Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 10 Jul 1930, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1930 EAS ent a r----------Hil setae tram rT NR FR PAGE SEVEN Latest News of Stock Markets, Grain and Produce Exchanges Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets PRODUCE TORONTO Bu Woronte who 0 denlers are During produce at the following pri IH Eggs--~Ungraded, oases returned, frosh extras 27¢ to 28¢; fresh Hs 266 to 26¢; seconds, 21c to 236. ' Eegs--Gyaded, fresh extras 200 4 u0e; fresh firsts, 87%e to 28 %e 0 2be, Ln 1, Ontario cream- ory, solids 27¢ to 27%e; No, 2, 2be to 260, Churning cream-=gpecial, 27¢ to 28¢; No, 1, 266 to 27¢c; No, 2, 280 to 24e, Cheese~No, 1 large, colored, Dasatined uh and government graded, 6%e to 17e, Nomiaal quotations to poultry shippers are as follows; OMI yw Allyn Yaited Hens over b Ibs, each ,,,18 Over 4 to 6 Ibs, ech ,,,,, 1 Over 8% to 4 Ibs, each ,,..14 Under 8% bs, each ,., 00,10 Spring Brollers, over 2% to 8 Ibs each ,,., erin arniB0 Over 2 to 2% hs, ench vere Old Roosters over 6 Ibs, each , 12 Over 4 to b lbs, each Dresses Poultry if in good condi~ Hon, will be paid 8 to 4 cents above alive prices, Melling Toronto wholesale dealers are of- fering produce to reinll denlers at thy following prices; Nggw---Vrosh, extras, in cartons, Bde; fresh extras, loose, B2¢; firsts, #0c; weconds, 27¢, Butter---No, 1, creamery, prints, 810; No, 2 creamery, prints 80, Cheeses Naw, large, 18%; twins, 18%c; triplets, 188%; stil~ tong. 20%e¢, Old, large 280; twins 20e; triplets and cuts, 80g; old stiltons, dle, Ponltry es Chickens, 6 by Do, 4 to b hs, Do, #% to 4 bs, Do, 8 it 8% lbs, Po, 3108, ,..:+. Heng, AA 6 ibs, Broilers Ducks Turkeys Dressed reer 84-88 crereni lid RRR EE 1 rE 1. sera iana BU revennaBBe40 sernee i BB-00 ee 1 2 1] TORONTO HAY AND NITRAW Wholesale = dealers "in bay and straw are quoting shippers the fole lowing prices for carload lots, dee livered on track Toronto; No. 3 timothy ,.,, 814,00 you No, § timothy ,,, 18,00 1%,60 Wheat straw ,.,, 10.60 rene Oat straw ,,,,,,, 10,60 " TORONTO HIDES AND WOOL Toronto wholesale dealers in hides und wapl are quoting prices to whippers us follows; City ide, sige, Bo; hulls and brands, niryh green. Tey do, wrod 7 *2 to Bo; Toronto alty calf green 100; country calf green fo; city veal kip Be; country veal kip, Tei do, oured, 7% to Be; eountey rasses kip, 4 to bo; horse hides, 0, 1, $8.60; No, 8 #1.76; No, 8, #$1,25. Horsehair, #00 1h, Wool, fiat, free of rejects, 18¢ 1b} Felten, Bo; wheepsking, 25 to 760 Tallow, solid, in barrels, 1b, to Bei cakés 6 to § Sho od i" i ---- WINNIPEG' GRAIN | OPENING Winnipeg, July 8 (Opening pris ces) -=Wheat ul 3-8 lower at M4; t.1 1-8 to 1-4 lower at 97 to 0B; Des 58 to 3:8 lower at 99 1.2 to id July I+4 higher at 40 5.8; ig 1-8 lower to unchanged at 41 3.8 I 1:3; Dee, unchanged at 42, em -------- FARMERS' MARKET Tho following are quotations, retail, in effect on the Bt, Lawr- ence Market, Toronto; Produee-= Eggs, extras, per dosen ,. ., Do,, firsts per doen o,,, 0.08 Butter, dairy, per 1b, ..,, 0.80 Do, creamery, pound 0.86 0.40 Fruits and Vogetables 0,85 0,40 Boots, doz, bunches ,,. +. ol A mess ibeve nions, dry, 11-4, Do, 6 qt. baskst ,, Cabbage ,.. viii 1 Cauliflower 100004 Endive, dozen ... 1. 'Mushrooms, 1b, ,,..: Lent lettuce, three for Hoad Jettucs, threes for Parsley, per bunch ,. Cress, three 10F i v 144s Celery, dosen ..... 2,00 Oranges, dozen ,.,.. 0.86 Honeydew melons each 0,26 Btrawbemios, quart ,,0,17 Grapotruit, each ,,,., 0.1 Potatoes, bag +..+..0 1.00 Cucumbers, each ,,,, 0.06 Lemons, doen v.00 +44. Bananas, dozen ,.,, 0.2 Apples, Dus, 00000 2.00 Can, green peas, 6 qt, basket ,.. 