Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Jul 1930, p. 3

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' THE OSHAWA DAILY IMES, SATURDAY, JULY 12, 1930 PACE THREH Orangemen Hold M Gloom Pervaded Court Today As Officials Regret Death Ot Magistrate A. F. Hind Tribute Paid to Major Hind's Memory by Crown At torney McGibbon, Acting Magistrate Willis and Chief Friend PRAISE HIS WORK UPON THE BENCH Had Keen Interest in Wel fare of Young People -- "A Great War Hero" Says Magistrate Willis A deep gloom perveded th eCity Polige Court thi smorning, In the presence of Acting Police Maginirat Willis Crown Attorney A, A, Mes Gibbon, Chiet of Police Friend and several of the Police Voree of the oity, court was called to order and Crown Attorney McGibhon rose and announced that since adjournment yesterday, the sad news had heen received of the passing of Major Alfred V, Hind, who had been Vo. lee Magistrate of the city for 11 yours As a mark of respect to the memory of a publle servant who had served the city well, (here would be no court today Crown Attorney J. A, Mcliibhon expressed his appreciation of the assistance given the Crown in the cases that had come to the court, "I'he assistance rendered the Crown In its work has heen more than appreciated, 1 feel a real pers sonal loss In the passing of Majoy Hind," sald Mr, Gibbon, "Major Hind gave me great help In carry- ing out my work, He knew (he Criminal Code from beginning to ond and always gave his decisions as he sam tha law, As a man he stood "four-square,'" "It 1s snd to think that a man #0 young in years should he out off in his prime," continued Mr, Me. Gibbon, "Major Mind's Interest in the waifare of the young people of "the olty was evidenced In hin Ins terest in the Juvenile Court and in the Children's Ald Boolety, The oltinens who have passed through this court have lost a friend In. deen and I wish to express my sin. oerest sympathy to his family, M : ino Hun acted IH 068 Capaniy of Whitby Mourns The Death of Major Hind The flag (Hes ut haif mast on Whithy's Municipal Buildings this morning, out of vespect for the lute Major Alfred 1, Hind, who was well known and highly osteomed hy many people In Whithy, Major Hind kuown In the County Town more partioularly to the men who fought overseas In the Great War, The flay will remain at half mam until after the funeral on Monday afternoon, Oshawa Man Has Beautiful Rose Tree The marden of D, Crawford at #07 Verdun Nomad is much In the Hmelight these days, A few days ngo Mr, Crawford went to The Timon uftleo a box of some of the Invent. strawberries we have ever ween, This morning M7 Crawford fells us of a beautiful Japanese Crimson Rowe tree rambler which In nt the present time in full bloom and whieh In worth walking a long way to see, Dr, Rundle, who is an nuthority on roses stated after soning this one that he had nover seen any finer this side of Hritish Columblu, This speaks well for My Crawford an an amateur gardener and It Is a credit to him that his garden in ylolding such fins spol mens both of flowers and frult Died HIND IN Christie Nivea Hospi tal, Toronto, en Vriday, July Lith, 1080, Major A, VV, Hind, (Police Mugistrate of the Clty of Oshawa), heloved hushand of Mary K, Norman, Funeral from the family enee, 181 Mimeos MWireot Mouth, Oshawa, on Monday, July 14th for service in Bt, George's Church nt 8.00 pm Interment Unlon Cemetery, Under military nusploos, (10m) Pollen Magistrate in the oity since Major Hind was removed from aoe tive participation in the court work, suid that it was with deep regret that he had learned of the death of Major Hind, "As Police Magistrate of this eourt Major Hind always did his work well, He always had his work well in hand, He considered the ovidence carefully and by action and good judgment he hans done a lasting good, He placed many an erring young. man 'on the path of