Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Jul 1930, p. 5

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4 THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, JULY 7, 1930 PACE FIVE Womens Interests in the Home --- and the Community Social and Personal Will those who wish to insert items in Social and Persons] kindly address letters' containing the Information to Editor of the Women's Page, Oshawa Daily Times, or Phone column Number 35, Mr, and Mrs, B, Bagar and Mr, and Mrs, P, Nye, of Billings, Mon- tans, are the guests of their aunt and uncle, Mr, and Mrs, H. M, Black, Masson Street, Ralph Irwin, son of Rev, A, M, frwin, left last evening for Parry Sound District where he will spend the summer. He travelled in the plane owned and piloted by his brother, Norman Irwin, Mrs, W. J, Johnston, 400 Park Road South, left on Saturday even- Ing to visit her brother, Mr, Fred Parsons in Arlington, N.J,, U.B.A, #he expects to be away threes or four weeks, Mrs, G, D, Conant and son, Roger, left yesterday to spend a week wth Mrs, C, M, Mundy at her summer Cottage op Gull Lake, Minden, Ontario, Mrs, Margaret Reesor, of White vale, was the guest, yesterday and Saturday of Miss M. Adams, Lloyd treet, Mr, and Mrs. George #imeoe Btreet North, spent week-end in Orillia, Mr, and Mrs, A, W, Bell §imooe Btreet North, returned last even: Ing from a motor trip to Montreal, Miss Vivien Goyne left recently to spend a few weeks with friends In Ottawa, The guests of Mrs, W, T, Henry, Albert Street, are Miss Ina Henry, Aaughter of the late Joseph Henry, of Oshawa, and Miss Loulse Henry, granddaughter of the late Josef Henry, Both are from Upland, California, They, will spend month in Oshawa, Mrs, ¥. M, Dumontel who has been at her home in Oshawa for some time, recently returned to the Ontario Hospital in Toronto, where she is a nurse-in-training. Miss Alice Hoehn and Keith Hoehn, of Meaford, are guests of Mr, and Mrs, F, M, Dahmer, Athol Street East, Miss Noreen Hoehn, ot Toronto, was also in town yes. lerday, Mts, 8. M. Jones, of Windsor, is the guest of My, and Mrs, R, H Lockwood, Arthur Street, Mr. and Mrs. A, Harvey and family, of Windsor, Ontario, are n town visiting relatives here, B, Bull, the FINAL CLEARANCE or Coats and Dresses at | THE FASHION SHOFPE 34 Simcoe M ATKINS HOSIERY & LINGERIE SHOP Near Cor, King & Simcoe St, , RTT WR Miss Thelma Farrell, of Toronto, has returned to her homs after sponding two weeks with her grandparents, Mr, and Mr, W, Farrell, Athol Stkeet East, Mr, Henry Burtop and Miss Bur. ton, of Brooklin atended the fun- oral of their cousin, the iate Ethel Harry, on W Misses Drinkle of their summ Beach, Mr. Percy Taylor, Simcoe Btreet North, is spending the month of July st Muskoks, INSTITUTE WOMAN 70 GOTO EUROPE FOR BIG CONGRESS Mrs, Laura Rose Stephens Is Honored by Govern. ment ation at Wasaga One day last week the Women's Institute of Kleinburg, Ontario, held its thirtieth annual meeting, at which the chief speaker was Mrs, Laura Rose Stephen, of Ottawa, who, three des ago, founded the Kleinburg Institute, as well as many other branch institutes, in West York, In the course of the annual meeting, just as things began to get a bit tire~ fome--=as Shas sometimes do at an- nual meetings-==twoe harter members of the Institute, Mrs, Robert Watson and Mrs, Douglas MacDonald, enter. ed the hall bearing a huge birthday cake surmounted with thirty flaming candles which they presented, with the felicitations of the Institute, to its Toundress, Goes to Belgium This will probably be one of many happy memories of effective and last Tstitute work done in Canada which Mrs. Stephen will take with her to Belgium, where she Is going "| shortly as the All-Canada delegate to the International Congress of the Wo men's Institutes of the World, to be held at Antwerg, Aug. 9 to 11, Mrs. Stephen has received this important appointment from the Dominion gov. ernment, through the Department of Agriculture, 'and everybody seems very happy shout it, for Mrs, Steph- en is sald to be one of the popular, as well as one of the most capable women in Canada, Pioneer Lecturer "Mrs, Stephen hus been a regular lecturer. to the Institutes for at lepst the past thing-fve years, for she lec. tured to the Farmers' Institutes even before the day of the Women's In stitute, the first one of which was established in Stony Creek thirty- three years ago," stated G, A, Put- nam, Superintendent of the Institutes for Ontario for the past twénty-six Yeurs, "Ontario, of course, was the plon- eer Province In the matter of Wo- men's Institutes, as in many other things the ides gradually spreading to the other Provinces of the Dom- inion," she pointed out. "Mrs, Steph- on was instrumental in the organiza tion of 'W, I, in British Columbia, Alberta and New Brunswick, and in other provinces was largely responsi- ble for making a success of them af- ter they were established, She has visited many of the Provinces from tine to time, and has been closely | Weddings HALIK==ROSPOND On Saturday morning at St, Gre- gory's Church, Rev, Father Bench united in marriage Anna Rospond, of Oshawa, and Walter Hallk, of hawa, Both are natives of Po- land, They will make their hom in Oshawa, . oc 4 fo Extra All Wool Bathing Suits Sizes for men, women, boys and girls. 