Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 10 Jul 1930, p. 1

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The Oshawa Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer "All the News While It Is News" " VOL. 7--NO, 8 Caritas: Sondars pos OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY. 10, 1930 16 Cents 8 Weeks 3 Conts a Copy TWELVE PACES * News in Brief Vesuvius Menacing Naples, lialy ~Menace to 4 num- ber of inhabited centres was seen to- day as the eruption. of Mount Ves. uvius which started Monday , con- tinued unabated, Garatan Unamploymont Berlin~The number of unemploy- ed In Germany receiving govern ment doles at the end of June was icially announced ay amounting to 1,833,000, This is 900,000 more than a year ago. The total unemployed at the end of June, 1930, way 2,636, 00, » foner Dies * Sault Ste, Marie. ~The Soo's old- est Old Age pensioner, Francis Saunders, is dead here, aged 95. He died in the House of Refuge, His daughter, Mrs, Albert Lillie, 73, hus applied for continuance of the pens sion. ¥ ¥ Oldest Ve Ld LJ . Kinsmen in Convention Toronto,~= The ninth convention of the Association of Kinsmenfs Clubs of Canada opened here to-day, Formation of new clubs at Ottawa St, Catharines, Peterboro, Windsor, Kitchener and farnin was reported by Major 8, H, Bantick, president, » Jacob Cohen's Kstato Toronto, July 10.~~Jewlsh, Pro- testant and Catholle institutions benefit from the $120,000 estate left by the late Jacob Cohen, re- tired police magistrate of this city, Sam Cohen, New York City, nephew, Ix bequeathed $100.0 month for Mito, ' HEROIC BOYS SAVE LIFE OF YOUNG LAD Windsor, Tuly 10~Herolsm of Leo Gignac of 1Wndsor and Ernest Mon- forton of Lolselleville saved the life of nine-year-old Jack Boyeott of Lolselleville, The little lad jumped from a bont in which they were play- ing in a degree cut at Lolselleville, He thought the water was shallow, He had gone down for the second time before his thirteen year old companions were able to get hold of , him and gét him back info the boat, KILLED IN FALL FROM ELEVATOR NEAR KINGSTON Andrew Paul Tumbles Eighty Feet From Scaffold ---- (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Kingston, July 10~~Andrew Paul, aged thirty-eight, employed ax a Inborer at the construction of the new elevator for the Canada Steamship Lines being bullt In Little Gataraqui Bay. received fatal injuries late yesterday when he fell n 'distance of eighty foet, Paul was removing scaffolding wheh he fell, dropping over eighty foot, Ho was rushed to the King- ston General Hospital but dled pool after being admitted, Heo was employed by the Carter, Hall, Aldinger Company of Wine niper, An Inquest has heen ordered for tonight, DANE IS MARRIED IN TORONTO JAIL (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, July 10.~~A quiet wedding was solemnized in the Don Jall here to-day when Rev, Dr, Tug- gis, Swedish minister of the Church of All Nations, united in marriage a Finnish bride and a Dan ish groom, Two jail officials stood up with the happy couple, After the ceremony the groom left for Burwash reformatory where he will be detained for a year, IMPORTANT CHINESE BANK CLOSES DOORS (By Canedian Press Leased Wire) Shanghal, China, July 10,~=The Chinese Industrial and Come mercial Bank, with headquarters in Hongkong, and Whers J) he os In Shanghia and result of exchange operations te ng out of the present silver price slump, 3 estimated at $600, foreign depositors | oj .| measures in t GALE DOES MUCH DAM GE INDISTRICT MAJORITY CUT ALMOST T0 NIL BY GONSERVATIVE BUT GOVERNMENT WINS Lady Noel | Buxton Gains Seat Vacated by Her Hus- band When He Was Ele- vated to the Peerage rr -- MAJORITY 'REDUCED FROM 1883 TO 179 Campaign of Lord Beaver. brook on Empire Free Trade Policy Largely Re- sponsible for Better Con- servative Showing led today | (By Canadian Press Leased Wine) Aylsham, Norfolk, kngland, July 10,~~With a greatly reduced ma jority Labor retsined North Nor. folk in yesterday's by-election, The rosult announced to-day was 14, 821 votes for Lady Noel Buxton, Labor, and 14,642 for T, A, Cook Conservative, The Labor majority in the gen- oral election had been 1',883, when Rt, Hon, Noel Buxton was elected, The vote then was 14,644 for La. tive; and 5,408 tor Mrs, C, F, Hofl- bor; 12,601 tor Cook, Couservas man, Liberal, The by-election was due to the elovation of Mr, Buxton to the peorage, a fow