Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Jul 1930, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAILY IMES, MONDAY, JULY 14, 1930 PAGE THREE Field Day Concludes First Week of Kiwanis Camp Program fine Residence Is Being Built On Simcoe Street North by as. Robso Excavation Work Complet| od and Pouring of Cement to Start This Week | House To Have Frontage of 77% Feet and Depth of | 64 Feet OLD GOULD HOME IN HANDS OF WRECKERS Historie Landmark Must | Make Way for New Resi dence--'""White House' Built by Late George Gould Was For Many Years Home of the Wil:| liams Family Excavating work has been com plated, and the pouving of cament will commence this week, in the construction af the fine new home being hulle on Simeon Biveat North hy Mr, Charlies Rohson, of the Robson Leather Company The residence is heing hullt on the old Gould property, immediately south of the Collegiate Institute, When completed, it will he one of the fAnast homes in the city, and a dis tinet addition to one of Oshawa's heat yesideniinl wireels The new house is hetng huilt whil to the rear of the property, and the house now standing near the street Is heing torn down, A Iavge avea will thus he left for the planting of lawns and gardens, and the grounds will he laid out In # manner in keeping with the hand some hullding whieh 1s ta he erented, The house itself will he of mixed | stone, Credit Valley and Owen Round stone predominating, with | sone free sandstone haing used, The | main entrance will he to the wast facing toward Himeons Bireet, Nearly 5,000 square feet will he eoverad hy the house itself, The frontage will he 77 feet #& Inches, with a total depth of 64 feet, Two storeys and a partially Anished at tie will he hull, | The ground foar will ineluns » Yiving voam, 87 feel 6 inches hy 29 feet 6 inches, with a ceiling height of 10 feet 6 inches; a laren dining room; two panties; kiteheni ih PAYY| coat room; maid's veom| and sn open fAagsione terraces on the | (LIN The second Aoor will headroams, Ave hathraoms, ing room, and two maids' reams, In the cellar, as well an storage ranms, laundry, ate, will he a large gymnasium The architects far the hullding ara Langley and Howland, of Tar onte, while the contraet for oon struction has heen let to the Dickie Construction Company, Taranto, The Toronta Wrecking Company have the subseantracl for tearing down the ald house The wrecking of the ald Gould | home to make way for tha new residence, is now under way, and one of Oshawa's histori landmarks i disappearing In the process, The firat large residence to he huilt on Simeone Bireat hil, the Gould house was the centre of the social life of the community through aver i0 wears of the last century, Rullt hy the late George Could, It was ae eupled by him until about 1886, when It passed inte the hands' of the Willams family, founders of the Williams Plane Co, The Goulds ware one of the old families of this distriot, even at the time when the "white house" was built, George Gould was origin: ally a farmer in Fauntan, the fam: ily home, 'and after coming to Oshawa way engaged in the cattle Hate, buying and shipping ta the Old Country, A nephew of the flould, Mp, M, G, V. Gould In practising law in Row. manville, Bo far as is known, he is the closest velative now living In this part of the country, He is & son of the late John Gauld, hrathey to the hullder of tha white house, A second hrather, Joseph married Maa Molly Luke of this elty, About 1886 the property passed into the hands of My, and Mya R, A, Willams, parents of Mes, Ohas Rabson, The ved hriek house to the navih of the "white house' may eventu: ally he removed alse, Bk A have five A oAew Inta Clearge TOMORROW A AND | Er ---- -------- - EDMUND D LOWE CONSTANCE BENNETT "This Thing Called Me Last Time Tonight "YOUNG MAN OF MANHATTAN" Birch