Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Jul 1930, p. 10

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THE OSHAWA DAILY ~IMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 9, ih C 1930 - ' By 'or heedlessness we have to pay; 'omorrow, if 'we don't today, wjerry Muskrat, There was another signal thet the little Muskrats learned, This was the plunge, or splash signal. Jorry Muskrat would be sitting on the shore. Suddenly he would plunge into the water. Such a splash as he would make! If Mrs, Muskrat were on shore, she would plunge also. It she happened to be out in deep water, she would _ Instantly dive. All the little Muske rats would plunge or dive, Then all would be still until Jerry or Mrs. Muskrat gave the signal that all was well, So theso little Musk- " rats learned to obey signals and to warn each other, Once in a while one of the youngsters would give the plunge or the slap-tall signal; and always Jerry and Mrs, Musk- rat would dive. Usually there was no danger. Sometimes the little Mugkrat had done it just for fun. But that was quite all right, for thus they showed that they were learning. Now, in a large family of childs ren no two are exactly alike, One will be more loving than the others; one will be more obedient; one will be more head-strong; one will be more heedless; one will be quicker to act; one will be bolder; one will be far more timid, Tt was just that way in Jerry Muskrat's family, Some of those youngsters could be depended on to always do pxactly the right thing at the right time. Others catised thelr parents a great deal of worry, There was » 'ope in particular who was both heedless and headstrong, This young Muskrat liked to . think that he was smarter than his brothers and sisters. He liked to think that he knew more than they did. He liked to show off, He was always he last one to mind. Now he wag the first one to discover that a lot of the signals given by Jorry and Mrs. Muskrat were given when there was no danger at all, They were given just for ttaining. When he discovered this the young Muskrat felt very clever, hen the plunge signal or the tail- p signal was given, instead of eding it promptly, he would take his time about it, Once in a while he would not dive at all, but would chvekle to himeelt ns his brothers and sisters all dived. "They can't fool me." he would say to himself as ho heard his father and mother plunge into the water, Hooty tho Owl redched for him with his great Hawa and elutehed So this young Muskrat grew more and more heedless and care- less, There came an evening when all, the Muskrat family were out to enjoy the dusk and play about. Jorry Muskrat was at the other end of the Smiling Pool. As usual Jorry was very much on the watch fbr possible danger. So it was that was the first to discover the drifting shadow. which was not a shadow at all, but Hobty the Owl. Instantly, Jerry gave the danger signal and dived, Mrs, Muskrat re- ted the signal and dived, Bight tle Muskrats did the same thing, , But the ninth---the heedless roung" Muskrat, the one who HED ll SAREE elt Bros. The Leading Jeweler Established 1880 {12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Leav HONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 'Slmcoe St. 5, -- We Deliver * Machinery Repairing NOTHING 100 LARGE ; NOTHING wo SMALL {* Adanac Machine Shop 161 King St. W. "hone 1214 | COAL COAL hous 108 Thoraton Ww. Burgess thought himself so smart--merely chuckled and continued to sit on a little tussock, eating a tender bit of green stuff which he had found. He didn't even sit still, but moved about. Suddenly a little chill feeling of fear swept over % At the same time it scemed as a shadow crossed in front of him, He loooked up into two fierce, glaring eyes, Then with a squeak of fright he started to plunge into the water, He was too late, Hooty the Owl reached for him with his great claws and' clutchéd him, That heedless young Muskrat paid for his heedlessnoss with his life, And it was all because he thought he thought himself so very smart. (Copyright 1930 7T. W, Burgess) The next story: "The Little Muskrat Who Forgot." AIRPORT PLANNED Gananoque,--A number of Unit- ed States capitalists have secured three-year options on a large tract of land, comprising many farms, at the foot of Wolfe Island, This Island is located in Canadian waters just west of Clayton, N.Y. The Ffarmers who have given options have been guaranteed three years' work by the promoters, who pro- pose to construct an airport, golf course, polo grounds and club- houses, ete, HIS WORSHIP LANDS ONE Prescott.