Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Jul 1930, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 9, 1930 PAGE, ELEVEN HE, CTASSIRIE DS meets ON eller PION O N. 4 ST Ea, EE 5 ARIISTERS [REA Ra | hore" " G. D, B.A. BL H PF. Aunts, W. EN; SINCLA! of C LA R KC. BANK INSYPH D2, MANGAN, BA.~BAR- sivtets £oligitor, Notary Prhlie, con. yancer. Money to loan. Office 14 King St. East, Cnkawa, Phone GUTSREON. a CT) N AND Mectahine in muscle anomalies, esight and glasses, Author of ® Care and Eye Btraln, The Chile and Its Development, Dis. ney iY opposite Post Office, Phone if (June 15-1 mo) Engineering and Surveying DONEY. VAN AND SMITH ONTAK. N : io Land Surveyors and vi En. cers, sub. town planning, Sunicipa) engineers, 365 or 411 King es or 25M, Prager, rs, Conveya Notarles Bene ote. Office over Standard Bonk, Ruotrance Simone St. Phone 18. J. P. Grierson, K.C,, a. Creighton, B.a,, a LS Fraser, B.A. LOUIS S. NUMAN, BARRISTER, olicitor, Setar, Ser er Deslan dy oS 67. AS Tment at op. %. GREEP AND HM Pe BAR: risters, Solicitors, etc. 24% Siricoe St. N_ Phone 3160. 3femev to loan ALEX U, HALL, B.A, BARRIS ter, ote, Conveyancing and general raction, 33% K'ng St. East. hone 3337, (tf) A. J. PARKHILL, BARRISPER ete. Money to loan, Alger 'Bidg, op- posite Post Office. Phore 1614, Undertaking CUKE BURIAL CO 67 KING BT. East, Ambulance, Ras! TA 542 £ Sim. O.| coe street morth, Phone #10] 210W. OSHAWA BURIAL CO, M, J. Armstrong & Son, Proprietors. Funeral and Ambulance Serviro, day and night. Phone 1082W, 87 Celina, (42) lusurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. wast, Oshawa, The old- est Pirr Agency in Oshawa. 30 Re putable Fire Companies. consult R. N. Johos, 80 Simos north, Your (nsurasce wants at FRANK 8. EBBS, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Natary "ublic, Convey- ancer, money to loan. Third floor new Alger Bulldinr, opposite Post Office. Phone 2996, Medical DRS, HAZLEWOOD & HARPER, Disney Block. Phone "060, Office hours 9 a.m, to 8.30 p.m, Dr, B, J. Jazlewood, special atiention to Surgery and X-Ray. Jr, B, H, Har per, special attention to chfldren's Diseases and. Obstetrics. Sunday and night calls "416 or 12%. DR." McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR. n, Accousher. Office an resi mee. King St. Erst, comer oria bla Phone R. ( Su RA Obstetrician, Surveo and Vn hildren, fice "and residence, 97 Bond East. Phone 1155 1155. FAP ARCHER, M M.D. M.D. CM. or C. P. and S Edinburgh, hiv Surgeon and Obstetrician, t. N. Phone 3020, Ofer 14 (i Saal lag Ave. North. Phone 8150. DR. C. W. CARE, Surgeon, pg ey Office and rasidence, 512 Simeoe street north, Pbone 3415. y DR. J. ARCHER BROWN, PHYSI. cian, Surgeon snd Obstetrician, office ani residen:e, 185 Simcoe Street, North one 3107. - Veterinary Surgeon . SHIRLEY, --_ St. Specialist Diseases Domestic Anim. | 59 als, Cat. and Dog Hospital, 203 King West, Telephone 629, (July 3-1 mo.) SL UTASTEOUIL STE TAO TT SRT Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. F. T, BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lovells Drug Store each Saturday, from 1 till 4 os for consultation and treatment iseases of ear, mose and throat only, Appointments may be m~' at drug store. Phone 97. Eye, Ear, Nose and DR. e . ' specialist, Office over Mitchell's Drug So Phone 2660 and 432J. R. * Bank . Commerce, Simcoe and King, Eye, ear, nose and throat, Hours 9 to 11.80, 2 to 6, T to 8.30, Phones, office, 157; resi. dence, 596. (June 13-1 mo.) DR. 5 iL HILLIPS. O OVER AS- attention n over Mitchell's Gas for extraction. | DR. L E. HUBBELL. Nitrous oxid tions, Office. one residen: nne EN™IST, red! na Dewland's. ane | Res. BIW, Avenings by LE, ldg. Phone 1780 1y. Il Shop 26% Sines Phone 1666. 