Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Jul 1930, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, JULY 14, 1930 PAGE FIVE Women's | nterests in the Home --- and the Community | | SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Miss Marjory Sprentnel) Elgin street, Is spending her summer va- sation at Bobcaygeon, Ontario, Mrs, Mark Smith, of Torento, is spendin the summer at Bishop Be- thuné College, Mrs, Frank Chap ell and two chil- dren John and Nesta have recently returned from a short visit to Col bourne, Ontario, Miss Kileen Pipher, Bruce street, is holidaying at Thurstonis Park, Lake Sturgeon, Miss Evelyn Massey, Albert street, is visiting in Londen, Ontario, Mr, and Mrs, P, B, Tresise and family, Greta street, are spending a oliday at Head Lake, Ontario, Miss W, Grundy of Guelph, Miss K, Ash and Miss B, Ash of Elmira, Mr, PP, Grundy and Mr, O, Snider, of Winterbourne, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. J. Mills, Albert Bireet, My, and Mure, Btusrt McTavish have returned to Oshewa from Re. gina, Mr, McTavish having been transferred here hy. General Mor tors of Canada Limited, Paul Verland, late of Oshawa King Street United Church was the guest soloist at the new Hope United Chureh, Toronto, en Sunday He sang two solos "The Volee In the Wilderness" and. "Behold There Shall Re a Day" Weddings BRITTON-~MORISON On Saturday afternoon ut three o'clock the First Baptist Church was the scene of a very pretty wedding when Audrey, oldest daughter of Mr, and Mrs, George J, S. Morison, of Masson street, was united in mare riage to John C, Britten, of Toren. to, The ceremony was conducted by Rev, Aubrey W, Small, While Mrs. J. H, Wilkins at the organ was playing the wedding mareh the bride gowned in a fashionable frock of vel low georgette with large mohalr hat of the same shade entered the ehurelh on the arm of her father The bride's bouquet was of dainty talis man roses and fern, Miss Muriel Morison, sister of the hride was the NOTICE! "The Times' will publish re: ports of meetings of all Wor men's Organizations in the community, ~ Kindly addrew | such to Women's Page Ed- | itor or Telephone Numner 35, When writing remember te use only one side of paper | Saves nendiess CURA o people by relieving Mead: aches and the menihly paw of woven and breaking vp 4 ld overnight pe = July Clearance Our Are Right THE FASHION SHOPPE 84 Simcoe NL NH, Prices * Pour milk or cream in a brimming bowl of these toasted rice bubbles--then listen while they sing a song of crispness! Snap! le! Pop! This great new oereal is telling ™ how filled with wonder flavor every mouthful is! Children love it -- for hroukia, lune i ¥ supper, our grocer's, Kellogg in London, Ontario, \ TAY FIs Charles Augustus, shown in an informal pose, above, Is the haby son of Col, and Mrs, Charles A. ---------------------- only bridesmaid. Her becoming frocl wis of pale green chitfon and her wide brimmed hat was of the same shade, Lawrence Britton, brother of the groom acted as hestiman, After the wedding ceremony a small recep tion for the members ef the [an ily was held at the home of the bride's parents, Towards evening the bride and groom left on a honey moon trip metering to Montreal wid Quebec. Mr. and Mrs, Britton will reside in Toronto, Previous to her marriage Miss Morison was present ed wi. h many beautiful gifts her friends, An sunt, Mrs, FH. Hreeh in, of Toronto, entértained a shower in her honor and another shower wis uiven her by the teachers and officers of First Baptist Church Sunday School, Among the out-of-town who attended ding were Mr, and Mrs, Howard Brechin, of Toronto; Mr, Welton Brechin, To ronto; Mrs, Wilkinson, Toronto; Mr, and Mrs. GG. ¢ Britton, Toron tog oor and Mrs, Geo, Britton, Whit by: Mr, and Mrs, A, E. Richards Misses Margaret, Dorothy aiid Jovee Richards, Toronto; Miss Marion Ane drew, Toronto fron from the wed BAINBRIDGE DWARDS On July 1hth at King Street Unis ted Church parsonage Dorothy Amey Ndwarde, of Courtice, for merly of England, was