0.50 Eggplant, each ....v 1001 Green beans, 6 qt, ,, +). Greon peppers, six for ,... Turnips, bus, rere Parsnlps, 11 qt. .... Tomatoes, 1b, ,.,,,, 0, Rhubarb, 8 bunches ,... Radishes, 8 bunches .... New beets, buneh ,,. ..,, 0.10 TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATION Grain dealers on the Toronto Board of Trade are making the following quotations for car lots: Manitoba wheat-=No, 1 North« ern, 98%e; No, : do, 98%; No, # do, 04e; No, 4 01%e; No, §, B8%c; No, 6, 68%; fedd, BEY (e.4.f Goderich and Bay ports), Manitoba osats~--No, 1 feed, 41%0; No, § do, B8%e, American corn-No, 2 yellow, , § do, BTHe, delivered, Montreal freights, bags included, Bran, toy, $24.26; shorts, ton, $26.25; mid. dlings, ton, $81,256, Ontario grain, $1.02, Barley, nominal, CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, July 7.-=Quotations were generally one-half higher this morning on the spol egg call with 'an improvement noticeable throughtout the list on the ad. vance, Operators are buying for requirements only but even this class of business is slightly better today, The futures were quite in netive and perhaps a shade easier, Warmer weather over the week end and continuing today | appears od to be the necessary stimulus to Jar the Nov, butter futures loose from the 87 levels, The spot but ter market t was unchan today. Open mitmenta=--Nov, ogy, 1, hy AT oly butter, 6; Nov, butter, 286, Two market receipta~ Butter today, 66,108 (2 days); last year, $1,000 (1 day), Mes soar, 78, 064 (8 days) Iant year, 86,0 spot market--Butter, 83%ec; standards, 88%o0:! tone firm, Kegs, graded firsts, 30%¢; tone steady to firm, New York spot market---Butter, situs, 840; no tone, Kggs, firsts, 1 to 8130; tone steady. EAST BUFFALO LIVESTOCK East Buffalo, Aly 8.~Hogs holdovers 500; pigs and WA yh | 4 2 35 higher; mostly 10,68. 20 Ibs, unevenly steady to 25 high- = bulk 1040-1065; thing dong on welghtier butchers, indications weak to lower; packing sows weak, large- ly around 8,00, Cattle 25; market steady, sorgely nominal; few fat cows 5.00:6,50; cut- Fy EV 300-478; medium bulls tees rere ree ree wheat, fe to rye, buckwheat, be 1004 stendy) good to cholee vealers 250 13.00; commen to med: lum 8,00-11,00 Sheep 300; generally » paady; bet- TORONTO LIVESTOCK Toronto, July B~Cattle trade on the Toronto Livestock Exchange con fas Selves Ge puichar saith to , with a few choice steers selling at $0.25, Good Cows were strong " $6.75 to $7.25, Calves continued firm at $10.50 10 gp for choice with common sell oi spend 3 ¢ $11.25 1 s opened prong 'at $11.25 Lob, for § Jaton or rear, Lambs con ik steady at $14.00 ok indy or ewes and wethers, with cks at a discount of $2.00, Sheep were steady at $4.50 for eipts, 1076; trade actives heavy beef steers, #8 to $9.26; butcher steer good to choice, to 9; butcher ows Medium, $ 50 to Calves, food to choice, $10 to #11, select, 4 8, - 4 ewe lambs, $14 to $14.50, or ------------ CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chieago, July O=Quality of eggs has shown such a marked falling off that it has caused quite an Irregular market locally, The spot quotations, however, held without change, but seemed a shade strong later, were steadier from the opening and closed with a slight gain for the day, The strong spot butter situation that prevailed yesterday continued on to- duyR with a decided firmness uppur- ent ut wil times and with a slight ad- vance on extras; A sharp reduction In input of 26 cities, unusually hot wenther and a firm spot market were contributing factors behind the bulge in futures, Open commitments eggs 1900; July butter 31; butter 1260, Two market receipts--=Butter today 25113; Inst year 25920, Uggs today, 48612; last year 41000, Chicago spot market=--Butter, ext ras, 33 1-2¢; standards, 33 1:2¢; tone firm, Eggs, graded firsts, 2 1-2; tone steady, New York spot market--Butter, ex tras, 4; no tone, Eggs, firsts, 2l to 2 1:2; tone easy, TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on the Toronto Board of Trade are making the fol lowing quotations for ear lots; Manitoba wheat=oN, 1 Northern, . ; No. 2, fo, OK 3-4¢; No, J, do, dey No, 4 9 Medey 