Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Jul 1930, p. 7

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Snappy, Zippy, Packed with Pep and Romance Norman Voster Is 4 "New York: sports writer who, like many anothe er ql that raw-nerved, high tempoed fraternity, "bends u mewn elbow" whenever the opportunity Is press sent, 4 In the rainy downpour: immediate ly 'following the Dempsey Tunney fight in Phitudelphin Voster meets Claudette Colbert, colummist from a New York pauper who lind heen sent out to write 4 feature story givin the woman's angle of the (A With Charles Ruggles, another reporter, Foster conducts Claudette to a ho- tel where they get better sequaints ed, and he tells her he is going to mirry her; - Voster und Clandette start thelr married life in a modest New York apartment, Shortly afterward he Is sent to Bt, Louis to cover the World Nerles, There he Is Introduced to Ginger Rogers, dizdy ~ young society fidabout und would<be sophisticate, de pays little attention to her, bes Ing engrossed with thoughts of his lovely wife in New York, Husband Bends Elbow Foster has ability us a writer, bint he Is ley and he wastes much of his time drinking with his fellows, As time goes on he becomes Jeals ous of his wife, who Is forging ahead as un free-lance magazine writer and carning more money than her hus» band, One evening Claudette keeps a business appointment with Leslie Austin, magazine publisher, Voster phones Ginger Rogers and they make a night of it, "doing the speaks" Next morning Foster ash- amed tells his wife about the eland. estine date, and promises that it will not happn nga, In the meantime the bills pile up, and Claudette pays them, This in furintes Foster, but he (8 helpless, because Claudette has more money than he has Meets Ginger Again At the Six-Day Bicycle Races In Madison Bquare Garden, Foster a gain meets Ginger, this time by ae« cident, But he allows himself to be yersuaded to go to a night club with wer, Returning home tight early in the morning he tells Claudette sey- -------- THE OSHAWA DAILY TIM or ------ ES, SATURDAY, JULY 12, perme 1930 PAGE SEVEN Interesting Pen Impres- sions of the Coming Attractions on ,.. THE LOCAL SCREEN Who's Modern Story, out of the house which she rightly claims Is her own since she has done mest to maintain i, ; Foster goes on & prolonged binge, He |v jealous of his wife's ability to make more money from her writs ings than he has been uble to make He also thinks he sees a romince developing with her snd Austin, Ruggles gets him to ne out of It, and he prepares for the annual tip to the Yankee training camp in Vierids, While packing he over- looks an unopened bottle of liquor which Is left en the kit/'ien table of the New York apartment, L] orn Meanwhile Claudette Is In Calis fornia, doing a series of niovie urtl cles, One evening Foster and hig fellow soribes are having a big drinking bout A # Viorida hotel, The Aulbu Bisters are entertaining with harm ony wisecracks and wiggles, The phone: rings csusing laughs, Persls tent ringing brings Vester to the mouth-plece, 1t 1s 4 New York hos ital ealling, Clandette hus been Dilnded hy un drink of the lguor Posted had left In the kitchen, He races back to Manhattan, He Is faced vith the thought that she cannot love him any more==that Austin hus now become her lover, But she tells him that she has not yet made up her mind either way, Heartened, and spurred to action, Foster takes full control, and plun- ges into an orgy of writing. With no assurance that his wife will ever see him again, he plugs along, aid od hy Ruggles who manages to snub Ciinger Rogers out of the picture for ull time, Austin Loses Out With half uw novel completed Fost er gets a big money advance from the publisher, The doctor meanwhile tells him that his wife will regain her sight, But Foster Is doubtful ubout the state of her feelings, Foster, Claudette, Ruggles Austin assemble at the Fosters' ia» partment, Austin still betieves he has a chance with Claudette, While the Fosters are In the kitchen talks ing It over, Rugiles peeps In, sees them. elineh