v s Che Osh aa Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer News While It Is News" TWELVE PAGES VOL. 7--NO. 7 Te ave Sends aad Publi Haider OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 9, 1930 15 Cents 8 Week; 3 Cents s Copy t News in Brief Three Hurt as Pler Collapses Pennsgrove, N.J.--Three oe sons were injured when the Wil- son Line pler here collapsed yester- day. * Ld * British Unemployment London.--The secretary ; of the ministry of Labor announced that the total number of unemployed in Great Britain on June 30 reached 1,800,600, This was 75,263 more than the week before and 748,218 t ear more than ay Ha cam Powerful Radio Station Washington. -- An application for authority to eonstruct and op- erate a 400,000-watt radio broad- casting station--the most powerful ever planned--has been filed with the Federal Radio Commission. The request was submitted by the Westinghouse Electric and Manu- facturing Company of Pittsburg, Ld w » Customs Man Dismissed St. Thomas, Ont.----A customs officer and a railway employee have been dismissed at Port Bur- well following disclosures made in- to the recent short circuiting of a car of lignor from that place The car wag seized in Cleveland after waiting a claimant, Originally the car came from a town in Maine loaded with slate for Cleveland. w * Canal Ready for Use Thorold, ~The last section of the new Welland Canal, extending from lock four to lock seven hns been filled with water. - This sec- tion of the new waterway will not be opened to navigation until the official opening of the canal in September, » LJ Pope Receives Bishop Vatican City.~Pope Plus yester- day gave an audience to the Right Rev. J. 7 Nally, Bishop no" Ham- fiton, © )e » * hd B. N. A. Bill Passes London,--~The House of Com- mons last night gave third and final reading to the British North America bill. This bill amends the British North America Act, taking cegnizance of thé arrange- ments effected between the Cana- dian Federal Government and the Governments of Manitoba, ~Sask- atchewan and Alberta, for the re- turn'of their natural resources. 3 Ld » » 'Leave Ligpor Alone" Brantford, ~~ "We recommend that all dri tor vehicles ji leave Jintoxt ar - A « alone, seid mv coroner's Jul in probing The death or C Brooks, drowned when his car drop ped into a ditch at App's Mills on June 4, LB w Girl Clerk Robbed Montreal --A daylight robbery vesterday metted two men $2,000 in cash when a girl clerk in the employ of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, Denis Bulld- ing, was knocked down and a bag containing the 'money snatched 'from her hand, LJ * LN 'Wheat Harvesting in Kent Chatham, -- Wheat harvesting was in full swing throughout Kent Courty to-day. The crop appears of excellent quality and it is be- lieved the yield will be greater than anticipated a few months ago when winter | killing seemed to have done much damage. LJ » LJ Two Boys Drown Winnipeg.--The summer vaca- tions of George Dickson 11, and John Sutton 12, Winnipeg Boy Scouts ended when they drowned in Take Winnipeg.Young Sut. ton gave his life in a gallant at. tempt to save his chum, CANADIAN TOBACCO . HAS PROVEN BEST 1 (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) - Ottawa, July 9.--Canadian farm- ers are producing practically all the tobacco manufactured in this country, Dr, BE. 8, Archibald, direc- tor of the Central Experimental Farm, told 1560 departmental judg- es who are here attending a two. day course in judging livestock and field crops, Dr, Archibald claim- od that the Canadian-grown tobac- ] of a chorcer quality than { : variety. He. gave 'to . the Department of Agri- ~ culture much of the credit for in- creasing the acreage, saying that research work had been largely in- strumental. © Préssure 1s high 'over 'the Lake Superior n, the Lake aig east an, oi . A) ' showers have ove he Martiime pi provinces, northern Quesbe and in sc..e districts - , Temperature Is 98 at Medi- cine Hit, 97 at Moose Jaw and 89 at Winnipeg, Reports Show THREE DROWNED SEEKING RELIEF One Woman Succumbs From Heat at Moose Jaw ~--Much Damage to Crops Is Reported (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Winnipeg, July 9~The Canadian west continued to swelter today in a heat wave which took a toll of four lives within the last 24 hours. Three Manitobans who sought to escape from the blistering sun of Tuesday by bathing, were drowning vietims, At Moose Jaw Mrs. Alfred Statham