weeks ago, when he also resigned the post of minister of agriculture, The great campaign of Lord Deverbrook, nominuily on beni of the Conservative candidate bn in reality ror his own policy of em. pire free trade and a tariff barrier Jdinnt foreign produces wes. pro ably the greatest single factor In the campaign, In the last byselegs tgn, In West Fulham, Lord Bea verbrook conducted a somewhat similar campaign ce! the Conger vatives wrested the seat from la bor, Consequently there was in tense Interest In the result of the North Norfolk election, The riding Is wholly agricultural and thus niforded a fine testing: ground for certain issues In poll. ties, Lord Deaverbrook's campaign and the question' of tariff protege tion against subsidized agricultur- al produce coming fn from other countries, notably France and Gers many, "Well, we lost a trick, Let's got on with the game," sald 'Lord Beaverbrook, newspaper magnate and leader of the empire free trade crusade, when he heard of the re- sult in the by-election, He found the reduction in the majority for Labor, cut from 1,883 to 170, a big comfort. Conan Doyle's Books Go To United States (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) New York, July 0,The erimin« ologleal lbrary of the late Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, which the author used for reference in write ng his detectice stories, is on its way to the United Sta in pose sonsion of Dr, A, 8, Ronenback, Now York book collector, TOM MOORE MUM ON PROPOSALS OF W. H. MOORE HERE Trades and Labor Congress Keeps Out of Politics, He Says (Dy Canadian Prowse Lonsed Wire)" Ottawa, July 10~The proposals of W, H, Moore, Liberal candidate in Ontario fonsliiuency that local coun- cils be set u devise remedial : (48.000 of, unemplo ment and oy the [inigtpulities, the he provincial df domini ion Sovernmients establish of fund to be used for emer gent works in time My stress, drew no comment from Tom Moore, chairs man of the Trades and Labor Cone grits of Canada today, ready the government had placed a pacific roi in the estimates to. summon a Son een an une! . ment; the Hon, R Th, Bennett, servative leader, had said that if Yor turned to power he would call parlias ment into session to consider the uestion; a hat the Trades and Labor not it participle in partis ese were the reasons en gave for declin- ment on the suggestions * ling to h of the Otay constituency candis {LN Real Melodrama (By Canadian Press Lensed Wire) New York, July 10,~A melo- drama in real life stopped the show last night at & Chingse theatre on the Bowery, An actor protraying the role of a burglar was croeping across Lhe stage when suddenly five shots rang ouy from the rear of the house, Actors and audience im- mediately fled, and when the po- lige arrived they found only a dead man in one of the seats and three theaire employees, The slain man was identifed as Hung Wah Hung, president of a Chinese merchants organization, POLICE RAID SHOW, CHARGE INDECENCY (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) New York, July 10,--The fall of The curtain at yesterday's matinee of the eighth edition of Earl Car. roll's "Vanities" was the signal for a police raid in which nine of the production's principals were ar- rested charged with putting on an indecent show, The raiding oMeeors carried 11 warrants, but two of them, calling for the arrest of Carroll and Louis Lottl, treasurer of the New Amster. dam theatre, could not ba werved, Carroll was sald to he out of town and Lotti was not found, Tato Reduced Dombay, Indig.~~The Imperial Bank of India today veduoed its discount ratq from wix to five pers cent, Labor Retains North Norfolk Seat in By-Election| Stops the Show "Wealthy Orillia Fre Fight Assault Charge | BRANDS ALLEGATIONS OF POLICE AS ABSURD J. L, Younghusband, Canadian-born wealthy Chicago cosmiotic' manufac. turer, summer resident of Ovillia, Ont, who faces a charge op assaults | British Newspapers Join In Lauding Irwin's Speech New Crisis in Liberal Ranks Lloyd George's Action Has Endangered Entente With Government (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, Lng, July 10=By his ac- tion in putting the gevernment to the vote on the finance bill yesterday when the government was sustained by only two votes, Rt, Hon. David Lloyd George seems to have angered the government, precipitated another erisly within the Liberal canks, and endangered the