right, Mis work has left the world the better for his nots of kindness In placing men on the right path, He In a vietim of the Great War, and Just as must a hero as those whe died on the feld," sald Mr Willis. "He went to Aeht for free dom and liberty and returned broken in health, Minos his return he has not been the physical man he was hefore he went, The posi tion of Magistrate In 8 hard poss tion to All, Major Mind was only human, and man Is bound to err wt some time, not knowingly or willingly, Major Hind used hin host Judgment at all times, with out prejudice of vindiotiveness He will he missed in Oshawa," Mr, Willis contnued, "Major Hind wis here a long time and his ele ola of friends was not confined to the city alone, 'hut also extended throughout the provines," MAGISTRATE HIND 10 BE BURIED WITH MILITARY HONORS Ontario Regiment And War Veterans Will Parade Major A FV, Hind, LL, B, police magistrate of this city who died ut the Christie Street Military Hospital, yesterday morning will be buried in the Union Cemetery Monday alters noon, with full military honors, I'he Ontario Regiment, with which Major Hind served overseas and in which he took detive part In its 1e-orgim leutbon, following the Great War, will have charge of the funers) and Is witending the public service to bi hel! ut Bt, George's Anglican Chureh on Monday ulternoon ut 3 o'clock Previow to the service wt Mt Cieorge's Chureh a private service will he held wt the late residence of the decensed, 121 Bimeoe street sonth, be attended by relatives and intimate friends, Rev, Canon ¢ K dePencler, rector of Bt George's, will othclate Phe veghment "will fall in" wt the Armories and Is to parade from The Armories (oo the ¢hureh wt 230 vloek The oeu! brane of the Canadian Legion, of which Major Hind was a member, will wlso take. part in the parade, President George Walsh has requested that the veterans meet ut the Armori® at 215 o'clock and those with uniforms are urged to weir them Major Mind was un member of Ce dur Musonle Lodge, AV, & AM hut the service on Monday In not un der Musonle auspices, Muyor Mitel ell, members of the eity gounell, po liee commission und other public bo dies will attend the funeral ws a mirk of respeet and esteem for fulthful and valued public servant DR. KAISER ASSURED OF WOMEN'S VOTE Moveral hundred women gathered in the Conservative Commities rooms on Mimeoe Bt, North, yester day afternoon to leten to an ad dress deliversd by Mra, Jaws, Louk head, of Toronto, and to discuss the program of work for the coming election Dr, T. K. Kalser, Conservative candidate In the election, was ae corded a rousing reception at the menting and was assured of the support of the women's vote, Mrs Lougheed and Mrs, Clayton Down ay, of Oshawa, deliverad spirited addeenses on the unemployment situation In. the Dominion and in the elty of Oshawa ORANGE BANDN PRACTINE The activities of the Vife and Drum Hands of the Orange Lodges and the Loyal True Blue Lodges on the strestn of the eity last evening, Indleate the proximity of the "Glorious Twelfth" Hoth bands were out on prectice par uden during the evening, givin the yYounmer Kenevation mn oreal theill, Many small boys followed the bands over the miles of streets traversed, The olity Lodkes of the Orange Order will colebrate thin your in Lindway on Saturday, - AR FEDERAL ELECTIONS --Hear-- W.H. Moore LIBERAL CANDIDATE in the REGENT THEATRE Oshawa Thursday, July 17th, 8 Daylight Saving Time P. m. A complete list of speakers and Mr. Moore's subject will be announced in Monday's An interesting meeting is assure Japon | Citizens' Band in Attendance : 'Watch the Press for Further Announcements a em li AA Ontario Conference, Seventh- Day Adventists Is Reaching Climax of Attendance Today The activities of the Ontario Cone ference of Waventhedny Adventists, now elosing on the Oshawa Missions ary College campus, bre