Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Jul 1930, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, JULY 7, 1930 PAGE NINE / e6" where, f TION D SEC eller ON... 4 Legal CONANT ®& ALINIS, BARRISTERS + Soficitors, "Buble: Bie, Cone \ ; 1 prnet, Oshawa, Phote 4. O, D, Consot, ' iA LLB: A FP. Auaw, BA, W. E. N. SINCLAIR. K.C. BA * bf Com uildin ) YINSLPH 7 MANGAN, BA ~BAR- rivter, Sol , Notary Pile, . » veyancer, Money to loan. Office 14 4 ing St, East, Oshawa, Phone 445, g Res dence phone i - GRIZRSON, CR AND | St. "¥riser. Ba he i Dot ABcors, Notari able, ots. O over Standard Dagk., Rotrance Simone St. Phone 13, J. F. Grierson, K.C., 1 Oreighton, B.A, N. to loan, 46 "hove 67, Residence D HUMPHRE B.DAR. icitors, ele. 24% Siricoe 160, Money to loan, A a Aarancii a54 Fonere tor, oto, Conveyanein rection, 33% nk St. Bast, Phone $381. ' (tf) A kL PARKHILL, BARRISTER ee, to loan. Alger Bldg, op- WA pos Office. Phone rire ", B. " Solicitor, Notary "ublie, Convey- ancer, pioney to. loan, Third floor new Alger Building, opposite Post Office, Phone 2000, GREER ivy ~VS, HAZLEWOOD w HARPER, Disney Block, Phone "080, Office hours 9 a.m. to 8.80 p.m, Dr. B J. daslowood, special atvention to Surgery and X-Ray. Jr. B, H, Har- per, special attention' to children's Diseases and - Obsjotrics, Sunday and night calls 7416 or 12%, ; i) a KAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR i cher, - Office and resi t, Beat, comer Victoria t, Oshawa. Ph gs 'SICIAN DK. 5 ' Surgeon, Obstetrician, diseases of / d children. Office and hi ro Bond East. Phone 1155. RCHER."M.D, CM. Pe? ay Ppt and 8 Edinbureh Ehysicinny hurgeon ang hitetrician On 40 Gaalinc 'AVS, Korth, Phone 8150. BRC. W, OARE, PHYSIOTAN, Ch Obstetrician. Otfice and rasidence, '513 Simcoe street north, Phone 3418. DR. J. ARCHER BROWN, PHYSI- . Syrgeon and Obstetrician, office an) rosene, ld Simcoe Street, North wo 3 i wYeterinary Surgeon Specialist Diseases Domestic Anim. als, Cat and Dog Hospital, 203 King 'West, Telephone 620, (July 3-1 mo.) Eur, Nose, Throat Specialist RF. 1, BRYANS OF 160 DLOOR treet West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lovells Drug Store each Saturdav. from 1 tN 4 om, for tation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only, Appointments mav ba mrs at drug store. Phune 97 Eye, Ear, ose-and iroat BRHF. RICHARDSON, specialist, Office over Mitchell's Drug Store, Phone 2600 and 432). . A R, B, MOUNCE, OV Pank of Commerce, Simcoe and ye, ear, nose and throat, 9 to 11,30, 2 to Bb, 7 to 8.30, Phones, office, 167; resi. (June 13-1 mo.) dence, 508, a A tes Yous Dental : PRET, PHILLIPS, OVER BAS. sert's, Special attention to Xerav work, Gas. y'ract Nirge in ate oy Phone 9 ue 1312 north, over Mitchell's Drug tore. an exitaction, Phone R. L. E. HUBBELL, DENTIST, itrous oxid' n was for extra. I Office. oval k Bide w 37 Kink St B Spec ut raction and' X« Nurse in attendance. Phones PB ory wor LE Bey PHO . y Is cents pi] leating ie ne dollar, out and ues | ou one 16 IN Ui. dancing. ARE al Tare oe 5 apna. piven | Fox h evening. ofA mm, For eae ] terma call or 'S BA A TITAN | Beauty shop. 9 Celina St. We spe: A y| PHONE 716) W. J. SULLEY AUC: tioneer. t. 8. Oshawa, CR solicited. | WHITBY PRIVA th, Awnings, vers rain, ca 9 , QO " specialist in. muscle anomalies, esight and glasses, Author of L] and Bye Strain, The Chilg snd Its Development, ney Block opposite Post Office. Phone 461 (June 15-1 mo) s and wl Eom n- eers, isions, town planning, municipal engineers, 365 or 411 King E. Phones or 2544, Undertaking 0. | East. Ambulance, coe strest north, 10W ; OSHAWA BURL co, MV Armstrong & Bon, Proprietors. Funeral and Ambulance Bervico, dey and night, Phone 1082W, 87 Celina, oF (411) lusurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St' was hawa, The old. est Pine Aon Oshavia. 