prospects of the con. ,versations between the Government and Liberals, The Laborite or uy the Daily Her ald, bitterly labels doyd George, "the chameleon' of Criccieth." As Mr, Lloyd George had sald in his speech he did not wish to eject the government but merely wished yo help employment, his ° followers thought he would not proceed to a division, When he decided to put on the whips the party was hopelessly divided, -------------------- JOIN IN DEFENSE AGAINST BANDITS Three 'Nations Conduct Op- erations Against Marauders Firing on Ships (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Shanghal, China, July 10-=RBris tiah, American and Japanese river patrols joined today in defensive operations as bandits and Commun. {nts Intensified thelr firing on for elgn vessels on the Yangtan and flaunted a banner reading 'down with Imperialism, capitaliom, fore elgners and religion," Marauders continued to fire bor. [theavily at all foreign commercial or navy craft above Kiukiung and Partioularly beyond Hankow where steamers attempting to reach ihe lower river were to have beoir subjected te showers of bul Iota from both banks, - (By Thos, Montreal Case ; asia near T, Champion, Canadian Staff Correspondent) London, England, July 10.=Most responsible British newspapers to day agree the speech, of Lord Irwin Viceroy of India, at Simla yesterday, should quieten any fears that the report of the Simeon Commission anil its recommendations are to be shely ed, The Viceroy repeated the good faith of the imperial government and the intention of giving dominion status to India when the time is ripe He labelled the Simon report & cons structive contribution to the problem but stressed that the forthcoming round-table conference in' London should be left with full freedom to discuss precise proposals, "The broad effect is to suggest there is little ground for the cons troversy which would divide us all into antagonistic groups," The Times says, "The unawer is that it was net the business of the commission to be Imaginative, and their report in fact does point the way-=perhaps the only possible way==to the evolution of a dominion, which has already been proved in Canada, Australia' and South Africa," wo rmp----em-- sehen Press Mystery Grows Stabbing Today Believed Connected With Bou. clier Murder (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) ontreal, Que, July 10-A stabbing affair which police are attempting to connect with the murde rof Henri Bouolier, wealthy Belglan™Who was shot In an autos Laval-8ur-Le-ac on al 1, took place today at the lian Liberal club, A. Dolanger, a butcher, was stabbed in the face and on the right hand, The assallant escaped, Delanger was not seriously in Jured, The Italian club In woll known and was frequented by Henri Houcller, Police stated their be- lef that Belanger was an innocent viotim of the ma iA up of diss kruntlod membe the warrl laordecly house men Bg Bouclier for a ride when --- pald him for protection failed to seoure immunity from police raids, \ rr---- ing Wasson, Walton, CNR, level, crossing oman, recently, when re: turning terms allegations states rom a dance, absurd and Two Campers Are Drowned Near Kingston Were Fishing in Widow's Lake and Drown in Un- "known Manner (By Canadian. Press lonsed Wire) Kingston, July 10,~Gordon Meyer of Bharon, Penn, and Lawr- once McGonigal of Flower Star tion, on the Canadian Pacifio Stas tion about seventy-five miles north of hore were drowned at Widow's Lake, near Clyde Iorks, on Wed nesday afternoon according to in~ formation which reached the elty today, : An far as can be learned the two men were out fishing from the vamp which Moyer and a party from the United Htates were oo- cupying and when the rest of the party returned Ao the camp they found Meyer's hat floating In the wator, Help way summoned and a search was madp for the meii with the result thaf the bodies were tecoverad In about eight feet of wator within halt an hour, Dr, Dwyer, of Perth, the cor oner for the district announced that no inquest would ba neces: sary, after making his investiga- tion which'revealed that very little was known about the accident, The McGonigal boy could not swim and It 1s surmised that Meyer who was a good awimmer tried to help the younger lad and hecame ex« hausted by his efforts, resulting in the death of the two, Meyer was twenty-nine years of age and the McGonigal boy was thirteen," I ---------- WEETAMOE PROBABLE CONTENDER FOR CUP (By Canadian Press Loassd Wire) Newport, RI, July 10-=After having met and 'vanquished each of the other threes contenders sep« arately during the past three days, Westamore, the Morgan-Niphols candidate for the defense of the America's Cup, went out today for her second race with Whirl. wind, the Thorne-Hammond boat, Rescued From Mane Chicago,~A pllot and hia une identified young Woman passenger were rescued by coastguards last night from mn amphibian adrift in Lake Michigan, miles off shore, three fence, the! ABOVE with his pretty four-year: he! old daughter, Judy, plane. truck. the. man, meraly in self-de- Mr. Younghusband is shown LUMBER SHED DEMOLISHED, TREES BLOWN OVER, POWER SERVICE IS Presentation. For Juck Guest (By Canadian From 1 Lansed Wire) Toronto, July 10,.Jack Guest, Toyonto oarsman who won the Dia. mond Sculls at Henley this year will be presented with a cabinet of silver and an address when he ar« rives in his native city on the evens ing of July 21, Controllers Pearce and Bummer ville and I. A, Murphy, persident of the Canadian Association of Amateur Oarsmen were named (Lo "| meet, Guest when his boat docks at Quebec, July 20, by the board of sontrol which made arrangements for the welcome Lo- any, FREE TRADE PARTS RAISES TARIFFS Australian Budget Seen As Desperate Effort to Better Conditions (By Canadian Frese Leased Wire) Canberra, Australia, July 10. Australia sat back today to survey the sweefing budget hrought down today In the House of Representa tives, and saw In iL the paradox of a free trade Labor government invoking the aid of protection jn a desperaty effort to' ameliorate the presont unfavorable financial con dition of tha country, Heavy increases in the customs' tariff, the introduction of "sales tax, patterned after the Canading model, and oxtension of the scope of income tax~~these are the main trends of the budget, \Liberal | Policies Drive Men To U.S.A., Bennett Declares (By Canadian Press "Leassd Wire) New (Hasgow, N.&, July 10,~ Chirging that Canadian workmen, especially In the fron and steel Ine dustries had. heen "driven to other countrise'" hy t'.e policies of the King administration, Hon, R, B. Bennett pressod his campalgn hore last night and earlier al Antigonish, At the same time, the Conservative . leader emphasized his national highways proposal and promised his strong support to the fishing Industry, "To the extent,' Mr, Bonnett exclaimed, "wo bring In one dol lar's worth of good from the United States to replace one dols lar's worth of goods from the he manufactured In Canada, woe have deprived Canadians of that much work in the development of Canadian industry, Do you realise that under the present policy in« stoad of making steel in Canada we have deprived Canadian miners and 'steel workers of the chance they deserve and we have driven them to other countries?" $1,000,000 a Day One million dollars per day had been spent in the purchase of (Continued on Page 7) Big Damage to Western Crops Southern Alberta and Sask- atchewan Especially Hard Hit by 'Drought (BY Canadian Press Leased Wire) / Winnipeg, July 10=The heat wave which has scorched the Canadiun west for the past 48 hours wus res ceding a little today before sneling winds which brought a promise 'o rain before nightfall. Thunderstorms were forecast generally for Alberta Manitoba and the westerly tip wn the Lake Superior area an thermoms ters which in many places ranged well above the 90 degree mark heads ed downward slowly, Forecast for Saskatchewan way "fale and warm", Thirsty graiplands, scorched bv the merciless sun, woukl reap great henes fit from showers at the present, Dams age to erops in Alberta, especially in the southern reaches of the prove ince, is auld to be great swing to lack of rains, Other parts of the west which also lacked adequate subssuil moisture from last year, such as southwestern Saskatchewan, were believed hard hit as vesult of the blistering heat, 144 Miners Die In Explosion Gas Pocket Explodes During Blasting, Trapping Workmen (By Canadian Prous Leased Wire) Neurode, Germany, July 10, At leant 144 persons lost their lives yesterday In an explosion at the Waceslaus mine, Righty-one bodies have been recovered, most of them burned badly, No hope is held for those remaining in the shaft, Of 200 miners in the shaft at the time of the explosion only 56 ens caped and those were badly injurs od, The eplosion in the mine eceur- red when a large gas pocket was suddenly tapped during' blasting late yesterday, The fumes sproad through the shafts so quickly that there wan little chance for anyone 10 escape, SERIOUS FIRE IN CALGARY BLOGH Three Firemen Injured Fighting $100,000 Blaze Last Night (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Calgary, Alta, July 10.