Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Jul 1930, p. 12

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 9, 1930 -- EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS Ack SERIOUS CHARGES Cobourg, ~~Charged with 'inde- cont ult Hilliard Bristol and Basil Richards, Millbrook men, will face 'trial following investigation on the part of provincial constable 5 bs rey, Cobourg, ders were afrestod and Ister re- Mndan on $2,000 bail egech, HOMES ENTERED Beleville,~Two beaking are be- ing probed by Provincial Polis, in h cases a small sum of money was obtained, The home of , Mott, College "#Btreet and ri pencer, cheesemaker at Shaunonville were entered, BARN BURNED Belleville ~A barn the property of James W, Campbell and located upon his farm on the Oak Hills was destroyed by fhe, ADAMS FAMILY. PIONIC Belleville, ~The Adams family and their descendants held their 6th annual pienic at Twelve O'clock Point, Trenton, Approxi-|2 mately 300 people attending, GIRL INJURED Peterboro,~Dorothy Hood, 9- year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs, A: Hood, 236 Woodbine avenue, ya Javerely injured when she was knocked down on Hunter street hat. by a car driven by Dr, FV, C. onl. A GOOD DAY'S CATCH Petorboro,--~With triumph glist ening in their eyes, George Robert. son, Arthur Blade, and several other local men returned from a fishing trip at Rice Lake bearing 23 trophies of thelr skill with rod and reel, Their catch ineluded 18 fckerel, three bass and three unges, NEW QU KEN'S BU ILDING Kingston, ~~ Queen's Trustee Board has awarded the contract The alleged of-|? for the erection of a now selence building to Robertson & Janin, Toronto, Bullding and equipment will cost $300,000, The strueture will be of Kingston limestone, four stories and basement, and will be 4 by 60 foot, It will ba erected Union Street. vast of the Nicol nilding, and also face Division Street, Queen's Is also erecting a new gymnasium, NEW FAIR BUILDING Lindsay When the Lindsay Central Wxhibition opens its gates to the public this September, ex- hibitors of sheep and hogs will no longer he bothered by lack of space, All the old hog pens have eon torn down and two large wells ighted exhibition pens are being constructed, TO HOLD PLOWING MATCH Lindsay ~The annual mateh of the Vietoria County Plowmen's As- sociation will this year be held on |= the farm of RN, HE, Thurston just outside the yillage of Bobeaygeon, The match will be held on October 21st, MAN KILLED BY TRAIN Kingston, ~An inquest has been ordered Into the death of William Crowder of Omemes, who was killed recently when he tried to hop on 8 moving freight train, according to Provincial Police, ONE EXPLANATION (Toronto Globe) A former Glasgow Bailie tells a Toronto audience that Scotland Is in & rather poor condition, It may be that In directing the affairs of the rest of the world Beots have been neglecting" the homeland, It sometimes works that way, even In matters of less Importance, GOOD PEA CROP Ploton,~Canning factories and pea viners are now busy with peas, Reports indicate that the pea crop is turning out well, GREAT LAKES HAVE SEEN MANY WRECKS OF LARGE SHIPS Lake Michigan Claimed 812 Lives in One Disaster, Says "Old Timer" Toronto, ~= "The Great Lakes have been the scene of some ter- yible tragedies in the past 100 years," sald "Old Timor," as ho smoked his old pipe in the nest and clean forecastie of one of the latest inland lipers, Fer in. glance, there was the Eastland dissstor at Chicago just 15 years go, Remember that one?' he kéd another of his contempors Aries, and without waiting for an answer he proceeded: "It was a beautiful summer day, July 24, 1015, and in the Chicago river the. Eastland was tled to the dock, Bhe had been chartered for, an excursion and the crowds wore filing aboard, Bands were playing and flags wero flying, On the whar! alongside there was a huge orowd. Aboard the vessel passengers were rushing on deck to. 