Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Jul 1930, p. 9

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" THE OSHAWA DAILY , TIMES, MONDAY, JULY 14, 1930 PAGE NINE 'DS meets Ef Seller "2390090 CTION ON... _ Legal Frere JONANT & "ANNIE, HA RIPPIN Kolleitors, Notaries Fublle, Kis, Conveyancing and geneva) Hoe of Law, Ofiees 7% Bicone Bt, South, Oshaws, Phone 4, 0, b Bi AV Ale A aA "A y LB AV, AR BANK J MH W BE, N, SINCLAIR ] #760 J ; AN, WA=TAT: ister, Bolieltor Notary lie, tae Maney (n one of fon AT King Bt, East, Oshawa, Fhone oH dunes y one #it7, i) CREIGHTON AND raney, MLL Convayaneers, Notaries file, ote, Olen aver Blandard Bank, Entrance Simcoe Hy! Bt, Phone 16, 1, V, Ariston, Kg, 7 " Creighton, B.A, N Vreaser, B.A, COUT 8, HYMAN, ~BATATETRN, Solleitoy, Notary, over Dewland's Btove, Money to loan, 16 Bimeo; street perth, Phone 67, Heal: ance HOMEY WAT: vistors, Solleitors, ole, B46 Bim- for 8 Bt. N, Phone 8160, Money to NAN TE U, HALL, BA, WATNIE: ter, ete, Conveyancing ind general vactice, BOY King Bt, Hast ane Poa LL HILL, BARKIR PEN As, hy 10 loan, NA a opr posite a Jk he om Bolleltor, Poiar ube, Convey: ancer, money to loan, 7 hird tino new Alger Building, opposite Post Office, Phone §004, Medical HA%L WOOD * HARPER, Neney Block, Phone E060, Obs flee hours 0 i to # bo pm. br, RH, J, Hazlewood, special attention to Burgery and Kony pr, BH Harper, wheel) attention 1a ehilde ren's Diseases and Ohatetyics, Hine day and night ealls 4416 or 144 DH, MORAY "PHYRIOIAN," BUR: enn, Aceancher, Offles and rosie ence. King St, Hast, corney Vie torin Ht, Oshawa, Phone 04, PH, ARANT HERAY, PHYSICIAN Burgeon; Ohstetvielan, disenses of infants and. ehildven, Offlee and residence, 07 Hond Hast, Phone 1166 os 3 RH, DAVID ARCHER, MD, CM, p ROP and 8, Bamburgh Phys slelan,. Surgeon and Ohstaitic nn, Offien 148 Himeos BI, Phone HOBO, residence 40 Cudlline Ave, North, Phane R166, : PR, 0, W, GARR, PHYRICIAN, murgeon, Obatetrielan Oflee and yesidence, 618 Himes Biyeet north, Phone 8416, BR, |, ARCHER 4 BROWN, PHY ™ hitetric an, office ala Auipron a Simeone 'Siren, Novi phane * "Veterinary Surgeon THY, VETHRINATIAN Apeolalist Diseases Damegtio Anims als, Cat and Dog Hospital, #0 King West, Telephone 680, (July #=1 mo.) Ear, "Nose, Thront "Specialist TH TH0 BLOOK Htyeal ' West Hib will he at his affion aver Jury & Lovells red Btore each Saturday from 1 th 4 pom, for consultation and treat. ment of dlgenses of ear, nose And + throat enly Appointments may he made at drug alore, Phone nt, Boa Ear, Nose and Throat ------ --RICHARDEON, Offlen aver Mitehell® . Phone 2660 and 44 ), KC ms + DRE, Br ME Blo Hank . Commeres, fimooe and King, Bye, ear, nose and throat, 'Houre 0 to 11.0, B to 6, ¥ to 8.80, Hho, offles, 167; peal dene, A040 (June 18:1 mo.) I PHILLIPE, OVI DAR: attention to X-I'ay Nurses in House 1) A setts, mpeolal work, Gas extraction, attendance, Phone 060, Gr Nhe ru re \ aver tole TUR \ HH x axtrantion, This a oR 1, i HU A T8T, itrous oxid ouvien gan for extrac. tions, Oftles, Roy na Bldg. Phone A484, you 4 Ny 147M OR] wT pL t, Na ayer awland's, ih ll i Rin. $O2W, Eveninua HO me fy AVIER, ? King: #4, ® , Hpeol RCN ik Dontlats, alteubion Phones 1542 and 8 T Hien «Io RTENHOURE <= THNERAL teotural wor pa Hank Building, Phone 1486, Hes, phone B08, THO NEON AND JOHNAON, Af saciate nrohitectd, Blmeos Hy Over Felt Bros Watch Repairing repair shop at i Your pats em vA, 7 Wine waleh maker, 14% King Street Age 1a alte NATIT OHTNG, = Lg \ YR Fi i Ine dallas Dresses out perfectly, Rinbroders