-=Fire: men fought flames and smoke for three-storey Roberts bullding, in three-storey Robert building, .in the midat of the downtown seg tlon, Half of the topmost floor of the block was ruined and dams age was optimated at Detwhen $72,000" and $100,000, Throe firemen were slightly fe Jured in the blaze, It was one of the mest apectacu, lar fives in Calgary's history, The stock of the Gutta Poroha and Rubber Company was & coms plete loss and damage was also Fustained 'by the Drunswick-Balke, Warner Brothers, Beatty Nabing Machine and Service Station Sup. plies companies, The fire broke out in an elevator shaft from an unknown cause, INTERRUPTED Highway Traffic Stopped Between Bowmanville and Oshawa as Trees Fall Across Road POWER OFF FOR TWO , HOURS IN CEDARDALE Street Car Service to Lakes view Park Stopped When Trolley Wire Is Severed-- Cottagers at Scugog Suffer Leaving a traf) of shattered Lrees, darkened homes and iwisted feles phone wires ih Its wake, a vielent 60 mile-an-hour gale struck Osh= awa and district last night at pina o'clock, The storm proceeded out of the east, and passed on over North Toronto an few minutes later, Fortunately, no Injury or loss ol life was Incurred, so far as could be ascetrained nt a late hour this morning, The force of the gale was suf+ felent to topple over a section n* A Jumber shed on Bond Bireet we W owned by General Motors, They sido of the shed, In its fall, carried! with it a telegraph pole, and, smashed portions of a seven fool steal fence along the street, Dams ange to the whed has heen roughly estimated at $500, although offiel- "ls are unable to give any exact pro nouncement until notification hag been received from the insurance company, The damage was fully wovered by Insurance, Traffic on the main highway west of Oshawa was held up for some time hy trees Iying neroes the road, although this trouble was APPArs ently not experienced to any exten, SASL. of Lhe wv oltyy Ne uring farmers and road gangs wera called inte action to clear mway the ah structions before normal traffie movement could be resumed, Trees Destroyed Considerable damage. was done to a large number of (ress, Oshe Awa, an exceptionally well-treed oity, was heavily struck, and the toll will probably mount over the half-hundred mark, "A bad storm Is always a timé of anxiety in this heavily treed olty,'" stated the eity engineer, Mr, Chester Bmith, this morning, pare tleularly when many of our trees Are so old, Wa are fortunate te have gone through one mors storm without excessive damage," ; Throughout the surrounding dise (Continued on Page 7) FOUR DROWNED AS BOAT CAPSIZES IN MALINES RIVER. River Drivers Dynamiting Log Jam Are Carried to Death ' | (By Canadian Press Leased Wie) Maniwaki, Jue, July 10~-Whila * 200 fellow workers looked helplosss ly on, four river drivers were cars ried to thelr deaths in the treachs erous' waters of the Malines river Tuesday, Word of the tragedy in the Lake Kakabonga :districr, #0 miles north of here, was delayed: by storm eorippled telephone sers vices and reached here only early this morning, Six men were sent out in a boat. to break up a jam of logs with' dynamite, Whether 'the break-up the jam upset the eraft op the strong 'current in the rapids turned: it over as it appronched the keys log Iv not known, Two of the men, Apparently stronger awimmers than their comrades, were able to cons quer the turbulent waters and gain the shore, , The remainder, their wild orlos FIngIng in the ears of the . horrified men on land, disappears ed in the roaring eurrent, They were: James MeAllistor,, 41, Maniwaki; L, Rlopeles, ui, Houchette, Que; O, Lacallle, 18, Red Chute, Que; and A, Dupont ¢ 20, Also of Red Chute, MacDonald To Head Confederation Life (By Canadian Prose Wire) Toronto, July 10,~~Charles Mags Dovald, Toronto, was elected sident of the © Association here cesalon to the lat Peleg He | Mr, MacDonald, who has oral manager of the vo any some years will combine th tes of the two positions,

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