Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 10 Jul 1930, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1930 PAGE ELEVEN FRIED meets SECTION | - 4 ' a 'o ANS dv, off as Lite : 0 4 ri D, Conant, LLB AV, Avnw, B.A, N 2) ATR KC BANK ALTE Eh onesy Ag , Coan AROOTY, of over irene sreon, K.C., he N reef yy Phove 8 7, 18 Himiod wiv, BREED Sidon, JUMPHRLYS, AR: Hoters, Jol wh 8 Binicor nd A st. Bast, (if) PARR SARREITER y to loan, Alger B g op oie Pot Wien. "Phone 16 PRANK B. EBBE, BARRINTEN, olleitor, Notary "ublle, Convey- ncer, manty to loan, Third floor w Alger udin, opposite Post Ditice, Phone 2000, Medical DRS, HAZLEWOOD & HARPER, Disney Block, Phoue "080, Otride purs § a.m, to 8.50 p/m, Dr, B, Sanlowood, special atvention to y and X-Ray, Jr, B, H, Hap Ai attention to children's 8 and Obstetrics, Sunday ") night calls "416 or He ok MeRAY PHYSICIAN, her, Bice [1 pes. Rive t, leat, comer shaw I" [J AJ J Reon, wn evoris ho! TITY Obstet fan, nts and shi ron. pesidene ond Kast, DR, PAYID ARCH ay a CM. ur - nN ord sn J hone 8150 Jor Ay ovsnin tine LW) ence, 613 Simeoe street north, bone 3416, DR. J. ARCHER BROWN PHYS! lan, off lan, Swgeon Bo office AN ge 4 yi o and i residen;e Siroe North v sterinary Surgeon Wl N A alist io Domestio Anim» Is, Cat and Dog Hospital, 203 ing West, Telephone 620, (July 8-1 mo.) a LL] Wn Toto OF 180 BLACR or ator ay, Iferaih i ho iy - ultation an B lisvuscs of tase nods S04 "thront | | ly, Avvointments Xo ban ' Wt atore and Throat | ka "Fe RIOR A RTH Office over Miteh hone 8000 and 4 y i, MOUNCE, nk of Commerce, Himecoe and ng, Bye, ear, nose and throat, ours 0 to 11,80, 8 to 6, 7 to (80, Phones, office, 157; resis ance, 04, (June 13-1 mo.) a --. ) oves Lye . y peoialist, Drug Store, Al Wr UFE I nilen to nn. Nurse oy Ga te hon 3 M, CONK aver Mite oil's Db LT E fiom = BE Nitrous oxid or oe extras h Rove) Bide, one fuk ww, pT AULA HG 3 mp plier Ww (J 1) & Ide, Phene 170 MATT te, 3 gas nxt yrse In attendance, Phones ar Fel Sa " thee | a ' t rr PIGOTING, "Floating au out and 0 megs 'south, Rr sts a o dollar, fhop ] 14 ee fperty and farms, apply A. J. (R32 King ease, shone 1614 ' and hoy aod The pl Phone "h 4 " » (June 16-1 mo) 6 vos mhulanet, = a OSHAWA BU 00, M, 1, mane | ATmatrong & Bon, Proprietors, Vuneral and Ambulance Serving, day and night, Phone 1082W, K7 Celina, (ste consult R, N, Johvs, 50 Bimooe north, Your Insurance wants at Sended to sed your 'nterests pro- "Transportation CANTAOD ny $TONAOR, COLK- man's, 8b d West, Bpecialists in fursiture a storage ware house und meving Yen equipment Phone #3, CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL Loen! an long "ind ard €lnders Bmit Cox, A ance haulin Phone 034, 10 ond Bt, West, ESTAS OSHAWA'S OLDENT rhs lished furn'ture movers, Par [ne ane, eal _and long TAN e, Pron Sout hone 4 (June 80-1 mo) #0 AN HOUR, MAN AND TRUCK, moving, express, cinders and gravel hauled, long distances . moving, Cheap, Phone 174W, June 11-1 mo) ---- uty ui TY LOY PURMANKNT WAVE hop, Hpecial.sts In permanent, finger and marcel waving, Fer manent wave prices §6, § 60, $10 and $10, All other ines of Heauty fulture, Fhene 3008, Apply Wb Nimeoe street i/orth XPERT MARCELLING BY otty Ward at Dott Lou Permin: ent Wave Sh arcel and sham: ry hy 4 A 9 Cull St. We sper sind in ladies hale sulting mars ix, +h shampooing, facials Marcel intments _phong 0 sania. Por noo ine 181 mo) TMECHAN, BAW: ber Bhop, moved from 10 Athol fl, West to 25 Bond Bt, Kast, Halr cutting, #bo, (Bu) A Shop, All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Ftc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because loss arising from handling un, large number of of this nature, and arcounts For thy convenience of eustomers who find it inconvenient to some personally to The Times' office, a telephone call will bring a messengar who will receive the advertisement ond collect for same "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT For Rent Westmoreland Avenue, App nt 70. Albert street, Jerry Hal ; voll GBy) VOU RENT NAWRBAU WT, Apply Conant & Annis, (6810-12) rent, heat, water and sloetrie, $20 & month, Phone 1H4TW, #11 Divi fon #t. (#6) house, Apply 204 Oshawa Be, Phono #0 (70) plan, newly decorated, arage and side drive, $40, Immediate posses: wlon, 80% Bruce Atrest, (76) HOUR FON NENT AND GANATE 196 Court Bt, 158 Olve Ave, "Wo rooms and bath, one partly furnish. od, Wardwood floors throughout, No children, Rents moderate, Apply 287 Division #t,, middle fiat, Phone 4777W, (6) yURNTRS ED SEO OON, = ATVLY 187 Wimeos Hi, North, Phone 1206W, ($6) "Wanted To Rent YOUNG COUPLE WITH "BABY desires threes partly furnished rooms, contral Phono 00M, Apply Work Wanted GONORETE WORK, CELLAT it AND garage floors sidewalks and road. ways, sand, gravel, oinders, Chris, Graham, Phone 2621M, (July 5-1 mo,) "Articles For Sale MIXE JiaRD AND 5OVT WOOD slabs, Dr load. Also bone dr body vont Aeros Mesh Limite Apr 261 tH) FOR ry ETT 00 Lid, pianos, new 8nd used pianos, Also radios, Istest models; erm Sinan od. Apply ©. Trull on "iF 0 = PAINTH, YARN. fahes, We have the largest assort: ment of paints, varnishes, eto, In in the city, The Paint fons, LL King street west, (APT, 1) AND ORT VEL, H "STONE, ders, black loam, 81.67 per yard, For quaiiy and aaiviee phone Ks scry Dros, 833 r 1) (May Bt) FURCTAL WALK "= WLIOWTTY used bleyoles $12 up, New and enny terms, C.0.M, joyoyeles ana fleshy fug tackle, 12 Richmond East Phone 8774, (June 12-1 mo) WEA TLEA NOTE, BUCA of eypross, nearly new, Very fast und seaworthy, Bargain for quick sale Phone 1884%0r 473, (0g) ONAVET AND WAND, ONE YARD and nn quarter of gravel §1.60 Moreened sand $1.76, Prompt de livery, Phone 080112 after § p.m (July 10-1 mo.) Shoe rar TE BEAT PLATT WHI YoU got your shoes fixed like new i» hy Menke, corner Wimeoe N, and William W, (June 80-1 mo) A RADIO BRRVT cossories for sale, repairs on oleor trio and bassery sets, tubes and batteries tested, batteries re ohar , antel supplied. #1, hhdne A100. Charles Wales, 14 (July 0-1 me! with rental #1,00, Repaired and rebuilt, Called for and delivered, Prompt service, Stan BDligdon, ¥0 Mill Bt, Phone 1880W, (June 80-1 my TH, KEPATIC od, Prices yeasonable, batteries res oharged B0c, rentals 8°c deliversd Phone 2800W, Geo Durroughs, Qertitied Radiotrielan, June 101 mo) y to . Park: oan arrange a first mortgage on your residence If it 1s well lu cated, Mradley Bros, over Ward's Store, Simeoe At, Bout (June 28:1 mo) Auctioneer os J Simcoe t 8 Oshaws, al attention "furnjure " Fy JR Implements, Your Patrons Bd ravel for sale==To tusure prompt | as Siac wders. in advanoe date, W, Borrowdale, Hospital A RE Phone 880, Whith ¥ inting und Taluing Borhanger, wala 8 ante: LLL Pine Ave, phone J0006w or PAH Rae Triana A) Jin Fox Noware, BE" 28 or 2, Agents for Fd and Hon, Luly, 31 me), J ELLE "Nursing. WEDTURL MATERRTTY, MENT: al And surgical Dubeing, reasonable Phone Whitby 606, ! June 84-1 mo) Auto Accessories MOTOR ACOURIORY To, § {RING Birest Went, Auto parts and Recess soples for all makes oars, Autos mobiles bought for wreoking, Phone 8056), (June 80-imo,) ary AUTOMORTLY WRECKING Uo, New and used parts and ao gessorien, oars, trucks, prices reas sonable; oars wanted, Phone 2080W, 156417 Bond Bireet West, (June 4b+1 mo) Contracting CONTRACTING ==" 00 Inatering, eleotrig Oi Alterations, 'hone 180 for estimates, (lu f) Palmist MADEIN™prowN, ~~ PACMINT, Phone Lh 20000, 0 Loulsa Btreet, (June Sis1 mo) MADAME Buena Vista, MW, ADpointments, Phone (Julyli=1 mo.) tiers HPT YOICTHT disoriminating woman and miss, Phone Mrs, Blatter tor demonstra» tion B100M, (Junefo=1 mo) an LED with some ohronle aliment, such nepveusness, paralysis, varioose veins, -goitre, arthritia, heart 200 for a free treatment in your home, 'Tune in on Theroneld Health