collapsed and died as thermometers there scurried up to the 97 mark. Forecasts for decidedly warm wea- ther faced the populace of both Sas- katchewan and © Manitoba today. "Possibly a few local thunder storms" was promised by the meteorlogical bureau as a temporary relief in some sections of the "boiling" provinces, Alberta, which had the high-mark héat city Tuesday when Medicine Hat experienced a thermometer read ing of 98, continued "fair and warm" today. Heat Insufferable Although Winnipeg was well down in the list of high-thermometer cit. ies of the West Tuesday, with read. ings ranging between 86 and B9, in, tense humidity made the heat al. most insufferable. Thousands flocked to the beaches and parks. A pair of male stylesetters shook off dame cus- tom, donned short trousers and went their merry way through the down- town district as their less courageous and J piring Winnipeg brothers gazed in t and possibly ad. miration, All of Manitoba's three drowning vietims were youths, two of them Boy Scouts who lost their lives at a summer camp on the shores of Lake Winnipeg, Scout John Sutton, 12, of Winnipeg, went down in a valiant attempt to save 1l-year-old Gerald Dickson, 'his chum of St. Boniface. Young Dickson presumably suffered a cramp while bathing. At Brandon, Mark Brown, 19, tried wading in a streani near his home in an effort to escape the heat and it cost his life. He apparently slipped into a hole, . Much Damage in U.S, Chicago, Mls, July 9--~Heat and drought were authoritatively report- ed today as having done permanent damage to 75 per cent. of all wheat fields in large stretches of United States domestic crop territory in the northwest, according to despatches from an experienced Chicago field observer, Six Boys Drown At English Beach (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Blackpool, Lancashire, Eng. July 9,--8Ix boys of a party of 91 bathing on the seacoast between St, Ann's and Blackpool, were drowned today. The boys, coming from ¥Ftan- worth had been camping in the neighborhood and were taken out for a swim by their principal teach- er, Several got into diMculties and two hoys were rescued, Flying Boat Is Lost, 5 Drown Crumpled Wing Forces Plane to Land in Rough Sea Off Denmark (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Berliy, Germany, July 9.---Five persons, including Miss Ruth Pat- ricia Northrop, 25, of Philadel- phia, and John L. Burkholder of Mount. Pleasant, Penn., were be- lieved today to have been drown od In tho capsizing of the German flying "boat D-564 which made a» forged landing off the coast of The flying boat left Stettin, (jermany,, yesterday afternoon in the Kalmar Stockholm sarvice, A gale camo up and crumpled the left wing forcing the pilot. to make an emergency )' nding in the sea near the Island of Bornholm, Denmark. The pilot, mechanic and ono passenger were rescued by the Danish ship Maja which had taken the plane in tow, but the other five passengers disappeared in the sea and the plane caphized, FIND TWELFTH BODY AT DRILL BOAT WRECK (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Brockville," July "9.--~A body, identified as that of J, D. McDones ald, Croigness Rear, N.S, black- smith aboard the fillfatted: drili« boat J. B. King, was recovered this morning noar the scene of the disaster following the discharge of dynamite in' hte vicinity, Me. Donald's 1s the twelfth body to be found. Another body was sighted hiss morning in 'a bay opposite the Blue Church, nine miles east of hore by Captain Bain; of the ex- cursion steamer Riverside, out otf Ogdensburg. It could not be found Government Aids Search Toronto.-~The Ontario Attor- ney-General's department , has be- come interested in the search for six-year-old Victor Gareau at Ka- puskasing. Instrictions have been sent to the northern Ontario town that the department will pro- vide $5600 for the engagement of 20 Indian trackers when a search party proceeded to the scene, 4 Another Detroit Slayin, Detroit, Mich.~~A man faontt- fied as' Louis Candea, former. ho« tel proprietor, was shot to death In a saloon nn Wost Jefferson avenue In: Kcorse at § a.m,, today. The slayer escaped. King Challenges Bennett On Unemployment Policy (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) . Vancouver, B.C, July 9~In Cana- da's great western seaport Premier Mackenzie Ring. jan night discussed unemployment, His Vancouver audi- ence was the greatest indoor gather. ing which he had addressed in this campaign. The platform and flor of that part of the great arena which was used, were filled, and the crowd rose tier on tier in the high galleries at the sides and rear of the rin The speech was broadcast from the platform, Peace River Railway Of particular interest to a westérn '.