reaching the climax attendance this week: ond, Pastor M, V, Campbell, has heen re-elected President of the On. turlo Conference and Legal Core poration and associated with Mr Campbell is an executive commities of the following names: G, 1, pather, Toronto, F, a, Hill, ®t, Thomas W. J, Wurdon, Windsor, It, A, Hubley, Lapdon L, I'yne, Oshawa T, VV, MeKeso, Toronto, Funday Iu the lust dey of this blenninl confearnee und I Is ro ported that thers are "101" tems on the uganda. to- ha covered in fnlshing the busingss Thora wre several former mis wlonuries of the depomination who happen to be In attendance wt this conference, Mr, W, Vi, Perrin, now suditor of the Kustowr Canadian Unlon Conference, with his family spent. many years in Inds, Mins slonary B, M, Heald, now visiting wenarsl meetings in the field has Intely yoturned with hin family from Central Africa, W, J. Hur don, Pastor of the Windsor yhureh Is among the speakers ai the con ference, und hon spent several years In Jamien, Pastor 1, A, Beavon who has charge of the Hamilton district of churches, has lately re turned from Kenya-Colony, Bast Africa, Theres are two students, one from India and the other from Mexieo, whe are In training st the Oshawa Missionary College attend Ing the conference, Pastor R, A, Hubley, from the London distriet, In one of the speakers at the eon. ference and was also a missionary In Burma, Miss Nettie J, Knister, A teacher In the Toronto ehureh sohool of HWeventh-day Adventists, in stiendance at the conference, al wo wpent. several years in Burma, Pastor 1, ¥, Passebols, who Is in charge of the Vrench Department of Bevenith-day Adventists, Is a for. mer missionary from Egypt, where he spent a term of service for that denomination, Mr, Fassehols 1s one of the leading speakers of the conference, Pastor J, €, Thomp: son, Wourelary of the Sabbath Wehool Department, with headquars tors at Washington, D.C}, travels the world over and hrings a mes wage Lo the Oshawa conference from other lands and countries, A Iarge baptism will take plage this afternoon and to-night at eight o'closk, Misslonary 1, M, Henld will he the speaker and will spenk on his advertiged subject "The Clash of Colour," Witting on the platform will be a large group of returned missionaries dressed in the native costumes of the countries they represent and the service pros mises to he a unique arrangement that will be of public interest and education, A general invitation 1s oxtented to the eitigens of Oshawa, A capacity sudienee is anticipated, Motor enrs driving out the King. ston Koad turn off to the left one and a half miles out of the ety at the sign of the Canadian Wateh: man Press SENIOR TEAM OF TENNIS CLUB TO PLAY BOWMANVILLE Games at Local Courts This Afternoon <« Interinedi ates to Whitby I'he senior team of the Oshawa Tennis Club in the entral Ontario Tennis Club Is playing the Bows munville senlor team at the loeal club's courts this afternoon, Osh. Awa has won two meets and lost one and a win today will mean that It will be able to continue in. to the semi-Annl The games this afternoon have heen arranked as follows Men's singles, Veonay, Oshawa, va, Btrike, Bowmanville] MacMillan, Oshawa, va, James, Bowmanville Men's doubles, Alger and Wverson, of Oshawa, ve, Hareis and Armstrong, Oshawa, va, Vinson and Gould, Bow manville ; Alexander and Mitchell, of Bowmanville, and Mr, Fishleligh, Oshawa, va, Miss Mason and Mi Dudley, Bowmanville, ladies sing los, Miss Gilhert, Oshawa, vi, Miss Osborne, Bowmanville, Ladies dou bles, Miss Fearhor and Goheen, Onh- Awan, ve. Miss Warry and Miss Van stone, Bowmanville. Mixed doubles, Miss Myeors Oshawa Is sending a wrong team to Whithy this afternoon to gompate against the Whitby Ten nin Club in the Intermediate series, wontern division of the Central On. tario Tennis League, Those who are journeying to the county town in olude, Mrs, Btawart, Miss