Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Jul 1930, p. 12

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' THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JULY 12, 1930 fon yulte rightly, and the young | | ALLEGE UMATISM? ART [fi vse tt Cee wa a mene w SIFTON | EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS I ORGERY ALLEGED RH SUES SWEETHE : MR. HARRY SI } TON NEUR ; perfeatly wood friends stil, und yon IN ART DEAL | Joa 7 y eb FOR INJURIES IN in Think with ine thas te would be In a Radio Address From Brochuille i / 4, it fl ¥ "Ihe Jy, he wid, "is only 22 Will Reply to yewrs old, and she has now to go prude atednsiit oe srtttt 0 0 ete | BRIGHTON CONVICT MOTOR ACCIDENT) ie sh yi iis PREMIER FERGUSON feds, when attacked hy an angry |loes) contractor, hay heen awarded yl io Ary har, he ta rtuming b, ON THE ull (ripped and fell backward [the contract for the erection of worst are apparently clesring wp un ST. LAWRENCE LJ J : J 8) : ai striking his head so heavily on a |new Prashyterian Chuveh in the vile |) Res for Pays le Compli-| i," fi 1 Sy or with Br vanes oven of tog 16 Scion, Ubve urot| Woman Denies Signing fa TS ule ake Couple, Compll'ses 5 ar micsf' nts evi DEVELOPMENT " SW -- M-------- nrehitecture, D ' A ; AMBges Alter the decision Mr, Nash lineh Six Paintings TRC" 7 J mag ed with Miss Ashton at her mother's h home, wotte announces that! J, Frat vororte injuries reeelved while eiding fn ul ton wold u reporter, "1 hate pity, und 8-9 Eastern Standard Time ttorney und Clerk of the Pease for [Joni *kiioke, dust and noxious | MY: Justice Horridge in the King's Absence through 111 hen Of (olaintin's premises situnted on | The auestion valsed 1s one BE CKNC Torente CFCO Chatham the brain resulted, | be built of stone und of Goibie| Noted For $18,000 For ments snd Jury Award | 00 Pel) ING CTIOWN ATTONNKY WRIT WRUED Monday, July 14th 4 the Fills ="The Ontario Gar Paterboyo, =A ity and neties of py f Londan==An unusual case, In whieh Ys y Ab Dur fnetion to restrain | London Suggestions of fork dais iki) fase, ny ill ul" Mins Aol madge, of Smiths Valls, barristers Wo "fo nn Paving | 07Y ware mada when o datute BIG CUNARD LINER i min wis sued by his finance for e fre still engaged, shi torn has heen appointed Crown Company Limied, from causing or | 0V6r # ploture deal, came before COSTS $28,000,000 motor-ear driven by: him slong the i fon did os fealty Jove ne of 9:10 Enstorn Daylight Baving Time § t () 1) ' re ml, r ri J } i winted te real. olf our wy J # or county of Lanark "during Ow (FUL Ek' [0 satape on to | Bench division, London d Vicigula imbankment, wis hewrd Jy gg i Bor Pik By Boh i CPB, Toronto CJGC London Crown Attorney, ©, Harwood Me 4 ) ) which sometimes leads people to i : he henring, he sweethearts | him," ". ; ] Kimm : nob n AYO , Kash CU has | Tears pon) servitude," som: Mogi ionghiidl 4d he ly we hid Juneh together, i ENR Ouse . CHUL Hamilian ' . heen Issued, j - S-- mented Maleolm Hilbery, WK.U, it 18 announced, John Brown and Mins Murtha Amelia Ashton, ol Wi ; CLE Prescott | i NIUE ! J ol, Dlackivalrn, sued Mr, iheral Csmpnign Committe 0 Al Ul NIURKD counsel far the plaintiff, to, ork of Clydebank, Ubford street, 1h i ' AGED RESIDENT Ontario LAvera PrN hy Bolton oer eit truly Petorvony i nevus and Thos |. Ono of the men soncerned in the tne Jiphuliden, der for the | John w C, Nuh, 1 printer, of Api ¥ ; : Mr: Harry Biflon iv) 4 orops were almost ruined In one of {mus fouch of Keene are in Bt Jo- [deal uttanded the Court In eustody | sonstwmation of & Cunard ner to | Meside Hive, Mout ig Fi fh, 10 ------------ the most disastrous hall storms |seph's hospital as & result of serious | of warders (o glve evidence, Ilan e™ gag 000000 for express wers