and turning to Austin remarks that there will be no furths CLAUDETTE COLBERT, NOR. MAN FOSTE In "Youn day an Man of Manhattan," to: Monday, Scr --y News 'of the Election Battle Candidates Nominated RICHELIEU (Quebsg)==Hon, P, J, A, Cardin, Liberal GLOUCENTER (New AM, TRoblehaud, tive, KENT (New Brunswick) Telos sphove Arseneault, Conservative, King's Itinerary Premier King will spoak ut the following centres during ths bal. unos of the election eampalgn Tonlght=Prince Albert, Hank July Regina, ; July Winnipeg July ~Kenoru, July Haut Kio Marie duly North bay, July "Newmarket, July Ottawa, July Montreal July Chesley, July Miratford, July Cornwall July wellonnt=to-const radio ad dress from his home st Ottawa, from 10 to 1§ o'clock p.m, (B.D.T,) The Ottaws Montreal, Chesley and Cornwall speeches will be broadeant, Mr. Bennett's Tour The Conservative Leader BPORk==80 fdr An Arranged---at the following centres (where two Brunswick) Conservis and will eral different stories, She orders him KING CARNIVAL REIGNS SUPREME AT Orono Street Fair Wednesday, July 23 Music, Dancing, Fortune Telling, Games of Chance and Skill, Parades, Fun and Laughter for Every. body! A Night Set Aside For Whoopee! A new Chevrolet Coach will be set upon blocks run 36 hours, The running will conclude Wedh' day evening, July 23rd at 10 pm. To the sending in the closest estimate of mileage ru car will be given away free, Tickets for Guessing on COME OUT AND JOIN IN THE FROLIC ADMISSION FREE places are named under one date, the first meeting Is in the after noon) Todny==Rivers du Loup and Que boo Clty, July 14 Nherbrooke, July 16=="Thres Rivers, July 18==Perth and Renfrew, July 17-=Murnin and #firatford, 1 Be=Collingwood and Ori) North er need for his sticking around, Granby and Bheftield; 10. Kapanola and Polis Close Later Windsor, July 13,.~Word has heen received that polls in subtrban munioipalitios in Wenex Mast Riding will remain open unt) 7 o'olnek on election night, This parmission was granted on request of Hdmond (1, Odette, ons of the candidates It 18 for the eonvenlenea of volers who work In- Detroit and eannet reach the polls by the regular elos ing time, 0 e'elook, Immigrants ¥lood Canada fAmiths Falls July 18.--Along the line of the National transeons tinental Rallway trainload after trainlond of Routhern Wuropeans were halng transported inte the heart of Canada at publio expense to displace with oheap labor, works men who had lved In this country all thelr Yves charged Mon, @, Howard Ferguson, Premier of One tario, in an address delivered here lant night in the Interests of T, A, Thompson, "oftioial Rennett oan _didate' In Lanark County, A Tos vonto delegation had upged him a few days. ano to protest | against thin Influr ~f tmmigrants and he had done ® poth te Ottawa and England, Wut, continued Mr, Fer. i { NEW MARTIN | 3 Days guson hin protests had been of no avall, He did not know If offi ola! Ottawa wan aware of this con dition; It not, it did not speak well for administrative efficlawoy Premier Ferguson spokes of the unemployment roblem and STARTING SATURDAY ' THE OUT-STANDING WESTERN STAR KEN MAYNARD THE FIGHTING LEGION 'A THRILLING TALE OF NEVADA oharged the King davernment with being helpless to do anything te hetter conditions, The Liberal Administration apparently could only promise conferences, he maid, and at times aven deny that unems. ployment existed, Sunday Campalgnin Titbury, July 18-=Nahbath cams aliitng typloal of Quaben, will a introduced inte Ontario Hun. AY when Mon, Fernand Rinfret, poretary of Ntate, will address a mesting in the interests of © Odette, Liberal candidate in Tant ax nox, The departure has oreatéd com. ment from the Ingiinhapenking aootion of the viding, I 18 olaimed here that Hundag meetings are pros hibited ander the Lord's Day Act, an well an being contrary to Ons COMEDY "A ROYAL trio oustom, Oftietal Enters Campaign Deaptford, July 10.