Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 10 Jul 1930, p. 2

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'THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1930 | Bowmanville Daily Times Ne Sosmmannis Ofcs ol Block, King Street, ons will be received ot Times in the Cowan Telephones--Office--B67 Housewe131, Bowmanyille Represontative--B, Horbert Mortlock "Daily Times Swamps Local Team in Exhibition Game Art Rodgers, Times' Pitcher, ¥ Provides Many Surprises for Locsl Fans Art Rogers, pitching for The Dally fimas in in u friendly fume ut he Pubs hoo) Siomds ast evening play~ & with the local batters with Kogers for without him Bowman- oud have stood a chance at fi of being on even terms with Pair op) nents, The score was 21 to and | s had not Jet up on iy fast wt oe in the Hight fnnings It is Tikely that the local lads would not have scored ut all, Adams, the local Jivcher, played on good game last night and three out of the nine innings he held the visit- ors socreless, However, when Rog: ers took his place on the mound " the first Innings the eyes of some of fhe local bobs were opened, When hig first ball came down fast and true over the plate the erowd just gasped, They had seen nothing like this In Bowmanville, And so It was that man after man was struck out without ever being able to hit, Dur: Ing the entire game Rogers struck wt twelve men, Despite the score Fhe Times did not have it all their pwn way for Adams struek two or three out and if he had been ably backed up In the fikld the score would have heen halved, Burr, Parish, O'Doud, Rodgers and Huxtable scored homers for the visi- The game was entirely oner d but due only to the pitching of | ¢ ir hurd and right over the plate | § tors while Murphy managed to put one over the east fence mich to the i ht t of the fans oho Shatred him andler pi W better game fh eo) and hs hig share, [eh four out behind the plate, 1f " mes returns with thelr own i her one of these nights and own: ville puts on an all star fog Times will 10% have sue 8 af win win. owmanville was very wh " outfield the. first five Innings Ai Cancilla changed his mep and put Muton hy and Large and gots in the outheld, This. made about the best outfield that could he procured in Bowmanville and in another game without The Times bringing the star pitcher of Oshawa with them Bow. manville will stand & good chanee of evening matters up, The teams were j= Daily Times: Parish &, Bure 20db,, O'Dowd ¢f, Brown 3rd b, odgers i, Campbell (A Thompson Ist b, uxtable 11, Hood 8s Bowmanville: Colwell If, Cane dler ¢, Oke Ist rc Colwell Th Adams p, Bell 3rd b, 'Bates 2nd b, Murphy ef, Brough rf, Large and Maore extras, Umplres: Cameron and Bottrell HELPVUL The motorist yang up the nears ost garage, "Hello," he sald, "I've turned turtle, Can you do any. thing for me?" "I'm afraid not," came the sweet faminine reply, "You've got the wrong number, What you wint Is the ¥00,""==The Humorist, ----_--_--____. The Best Jeddo Premium in America At Usual Coal Prices Produced ++ brings Healthful Cleanliness 1s beat for safely.) use It 00 i n't sere ph grit it doe eal for cleaning equal for "temas, Tey nome «oo bee opin swriace on contalne no teh, Od Duteh hasno and wii pid refrigerators, painted wall Tr | School at seven o'clock and Orono at any grocer's, be satisfied to can be bought for Reo Rose Tea 50c. or 60c. looked cheap, of course. But now that RED LABEL Malcolm Nasmith 