20 | Fone. 360, ded to sud your interests pro- tected. Transportation CARTAGE AND STORAGE, COLB- man's, 856 Bond West, Specialists in furniture moviag. storage ware house whd moving van equipment, Phone 82. CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL sand and cinders. Local and long disiance hauling. Emin & Cox, Phone 924, 10 Bond St. West. OSHAWA'S _ OLDEST ESTAB lishe! furn'ture movers. Park sl and long distance, Frank Cowle, Pron. 65 Park , RY South, Phone 2 "(Jupe 20-1 mo) 90¢ AN HOUR, MAN AND TRUCK, moving, express, cinders and gravel hauled, long distance moving. Cheap. Phone 974W, June 11-1 mo) Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE Shop. Speclal.sts In permanent, finger and marcel waving, rer manent wave prices $6, $7.60, $10 and $15, All other ner of Beauty flulture. Phone 2008, Apply 8b Simcoe street worth. EXPERT MARCELLING "BY Betty Ward at B: Permin- ent fave Prone' Ly and sham: 'S Ny Shop. 9 Siina St. We spe- cialize in ladies' hair cuttin, celling, shampooing, facials. arcel cents, For anpointments phone 2653, June 16-1 mo) : 4 sy B ber Shop, Woves from 10 'Athol St. West to 26 Bond St, East, Halr cutting, 26c. (6c) A a Radio Service OSHAWA RADIO 8 cessories for sale, repairs on eleo- tric and battery mets, tubes and batteries tested, batteries re charged. rental supplied. $1, Phone 3360J. Charles Wales, 146 Bigin East (July 9-1 mo) with rental $1.00. Repaired and rebuilt. Called for and delivered. Prompt service, Stan Bligdon, 20 Mill St. Phone 1885W. (June 20-1 ma) A AKES OF 8 3 ed. Prices reasonable, batteries re- charged B0c, reutals 2°c delivered Phone 2806W, Geo Burroughs. Certified Radlotrician, (June 19-1 to mo) LOANS ON GOOD CITY PRO- : i ig and farms, apply A. ). Park- ill, 37 King East, phone 1614. dan arrange a first mortgage on your residence if it' 1s well lo- cated, Bradley Bros., over Ward's "y Store, Simcoe St, South. (June 28-1 mo) Auctioneer 1 wh AUC. 346 Simcoe St, S. ihawa, attention given to furniture s and Farm. 'our Patron. OUMENT BLOCKS, SAND AND ravel for sale--To fnsure prompt elivery, place wders in advance date, W, Borrowdale, Hospital 8 Byron Street, reopens June 21, a cKee, R.N. su tend: Whitby. perintendent, (June 13-1 mo.) of d Phone 1618. ot o | WINDOW AWNINGS -- PORCH Awnings, vera fhe 8. E Taig, Toon cancps | "T0oth) all kinds of canvas goods. Com- lete camp equipment for rent. x Hardware, phone 26 or 26. gents for J. J. Turner and Son, serio, Sutario. A Aa we - bot All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Ftc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE of this nature, ond collect for same. "Times" Classified For thy convenience of customers who find it inconvenient to come personally to The Times' office, a telephone call will bring a messenger who will receive the advertisement Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling a large number of smal} arcounts Ads Bring Results Work Wanted | For Rent SHARPENING--BOISBORS, KNIV- es, Lawn Mowers, Saws. Phone 421W. We call and deliver, 130 Celina Bt, B, Bottan, (Juss 9-1 mo) CONCRETE WORK, CELLAR AND garage floors sidewalks and road- ways, sand, gravel, cinders, Chris, Graham, Phone 2621M, (July 3-1 mo,) Articles For Sale d| MIXED HARD i SOFT WOOD slabs, hi par lo d. Also bone dry body aterous Meek Limited. Pre 1288 (Apr. 2611) FOR - BALR-~-HABINTZMAN 00. Ltd, pianos, new and used pianos, Also radios, latest models; terms arranged. Apply C. Trull. Phone 1666J. (411-40) FOUR AND FIVE ROOMED MOL. ern suites including electric refrig- eration, stove, Isundry, conven} erces, etc, continv s bot water supplied. Apply Bupt. 'phone 367), or The Trusts und Guarantee Uo. Ltd.,, manage; for owner, Toronto (270 APARTMENT TO LET, CENTRAL All conveniences hardwood (doors. Apply Bradley Bros. B6Lr) FOR RENT A PARTHENT, CEN- tral, 5 rooms, newly decorated, all conveniences, lease or by the month, Box 746 Times, (153tf) CHEERFUL APARTMENT IN business section, newly decorated, by the month or year. Box 747 Times, (153-tL) APARTMENT, FURNISHED OR unfurnished, Every convenience, FOR RALE «- PAINTS, VARN- fshes. We have the largest assort- ment of paints, varnishes, ete, In in the city. The Paint Store, 80 King street west. (Apr, 85 tf SAND. GRZVEL, STONE, CIN ders, black loam. $1.69 per yard. For "quality and service phone Es scry Bros. 833 r 11. (May 3-tt) SPECIAL SALE --- BLIGHTLY used bicycles $12 up. New and eany terms, C.C.M, joycycles and (fish- ing tackle. 