---One of the largest fish caught in this vieinity was landed by Mayor Frank Dubrule of Prescott while fishing in the St. Lawrence, The muskellunge weighs 31 1-2 pounds and was 59 1-4 inches in length, Higgins--I say, old man, why do you wear such long whiskers? Wiggins--Why-er-you see, my wife buys all my neckties, iii rit slvr i TIME TABLES i - aan Sb a BB a A A i) Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE AY SCHEDULE (Effective on hn April 27, 1990.) (Daylight Saving Time) Golng Wi Leave Oshawa Arrive Leave Bowmanville Hospital (PI Ay § 8=s33assrzzy Z SSTSTEoToEes SSevowauniiSe SREAZCSS358E FP Seompmiwnison naBRsEnyBgnta Fe re a t= SSonoy 3; SIRI S8E8 oppnauniS on SE33XI30NN ' 3 Time marked * Whitby Hospital. Leave Vowmanville 9.00 12.45 pm, 245 pom, 4.45 pom, 6.45 p.m, \ 8.45 pon, p.m, 11.00 poy, 1015 pom, 11.30 pum, time marked * are through Whitby Hospital, Busses For All Occasions , AP Bowmanville Phone 417 or M8 Oshawa's Waiting Room, 10 Prisce St. Phone 2283 C, P, R, TIME TABLE Effective April 27, 1930, a y (Except Sunday) Daily baily Gol m, 01, ing East BEF -------- IAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS in June 20th, EASTBOUND ) Leave Oshawa a.m, Daily, Except. Sunday am. Daily Sex a8 SOLINA ¥» Solina, July 8.--Master Carl McMullen, Janetville, is spending a holiday with his sister, Mrs, Lloyd Williams, Mr, and Mrs. A, Whitnell and children, of Toronto, spent last weekend at J. W. Reynolds, July 'meeting will be held in 8.8, room of the Women's Institute on Thursday, Jily 10th, Roll call wil be a'guessing contest every- body welcome, . Mr, and Mrs. W, Cryderman and Mr, and Mrs, C. Smith and Muriel spent Sunday with Mr, 8, J, Grout at Hampton, and attended anniv- ersary services at Hampton, Mr, and Mrs. 8. H, Annis, Deroit, were week-end guests of Mr, and Mrs, G. P, Leask, Mr. and Mrs. G, P. Leask, Tor- onto, and Mr. and Mrs, Frank h\Gilbert, Enfield, werewihe guests | at a dinner dafice at the Royal York, given by Mr, B. Annls, -of Detroit, X On Thursday last some 43 mem- bers of the young married people's crowd gathered for dinner in Barnhart's splendid pavillion at Lakeview park, They enjoyed sports in the afternoon and des- pite the heavy rain and at night there were' 70 for supper. After ten Mrs. Elmor Gibson, 1st, vice- president called the company 40 order and the business part of the programme was dealt with the fol- lowing officers being elected, President, Mry, Elmer Gibson; 1st vice, Mrs, Harvey Crossman; Sec, Treas., Mrs. I'red Smith. * The date set for next year being June 19th, The boys in dulged In football before tea and baseball after sup- per, wit hsoma of the ladies play- ing good ball also, Mr, and Mrs. B. G. Stavens end ELLA CINDERS--High Finance in SLGAR! a hr he yi Mr. and Mrs, R, C, Scott motored to thelr cousin's funeral this week, at Cannington, Mr, C. H. Scott visited. at Ori}- |. la, recently. 'BROUGHAM Brougam, July, 7.----Albert, Har- vey and friends, of Toronto, spent Sunday at the Harvey home, and while there Mrs, 'Harvey had the misforune to have his puppy run over by a car, the second accident f that nature in one day, Another visitor in the village losing his dog on Sunday also, Miss Vida Bate, of Tort Hope, is holidaying with her aunt, The Empringham * family, of Toronto, were visitors at the Mat. hews' home on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs, love spent Bun- day with their relatives, the Per- ryman family, Mr, and Mre, Tyling, of Toronto, were guests of the Gannon fam- fly on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, Bert Hearn, of Tor- onto, have been calling on old friends in this neighborhood dur- ing the week. No. 7 highway had ith share of trafic on Bunday, the recent appli- cation of calcium did much to al- lay the dust nuisance, Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Wallace and children of Toronto, visited at the Brown home on Saturday. Some of our people took in the Greenriver 88, picnic