|audience was the prime. minister's tawa and Upper tit, La 0 A a? ota ae wi an warm gh Thurs. edly day, local thun . ---- hom thunder: {deta Ten | many now éut of work. statement that the construction of a railway outlet from the Peace River district might furnish employment for e had per: 'geen the presidents of both great Canadian railway systems in an effort to ascertain the reasons for elay in going on wi this project, fhe 7 8 k hie we hive raid to each of them is that the people of Western Canada are interested in the con- struction of this road," asserted Mr | King with emphasis. "We have told them--and this was some time ago that we think six months is long en+ to decide the route, and we have told shem then if they have not discovered a route in six months, then the government will find a way to construct a road." " insmployment Polic The prime minister demanded to know the policy of Hon. R. 8, Ben- k. | nett, with respect to unemployment, The Conservative leader was propose ing to ca! another on Tg of hai ment, "But" added Mr, King, "he ives no indication of what his pols 4 is to be when parliament meets, What is it that he is proposing? Hae says he is going to rafse the tariff, If raising. the tariff is a remedy, why is it that in the United States, where fiey have : high uid, there are rom three to four on people ou ne Sockeye. 'S is . The Sockeye Salmon Treaty was mentioned by Mr, King and be bia: med the Conservatives for delay in the passing for this treaty. Millions of dollars had been lost, he asserted, "(Continued on Page 7 NATIONALISTS ARE SHIFTING TROOPS Massing Forces in Effort to Recapture Tsinan From Rebels (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Nanking, Chna, July 9.-<A shift- ing of Nationalist troops from the Honan front to thé war theater In Shantung province was indicated today in military dispatches, Suchow reports said 30000 Na- tionalists were being withdrawn from the Halchow-Tungkwan rail way front to the vicinity of Yen chow, Shanturng, where they were destined to take up positions against the northern rebels who have seized Tsinan, provincial capital, Chiang Qail-Shmek, Nationalist president-general, was said to have left his Liuho, Honan, headquar- ters for Yenchow to direct opera- tions for the re-capture of Tsinan. The Nationalists forces along the Halchow-Tungkwan railway mean- while were expected to remiain on the defensive. Home and Office 100 Miles Apart (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, July 9.---In the next five years United States business men will be living in suburbs one hundred miles from 'their offices and commuting back and forth from home by means of air tran- sit, predicted Jacob L, Crane, Chi- cago, Ill, city planner, in an ad- dress before the home builders' and subdividers' division of the National Association of Real Hetate Boards which is nol ng ita 23rd annual convention here. Three Children Burn to Death Left Alone in House as Un. employed Father Sold Hot Dogs (By Canadian Presse Leased Wire) Calgary, Alta, July 9.---Alone In 8 blazing house, 'three children perished last night when fire com- pletely gutted their home here. By 4 stroke of fate, an older brother was absent from the home when the tire broke out. The dead:--Birdie Gillard, four yoars; Elleen Gillard, two years; Allan Gillard, 10 months, While the children died in the flames, their father Henry Gillard was selling "hot dogs" at the un- employed booth at the exhibition grounds. No cause for.the fire has yet been determined. Mrs. Gillard left her home to go to the nearhy residence of R. H. Reid to obtein a supply of milk, Her son, . aged six, was playing about the house at the time and After begging to be taken along was allowed to go, A few minutes later a neighbour Saw the house on fire. Mrs. Gil. lard was summoned and frantical- ly cried that her children were in the home, Volunteers tried 'in vain to enter the house to save them, but they were beaten 'back by he raging flames and terrific oat, MISFORTUNE DOGS TORONTO FAMILY Son Drowns, Mother Il, Children Attacked by N-- (By Canadian Press Leased | Wire) 'Toronto, July 9A series