united In marriage to Harry Bainbridge of Courtice also formerly of England, by Rev. C, E, Cragg, The bride and AND EXCLUNIVE Lindbergh, The child was born on | dune 498 at the Morrow home at Englewood, NJ, and both Mes oom were sipported hy Mr, gnd Mrs, Henry Burrows, of Counrties Mr and Mrs. Bainbridge will make | their home in Courtice BROWN==I"OTTA On Baturday, July 12th at the home of My, and Mrs, Walter Potty, | King Btreet West, thelr daughter, | Eva May, was united In marriage | to Roy BW. Brown son of Mr. and Mra, Tunne Brown, Marlin, Ontario The. ceremony was performed by | Rev, C', W, Cragg. The hride who | Was given In marriage hy her | father, was gowned In a beautiful wedding dressy of white oe | and lace, with lace vell arranged With eraown of orange blossoms Her hotguet was of pink valley Whias nnd fern I'he two bridesmalds, Misses Joan Walker, | Oshawa and Ruby MeDonsld of Toronto, wore hecoming frocks, ! | | roses, | ene of hive and the other of yeol low, with widebrimmed to muteh, Thelr houguet wore of talisman , Muon Churlie Hrown, hrothgr of the groom, actad as best man, The wedding musie was play ed by Miss Blanche Lesnlak The wedding ceremony took place he fore an arbour of ferns and sum mer flowers, and the remainder of | the house was pretiily oo far the occasion, After the wedding # buffet supper was served, later the bride and groom laft on a honesymonn trp to the Thousand Is lands, On thelr will make thelr home at Ons return they Merlin {nnd PHO TOGRATH OF LINDY'S BON Lindbergh and the baby have sles heen reported as progressing splendidly Among the guests were, Mr My Isnae Brown, Marling ind Mrs. Hae Brown, Detroit} und Mrs. Hobert Douglas, Tor Mr, und Mrs, Lyman Peters und daughter Queenie, Toronte; Mi A. Marent Montreal; Mr Harry Mutton, Colborne, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Wtoliker, Chatham; Mr, und Mr Fred Miley, Cobourg, and Mr nnd Mrs. Alfred Whaley, Col horne SH tarin My Mi anto NTHAWHEIRRY GRADE he Wratt Braneh of the Domin ton Department of Agriculture has recommended no grado (or straw hevries for 1080 as follows Hoo 1 shall consiot of strawher rhe \ the (calyx) und a stem attached which ure of good colour, Arm but not over-ripe, free from surs face molsture, hrulses, bird pooks, mould and from damage caused hy sand, diseases or other means The mintmum diameter shall he five-oighths inch, mossured from de In ordey Incldent Ih Hp short well formed, to wide to allow for variations commereinl grading and handling, five per cent hy volume of the berries in any lot be under the prescribed size in addition, Ave par cont by of the berries in such lot muy helow the remaining re quirements of this grade to careful man} and, volume he History of Divorce Laws in Canada The Procedure in the Respective Provinces Differs Widely After the approaching long summer vacation of the courts, which continue thyough July and August, the new di orve proceed ure will be in full swing in tals Province, Heretofore, all appli oatlons for dlverce In Ontane had to come befere Parliament, that body alone having power (0 out the bond between man and wife, Now, the heaving of eviy ence and deciding whether the application shall be granted -ui not will come hefore the supreme oourt, This Is In accordance with the recent legislation passed ut Ottawa, There are no shortcuts to ounjugal emancipaticn fn Canada although there are now mai olvarly defined thoroughfares «2 the divorce mills, The road to matrimonial freedom In plainer than it ever was, lut mo in the law at the end of the road. Thal goes for Prince Edward Island where divorce machinery must he rusted by long disuse, and it goes tor all 'he provinces rien thr gh te British Columbia here the battle cry of freedom Ia heard throughout the year, Those people who predicted thet the establishment of diverce gourts in Ontario would eause {demic of matrimonial ship wreo! © forget that the laws gov erning divorce have not ehanged mueh alnce Confeaeration There were reasons for the tederal