Talks, over station CFRY Hobday, Wednesday and rdw. 1,80 p.m, Theronold of Oslihwa illam Street Mast, (Juna 26-1 mo) oaulked around the door and wins dow frames, saves fuel, shuts out cold alr, draughts, | files, woot, Adds comfort, preserves frames, Jy MH, Lawson, Phone TRIRD, 10=1mo, library, You will enjoy reading the latest Flotion at minimum cost, Phone 1473, 47 Bimeoe n i Nort La North One ply James aes, . Awa Phone 020 (80) a) weakness, rheumatism, ete, Phouo fk For Rent YOUR AND VIVE HOUMED MUI MOD orn suites including electric refrig eration, stove, sundry, oonveny orces, eto, continu ¥ hot water supplied, Apply Bupt. 'phone 347), or The Trusty und Guarantees Uo, Ad, manage; tor owner, Torento ss (FL APARTMENT TO LET, CENTRAL All gonveniences, hardwood floors. Apply Bradley liros, (WoL) FOR RENT- AP ARTMENT, CEN. tral, 6 rooms, newly decorated, all conveniences, lense or by the month, Tox 4d Timon, (169tr) CHEBRFUL APAWTMENT IN busifess section, newly decorated, by the month or year, Nox 747 Times LL (1608:L0) APARTMENT, VURNIBHED ON unfurnished, Kvery convenience Phone 1660 or S347W, (80) MOD- Apply TO IK NT--T1VI] ROOM orn house, all convenlenoes to Lyeatt, 256 King Kt, K., or Mr, Hallitt, phone 101W, (Bf) TWO NOONE FORRTHITID™ 10 lot, Kvery conveniences for light housekeeping, Young vouple, Phone HBSKW (ho) TO RENT=TIOURE, ALY "CON: venlences, good locality, Apply 233 Denrborne Ave, Phone 1001 A (fo) NEW TF NOON TRTCR™ WUROR: low and metal garage, Oshawa Bivd, Rent reasonable, Apply 448 King Bt, West (de) TO WENT=TWG UNFURNIRHED downstairs rooms, private ens trance. Apply 68 Broek Bt. J, (ho) TO MINIS ROOM ED AVANT: ment, nleely furnished, conven: Jences, reasonable rent, 07 Cals borne street east, (01) FO RENT=T TYRANT mont, all modern conveniences, hardwood floors, very reamonable, Phons 2100J, (fo) _-_ ' keeping rooms, furnished, convenience, heat, water, eleotrie and telephone Included, newly decorated, private tollet, Apply "n Brook street east, (To) OOM HOUR, all conventancos furnished or un. furnished, $46 per month, ARphY 830 Albert Btreet, FON RENT=TN MEDIATE hel try, maven roomed house at 100 Albart street, Very central, Nowly reconditioned. Phone 0T1W, Kvery Te) ROTTER TUN WXST moreland Avenue, 6 rooms, bath, wired tor electric range, furnace, vacant July 81, Phone 2088W or call at 301 Celina street, (Te) ment, All conveniences, somisfurs nished or unfurnished, Reasonable rent, Phone 1508W, (70) od rooms, newly decorated for light housekeeping, all convenis ences, central, Phone 8807, 108 Colborne East, (do) Rates for | | Classified Ads. | mg 11 ws Minimum oharge 300, "ih ierien To oo ol two first "\nsertions (three cents a word), Minimom dubia fr three insertions, oonte, Box number 100 additional Mo EE or each Bh WT TELEPHONY 88 Ask tor (lamified Ad Department Real Estate For Sale TOUNTRY ORNENWAL WTONT for sale In good village on pros vinelal highway, Only thirty-five hundred dollars for stock and bufldings, Grand opportunity to make money, Hee Holden, 93 Him con N, (Th) YImoooT BUYER anorERy store, stock, fixtures and dwelling One hioek from Highway in Tren ton, Apply Weaver, Jackman & Co, Trenton, Ontario (fn) I 1 WARHED™ Xi Dominion Garage, 8 Bond streut went, Phone S108, All cars at one price $1.00, (June 16-1 mo) 098 CHEV COAUN, LATE model, cheap , Phone 1708M (He) OARCAND FUDAN UAW, TATERT model, perfect condition, very low price, Terms can be arranged If dosired, W, A. Dawland, phone Oshawa 2606, or Whithy 860 (hb) PONTIAC COXON, 28 MODEL, splendid condition, cheap for cash, Terms Lo responsible party, 8 R Algor, Phone 1400, (He) Ea a, Room and Board NOON AND WOARD (N PRIVATE family, Very central Also Env hie to rent, Phone 1038, (oe) iii "For Sale or Rent oD ) (8) room brie % houwe, hardwood floors und all convenience, with garden and trees, garage, HNimcos Mt North, Phona 870W (Ih Help