Women's Interests i | THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1930 PAGE FIVE n the Home --- and the Community i-- SOCIAL A D PERSONAL Mr, George Alchin who has been on & three weeks' trip to the Cane adian West and the coset has re turned to his home in Oshawa, lt ML, oh i visiting hey sister, a George Alehin, is Miss Margarst Tamblyn, Btroot East, has town after visit menth in Florida, Miss Elinor Weir, Agincourt, Is Visiting with her brother, My, H.J, oir and Mrs, Weir, Allee strost, Miss Margaret Burne, Oshawa, attended the Tunoheon given at the University Women's Club by the At, Hilda's Alumnae Association for the out-sf-town members, King fun returned to ng for the past Miss M, Kirkpatrick of Toronts, In in town visiting Mrs, Allee Wi Hams, Willlam #treet, Mr, and Mrs, Matthew (old. bourne are out of town on thelr simmer vacation, Miss Una Ritson, Atreet, 1s visiting friends trot, LADIES' AID GROUP HOLDS PICNIC In honor of ome of thelr mem bers, Mrs, Poroy Mayhee who res eontly moved to Toronto trom this Colborne in De NOTICE! "The Times" will publish re- ports of meetings of all Wo- men's Organizations in the community, Kindly addres such to Women's Page Ed: | Iter or Telephone Nummer 35. When writing remember to use only one side of paper. July Clearance Our Prices Are Right THE FASHION SHOPPE Bi Nimcoe BL NH, AM ATKINS HOSIERY & LINGERIE SHOP sm Cp ---- elty, Mrs, 1, Vieming's group of the Bimecos tres. Ladies' Ald Ho- cloty held a plenfe at Lakeview. Park yostorday afternoon, Theres ware about forty in the party and during the afternoon the ladies en- loyed roaming around the grounds admiring the beauty of the scenery I nthe summer afternoon sun, A fow games wera pinyed and about six o'vlock supper was served, A fonture of the plenfe was the pre sentation to Mrs, Maybee of a beautiful silver flower basket ANNUALS, 8. PICNIC AT LAKEVIEW PARK Seven Hundred Attend King Street Annual Picnic Boma seven hundred purents and children enjoyed the annual plenie of King Breet United Chureh Sune day Hehool at Lakeview Park yom torday afternoon. A well planned programme of sports was run off In the afternoon and to waleh them the usually large crowd was at: tragted, While the sports were taking place a hounteous supper wan helng prepared by some of the mothers and teachers and late In the afternoon all adjourned from the athletis tield to the place in the park where plonio tables were load. od with a huge supply of tasty things to eat After the supper the prises wera presented to the Near Cor, King #& Simeoe Wt ead wh ddd winners in the sports, The Met Is as follows Oil Method $3.75 MANUFAOY a. aves, LaMona DEMONNTRATION mm URER'S number of these S10 waves i ave giv wave YOR So important in summer ... deodorizing sanitary protection Avold all of offense in summer! ,. this new, deodoris ing pad makes it ers; \n be ufo od UMMER makes ce S ticularly trying to pho It is then clate Kotex » Bitton pm n meriean arte} of wide rept nies no Anger waving oF additional sest da Fol uly 0 4p 1 [8 I. Method A LIMITED TIME ONLY OPEN EVENINGS 3 Olene Ot, 8, Yh 6 ---- "Made (n Canad low, Htunley Harris, [on her ' Nosults of recent international Pho' wgeaphers' "loveliest mother" und "attractive ehild' 'contest ane nounced Mes, Goo, Mitehell of To ronto as the "loveliest mother" in Canada, Here are shown other Tosonto mothers who won distines thon In the competition, (1) Mw, Harold Wilson, 80 Kendal Ave, | Boginners race (girls) Eva | Rowden, Barnlea Faulkner | Hoginers gave (boys) Kar) Morphy, Donald Crossman, Bobby | Luke, Primar