whom she ls YW o" A igh " aia ------ - ever experienced east of the city, |head injuries sustained when the | was statod that he was serving i |yice between the Channel ports | for injuries whi Jed 10 {he a bi J ¥ vvitah bo + The storm concentrated itself In |touring car in whieh they were vid:| term of penal servitude for (4168 | snd New York, The construction | wn eye, tub on the face, md per Var uw long time wo man of 70,(1to be desd and Pritchard Yio 1 that aven lying between Leavens' |ing was in head-on sollislon with & | pretences, will provide employment for (hous manent disfigurement pn a ---- nwamed John Dolbhear. held the pols | not seriously Injured was taken 1h Alrport and Marysville and farmerg | trick driven by Jack Walsh, farm: Bamuel Bavolay, an art dealer, [sands of men for at least threo | Bhe wis entered BoR75, and Judy Dramatic Shootin Tragedy eg at buy with a donhisbarrelion | Lo hin own collage, ad. Prati report heavy losses in the gale or Otonabee, The third ecenpant | whe carries on business #8 the | years, ment wis entered with costs | r ] sporting gun, hut wad eventually Vixoiting weeny ensued. rash -------- of the touring ear, Leo Heard, of | Alexandra Galleries, Haymarket, | The engines of the new liner will : Ihe neeldent oeenrred on pit in Gloucester Village nrranied tilly the entire bobulat on it . / RECEIVES APPOINTMENT Indian Wiver wlio sustilned head |alaimed from Miss Frances Mor: [na constricted to develop 600,000 | 192, Miss Ashton alleged (hit M: Hill, ritahard and potbanr wera |" whout 400 peopla nam ad on APPOINTMENT injuries and cuts to his hands and | gan, of Crawford surdens, Clifton [horse-pawer, The length of the vow: | Nash drove his ear negligently, My Street aiaitare Apnt 1 oteloek HIN and [11h woot and Pollse Beret, ) Bellovilie. Charles J, (, kel: [gamplained of sight Injury to Wis] ville, Margate, $16,000 for six of) [sel over wll will he 1,000 feet, und | Nash pleaded that on account of he Wat Arn walkin dn thu lor Durday and Vw, Meadows of gher It Iu announced by the Civ somach. paintings said to have been sold [thers will be neoommaodation for | darkness he did not see (he refuge vondwiy In Crawley HAL outside | 118: 6rrived In responue Lo urgent Service Comurission hag heen aps a 10 her 4,000 passengers and & orew, of | post with which he collided Ulny, Bnk,=A dmmatic shoo X isd (TELTTT inted customs examiner at the WOMEN LIBERALS "he Nix Paintings $00. Thin In the tatest of n sefies| Mr. Justfte Chirles, in summing up ling seens, tn which one man wa thal ie "i or iy Pili Dolheny stood in ths yond with ort of Belleville, Campbeliford, The Campbell Miss Morgan replied that (he |of ships which have been begun or | sald that the jury wast disregnid the [kitted and another Injured took hie Folin und. Dyitehard pe |® B00 In his hand, and for nearly ford branch of the Liberal Wo: | signature of hor nume upon three |Isunched recently; the German | (nel that Miss Ashton und Mr, Nash [pinon (nthe village of Dley. clone] PEE WOE ait an ho dated anybody to ap one ) | 10 POUND PIKW men's Assoclatlon wus recently ors | iia of exahange for $6,000 each [Vners Bremen and Butops walnod | weres engaged and mist treat them [oestarshive Kingston Aubrey Johnston, a |Wniged, The election of officers re. | oo." of put ge tor pid dh by [fama for thelr speed, while voyalty las thongh they were unknown to] The dead man ix William Henry | Hevers!l villagers itvnciod hy Vinalty, however, ho was dis y witehed the new Cunadinn Pacifie | each other Hill aged AK and the Injured Ia{the shots roshed (o the aasistanes | armed hy tha poles and was (akon repay y silted as follows: President, Miss " loeal resident veporied eatehing a ' herself, hut by somebody else, tIngshin [he Dod, he sild, "Beings the wes | William Pritchard aged 40 of the two men, Hi wan found te the polies station Iarge fish near Gananoque, It was |Urace Anderson; first vice-presis | - ' B a and the Wolght Wis Aub dent, Mrs, 4, O'Sullivan; second alr ditvary. tor Mt, Rarely) nies As ten pounds, Vice-president, Mrs, 1, C, Denyesi | 0 vist, told Mr, Baral that p =. third viee-president, Mrs, Frank ns " gh ol Hh hy thi " Ie; corresponding secretary, Mrs, | 1 Dad a client for pletures, WATER LEVEL WPHADY N, Morrison, Mr, Barely showed: him; Kingston, ~The water level in -- "Winter Berries," by Marcus Kingston harbor remains steady and HEAVY STORM DAMAGE Hione, L.A, BP LEE ---- A has shown searcely any decline dur. Ing the past two weeks, The mea: sured depth averages from 18 fest 4 Inches to 18 feet 6 inches, Ii Is eustomary at this time of the Year for the water level to fall very Brockville, ~ Reports of exten: sive damage to crops and farm buildings in country to the rear of "Bummer Fruit," hy Mareus lone; "An English Beauty," hy ¥ Brookville as a result of a heavy | Vernon; hall storm have reached heye, In the. veglon north of Algonquin | 81, "The Baptism," by Frank Good J vapidiy, hail lying six inches doop, on the| "The Village Priest," hy J. B Ri ax ground was reported, " ' Indows | Burgess, 1, A; and were shattered by the force of the "The Love Letter," hy H, Le TR BE ' v Bathing is in Vogue How refreshing the waters of beautiful Lake Ontario feel! Handsome is the young lady who is attired in a pretty costume of Yoloaeat harmony"=-Wea ane pure you the heat of satin faction If you'll come in and examine our stock of bathing supplies, Our stock is complete and & wonderful assortment of ples, colors and styles awalt your Inspection, Bwim-Xaps ,...., 2c up Swim 8hoes ,,., The pair Peach-Bags of Rub. herised Milk .,,, $1.23 The Rexall Btores storm which swept 4 comparatively narrow path of destruction through Augisia and Ellsabethtown Towns elilps, Crops were levelled trees brought down, electro and publie utilities lines broken and harns and tion unreofed or seriously damage od, CORUNG BANS FINKCRACKERS Cobourg,--At a meeting of #he Council of the Corporation of CQo- bourg A by-law was passed for bidding the setting off of fives crackers of any description on any street or In any publi place in an area defined by the bylaw und whioh includes the central part of the town, ET Se ---- EARL'S DAUGHTER Jeune, The cost price of the pletures to Mr, Barclay, who had them on wile or return from another deals OF, Was $2,400, It was arranged that Mr, Barclay should have 86 per cent; of any profit en the tale Cheques topped Welr took the pletures away and later phoned Mr, Barclay that he had sold them #t Margate for $17,600 "and had received wo cheques for $10,000 and #7.000 He afterwards reported that (he | uhegues had been returned, as (he hunk had received an order nut 1a pay Miss Morgan told Welr that the bank manager had seen threo of the pletures and advised her not to pay, as he had doubt about thelr genuineneds, Fhe wald she would give Wier TRIED T0 SAVE LE 5-4 Jumped Into Lake After Woman Whe Committed Suicide How she jumped into a Jake in a vain effort to save a life was told at an inquest hy Lady Davina Lytton, younger daughter of the Karl of Lyt+ lon The hody, that of Mrs, Elsie Tvory 42, wife of a Stevenage councillor, wits found in the lake at Knehworth Park, near the Hertfordshire seat of Lord Lytton Lady Davina Lytton said at the Int quest at Stevenage that she was walking with her cousin, Miss Las fone, when she saw the body float Ing in the water, Earl's Evidence 'I told my consin to run for help," sald Lady Davina, "and 1 called to my father, whem I saw standing on the footbridge, "My