Cliff Man And Niece n of Robson Co. CAR FORGED INTO DITCH, OFFENDING DRIVER ESCAPES | Severely Injured Hearhorn', duly X A Harry Pidgeon of 184 Routh bdge ly Avenue, Biveh CIEE Heights had signalled that he was shout to take a left-hand turn on ihn Kingston Koad, opposite Bt. Nich elieh"s Chureh, at 7 60 (his sven IE 0 eur bearing on United Bintes Heanee plate, travelling behing iu k Pidgeon's coups an Lhe CER wide with a terete bimpael and sped on his wy easl ward he coupe was hurled against telephone pole, which was oul In twa, and Pidgeon was thrawn hod Hy out of his env into & Held ad Joining the ehureh on the narth aide of the highway Dre bi Wo Gemmill uf 800 Kings wood Road, Toronto, whn wig summaned, found that Mdgean had sustaloed severe head niu 108, and severn) sthiehes Wels HBLBERI His niece, Mary Pid KOQN, Who Was uw passenger (nthe ear, had her left eye badly out nnd win sulferl og tram hody hvilees Unfortunately the the afiending ear wan wnd Pd, Melaliand bara' pallies forik clues (oo work on number ni nal saeured ul the Bow has hut shi WEEKEND TOLLIN ONTARIO EIGHT (Cantinued fram Page 1) wheel skidded an he was Mitton | along the dock, and threw him into | the water | Two Boys Drown | Ottawa, I" duly Blipping fram | 8 long hoom, upon which they wap playing, two young 1oeal hoys ware Avawned Haturduy fn the swift | waters of the OLlawn river "hay | Are arel Geovee Nadon 8, and ton, | Meldrum, 10 Killed Ny Tarontn, July 14 Hasha halle Davadonviteh Faventn, | Wan fatally Injuied hy a motor-oal while erasing the street here you terday on her way to a hospital tol VIKIL hey husband who is oritionlly | HE, The driver Dr, Ralph W. Kner ann, dentist, Tarapto, was arrested on A eharge of mansiaughier and released on hall Browns at Haan Hudsan, Ont, duly 14 Petwr Chrishinlm whose home (5 sald to he In Novia Heals was drowned at | Plekle Craw Lake yesterday Auto | Mis hh YOUTH DENIES MURDERING GIRL Portland, Mate, July 14 A 82 years old youth, alleged hy police to have contensed the brutal slaying of A 00 your eld glvl whe worked in the same store when she repulned his advances, pleaded not guilty to diy (0.8 charge of murder and was remanded to Jall without hatl fo the Heptember term of the court, dames M, Mitehell, the yauth, Wan arrested yesterday w fow hours alter the ahavved hody of Miss Lil Han I Machonald wan taund In the Are-ho of & furnace In the base ment of gations, stare voglas tan | 0 Weg) PROHIBITION COST | SAID $069,872,870 tay Canadian Prose Lonsed Wire) Washinton, July 14==The coal of prohibition to the United diatea InOI0UD In wet aL SRSDATHATO In A statement published today by the Association against, the Prohibition movement, OF thin total, the sum of R860, GOT,007 10 the aatimated lows tn ve venue to the faderal treasury, ra hibition enforoement conta are wel ALAN AEEvegate of B40, 600,000, The hnlanoe in the entimuied Joss 10 ulate and lool COLTS EMPIRN THAD UNITY (Melbourne Countyyman) Ona of the Wot Jmpariant mat teria that of substantially Kreative trade reelproeity within the km: PIES HO IRAE an Lhe primary pres ducer 18 conesrned there cun be ne LWO opinions regarding the tw: mend heneitts the consummation of seh & movement would vonler, 1 would assure him an outlet for treble hin present production of export primary compindition, As thik In exaotly what the Qammon Wealth fa wppealing far, It myst be regarded A% a national hoon wn well And undoubtedly 1 would VE AO LO AN eRarmaus extent ng Winit lye The teacher hn FIVINE Lhe olass A lecture on gravity, Naw, ohlidren,' she sald, "it is the law of BIMVHY that Keeps wa On thin earth," "Rub please, teacher inquired one amatl ohild, "how did we atiek | hiring Wan and | Man On hafore the law wan pasaed OSHAWA ORANGE LODGE BAND WINS PRIZE AT IINDSAY LOL. 686 Ranked First In Big