Taylor, Quaid, Primary Uranton, wlgur, Givin race (8 LO 10 yours) deraon, VF, Faulkner, I, Btorks Girls runes (1) to LU yours) Urlesh Montgomery, Bessie Chap pul, Hugo! raw, Girls races (14 to 16 yours) June Urossimal, Ruth Hartriok, risen Montgomery, Boys race (N to 10 yewrs)--W, Houghby, J, Plokup, H, Kawshaw, Boys whoo (11 to 14 yeurs) Ralph MoCabe, Vernon Osborne, willy Bhorit Boys rave (18 Wyeret Disney Keith Goodman, Potato race (Riri) Janine Ward, Hilde Mo race lends Olen Calvin (Boys) Marph), rien Kar) M and under) Ralph MoeCabe, (Primary lune divin) ==lriine Short, Milda Mor wuld, P, Faulkner, Potato race (girls 8 to 10) Thelma Brown, Amy Disney, Kriine hort, Fotste race ( hoys Primary ules) = Frank Terrant, Ed, Disney, Woo, Ntonebridge, Potato rhee (hiya § to 10)-~Ray Urosaman, Hal, Wickens, Frank fermi, Bhoe race (girls 18 an weldnore Htorks, Muriel Margaret Cowan, Bhoe race (Rirls 16 and under) slidith Dalnlel, Mildred Taylor, Grace Martin, Bhoe race (boys 18 and under) seUhun, Thrasher, Billy short, Vernon Osborne, whoo rave (boys 16 and under) weMa0 Bwitker, Chan, Thrasher, Wdwin Branton Bok rave (kirlse 10 and under) w«hiolon Bhortt, Hansel Trew, Ndith MoQuaid, Hook "i jive 14 and Shden) wed OAD rootor, oon laney, Ndith MoQuald, 4 [Sok n Hg Sd det) ne win Branton, Ralph Mo WW, | WRok race (boyw 16 and under) ~ 0h Disney, Jas, Hare, Mao Hod race=-Uordon Wil. une Or al, Murray || Ys ding' Kathleon 1] Warburton, Ouita \ Young Mens' raves=Qurly Pil ubder) odman, and oftloers race, lads Wood, Rita Vokes, A AOS, men aredith ' Mofratt, race Mra, NK. Luke, Mrs, John Coleman, Htout Mens raoow=Thon, Rusbote tom, Foster Bastman, Wo i S------ TOOKED LIKE IT He was a cautious and a tirm believer jo [] when he met the doo! Saashier be fell in love nally threw disgretion 0 0 nda and asked her * marry him, She ad him wi in the eaven al vening Next morning, howdveh h natal oaution | ire and he oalled up+ or, . Oh, your daughte rey me, lel wan that 1a to say, I--came to awk iL there Is anys=er-=insanity in yout family?" (LQ.1EX * ] be," he sald. ~=Boston Hemld, he doctor looked at hw grave . hy \irhare must CITY WOMEN AWARDED LEAD ING PLACES IN OOMPETITION second prize winner, (8) Mm, W, V, Taylor, 408 Sherbourne WM, second prise winner, (8) Mrs. A, Nykes, 1008 Wt, Clair Ave, W,, third prize winner, and (4) Mrs, FB Murray, 048 Lakeshore Ave, Contre Island, second price wine ner, Women' Corner SPORE SMILES FUNNAE WAR As safe Al A of grapejulee at a college The nun prom The second haseman etoh a evold In Mihara Whoosis Hifted a tly that was higher than a diemond necklace at Tiffany's, The umpire was blinder than an ourthworm In a London fog The home team gol more runs than a pale of silk stockings in hramble patch The game was tighter Pullman ear window, The twirler had as many curves an Zlogfald's chorus The stands were as crowded as a sophomore's runabout, souldn't A FEW THOUGHTS ABOUT THE FALL FAIR Refore we know it the Fall Palr will be upon us with its lengthy Hast of exhibits, What about all those prises that are going to he given away? Wouldn't it be a bigger and hotter. fair If there was keener competition for the prises, If you Are a good cook why not plan to enter some of your cakes, cookies, ples ote, and If you have had com- pliments paid you In the wonders ful success of some partioular kind of plokle or Jam why not send In A sample to the fair in the fall? First place is always worth trying for and even It we miss that we have a chanoe at the second and third, We know it fs early to speak about the Fale hut it 1s not too