'No, §, Boe ; No ®, 01 21 feed, 60 1:2¢ (c.f, f, Goderich and Ba ports), American, corm No, 2 yellow, J-4e; No, J, do, 9e Manitobs oate=No, 1 feed, 0,2 do, 42 Millfeed, delivered, relghts, bags included he! $24.25; shorts, Yon, 26, ton, $31.25, Ontario grain wheat, 95 to $1, ley, rye, buckwheat, nominal, TORONTO LIVESTOCK Toronto, July 10=Cattle receipts totalled 111, The few cattle offered on the To- tonto Livestock Exchange at the . sg of the week were sold at stea dy prices, although the market strength Is not expected to hold next week, wih recelpts 54. Calves sold heavy 7.00 to $11,00 according to quality, of og receipts 511 hogs closed Ble i at $1100 fob, for BR or $12.00 CAT, Sheep receipts 58, Lambs closed 50¢ lower at $13.00 for best ewes and wethers, EAST "BUFFALO LIVESTOCK East Buffalo, July 10-=Hogs 700; light lights and pigs 10 lower; other hogs steady; bulk 240 Ibs, down in Quding pigs 1040:10.50; 240 to JOO oh 30-1050; packing sows 8.00 to Rh te 128; steady; cows} fat coud paint tr, rades J),50.4.75 Calves ial generally good to che ig) otalers plainer grades 8.00-11,00, Sheep 800; uetive, tro , quality and sorts, considered; b better grade lambs 11.50 to 1200, strictly choice quotable fisher | commen to medium kinds 8.50 to 11.50; fat ewes 00 to 3.50, « November November 92 5c Montreal Bran, ton, 1 middlings, Bar run largely y 525.680; cut 50 lower; 12.50-127§ "Amorloans in Europe are of two the drys and the dry ter grade lam Asparagus, 3 bunches .... Carrots, 8 bunches .,..., O36 to medium, 800-1050, fat ay 200 to 3.50, martinians," ==Count Martini-Ross!, an a Midsummer Sale Men's Suits SE fies $1908 39219 334% $070 0 Sr ------=------ Stock Market Prices Markel Summary by Conadian Vresw Toronto and New York Weck Quotations Supplied Biggar and Omwiord, Alger J allding, Oshaws Toronto Stock Exchange | Hioek Ir. A, ON Bran, +. Can, 1st Can, Brd, 1 Cockshutt Cty, Dry. Low 17 '| Dis, Sgm, Gypsum Hr, Wal, Int. UL, Int, Nkl, Int, Pet, Ind, Aleh, Imp. Of Lob, "A" Ms, Hr, Me, Prt, Mt, Pr. Fhaw, #. Bintion 40 141 100 40 hb h40 #00 28h LLL] hao 01° an Hy, Gold bH4 ha Hd, Bay 800 Hoo Lk, Sh, 2160 2160 Nrndn, 2880 21186 wh, Grd, 140 140 wd, Bs, 1456 140 Th, Hg. 040 640 Ventures 105 106 Wr, Hg, 185 154 New York Exchange 141 160 49 67 bio ith 22h Abang Ajax Amulst ig Mis, Ch, Res, De, Mns, Faleon, Holl, ., He, ON Low 11% 61% 206% N% i% 11) 80 High Can, 130% Fr, Pr, 60% 208% 1% bo ho 20% 80% 72 Aoek Am, Am, Amer, Tel, Am, Inter, Anaconda Auto WBtrop Bendix Heth, Hteel Byers AM, Cn», Dry (JR" Can, Pac. 18TH Cn, Mim Pr, 30% Cn, Pim Co, 10 Conley 20% Col, Gas ,, 68 Tox Mim a% Gen, Wee, 068% Gen, Mot, 49% @rt, North, 178 Int, Tel, .. 48% Kelvinator 10% LIBERAL POLICES DRIVING MEN TO UNITED STATES (Continued from Page 1) fron and steel products In the American Republie, he declared, "Think," Mr, Bennett asked, "what the expenditure of one half of that money In this country would mean to Nova Hcotla, to Canada," The coal industry, the Dominion lender stressed, was in the same category and a could be asked, More than $66,000,000 for coal and coke had been spent last year in the United States, giving em- ployment to workmen of another gountry, Nenetits From Highways Visualising tho benefits which would acerue to Canada by a nets work of good highways, the Cone servative chieftain repeating his pledge for a national highway, proceeded, "and we will assist in the building of main trunk high- ways so that the provinces will be able to utilise. the money they would have had to spend on trunk roads In raising the standards of secondary highways and develop. ing tourist traffic," Mr, Bennett directed attention to the imports noe of the fishing industry in Canada, "We propose," he stated, "an soon as we come into power, to study this matter from every angle, Wo want experta=--no commissions «~i0 advise us and then take ac- tion In the interests of the indus try, Action Is what we