74, William Wil. Inrd 78,6, Helen Anderson 178.4, Kenneth Curvah 71.6, Grace Swit wor 71.4, Herold Preniies 69.3, Merle Bwitker 68.5, Warjors Palmer 65,0, Jr, Hi==Karl Dunn 85.8, Billy Pyatt 80,6, Archie McMaster 68, Passed oh June Exams, (Final ~Marjorie Tinsley 757, Wilson Pigary 72,8, Pred Middleton 68,1, Jean MeDermott 65, leahel Ewers 62.6, Tom Bown 60,1, Jv, Hi==Allin Oke 70.8, Teddy Cooney 67.4, Donald Mathers 47, Lo w=M, M, Blalton, teacher, Lower School Examinations af Port' Perry: High Bchool |= The following pupils have heen prometed to Form 11, (Names in ordey of Marit, )=Mlizaheth Symes, Mildred Prentice, Herel Kight, Audrey Hood, Harriet Downer, Audrey Balfour, Norms Turner, fldney Smallman, Nora MoMillan, Pred Bown, William Hallots, Mur ial MoKercher, Allan Crowler, Ivah Milner, Philip Orde, Ralph Lyle, The following have heen promot. ed but have fatled In the subjeots after the name-Names in order of merit.~~Georgeen Hood, (Ag) "L'Owen CIN, (Int); Mildred Hooper, C. Ib. few people will drink bulk tea. NEWS ABOUT TOWN | Storm Damage The storm which raged in this dis trigt for a short period about nine o'clock last night did considerable damage to trees In the town, although no reports of any person being Injures ed has come to notice, The storm started in earnest about nine o'clock when the old fire bell which has not been used for more than twelve months began to ring and a large number rushed to the fire al 10 find the cause, A huge maple tree st the hall came toppling over nearly hitting « man who, however, luckily escaped, Four or five other trees on King and Chureh streets were also blown down while on every street In town branches strewed the sidewalks and streets holding up trafic and ger nerally causing confusion, If the da mage done hy the storm on the high way between Howmanville and Osh. awa Is anythin to judge by, many trees must have bons | in the back country, The hydro service wah In terrupted for about Afteen minutes while the street lighting was off for more than twe hours, South Ward School At the past meeting of the Public School Board It was decided that the grounds of the South Ward School which were considered In a disgrace ful eondition should Le fixed: Mem- bers of the Board attended the Hehool in a body one night this week and Improvements have been started The grounds are being. ploughed up and will he levelled and reseeded A fence will be erected to keep cars from crossing the grounds ms they have heen doing in the past and a local landscape gardener will he em. ployed to Jay out shrubs and enerally mprove the looks of the grounds, Such Generasity A short time ago a le Bowman. ville hoy, aged eight years wan play- ing down at the Cream of Barley Camp and found a purse whieh cons tained the sum of twenty dollars, Af+ ter some. trouble the little fellow los cated the owner and returned the purse te her, She was so delighted that she rewarded the boy's honesty with a dime, It reminds us of Rocke feller distributing dimes but in this case there wan little reward from an honest effort on the part of one so young, Lots to Bee Tonlg ht Local sport fans will how to choose between two important games (0 see this evening, ene foothall and the other softball, Goodyear and Whiz will open thelr bat 'es for the first schedule: honours at the Public will journey to Bowmanville for a league foothall game at the High School grounds, 'Both ames will he worth watching