wa Bol fho 204 Hime on "ol daneing and J ouiture 140 Chareh HR) Lessons given td, STA omy lB at CL hours (June Ha ma) PAG hig (tf) putablaghive Companies, feoand loo, | or_of tg oll (June 164 mo) yer ng HONEY WTA: in Land brian i " Hingin. enrn, subediyin on, jovh a nine municipal ng! neers, 1 YP Bt, ©, Phones ist or ------ tri, dt in ike i hfe 40 Prone LUKE BURIAL 00, 67 KING 87, last, Amhulanes, Residence Had Rimes J north, Phone §10J and 4 WAL, C0, WM, I OBHAWA Armstrong & Bon, sorta Funeral and Ambulances Bepyine, diy and night, Fhone 1085W, 7 Celina, (4th) Insurance DAVIE AND BON, INRURANCH, 10 King Bt, west, Oshawa, The old: oat Mire Agency In Oshaws, §0 He. WHEN PLACING TNSUWANOR consult BR, N, Johns, BO Bimeos north, Your Insurance wants at tended to and your Interests pro tented, Mada Transportation I wid alia CARTAUE AND BTORAGUH COLN: man's, 86 Bond west, Hpsolalisis In furniture moving storage wire house and moving van eguipment Phone kj, CJARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL mand and elpders, Loos! and long distances hauling, Hmith & Cox Phane Ned, 10 Bond Hi, Wesl, ORHAWA'S OLDERT HATAB: Park Road Huhed furniture niavers oavinge, Local and long distance Frank Cawle Prop, 06 Park Hd Houth, Phone $16 (June B01 mo) Beauty Parlors ARTTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE Bhap, Hpeclulists In permanent, finger and mares] waving, Pers manent wave prices #6, $7.60 and. B16, All other lines of Heauly Culture, Phone BOGE, Apply Ki Bimena Street north HXPENT MARU KLLING Hy Her ty Ward at Betty Lou Permanen Wave Bhoppe, Marvoel and sham poo #1, Plions B06H, WATRON'H HARBIN AND Honuty Shop, 0 Celine Bi, We ape falige In ladies' halv cutting, mars ealling, shampooing, facials, Mares) AO eantn, Vor appointments phone BARN, (dune 16:1 mo) ~ IT, ORHAWA RADIO FERVICH AQ oessaries for sale, vepalrs on eles trio and battery ants, tubes and hatterios tented, batteries ves charged, venital supplied #1, Phone HEROS, Lharies Wales, 144 Elgin Kast (July 6:1 mo) BATTERIRE CHARGED ~~ 760 with rental 81,00, Repaired and rebuilt, Called for and delivered, Prompt servies, He Hilgdon, ¥0 Mill Bt, Phone 1880W (June B01 ma) ] i, WEPATH ols Prices reasonable, batteries re: charged G0e, rentals #70 delivered Phone J008W, '(leo Burroughs, Certitied Radlotriotan, (June 10:1 me) Fe CAN RPFARES & firal mortense on your vesidence if ft ia well Io ented, Headley Broa, aver Ward's Htore, Bimeoe Et, Houth, (dune 28:1 mo) Auctioneer PHONE Ti) WV. J SULERY A SC Noneen_ 3 Rar a Wh eelal attention Slt CL Vou Patron: how urniture a nplements, uvavel for shlo==Ta 1ANIPe prompt delivery, place wdera in advance of del very date, W, Horrowdale, Phone 1614, HAND, OWAVET, WEAUR TOON, SLORe, Alo any nd i raeking, Phone MY, 13: tne.) : Howie i Lreel, ron June iN an Phone eo Wi Wh HN rn ab, 3:1 We. | and ling TROL ET LA § Pa Thy and Sik Fan Wight, work §usranteed, i Pine Ave, phone 2006w op HS . ) Awnings " i] All kinda of canvas goods, Com: Ne | Ron" a rr] equipment hy rent, gH oy, phone 26 or B84, Tumer 3 fon, Lg Ontarle, tIaly 2:1%me.) WEOTONE MATRRN TY, FANE A or wie wi LS ' June 24:1 me) RUE All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Ftc, STRICTLY CAS This rule has been found nesessary i boesss, loss arising from handling » large number of sma of this nature, For thy senvenience of customers who find it Insonvenient tw come personally to The Times office, » telephone sall will bring a messenger who and collest for same. "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT ASH IN ADVANCE and areounts will receive the advertisement | wine, plekle and hyse vadish, Work Wanted CONCRETE WORK, CELLAR AND garage floors sidewalks and road ways, sand, gravel, cinders, Chris, Graham, Phone UASIM (July #1 me) Articles For Sale NTXED JPRS AR BOUT Wun slabs, § w load. Also bone di body ol Aterons wie! ith Aut 1) vot HAL B= HETNTZNA 0 Lid, planos, new and used planos, alin radios, Intent models) arranged, Apply ©, Trull, Phone 1666) - (11441) FOR BALE == PAINTH, VARN: {ahen. We have the |lappest Assort: ment of prints, varnishes, ete, IH bin the oily, The Pred ot King street west (APF Hl any Vir, "TONE aE aere, My loam, §i.00 pear yard, For quality and service phone Me acry Bros, B08 fr 1), ; (May Att) GRAVEL AND BAND, ONE YARD and a quarter of gravel #150 poreened sand 81.76, Prompt des Hvery, Phone DEORE atler 6b pom (July 10:1 me.) FRET OLARE BOTLDING MATAR: fale 0 fevery description from fine ont yesidence In Novih Oshaws, Consisting of doors, windows, alalrs, mantels, kitehen suphoards Lumber from 1 in, to Uxid, Apply Robert Williams B80 Himeos #t North, Halesman on premises (10m) a Fans Wi a ER BR Shoe Repairing TH TET TEAK WHRAT YoU ol your shoes fixed lke new ia iy Menko, corner Mluwieon N, and Witham W (dune B01 me) Auto Accessories MOTOR ACOHRBORY CO, 81 KING Hireot Weal, Auto parts and aoees porien for all makes oars, Autos mobiles bought for wreeking, Phone B060J (dune Bh-1mo,) GITY AUTOMOBILE WRECKING Cn, New and used parts and ae oennarien, cars, trucks, prices rea sonable] oars Waniel Phone POROW, 16:17 Bond Nireet West, dune 6-1 mo) ---- ; Contracting CONTRACTING CORUNETE INStering, eleciria 0) Allarations 'hone 100 for estimates, (LUN) Palmist MADAME BROWN, FALNIAT, Phone appointments 2040F, BY Louisa ER (dune Bis mo) MADAME RENT, PALNIET, 040 Buena Vista, Appointments, Phone aw, (Julyl:=1 me.) THE WOMAN And miss, Intter for demonstra: (Junedo=1 mo) I {noriminatin Phone Mrs, ton 81°9MN, OTTRLED THOFY WHO ANT THOTRL with some ohrenie allment, sueh AR NOIVOURNESA, puralysls, varioose volun, Holtre,- artheitly, hear weakness, rheumatism, Phone 240 for A free (vw a6 In your ame, Tune Theronetd fealth To! Monde | 8) wi aneaday and Friday, + Therenold of Osimwa Willlam Hireet Kash, {duns B61 we) Vil " oanlked around the deer and wine dow frames, saves fuel, shuts ous old alr, draughts, Bien, soot, Adda combort, preserves frames, dH, Lawson, Phoke aR ' July 10-1me, Wanted To Rent WANTED UV AUGUET FRET, § or roomed house, must he mods orn And In Firat elase condition, well located, wood section, iy " preferred, - Apply VOR, GET YOU CAN WARHED™ 11 Dominion Gurage, S38 Bond aires) weil, Phone 3198, Al cars ab ous Buige $1.08, (June 16:1 wo) (arms | vor station CFR IE | For Rent FOUR AND VIVE ROOMED MOD» orn siltes inelnding sleotria volving: oration stove, laundry convenis ences, ste, continuous hot water #ipplied Apply Bupt, phone 8671, or The Trusts and Gusrantes Co Ad, manager. for owner, Toronto i (4711) APART MENT jo LE JT, CENTRAL sonyenlenees, hardwood Noor Aply Wad lay bros, ] Lith FOI RENE AP ARTE UN» tral, Bh rooms, newly decorated, Wil eonveniemoes, lease or hy the month, Hox 140 Times, (16#Le) CHEERFUL APARTMENT IN business section, newly decorated, hy the month or year, Box 747 Times (10011) AVARTNENT, FURNISHED ON unfurnished, very convenience Phone 1660 or BUATW, TO WENT=T"NOOMEDATANT: ment, wiealy furnished, conven: lences, reasonable rent, B71 Cols borne street east, (61) FTORT WOON HOUR TO WNT All conveniences, garage, central Phone 1064) (ho) von