Fleming and Miss Martini Glen Corn, Jim Lister, Hert Granlek, Don Holden und Hob Hares, "Concontration, Industry work, are all synonymous! hard PREACH GOSPEL BY THE RADIO IN NORTHERN ONT, Supt, of Missions Heard at Summer School---A Mes sage From India At the Whithy Bummer Behool of Missidns one of the groups held each morning Is conducted hy Rey J, €, Cochrane on the subjest "The Chureh In Canada', This group has proved net only inter: esting but also instructive for Rev, Cochrane was ratsed In Northern Ontario and is familiar with mis. slonaty work In Canada from all Its angles, Mr. Cochrane pointed aut the many ways In whieh the chureh is taking the Gospel to the people In the rural distriots and on the frontier AL the pressut time the radio in being used Lo a great extent for it In able to reach the most remote parts of the country, At Bt, John's a grant has been made to a radio station so that that station may minister to the fishermen and the people along the const Mr, Cochrane stated that the need for missionaries In the north Is great for those people are in many cases, miles from civilisation ang from friends, Mr, Cochrana also sald that young healthy ministers wera needed to he able to stand the hardships of the life, They must be adventurs ous and daring, He entered a plea that the church might send oul theses men to that country instead of placing them in the elty ehurohs en an In mo often the cane Rev, 6, ©, Pidgeon, DP, dur Ing hin regular morning Bible study has heen apeaking on Bi, John's Gospel, These addresses have proved very inspiring and a Toronto Stock Exchange Stock Market Prices Mark Summary by Canadian Press Toronto and New York Wook Quotations Supplied b Biggar and Orawlord, Alger Bullding, Oshawa ------ 140 ARH 180 fd, Pa, 140 Th, Hg, 035 Wr, Hr, 188 Ho LAL) 180 Low Close 174 il) 18% 19 LL) LRT 1h ] Nook High In, A. Ol I'am 'any Ist an, Med, ty, Dry, He, Bem, Iypsum nr, Wal, (nt, Util, Int, Nk, Int, Pet, Ind, Aloh, Imp, Ol Lobe MA" Ma, Hp, Me, rt, 17 an TP ke ED - 25 EET EERO EWeRT ROW PDI - Fs EE Fr FEE DUE TR 1D ND BD H Station | Standard ining Exchange 180 180 (1 ([} 640 AMO TIN (kL ATH (3) 408 104 Hy, Gold 59 1} 11) Hd, Ray 780 100 780 Kt, Fv, LAMY | LE Lk Bh NAN PRET My Nrada, 3398 FRET 2208 8h, Ord, 140 140 i \Jax-,, 18} Hg Mis, a8 hy Res, B40 Ve, Munk, 718 Holl, ., ATH He, Oll New York Exchange High mn Pr. 46 200 \4 MN i" (38 MN EL Clone 19 (1) 200%, Heh i" fl 10 iL) Btook Low Am, Am, Am, 'lel, Am, Inter, Anaconda Auto Ntrop Nendix +. Heth, Steel Byers AM, 74 Can, Pao, 180% On, Mim Pr, 20 On, Mim Co, 10% Ohryaler ,, 48 Col, Gas ,, 64% Fox Film ® {1 Gen, Eleo, bY Gen, Mot, dil orth, TA Int, Tol, ., 48 Kelvinator 1634 Mt, Ward 4% Nat, Cash 40 Ph, Rd, Coal 104 Paramount 68% Ph, Nu Jar, Daly Radio ,... 1 Radio Kth, 20 Simmons ., MW 8, NJ. TOW U.K, Rubber 31% U8 Steal 1480 Vanadium Ath Yel. Truok 374 Can. Fr, - eT ad sa DD FEF FF TD a wD LD TRS AD =o -- or -4 = COTTAGE AT LAKE IN URGENT NEED OF DONATIONS Only $61 Has Been Recelv- od in Cash--Generosity of Citizens Appreciated Donations in money and pro- vislons for the Red Cross Cotiage ut the lake are still urgently nesded and although the response lately han heen more marked than at the commencement of the sen: son many more subscriptions will be necessary to make the 1040 Wonson a success, The Ned Cross cottage at the lake Is doing 'one of the most humane works in the city today and under the guidance of Mrs, McKenna, who is super: ntendent, many undernourished and otherwise neglected children ura hrought hack to health hy thelr uliy nt the cottage, The Boclety wish to very Krate: fully thank the donors of the fol lowing provisions who have made It possible to maintain the high standard of living necowsary for the heslth of the children in resi: dence, Meat enough for one meal week has been supplied hy the following butchers, KE, PF, Cawker, Rex