Wanted--Female WANE EX PER TENCED IIR fug room waitresses for Baturday Phone 3804, (7h) WANTED = TO URINATION tourist hotel out of eity, Apply Employment Mervies of Canada, § Bond Bt, Weal (Kn) Position Wanted YEUNG MAN TOOKING "FOR Farm Work, Experisnced---Joseph 400 Albert Bt. Phone BORW, (Ah) Help--Wanted | Male IAL INVERT ERT 1 VIR A man steady work,' helping on a truck, trankporting merchandise to Toronto, 462 Bruce Rireet, (An) "Room and Board ROOM AND WOARD, CENTRAL reasonable, 04 Agnes Hireet, Phoneldgsl, (he) D ---- A ------------ "| CHICKEN BEGINS ITS SAYING EARLY Haskatoon, "Hank ==OMolals of the University of Haskatohewan poultry department are conning ine terestedly the record of a chicken hatohed this spring, The pullet, a Plymouth Rook, laid her Nrat ogg at the age of 100 days. The act In remarkable in that pullets are encouraged not to lay ORNs until they are 200 days old, Whether or not the egg-laying in. stinot of the new unknown will continue 18 a question, Nut the uninitiated are suggesting that Lady Vieotorine, Hankatohewan. produced egg-laying ohampion of the world, may have to look to her [TT{N LEGION TO VISIT WINNIPEG SOON Winnipen, Man eiive thousand members of the American Lexlon and lady members of the legion auxiliary ave to visit Winnipeg tor |} two days in August, Colin R, Line doll, adjutant of the Minnesota poction, explains that the Invasion of Manitoba conforma to the na tonal Jolley of the Legion In ox ita with nelghboring bro ros, On August sixth the visitors will fy reach Winnipeg, atter a "Canadian Legion and Auxiliary" day at Crookston, Minn, 170 miles south ot nipeg, Next evening the and thelr lady folk will bo taken ok south by apecial train, Invitations te attend the ion Have ba Nature was In one of her most wayward moods when she placed in the heart of the masculine and unlovely Queen Kilzabeth un desire to be loved and a yearning for the romantic that was never to be 'wholly satisfied, The story of her favorites and thelr adventures are familiar to the reader of history, but there are some phases of her atische ment to the Karl of Esmex which will ever remain among the un~ solved puseles of history, The ine finence which he possessed in her administration was eventually te result in & tragic and disastrous end, He was capable of bringing out the tendered qualities of a woman who has been described as one who was as "eapricious, jealous petulant, deceitfu] and vain as any coquaetie," Essex pretended to he her most devoted servant but there must have peen times when the service chaf- fod bocnyse we are told tha uglier Klizabeth became the more she courted compliments from those about her, She could not tolerate any one that disagreed with her apinfens, and as many persons did disagree with her it required much restraint and Ipgenuity. to keep from expressing this disagresment in her presen The Karl of ¥s- pox, being regarded as a privileged character, was wont to take the Iibarty of saying what he thought in the royal presence, HRometims this amused her, but mers fre- quently It caused her great vexa tion, Once they had a heated dis. cussion and in a moment of for gotfu' vous he turned his hack on the Queer Dut the strong-armed one quickly brought him to his senses hy a resounding whack on the ears Many were the love soene that took plnce betwen the two, Esvex was greatly envied because he greatly dared, Did *"» thought of the future ever come over him In those ved<letter days? Possibly, hut the adventurous one had hut ttle thought of the morrow as a ritle, The Queen had a dispositivn quite different, Khe fearsd the future Ones th a melting mood, she presented Wm with her ring and told him that If he was ever in danger to send It to her by a speedy messmeor, Hho would take the ree turn of the ring, she sald, as a sien of hin love for her and as an opportunity of telling him how mugh she valued