Contest----Juvenile Band Did Well In competition with fifteen firs vines fife and drum hands from hall w dosen counties, 1,01, 644, af Oshawa, took rst prize in the fife ana drum hand contest durin ¢ the monster Ovan: : exisheation #l Ldudway on Baturday, The price luven alll flug, 18 nw on Meplay in the window of Ward's siare Another pris went (a (his dis Lilet, © waen Ladies' Loyal Tran Blue Lodge of Bowmanville tans rst plea In the contest for he hest dressed adler' lodge Th ishinwn Ladies vaceived speci) mention fn the sami contest i The Juvenile hand, one thier prides of the local Orange Associntion, missed the prise fol the host hove" band hw matter of Inehes only, Thay wars hentan onl hy the Peterhorn Juvenile hand UH OrERniERiIon af mil Inrgeg and older hovs than the oes) but the sympsthion of the crowd Ware unmistakably with the wail Avitied youngsters fram Oshawa Ihe osiahration at Lindsay wis ane af the Jurgest held antalde Faramto In. many yours A hig orawd of Orangemen with the mies swamped the tawn far th any, and the Wenthisr Man con rithiind Ww sunny and un psy fect day nn hiv shave of the fesivi i 18 Aer the parade through the, Cshinwa Mle and drum Which fier won the Hiral He remavkahin demon of mney parades snl an the wired of Linden heh drew Inge and npprovi hve grow a Altar thelr return ta Uahawe on wiupday svening, the hand mano palided the Four Corner far 40 minutes, and gave a dupliosts peg LOVE Witleh stirred up the anthiuntnsim of the jarge #aturda Wight erawd (to gh Hegrne MISSIONARY FROM FORMOSA TEITS OF ul the Lind iy hand Irie ration aris " In [] GOSPEL'S POWER | Rev. Duncan McLeod, D.D., Spolie in Twa Churches Yesterday he power ul he gospel In and eneau pooples wl piivatinn puaminnt to heathen ta THE a vold in thelr Hyves whiah un "ha ted hy thal awn align, demonstrated hy Hey, Duncan Meleod, D0, Entied Ohureh missfonary tn Bauth Far moss, in addresses, hafore Hy ged congregations of Hee reel and ME Andraw's Unbten Churches, and King sieeat United Church, yostarday ys Malan poke at the morning service in Wl Andrew's chureh white In the Vining he preached in King tenet Ohureh Ih Many years. of experience gained In misstonnry work and in close contact with the other greal religions of the warld, hy, Molood Was Ln position te flatly conten det the assertions of those wha contend that Buddhism, ar Can Tueianism Is good enoush far the Chinese, Japanese ar other races YI is true he stated to the VONETeEAtion ol King Hirani Churn tast wight, that thera | much that in beautiful In hess religions, Hut they ean not he eam pared with the religlon of Joss Uheist whieh ts the only religion Theangh Jesus, God is rovenlad to he wha, finds Jesus In In these ather , faltha Hrapes vainly far God awd there Always ramnine a Great ems pliness tn his soul which ean not ba filed," The speaker explained that al though the mission field tn Navth Formosa han heen given aver tn the Preghytevian Ohare In Cane ada, the United Chureh missionary 108 were carving on In Mouth Formosa through an arsangement made with the English Proshyiey an Churoh He wave several (Hustvations (a how the ane wri oa ke hraught inte the lives of these Chinese converts wha have accep of Ohpist eens Cheist can heeak down Wl raolal haveiens', ha attivmed WIth Front sarneniness, The vigil of Br, Moleoed to Osh AWA han added interset in view of tha fol that Br, and Mes, Moleod, and- family, made their home here for a period of twa years while Dr Mobend was on furlough CALIFORNIA STARS IN ONTARIO SERIES (Ry Canadian Press homed Wire) Hamilton, July 14, The Ontarie tennis championship continued here today and the ranks were augments od hy the entries of twa California atars, Jack Dalara, who veached the LULL fnaln tn tha veeent New York dtate ohamplonships and Then Ludlow 1nday, 1y not Wis ftialied Canada