3 Re table Fire anies. consult R. N., Johos, 80 Simcoe north, Your Insurance wats at- joded to acd your .nterests pro- te e Transportation CARTAGE AND STORAGR, COLE- man's, 86 Bond West, Specialists in furniture moviag, storage Ware house snd moving van equipment. Phone 82. CARTAGE, MOVING, "GRAVEL A cinders. Local a {of Rm Tadlias. "alas Cor Phone 924, 10 Bond Bt. West. OSHAWA'S OLDEST ESTAB- lishe! furn'ture movers, Park Road tar ane. ; 1 and dona distance. ; h » Goats Fons 315 (June 20-1 mo) 90c AN HOUR, MAN AND TRUCK, moving, express, cinders and gravel hauled, long distance moving, Cheap. Phone 974W, June. 11-1 mo) aw Me SN Beauty Parlors BETTY LOY PERMANENT WAVE Shop. Special sts in permanent, tinger and marcel waving, Ver manent wave prices $6, $7.60, $10 and $15. All other liner of Beauty flulture. Phone 2008, Apply 8b Betty Ward at Bett ent Wave oh oe. Marcel and sham. 1. Phone h WATSON cinlize in ladies' hair cutting, mar: celling, shampooing, facials Marcel F npointments phone F111 hone "2 PO une 10-1 mo) Radio Service CSHAWA RADIO SER VIOE, AC cessorivs for sale, repairs on eles trio and battery sets, tubes and batteries tested, batteries re: [ rental supplied $1, Phone 3300), Charles Wales, 146 BEigin East, (June 9-1 mo) b:7% I with gental $1.00, Repaired and rebuilt. Called for and delivered, Prompt service, Stan Bligdon, %0 Mill St. Phone 18856W, (June 20-1 md) ALL WAKES OF X a ed. Prices reasonable, batteries re- charged 500, rentals 27¢ deliverad Phone 2806W,. Geo Burroughs, Certified Radiotrician, (June 19-1 mo) Money to Loan erty and farms, apply A. Park: hill. 37 King East, yA 1614. can arrange a first mortgage on your rosidence if it 1s well lo- cated, Dradley Bros. over Ward's Store, Simcoe St, South, ©" (June 28-1 mo) uctioneer and Farm. stock and Implements. Your Patron. Age Bid Sa elivery, place 'ders in advance of d W. Borrowdale, Phone 1618, Hospital ATH HOSPITAL, Byron Street, reopens June 21, Ji M, MoKee, R.N.. Phone 360, iy, eritendegt, i 18-1 mo.) t EB ; inting und gaining. rican Fgh, work fuareateeds 440 Pine Ave, phone 3068w or ne. Te Taylor, Teron! \ , 10+ 5 y - LJ goods. Come ¢ equipment for reat. Hua . phone 25 or 26, Agents for J, J, Turner and Som, bs above hou, '(June 24-1 mo) Cnet All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Etc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE Thisixula hab bunu fond necatthry hecuuss of ling a large number of loss arising from h of this nature, and accounts Foy thy convenience of customers who find it inconvenient to come personally to The Times' office, a telephone call - will bring a messenger who will receive the advertisement snd collect for same. 2 ----_ "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 'ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT Work Wanted os, Lawn Mowers, Saws. Phone 431W, We call and deliver. 180 Colina St. B. Bottan, {Jus 9-1 mo) CONCRETE WORK, CELLAR AND garage floors sidewalks and road- ways, sand, gravel, cinders. Chris, Graham, Phone 2621M, (July 3-1 mo,) Articles For Sale MIXED HARD AND SOFI' WOOD slabs, $3.50 ber load. Also bone dry body wood. Waterous Meek Limited Phone | (Apr. 26t) FOR SALXN--HEINTZMAN CO. Ltd., pianos, new and used pianos, also radios, latest models; terms arranged. Apply OC. Trull. Phone TA (111-48) FOR SALE = PAINTS, VARN- {shes. Wo have the largest assort- mont of paints, varnishes, ete, in in the city. The Paint Store, 80 King street west. (Apr. 26 tf) SAND, GR/VEL, STONE,' CIN dors, black loam, $4.57 per yard. For quality and service phone Es scry Dros, 832 r 11. ' (May 8-tt) SPECIAL SALE = SLIGHTLY used bicycles $12 up. New and easy na * terms, C.C.M. Joycycles and fish. ing tackle. 12 Richmond East Phone 2774. (June 12-1 mo) ONE COOK STOVE §7. DAY BED, $8, Phone 33738J, (4b) , 81 UGay. 640 Hortop Avenue, (6b) FOR SALE--1 GOLD PLATED EB Alto Low Pitch Saxophono. "Holt on", Cost $386 new, Will sell for $85 cash. Phone 3448W, tb ) Shoe Repairing THE BEST PLACE WHERE YOU got your shoes fixed like new fis by Menko, corner Simcoe N. and William 'W, (June 30-1 mo) ea CEES Nursing al and surgical nursing, reasonable Phone Whitby 606. June 24-1 mo) Auto Accessories MOTOR ACOBSSORY CO, 31 KING Street West, Auto parts and acces: sories for all makes cars. Auto. mobiles bought for wrecking, Phone 2066J, _(June 26-1mo.) CITY AUTOMOBILE WRECKING Co, New and used parts and ao dossories, oars, trucks, prices reas sonable; cars © wanted. Phone 2080W, 16-17 Bond Street West, (June 26-1 mo) SHARPENING--BOIBB0NS, KNIV For Rent FOUR AND FIVE HOOMED MOL- orn suites including electric retrig. eration, stove, Ilaupdry, convenj ences, ete, continu » bot water supplied. Apply Supt. 