Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Jul 1930, p. 6

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Latest News of Stock Markets, Grain and Stock Market Prices Markey Summary by Cangdian Press Toronto and Now York Weck Quotations Buypiled by Biggar snd Orawiord, Alger Pulldlng, shame AS------------------ ds ----" a y f ¥ * Hens, over 6 IDS, yore i Tc Tc M5 Ws lO. oe" Tr fn PAGE SIX ; a a mgr \ ' THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1930 Produce Exchanges Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets PRODUCE TORONTO Woronte wholesale dealers are ying produce at the following igo' ge--=Lingraded, cases veturned, esh extras 27¢ to 48e; fresh firsts nt lo g6¢; seconds, 21s to Zhe e-idvaded. fresh extras, 20s » Bes fresh firsts, 27146 to 48 '%¢ 0 2be, Butier==No, 1, Ontario cream: wy, solids 27¢ to 27%e; Wo, 8, §be 0 2be, Churning eream---Ffpecinl, 87¢ tu t8e; No, 1, 866 to 27; Ne, 2, 84e 0 Bie, Chessa==No, | large, eolored, mrafined and government sraged, tile to 17s, / ; omingl quotations (a poultry ihippers are as follows; Allye tome Patted Hens over 6 be, each , 18 Over 4 to Bh hs, each p 16 Over 6% to 4 1hs, each Under 8'% Ibs, each , fpring Broilers, over 8% to 8 The meh ,.. SEL) Over 8 to 8% Ibs, each ,, 1b Did Roosters over § hs, each 1% Over 4 to 6 Ibs, sach A0 Dresse Poultry If In good sand: don, will ba paid § to 4 cents above sive prices, selling Toronto wholesale dealers are of fering produce to retail dealers at ha following prices: EEgne=Frosh, extras, In cartons, te; fresh extyas, loose, dle; firsts, §0e; meconds, 87¢ Bulter==Na, 1, creamery, prints, He; No, § creamery, prints 40g, Cheese--New, large, 1840; twins, 18%e; triplets, 18%; stil ons. 80%, Old, large §8e; iwing Be; triplets and cuts, B00; old stiltons, Wie, Ponltvyes Uhickens, & lhs, up vo BBR Do, #10 6 hk, cove oe idl Do, AY to 4 108, 0000 il Do, 8 to BY IDB, ,.0ve.i 80 Do, § Ihe, 20 Bo reennrioelifieto EL] 1d 10 40-48 Dressed te EEE ENE] Brollers BUCKS voor ririnnnnine eg, '5-8 to 3-8 lower at W urkeys TORONTO HAY AND STRAW Wholesale dealers in hay and saw are quoting shippers the fol lawing prices for oarload lots, de- livered on track Teronto; 86 9) 1% J9M0) p21 0) Be | 100) 196 1% JAMO] §-¢ AIN[ 1 IBRIAA == (83) ny Bupad)=5 An 'Jadu 0. § timothy ,.. 814,00 vid 19.60 EERE No, & timothy ,,., 15,00 Wheat straw es, 10,60 ; OL SIPAW ses ves 10.60 HARDWOOD FLOORS Laid / expert mechanics, Old 'loos Anlshed ke new. Ge." AYRES nh W. gl in 8, West Phone By JA 80T8W EATON GROCETERIA | It Pays To Shop Here Always TORONTO HIDES AND WOOL Toronto wholessle desiers In hides and wool are quoting pies to shippers as follows; City hides, green, Be; hulls and brands, 46 county ides green. 7¢; do, our 7 1-8 to Bes Toronto city eall green 100; country elf green Pa; ely ves! kip Be; country veal kip, Te! do. cured, 7% to Be; country ranses kin 4 to bei horse hides, No, 1, $2.60; No, 2, $1.76; Ne, 8, $1.26, Horsehair, 40¢ Ib, Wool, fiat, free of rejecis, 18s Ih; yejects, Be; sheepsking, 26 to The oneh, Tallow, noid, in barrels, 1h, 4% to be; cakes B to hige Ih, ---- FARMERSY MARKEY The following are quotations, retail, in effest on the Bi, Lawr: ence Market, Toronto; Produoe Kgks, extras, per dozen Do, firsts per doen ,. Butter, dairy, pov Ih, ..., Dao. evenmery, pound 0.85 Fruits and Vegetables Asparagus, § bunches Carrols, & bunches Beets, dos, bunches: i: Do, 6 qt, Onlons, dry, 11-4¢ basket a Po, # yt, hasket Cabhuge I We Caulttlower coo 00 Endive, dogen Mushreoms, Ib Leal lettuce, three [or Hoad lettute, threes for Parsley, per hunch Cress, three [or 'e Celery, dosen 8.00 Oranges, dogen 0.86 Honeydew melons euch 0.85 | sirnwherrvies, auart 0.17 | Grapotrult, each 0.10 | Potatoes, bag 1.00 Cucumbers, each v 0.06 Lemons, dozen Bunanas, dogen Apples, hus Can, Kreen peas, fh gt, hasket gapiant, each Green beans, 6 qt (hreen peppers, six for Turnips, hus tra Farsnips, 11 qf Tomatoes, Ih Rbubarbh, #& bunches findishes, § hunches New beets, hunch TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONN 'Urain dealers on the Toronto floard of Trade are making the following quotations for ear lolx Manitoba wheat-=No, 1 North: arn. $1.00; No, §, do, #7 1-40; No #, do, 04 Hede; No, 4, 080; No, B, 84 1:8 ¢1 No, & 60a; feed, fe (0 1.1. oderich and Bay ports.) Manitoha oats== No, | feed, 40 f=dej No, §, do, 40 H-4¢ Ameriean eorn==Na, § yellow, 04 «48; No, 8 do, Ole Milifeed, delivered, Montreal frelghts, bags Included Ryan, ton, $04.86 shorts, ton $86.86; mid. dings, ton $0186 Ontario grain--=Wheat, Bie to $1,00, Barley, rye and hueckwheat, nominal, CHICAGO PRODUCE PUTUNKEN Chicago, July 10,~=The im {proved tone that was evident on 'he spol eg market yesterday was AkAin apparent tosday, The re: 0.40 0.86 0.60 040 0.45 04h 0.86 0.6u tee EER] 01h 0.40 0h M80 1.aY 0.60 [AY] 0. 0.10 0.40 Mau 0.16 Ail 0,50 01h 8.15 0.10 0nh 0.4 gun 010 0.16 0.86 g.00 0.60 0. ¥u 1.00 4h 2:00 1.00 0.4 0.10 nin 0,10 0.00 0.156 sulting advance of Wall cent was generally accepted without erit)- elem, leaving the markst in # res conably steady position at the new levels, Vitures were higher, clos ing with & gain of 8 quarter ont in # sopion of quiet trading, Gener: lly speaking the spot butter may: tevest was noticenble on the July contracts, Additions! galing wera recorded during the forepart of the enll on Uovambers, hut tendency (n thie profits was great enough (n cheek the advances, Open gommitmentis-- November butter, 1,866; July butter, 8; Nov: emher ages, 1,884, Two market racolplas=Bultar to. day, 20.818; last year, 26,685, 1 ud to-day, 54,000; ast your, 84, Chicago ot market Butler, extras, 88 1-30; standards, 1-8¢; tone sendy, Eggs, graded firsts, 81¢; tone steady to firm, New York spol markel---=Butter extras, #4 1:31 no tons. Vgse fivetn, 21 8:4 to 28¢; tons steady to firm, WINNIPEG GRAIN OPENING Winnipeg, July 11=Wheat July unchanged 10 1-4 higher at 95 to U5 Vedi Oct, 58 to 1:8 higher at © 1.2 ta Wi Dee, unchanged to 1:8 higher at 1m Oats: Oct, unchanged wi 42 7-8; Dee, unchanged wat 42 3:4 TWO MILLION LOSS IN ELEVATOR SMASH 4 a (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) Winnipeg, July 1. =Losses due tn fallure of Fleetrle Elevator and Crain Company, Limited, were esti mated at WRpronimtely $2,000,000 hy {fer RH. Murray, secretary of the Ninnipeg Gran Vxehange, Tt 1s re cilled in connection with a state ment that wll formalities have heen completed for transfer of the firm's assets to the Phoenix Elevator Com Piny TRANSFER EXPORT TRADE T0 CANADA Much More of Goodrich Products to be Made in Kitchener Kitehaner, July 11,--An nouncament of interest here Whe made yesterday 'when J, ND, Tew, President of the WB, ¥, Goodrich Compand of Akron, with assets of $260,000,000, announced much of the export business now transacted through the Interns: national B, ¥, Geedrich Corpora tion at New York will he trans ferred to this elty, While he admitted that he was not acquainted with the terms and provisions of the Dunning Budget, with its widespread extension of firitish preferential tariffs, Mr Tow sald that It is natural that his company should week to take advantage of Canadian tariffs hy manufacturing goods for export in this eauntry, Mr, Tew sald further that the period of industrial depression now Appears at an end Me added thal he confidently expects a great re: vival