Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Jul 1930, p. 10

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A NEWS | CROPS LOOK GOOD Lindsay ~~Varmers in this dis trict wxke very optimistic goncerning their crops this season, In fact think they will be better this year than In the last three years, acer cording Lo most reports, ---------- CORNWALL MAN HONORED Cornwall,--Cornwall has been signally honored in that one of hey citizens, Mr, J, H, Warrington has been selected to secure And pure chase birds for the Canadian Edu cational Exhibit of the 1080 Word's Poultry Congress in Lon on, TAX RATE DOWN Morrisburg. ~The tax rate for Morrisburg is one mill lower than last year, 58 mills on the dollar, NARROW ENCAPY, Cornwall,--Hticking to his sink~ ing boat in an sffort to save fish ing tackle and other articles, Cecil Lafleur, First street Kast had a nar- row escape from drowning, when the craft was swept into rough water in the Bt, Lawrence River, W, I, CONVENTION Brockville, ~The eighth annual convention of the Women's Insti tute of the Brockville district was The election of officers vesulted held at Lansdowne, as follows: President, Mrs, J. M Percival, Addison; first vice-presi- dent, Mrs, H, Percival, Addison; pecond vice-president, Mrs, Roy Greer, Fairfield; socretary-irea surer, Mrs, Roy Karle, Fairfield; directors Mrs, W, J. Reynolds, Frankville; Mrs, H, B, Horton, Bel. Iamy"s; Mrs, H, O'Malley, Lands downe; Mrs Ivan Hewson, Mallory. town; Mrs, Anson Gilroy, Tineap; Mrs, A, Corr, Fairfield; Mrvs, B, Coekill Athens; Mrs, Harold Perel val, Addison; Mrs, H, H, McNish, Lyn; Mrs, Clifford Gray, Toledo; Mrs, William Siate, Rockport; fe deration representative, Mrs, Horald Richards, Athens, BE -- Threesome Get your KODAK out | | Parhaps you'll make a hole-in-one, most golfers don't==it's one of the pev- eral things they have In common, But there's an. other more delightful tie that hinds, that is the uni. versal appreciation of what a good KODAK can add to the pleasure and enjoyment pt the game, A modern KODAK in cols ors to mateh your ensem- hie, easy to operate and an Assurance of a ploture avery time you click the shutter, is a welcome third to the most thrilling two some, Ploture possibilities only ocour once, if they are not snapped at the moment they are gone forever, CAMERAS ,.,.. 98¢ up KODAKS , ,. 85.00 up ALBUMS , ., $1.00 up ART CORNERS 8 PRES ooo PHOTO PARTE Tet us develop and print your next voll of film, Art horder prints at no extra charge, You "SAVE with SAVETY" She 160 at The Rexall Stores Jury & Lovell King St; B, Bimeoe Bé, N, Phone 88 Phone 08 A REAL LEMON Smiths Valls, ~Mrs, Theodore Kyle of North Augusta produced a home-grown lemon measuring 10 x 11 inches In eclreumference and weighing 0% ounces, It hed blossom 'on It and was grown on a dwarf lemon tres in Mrs, Kyle's garden at North Augusin, APPEAL ApRESSMENT Coburg, ~The Town of Cobourg has filed ag appeal pgainst the assesment increase of the county yaluators of Northumberland and Durham, It is understood that the other towns and villages are also appealing against the new valui- tion, DROWNK IN HUMBER Awansen,-~Henry March aged 21 of 181 Brock avenue, Toronto, lost hig life in the Humber River yesier. dny afternoon when he got beyond his depth while bathing, GOOD CROPS Cobourg. ~Haying is in progress throughout this district and on some farms hay is nearly all now under cover, It Is reported to be generally @& fair crop, Both spring apd fall grain is also looking well amd the majority of farmers have reason Lo expect good crops for this 1040 season, Varmers in the Bay of Quinte district report exception. ay heavy crops of peas this, season The viners throughout the district are very husy this year handling the loads brought in for shelling CHICKENS NTOLEN Cornwall,--Midnight marauders relieved several Monkland farmers of more than 125 hens end ehlek ens, Among the farmers who suf fered losses nre Avihur Maloney Willis Bender, J. A. McDonald and William Delorme NEW OFFICER Lindsay, Lindeay's new Trovin- | elal Constable. Joseph Nelson has come hers from Walkerton, On! INJURED BY TREK Kingston, ~~When cutting pulp wood timber about weven miles west of Maribank, Mr, Ducat of Plinton suffered the fracture of a leg between the ankle and knee, It was