'phone 3671, or The Trusts und Guarantees Uo. itd, otanager for owner, Toronto. (270) APAR O LET, RAL All conveniences, hardwood floors, Apply Bradley Bros. (¥6Lr) YOR RENT--APARTMENT, OBN- tral, 6 rooms, newly decorated, all conveniences, lease or by the month, Box 746 Times, (153tf) CHEE L APARTM business section, newly decorated, by the month. or year, Box 747 Times. (163-tf) unfurnished. ' Bvery convenience, Phone 15560 or 2847W, (2tr) " in.all parts. Apply Oshawa House and Laud Co, 88 Simcoe Street North, (40) FOR RENT--NEW SIX ROOM brick house, on Alexandra street, facing golf links. All conveniences, Apply 126 Alma street. Phone 1267TW. (de) ATTRACTIVE ~~ APARTMENT, central, 4 rooms, newly decorated, hot water, electric refrigerator; stove, Janitor service, r ble, Real Estate For Sale 3 ROOMED HOUSE ON PAVED street, good garden, garage, water, and light, Price very reasonable, Must sell at once. Apply 200 King Street W, (3¢) 800d solid brick store 20 x 50 with good apartment over (already lot) also rooms at back of store with 8 snug little business which might be increased. Good terms, For par- ticulars seo owner on premises or write H. Wilkins, Brock street, Whitby, Here is a good opening for the right person. (3¢) "For Sale or Exchange rent, 16 room. dwelV'ng. Ideal for boarding and rooming house, Also store suitable for groceries or meat business, restaurant in con~ nection, 20 x,60, Fully furnished with equipment, Hot water heated. This property has clear deed, so owner can give any reasonable terms, Apply W. C. Hut:hinson, 164 William St. BE, (153t1) Motor Cars 1 ] Dominion Garage, §8 Bond strect west, Phone 3198, All cars at oue price $1.00, (June 16-1 mo) AC CH, 28 0. oy first class condition. Goodyear tires. Price reasonable. For dem- onstration' phone owner 1400, (4¢) Wanted THOSE "WHO ARY TROUBLED with some chronic ailment, such as nervousness, paralysis, ricose veins, goitre, arthritis, ™ heart weakness, rheumatism, etc. Phoue 260 for a free treatment in your home, Tune in on Theronold Health Talks, over station CFRU Monday, Wednesday and Friday 1.80 p.m. Theronold of Osiiwa 164 Willlam Street East, (Juno 25-1 mo) Lost and Found LARGE THREE COMPARTMENT Black leather ladies' purse contain. ing pair of glasses, diary, red foun- tain pen, arch supports, some cash and tollet articles. $5. Re- ward on return to Box 749 Times. (3c) LOST--THURSDAY P.M. LADY'S wrist watch, on Elgin, Simcoe or down-town district, Finder pleaso plione 89M, Reward, (3¢) Personal N "il ISH T motor to North Bay and othor points would like to hear from gentleman with car. Expenses paid, Phone 33737. : (4b) Phone 1400, (4c) 5) OM MOD: ern house, all conveniences, Apply to Lyocett, 26 King St. BE, or Mr, Hallitt, phone 101W, (61) LARGE FURNISHED TWO ROOM apartment, entrance and convoni- ences private, hot water furnish od, opposite Memorial Park, very central. 96 Centre, (be) LARGE FURNISHED BEDROOM, very close to business section, Rent very reasonable, Board if desired. 78 Bond street wost. (bc) NT we M To lot, Every conveniences for light housekeeping. Young couple, Phone 8388W, (Be) TO RENT--SIX ROOMED, HOUSE, now, all conveniences, garage. Api 109 Ontario street, Phone rR FOR BALD OR RENT---7 ROOM WOULD THE PEREON WHO took parcel containing library book from Eaton's on Saturday Afternoon return the book to the Library and save trouble as they are known, No questions will be Asked. (8b Salesmen Wanted PALEBMBN SALARY, Wi HAVE an opening for two or three ex- perienced canvassing salesmen do- siring to become connected with a well established Canadian Com- pany operating stores from coast to coast, This is a real chance to got In