Harper, Barwell & Ferguson, H, A, Buddard, Provisions were supplied hy the Eastern Bitar Op. der, a bod and spring by Mrs, Pugh, six sweater coats by Miss Woods for Mrs, Talt's Group C€.0,1 T., suntan wuits from Ward's To make the hour even more pleasant than they have heen io the past Mrs, I", W, Cowan hae kenerously donated a new slide and sand hoxes, Mra, MoKenns on hohalf of the ehildren and the Sor cloty wish to thank the Bt, Grey ory's Catholie League and the Home and Behool eluh of Cedar: dale for their entertaining of the children this past waek, Hpecial mention In also made of the kindness of the owners of the motor launch Miss Oshawa who have provided & half day each week when the children aL the cottage aro taken for a free ride on ue lake Money donations are still ure gently needed and subseriptions should be sent to Mra, M, Hesslo: wood at 87 Albert Nireet Previously acknowledged ji J. KB, Kyle , 10 RRR EEE Total il great help in reading the fourth Gowpel, Dr, Pidgeon has given to hin hearers a new conception of the Christ" as revealed In Bt, John's Gospel A Volee From the Jungle Friday night one of the most Interesting addresses of the Rohoo) nossion was given by Rev, Mp, Wmith, who has spent the greater part of his Jfe in the jungles of India preaching the gospel to the natives, This Is Mr; Smith's first ume in Canada, and ifn fact, ha haa not heon away from India for many years, His story of the power of the gospel was unique and gripping, and was listened to with Krent interest, Hecauss of Its many religions, India, sald Mr Bmith, 1a the most religious coun. try in the world, but ita" greatest need was the Christian religion which today with great power was Awakening many of the people to a realisation of the falsity of heathen God worship and a cons viotion of thelr spiritual needs, ven heathen priests, an related In one instance, were throwing AWAY thelr idols to embrace the Christian gospel, Rev, Mr, Smita pathetioally described the need of men and money to carry on work in India, The native Christians wore loyal, giving in many in stances. more than the Heriptural tenth of their earnings to the work of the ehurch, and mission. Aries were carrying on at their own expense, The sacrifices they made should be carried out by those at home in Christian lands, and, if they were, the visions of the gos pel preached in overy nation would soon be realised; The Hohool continues ita regu lar session on Baturday, Dr, Maw garet MoKellar of India speaks tonight, KING LAYS DOW BASIS FOR RELI OF UNENPLOYNENT (Continued from Page 1) immediately, He could, he sald, understand a representative of the unemployed pressing for an ans wer, "We ave prepared to assist, "U'll give that anawer now," Mr King asserted, and there ware loud ohears, Also there were some Jeera from an element In the audis ance, Mr, King paused ployment discussion, "I would ask those who are ins terrupting whether they ave inten ented tn the solution of unemploy ment or whether they have tome AN Agents of the Tory party." he wid. h {] in his unem- declare em: ment Waa Tey 10 anslat ately any provines whioh reported that the situation waa too great for fh to handle, and requested assistance, "Remember" and Mr, King em: haslsed hin statement, 'remem. her, in dealing with public money we are trustees," The | govern: went on to Mepl must spend the tazes of the "for the last LIBERALS TO HOLD MASS MEETING IN REGENT THEATRE W. H. Moore, Candidate, To Address Gathering of Electors ---- W. H. Moore, Liberal candiduts for the Contarino riding will con tinue his campaign in Oshawa nex! Thursday night when he will ad dress & mass mesting of elpetors in the Negent Theatre The Oshawa Citizens' Band will he In sttendanie to provide a musical wide to the program while other special speakers will address the meeting, A further announce ment with the list of speakers