sarly to start thinking about what wo are going to snter, There in always room for more entitles In the fancy work departs ment, If you have just completed or are Just about to Anish some plece of work that you and your friends 'think fs well done and attractive why not put It away and save it for display at the fall Fair, Or you might even start now and make soma garment or embroider some artiele, It In nica to have such a place of work to do the hot summer afternoons when you. do not feel like attending teas or bridge parties, There in a great deal of room for improvement in the dis. plays at the Women's building at the Fall Falr and above all a keonoar competition 1s negeessary to make the Falr the success it tario all have the privilege of en. toring articles In the different claswes OSHAWA WOMAN ATTENDS REUNION IN MICHIGAN Harmony, July 10«The Henry plenie held on July 4 st Dicker, Mich, wits wu successful event, there being over one hundred present, twenty two from Canadas, The Henry fami ly have held an snus pienie for several yeurs now but slways In Can ada before, There are quite 8 num her of relatives in Michigan who are not always able 10 attend the plenic here, so this yer they decided 10 hold one in Michigan snd one in Canuda also, They were well pleased with the attendance und expect to repent the event next year. The ple wis held in a beautiful grove al the home of Mr. and Mrs, Qlives Ackens, Dicker, Mich Speeches, games, and visiting provided enter tainment for a thoroughly enjoyable those present from Canada were Mr, Fred Henry, Miss . Beott, Mr, and Mrs. John Henry and Miss Henry, of Arthur, Ontario Mr, OF Henry and Mrs, Paarl Henry, of Drayton, Ontario; Mr. and Mrs, Ackens, Puslineh, Ont; MM; and Mes, I, Bmith and Mr, and Mrs Tohn Stevens, of Galt; Mr, and Mrs Geo, Hawking and Miss Mary Henry Foronto; Mes, Ling," of Hamilton Mrs, C, I Stone and Miss Theda Stone of Cannington Mr, and Mrs Warren Dearborn and Mrs, J, 1 MeGill, of Oshawn; Mrs. MeGill had the honor of being the oldest one present HARMONY GIRL IS MARRIED Harmony, Tuly 10=A 'guiet and pretty wedding was solemnized at St, John's Anglican Chureh, Port Hope, by Rev. Mr, C. Emmitt on Saturday, June 28 at seven pm, when Irene R. Terwillegar, young est. daughter of Mr, and Mrs, J, J Terwillegar, Harmony, was united in holy bonds of matrimony to Samuel Jackson only son of 8 H, Jackson and the late Mrs. Jackson, of Nas su st, Oshaws, The bride was he eomingly attired in a Dahlia georg ett crepe dress with hat to match and carried a houquet of ophelia roses, bahy breath and fern, Her cont was black broadeloth with fur trimming. The couple were attend: ed by Mr. and Mrs. H, Wallace, of Oshawa, Mrs, Wallace wearing an emerald green ehiffon dress with hat to mateh, and carried a houquet of pink carnations, The happy 'couple will reside on Rowe St nie diy Among Wroker: 1 put a friend of mine on Ma feet three times In the Inst three years, Jones: That's nothing! T put a friend of mine on his feet 14 times last night -~Passing Bhow, We Gave Nerviea A negro wan asked to supply a tame' turkey, 'The customer inaist- od it 'should be tame, When it came time to oarve the bird, the oustomer found a lot of shot ins side, We approached the negro and complained, strio' oonfidenge," axplained the negro, "dem shots was Intend. o for me not de turkey, "==Tii 'A "Won't you spend mora than $060 on my ving? YT want a dearer ol 8 : VAIL plght, dear, We'll huy It on oredit then it will cost $800." should be, Women of Bouth One ..Passing Show, Lace Trimmed Slips SIMCOE ST, Something