WHNT HOUR, NIX FoOme, All eopvenlenses, Hard Wood downslalrs, Karage, near Onlleminte, Apply O84 Mary Bi, or phone BIW (100) ATTRACTIVH APARTMENT, oantral, 4 rooms, newly decorated hot water, elacivio pefrigarator, shove, Janitor service, Reasonable hone 1400 (100) FON TNR TS -nO MIT house, AN conveniences, 84 Hioh mond BW Apply 08 King Bt. W Mone IN16W (109) I TEI WHER TITRE HOON flat, maw, electric and telephone All newly decorated, 340 Brive HE Phone hT4W (110) CONTORTARTY ™ FRNINIED twa roam apt Lave rooms Uraund Hoot Continuous hol walter, Private conveniences, Very veiiral lL Mt, (110) FOR RENTS "ROOWE,™ OWN: tial, Myery AL Phone LLL 1) ) "Room and Board NOON ARD HOARD IN PRIVATR family, Very ofntral Alen Bars AO 10 rent Phone 10K) (LUA Position Wanted TWEL YOUNG MEN, TOORTNG for sieady farm work, Leek, 404 Alhert Bi, Phone HONAW, . (10h) Help--W anted Ma le WAN" WANTED "WHO TH OAT: able. of doing both tinamithing And plumbing, Apply Charles Coaper, Claremont, Ont, (8) (100) WOVE WANTED TG WEEE LI erty magazines, Make money and win prises, Good opportunity for PIEht type of boys, Apply to Mans ley Byes, 208 Court Nt, Telephone MAW, (in Rates for | ' Classified Ads. | PITS aserlioR=d ly S88 per word, " \ Minlmum eharge 800, Each subsequent eonsecn: (ve tnsertion ie pwr tive inser: T EEA Nore ents a word Wilma charge Nr thret insertions, §0 eents, Box number 100 additional a or Rusinem Jn aot a ah Ll o" ACN Neaition TRLEPHONR aa Ash¥tor Classified Ad Department Real Estate For Sale Tile HOw WAU mruLLY "VIN: ished bungalow In Oshawn, Bix rooms, Ngured gum wood rim, quarter cut ouk foors, Yrench doors jou) fireplace, Jodeuial buwin und Ili bath wi hi ahromium plated taps, Also chromium plated swin (ap In kitehen, laundry tubs, els ooirie hot water heater, and vired for elesiric stove, oversize hot Watley heating, #6,100, Na agents, Owner MeCulinn, hb Roxboro Ava. (10h) an 0 Buy CLWAN WOPTLER WANTED TOR cash, including ketchup, vines, br Wo Jam Jars, Phone 074W, (July 18:1 mo) Help Wenn aie WANTED = TRVPTNED LADS to take ovders for exclusive spec Inlty line, Good commission, Bok 708 Times (In) WATTERS WANTED AVPLY Commercial Hostaurant (Him GAR PRODUCTION IN 1930 EXCEEDS FIGURE FOR 1928 End of Present Period Slow Business Near, Is Bellef Thus tar thin year motor yeh lela production on this continent while wall below the 1080 peak, excesds the output of the eorres ponding period of 104 AN analysis recently completed hy Automotive Dally News reveals AN Interesting triennial eyels ny the postwar period saeh of Inereas: Ing motor vehicle production and eneh composed of two years of In erensing output followed hy one of deevensing production, 1 deduces from thin that next year and the sieeesding ona will ha years of PRPANRION ha end of the present period of alow business fs not far away, pecording to the pradietion af Col Leonurd VP, Ayres, viee-proasident of the Cleveland Trust Company 'and husiness progoaastieator of Inter national repute Col, Ayres backs his prediction with definite indications based on known farts Home of them are Population of the United Hinton In 7,000,000 greater than in 10486, you production In down to the (BER level, National consumption must inerense The Naor of tha present decline 16 nhout un Joni as any In history HO the upturn (a due Meandards of Hving have advane od definitely and will continue to Ao wo Bary. oradit facliitaten business rOOOvery und undarproaduction fom pela It We have hoth tn combing tion Col, Ayrea pointa aut that the Automotive