on tho ground floor. Draw- ing account guarantee' and gener- ous commissions, special prefor- ence to anyone who has sold In- surance, sewing machines, planos and similar lines, Call 2080 any- time between Monday evening and Wednesday, (5 brick veneer house, t drive and garage, Mary street noar Aber. deen, also six room frame, West mount. Apply to owners, 883 Mary stroet, (30) 0 residonce on north side of King ston Road wost of Oshawa, forme orly ocoupled by the late John Bartlett, Gardens well planted with' flowers and shrubs, Apply to Conant & Annis, - Barristers, &c., = Contracting CONTRACTING = CONURETE plastering, electric 0. alterations. Phone 13) tor estimates. = (1¥tf) Palmist MADAME BROWN, PALMIST, Phone appointments 2636F, 03 Louisa Street, (June 38-1 mo) B RENA, , 846 Buena Vista. Appointments. Phone 24W, (July8-1-mo,) Pets and Live Stock . ly James Fleming, North Oshawa, hone 020 R 11. (80) tion Wanted education desires permanent 08l- tion, proferably in office, Phoue 168 r 4, 40) work for gard y R50) or light tar, Krowing > iy. Apply 15% | FRE & wants work repaiving » or gasoline tractors or thréshers: Work guaranteed or no pay, Apply aftor six. 806 Mitchell Ave, Osh- awa, h 0 : (5¢) "Spirella Corsetiers THE SPIRELLA GARMENTS YO. d atin and mise, Cone M Matter. for dembnstra- tion 21°9M, (June20+1 mo) Peterboro, Ontario, (July 3-1 mo.) Oshawa, Ontario. (M-W+Aug. 1) Help Wanted--Female | general, over 24 years of age, Ap- ply Mrs. I, G, Carswell, 213 King St. B., or phone 1066. (30) Rates for Classified Ads. First (nsertion==114 cents per word, Minimum charge 30¢. Bach subsequent consecu- tive insertion le per word, . Three consecutive inser tions for thy price of wo (neertions t (three cents a word), "Minimum charge Nr three insertions, 60 certs. Box number 10e additional Professional or Business |i Cards, $3.60 per month for 30 wordy or less; 10 cents a word per 'month each udditional KS CLASSIFTED CORT LITTLE; AC PLINY MUCH TRLEPHONE 85 "Ask Tor Cramitied AQ A been retarded MOORE CHALLENGED TO EXPLAIN THE FIVE GENT SPEECH (Continued from Page 8) _ men who had been Liberals practi. cally all thelr lives, who said that they were going to vote for Dr, Kaiser on election day. "I feel that the clock has struck midnight for the Liberal admini- stration," he concluded, . 'The iden that it is in the interests of my country to have a change of government has obsessed my heart and soul, It is not to satisfy per- sonal ambition that I am appeal. ing for your vote and support but because I feel that it is the pat- riotie duty of all of us to place the Conservative party in power.' That © a's development has because of the ad- ministration of the King govern. ment, was the basis of a convinein address by T, H. Bell, M.P.P, o TO Canada eed i" la- y a needs greater pu tion," Mr. Bell asserted, of aamit that there are too many people here at the present time but it is because of conditions which have been brought: about by the governs ment, Agriculture, the primary ine dustry of the country, had su od during the Liberal regime, he said. There was no fo the farmer and imports of agricul.>because Imports parti- tural and dairy products, dularly butter were cau an une fortunate situation. 4 lo Jom marke! , he con tended Hebauns . other were not protected, wage earners found themselves = working only part time or not at all and conse: quently the buying power of the 16 was reduced, 'here was plenty of good farm land unoccupied In Canada, Mr. Bell declared, and he belleved that. True Stories Stranger Than Fiction STRANGEST TALES OF ROMANCE ano MYSTERY By Vance Wynn (Author of To-Day's True Detective Stories) TRUE LOVE DID NOT RUN SMOOTHLY FOR JOHN ADAMS / Most of us have been in the hab- it of looking upon Jobn Adams, the second President of the United States as a rather cold person who knew little and cared less for the tender passion, Yet John Adams had a love affair which ran any- thing but smoothly, but which he persued with the persistence which made him a force in the affairs of the Nation, It was when