of mishaps has dogged the steps of the Fedorchuk's, a local family, Re 'cently E, Fedorchuk, the father, was confined to hospital for a month, On the night of His return from hospital he learned that his son had been drowned, Affécted by Fedorchuk became {Il She stated today that she had lost 45 pounds in six weeks, Mr, Fedorchuk's sister has alse been ill and the: family Li ude was climaxed y _ 'when , her children, ors and Toy Bova and their cousin, Howard Berard were | ®fftcted by the heat, attacked and may bitten by cats aoa the shock of her son's death Mrs. o PRESENTS BUDGET PREMIER J, H. SCULLIN Of Australia, who today presented a budget introducing many new and drastic tariffs, Drastic Higher Taritt Adopted Greatly Increased, Can- adian Sales Tax Adopted (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) high. protective wall will be erects od around Australian and drastic in- croases Wil"be made In internal revenue scales, in wh endesyor to) S un S I recover the substantial loss shown | : N | B ildi pounds (about $68,000,000) new British Admiralty Tables Supplementary Estimates For 1930 Program in the budget statement today, The budget, delivered by Prime Minister James Henry Scullin be fore a packed house of representa~ tives, rovealed a shortage of rov- enue amounting to 14,038,000 taxation announced at the same time is expected to yleld 12,650, 000 pounds (about $60,500,000), Features of the new customs In- creases are additional levies of si cents a gallon on gasoline; 12 cents a pound on tobacco; cents a gallon on beer, on all imports, are in addition to the various in- creases in customs tariffs effected was hastened by the big slump in world prices of wool, her grostdst product, : ---------------------- FULL FREEDOM 10 BE ACCORDED Report of ' Simon - Commis- sion Will Assist Confer- ence, But Not Hamper It (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Simla, India, July 9.--Viceroy | Lord Trwin, addressing both houses of the Indian Legislature 'this afternoon, declared that a™er savk. ful consideration His = Majesty's freedom of action, would, in accordancewith a prev~ of the Simon Statutory - Commis- on, "If is the belief of His Majesty's Government that by way of con= and all parties and all interests in ference ds able to.arrive will farm the basis of prop: | submit to parliament." SHOULD STOP ALL IMMIGRATION NOW E. W. Beatty Says Unem- ployment Should Clear As Wheat Crop Moves July 9,~Immigration, United States and Europe shouldg man, on the first west to east trans- be stopped for the time being at least sald E. W, Beatty K.C. presi- dent of the Canadian Pacific Rall- way in an interview here Mr. Beatty would not the ban however immigrants who bring their own capital and can procede under their own steam." "Unemployment is bad in building trades, the usual projectors of big build- ings are holding wheat situation clears up, we have a normal crop this year and it moves out in a normal way, which it should, unless there is a permanent which I doubt, Canada should clear up," sald Mr. Beatty, Deaf Mute Killed By Automobile (By Canadian Press Loased Wire) . B Australia Miller, aged 69, was fatally injured near his home last evening when hit by a car driven by 17-year-old Tom Bremt, of Elmira, An Inquest Duties on Many Products| has' been ordered for afternoon at Elmira, Miller was driving cattle along the road when the mishap oceurr- ed, The fact that he was deaf as well as' dumb may help to absolve Bremt of blame in connection with Canberra, Australia, July 9A | the tragedy, 24 conta a London, Eng. July 9, 2 miralty today published additiona pound on cigarettes; mbout $2.80 | oii atey for naval construction for a pound on cigars; two cents & |g, 3u vent. financial year in Which foot on moving picture films; #6 £208,200 per ton on newsprint and four | mye 'amount will be used for con- Australia will adoopt the sales jtriction slowed treaty. ta on the Canadian plan, only cer- supplementary estimate £183,600 tain primary products and food- |, "son ired to meet the cost to be stuffs being exompt, Income tax is incurred this fiscal year on three Increased by trom 10 to 15. cents, submarines of the 1829 program, Fosiage is increased from three construction of which had to four 'cents A primary customs | geterred pending conclusion of the duty of 24 percent will be levied naval treaty. J 24,6 will b The increases announced .today Gnas Talance of £31,800, will be program for 1030, 4 Within the past few months, in an is THe Sxpengitute el ee jon endeavor to overcome Australia's struction including the 1930 pro- t eonomic ' depression which 2 grea gram made public on May 25, To Defend Frontier Paris, France, July 9.