'In the size range from 22 to 32 there is choice of red or green, while in the larger size range from 34 to 42, there is red, green and black. Simcoe St. S. Speaking to the National Union of Students in London, Kng, on Monday afternoon, the Prines of Wales' address will be plcked up on this tontinent by short wave and _robroadeast by a network of stations, Including CKGW, The object of the prince's appeavand¥ before the students is to promote a closer alliance between under. graduates of all nations nnd to help them to get the bes. of thelr student years, The prince, who Is shown above In (2), was first heard by Canadian and American listeners three years ago, when he dedicated the Peace bridge, bes tween BufiWlo and Fort Vrle, The broadeawt will winvt at approxi. mately 4.25 o'clock, Nokes, organist, whose identified with the respective aims, methods and achievements of all Ca nadian Institutes for a great many years," explained this official, who has been for so lomg and so closely con nected with the institute work of the Province, Movement Now World-wide "The Women's Institute movement has spread very rapidly," pointed out Mr. Putnam, Ar md in general terms of this Ontario-born organiza tion which has now spread to var- lous countries of the world, includ ing England, India, New Zealand, Australia and South Alrica=tnd to which Premier Baldwin referred as "one of the greatést Institutions which Canada has ever made to the Old Country," an institution which is sald by many people to be among the most important and significant de- velopments of the age, so far as ru ral life Is concerned, ' Institutes Make Wide Appeal Speaking particularly of Ontario, Mr, Putnam stressed the appeal made by Institute work to rural women, In his busy task of Superintendent of the whole of the province, occasion ally he finds time to visit some of the larger gatherings, One of these visits he made last week to the North Wentworth district, where there were 500 'women representing 18 different branches present at one meeting, So as to develop the activi tien of the organization, and "not keep any women away from home too long." 12 fall conventions are scat tered at convenient centres through out Ontario=Port Arthur and Fort William: New Liskeard, Huntsville, Manitoulin Island, Ottawa, Kings ton, Belleville, Toronto, Hamilton, London and Teeswater--with an av erage attendance of 350 each conven tion, "And if Ontarlo Is an example to the rest of the Provinces of Canada In the matter of effective Institute work--and it | and the Institute idea has heen carried tn other Provinces by ex-Ontarlo folk--n great deal of the credit goes to Mrs, Stephen," in the opinion of the Superintendent, WOMEN'S MEETINGS LADIES' AID ROCINTY OF Als BERT STREET CHURCH The Ladies' Ald Socloty of Al bert Street Church held its regular monthly business meeting on Thurs day, July 3, Cameron, the president, fn oharge of the meeting, After the opening hymn and prayer the soripture lesson was read by Mra, Harrivon, The secre. tary, Mra. H, Lewin onlled the roll to which one new member was add od, The minutes were read and aproved, In the absence of t treasurer, Mra, 8. Carkeok, Mrs, F, Williams gave the report which WAS A very satisfactory one, Among the most important business items discussed were the arrangements for a pionio to be held on August 7, at Cream of Barley Camp, members of the Ladies' Ald are looking forward to the outing with pleasure, On Thursday of this week a quilting will be held and to-morrow evening at 7.80 a strawberry soolal will be held under the auspices of the soolety at the home of Mrs, Burdge, 881 Centre Street, Kveryone Iv invited to attend, With these matters de. termined the meeting was brought to a close with prayer led by Rev, 8, CO, Moore, Afternoon. tea was served, \ / I ---------- If & man and wife still love each other after he has taught her to drive the family oar, it is a sign they were in heaven, -=Bran. don Sun, NOTICE! "The Times" will publish re- ports of meetings of all Wo- men's Organizations in the semmuniy; Kindly. address | such to Women's Ed- itor or Telephone Naber +35, writing remember | The | M RECIPES Pudge Sauce 2 squares chocolate or % cup COCon, 1 cup cold water, 2 Cups sugar, Pinch salt, 2 teaspoons vanilla, 2 tablespoons butter Cut chocolate Into five or six ploces (or use cocoa) And stir ove direct heat with the water until smooth and thick, Add sugar and salt and stir until dissolved, Boll three minutes (222 degrees Fah. «add butter and vanilla If cocon 1s used renheit) ; and nerve at dnce, What New York Is Wearing By Annebelle Worthington Miustented Dressmaking Lesson Furnished with livery Pattern A stunning outfit for deb and the little sub-deb who follow close- ly In the styles of her debutante nter, f Style No, 8888 Is printed tub silk that would appeal to any smart miss in its attractive duetys ink tones, The shoulder and bh be ine bows are of plain tiie ol Jon in the deepest shade of Che print, The. long-waisted bodice fs cnught with plait at 18ft hip bes neath the bow, which makes the right aide quite deep emphasiaing ita diagonal line, gathered Hora of akirt 'are decidedly youth. ul, This versatile model comes in wives 18, 14, 16, 18 and 20 years, It Is dainty for afternoon in chifs fon in coral-red shade, \ Wool challls prints, printed dimity, printed batiste, pastel flat washable orepe silk, printed lawn and printed volle are smart, Pattern price 20 cents, He sure to fil) In sine of pattern, Ade dress Pattern Department, The Summer Fashion Magasine a ready! It contains most Interests ing styles for adults for town or vacation wear, Also darlin® stvies tor the kiddies, It in 10 cents a copy, : "No, 9382, Ble ys verses EE EE EE EE a] Stre ER . DUEL LE EE TE ress to use only one side of paper IE FALE aN ity late | | and if the butter is omitted, the sauce may be put into an airtight i, i, CH ci Eo dl 4 al have aroused much Interest among listeners, Her wide range and ent musical tastes, pianist for three years a og (1) Kathleen | Thomas Beecham at Covent Garden recitals | Theatre, London, England, appeal to differs (3) Ella Dore, cover a * springs back into place when the top Is gently pressed with the fing- ors, A straw comes out clean whep After scrubbing tiles, rub them [inserted in the cake, It shrinks over with paraffin and they will|frem the sides of the pan, keep clean much Jonger, Helpful Hints with Sir [ Jar and kept until ready for use, Rehoent, add butter and serve, The flavor of veal Is developed A cake is done when: It Is a|by #low and thorough cooking and golden brown color on the top, It'the addition of fat, ------ SD ; - x i I Lt Il [1%i BL | I washed by the Coffield, Washor yon shay tabful of clothes CLEAN in from 4 to 10 min. utes, It washes clothes absolutely the collars and cuffs, Clothes last longer when Remember, only in the Coffiold Gyrator Electric will you find the tub with the bowl: ped bottom and the Gyrator with the offset cloan--oven Have you had the Cof. field Gyrator demon. strated to you?! Have you seen the amazing! rapid and. thoroug washing action? Just telephone or write your nearest Coffield distri butor and a demonstra. tion will be made on ur next week's wash.- free of charge, he gi, TO A a us TERR | 10H I ) Branches and Warehouses: Toronto, SEE ------ A, in, tin tin, min wn, a," at Bigger Value in Washers develops huge volume (oo ILL is #0 often thought to be an intangible thing . . . but Coffield builds goodwill right into their washers so that it becomes tangible and self-evident, It takes the form of strong, durable materials, powerful motors, careful assembling and painstaking inspection, ' That extra care . . . extra degree of VALUE built into the Coffield Electric Washers expresses itself in added prestige when the Washers are put into actual use, The Coffield Electric Washers will keep running in good order long after their Ten Year : bo Guar antee has run out. They will continue for many years to save time and labor for their owners on wash-days and will maintain the reputation for thoroughness in their work that has made them leaders wherever ecloctric washing is the vogue, This ideal of The Coffield Washer Company in building greater yalue into their Washers has deve loped an enormous business for the Company in Canada, Former premises have been outgrown, A spacious new factory has been erected to manufacture sufficient machines to meet the increasing demand, Eleciric Washer or Gas Engine as required Electric Now Head Office and Factory HAMILTON ; THE COFFIELD WASHER COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED Factory and Houd 0 : HAMILTON, ONTARIO Write us for the Name and Address of owr nearest Dealer to you, Fo eS A Sh LN BOWR PHONE 1075 ' SOLE AGENTS A ELECTRIC SHOP OSHAW. ~ 70 SIMCOE ST. N. :

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