he was a young and struggling lawyer that he first .cet Abigail Smith, who lived at that time near Haverhill, Mass, It was a case of love at first sight, and it was returned by the young wo- man, Bhe was the daughter of a minister, and her family prided it self upon its standing In socisty. All went well until she broke the news to her father, Instead of be- ing delighted, as she had supposed he would be, he was greatly dis. pleased, and informed her that he dil not consider young John Adams a suitable match for a girl in her station in life, She sobbed and protested, but the stern par- ent was not to be moved by tears. But the man who had the energy and the ability to become a Presi- dent of the United States was not to be thwarted. He continued pay- ing attention to Abigail--and a-/aited developments. Miss Smith hil two sisters. One of these, Elizabeth, married the Rev, John Shaw, of Haverhill, The other, Mary, married Richard Cranch, who became' Judge of the Com- mon Pleas of Massachusetts, This made matters a little more diffi. cult for John Adams, Abble was expected to do as well in the mat- rimonial line as her sisters, and it must be confessed that at that' period of hiy life, John Adams did, not seem nearly As promising as! the two young men who were to! be' his brothers-in-law, He tried' hard to get a few clients, but withe| out success. Finally, in despera- tion, he approached the minister in his study. "Mr. Smith," he sald, "I want to marry your daughter." The clergyman adjusted his spectacles in order to get a better view of this audacious young man, and then he sald slowly: "Do you really think I should give my daughter to a brielless barrister?" "Yes," was the quick response, "because I do not propose to 1e- main briefless." In the meantime the courtship had pecome well known, and the members of the congregation gave it thelr attention. The matter was discussed at many a fireside In New England, and in the opinion of a majority of the members of the church, John Adams was not a suitable match for a girl who was' not only the daughter of a minister, but who was descended from a family of ministers, These were sad days for the man who was to be the Chief Magis «trate of the United States. But he| never abandoned hope for a mo- ment, Abigail, on her par!, was determined to marry John Adams, or forever remain a spinster. Months passed, and once again Adams sought out the father of his beloved and renewed the re-! quest for her hand, Ho hoped that he would succeed this time. But he was prepared for the worst, It is not certain what he would! have done in the event qé a second| rofusal, but it is hinted that Abig- ail was strong-minded, and that there was a chaise in the neighbor hood, and that an elopement was, not among the impossibilitios, "What," exclaimed the minister, quoting the poet, "still harping on| ig ll he reply must have been elo- quent and persuasive for this time, under a Conservative administra tion business woud so be improve " Shar thousands would take up and, "We want the British immi- grant," Mr, Bell said, 'not the fel. lows who Nave been -llving on the dole but the British farm workers, who are skilled _agriculturists, know little about the oity and don't wish to live there." Mr, Bell predicted that the Con- servatives would make gains . in Saskatchewan and other prairie praviaces. With manufacturing ming more and more important 12 the west, the interests of east and west were becoming more fdentical and he could foresee the day when there would be "one, big united Canada,' F. L. Mason acted as chairman Saturday night and forecasted vic: tory for the Conservative party, He charged that the government was ruining the foundry business in Oshawa and, other cities. Mrs, George Hood of Bcugog Is- land, poke riefly, mentioning the hardships brought to the farmers of butter and cream , were making it impossible for them to obtain a fair price for these products, "The great human adventure is the audacity with which man faces and tries to solve the mystery of the world."