legl lation which estan. lished divorce courts in Ontarie -for this provinge caused the con g tion In the divorce mill at OL tawa, In the year 1028, for (ne st oe, out of 785 divorces grant ed In Canada, 213 were grant. od to' people living in Outario, Britigh Columbia eame next with 208, and Alberta uext fin line with 108, which doesn't leave much for the other provinces These figures mean, of course, tha. the Dominion parliament hag been inundated with diveree oases properly belonging te One tario, and the flond has been steadily rising. Back In 1021, for lantance, the Dominion parila ment yranted 111 divorees aun the number grew bigger with each passing year till it reached 249 1a 1930, Obviously, the econ- plderation of thet number of ivorce camsd entsils, or should entail, a greai™amount of work, "ud parliament ii decided that it should note cluttered up with these Ontario divorce case every year, Courts for divorces cases were not established in England until 186K, and hecause of that fact Ontario's cases have heen wetiisd at Ottawa, Upper Carada (now Ontario) was orented In 1702, and acquired the elvil and erim inal law hen existing In Kng land, But at that time divorcee In England was in the hands of the "aoeleninstion) courts," and the woclesinationl law of England was not Introduced inte Canada In 1704, or afterwards, When the Knglish divorce courts were established in 1468, the provinces of Upper Canada did not=--as British Columbia did==make the English law thelr law, An a re sult, therefore, Ontario and Que bee had no divorce courts at the time of Confederation, while Nova Sootia and New Brunswiok 'Id have them, and retained them, Quebee, therefore, in the only province clinging to the eld system now; her cases continue to 'go to parliament at Ottawa, An odd system revally In Prince Kdwara Island, which, In the matter of divorces, has the heat record, by far, of any Canus dian province, In fact, its record {a unequalled on the continent. Back fo 1885, an act of the col onlal legislature constituted the governor and hin exegutive coun: oll a court with jurisdietion in divores, That act was retained after Prince Edward Island ene tered Confederation ang It is still on the stat broks, Only one suit he been hrought under it, and that suit was never con ol ded, the executive council de olining t+ act an Judicial tel bonaly Ir 1 4 the Dominion parliament grauted divorce to A resident of the Island; that way the on ta in hieh pam nt granter an Islanders petition 'for divorce, That. ree ord speaks volumes for the ohare aoter of the people ¢® "The Gar den of the Guit" The Ontario Act does not troduce the entire ) and the Ontario procedure will La rrowt ROMew Al As a I'e sult, particularly in respect of custody af children, post-divorce wlimony, and prop.riy rights There will be th deviations from the Englieh procedure, or lustance, the Itloner will be obliged to fle an affidavit, and allegatlcns will be sorutin: god, Thin Is almed at possible onllusion, Hearings will he conducted io publie, by judges on elroult, and there will he no restraint of the press, but it Is expected that un- lean unusual elreumstances enter Into the cases, little will be sala about them In the newspapers According to the authority inter viewgd, there is no Justification for any expectation that the se ouring of divorce, under the new law will he cheap, From correspondents in var lous provinces, The Ntar Week: ly has compiled a cross-country summary of the operation of the Canadian divorce courts, These resumes follow: ine 1 The first divorce court In the | Dritish Empire came into belug in Nova Scotia fn 1750, The first divoree in the colony was grant: 6d two years later by the gover por-in-counell, Thus Nova Scotia's erigioal divorce court antedated Confed. eration by over a century, A» provineial courts were' not inter fered with by British North Ame erlea Aot, the province doutinupy to have its divorce court, Ak though the act provided that the Canadian Senate could rant divoroes