of business and trade in the an near future, taught Clip them out. 4 Don't vide on " \ Don't ride your both feet on the Highway Safety The HON, GEO, §, HENRY, Chairman Help to Keep Your Children Sate teaching them these Six Simple Rules These Six Rules for the Safety of Children on streets and highways are issued by this Committee so that they may be I arena 0 wary child in the Provisse Read them to your children, The need for care on the part of children grows with the increasing traffic every year, $ix Rules for Children's Safety on Streets and Highways 1 Don't play on streets or highways, Don't cross busy streets except at erossings--always. LOOK NOTH WAYS whenever you cross a street or highway. Don't dart from behind a parked car, the back of trucks, wagons or care, Don't walk on the right side of a highway-=-walk on the left side with eyes front, facing the oncoming trafilo. without both hands on the handle bare, and «Don't swerve in and out=--=keep close to the curb, Be careful at cross streets, Don't hang on to trucks, wagons Explain them. \ LLY that Toronto Stock Exchange High Yh Flock Low Br. A, ON 11 Brag. ., 40 Con, Ist 11 Can, Brd, 14 Cookshutt 18% City. Pry, #1 Dis, fri, 4% Dm, Btrs, 30 Gypsim 10% Hr, Wal, Int, Util, 4 Int, Nki, 8 Int, Pet, 1 Ind, Aleh Imp. OI) § Lob, "A" 18% Me, Mr. 96% Me, Fri 15 ML Pr hi Y% Fhaw, [1] B. Station 41% Standard Mining Exchange ihn LL] hao Aon ain hho 0h All 150 guno 140 Close 17% x --ad Treas sazaee RIP ADMIT RBVATA : = __ ad - - ! " & I 4 § L] 1 - 180 44 bio AiO 49h hon inn LAM Th0 $450 40 10 4 TL son eh , #00 10h ht Alan Amulet Uh, Res, De, Mis Paleon, Holl He, Ol Hy, Gold Hd, Bay Koo Nrnda, 4400 Hh, Grd, 140 s---- HYDRO SERVICE HAS EXPANDED IN VEAR JUST PAST Rural Customers Now Num. ber 37,000 on 4,848 Miles The twenty-second annual report of the Ontario Hydro-Kleetrie Fow er Commission, which was tabled In the Legislature, last March, minus the foreword of the Commission Ohalrman, Charles A, Magrath, has hoon released Iu 1s entirety, fur nishing the Information==addition al to that already made publiv that completion and operation hy the fall of this year of the new 04. .000:-horse power Nipigon devel opment al Camp Alexander Is ox pected] that the total ravenue der ived from the operation of all Hy dro properties, Iheluding hydro electreid rallways, and the muniel palities' Investment in distributing systems and other assets was §i0, OUD, G624.80 tn 1040] and that at the end of that flseal year there were 07,000 rural customers taking power aver 4 845 miles of line, L044 miles of whieh were eon structed during the same twelve months period Fapansion P mn "he operation of the systems in general has heen characterised, says Mr. Magrath in his foreword to the report, "hy expansion, many lines and power stations being placed In operation to serve new territory and to Improve the ser view In areas already supplied, and the amount of power delivered freatly exceeding the load carried hy the Commission In any previous year, The dry summer affected the stream flow and aenerating eap: Aoity of plants In nan Parts of the Provines, necessitating special APFARAAMANIA to carry the load, but the Commission was able to meet all demands, partly through the transfer of surplus power on some Aystema to meet the needs of oth: ors, Apart from the diffigulty pre. sented by a rapid inoreass in load with unusually the operation of the aystems has bean carried on sucossstully and uneventfully, the Commission's plants functioning smoothly and without any m fallures of equipment, All necessary. inspec: tion and repair work has been car vied out to maintain these plants in efficient condition to mest