'wave to those ashore, It was A /gay scene, "On the far side of the vessel, another 'huge crowd had congre- and were watching the traf. Suddenly the Eastland listed to the right, rall rushed to the other, and then, as she listed to that side, rushed back agen. Shi ore the big passenger boat: listed, but this time she did not recover, Slowly 'ahe turned until, throwing all those on deck into the water and trapping many below, she rested on her side, "Bight hundred and twelve dled 88 roscuers worked valiantly and Ambulances rushed to the scene, hat was the worst tragedy in loss tho'er ever to have happened on y great 1nkes or thoir connecting waterways." But, according to the Old Tim« er, there were several other diss asters on the lakes whore deaths were numbered in the hundred "On Sept, 24, 18056," he went i "the steamer Niagara, on Lake Wienieur, with a full passonger it was before the | of wireless, and little could done to save ) The ill-fated Niagara K and carried with her 300 ay: back in 1847 on 1, ag Dutch immigrant hosnix was burned. She ton gan, and 240 caught fire, y itiiuteg at 300 , Victoria Day in oria, on May 24, least 200 ploniokers to The crowd on that | FRANCE HAS CURE FOR UNEMPLOYMENT Ottawa, July, 8.-Discussions at the International Labor Conference recently held in COeneva clearly showed unemployment to be In- creasng In all countries except France stated Tom Moore on his return from the conference, Mr, Moore who is president of the Canadian Trades and Labor Con- gress, explained that France, al- though It had received a great number of immigrants from Pol. and and Italy during the period of reconstruction, had stipulated that they were to be repatriated when depression threatened unemploy- ment of Franch citizens, SUSPEND PARLEY ON SAAR SITUATION Paris, July 8,--The French foreign ofMee has announced that the Saar negotiations were temp. orarily suspended, It was intimated the chief dim- culty centred around the re-pur- chase price of the Baar mines, and algo the French demand for Joint control, "The adventurer is within us, and he contests for our favor with the social man we are obliged to be." ==Willlam Bolitho, Famous Comedienne Was Born in Town of Whitby Notes From The Election Campaign LETHBRIDGE (Alberta)-T, 0, King, Un'ted Farmers of Alberta, ST, BONIVACE (Manitoba) LE, Hansford, Yabor, RESTIGOUCHY M/ APAWASK, A (New Brumswiek)=Max D, Corm ier, Conservative, STANDSTEAD (Quebec) Brown, Liberal Senator Graham Speaks Kingston, July 9--Right Hon George PP, Graham spoke before n large audience in the City Hall last evening on behalf of James Halliday Liberal candidate for Kingston He told his audience that he could speak with authority on behalf of the King Government because he hac been d& mémber of that Government he had organized ity tariff board and he had attended the Imperial Confer ence, With regard to the Liberal ta riff he declared that it was based up on a more thorough investigation than any other tariff that had ever been created, Senator Graham referred to . the statement of Premier. Ferguson of Ontario, who, in speaking recently for Hon, R, B, Bennett, had intimated that the duty on automobiles should be increased, "Do you want to pay more for your automobiles?" he asked the audience, "Well, it looks us if you will if you elect a Conservative Government to power," Canseryative Turns Liberal Aurora, July 0.~"Possibly the stand taken by Hon, Mr, Hennett and his colleagues represents the stand of the people of Canada, hut I don't think it does, Nor do 1 thnk they represent the feelings of the Conservative Party, At the Win. nipeg convention the Right Hon, Arthur Meighen was asked to re- tire, And no now will the Conser- vative Party cordially invite Mr, Rennett to retire, because he doos not repersent the Conservative Party at all," Upholding the Mackenzie King Government's move toward great. or Empire trade, and declaring that Mr, Bennett had lost the greatest opportunity of his political life. time when he hailed to endorse the Dunning Budget, J, H, Burnham, Peterboro', for nine years a Conser vative member in the House of Comons at Ottawa, speaking, here last night, condemned the policy of his Leader, and pledged himself to support the Liberal polioy in the prosent election campaign, He wan speaking in the interests of W, P, Mulock, Liberal candidate in North Dr, LD May Trwin Still Tooks Young Born 08 yours ago in Whitby, the daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Rob- ort Campbell, May Irwin, Ameri. on's foremost comedienne, recalls with pleasure her early childhood in Ontario, Her off-stage name now is Mrs, Kurt Elsfeldt, (1) in the above layout shows William Wallace, 84, one of the few men in the county who. knew her when she lived at Whitby, (2) Is the house where May Irwin was born, It was orginally of frame, but now stuccoad, (8) shows Charles Spencer, of Broovklin, who lived on a farm near the Camp- hells and was well scquainted with them, and (4) Is Burr Lodge where May was a frequent visitor to her uncle, Chester Draper, York, and both Mr, Burnham