and there should he a large crowd At ene each, Chautaugus Tisket Tiokets Selling Fast According te some of the publie spirited men in Bowmanville whe are guaranteeing Chautauqua hia year, tickets are going well and a usual the visit of these park Bh will be u success, However, to (insure that these men who have backed the comin of Chautauqua. will not be al lowed to take all the burden on them selves it 1s a hoped that eitis wens will get their season tickets as early as possible, PORT PERRY Port Perry, July "Tuly ToPort Perry Publi Scheel Report---Iromoted from Jr, 111 on the year's work to fr, 1Li==Names in order of merit wJoanle Middleton (hon), Mary Davidson (hon,), May Flgary (hen), Jean Moase (hon,), Harold Turner (hon), Bath Archer hon), Helen Gale (hon) Lloyd Harrison, Nora Levia, Miriam Cutts, From Jv, HI to 8p, [H-B examination «= Qlara \ Gilboord (hom,), Dex thy O'Brien (hon), Kathryn O'Biie From 8, 11 n "In, 11~=0n Joars work === Ruth Carnegie (hon), Marion Brent (hen), Dorothy Pyatt (het. )s uber Wakatord, Bert Deshane, oe Charlie mt Wikalgaion weBilly Neare hon), Tomm Hayden (hon,), char 0) furohite, : Rodiphus Hayden, } Promoted. to fr, I by Anal sxamu-==Norman (Hiboord, Hruee Beare, Bobby Jeffrey, Muriel Wil Ian, Burgess Beare, Mike Naples, Constance Naple, Gordon Sutelffe, Miss O, Btovin, teacher fir, Hi==Pupils who have passed on Term worke-=Vivien Wallace #0, Patricia Jackson KB.5, Ruth Brent 84.6, Grace Bradley §4.5, Mary Stone 84,8, Betty Cuwker $8.7, Patrician Palmer 58.8, Jean Wakeford 70, Ruth Hall 78.7, Marian Kight 77.6, Bara Naple 76.4, Clarence Beare 76, Grace Btone 74, Violet Read 74.4, Harry Brokes 74.1, Garnet Weir 78.5, re a | FREE! 3 New Modess Compacts REGULAR MODESS (12 in box) MODESS COMPACTS (9 in box) 49c 2 Packages worth 66¢ for 85¢ | 4 Packages worth $1.30 for iin | KARN'S Drug Store | Next Post Oftige « Phone ATH "a ae mfg i ; 111 b) cit, ind Benton i ) ri fois to at! oo Nova i with in a Y: = , 8 dina Bn (His, TAL, Tat); Mary Bmallman, (Algi); Terence Woods, (Gram, 'ohy 64,7, Harald Hood 68.7, | Ash Lat, ¥r.); William Hedgn, (Alg, Lat); John Varmer, (Gram, Comp, ) ~The following bave failed but, may snvoll in Second yesr Voo- stionnl-==Glpnn Wannamaker, Roy Nottingham, Elizabeth Menceley, Franklin Phoenix, The following have passed into Vorm I1l-=Names in order of merit ==lnid Wallace, Sylvia Nind, Olga Lakey, Walter Reynolds, Lorena Currsh, M¥lon Tinsley, Robert Willen, Hughes Williamson, Dor, othy O'Neill, Hazel Jefivey, Oscar Dradisy, Clifford Ward, Arthur or, The follgwng have heen promotes. od hut, have fatled in the subjects after 'thelr names, which are In order of merit,-~Dorothy Miller, (Lat, granted); Iva Reynolds, Tr, 11, granted Vr, 1); Marjorie Vyait, (Geom, ) 5 Rohert Woods, (Lat, Fr, I, granted ¥r, 1,5; Donald Wan chops, (Fr, 11, Lat, I, granted Fr. 1 and Lat, 1); Wvelyn Bomers ville, (Lat); Alles Hayden (Lat); Albert Cawker, (Lat, ¥r.); Mar jorie Real, (Lat, ¥r,), Miss McBride, of Niagara ¥ally, In spending her holldays with her sinter, Mrs, Forman, Mr, and Mrs, Charlie Maragh, of Detroit, and Mrs, Roy Head, of Lindsay, spent ¥riday with Mr, and Mra, Grant Gerrow, Mr, and Mrs, B, McMullen end Miss Madsiine Waller, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr, snd Mrs, Charlie Bowerman, Mr, and Mrs, Grant Cerrow motored to Lindsay and Venelon Valls on Sunday, Mrs, Britton has returned home from Bowmanville, Her grand- daughter, Miss