12 Richmond East. Phone 2774. (June 13-1 mo) HAY FIELDS milking cow and buildings, Mr, Pete Wysotzki, P,0. Cedardale, Lakeview Gardens, Oshawa, ont. (6b) } A " cypress, nearly new, Very fast and seaworthy, Bargain for quick sale Phone 1884 or 472. (6c) Phone (6a) cheap, 87 Rosehill Blvd, 1606F, Shoe Repairing THE BEST PLACH WI HERE YOU get your shoes fixed like new is by Menke, corner Simcoe N. and William W, (June 30-1 mo) Nursing al and furglosl nur Juising, reasonable Phone Whitby & June 24-1 mo) Auto Accessories MOTOR ACCESSORY CO, §1 KING Btreet West, Auto parts and acces- sories for all makes cars. Auto- mobiles bought for wrecking. Phone 2066J, (June 26-1mo.) CITY AUTOMOBILE WRECKING Co. New and used parts and ac- cessories, cars, trucks, prices rea- sonable; cars wanted, Phone 2980W. 15-17 Bond Street West, (June 26-1 mo) -- Contracting plastering, electric 0. alterations. Phone 189 tor estimates. (1¥tf) MADA NE BROWN. --VATNIEY, Phone appointments 2636F, 0% Phone 1560 or 2847W, (3tr) TO RENT--FIVE ROOM MOD- ern house, all conveniences, Apply to Lycett, 26 King St. E., or Mr, Halitt, phone 101W, (51) LARGE FURNISHED TWO ROOM apartment, entrance and conven. ences private, hot water furnish- od, opposite Memorial Park, very osntral, 96 Centre, (Be) LARGE FURNIENEDS BEDROOM, very close to business section, Rent very reasonable, Board if desired, 78 Bond street wost, (be) TWO ROOMS FURNISHED TO let, Every conveniences for light housekeeping, Young couple, Phone 3338W, (be) TO RENT--SIX ROOMED HOUSE, new, all convenlences, garage. Apply 100 Ontario street, Phone 084J. (60) FOR RENT--3 -- ROOME™ 00M. pletely furnished for light house. keeping, All conveniences, 162 Burke St. Phone 1430J. (6c) ANT A . veniences, good locality, Apply 333 Dearborne Ave, Phone 1001- FP, (6c) Oshawa Apply + (60) low and metal garage. Blvd, Rent reasonable, 422 King St, West, downstairs rooms, . private en. trance. Apply 68 Brock St, BE, (60) T0 RENT--1 ROOMED APART. ment, nicely furnished; conven. fences, reasonable rent, borne street east, ment, all. modern conveniences, hardwood floors, very redsonable, Phone 2609), (fe) also bed sitting room, . very cea» tral, every convenience, Apply 178 Centre Stroet. Phone 2500. i" (6a 10 RENT--TWO LARGE HOUSE keeping rooms, furnished, Every convenience, heat, water, electric and telephone included, newly decorated, private tollot, Apply 20 Brock street east, (70) Louisa Street, (June 28-1 mo) MADAME R Buena Vista, Appointments, Plone 3424W, (July8-1 mo,) Position W gardoning or light farm' work for owing boy. Apply 138 King St, ,, Oshawa, (60) | wants work repairing steam or oline tractors or threshers, ork guaranteed or no pay. Apply Mur I 896 Mitchel Ave, Osh- a (Bo) Ii woman and mite Biaver for demonstra. (June20-1 mo) | rors WHE XE TROETED with some chronic ailment, such nervousness, paralysis, varicose ns, § arthritis, heart 'weakness, rheumatism, ete, Phoue hee for A apg in your o. ne in on Health Talks, over Walon 0 Monday, Wednesday 1.30 p.m, Theronoid of Ostia wa, (uly 8-3 mod 154 William Street Kast, 4 Supe 36-1 me) lpg Rates for Classified Ads. | Firet insertion--13 cents per word, Minimum charge 30c. Bach uent onsecu- Gre lavariion 10 per i Three inser. tions price of t first (nsertions {hres celts a werd) MY (Ag {| Pox number 10e a) For Rent -- a all conveniences, furnished or un- furnished, $26 per month, Apply 220 Albert Street, (Be) try, seven roomed house at 100 Albert street, Very central, Nowly re-conditioned, Phone 971W, (10) © moreland Avenue, 6 rooms, bath, wired for electric range, furnace, vacant July 21, Phone 