want," Con: tinuing the Opponition chieftain dwelt on tha importance of co- operation and co-ordination of ef- fort, assiated by the Goevermment, (nthe securing of adequate re muneration, "Give Canada a Chance" "Give Canada a ohance"=-to use hs own Worda==waas the plea Mr, Bennett made at several stages of both hin addresses, More work for Canadian, fair competition tor Canadians, he asserted, was hiv desire, Touching upon the inter-re. lation of Industry, the Conaervas tive leader spoke of the vilue of money spent In this country to buy Canadian goods an contrasted with money spent for the same product In the United States, He em- phasized how money spent in Cans ada afforded employment to Cana dians engaged in the several ine duntries necessary to produce gaode for marketing, as opposed to giving work te American works men, similar question it, Nt. Cash Ph, Rd, Conl 10% J uramonnt bh, N, Jor, Radio +. Rudio Kth, Simmons ,, 21% NJ, U8, Rubber 21% Us. Btesl | Vanadium Yel, Truck LU] £1] i" Ward 1 oh #% 20% vr B09 160% Ll 20% "0% LUMBER SHED I$ DEMOLISHED BY HEAVY GALE HERE (Continued from Page 1) trict as well the gale played huvoe with venerable forest, number of tress were Jost whils to the north west, around Columbus, and to the north east, In the regloy surrounding Enniskillen, the same loss was Incurred, line to Columbus was this morning. of the fn large monarchs At Port Perry The telephone still down Power ON Power service in Cedardale wal whut off from nine o'clock untf) wiler eleven last night, as ou result of falling trees tangling with the wires, Direct power service st the Lakefront was also shut off, hut the suxiliary power unit there proved effective, and look care of the situstion without. any diffi- culty, $iraot car service through to the luke had not heen resumed at wu Inte hour to-day, the line not hav- ing heen repaired along its full length after being hroken by fall« ing limbs, Lake ne og Hit Cotingers al 6 Meugog ap. arantly I hd the full vio ones of the storm,. One man re- orted this morning that his motor sunch was almost hlown off the bench on which It was partially drawn up and that only after he hud enlisted nid was ho able Lo pull it to safely from the wind's clutches on A number of tents were also blown down on Heugog Island, onuping considerable inconvenience, without material damage The alocirie Nght sorviee wan inter. rupted for a short time around nine o'clock In one section nent Port Perry, Misses Whithy Whithy reports a few (ress blown down, as well as 6 number of large limbs torn off, but the worm apparently did not strike thare with the same force ng in Oshawa, No Interruption of light wervice waw experienced, and no highway obstruetions ocourred In the vicinity of the town Farther went, the storm left fowar mementoes of lis visit, No trouble of any kind was expert enced In Pickering, and the district around that town also escaped comparatively lightly, WR y a. A i Et el PPC AUDIENCE HEARS MOORE DISCUSS (NENPLOYNENT (Continued from Page 4) does not, that Uncle Sam has one foot in the wheat belt and the other in the cotton belt, Canada Is ulso rich In natural resources, hut it Jacks the resources of the near-tropies, We can never bulld as the United States has built, Our destiny is different, We must bhwild onrselves ships, and take to the high seas" "I wonder if we have an Inherited aptitude for foreign trade? The Hine dus drive along the banks of the Cinnges In motor cars made in Osh awn, und the fields of Siberln are harvested by machinery made in Brantford, When the Chinaman is ut wit, or there are civil distyrbances in India, or Brazil is affected by # slump In the coffee market, then the wrtisans of this country feel un slack Ing of employment, But shall we on that aeeount abandon foreign trade? Or shall we go farther on and still farther, opening new marketss al ways reealling that it Is a mix of trade, that the more