~~The fin- ance commission of the chamber of deputies today voted to recom- mend the recent government bill for $26,000,000 additional appro- priation for guns and ammunition for the purpose of strengthening France's fronties defenses, Thq vote was 16 to 5. The orl. ginal appropriation for this pur. pose was $16,000,000, INDIAN PARLEY! sosiST ROBBERY ALL UNWITTINGLY Bandit Hires Five as "Ranch Hands" And Uses Them (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Los Angeles; Calif, July. §,-A Government had deviued taut (ie Wed rs a flair for yin forthcoming round table confor- ship moved his company into the ence in London on Indian constitu. lobby of the First National Bank tional questions would enjoy. fullf 5p Artesia Jestorday hud Slaged a , : | perfor! ch he exacte The' conferehoe, the viceroy sald, a foe ance Jor Y ' "I have a gun on you, Five men ef ind: att oven within and three outside." read a vgreatly assisted by but with, its [Rote ho handed the cashier. "Hand y me al eo mo ! y ummpaired, by. the report men will stay hers for half. hour after I leave." The robber took $750 and de- parted; His men strolled in silence it should be possible to| about the bank .until the police ro arrived. roach solutions that both countries "Ho hired us at ai. employment them can honorably agcept, , Any | agency to work on a ranch," the such agreements at which the cons Jender, 'explained when informed o been ' an accomplice in a % which His [bank robbery. "He tod us to fol- Majesty's Government will later [low him to the bank where TRAGIC DROWNING NEAR PICKERING Airman Down in Mid-Atlantic Dakar Benegal, Africa, July 9. Jean Mermoz, noted French air- Atlantic airmail flight between South America and Africa, was forced to come down on the sea when well over hal way across to- day, He and his two companions, Leopold Gimme radio operator, and Jean D'Abry navigator, were rescued and the 600 pounds of air mail which they took on board on leaving Natal, Bazil, yesterday was saved, Charge Combine In Butter Trade Probe Asked Under Com- bines Act Into Activities of Wholesalers Ottawa, July 9.-~--Charges that a combine exists amongst certain produce companies with a view to depressing the price of butter to the producers may be ventilated under the Combines Investigation Act, at least in one section of Canada, if the representations of Jean Francois Pouliot, former Lib- eral member of parliament for Temiscouata, Que,, are prosecuted tp their ultimate stages, Mr, Pouliot in a communication to the Hon, Peter Heenan, minister of labor, has enclosed a copy of a newspaper circulating. in his, con stituoncy wherein the assertion' Is made that the wholesale denlers 'keep the market prices low when they purchase butter and aeccumus late it in cold storage .for some time, selling it at an exorbitant price to the consumers later. They thus deprive the farmer of his legitimate profits," says Mr, Poul- fot, The former member asked the minister to intervene under the Combines Investigation Act, seok: ing an investigation of the alleg- ed combine, SOUTHERN CROSS SENT TO MUSEUM Santa Maria, Cal, July 0.--Wea- ther-beatén from long contact with unruly alr currents over unexplor- ed land and sea, the Southern Cross came to Santa Maria to be placed in a museum as inspiration for fledgling aviators, The famous plane which Major Chas, Kingsford-Smith piloted across the Pacific Ocean from Oak- land, Cal, to Australia, and later across the Atlantic from Ireland, was presented to Capt. G. Allan Hancock, Los Angeles millionaire and founder of the Hancock Avia- tion school here, Drowns in St., Olair Sarnia. ~~ 'Willam Coltman, Moore Township. farmer was drowned in the St, Clair River off & grave! dock, near Mooretown last evening while bathing, Vatican Oity, 'Italy.