2088W or call at 301 Celina street, (Te) ment, All conveniences, som -fure nished or unfurnished, Reasonable vent, Phone 1503W, (7e) newly decorated for all. conveni- 106 (6c) od rooms, light housekeeping, ences, central, Phone 2207, Colborne East. Real for sale in good village on pro- vineisl highway, Only thirty-five hundred dollars for stock and buildings, Grand opportunity to make money, See Holden, 02 Sim-~ coe N, (7h) Motor Cars Dominjon Garage, §8 Bond strect west, Phone 3198, All cars at oue price $1.00, (June 16-1 mo) 1925 CHEV, COACH, LATE model, cheap , Phone 1768M, (6c) Salesmen Wanted --BALANY, WE HAVE an opening for two or three ex- perienced canvassing salesmen do- siring to become connected with a well established Canadian Com. pany operating stores from coust to coast, This is a real chance to get in on tho ground floor, Draw- ing account guarantee and. gener ous commissions, special prefer. ence to anyone who has sold in- surance, sewing machines, planos and similar lines, Call 2082 any- time botween Monday evening and Wednesday. (6h) Room and Board YOOM AND BOARD IN PRIVATR family. Very central, Also gar- age to rent, Phone 1028J, (BL) Help Wanted--Female CAPABLE EXPERTENCED COOK general, over 24 years of age, Ap ply Mrs, F, G, Carswell, 212 King tE, E., or phone 1066, (6tr) "Pets and Live Stock. EAP North Osh: (6c) ' { ply James Fleming, awa, Phone 920 r 11, For Sale or Rent OR RENT--BRICK residence on north side of King- ston Road west of Oshawa, form- erly occupied by the late John Bartlett, Gardens well planted with flowers and shrubs, Apply to Conant & Annis, Barristers, &c, Oshawa, Ontario, (M-W-Aug, 1) --HEVEN room brick house, hardwood floors and all convenience, with garden and trees, garage, Simcoe Bt, North, Phone 170W, (7h) For Sale or or Exchange FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE--400 acre farm, Parry Sound district, 60 acres clearod, balance valuable timber, 7 good outbuildings, © room house, Trout fishing, Hunt ing grounds, Also saw mill for sale, Apply O, Bills, Sprucedale, Ont,, Box 4. (Ta) Lost and Found ING P please Finder phone (7a) necklace, 366, R N croft St. Owner may have same by applying at 3864 Simcoe St, N. Phone 426W, (Ta) -- 0 Ave, a white fox terrier pup with tan head, Holder of same will be prosecuted aftor this date, Phone 1067M, (Ta) True Stories Stranger Than Fiction The Pathetic Domestic Tragedy of John Doone Ono of a» Series of Tales The very name of John Doone may sound unfamiliar to those of the present day but during his life- time he was one of the best known of the English poets, and his dom-~ extic life was almost tragle In its bitterness, Only lovers of poetry con read him with any pleasure he. couse his style, while filled « with strength, bas a harshness which grates upon admirers of the beau- tiful, Jt was this trait that caused Coleridge to publish the witty coup- Int which read: Doone-~whose muse on ary trotg-- Twists iron pokers into true love knots, The post spent the early part of his life in travel and in the acqulsi- tien of learning, It was when ho had become the secretary to Lord Chancellor Ellsemere that he first met Anne Moore, a beautiful and lovable girl who was the niece of Lady Ellsemere, It was a case of leve at first sight, although there was some disparity belween their ages, the girl being 10 and tbe poet 80, They met constantly and the result was an attachment of the most romantic character, Tho friends of both felt that it would not be a suitable match, and they did all in thelr power to pre- vent the affair from going too far, Bir George Moore, the father of the young woman, was in the country at the time, and when he heard of dromed- thelr mutual regard he was fur~ fously angry, He sald that he would net tolerate thelr marriage under any circumstance, and he hurried to London for the purpose of "breaking off the match," But "a 'ern parent too Inte--fo, on he arrly y had