Quite Unusual IN A Silk Lingerie Sale Scheduled to Start Tomorrow Morning The Manufacturers of May-Belle Underwear Made us » special price on a fifty dozen assorts ment~="They are cutting thelr prices down to keep operators busy during the summer season, this purchase ns a Sale Leader and passing it along at the closest possible A The collection comprises as fine a lot of daintily lace trimmed and applique garments as it has been our pleasure to offer you at so modest » We are price, 89c¢ TQ Bloomer and Brassiere Sets Step in and Brassiere Sets Bloomer and Vest Sets Petti-Knickers Nightgowns Bloomers Teddies Phone 982 INT OSHAWA COMPANY, Before the regular meeting on Monday evening the 1st company held a paper chase, Vaiviey Evans und Emily Matthews made the tral) meeting It was reciden at th end of the ' Al the to hold a display month, nd Oshawa Ruth Moore Is go ing to England for sl weeks this summer, and takes with her a lot ter of introduction so that she may visit Guide camps The weekly meeting on Wednes duy evening now takes the form of | supper hikes, the Guides meeting at the corner of Rossland road and Simaoe Btrest, and going on to the upnt chosen by the Captain, Camp Mrs, Rateliffe has gone away for #10 days' holiday before the camp opens GIRL GUIDE > -- NEWS =» groups f ip have been arrnnged, There win he four small camps, known as the Birches, the Kime, the Poplars and the Cedars, hocause they will have their in« dividual camps in the vieinity of the trees after which they are named, The leaders of these group camps are Miss Alice Pitches, Miss IAllian MeDowell, Miss Ruth Holt. by and Miss Mariorie Jarrett, These group oamps will he the unite which will take the various res sponsibilities of the camp In turns Miss Mary Warling, a 1080 graduate of Oshawa General Hos pitel Is going with the Oshawa: Whithy Guldes as camp nurse, Dr, Molkay has made arrangements for # special elinle, where the Guides will be examined according to the regulations laid down hy the On: tario Gir) Guides camp commities A sample of the drinking water from the camp site is being obtain. od next week and sent to the pros vinels! depariment of public health for apalysis, In the event of It proves ing unfit for drinking, a ehlorinn- tion outht will he obtained from the department of heslth #0 that no sickness could arise rom that cause, WOMEN. IN POLITION (Canadian Press Cable ) London, Eng; July 10-=With th election of Lady Noel Buxton to the House of Cammons In the North Norfolk hy-election, Thers Aare pow 14 women in parliament, the greatest number in history, Of the 14, nine are Labor mem hers; three Conservatives; one Libs ersl and one Independent, One of the 14, Rt, Hon Margaret Bondfield minister of labor, is the first wo. man to become 8 memher of the British cabinet, while another, Miss Susan Lawrence, tw parliamentary wodretary tn the' minister of health KLOORED A candidate in a recent election aampalgn made the following re mark in the course of his address: "There is no question In the world which I cannot answer with just 'Yes' or 'No'," "Well, then, minister," sald an old farm hand, "What's the time?" "Nothing In the world is worth considering except the truth." ==, Phillips Openheim, a oup FRY'S coun, Mix cocoa and over slow fire for spoon vanilla i w and A hakinfol sud them energy to offset the "We COCOA "The Drink of Drinks for Summer" Fry's Iced Cocoa Recipe 1 mall cup suger, mn CUPS Warm water, y tie in the servi ini refreshing food-drink that pleases dren take it eagerly and it gives. summer heat, ee Cocoa dont we Sis 7°