-=A quartet ol speakers addmased a rally in the interests of Robert M, Ryerson, Conservative candidate, here last MOVIE STARS 'VOICE OF HOLLYWOOD' STATION S:T:A-R evening! Mayor Ross I. Heokett, Captain Rev, W, GQ. «Martin, MPP, CW, IY Cockshutt and HW. OG. Foster, Hamilton Labor leader, Lioval Liberals are generally in dlgnant at the pavtieipation of Mr, Wouter, member of the Ontaplo Ming mim Wage Board, In the meeting, BROADCAST TERRY . TOONS HAWAIIAN PINEAPPLES KARTOON 'fy, Peaster, holding a semisjudl' wl position at emoluments of over HOO, in alleged to have broken oth the spirit and Aha letter of the law by speaking on the publie | dlatform, OUR PRICES ARE REDUCED Parting of the Ways ONG SHOTS AND CLOSE UPS FLICKERS FROM VILMDOM AND GOSSIP OF THE SCRERN A GENERAL REVIEW OF SCREEN ACTIVITIES her last big Wit, "Caught Short," w at the Capitol Theatre, Miss Dies mendous ovation when making a pe "Cavght Short" In London president in Shar of production This Is the Vitaphone udaptatio rend novel, with scenario hy Mars) [] "Ames 'n' Andy," beloved radi July Map their way to the RKO Ing scheduled to begin the Inter pa LJ » Pathe Sound News covered tl Lakehurst from every concelvable Istie views resulting, Rt h covery of Director Raoul Walsh, play the lead in "he Big Trall," + the story by Paul Lelcester Vord Alfred Werker will direct Threa well known music writer "Present Arms" The coMlghorntors are Herbert Hart, The first 1s the son of Lew and Fields, The other two are equ periences as Marines during the w The screen adaption was made by Oscar Levant; and direction by In the east ure Fddie Voy, Jr Fazenda, Lilyun Tushman, Benny wh Reports "from the De Mille Is nearing the completion "Madam Satan" the colony as it Is sald 10 be De M highly colored high society kind of success, The featured players ur Roland Young and Lillian Roth i Gladys Unger and Elsie Janis the ¢ hh "Way Out. West" Is William | Haines' past creations, Fred Nib train from the Culver Clty studio authentic outdoor geenes for "Way ( logue provided by Joe Farnham, h Q, |address a meeting at Aurora, with respect to her trade policy, We have wnerved notiee on the United Ntates that our eyes ure turned towards Creat Writely Tho Issue In this campaign res volves around the tendenoy of our trade within the next few years, We see i vision of a market with. in the British Commonwenith of Nations, a market In which we oun well the things we produce and from which we oan obtain the things we need," Thin was the declaration made here hy Col, J. Ly, Ralston, Minister of National Defence, who spoke in support of M, L, Urquhart, Liberal candidate for Colohester vounty; Referring to British preference; the Minister sald: "181 articles from Great HNritain have heen placed on the free list, 100 duties have been Increased, but 414 have been lowered, 687 oul of 1,100 on the list are om the free list, and If vindloation of our polley in needed it In provided hy the res vont actions of Bermuda and James wlon, which have given notice of inoreaned preference In aur res ward, and by the action of Great ritalin, which has declared no embargo on Canadian apples while raising the embargo on American upples,' / Ways, Fovguson's Program Premier Ferguson, who will apeak at Hmith's Fall to-day and at Brookville tomorrow, has also a busy time ahead, He will wpeuk in Grenville=Dundas on July 14th, On July 16 he will address a mass meeting at Timming and on July 16 will speak at New Linkneard and Halleybury, On July 17 he will be at Dlind River in the afternoon and at Hudbury In the evening. July 18 he will speak at Port Arthur and Fort William, and on July 19 he will close his Northern Ontario trip at Kenora, Mr, Ferguson will on July 21, will be at Windsor on July 31, Other members of the Ontario Cabinet are scheduled to speak pas follows! Henry at Whitevale Hon, George H, Henry, Minister of Highways, at Carlinle, Wonh worth Swany, July 111 Blmeoe Jul WM] July 16, Whitevale; July 11, Caledon: July 19, Long Branch Park) July «81, Strathroy (West Middlesex nomination meeting) at noon and Parkdale in the evening: July 23, Markham; July 28, Ayn, In Mouth Waterloo, Hon, Charles MoCrea, Minister of Mines, at Hault Hte, Marie, on July 14; south Tewmiskaming, July 10: Coniston, duly 