numerous thi neeounts, the" more stable the trade structure," A non-partisan, fully representa tive system of Local Empldyment Counells was advocated hy Mr Moore as a first, and essential step, in the eombating of the unemploy ment problem, "I want these coun ells 10 he composed of representatives of employers and employed, Add to that representation men of the | A, [ hur h, men of the Service Clubs, und the men and women of the Bene ht Societies who are today quietly doing effective work towards relief of the distress arising from unem- ployment id "You will observe that 1 have not mentioned representation from the city eounell, That body Is part of our triepartite plan of government; municipal, provinelal and federal, and upon it les part of the responsibil ty for action, 1 am hoping that the composition of these councils will bring ull three of our governments Into closer touch with the people up« on this important problem." In the opening minutes of his ade¢ dress, Mr, Moore outlined suecintly the three chief causes of unemploy ment: seusonal unemployment, of which the resultant distress is a pro blem for the munielpalities or the provinces in whieh it occurs; unem ployment due to the Introduction of labor savig machinery, and Inevit able result of this second Industrial Revolutions and the periodic crises which have swept across the trade world ut regular Intervals, "Under these crises, we have a slowing down of the activities of field and factory wlike, and consequent nationwide ane employment "With these things In wind, Tel us now nguire direetly into the meth ods of velleving the distress that fol lows In the path of these periodical crises, and turn our best energles towards a plan of netion that will shield us from perlodie world wide depressions, A heavy task It is, but it is worth while, I ahominate the petty personalities of politics, I want to get at the hig Issues, and help solve them if 1 ean, and 1 helleye that Is also the desire of the people of this historie riding of Ontario. Other speakers during the evening Included Mr, J, PP, Mangan, and Mr, J, Graves, ANOTHER BIG WEEK OF LOWER PRICES Here Is Another Splendid Example of A ©& P's Lower-Price Policy. OSHAWA--TWO STORES--KING ST, WEST---SIMCOE ST, 8. BOKAR wr Ze When you Loin». 1 SMOKED BREAKFANT BACON A&P QUALITY WEINERS FRAY BENTOS , FRESH-CAUGHT The greatest possible coffee value, coffee nt a very special low price, Just taste it==you'll prefor Bokar, MEATS buy at A 4 F Mirkels Jou ate Brotecied by the ruse. ante one Canada's largest retallors of fine meats, CHOICE YOUNG LAMB Leg * 25<Frontw. 15. o Loin Rib SWIFT'S CIRCLE "8" SMOKED Picnic HAMS ow. 25 ROAST BEEF Shoulder Roast Short Rib Roast Chuck or Pot Roast 1». 22¢ Cooked Meats & Delicatessen BOILED HAM CORNED BEEF sticed 1b. 25¢ Fresh Potato Salad 1. 23 Sweet Mustard Pickles Pint 2 FISH WHITEFIS COFFEE Canada's foremost package 2-89. 28 iv. 4Qe 23 SALMON .r » 28: Steaks or Contre Cuts Ib, 32¢ EXTRA SPECIAL! FINE GRANULATED SUGAR 10-48. EXCRPT REDPATH a -------- ee] FINEST QUALITY OREAMERY STLVERPROOK BUTTER SUNNYFIELD HEINZ BRAND TOMATO QUAKER BRAND VIOTORY BRAND ONOICE QUALITY WHITE CORN = FRESH FRUITS DAILY AT ALL Catoup ..... aiflsl8e Puffed Wheat phe, 28¢ Pickles «+... 23¢|Bon Bartlett Pears "\' 23c Cocktail +», .vorme 37¢ Asparagus Tips'g\' 28¢ 2 ibe. 50 "ARENA" Ib. 310 KETCHUP "usiu~ 23. Puffed RICE 2 rx. 33 | DELMONTE BRAND D ORUSWED PINEAPPLE ; 2 Time as I | spies2 Phos. 2. 1: . Crosby Fanoy Corn No.2 Tin 1%¢ : i © VEGETABLES ' OUR STORES WATERMELONS 2: 1 49e BANANAS--Large Ripe ....... 31bs 18¢ BEETS--Home-Grown LER) 6 Bunches 18¢ LEMONS mn. CABBAGE "i aor CARROTS .:. APPLES ...}i%u, OTNER SUGGESTED ITEMS : Marmala ado, " 4% 28 | Pineapple "0 oust Be MN «vv J] PYM evi RODEN "6c Salmon iit 18¢ 43% aferatly 18¢ PALMOLIVE SOAP ........ 3 Cakes 23¢ GREAT Amavnic a Paame Tus Co. A

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