when Mr, Ducat was making his got-away from a falling tres that the tree struck him.on the leg causing the break, PIKE ARE PLENTIFUL Kingston, Several Kingston fishermen who have heen indulging in their favorite sport in the county state that pike seem unusually plentiful but that the run of bass In some lakes is not as good as ex pected, CHURCH RE-OPENED Athens,--Tha re-opening services of tha Athens Baptist Chureh were held in the sacred edifice, which hes heen nowly painted and de. corated, SIX CATTLE KILLED Rrockville,~Travelling at a high rate of speed near Farran's Point the westbound International Lim- ited of the Canadian National Ralls ways struck a herd of cattle owned by William Sheets of Farran's Point that was being driven across the tracks and killed fy them (} LONG BIOYCLE nm Pigton~~Ford Rupert arrived at his Hilller homes from Rose: grove, Northern Ontario, after tra- velling on a bleyela hetween five and six hundred miles, Only a week was spent on the road and at tour ist camps, INJURED BY TRACTOR Ploton,~ Percy Emythe, Lakes shore Road, Wellington is suffers ing from shook, numerous bruises and a fractured ankle. the result of an accident, Mr, Fmythe was Pioting a tractor when the steer ng Kear hroke and the occupant was hurled off, 'He was dragged some distance in the mechanism, DEER IN PRINCE EDWARD PMeton Cy Welsh of the Hogs & Lytle firm reports seeing a three. pronged deer fn a field on the farm of King Terry, Hillier, FOUR-LEGGED MOTHER Duckling: "Lookit that ol' rooss ter with a wooden leg" Chick: "Aw, that's nuthin', My maw's got four," Duckling: "Four wooden How come?" Chick; "She's an incubator," logs? THE ARCADE GREAT BANKRUPT SALE CUT! PRICES ARE MY ORDERS FROM MONTREAL! CUT! * These are very short orders, ng out m "100 Only LADIES' HATS of ow or yh Ruse 3030 §] 95 2 Hour Sale Only. From ® am. to 11 am, and instructions, § With Slips to match, New believe me, | am carry: H. R, B, Mothers, be here Early for these Girls' Summer Dresses, they have style and y une Three groups 75 95c $1.25 Flowered Chiffon Voile Dresses flared styles both individual and dainty, 12 enly, Bankrupt Sale : $6.95 Price CREW THE The Vision, the all-kKnglish yacht, won two of the three races and finished second In the other, in the Canada's Cup teinls on Mons day off the Island shove, Norman MIMIC WARFARE OFF NOVA SCOTIA BY ALL SERVICES Combined Navel and Mil itary Force Will Attempt Invasion of Pictou oy hy Col, | (Written W. Chance for the Canadian Halifax 8, July 11 Important manoeuvre tuking form of combined operation the Army und Nav Friday off the Nova It & anticipated that It is anticipated hat and militry authorities invaluable lessons from the sult of the operations, The man oeuvres are on an ambitions sesh and are particularly important a regards the troops, in that they will he commanded by a militia officer and all the stall work and operation orders heforehand will he dono hy militia officers, thi work being of great vuloe in the military education of the militia The genoral seheme is that an overseas Power, having declarod wir, is attempting to land a foren on the Canadian mainland; MN having already established iq ha it Georgetown Prince Kdward Island, "The iden is that, if a di vision could occupy Pugwash, No vii Beatin could he eut off from the rest of Canada and then could he over-run in detail With «a view to such occupation of Pug wash, a preliminary landing Is to he attempted in Amet Hound to afford an opporthnity to capture Platou, au the harbor factlitie thero are of great importance in the establishment of an overseas hase One Picton Is avallable for the landing of troops and my terial, the advance on Pugwash is only a matter of detall The operations now consist only of the preliminary landing In Amet Hound, it helng nasumed that If that operation he suepynaful the division eould he safely landed To that end the troops will he taken on board the naval flotilla tomorrow, The ver sels which form the fleet are the H.M. 8, Durban, HMB, Wisteria, HMCE Champlain two mine sweepers, Ypres and Festubert| the military boat, Alfreda; and the steamer Hochelaga, The landing foree will consist of one brigade of infantry, togeth: or "with artillery, Engineors, Med foal, units and army service corps, The landing is to