10; Sudbury, July 171 Qoppercliffe, July 18 North Bay, July 18; Kapuspasing and Cochrane North, July 3381 Time ming, July 28; Sturgeon Fall, July 24; Port Colborne, July 28 and Penctangulshene and Midland, bh mn, on, J R, Cooke will speak at Madoo on July 14 and on July 81 AL Alexandria Hon: Willam Mine layson, Hon. W, NH, Price and Hon, | - vE------------ Truro, NS, July 193" Conada hua come to the parting of the \ x " ubout three weeks In London and Germany ". # Dovohy Mackill has just heen hogy opposite Charles Bickford in "River's 1 production, meeording to announcement made by J nesking," adapted from the successful Murie Dressler, Metro-Goldwyn Mayer star, who will next appear in "Phi Lark Star," arrived in New York from Kurope lust week while as In the midst of u two-week run sler returned on the Majestic, after She was given a tre reonal appearance during the run of [J LJ ved to the leading feminine rol nd," Warner Bros, fortheoming L, Warner, vice n of James Oliver Curwood's widely ll Nellan v 4 0 stirs, will arrive In Les Angeles studios In Hollywood, IRehearsale for thelr first Radio starring vehlele, tentatively titled, "Cheek and Double Cheek," will begin the next day, with actus! film re oof July, ' ' ve wrrlvil of the Graf Zeppelin at angle with several unusual modern LJ \ Luck in sitting high on the career of John Wayne, protege and dis who selected him, wn unknown, to wow belong filmed, Wayne will play the featured role In "No Vavors Asked," adapted for Vox Films from : Alsg In the cast will be Dixlg Lee, War ren Hymer, Noel Francis and Gedige Corcoran LJ Ld LJ LJ s created Radio Pletures' "Leathers Broadway musical comedy, Vields, Richard Rogers and Lorgns Iiglds, of the comedy team Weher ally us distinguished In New York show circles and brought to the play the benefit of thelr personil ex orld war, y by Jane Murfing music arranged Lddie Cline, , dren Dunne, Ken Murray, Louise Rubin and Ned Sparks . . Mutro-Goldwyn- Mayer studio are that Ceell B of editing on his newest production, I'he pleture Is being viewed with decided interest in e's most definite step back to the thing which he made his greatest o Reginald Denny, Kay Johnson, eanie Macpherson wrote the story, Inlogue eo » laines' newest starring vehicle, and represents uw different type of adventure characterization than any of » took a chartered sound-equipped » loeation In New Mexico to obtain ut West," The story and continuity of the photoplay are hy Byron Morgan and Alfred Block, with dia | the suppordng cast of the pleture arg Leila Hyams, Polly Moran, CU Edwards ("Ukulele The"), Francis Xo Bushman, Jr, Vera Marsh, Cha rles Middleton and Ja)ck Penniek ---- -- sm dates of which will be announced Inter, Nennett in Ontario Hon, R, BN, Bennett will speak at Perth in the afternoon of July 16, und ut Renfrow In the evening, On July 17 he will be at Narnia in the afternoon and at Wiratford In the evening, He will speak at Coll Ingwood on the afternoon of July 18 and at Orillia in the evening, und the following day, July 10, at Kspanon In the afternoon, finishes Ing the week with a mars meeting aL North Pay in the evening, Mr, Rennett will be In Ontario for the jjrantep part of the week of July' Ferguson Answered Nelleville, July 138-Men, 1 N, Gordon of Peterbore' answered Premier Ferguson's address In Belleville last Wednesday at a garden woolal held last. night in the interest of Charles 1, Hanna, Liberal standard-bearer for Hass tings Houth, The Hpeaker threw out challenge after challenge and the Jorge crowd applauded his soathing remarks, "livery oltisen of this Province who lost money when the stock market orashed last fall through buoketing by the brokers may at: tribute the blame to Mr, Merguson when he failed in his duties," sald Mr, Gordon, "He utterly failed along with his Attorney-General, Mr, Price, In protecting the people of this I'ro- vince, and those men should have heen prosecuted long before they were and the prosecutions did not come until he wan foroed into it n : he Opposition In the Provinein! oune, ' LAUDS CANADIAN ~ BORDER PATROL But