anjoved ane hundred yours of peace With Unole Sam and then someans propesed Interna: tonal © lacrosse games Tarento Telegram, Waker ul the wie an tha pavement Hundreds Pay To the Late E. L. Vickery Many Attend Funensl Sore vies at Simeoe Street Unite ed Chureh-=City Council Bowd of Education and Other Public Bodies Rep: resented---Under Masonic Ausplees Hundreds of men and women, rep FERENIINE #0 €rons suetian of the eam Wyss hsiness, professions) and industriel Tite united un Baturdiy wf terpaan mm Pym, meere and ve rent tribe to the late Edward | Viekery, prominent eitrzen and mem her ul the Cahiws Bowed wl dyes ten, whose dewth occurred suddenly list: Wednesday night For furry FEM i eigen of Oshigwi, the Tin Mi. Viekery hid served his ity well the capac ty of caunellor, dep eevee, rere, alderman and wei fronton, Mw wins uw worthy contrib Hon wid the fuel thst wo many wt tanh the pulihie funeral Saturday | neieition that it has heen apprecia ted dione small easing Villlowing a hriet fin ly residence, UN with h ad Churel 1ehiey had Hthinl und mene chureh woditor mm | wl Winey CEP Ig In entre and front while members Cede Ladue, AY, & AM tai ees the servis tuak up seats on the north the ehurel, Memb | Mu nie badges in the eiry wha ell represented deevined hid heen wm rele TOF dn Ho Mu hell cone! hired pt whl Hs linha attended the sei Fhe lute My 0 oil His iret LE Ihely the heen I hs ih Hi ul Hider wn held 1h EVIE kin il Jil if (I Eryive reel Lint lity Mi Fig! TRY i" ia wel Hienl hing eitin. Marvur hie vil ine pbelie piblie nM il Wah 4 ial Aalities wl faith tated htt, ot London i street Loni mn Wil eueatinm cen asion wl I" in h Vieke jlendid Wut eivh wi Hi Toh Li Former past ted Chureh in the vourse of an srin ail Hy yd | Oy REHIE paston hol the ae aated hb IH Crarhnint " ho Heil al Mua, Viele Coirmpe, service and Tall were px cipliigd dn the We of th Aj the aha constantly stressed them Crnrhurr stated Weterin | Vicker pointed ont thant bie ie M ai i nephew nl Ty aul Hy Mi Last Tribute had sourige when he sams to Osh WWI me 4 young man and struggled tg hil fur Winwell a husiness und (9 win the respect and Iriendahip of Ila fellow citizens Berviee was a ricer virtue, the pustar stiwted, ht the deceased had enereined this guwhity 1a & high de gree "He decade In the he sited, ENE over # fawn and ety sauneil," Yand gave wp time and plessire in the interest. uf the ely. His record i the howd of eduction mle dem onstrates that he had the welfare ul the community at heart, He vas weer i loyal member of the Mason Order and uw Charter member of the Rotary Club exemplifying the mat ta, 'Bervice" Wetore Belt' Moreover, wv # person! friend Kev, Garbmitt could state without ex wgueration that the decessed had pEFfarmed countless wets of chin i" whieh were done guletl wilh without the knowledge of an bat Wim most dnthimate friends Ipoinive he W tines," apeuker suid, "hat Hip aise ta da ow kind ded Ihe tate Mr, Vickery wis not an I wetive In the tempore! aftuirs wl wet sl wen u Christ the ehureh byt he Hin who believed In pastor teatihed Hi Hien Jean the Witt wh eluded hb With # message ol wi Ha Ase hin family have Jost wn Wind futher Corhintt 4 CHER IHENL members of the ini hushand Wi ul Jy fought the il faith" argon pliyed suitl fled slow! tuted hgh LL hina I th that hy wl dil Ao 1h CONETERntinn canker, with ite hank upon Bewutifal Nogul tribe inl raw ull fi the faee ol nit | wi well af Codur Lid slide al the wall theomh whieh the palthew the casket frinn the ehureh hearse The pallbearers inelud | A A Argel an A} ih Juni 131] Link ul then the last wi Hie wised anil Hine Hike ld doved Menlo hath uinle Hed fori wi "ra hore Jiifin WL Tiel fof Cahn u Hronklin ¢ long tuneral hail vended 1 I | thi i sub performed hb mound Wey Taha Garbutt bast sodemn and and | ras the Union othe grave I | | a hit Loametes ily pr Ihe | flyn Monies were (in Oghuwi on | M 'An the sma hotss in Oshswa Masanie Onder wer | hy Worshipful Master of Cedar Donlge A CITY AND DISTRICT NEWS rom------------ Was HY AV Teaffic wan heavy an the Kink on highway yesterday hut nn rious necldents ware raparied In his vieiniy HEAVY HAIN BART NIGnY I'he oily was dvanched hy ony yy adn Inst night and numey nue puddles were natiead an the aE nete this maraing, There sesina to ha an ahundanes of moisture hin simmer and fealt and voy tahies wre maturing rapidly WHEAT Id IIPENING Farmers of thin disteier ma) won he harvesting fall wheat, In Laurin tha countryside one Hinds Hume aus falda of ripening Brain Heparis fram Kent and Middleans pountion Indiente hat harvesting in Already under way In those WIGAN | NAME OMITTED | In the ahltuney of Mes Godfrey | Which appeared in The Times of Baturday, the name of Me, | 1a Heash, of Helleville, was inadyel tently amitted. Mes, LaHranh (a Mew, adie) MOTORINT GIVEN BEVEN DAYS Nell MePharsan pleaded guilty tn a oharge of heing Intoxionted white tn chavge of a4 motay vahiels Inoeourt this morhing, His Wop ship mmposed a Jal term of seven days with the addition of the onnts af the coun, NOARBONRO HEURES UNRAKFR Posaibitity of the oallapse al any moment of sections of the hutts at dearhora has resulted tu A warning issued hy the pallies lant Wight, Heapage of water dui INE Lhe heavy rainstorms hia oronted lavee opaoks in the airata And made 1 dahgeraus for anyone to walk along the hint ay under NORER the oliffe, 10 In stated, Avoarding to ald venidents, the falling away of the clits han been renter thin season than at any Hime during the past decade -------- rT ------ ne---- Car Injures Child, Police Seek Driver A Amal ohild wan Indured last nEht, when a Bulk touring oar Alleged ta have heen travellin AN exoennive rate of speed, skidded of Rlooy street oust and struck the ehild The ear whieh wan travelling a AR Rater) Alvaction wkiddsd elghty font hatara 11 LIE the north OUlh afte having swung oom pletely vaund In the vend, In hits tng the vurh the rioht rear wheel Wan broken off, Tt wan leatned hat the ohild had tried to eros the street. fn front of the oar and Wad Struek in the hack hy the ean he driver of the car leaped fram Ihe SAF A% 3000 AK 1 CAMS to & slop And disappeared, He in: helng SERL hy the polos, The ohiid | NO HEAT Ww nt The much aidveriised heat wave han failed to reach Oshawa aml whthoaugh residents af the wesiern prairies have hess "roasting' In Apel of unusually warm weathny I han avidently not extended east ward, Due ta Hs prosimity to that Brent vesnpvole of fold WAlnr Lhe Ontario, Oshawa 15 compar wiivaly free fram extreme heat TO KUPPORT WIVK Jahn Cronin wan ordered, h he court, to pay B00 per month ac mr the support of hia wife and three ehtidren, Cronin was hroushi to the elty hy Provinelal Constahl Mitehell to plead tn a charge ol wonssuppoart peafereed hy Mis Cronin GUHRANTED I'he name of daughter of Meoand Mew, 7, Eden Fox, G80 Carnegin Avenues, Wan ammitted fram the Hat of success ful pupils tn the Taranto Normal Hohool, which appeared in The Times vestevday, Minn Fox an well We the other four young ladies mentioned yesterday received a Aral clase Interim certifieatn for the eomplation of the Aral year al Taranto Normal Behos) Too Late To Clamsily WANT 0 AFA PROT IRY wnt middie aged housekeaper fo) amall family, Live in. Apply & Hand Ni, Weal, (RR LARLY PA 8 C6) 1 AA Ory work ar gardens, taod oon ditto, Very choap for oash, 80 Maple aivest (He) FOR ARR TREY OAT NAW Batty, Raward, 28 Prine stvost, | (RRLY CENTIVICATY Miss Tvah Fox New Martin TUES, AND WED, The Climax The Play With a Soul "Kathryn Crawford a ERA m-- AFTER 'HE SHOW The Fan LL Comedy WHO BANY DOCTOR TRE. TIME Goll § avtoon WAR vemaved in OAL 1a anoury \ medioal