he attempted al dawn on Iriday, the preliminary operation consisting of the land: ing in small hoats of ane batallion and some light artillery to occupy the heach and to welge and ocoupy a ridge about a mile inland which dominates the heach, This bes OnE) Pre Vary the of fire to begin feotin const both hoth will wrmy naval lenrn re projected | The crew Gooderham and vices and M, KM, Wedd was nhonrd when she finished second, of the Vision; Left to possible anne 1 main body agovered hy be and effected, Bromley land und deploy the I'he landing will he it will wifes ne ite | which | landing wi and unison hy the BUCens wre ha guns of the flest the 1h the field artillery, guns of which will com ely into actlon as they lunded Ouea the froopr are setuid nehore the first singe hos be passed, the next step being to feel inlpnd to another coast four miles from the const Is in key pogition in the wt onvelope Picton The 11 ba vigorously opposed defending force In skeleton This force consists only A Company of the Royal Canadian Hegiment and ng detachment nf oeyal Canadian Artillery It will aok to repulse. tho Invaders bh means of rifle, machine gun, Lowi gun and artitlery fire It is from manner In which the atluck Ing and defending forces rospe tively handled that the prin cipal lessons will be derived from thes operations, although natur wlly the embarking and disembark ing of the troops under war con ditlons must ba of considerabl vislue to the navy as well as to the military staff y If the attackers capture this In land ridge the way will ha open to the oceupntion of Pleton, and the ohjective of the landing faree will have heen obtained AL the conclusion of the operations the troops of hoth forces will nesemble ut a rendegvous and bhivoune snd will return home on Faturday RECORD CATCH AT NEW BEDFORD 1,800 Gallons of, Scallops in One Week of Fishing form the nro New Dedford, Mass With mont of the seaports along th Atlantic Const setting new records for fish landings, quick trips and so forth, this port has stepped right Into line with one of Its own, This time it 18 seotlops The schooner Friendship, Cap tein Cleveland Burns, arrived hore Inst week with the largest cateh of seollops ever landed from n single trip at any port, Her cargo of 1,800 gallons was veri fled hy Nodney K, Feyler, seollop buyer and close follower 'of the fleet of sea scollopers, and it would seem that the record: ik to he accepted as authentle, Captain Burns went out tn eclipse the former record of 1,600 and he stands ready to go aut and do hetter next time if anyone equals this trip, The Friendship wis Just a week. from the wharf up to her return, and five days were given over to Aredging the Hou of VICTORIOUS YACHT'IN MONDAY'S CANADA 'B CUP TERTH Tom WK, Wade | vight, front vow; I. H, Sanderson, handled Vielon in her winning | 4 WK, M, Wedd, skipperi Lyman Hogarth, Back vow; 4, Fi, Klmms and K, Mcleod, sea seollops off Nantuckst shoal Hghtship of the deep sen here go to the western markets nt this season of the YOu Chicago gots & good many of them, und some shipments go Lo the Pacific const, This record cute brought a faly price, but nothing ke the prices paid dur ing the seasons when there is a enreity of them Captain Burns received less than 82 a gallon for his peallops, hut nevertheless the trip was a profitable one for the bout owner and his crew, deop Houth Mont landed seollops HOLSTEINS LEAD IN PENNSYLVANIA ---- One out of Every Five Cows in State Produces Half Ton a Month Biate Colleges, Ponn Ons cow of avery five tested in April gave more than halt a ton of milk and one of every six produced more than forty pounds of butterfat, C R, Goarhart, supervisor of lests ing for the Pennsylvania Hiate College dairy extension service an nounced, Heventy-five associations 20.478 cows of whieh BK, 4K1 wero 1,000 pound wmilkers and 4,846 wara 40 pound butterfat producers for the month, 'There were 2,020 cows which exceeded the 1300 pound 'mark in milk production and 1,460 did hotter than 60 pounds of butterfat each, The West Chowter| Association of Chester country 'tested 6481 cows, the largest number of any one single group, and the Covons try association of the same coun ty, tested 608, the second larg ost mumber of cows, Cumberland No, '1 led with 117 of the 40 pound