already become man and wife, The old couplet tells us that when a man marries his troubles begin, It was so in this case, John Doone was a man who had the fac- ulty of making warm friendships, atid It Is Interesting to note that seme of his warmest friends were nen who had advised against the marriage, One of thee was the Earl of Northumberland, The noble Lerd undertook to meet the angry father and to pacity him, He point~ ed out to Bir George Moore the good qualities of his son-in-law and advised him to accept the in- evitable and to bless the match, The queer phase of this comes In the fact that Northumberland had & daughter of his own who had merried without his consent and whom he would never forgive for so doing, But Moore refused to teke hin advice and declined to ex. tend his forgiveness to the young couple, Instead of this he acted like a madman, He had Doone ar. rected and the two witnesses to the marriage were also imprisoned, This was about 1610, They could do things In those days that would not be possible now, The furious parent, not satisfied with (thls, caused the Lord Chancellor to take away the position of John Doone, Lord Ellsemere did this with great reluctance because he said Doone "was a secretary fit for a king Finally the father consented that hisband and wife should live together, but he would have noth- ing to do with her and would not contribute to her support, So we find the couple reunited, but with- wv of Romance snd Mystery out any means of support, it we except the quill pen of John Doone, which at that time afforded a very precarious existence, They Were, however, taken into the house of Bir Francis Wooley, a kind kins mun, who supported the young couple and their gradually increas ing temily for a number of years. During this time they lved very happily, Eventually This generous benefactor died and they were once asain homeless, In the Interval there had been a sort of recouncilin~ tion and they came into an allow- ance of eighty pounds a yer, For years after that debt and misery seemed to be the portion of the ill» feted family, When they were in great dis- tress another friend came to the regcue in the person of Bir Robert Drury, He treated the whole fam- {iy with the utmost generosity, and some time later invited Doone to go abroad with him, He wanted to Ko and yet could not bear the ides of leaying his wite, In the seven years they had been married they hud "suffered every variety of wretchedness, except the greatest of all-~that of being separated.' Sho finally ylelded 'sn unwilling willingness," although it is sald that at one time she contemplated the idea of following him disguised as a page, He made this the sub- ject of a feeling poem, and when they finally did part he made the parting the theme of another poem which is looked upon as one of the fluest in the language. It was while he was in Paris that he beheld an apparition in which his wife figured in a heart. breaking manner, He was alone in 8 recom, trying to compose some verses, He was still keenly suffer- Ing from the separation from her and as be sat there he saw her ene ter the apartment, Her hair was undone and hanging down her back, ber face as white as a sheet and she carried in her arms & dead infant, Bhe passed through silent. ly and gave him a look of anguish, They found him on the floor a few minutes later in a dead faint, When he revived he described the vision avo insisted that it was real, Noth. ing would do but that he should return to England at once, He did su, and found that at the momen in question his wife had been ser« fously 111, She had given premature birth to an Infant which had dled at once, and for days afterward she hung between life and death, Eventually John Doone entered the migistry, where it seemed that his troubles and, those of his wile might be at an end, But she only lived four years after that, having been the mother of twelve children, His grief