that love, He poured out his thanks to her with an ardor that would have put Romeo to shame, The time came when the favorite was In disfavor. Kasex was sent hy the Queen to quell a disturbance in Ireland, He went there with much pomp and ceremony, but he wan only partially sucossaful in his mission, When he raturned he wan ooldly received hy the Queen, who felt that he wan taking her affeos tion too mugh for granted, Put if she thought he would sue for peace she was mistaken, He wan quite as capricious as she, a rests loss mortal who chaffed againat re striction, Ho started a revolt In London, Mistery tells the tale, It was a fallure and Kesex was arrevts od and placed on trial for his life, The Queen was furisus with him at first, but when she found that he was in danger she became aulte polloitous as to the outcome, Haes on conducted the prosecution and ha.conducted ft with such skill that the Karl of Nasex had no ohance from the outset, Ha evidently thought that In doing this he was pleasing the sovereign, He thought True Stories Stranger Than Fiction STRANGEST TALES OF ROMANCE ano MYSTERY By Vance Wynn (Author of To-Day's True Detective Sores) QUEEN KLIZABETH AND HE a THAT WAS NEVER DE. scorned, little dreaming, In his groat learning, thet Elisabeth was sn woman and that she was esting out her heart for the man who had conspired ngainst Lier crown, Ensex wes condemned to desth, fo far as outward appesrances went the Queen received the news with cold satisfaction, She even went so far os to sign the desth warrant, though afterward she claimed that she had been degeived inte doing this, But she knew what was not known to her coun selors at that time, She knew that Ensox had a maogle ring in bis pos session und thet the ring If pent to the Queen would win him Iie and opportunity, He had been res moved to the Tower after his sone domnation, smd the Queen, re« straining a desire to rush to his side, waited with impatience for the ring that he had promised to send in case of need, The hours passed by and no ving came, Bho raged and she cried, She wanted to save his life and yel she could not humiliate herself by acting without his réquest, Prose. tly came the announces ment that the Earl of Essex had heen hehended! The news prostrated the Queen, fhe had never dreamed of such a result, She wept almost constantly and at intervals berated those who were responsible for the death of her loved one, When (Lt was sug- gested that she had signed the death warrant whe flow Into » fresh rage and said that it was all ule, The Virgin Queen was cap able of talking lke a fis: woman when the ocension seemed to eall far it, and this was undoubtedly one of the oconslons, For days and weeks those who were come pelled to be about her lived In Purgatory, The vials of her wrath were emptied on all who came near her. Her petulant nature became worse and there wers many who socrediv wished that her head had heen on the bleck Instead of that of Essex, But the sequel to this (pteresting epinode of English history was most amasing, Two years after the death of Essex the Countess of Nottingham, one of the ladiessine waiting to the Queen, became more tally 111, Khe begged to ses the Queen, saying she had an imports ant @onfession to make, With some relyotance Elizabeth consents od to wee her, for It must be owned that the ons who hat sent vo many to death had a 'ngular version to coming in contact with death, The dying woman was so weak she could soarcely speak and the Queen had to stoop down to hear her whispered. words, The Couns toss nald that the Earl of Essex had entrusted her with the ring and had begged her to deliver it to the Queen, But her husband, who was a timid man, had advised against it, saying that Essex was in ats favor and the commission of the servion would get them both Inte trouble, Khe concluded with the pathetio appeal, "I know now that 