industry, while far he low Inet year Is hut & peresnt, ha ow an average normal It 14 the contrast hetween lust your's abnor mal production and this year's NOY normal production that has oreated the feeling of depression, he says His conclusions wre Hlnstrated in A double diagram, He pays In de tah Industrial petivity hae nereas ad but tha improvement han heen Mmontly sennonnl, Dusiness has ned ie own during May, and It hax heen better than IF was during the low months of December and Mareh hut It has not yet showed enough improvement ta warrant tha elaim that unmistakable upward progress In under way "Phe evidence upon which these platements ave haned 18 (to he found nthe diagrams which show (he A... -- ---- ---------- Among the speakers who ads dressed 4,000 Cannidian and Ame erlonn realtors at the second sess mon of the National Association of Hout state Board at Toronto werer (1) Delbert 8, Weneliek, Mh, Liowls, who spokes on "Pedestrian Changing levels of aetivity In six fundamental industries In 1040 nd hie UElectrle power production was nearly Bb pereent, above normal fast Hummer and nearly bh per oent, he Inw during recent months, It showed no advances in May after gonsonal correction Uipeight ear londings reached their high point Just one Year ago, and wines then have heen following wn frregular downward oouras, With uo upturn Ih evidences as yel "he production of hituminous cont fe making a hetter showing Idi not ples much ahove normal fant Hummer, despite the general business aotivity and {t declined to an axceptional low level In Mareh Of thin year, hut It has recovered Until It 1% ones more nearly at the normal Hoe he record of bullding construe ton, based on contracts awarded, In not very reassuring, This basle Industry was depressed during most of last year, hut while ita netivity linn Inerennnd wines December the trend te not yet clearly upward Automobile production Was rips nine at rates far above normal during ost of last year It tell Lo nn extremes of depression tn Der ember, and snes then has heen running along at shout Bb per eant helow normal "Activity in the ates! fndustyy wir hil last year, and almost whnormally so in the Bummer, Like the automobile dustry, it fs now running along helow normal, and In not showing much tendency to move upward, although It ndvanes od wlightly ingMay The larger diagram hide heen ponstraeted hy combining the Ng UPR for six smaller ones It oon atitutens a record of the ohanging potivition In the most slgnifeant Hines of fundamentally fmportant Industries "1 oveflects the rapid deeline from last July (a December and the frragnlar sideways movement plnee than, which ia marking the vouras of the hattom of the depres slon, Hines this Is about an lonx A floor an there has heen in any A. ------------_-- su AS 3 ER Teaftic Conditions') (4) Guy W, Kitin, Detrolt, "Present Day selling Methods i (8) Harry A, Taylor, Vins, Orange, NJ, "Hiring and Tealning Maloamen"| (4) Carlton Mehultg, Cleveland, "Building » Hental Business," sms Es .