will appear In Monday's Issue of The Times, Watch for the announces OBITUARY MAN, HENTER GODFREY Hestar Godfrey, loving wife of Rowland Godfrey, G08 Nassau Bi passed to her eternkl rest yestor day, ending a life of devotion wn her husband and family Mrs, Godfrey wan much respocted In the disiriet In which she had lived five years, and I» mourned hy a wide cirele of friends and. acquaintances, The deceased was a member of Rimeos Wires United Church, during the time she lived in the city Mrs, Godfrey leaves a wnorrow mg husband and two daughters, felon and Hilda; and wx sons, arold, William, Roy, Ross, Hoi ace and Gerald, all at home, Her father, Mr, Craddock, of Belleville, and three sisters, Mra, Harris, and Mrs, MoGoeran, of Toronto; and threes brothers, William and George of Toronte and John of Goderich also survive The funeral services will he sondueted hy Rev, J, KA, I, Wilson Associate pastor of Himone Kirest United Chureh at Luke's Burial Parlors on Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Interment will be made at the Union Cometery ' WILFRED HENRY MERCER A loyal citizen of the clty, whan was always interésted in the life of the community entered into doath at Bracebridge on Tuesday last, in the person of Wilfred Henry Mercer, Mr, Mercer came tn hte olty in 1014 to take up hin residences and lived here until the time of hin death, The degeased was A faithful member of King Neveet United Chureh, and a mem: ber of the Canadian Order of For: enters, The late Mr, Mercer Is survived by his widow, formerly Miss Anup Jane Fioe and two daughters, Mrs, J, N, Noble, of Oshawa, and Mrs, E, 1, Holnbeck, of Rracebridge, and one son, Perey, of Winnipes, The Tuneral will take place at the home of his daughter, Mrs, J, N, Noble, 2348 Ritson Ra, ®, at 2.00 pm, (Daylight Baving Time) this afternoon, Rev, ©, ¥. Crags, of King St.2 United Chureh, will conduct the service at the home and at the graveside in the Union Cemetery, "Oats appear enigmatic only to those who are not sensitive to the expressive power of silence,' =Paul Morand people, and he did not propose to spend it in » way which was not right, even for the sake of winning An election, he asserted, Nuggests Nubways sv A ractioal sugmestion of the Prime Minister was that the munis olpalities and government co-opers ate in doing away with level rails WAY crossings by construoting subs ways, If the municipalities em» barked on such a program the govs ernment stands ready {0 serve financlally, Bhorta of the Government in the divestion of 'wehleving national status had met with opposition, and sometimes vidioule, from the Conservatives, Thin opposition had been seen in the assertion of Canada's right to negotiate her awn treaties, It had been the case when Canada appointed ministers to Washington, Paris and Tokio, sid Mr, King, Coming Events ho Het RP Sa for each MAJOR WIND'S FUNKRAL WILL be held under military ausploes AL 2 pom, Manda; July 14 at 8 (oorge's Ohureh, The Ontario Regiment will parade at the am mouries at 3,15 pom, All officers And men who van attend should ha present, Dress; drill order With rifles and side-arms, (108) THE ANNUAL PICNIQ OF THR Trull family will ba hald at Osh: awasonsthe-Lake, saturday, July in \ (doa) emorial Service Before Going to Lindsay | Bright Scene Witnessed This Morning as Lodges Marched To the Skirl of Fife and Drum Loyal Orange Lodges, True Blues, Orange Young Britons end Juvenile Lodges Took Part in Im~ pressive Ceremony TRIBUTE PAID TO GREAT WAR DEAD Following Service Oranges men Left for Lindsay To Take Part in Great Celebration he Orangemen walked teday ma the Wt and skirl of the fits and the rattle of the drumi with orange ribbons flying, and orange and bine eockades tossing in the wind. Oshawa's Hons of Protestants ism marched today, as did thelr forefathers on thit first twelfth of July hy the hanks of the Boyne, But no