1 was wrong and I beg Your Maj osty to forgive me." When Elisabeth heard this she behaved like a madwoman, Bhe shook the dying 'lountess furlous« " "God may forgive you," she shrioked, "but I never can," From that day she d-alined, like a blighted tree, Hhe sighed, she wept, she refused food and meds folne and- was the despair of her pliysiolans and attendants, And so it oontinued nll the end, when she dled in 2140 that hell kad no fury lke a woman 08, (Copyright by Publis Ledger) D, MoGregor, lleutenant-governor of Manitoba; Col, Ralph H, Webb, president of the district command of the Canadian Legion and Mrs, Bdith Rogers, M.L.A,, president of the Dominlon Ladies' Auxillary of the Legion, WOMAN IS DRUGGED BY MARAUDERS, HOME RANSACKED Two Young Children and Mother Critically Ill After Maltreatment W-------- Vancouver, July 10.-=Viotimas of vjolous raid on their home here by two unknown men, Mm, © HW, Sohledel, 24, and het two younm ohlldren ave fn hospital tn a ovitl onl condition, All three ave suffer ing from effects of a drug foroibly administered hy the marauders who, after the mother lost cons polousnoss, proveeded to wreck the ome, According to police report today, the attack took place Tuesday afters noon hut remained unknown une til Hohiedel got home from work last night to tind hin wife and ohildren iff a state of collapse and adian. Day at Crooks: the eas t end part Sioned 10 Hon, J. was turned topsystupvy==furniture hysteria, 'The cosy little home, In of Vancouver, destroyed, plotures torn from the walls and burned, clothing of the viotima slashed to ribbons as though with a rasor, and $15 taken from Mrs, Bohledel's puree, Mra, Hohiedel was alone in her home with her children, Louise, aged two, and Geraldine, seven months, when the two men came to the front door, After ascers taining her husband was not at home, the marauders entered and one of them forced an illsumelling oloth over the woman's nose and mouth, #he lost consciousness and was only coming around some ten hours later when Mr, Hehledel oame home, No reason for the attack oan bo asorthed by the Bohledels, BIG POWER SCHEME IN SASKATCHEWAN Prince Albert Bas Sank, July 10 w= A proposal by interests of Hastern Canada and the United States for expenditure of $4,800,000 > Jon struction of a power prole what Ix known an "the horas 3 ben!" on the Baskatohewan River, is under consideration by the Saw katohewan Government, The alte for the Dicuonsd harnessing of the river, which would produce power for distribution throughout the Roving, in 30 miles east of Prince hort, TWO'R ENOUGH Mrs, Sand: Anyone wo A ink Iwas nothing but a ooo n this house, Mr, Sand, Not after a couple ot CHANGE VOR HETTIW! "I've. changed my mind,' "Well, does 1 work any better?" Tit-Bits, Betore placing Automobile Ine surance, get my wpecial rates, Bargain prices for lots in Dears horn Park, subdivision, west of #imeoe N, J, H. R. LUKE Regent Theatre Bldg, sh BOND NT, WERT FREE 3 POINT ADJUSTMENT Check Ignition, clean and ade Just points, adjust carburetor on Chevrolet Cars, 1048 te 1080 models Ontario Motor Sales Ltd, 09 Mimeoe Ht, Nouth JURY & LOVELL'S OPTIOAL PARLORS J. W. Worl, Oph, D, Eyonsight Specialist Phone BRILL | 08 King Bt, W, i Pr ke i Men? and Boys' All Wool Bathing Bults, Hpoelnl $1.95 Dominion Clothing Co, "hone 8141 he CAREW LumBLR (© IW OSHAWA 1H ALTHO Diamonds ! Bassett's On Oshawa's Mam Corner | Good Weather Ahead w=Do not tose your a Lot me finance yous=Addh tional Cash Given, G. R. Holden MOTOR LOANS Room 0, 14 14 King St, East mw Use CEMENT BLOCKS For Fireproof Garage W. BORROWDALE 800 Carneglo Ave, IPhone 1018 ---- 8000-3300 onsh, balance $20 monthly seouros 6 rooms od frame, eleotrie, 'water, Conant St, near Hkinner Plant, Newly decorated, Im ' mediate Nit, NEY, 80 King B, meals ==Answeors,» phd King Now Prince Sts,

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