and Mr, Mulock were accorded rousing cheers, 00 Karly Nominations Ottawa, July 9-In 0 consti- tuoncies out of the 245 In Canada nominations will be held next Mon- day, In the remainded nomination day for the coming general elec- tion will be Monday, Juy 21, In the riding in which the nomina- tion is advanced the object is to give two weeks from the time the candidates are formally nominated to election day, The following are the Ontario ridings in which nom- fnations will bg held next Monday: Ontario---Algoma East, Algoma West Fort William, Frontenac-Ad- dington, Grey Southeast, Hastings. Petorboro, Kenora-Rainy River, Muskoka-Ontario, Parry Sound, Port Arthur-Thunder Bay, Ren frew North, Renfrew South, Temis- kaming North, Temiskaming South, Victoria, Cabinet Itinerary Rt, Hon, William Lyon Macken: sie King, who has been hpeaking In Western Canada, will return to Ontario on July 16, opening his campaign in this province at Ken« ora, Hon, T. A, Crerar, Lapointe, Hon, Jamos Hon, Fernand Pinfret, Hon, Peter Heenan and Hon, J, O, Elliott, are ull booked for a number of meet: ings In Ontarlo, Hon, Mr, Orerar will speak in Simcoe this evening, al Cayuga on Thursday afternoon and at Cayuga on Thursday even ing, He will be os Parry Sound on Hon, Ernest Maloolm, July pl and Port Arthur and Fort William on July 12, going one from there to his own province, Hon, Fernand Rinfrot, Secretary of Btate Is scheduled to speak at Tilbury on July 18, Gueph July 14, Ponetanguishene July 156 and In Nipissing district on July 16, Hon, Ernest Lapointe, Minister of Jus- tice, will be in the ridings of North and South Temiskaming on July 17 and 18 and will probably speak at Halleybury and Timmins, The Minister of Labor is sche- duled to address meetings oun the northern part of the province next week, beginning at Capreol on July 14, going on to Chapleau on July 16 and to Port Arthur and: Fort William on July 16, where he will made his last address prior to go- ing Into his own constituency. Hon, J, CO, Eliott will speak with Hon. I, A, Crerar tomorrow, Ho will also speak at Tillsonburg, Paris and Port Credit during the campaign, ASK PROHIBITION OF DAREDEVIL STUNTS Niagara Falls, Ont, July 8 City Manager Goddard was instruc. ted by the eity eouncll to write to the Provincial and Dominon Gov. ornmonts seoking thelr co-operas tion to prevent any repeiition of the daredevil stunt which cost the Greok philosopher, George Statha- kis, his life on Saturday. A re. solution to thin effect carried unan- imously. on -- -- (RUSSIA PROTESTS U.S. LUMBER BAN Britain tntorested in Test Case Before Assistant Treasury Secretary Washington, July § A tos cane Involving attempts by Ameri. can producers to have Russian products barred from this country was placed before Assistant Troas- ury Becrotary Lowman yesterday, Disposition of two shiplonds of fumbor from the Boviet Republics, held up at Providence, R.1., and at Poughkeepsie, N.Y, and four more now on tho sens, aggregating 47, 000,000 feet, depends upon Low. man's decision, Importers appoul ed to Lowman after customs auth orities refused entry on the ground that convict labor was used to pro. duce them, in violation of the Am- ariean Tariff Ace excluding pro ducts of "forced labor," British, German and Danish In terests, which own the ships In which the lumber is conveyed alwo are involved, and representatives of these nations' legations observed the hearing, The diMculties are based on contentions that the United States should give two months' notice be fore the provision in the Hawley Smoot tariff law barring goods made wholly or in part by conviet labor from this country goes into effect, HAMPT ON NEWS Hampton, July B.~=Mr, and Mrs, Theodore Balter and Mr, and Mrs, Hilton Peters, and son Keith, vis- {ted relatives nt Coldwater dur Ing the week-end, Dr, Jabez Elllott and Dr, Nid dery, Toronto, were recent visitors ut the home of the former's sister, Mrs, C, J, Kerslake, Mr, and Mrs, W, Lycett, Bow. manville, visited at the home of WW, W, Horn, recently, Mr, and Mrs, Clarke and daugh- ter, Kthel, Toronto, visited at the homo of H, Holwell, last week, Mr, and Mrs, C. W, Hastings and family, have returned from spending a week at thelr cottage at Boboaygeon, A number of the Institute lad- fen catered at the dinner, and tea hour, to the attendants of the Beacock family plenic on Soturday, Mr, and Mrs, Clarke Greenaway wers recent visitors with Mr, snd Mrs, Thos, Rowe, Mrs, Katerson and daughter, Mary, and Mrs, Jno, Colwill, visit. ed