-- Cardinal Vannutelll 93-year-old dean ot the Sacred College, died late today after several days serious illness Western Canada Swelters in Blistering Heat Wave FATHER DIES IN ATTEMPT HEAT COSTS FOUR LIVES AS THERMOMETERS REACH AS HIGH AS 98 DEGREES 10 RESCUE HIS DAUGHTER AT TREACHEROUS BEACH Albert Weaver, 29, Birch« cliffe, Father of Five Chil« dren, Drowns at Treach~ erous Drop in Beach = +' NO WARNING SIGN ! AT DANGER SPOT Beach Slopes Gently, Then Takes Sudden Ten-Foot Drop--Dredged Out |Re« cently A treacherous ten foot op In th bathing beach at Frenchman's Bay claimed the life of Albert Weaver, 20, Bircheliff, yesterday afternoon, Weaver, ryshing into the water to save his eight-year-old daughter Peggy, was himself drowned, while Peggy was saved, Weaver, with his five small child ren, was attending the annual Sun- day School picnic of the Bircheliff Gospel Hall, | They had heen at Glen Avis Park only a few minutes when Peggy asked him to go over in a! boat across the bay where thel other children were bathing. Leaving the remainder of the fam fly in the park the two went acros and the little girl was soon ony ing about in the foot-deep wate® while the father looked on, Around 4 o'clock, while they child was paddling* about in the; water, she suddenly slipped off the sand bar into an area ten feet deep. She gave one cry for help and her distracted father standing on the shore, of the bay, jumped into the water fully clothed without a mos ment's hesitation, Father Sinks He wan forced to run a distance of 15 feet in the water until he reached the spot where his daugh~ ter went down and just as he made &n effort to reach out and grasp: her as she came up for a second! time, he too, went down in thel spot where the bottom drops sude denly away, . { At this moment Reuben Hill, o resident 'of Fairport, standing on the shore, without removing his' coat, rushed' through the watem only -in time to cluteh the clothes of the little girl as she was about to go down for the third time. Thomas G. Mansfield, another resident at the beach, was in his (Continued on Page 7) ------------------ Want Families Admitted Toronto. Delegates attending the Chinese Nationalist League of Canada in session herp have pass« ed' a resolution asking an amend« ment to 'the Chinese Immigration Act to allow entrance of the fami= lies of bona fide Chinese merchants or their agents who have already established themselves fn business in this country. A copy of the re« solution has been forwarded to the! Dominion Government, Lo 118 EARTHQUAKES WITHIN FEW DAYS Calcutta, India, July 9---Diss patches from Dhubri, Goalpara, and Assam state that earthquakes continue. To date 118 shock® have been recorded. Practically every building in Dhubri has been damaged more or less, At Coochbehar the Post and' Telegraph building was so badly damaged that the families of the staff had to be moved to places of safely, ! Bennett Gives Promise of . Better Railways for East (By THOMAS GREEN) (Canadian Press Staff Corresponds ont.) Inverness, N.S. July 8~--In em- phatic terms, Hon, R, B, Bennett here last night and earlier at St. Poter's dealt with railway facill- ties on Cape 'Breton Island, the fishing and farming industries and the protection of Canadian Iabor, At the same time he renewed his pledge for a national fuel policy and the development of Canadian trade through Canadian ports. "These old Provinces, these old communities," the Conservative chieftain exclaimed. "must not be neglected in the providing of rails vided, because you have a right to them, You have maintained the faith and contributed to.the na- tional' weal, and, it elected to office, we will provide the facilities necessary for you to compete on even terms with the nations of the world,' That is my conviction, you," : Touching upon fisheries and would. get payroll money." agriculture, Mr. Bennett declared: way facilities, They must be pro-|: and it is a boundless obligation to "The collective power of the Doe minfon must be put behind the des velopment of the agricultural and fishing industries, because they are the great food Industries upon which lives depend," \ Tire unemployment sazatd 'by the neglect of the iron steel and coal industry, the . Conservative Leader assorted, had deprived fishe ermen and agriculturists of Cape Breton especially, and of.the Maris times, of 'thelr. "home market," The, whole, fiscyl policy of the Liberal Government, Mr, Bennett declared, had "ma the product of ch: on and made it easier for the United States: to dump the surplus of its mass pros duction into Tanada." This wa most. unfalr, he emphasized, 'to Canadian labor. At the Winni- peg convention of 1927 the Conger vative. Party had pledged Itself ito », fuel policy and the olicy of "Canadian goods through Sn. n ports," Both pl h edges, ' declared, would be carried out | his party, : br