on Saturday. Menibers of the Holme's family, of Oshawa, are continuing busi ness in the Holme's store here. Miss Gladys Gannon lg a Raven- shaw visitor this week, Robert Feasby and J, Cowie of Toronto, were week-end vigitors. We congratulate Mrs, Edith Howitt, Soden, on the success of her pupils at the recent exams at Toronto Conservatory of Music, Mr, and Mrs, Jermyn were in the villaze Saturday, hefore leaving to holiday at North Bay and other points, A large crop of strawberries has been gathered by our local growers. Robert and Miss Feasby spent the holiday in the village, Rev, Mr, English and Mrs, Eng- lish, of the U.8,, spent Tuesday with Edward and Mrs. Wilgon, J. Gerow, Mrs, Walls and friend, and Oshawa friends spent the holl- day at the Gerow home, Mrs, Willlam Wallace and daughter visited the former's sms ter, Mrg. Brown on Friday, The Wilson family held a cele- bration on Saturday, at the home in the village of Elmer, and Don- ald Wilson to do honor to the lat- ter on the occasion o fhig birth- day. Congratulations are extended to Mr. Dean Maire, and bride on thelr | marriage which took place Satur- day, June 28. A large reception was held for them at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Frank Ham on the evening of July bth, The boy scouts came home in good condition and expressed them- selves as wonderfully pleased with camp life and look forward to # repetition of it another year, and are grateful to thelr leaders for sharing these holidays with them. Mrh. Warren Wilson has now fully recovered from her severe attack of Flu, Mrs, Milford Hamilton has been undey the doctor's care this week, On Sunday afternoon at 8.8, session Miss Doris Johnston and Miss Mary White gave excellent reports o the sessions they attend- ed of the Youths Religious Conven- tion of America held in Torénfo last week. Our young ladies are to be much commended for their splendid efforts as reporters, +] ig | ) | -- Ser MO m MEDIAN UNTIL WE ALL GROW OLD TOGETHER! Reg. U. 8. Par. OFF; by Mewopolitan Newspaper KEN FOR SECURITY! THAT WAS LEMON TELLING TOMMY THE DOUBLET WAS A CLOSE FITTING GARMENT WORN BY MEM IN WESTERN EUROPE BEFORE THE COAT AMD VEST OR WAISTCOAT CAME INTO FASHION, SPANISH, MIDDLE + OF 161¥ CENTURY. TOMMY, ™ {E31t DOUBLET rks POPUL THE [72 CENTLY. IT ASA GARMENT WHICH EX TENDED FROM THE NECK T0 A LITTLE BELOW THE AIST AND YAS EITHER WITH OR WITHOUT SLEEVES. AR FROM THE IS \v/ FRANCE. THE FIRST DOUBLETS WERT PADDED FOR i DOUBLET YAS WTRODUCED INTO ENGLAND FROM "CHARLES LF ENGLAND 3" WEARING A DOUBLET, #* GERMAN, LATE 161 CENTURY + -- YARMIH AND AS I oberon ve FHT E304 THE 16 CENTURY THE MEN OF THE COURT IN ENGLAND, FRANCE AND SPAIN HERE GREAT DAMDIES. VELVET CAPS ANB-PLUMES HERE YORN AND DOUBLEYS OF SATIN AMD COATS OF CLOTH-Cf + / GOLD OR SILVER, TRIMMED WITH ERMINE." fk ® 1930, King Pestures Syndicate, Ine. Creat Pritain rights reserved BRINGING UP FATHER By Geo. McManus MAGGIE BY TELLIN LL GO AN SURPRISE | HER I'm GONNA STAY U' TOL WANT TO ASK ME IF YOU CAN GO OUT: BUT | GUESS YO KNOW YOu WILL NOT GET OUT: - DOLLY DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE [3A "a. © 1999, King Features Syndiente, Ine, Great Britaln rights revered. anid You w THE OLD WITCH PUT COMEY IN A CAGE AND LOCKED HIM IN= "I Will. PEED Yi SHE SAD ~ "YO Will. SOON KNOW WHY" " THE OLD WITEH TOOK DOLLY AND BOBAY INTO HER HOUSE « Zh hia a 2) TES Ch THE TABLE FOR ME~ LITTLE KNIFE, LITTLE FORK, LITTLE DISH, L(TTLE os 2 SHALL DINE WELL TODAY # =% DOLLY AND BOBBY SET TO WORK, BUT THEIR HEARTS WRRER SAD THINKING HOW TO SAVE COMBY ~ -- ---- EE a8 p.m, Daily, Except Sunday nam, Daily pam, Daily > AL pom. Daily Except Sunday 3 m. Daily » min: Daily igi Daily a.m. Dail 'WesTBOUND A Oshawe EC oma: 338224 Daily Daily: Except Sunda ily _ 210 pom. Daily, Except Sunday pan, Daily pan, Daily pom, Daily © pan, Exeept Sunday ona BER = 49,08 a,m, an mma 383 -< = Te April 21th, 1930, of off antl feast ~ 8 sk; i TILLIE THE TOILER- .» rs sued Vii A NICE EVENING, + | THOUGHT vO | ASE TILLIE VM IF SHE'D LIKE] BORE THE IT's OKAY; MAC - MY GOSH! \ DIDNT REALIZE IT WAS SO LATE ~ COME ON WEN GOOD NIGHT, SIEM. \LL BE 4 (SURE, TILLY MAY BE WHAD DY YA SAY. I SA me \ 5 7 TILL IE PAU Yo : By Russ Westover I

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