by Individual privace acta of parllament, The cost of auch a divorce wan prohibitive for most people, ° but the Novw Sootla divorce was ana Ia cow: paratively cheap, the amount de pending upon whether the evi dence in taken in the province or at a distance, The entire coat of a divorce In Nova Scotia is fre about $150 to R360 or 3400 in undefended onnes, "If the petitioner be a woman, ahe can get an order for the pay: ment by the husband of defence expenses; $16 for fees of the court, end an order for alimony during and after the section, The procedure Is the ime 6s in the present Knglish couris; the causes, Infidelity or cruelty, or both, The petition for divores is first filed with the court, Then the parties are cited, In hiv province the co-respondent Is not cited, nor can the petitioner (as In England) sus for dumnges against the co-respondent, The tris) is without & jury, The judge sums up the evidence, gives the decision, and pro nounces the "decrees uhsoliie" There is In Nova Beotis no "dee ures nisl" ==whiech deluys the final decree for a period of tie during which the decision may be "aitncked,") In undefended canes, in King's proctor iu wppointsd to look nto Wl evidence and to ses Lhut there is no collusion betweon liushuud mo wits, Within the past thirty yenrs thers have heen anywhera from four to 42 divorces per annum 1 Nova Beotin, In only one your 101 Bwewns there no divorce in the provinge, After the wir, Lhe total leaped, bu' wynin sihalded The public and the press nr not admitted to the heurings ol the divorce court of Novi Heolis Back in 1701, the infant prov Ince of New Brunswick pissed "an act for regulating murring and divores," Heetlon nine of Lh nol states that the cause or causes for divorce shull remain within the degrees prohibited in and hy an wot of parliament made in the 42nd your of th reign of King Honry the Bighth By chapter 115 of the vy vised statutes of New Hrunswichk, 1987, the court of divores and matrimonial enuses continues te function "within th und in something of and much of the phraseology of the eccle the elghth Henry's time New Brunswick's divorce court rants two decrees mensa et thoro" mors important, rimonit,"" I'he court can Kive a "a vinculo matrimonii the statutory ground ity. It has Jurisdiction alimony New Brunswick diva court, though still, In 1040, di solving marriage for danse "win In the degrees prohibited In snd by "an met passed In 1524, fun tions with dignity and efficiency But If you want to he divoresd on Any such frivolous grounds that of Ineompatibiiit you might just nx well ba dend in Mairie Kngland with the Pla TARA ME AN to seek annulment in Now Brunswlek In 1010 Manitobn wa the power of dvoree dep the wlyle nnn lnatics ol or TULL the one ' the far "a ovinewlo mal mie divoree only on | of infidel to gram of temper granted Prior to that year folks dis covered that it was an silsy mut tor 10 got married, bul a dif cull and expensive task Lo secu /e un anninlment, Lega) redress could only he secured from OL tw, In' %0 yours only 24 diy orees wore so obtained, Thiv figure, of course, does not in clude those who mig uted to the United Hintes to obtain divoress In the first year of operation the court of King's bench (which hus legal Jurvisdicti. in the mn! ter) granted no less then KY divoress--or alm owt double the number granted hy parligment in the previous L0 yours In the decade which has fol lowed the court hag granted Bhs divorees, or wn gyernge of Bh per yoar, The reeord year wax 1921 wiht 142 divorces granted, 1927 halng second with 102%, yery Tuesday morning # Judea of the court of King's beneh presides over the divor e (roceadings, Only censlonully | t ere more then a handful ol paciutors presen' The nuws paperk do not rerort the chases From 8200 to $500 1 the nveripe of fegul woparntion Thin wl expense ha procedure is slinple A petition Is fled the ngerieyed party, This In served on the pontent, who Is given a vaped thine in which to reply, If Hving In Manitobin this thine dnyr, "To those