Greta Pollard is visiting her at present Miss Emily Morrison, of Toronto, In the guest of her niece, Mry, G, A, Woods, Among those who spent the weekend in Port Perry were My, and Mrs, Robert Poultney, Toren tos W, MoCombile, G, Probert and Tames Milne, Toronto; Mr, and Mrs, J. 15, Seymour, Oshawa; Mr, and Miss Crowhurst, Toronto; Miss Potter, Miss May Venus, Tor. onto, Mr, 1, Gibbie, Oshawa; Mr, and Mra, Smith and family, Torons tos Mr, and Mrs, Vitegerald, of Baltimore, M.D, Mr, and Mrs, Lansing, Miss Daley Lansing, and Mr, Goode, of Windsor, Miss Payne, Toronto and Mr, and Mrs, B, A, Reid end family, of Piitahurs, Penn, Miss Oliv® Wallace has gone to Port Meserve, on Lake ¥rie, for two months, where she will act as dietitian nf L YW.C.A summer Pump, . Mr, anu Mrs, Morrison, Miss ©, McKee and Mr, A. P, lugram mot~ ored to Midiund on Bundsy, Mr, and Mrs, Spick snd famny, of Toronto, were Bundy guests of Port Perry friends, Mr, and Mrs, Spain, Mr, and Mrs, Wick and Mr, and Mrs, James (+ihbs, Br, of Toronto, sre spend~ ing the next few weeks in Port Perry at Mr, Gibby' summer ome, MY ROUSE Give me a house gupried by friend- ly trees, Green, ftienty frase, siretehing oars To touch Aig ha oni) and tapping slender fingers Against the windows, Let me hear them whisper And murmur to each other in the night And 1st me hear thely strong and vibrant voles the storm and through the rain, Give me # house guarded by friend- trees, in The Chatelaine Muris! Ad Harold Lewis Cook, In New Repub- He, ------------------ "Byery Nving thing is related through a common descent to all the rest of life," H, 4, Wells, Above singing YLMER ""°" Made from flawless golden peaches, (ree serving that natuml flavor, whole family, on unusually low price, ripened, pre. , peach A favorite with the This week at EXTRA SPEC SUGAR Granulated | 10 Ibs. 49¢ | IAL. SPECIAL Lobo Mild New Canadian | CHEESE: 2c): SPECIAL. PICKL "Crosse & Blackwell's BRANSTON 19° E 5 Bottle SPECIAL~ Lobster Phoenix Brand 4-02, Tins P-- SPECIAL~ SPECIAL ~ Weston's Assorted Biscuits. 24¢ RED COHOEK SALMON FRE An attractivel free with the first 50 orders of $2 or over SATURDAY ONLY 2 fim R 8 " RUBBER APRONS colored Rubber Apron ~ SPECIALS -- Vk Lo orice" JULY 11. 17 Watsh for Red Price Ticket FOR THE PICNIC oH Bo COFFEE pd ran aso A, ven 180 ued iin B80 R40 You A 1) 1% Woustans ORA| oy "AND LEMONADE! AT Be LOOK OVER THIS LIST OF REGULAR GOOD VALUES BONELESS OHIOKEN 3 i TPIS TUNA FisH ' VanCamp sisennrs 29¢ alge STi nin@80 ma kh wie, 280 suicho BRR w 200 rod 200 mw will ie po Ne ie iy do REEL E EE E E EET ty hi Jum ovens 800 Ly yt No, 2 Hn, 200 EATON'S JEAS AND COFFEES A Ee Blend, 3 8c (EERE ERR EY 53 Ron oi, ia: 408 (BIRR REE RRR RRR AL] TRARY antation REE EE EE EE RRRE RS Crosse & SPECIAL SPECIAL! | Picnics » Store a De Wednesday an Saturday \ | Fresh 1b, ate | VAL lal! Choice Pork UT SRR AR Pray Bester € Sliced EATON'S MEATS CHOICE Prime Beh, i0.29° CHOICE - SMOKED | SUGAR CURED SPECIAL- CHOICE Loin Roasts of Lamb, Ib. ¢ 5¢ 28¢ Butts, ww CLL LLRL EECA ARERR RETR CETTE EN orned \ pound 1iifinanin Featuring This Week THISTLE BRAND Chicken Haddie 21c 1401. Tin H.AG, COFFEE Sher 1b. 68c DAINTY LUNCH Mayonnaise fii 20c JAR SNOWFLAKE AMMONIA 2 Pras. 15¢ RED RIVER CEREAL PKG, 24c CROSSED FISH SARDINES 2 Tins 33¢ Sunglo Butter Creamery SPECIAL! New Potatoes 6 me. 2§C amie Address 52 Simcoe St. North 1

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