future demands, present power poier, r oy, Mn yey : a {nplon's AErath Power : "In the development of this Pro. vines, with {ta vast natural res fourees, there seems tn he but one sound polly, and that in, te have avallable ample Dakar Supplies, t there 18 one obligation partieuls Arly vesting upon A publicly owns od organisation in hydro-eleotrie development, it 1s to. keep | Blom wat aie sents Ba "h OUN A few years age, and for a while threa ! Commission with some oid ie ten hat fw hha th eleotrieal pr he Commission has purohased (Weve months on he rudd River whieh enters a Ores near Arprior, Under full ont the Madawaska haa antinlity a " About 160.000 property in the Sutbury aan NOWR an th Hatred, Company hate ' y "Bovond a few relatively small h--, LIL) 146 LLL] 181 640 i, 186 wr. {/] New York Exchange High low Clogs 181% LIRA 200% Ba% LLL 60% #0 1% 13 718 A % fitook Am, Can, Am, ¥r. P Am, Tel, Am, Inter, B4% Anaconds 40% Auto Btrop 60% Bendix BO% Beth, Hles! H1% Hyers AM, 174 Can, Qry . 84% Can, Pao, 1871, Cn, Film Pr, #1 Cn, ¥iim Co, 20 Chrysler .. 28% Gol, Gas 645 Fox Tim 415 Gen, Klee, 69 ten, Mot 4% grt, North, 178 Int, Tel, ,, 44 Kelvinator 17% Mt, Ward 06% Ni. Cash I Ph, Nd, Coal 18% Paramount H1% Ih, Nw, Jor. 06 Radio ..., A118 Radio Kth, 405 Wimmons ,, #4 Wt, of NJ ho '% U8 Rubber 43 UH, Keel 16014 Vanadium K'% Yel, Truck 2014 mm A ans EL 5% FL} 168% M% TL 100% Ww 4% soatterad properties, the only othey wources of hydro-electric supply within the more closely settled por. fons ofthe Provinee are in the waters of the Ottawa, Nt, Lawrence and Niagara Nivers, all of whieh are slither interprovincial or inter national and in thely development enll for eo-operation hy Interests outside of this Province, Involved in the internationsl waters there are in Canada Faderal and Provin OILS ARE FIRM ON STOCK EXCHANGE eA elk»Pp] Trading Very Quiet, How. over, With Thursday's Gains Well Held (By Canadidn Press Lossed Wire) Toronto, fy, Hoa=This morning's session on Toronto Stock Lnchangs wis 4 repetition of that of Thursday morning, The quiet of the tomb hing over the Moor and traders looked w- bashed at the sound of thelr own volees, Gains made In the final hour of Thursday were pretty well held up, scarcely any Naquidation following to day. The oils were ahout the hrm- est spot on the howrd, BA, Oi wis unchanged wt 17 but Imperial moved up to 21, International Petroleum to 19 and Supertest to M, Internation] Nickel wus still 4« hove 24 but showed no sign of go ing further, The sume applied to Bragihan at 30 1:2 Vord was slight iy higher at 31, the advanee coming without any apprecialle Inerense In turnover, Voods were slow and most ly unchanged, Steels were Inuctive Walkers wis unchanged ITALY BEATS JAPAN IN DAVIS CUP SERIES (By Canadian Prose Leased Wire) Genon, Tinly, July 11 .=Ttaly's liopes of rvesching the inter-senw finn) against the United Wintes 1n Davis cup play soared upward to: day when (sorglo de Wefan! de fented Yasuhiro Ohtn of Japun 6:0, 8:4, 485, Bd, In the opening match the Kuvopean sone (ging sr sem-- ola) issues calling for settioment "Moreover, there in & correspond ing situation on the United States pide of the Ki, Lawrence River where the Vaderal Government of the United Nitates and the author! ties of the Miate of New York do nol seem yet to have reached agreament with regard to thelr ress FEW CHANGES ON MINING MARKET Nickel and Norands Easier, Oils Steady, Golds Drop Slightly (By Canadinn Prose Lansed Wire) Toronto, July 1L=An unusually few chunges were mide on the mins ing miurket prior to neon today, the general list of Issues remaining prac teally ut a standsth! from the stand. point of both trading and