attention, REDUCED PRICES fhe had fund (HALE AND HEARTY, "THOS, BRADLEY 8 AGED 89 TODAY Walks To Church Every Sunday Morning--Has Five Sons Hale und hearty and in full pow wounton of wll Win fuenlties, Thomas Wendiey 1a celebrating his B0th Wirthany guletly toduy si his home LOK Cantes Biysst Born in 141, Mr. Hradley haw Hynd a) his hia In (hin township, and for the lust Gh yenrs han heen Hin falher aame to this eauniry aver 100 yenrs ago, and ssitied first in Taranto, then known as Muddy York, ahout Gh yeurs agn he came to his county, and carved # farm alt of the wilderness near Brook Wie On this farm Thomas Brad ley win horn wand spent his early nyhond. When he wan approsehs ing manhood, the family moved ta nother farm neny Columbus, hut when Thomas marvied, he and his hide patarned to the ald home: wand, an the sighth tanesssion halt 0 mile west of (ha Whiths Darlington tawn ine Hare they harm 1604 My nd auae an tentre HH nesuples nee hays have gone nin husinss for themuelyes, Howard and Edgar CRE husiness men in Herhert tn an prominent fC hivngn Lather Is In thee deus hisiness tn Orie, while Frank ta farming near Port Pepe Mr, Headley recalled that when he came haps Hh yours pun ing hipments of grain moved oul avery Your through the Oshuws huriougl I ovan remember deivin hind rads of hushels af harley down tn the Jake front mysslf. when | wis lH an the farm fine dn m nelghhour and myself thrashed LOO bushels of farts Wh the mnehine hid and his nn hrought into fawn 100 hushels WE 0 time, and disposed of 1 1a the buyers hain" hw Fimes rai rime moved Intn the Eras whieh he then his five \hout Nin Ohnwn luwyer in Bi wi it Wis shown a fine ple of Myr. Headley and hin five taken on the aeensinn nf » family reunion on his K6th hivth in three youl AlN. Inday Mr Hrndiny pike with Justifinhin pride af his (ive hove, and thels STITT Anathier hnwa of the when My As A boy thm Binm Interesting worry nl PANE came La light Headley spoke of & (ime an the farm at Bronklin hoard Win father sponk of Into the village of Oshawa wining several hinnk hoary wander down the main strant in the lako shore Hoing Heat and Bound Insulation Digtomite tn a ght, (ulffy ma terial opmpesed of the minute sil noun shkalobons of digtams, and 0 uned In Industry as an Insulate nEninet heat and round, for filter NE And as an sdmisture In oon PERERA AR plasters he Dominion WAN A Javge number of dintomie dapinstts In Peitisl Calumbia, On Tarn and the Maritimes, Died CLIFYORD At On Bundpy, July dames Clifton, hand of Hallie TInt your Funeral fram the family resid phen, TAA Gord Biveat, an Tusa any, July AA, THAD, Hevviea aL ¥ noloek, Interment Union Ceme py (1m . yori in Oshawa 14, 1040, John heloved hus Gillard, In hig f ent line I" TL urds of sareying checks for here C--O [Practically Every Boy in (amp Took Active Part in Events Sal A ---------- VAGRANT ORDERED T0 SHAKE CITY'S OUST OFF SHOES Court Asks hme Delyea To! Move on--Had Worth: less Cheques dum art imu KLremin give finns Hon in | ante an nl 1 transport the friends who he hame m fn mun Ville a were f he Hiinmil raping feenunte thhuwl nthe I not ie the os Delyvon Hope, Wha his plaka Haunt Wha any, af the ily nn good ateount held fe his Hon {on Wi he In hat wi aur hid rey Wilk hie " li he 1h ¥n 1a shantime UL we fauna heing nut tn vash ant mm nd Pore Hope mn aund an him had Accounts an thn | that he Lhe I hi Wile art Hape wives un In 1 rls hu iid hun han Hunk LHe n 1] WAN ho Reenunt Hote count Pari BAH i I fram his mori 12 1] nf In mor in fy ho Hing I I nl Wap hep ehad hire hes Farantn hi h na An im Han the Ane of Walton #0 nuke Ihe dust of the sity Pollue Delyen orfleey In the windevipe nround Ad ) hike slime Hine h Ly GRELY more Lu nul a he around hin we are ning he um To Hii for a fape, In in ¢ not ul ] IT limi k differ Helle wind which all novo unt