Port lope relatives last week, Rev, and Mrs, Samuel Brown, Richmond, Quebec, visited the former's sister Mrs, Esther Stev- ons for a few days last week, Mr, and Mrs, Russell Thompson, Toronto and Mrs, #, Thompson wore guests of V, J, Groat recently, Mrs, Will, Ranton, Trenton, has returned home and Mrs, Jno, Ran ton remained for a visit with her daughter, Mrs, Gertrude Virtue, The many friends of Mr, and Mrs, O, J, Clatworthy, Oshawa, extend sympathy to Mrs, Clat- worthy, in her recent hereavement, Mr, Clatworthy was an old Hamp- ton boy, whose death we are sor. ry to record, Mr, and Mrs, W, H, Harcourt, Mr, snd Mrs, KE, Harcourt, Port Hope, and Mr, and Mrs, ¥, Walters, Toronto, were guesis of 1, Reeve recently, Mr, and Mrs, J. R, Holdge, and daughter, Marjorie, and Dr, C, Hookings, Toronto and Alma Pol- lard, Bowmanville, and Mr, and Mrs, A, Gully, Oshawa, were rocent visitors at the home of J, L. Johns, May Armour and Sunday visitors with Mr, Geo, Armour, Ivan Btephens, his mother, Mrs, ons recently, A. Martyn was husy shingling the roof of the Couneil hall last week, Eva Johns, a contestant in the Ontario and Durham Temperance Contest, recently won third prize In the Junior group, token up by the Northern Mossenger, Congrats. ulations are extended nlso in win. ning first prize in the Hunday Behool and first prize given by the loeal W.CT.U, in the same contest, Lazolle Brown, daughter of the late, Rev, Geo, Drown, a former minister, renewed acquaintances while guest of Mr, and Mrs, Lore enzo Trull over the week-end, Mr, and Mrs, Jas, Oke and Mar. jorie, Orono, and Mr, W. Fair. friend were and Mrs, Toronto, visitea Charlotte Steph- and Marie White, Bethesds were recent guests of Mr, and Mrs, § T, Mountjoy, Mr, and Mrs, Cyril Jobson and daughter, Joyce, Toronto, were re- cont yeitors with the former's moth. er, Mrs, Jas, Jobson, Mr, and Mrs, G. Adcock, and family, visited Toronto friends on Sunday, b | Truss Comlort | r Good Sense It you were making the purchase of a now car you would make up your mind to buy the car that would be most economical to run, and give best service and comfort, It it is your misfortune to. have to wour a Truss you should see to it that you are fortunate enough to be equipped properly, economically and comforts ably, Having had years of experienco at Truss Vitting, we do not hesitate to guars antes perfect comfort and support, Delays often-timeg prove werlous, If you are a suf- forar come in and wee us at onee, We carry in stock a full line of Abdominal Supports, Elastic Hosiery, ete, Lady In attendance, The Rexall Btores Jury & Lovell King Bt, K, Simcoe §¢, N, Phone 28 Phone 08 head, Courtice, Mrs, W, G, Rundle Rs TELEPHONE Fi ive Direct oive Direct Lines -- on 262 FOR Jeddo Premium Coal Semet - Solvay Coke Pocahontas, Cannel Dixon Coal Company MOTHERS LOOK! BOYS' Long Pants Made of Durable Tweeds-- Sizes 26 to 34 --=Pair Babies Rubber Pants All colors=Sizes large and medium, Bankrupt Sale Price AUTOMOBILE | CUSHIONS Large size, many colors. SILK PLEATED SKIRTS All colors, very nicely tail. ored. These Skirts sold al $4.98, $5.50, and $6.80, Bankrupt Sale Price $1.95 Each LADIES' SPORTS SWEATERS All shades, just the thing for the summer outfit Reg. $4.98 and $5.98 Bankrupt Sale Price $2.45 RAYON Bloomers & Vests Several different shades, 49¢ The Final Marching Orders for LADIES COATS NO WONDER THE CROWDS KEEP COMING TO THE ARCADE ANKRUP SALE We are Giving Values never before offered in elie and we can do it with a smile--because we are doing it at the expense of the Creditors. A Group of High Class Coats, previously sold up to $30.00. Bankrupt Sale Price $9.95 LADIES' VESTS Corselettes Lightly-boned, Good quality elastio==Sizes 30 to '38. Regular $1.78 Bankrupt Sale Price Silk Top. 6 Only----Regular $4.95 Ladies' Raincoats Bankrupt Sale Price $1.00 CHEESE CLOTH 8 Yard Wrapped Pack- ages. Bankrupt Sale Price per package, 25¢ Ruffled Marquisette Curtains Cream only, 2% yds. long Bankrupt Sale Price 49¢ pr. A RACKFUL OF DRESSES Too numerous to describe--These have sold up to $25.00. Bankrupt Sale Price 85.75 LOOK, MEN, LOOK! ' "COMBINATION Underwear , Made of good quality. Egyptian yarns, a brand. Ablatle, style, all it \ WE STILL HAVE A FEW Men's OVERALLS Worth $2.28 Bankrupt Sale Price * Are You Going on a Vacar tion?----See our Baggage line--Fibre SUITCASES AND CLUB-BAGS Strong construction -» low as, Each $1.50 Brassiers Pink Coutil, Bandeau style. Sizes 30 to 38,

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