resident United Sitntos IL Is 2° da nHowed fo ye OVaraei If cout Ineluds n Three pant there I» months mre Hing no response to the jo and of the time Hmit ol down on the dn Inter Ti Waskntehewnn less than hoo tu hinve heen din units the use un contrat that pre wines courts n that 4 hana tnurt wid hing hoop he Phere havi the thuoli Gorney old do hy Indes of King Hodivaree 1H I'ha fud Luve hoe win where uf bench hea granted bh court 1] im Pik jury Ihere Muskntehe herd avi I'iu In In form wis Wh month Judge will wu ment without fofew canes 1 juries hue dence In divorce petition If granted hut end of six nitorney general on of doers eonditionnl hecomes nt the the on oa ples fHegulity mull rof used of the thawun are not makes the In demandin women than men ure for divoree or alnte unl colunion I'here pereentige. of Leryen has np or other wen a Hon Most ph in Aelonded, Hoknt hut wane ve th COUPE more evidence petitioners wnt newspaper publelty wid to be | securing mn | Hit iv 10 | the | thon at the | Het for trial ten | wie | A | More New Price RED LABEL REDROSE TE % a uney, A pripted would wed a ki. In divorces, ] were In the next three years number wus 64, 84 and 120, | The record since 1922 1s ap fol | low 10Y Ty 1024, 118; 1026, | 100; 1026 1007, 148; 1048, 108; 1020 Lanomy | krantod the klvan to the | BOomeL me paragraph nhout as | regarding | much uw one ft motorist who lias hrokey a Lrattio bhysluw Ihd 147, . yeur the number of far diveres appears the average for re Alhipin wn oto handla vores cases Wi cone in 1010 I'y 101 the divore in 0 nnd numhog tn ineluding | 0 far thi of BE | to be nrg ipphicntions ted | wi four, In 1014 ound 1914 yours before the took over, the number none two ang two your of parame uhout tent year Alhe each of the whre In the thre provinelpl cour L's divorces courts sre nol a separate branch of the login! muchinery, cases being heard In the regular way fn sits tings of the higher court, granted In 1016 provincial au the first a Wr A EL Permanent Waves, LaMona Oil Method $3.78 MANUFACTURER'S DEMONNTRATION A limited number of these 510 waves will be given at cont for the purpose of cronting a demand (or Le Mons wave in this lawn This method positively doss net harm the hali Batisfabtion gusrantesd ar ne charge, Wave giving hy American artist of wide reputation, Qur wave 1equlres na Nnger waving or additional sest, HIN WEEK ONLY OPEN KEVENINGN 11 1°2 Simcoe St, 8, Phone 936 Elinor Glyn talks to OSHAWA Women about clothes, marriage and romance SOOO OOONN WLOTHES, clothes, olothen! Clothes in courtship! Clothes after marriage! How steadily the note runs through all my correspondence with women," says Elinor Glyn, "and how much of a mystery clothes still seem to be! "Yet it roally shouldn't bo a problem . . « when you realize why clothes are so important, "You know that you look best in certain colours, There in the clue... , for it is colour that clothes makes y allure ing, expressive of you, "So if you would be success. ful in romance or in married life, lot moglveyou tworules,,. "ONE: Wear the colours that suit you best; "I'WO; Koop those colours fresh and new and vital," Just aa you keep your things clean and dainty, "I'he slightest loss in hue, the least deviation from the orig inal tint, spoil the effect , , . and, of course, the charm that the gown on frook brings, "I have found that the allure that lies in colour is protected by Lux, Repeated washings leave things colour-fresh, and RAE RR Ea BW ROOSROOON surroundings, colour ii vitals The at wing, Srufiotion and slip covers of your living room form And lot your surroundings or of the nie spell, And reflect YOU , wore, too, Lux ia invaluable," "Not only in your frooks and noconsories, such as gloves, scarfs and handkerchiefs, but oqually important in your very colour-vital, , , new-like in hue and power to charm, {ght) Washed 10 oni ondis ndoablytuded. | Nop aot ualty Ne Ayonscolouriont If its safe in water it's safe in LUX --_--_--_ a]

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