm Mw SL did have when I left home, | Time marked * are (hiough mass Whithr. Hospital, ----------y SUNDAY AND HOLIRAY SCHEDULE Caing "nl Fe It £3 ro S Leave Loaves Arrive Arrive 0 | Vawmanville Ushawe Whithy Hawa) : NWA 00 hm 00 em A The Leading Jeweler Lah om, Lid pm 0 bm Established 1880 Sdiom A18 pm, 6% pm aol IRE i | ais hy LRN ii ita Hi 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH |. kim ai hn A 5m maw er a" East | fe IA Laan Arrive Ariv , " ! ! Hospital ~~ Whithy Oshawa Bowmany) . 1000 am, 1005 gm, 10.80 am, L100 a ' _-- ~ 3 - . Ei -- ET ---------- { (3,30 poi, 1348 pw, A fm, Hy ha 5 nm, AN pm, Ad ' r 4 pm, Sam weBy Grace G, Drayte | For Your Drug Needs lh wm Fn ih A AA apo -- ow 100 pm VLI8 am, LL00 mm. IR Boa XY. ¥ § \ % | ' ly ' | A Lt THOMPSON'S | 1.10% ii, ii ii | TF ERATE | 3 =38 3333533332333 Whithy Hes: THEY ARE DARLINGS \ 10 Blaicos St 8 = We Deliver Redon te Ao Sho Br wi " yA, fi RE fo \ Now A NE od ---- + A GA " y Japriain { h i " | Ye m . Baw Mills hone 41 LL ' \ . ( HERE ARE SOME Oshawa's Wal ine Roam, 10 Prime my, b/ PRETTY FLOWERS hone ¥ ROR YOU. MOTWRR ; t hin irin oar AN SIN / Nes BEY... a Nackinety SG || ota son : } NC Vl Ne ee | : : Li Wb hv} | v NOTHING 100 SMALL (igndard Fie) . Datly Adanac Machine Shop MERE. Sect Seda 100 King St. W, Phone 1814 id 1 NN Hy * Goin Be LL S.A Jn, i ine wily (Basept Sunday) ily COAL COAL || didi} BT > ¥ 6 LY ----t y 24 ih \ CANADIAN. NATIONAL RAILWAYS DOLLY BOBBY AND COMPY MAT A DRAR . Vatwe | { rv \ wv. J. SARGANT (fie Yim Bie PEKING LOWERS: "COME Phat arty vr] ahi bh tit bi 1 dg, HA SY Banned Hioop Areet » 1] \ 1 - eli Ad og sy | TALK TD STRANGERS" SHE REPLIED | gk Nps HE GAN PLAY WITH Ve CANES PEAR GES ALI { m------m------ " ---- SN ---------- . ... a. am Dal TILLIE THE TOILER--Now Who Is Disappointed? PUT @N WAR RED Ca Ca BART by A Bey BE NEE JE AN HED CAAA DEAR SHE SAD. SAID "RT MATHER WONT LRT Wh "COME TO MATHERS COTTAGR AND 5 Wikia | [THE LITTLE GIRLS MATHER, WAS MAKING [aah ant aoe ns Fg Sh AN \ 3 BA ve : as in DW nn ily my Daily, Except Sunday tly y 1] Bacapt Sunday Jally \ . hod ) MAY Vd ) STROUND FROMTHE! BEACH HOUSE. wou Te ND TAKE ME © A yelp BB N. CA TTALE LIKE THAT, ME'S WRENDINE Hib Two FOR A RIDE RIGHT AWAY» hi) ONE MUMBY. © MES. TOMER TILLER AAU ERS VACATION HERE) TE YO Alls = NEE h \ 4 HAVE BEEN w, Daily Comb 0 y lig ry] ABOUT IT LA War You A(T Bon DS ARROINTED |! A » '@ 3 (i 4 of aA \F Yau HADNT | hail, Fatant Jundes BETTER GRY UR : Ted) A! || | NASATION MHERE J \n pot "iia Jit iy AND DRESS, TA : hails = TLL EB ly (ly Kavept Sunday -------- EZ: 233: i PCa mz MW SPRUIALTY Waloh (a No &iving bi oan repair and 0 Ab tell the correct D: J. BROWN 2 Rational a roa "a Beugees 3 z8wxs -- DOW aT i, zs

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