U.S. Senator Is Caustic Referring to Service of Own Land Washington, July 13==The Cana- dian border patrol was eredited by Representative Clancy (Republican, Michigan) with having "practically Wied illiet lguor traftie across the nited States border _KEmphasieing that the Government iv "absolutely co-operate ing" Clancy contended that there Was no necessity for the "dangerous activities of the United States patrol in operating ita boats without runs ning lights" He recently protested to the Treasury Divan ent that this was the practice of the United States patrol te While Touding the Canadian border patrol for its "honesty, courtesy, ser. vice and «ffigiency," the Mh gan Representative quoted I, W, Camp, former Commie of Customs, as describing the United States border Canadian EA Dunlop will also speak at ueveral campaign meetings, thy vatrol as "about 90 per cont, crooked or inefficient," of TA KEN MAYNARD Starving In "The Fighting Legion" New Martin, today and Monday, 1839 WHEAT WENT VIA HUDSON BAY But Shipment Came in For Use of Settlers On Prairies The Pas, Mun--Workers are tolling today on the stesl-and-con orate framework of the grain ele yator at Churchill, to ald in move ment of 10481 erap wheat over the Hudson Bay route, But 71 years Ago the Bay route was used for the shipment of wheate--at that time to the prairies which now supply consumers in all parts of the world, In 1860 some eleven thousand bushels of wheat and seven thous and bushels of flour were imports od for prairie nettlers, The bulk of these supplies oame to Red River Now Winnipeg) in the round-hottomed sailing vessels which braved the dangers of the northern route, Meventeen years Inter Manitoba shipped out ty first wheat down the river te Duluth, Minnesota, and thenee by rall to Toronto, In the Interim the western pralys fon have awelled thelr grain -pro- ducing expanses until half-hillion bushel drops have become an aes tuality, And advancing trade is preparing to move out over a buy route used by grandfathers of folk who toll today, NHE SAW THE PLACE An old lady for the first time In her life In a big elty saw a glaring sign on the front of a high builds ing which read: "The Bmith Manus facturing Company," "Well, well" she was heard to remark, 'I've heard of Nmithe all my life, but I never knew where they 'made om." Who & What's What in the Amuse ment World Dorothy Dwan Returns to Screen in Maynard Film "Ihe Vighting Legion," Universuls Ken Maynard Western thriller, now showing at the New Martin Thestre, brings to the wling screen for the first time one of the most popular stars of the pressound days, Dorothy Dwain, whose husband the late, Larry Semon, {im comediun, died more than a year ago Miss Dwan's griel over the death of her husband was so polgnant that she retired, belleying that she could never face a comers dgnin, She was persunded (0 take the femining lead n "The Fighting Leglon" by May nard Wmsell, with whom she appear. ed In two pletures several years ngo An nctusl episode In the history of the Texas rangers forms the basis of the story of "I'he Fighting Le« glow" Universal-Ken Maynard West erm, which comes to the New Martin Theatre today Muynurd, whose hobby Is the history of the rangers, suggested the theme to his scenirint, In the cast with hm In "Fhe Fights ing Legion" are Dorothy Dwan, Hare ry Todd, Venok Rice, Stanley Dilys stone, Jack Fowler and Bob Walker Dorothy Dwan, widow of the late Lurry Semon, im comedian, makes her first appearance on the sound screen ing "The Fighting Legion" Universal-Ken Maynard ~~ western which opens today ut the New Mat tin Theatre, Miss Dwan begun her film eareer at Universal and mars ried Semon witer making "The Wiz ard of Oz" in which she appeared opposite lim, It Is her first screen appearance since her husband's death more than a year ugo, Ken Maynard performs the most daring feat of his career=a leup of fifty feet from an embankment into a river astride his horse=in "The Vighting Legion," his latest Universal picture, which opens Saturday at the New Martin Theatre, He was ins sired against death or Injury