father went to fetch the beat a8 the body was aut of my depth, "Another man came and 1 PH ed in and got the beady te the steps." The Karl of Lytton said that when he arrived at the boathouse his daughter and Yhe young man had gol the body ont of the water, They did "I feel awful to have caused you si much trouble and hope God will | help me and you, toa, ,, [ "1 feel as if IL am surrended | With spies, Yet | helleve in rou | all the time, so do let me know that all is wall, tor It does worry me so when I'm anxious to maka folk hapgy=--not otherwise, "Hhall think lots of you ann pray for you, All kindest wishes from your pal, »." Disputed Words In Letter Mr, Hilbery sald thet in June Yelr and My, Barclay motored | Herne Bay tn soe Miss Morgan Weir took with him three bills of axchange for Miss Morgan's ae veptance, Mr, Harelay waited while Weir went to nee Miss Morgan, After threesquariers of an hour Welp re turned with three acoeplances of the bills of exchange, payable In one month, six weeks and wo months, Weir supplied Miss Morgan with short histories of the artist who had painted the plotures, and on June 12 she wroteie- "Dear Mr, Weir==It has made me very happy to receive those pa pera about the pletures, as now there ia no question of the peaply Misjudging them, SE at a Trem R BRITISH AMERICAN BASOLENE YEARS A SYMBOL OF SUPER SERVICE Each year additional thousands of car owners learn to recognize the British American Sign as the insignia of a Company devoted to the best interests of every man who drives a ca Nl pe 2 rt "-- -- ~-- -- 2 a . ms, a Ee Pe TO tr = Der i if = Boar fri le PF gi \ UTISH AMERICAN O11 CO. LIMITED pean ETHYL Gasol all they eguld to restore life, "Also I have written about utes, and many thanks for the lavely LIMITED Av was sald that Mrs, Ivery had | drive whith 1 enjoyed ever wo : LADIES: Bimeoe 8, 8, [1] disappeared from a Hitchin nursing | mueh, Your pal, ¥." Only NEW BILLS ore given In A verdict of suicide during t «| "It 18 suggested that that letter ary insanity was recorded © Te | in An Mink Morgan wrote ft except change at British American Service ' for the two words 'bills, se," Which sometnihy whieh was there hefore semi : but it 1s net known or yecellected of type of oe thet hh fully worthy of the high quality of British Expelled from Dundes Mr, Hilbery sald that Weir waa American products, At present undergoing a term of penal aervituds for Take pretens expelled 'from Dundee an an uns ~ desirable « lon. he ml in BETTER SERVICE mean that he was an Eaglish man Added NY. Wither amid NO PRICE PENALTY Aughter, (HEH wy Weir, who attended in charge of FIVE DIRECT LINES TO CENTRAL . sid his true name was Bernard bo a Weiner, but wines the war he had passed under the name of Patriek CS tt dhe algn ) 8 In front © COKE SEMET « SOLVAY Wm, 8he handed him a eheque for 4600, knowing he was short of Service 0) buy veide rune fo i "Ave You Wute I have PRSUMON nm an at tent anked a ve tore sometimes give wrong dlage noses, And have treated patients far pneumonia whe aflerwards "You've heen outa Minin {tormed," replied the wedice indy nantly, "If [ireat a man for pneu: | Mrs, Ivory, he said, those bills, #0 trust you get the \ Jury & Lovell Jin the water for only 15 'or 5 min: | money All wight, All Wood wishes HE AR Phone 08 [| howe, "I gather," Mr, Hilbery added, were written In fn substitution for Stetiom viione slight Indication what was there before," ves, On one oceaslon Welr had beon BETTER QUALITY two warders, gave evidence, Ne . Welr, § JEDDO PREMIUM He became acquainted with Ming i money, ' WOOD KINDS & DRY The heaving was adjourned, phystelan, "1 oard that des {died of typhoid fever" Monin, he dies of pasumoniat

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