wirlike procession WAN it today, No grim-mouthed cannon tumbered In the rear of the sons tngent) the gay orange umbrellas of the Queen Mary Ladies' Lodge had replaced the muskets and lane ces which were earried when the Hirst Orangemen marched to the defence of lherty 140 Years ARO, under the banner af the liberator William of Nassau, Prince 0 Orange, hy the Omee of God and the strength of his armies, King of (reat Britain and Ireland, A procession of peace, Canadian manhood and womanhood, organs lged In commemoration of the gocuring of civil and religious frees dom, And not only men and wos men, hut, most important of all perhaps, the children, For the children were there, orange-shirts od, with their awn fife and drum band, their own drum major and leader. typifying the Canadian eit gen of tomorrow, True Blues Lead Blue-shirted, with red striped pantaloons and white shoes, multi anloured plumes waving ahove Loys al True Blue Lodge No, b6 led the way to the memorial on Eimeos Wires south Just hefore eight o'clock this merning Following them came the Juvenll a Orange Lodge, sixty strong Attractive in thelr holiday regalia as only ehilds ven ean he with shirts of brilliant OTANEe, show white trousers and shoes, orange enckades In thelr white hats, boys and girls marehs od to the swinging music of thelr own hand The other lodges order; the Queen Mary ladies' lodge neat in all-white gostumen, with the vivid orange of sash and umbrella adding a splash of eols our the No purrender lodge, with yet another hand in thelr van; the Wnterprise Lodge, with bandsmen in an effective black and white unis form; the Oakleigh and Vietory Ladies' Lodges, And leading the whale eolorful parade, were two charming petite flower girls, little Misses Minnie Baunders and Clara Logeman, res presenting the Jubilea Juvenile Lodge and the True Blue Lodge, respectively, and escorted by the Orange Young Britons, After forming up in front of the War Memorial in the park, under the direction of County Grand Master R, J, Andrews, the Juvenile Orange hand opened the hvief ser vice with the hymn, "Shall We Gather at The River!" following which Rev, Brother O, K, Orags of King Street United Church, lod in the opaNlng prayer, While the band of 1,05, played "When the Roll is Called up Yon der', the flower girls placed a wreath upon the memorial, aftey which a hugler sounded the Lam Post, and Reveille, and a two mine ute allence was observed, A brief address was delivered hy Rev, Bro, J, # 1, Wilson, of Simeon direst United Church, Bre, Wilks gon pald tribute to the men of Oshawa who had given their lives in the great confliot for right and Justioa in 1014-10186, Soiharng them with those whe had bled an died a century and a halt ago at the Battle of the Boyne, when lib» erty of conscience was the prize at sake, "In home and community, id our daily life of business and in our private afiairs, let us pass on the {napiration received from those men who won our freedom, Let us resolve in the common walks of ite to display the same . apivit of service and self-snorifice an was evidenced hy those men who fought for our freedom in days mone by, the pastor sald, The service oame to an end with the rendering of the hymn "Abide With Me." hy the band of the Honan of Ulster, and a short ¢loain. prayer led by Rev, Bro, 0, N, Oramg, pastor of King Street Units od _Chureh, Upon the conolusion of the eeres mony, the Orangemen veformed in order of route, and paraded to the Canadian National station, where they entrained at 8.80 am, for Lindsay, \ Lindsay will be to-day the Meces for the Orange Associations of West Northumberland, Haliburton, Durham, South Ontario, Vigtoria and Peterboroush Counties, rT "I've never killed anybody iw my life, hut I've often read obit NATY nobles with great satistae followed fin ton" ==Qlarense Darrow

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