over her death was well nigh overwhelming, It was thought that he would die or lose his mind, but eventually he recovered and serrowfully went about his duties, His first formal sermon was preache od In St, Clement's Church in the Strand, adjoining the plot 'where his beloved wite was buried, Fite tingly enough he took his text from Jeremiah: "Lo! I am the man that hath seen affliction," It 1s recorded that every one was fu tears before the discourse was erded, which goes to prove that John Doone was a Jreacte of parts as well as a poet of unusual ability, (Copyright of Public Ledger) Mr, Bick requets that the Zion Sunday school shall attend that service, Mr, and Mrs, Cyril Roser, Har- mony, and Mr, Frank Roser, Cleve. land visited, Anson and J W, Balson, recently, Mp, and Mrs, J, W, Balson and family attended a family plonle at Oshawa Park on the Lake, on, PRINCE FINDS MEAT OF LION DELICIOUS Cup Town, S, Africa, ~Stories of first, . then But finding continued garded' it dubiously at gingerly attempted ' it. it unexpectedly good he the meal with good appetite, He afterwards admitted that he found the meat delicious, "Better than the best veal I ever tasted" was his comment, Hobie YORK yr we Tea "ire 286 At all Superior Stores FREE 3 POINT ADJUSTMENT Check ignition, clean and ad. just points, adjust carburetor on Chevrolet Cars, 1028 to 1030 models, Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. | on Simcoe Ht, South HARDWOOD FLOORS Lald by expert mechanics, Old 'loos finished iike new, Ge. 21 ' Contractors, B. W. HAYNES 161 King Bt. West Phone 481 - Residence 8078W | EATON GROCETERIA It Pays To Shop Here Always Men's and Boys' All Wool Bathing Bults, | Bpecial , $1.95 Dominion Clothing Co. 08 King St, W. Phone 2141 Ye CART W umBi R © a ATHOI [WwW i Hi Diamonds ! Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Cour ff Good Weather: Ahead! ==D0 not lose your oA Lot me finance, you--Addie tional Cash Given, G. R. Holden MOTOR LOANS Roo 6, 1434 King St. Has -- the Prince of Wales hunting trip have made the long Journey from South Africa and are beginning to be told in London West End clubs, According to one story, when the Prince had shot u lion, the animal was cut up for use as meat, and the Friday, in honor of Mr, and Mrs, Felton, of Norfolk, V,A, Prince received his portion in the form of a lion chop. The Prince re- Use CEMENT BLOCKS For Fireproof Garage W. BORROWDALE 800 Carnegie Ave. Phone 1018 -- "mh ZION NEWS Zion, July 7.~Mr, and Mrs, Hi mer Wilbur and Mr, and Mrs, Garfield Trevall, attended the big 1st of July celebration in Port Hope and saw some of the dam~ age to the buildings, fences, and trees inflicted by the awful storm, on Monday night, Mrs, Robt, Theohold of Larburn, gaek (nee Mona Vice) and moth- Mrs, John Vice are visiting the itary daughter, Mrs, Norman Eps Jas, McMaster and Mim Jean McMaster, Toronto, spent last week with their parents here, Mr, Alan Fisher has had a steam Sugine employed for cutting lum- Walter Trull and mother were | recent visitors at Muskoka where Mra, Trull has property, Mrs, Annie Hammond, Orillia, Douro visiting her sister, Mra, Wesley Miss 'Pdna Cameron, of Tyrone, fs visiting her cousin, Miss Mary Cameron, The Ladies' softhall team played Hampton Ladies at their anniver- sary and brought hoome the hon- ors, Friday night, Maple Grove Ladlon defeated Hampton in the Zion fleld, They are n the league of sotball now, : 'Sunday next, July 18th, the Sunday school will be held at 9,80 a.m, and the sacrament service is 10 ba af Eldad at A1 o'clock, when CLIMAX BUG KILLER '20 Ib, Bag, 90c Small Package 28¢c Death to Potato Bugs TTT BINDER TWINE BRANTFORD 650 ft. 600 ft. amuTT---- HOGG & LYTLE 84 Chureh St. $3000-=8300 cash, balance $20 monthly secures 6 rooms ed frame, electric, water, Conant St, - near = Skinner Plant, Newly decorated, Ime mediate possession, DISNEY, 20 King BE.

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