hutterfat producers and 166 af the 1000 pound milkers, Buf: falo Valley No, 1, of Union Coun ty was second In both divisions with 114 and 149 cows respective Iy A registered Holstein owned by Roy H, Bowen, of the Wellsboro association led In milk production with 8,042 pounds for the month The bost butterfat producer was # rogistered Holstein owned by the Polk State Hehool and her ree: ord was 117.6, BETTER PACKING OF FRUIT URGED UPON APPLE MEN Kentville, N.8,The packing of apples In hoxes fo a far greater extent than has heen the custom in the past, and the necessity of putting fruit on the export and domestic markets In good condls tion, was stressed hy President ¥, W, Bishop at the 18th annuul meeting of the United Fruit Com. panies of Nova Hootla, He was tested a view of old at Queen's Unis Hove is. shawn arto eluss rooms 4 Pedlow, Thwearsold student of Inret==Mp, Podiow, who intends to Renfrew, Out, ds attending a sins | augmont his studies with a resis versity, Kingston, where Isaac EK. | mer course in political economy: [ dent course in arta and commerce, A y convinced, he wold, Lhyt some Yi dies) changes In methods of apple producers had heen long overdue, "if we are favored with a good wrop," he said, "'1et us make a resi effort to erento a demand for our fruit by diving tha buyer a well grown and properly packed prov duet placed on the market in ats tractive containers and in prime vondition." Vor the fourteenth successive year, Vresident Bishop was re elected head of the largest apple growers' co-operative organiation in Canada, I ------T ET I-- THREE MILLION USE TRAINS INTO LONDON EACH DAY Heaviest Railway Traffic in World Found at Em- pire's Capital London Rallway passenger traftic in Great Britain Is the heay: jest in the world, and London, "The Heart of the British Empire,' pro vides some astonishing figures in transportation, The City Is filled with millions of people each day and emptied each night, wo that the most [amous spuare mile dreams peacefully with fewer in habitants than many A country market town, "he railways are Lhe arteries that carry the lifestream (0 And from this teaming london of nearly By 000,000 people, Pacts and figures sharpen Lhe outlines, says The British Ruallways News Letter In Greater London last year the rallways carried 029, 621,010 passengers, The number of passengers using the main line Ler minal stations each day together with those carried by the under ground lines and tubes amounts to # total of nearly 5,000,000, There are HE) passenger stations within ten miles radius of Charing Cross and there are scores of other stations In what may rightly be termed Greater Lopdon AL main line Stations PRssen gars come in hy the thousand each morn ing- Paddington 66,000; King's Crores, 60,000; Liverpool sirest, 24, 000; Marleybone, 10,600; Kuston, 60,000; Bt, Pancras, 80,000; Ven chifreh street, 60,000; Hrosd street 180,000; Waterloo, 181,000; Vie toring, 06,600; London Bridge, 146, 000; Charing Cross, 60,000; Can non street, 67,000; and Helborn and Bt, Paul's, 44,000; while at Baker street as many as 637 cars are dealt with in an hour, At thess siations alone over 000 trains are dealt with every day and to he added to this enormous total are the thousands of under ground trains which run at peak periods with Intervals that ean be measured in seconds, London's vast army of season tioket holders each make numerous journeys from places within & rar dius of 60 miles, A man on Brigh ton Promenade said that he travel Jod at least #0,000 miles a year It was remarked that he must have geen some strange countries, "No," he replied, "I've never heen farth: or than London I'm a season tieket-holder, and I travel up to town every day," -------------------- GENERAL COUNCIL OF UNITED CHURCH MEETS AT LONDON Youth and Age to Meet at Important Gathering fn Ont, «Academie Halls offices, frontiey manses and courts of justice, as well aa stores, farms and homes have heen drawn upon for the per sonnel elected to the fourth Gen eral Council of the United Chureh of Canada, scheduled to meet here, feptember 17 to 86, Youth and age will meel to. gether as commissioners sent to leg- {slate for rveliglous Interests, Among the veterans sent up as commissioners are Rey, W, J, Clark Do, of Bt, Andrew's, Westmount, who became