price movements Aux Oil showed surly strength but ut midduy wis back to $1.80, un chiunged from last night, Other oils were only lightly dealt In and held Mendy Walte-Ackerman failed to hold yasterdny's advance, receding 15 to $1.75. Big Missouri and Abana were firmer, however, both stocks moving Up 4 10 0 and 42 respectively Nickel and Norandu were fraction ully easier while Hudson Bay was holding wt 8%, Sudbury Basin galned | 10 10 11.85, but other Lindsleys were stationary, Vipond sppenred te receive enrly attention but did net wdd to yesterday's guln, Hollinger und Teck Hughes eased § each, and Howey was off a point 10 53 $260,000 in Ligour, $100,000 Yacht Is Seized by Police Naw York, July 10 Making # surprise raid by land and water, police, customs men and prohibi tion agents arrested 25 men, seised a 3100,000 yacht, a $850,000 Hau or cargo, seven trucks and touring urs, and un speed bout early today at Hoarhorough, fashionable Went chester County residential section on the Hudson River Vour of the alleged rum-runners escaped, and ons of those arrested Philip Plscitelll, aged 80, of Als fentown, Pa, was shot by the rald ers. Mo in In a serious condition pactive olnima" In an Ossining, N. Y., hospital, TOMATO PLANTS NEED NITROGEN Albany, N, Y.~When the tom wo plant begins to boar fruit, M should ps supplied with an exira amount of nitrogen In some readily available form, regardioss of how thoroughly the field may have been fertilized st the timp of setting oul the plants, says C, M, Sayre, spe alulist wt the state agricultural ox periment station in Geneva, who hun heen making numerous Les'r with tomatoes grown for eanning purposes, fide drossings of 100 pounds Po ners of sodium nitrate or 76 pounds of ammonium sulphate made Jus as the firsts clusters begin to sot have glyen very material Increases in yields at the station, he suid Applications may be Increased 10 160 pounds of nitrate or 115 pounds of ammonium sulphute, ways Mr, Sayre, hut should not ex oaed theses 1imits beenuss of dane kor of overfesding the vines at ths expense of the maturity of tha fruit, Moderala. applications do not delay maturity - but excessive wpplications may do so, he says, RESCUED, SUES FOR ROUGH USAGE 10="Tulen studying Tiluw, Okla, July eiy commissioners are the cans of Albert Guy, Ouy wa cording Lo records of the municl pal swimming pol was saved from drowning use week by a 1ife-guard (uy's attorney presented the oliy a bill of 850, The eluim Vistn $11 us dus because he was permitied to be almost drowned, I'he other B16 Is elnimed ow un result of a bruise on hip hend Guy claimy in have received when the Hfeguurd dropped him after dragging him from the pool, The eommissionsrs are investigating Made by Murray RARE / mi YM% Foor Me "9 ROOF =ALEXANDER Murray« low stream flow, { a LE | ®- when it's one of those ninety-in-the-shade days and you don't know what you'd like for lunch, just try a bowl of crisp Kellogg's Corn Flakes. With cool milk or cream and a bit of fruit, You'll notice new enthusiasm from your appetite and you'll feel better all after noon. For Kellogg's are extra easy to digest. They help you keep cool when haters And just try a ts hot (olog9® CORN FLAKES az000 Com Flakes are delicious for breakfast, lunch and supper, Ideal for the children's evening meal. tT in To Erte Made of wholesome corn, one of nature's finest grains Toasted, Criop and etanchy. Always look for the vedsandgreen Kellogg package Ovendrosh in the inner sealed waxtite wrapper, At all Served by Motels, eafaterias, restaurants w- on Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. The original Corn Flakes

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