by Linyd's of London, no other insurs HNEe eompuny caring to take the 14] when he made the jumpy, ro ------ Ken Maynard assembled the strongest cast In his motion pleture career for "Ihe Fighting Legion," is Intest Universal release, which opens Saturday at the New Martin Theatre, Opposite him appears Dors othy Dwain, whose husband, Lurey Semon, the film gomedian, died a vent ago, Others In the cast ure Harry Todd, les Bates, Charles Viittaker, Bill Nestelle, Veank Rice, nest Adams, Stanley Blystone, Juek Vowler and Bob Walker, pleturesque desert town of Lone Pine, Californie, was used for miny of the scenes of "Ihe Fight ing Legion," Universul-Ken Maynard western, which opefis to-day at the New Martin Theatre, Lone Ping holds & foremost place In early Cull fornie history us uw town typical of tht portrayed In the pleture, Op posite Maynard in "The Vighting Legion" appears Dorothy Dwan, making her first screen appenrance since the death of her husband, the late Larry Semon, film comediun, A song subg by the fighting, rip rouring men of the old west Is heard In "I'he Vighting Legion," Unlversals Ken Maynard release, which opens today ut the New Martin Theatre, The song Is sung In the pleture by three unique charneters known as the "Hook brothers" who give Maynard excellent support, It is one of the almost forgotten ballads of the old west which Maynard makes a hobby, of collecting ------------ A -------- HOLD DISCUSSIONS ON EMPIRE TRADE of Cooperative Congress of Union of Canada to Meet This Month Toronto, ~The promotion of recls procal trade relations between the British and' Canadian Co-operative movements the reconciliation of the interests of producers' and cons suimers' co-operative societies and the development of Canadian wholesale societies probably wil) be the outstanding subjects for dis. cussion at the Annual Congress of The Co-operative' Union of Canada to be held here, July 106, 16 and 17. The Co-operative Wholesale Ho. olety, England, will be fraternally represented by Bir Willlam Dudley, A, Plekup and W, Dodds, directors of that great Nritish co-operative federation, T. 0, Stirling and W, fpo-operative wholesale noclety Glass Tow, with Canadian headquarters at Winnipeg, will be the delegates of that institution, The Scottish Woclety is & member of the Candas dian Union, The directors of the Co-operative Wholesale Society, with Canadian headquarters at Montreal are alwo recommending thelr shareholders to become similarly interested in the Canadian movement, and the Hos oloty in likely soon to be admitted, The Boottish Cooperative Wholes sale Hoclety will exhibit a compres hensive range of commodities pro= duced In its numerous factories and mills and will display moving plotures showing some of them in working operation, Dr. J. I), Warbasse, president of the Co-operative League of the United Riates, the sister organisas tion in the republic will also be in attendance, representing that body, » OIL LY THE 'PLANB Young Mother: "Our baby Is so bright that 1 am beginning to get concerned about him," i Friend! "But what is there to worry about?" Young Mother: "I don't know # which to teach Nm firate=to walk Gallacher, directors of the Scottish or to drive the carl" Rel lt le tA lll Rl A NOW IT'S ON THE SCREEN ! The Most Heart-Throbbing Youth Drama of 1930 ! Where It's Cool and Comfortable DAY | A glamorous modern-day love story that takes you places==shows you things million dollar prize fights, wild studio parties, football games--then what? Nog YOUNG MAN of MANHATTAN Millions fell head-over-heels love with the sweethearts of the famcinat Aaturday Bvening Post serial, the America! combing love. Fire meets fire when they marry in to wedded best-selling novel Youths who teled single bliss and w=You'll enjoy it lived nereen, on with Noro youngblooded - Dees CLAUDETTR COLBERT The Most 10xquinite star of The Horeen in ng the MONDAY. ------ Ei 8 BE Te AW GA ALLENY | INCE AITN 1 OUR TALKOMEDY Presents Y LANGDON Clowning Hik Way Through "THE SHRIMP" Graham McNamee Nowacanting

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