Moderator of General Assembly at Winnipeg in 1082, and Rev, RK, D, Chown, D, Db, LLD, farmer General Superintendent of the Methodist Chureh, Dr R, Geddes Large of Port flmpson, B.C, 4 recent graduate of the University of Toronto, and Den. ton Massey of Toronto, still in his twenties, will typify youth, al though they might quickly yield the) palm to Mrs, Dy Ki Burns, who was married two years ago to the mine slonary of Flin Flon on his gradua- tion from college, To the deliberations of the Units od Chureh's highest court a num ber of college leaders will contris bute, Among the professors elects od by their conferences are Rev, W, A, Gifford, and Mr, H, BE, Reilley of Montreal and Revs, I, W, Kerr and 0, G, Perry of Manitoba College, Winnipex Rev. J, G, Brown, DD, of Union College of British Columbia, and Rey, 1, W, Oliver, Ph, D, of §t, Andrew's College, Haakatoon, ave heads of institutions kiving pros fessional training to candidates for the ministry of the United Ohuroh, Dr, J, G, Trueman, of sackville, NR, and Dr, W, ©, Murray aot saskatoon ave Presidents of Unis verditien equally experienced In general church administration al though both are laymen, The three general offloars of the ohuroh have been elected by their respective conferences! the Moder: ator, Rey, Wm, T, Guan, MA, D, Dy, by Toronto Conference; the Neo. retary, Rev, T, Albert Moare, DD, hy Hamilton Conference; and the Treasurer, Rev, Robt, Laird, M.A, DD, by the Ray of Quinte Cone ference; There are no ex-orioln members, London, and business 'Fresh from the gardens' PROBE CREAMING POWER OF MILK Albany, Y, "wr Because (he housewife has long mocepted he depth of the cream layer on Lhe milk bottle as an Indication. of the quality of the milk, dairymey wre divecting considerable ation tion to the factors thal seg the amount of cream, J, C, Arquardt, state specialist has heen studying the influenes of the breed of duly cow upon the creaming ahility of the milk His experiments show that for cach per cent, of fat in the milk there will he four per cant, of cream volume on the milk hottie, regardless of the hreed of cow, Thi determined mensuring tho cresm layers form Ing on milk In cylinders after the wilk had remained In lee wale for eighteen hour Wilk hy showed that Ihe creaming from Individun} cows generally uhnormally Mr, A experiments gleknoss Influenced powers of milk cows, and that glk produced milk with deep cream layers quardt "Also certain gaye uniform cream layer thelr milk from day to day, other varied widel in regpect und the of the goem ta Infly ence tha creaming power of milk "Our wild OWA on whil thi COWS I'hi Ow canon do not EMPEROR OF JAPAN GREETS KING GEORGE Takin, Japan ---A greeting from. the Kmperor of Japan 10 King George V, 16 on its way to England enclosed in a golden eanket, In the keaping of the Emperor's bother, Prince Takamaten, who With his bride will be the guest of the King and Queen, The message 18 in the form of » poem hy one of the foremos, Japanese poets, 16 is inscribed on parchment and iHuminated | Oriental artists It was formally hiagsed hy the priests al & special religious ceremony in Tokio | fore it placed in the cuaskel and the casket was then sesled 19 exclude malignant spirits, Whi COULDNT wii 10 doctor had heen visiting Mr, Mrs, Maloney wi he said to her not so well | to the simp The Maloney and us howing him out Your hushand Is day, Is he sticking diet 1 prescribed?" "He Is not, doctor," came Lhe reply, "He says he'll nol be star ing himpelf to death just for tl sake of Mving a few days longer, "I would rather Lave all tha risks from free discussion of wf than the greater rvigks run bh | vonspiracy of lence Archbishop of Canterbury, aaa Jeddo Premium The Best Produced in America At Usual Coal Prices ' i wv y v | 6 DIXON COAL CO. Telephone 262 Five DirectLines I -- Ty vrr-- k Made-to-Measure SUITS The Biggest Value Ever Offered in Oshawa The Price asked does not pay for the material used, Happy and Satisfied Customer 'Da yourself a Favor! Every customer is @ All we ask, is, for you to come in and look at this wenderfully low priced range of Men's Suita, and $45 Values for Saturday, Selling $19.5 Regular $40 21 BOND ST. WEST H. ENGEL) Just round the corner from Simcoe St,

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