----_"__. depression In this conntry during the century the upturn should not ho far awny "I'he chiet respon why we may be confident of this Is that produc tion has declined far mors sharply than has consumption and short agen are in the making, The total volume of Industrial production in the United Mtutes in the first four mouths of this year was als most the same as t wan in the Arst third of 1046, wocording to the very onrefully complied fAgures of the Federal Reserve Board "But the population of this fountry Is wsome seven million prenter now than It was then, and It In ahout ng sure as anything oan he that national consumption Im 1080 In greater than IL was In 1046 "I'he standards of living of the American psople have advanced de. finitely and considerably in the past five years, and we have heen consuming year hy year more in the nggregate and more per capita, And there are constantly more of ue "Probably what happened was that us a nation of Individuals we and our merchants had overbought and were overstocked last year, but. we did not realise it because we felt po prosperous, "Wa really had excess invents orien, hut they were largely in the possession of Individual families and instalment buyers, god po they did nol appear In the tiation "Meanwhile the combined foros on of underproduction and of abun« dant eredit at low rates are operats Ing to remedy conditions and to bring About business recovery, as they always do ut times like thee, "Uane of credit facllitates busts ness recovery and underproduction compels It, We have hoth {nh coms bination and confidence that they will be effective in the not distant future fn rully justified YALL the history of past periods of slow bhuainess indioates that the end of thin one Ia approaching.' "The ability te work means more than anything else." a -- Small Brother Falls from Truck and is Cratid Carefree play of the Dupuis broths ern, Jarvia Bu, Toronto, was halted when Clarenve, LEFT, the younger, fell from a hon delivery wagon, to whieh the ohildven were clinging, and Was eriahed beneath the wheels, suf fering two broken legs Willie, RIGHT, aged 10, with another chum had teaped from the wagon Just prior the accident, Griefateicken, he hed the police pick his Psyear ol brother fram the pavement and followed 'them to St. Michael's hos: pital, where the boy les in a erius cal edbndition, Willie stayed outside the hospital' until daek, refusing to play, or eat. Hs one hope iv for the recovery of his small brother and playmate, A (a a. We have for exchange ons aud onosquarior sores with sevens room framg house, with fue nace, electric Hight avallable, hard and soft wator, small harn with hen house und pig pen, plenty of small fruit, quarter of mile from Provincial Highway, olowe to school and church, This property In priced at BHRO0O.00 und the owner will exchange for #4 or B voomed house outsides ofthe City of Oshawn, Your property must he worth what you nro awking tov jt, DISNEY NEAL ENIEATE, Oshawa, Phone 1650, Ih EATON GROCETERIA It Pays To Shop Here Always | Lo HARDWOOD VILOORS Lald by expert wechaning, Old 'leer finished Ike new, Ge. 11 Contractors BW, AYNIS 100 King wt, West Pho anl + Residence wry A. a Good Weather Ahead } ------------ w=l)0 NOL lose your oa CAP Lot me Hnance yous=Addis tional Cash Ulven, G. R. Holden MOTOR LOANN Hoon 0, 1444 King St, Kast -- FREE 3 POINT ADJUSTMENT Chook fgnition, elean und ade Just pointe, wdjust earburetor on Chevrolet Cars, 103% to 1080 models Ontario Motor Sales Ltd, 0 Nimeoe st, Nouth > Men's and Boys' All woul Pathing Bulty Apocin] $1.95 Dominion Clothing Co. | [LOM King Bt, W. V'hone S141 2 2 AREW UMBIR (© ALTHO Iw () Diamonds ! Bassett's On Oshiiwa's Mam Comat J ROYAL YORK Te Tea i Jevm 28¢ -- pod Superior Stores Use CEMENT BLOCKS For Fireproof Garage W. BORROWDALE S00 Carnegie Ave. Phone 1088 --y---- * ome RYBSIGNT SPECIALIST Wpeelaliving nthulvaly n Ak F. L. BEECROFT Whithy Lumber and Wood! Yard Phone Oshawa 824 Whithy 1» EE phil STORE King 8 Urince Sis

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