Asked in court i the number Heike found nye mn mad nl feonunt Brown hie whieh ty he whe hind made out the cheeks and sign Yan rapt Krowing ply raw Hhiem nramined paiuhin In 1h Kn Krall gol nd him ht! wisn Clarence wll, bit hy aii LY Coming Events Bf Conta por word saeh I rharge soviion, Mintmmn | for saeh Insertion, ALL YOUNG PEOPLE Interested In disoussion of Wi hy ARI puh 18] Ho affairs are invited to an open mee Hiry Mov wipe 1h) for Wn dent of the Hing nf Inn Club, 10 he WER pommitiee fl, Weal, an Vo AL RENE pom the dohnatan, provi ARROeintion MADA How Thu MEE NEVADA Corners, Home raday and Appointments BAN ROUN (lan I'uesday AND an Hall and F'wentielh held ronn Fuesdny he OUeaRion will he Mis neint ten My Hon July Hponhe) i" Pres n Ia Twentinth Century (11m) PALMIRT, Wai Friday HQUANMK aur ioe Friday + aod music; gonad fon FUN Frionds Dance, Wodneaday, July 14 Bie FOR All Over Dawland's Indies 1h (11 ( mlore Ineaday Phone (11a) DANUK, LARTER VENI N 1:14) HOREN Linnie urday Afternoon * Coon Country Run Up Hill and Down Dale Taxes Grit of Contestants = Thirteen Finish Course JARVIS CAME FIRST AFTER SPLENDID RACL | Campers Take Part in Jump: ing, and Other Track 7 Events Ih eh ul the K i luily iutduy £4 wails Bud 'sucoessful CHINE With Duy us the legding he duy's netivivies, Vrag hoy In camp Louk. an I ONE GF IHOFe BYenis, ompetition wae keen the alternuon and even tft 1 Vield i" Hig | he Ing C0 HEHE 61 Ahe program wis ide the E11 COUIEY Fun ul whol uw mile and & Guar mapped wit, whieh involved hills, wad fravelling hein meadow ar IT test for young : ho camp, 14 aiid 13 Bpishied the course, a able she when the viral Contestants eure old iy I ehiinbing und descending Fe | anil ere led the ig the ie, h a Hei [F]] wen hi mn ne he Hie feimurkiably eloge, Teel separal coud and third place driving duel down Jervia hroke the plendidly fun a Winter pl 1 hot FUNIERS AITEF A the lust | Wil fin hi Hie) ' vil ie Patie und Balter were i his heels in thst srder Ihe ven Fool the Anishers Flint, Chiffe, James, Linhertey, Lun i FR FY MeDonald, Halliday, Fests in the other aces were I'hy BP Heine Hall | Pir Me Dona, thin ny 14; Firat wi third Papp 141 Fivgt, Ve Jarvis third, Mullin ira, Patti howd Jump Promali, ley Hinder nine and Passehoile, Palmer, second, Liver Ohifre, Lenders Fi, died Branding First, Mi third, a Lander Landy, thied they | CH hire Lenders third High tenn Ta ail second, ey second, under nine seennd, Passehole, Fipal Hoje First | Lr Jaryin First, Fling, Balter J, Pati fi Paliver, second aeiand, Pat Taryis, second "w First him Firat, Balter, unl Flint, wee Putte and Jarvia wider wine Fest, sand, Howard and Arthur Fowler, eral vornian Passehole nies Palmer, nen wi ape alter, thied, Aad duly Ken MeDonalid Hallida third, 0 vard dash fouper RIEL 00 yards dial, over 131 Fiest, Jae coon Mulling, thivd, 6, Jarvis 100 yard dish, lenders firm, Flint, second, Nalter, third, Pate, Obstacle race, open) First, Flint, wil, Jievis, third 1, Balter "There's a hip off the ald hock," sald a Chicags manpster vietim, an a hullet grased hin head, Haut Dally stay A 131 Fira, third, \ THE FAIR July Clearance Sale Has meant==thousands of satisfied customers==every The Fair LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR Simcoe Street South one thoroughly convinced of offered, and they took the fulleat advantage by restock: ing their wardrobes, We want you to share in this festival==Remember this we ls for a limited time only, and early buying is ads visable, Everything in the way of Dresses, Coats, Millinery and Sports Wear all are reduced to a fraction of their real worth, One visit to this stere will convinee you, Come in and look around. You are under ne obligation to buy unless you are satisfied, \ RE -- the wonderful values

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