--Will Durant, $ "Men of letters always lle in wait with rather malicious intent for the critic who ventures to pubs lish a novel."=-Audre Maurois, || Mrs, Van R 1 the young man succeeded 'in ob-| taining the "much-desired consent. The couple were married on Oc- tober 26, 1764, but the members of the congregation were by no means reconciled to the match, The Rev. Mr. Buith did not like this attitude. Having given lis own consent he felt that all other opposition should cease. Ho was in the habit of preaching u ser- mon on the occasion of the mar- riage of kis children, and he did this on this particular day, taking the future President as his text as follows: "For John came neither eating bread nor drinking wine, and we say he hath a devil." Needless to say, after that, the murmurings ceased, Abigail and John went to housekeéping upon a small scale--upon a gcale that would be considered beneath iho dignity of many poor young men of the present day. But he had ability and she had character, und in the course of a brief time they began their upward ascent In thep world, Clients came with Increas- ing rapidity. John Adams became a power in his own community and then in the State, eventually he was clect- to the National Congress, and there is an interesting story of how he traveled to Philadelphia on horse- back in or. er to attend the opening of the Federal Assembly, The re- mainder of his history is a matter of public knowledge. He went from one post of honor to another until that eventusl night when Abigall Adams receiv. od the news that John Adams lad been elected President of the Unite od Statys and that she--the mine ister's daughter--was to be the Mistress of the White House, (Copyright by Public Ledger) UNUSUAL SERVICE GIVEN BY LEAGUE Asked to Locate Missing Husband Away With Family Car Roads Toronw.--That the one hundred and one services that the Motor League renders to members, listed in its service brochure, are but the more general of a thousand and one or more is indicated by the many and extraordinary services the Motor League is called upon to provide from time to time, ' It has been requested on sever- SAD (New York Evening World) Don Bigelow, dance orchestra leader in the Park Central Grill was handed a calling card during his broadcast period the other night, "Phe tellow says it's important," explained William, the head waiter, "Tell him he'll have to wait un til 1 get through with my broad- casting," sald Bigelow, "Just about seveA minutes more." When the broadcasting session was over the leader hurried from the stand to find the fellow, "I tried to get him to stay," ex~ pained the headwaiter, 'but he said he had to catch a train' "What did he want?" inquired Bigelow. "Said he had to see you person ally to give you a $100 bill he bor- rowed out in Chicago a couple of years ago." "Vital religion is much more than a necessity; it is a luxury, = Harry Emerson Fosdick, HARDWOOD FLOORS Laid by expert mechanics, Old 'loor finished like new. Ge. 1 ' Contractors. B. W. HAYNES 161 King St. West Phone 481 - Residence 8073W ay | EATON GROCETERIA | It Pays To Shop Here Always I | Boys' Broadcloth _-- Dominion Clothing Co. 68 King St. W. Phone 2141 Ye CAREW LumBER (© 74 ATHOL ST W OSHAWA hot 12 an 11) Diamonds ! Bassett's On Oshawa's Mam Corner Good Weather Ahead! ==D0 not lose your cafe al occasions for instance, to locate "away-without leave' husbands hy both distracted and irate wives, It has been asked by wives of too extensive or intensive elbow benders to have their hubbies' cars #0 tampered with as to be unstart- able, Among the requests for service in connection with the Shrine con- vention in Toronto possibly the appended one---duly discharged-- from an official of the Automobile Club of Berkshire County, Massa- chusetts, to the Motor League, was perhaps the most extraordinary and significant because indicative of the increasing extent to which motorists are looking to their mot. or clubs for personal and even more or less intimate service even though in foreign lands, The letter fol lows: "We have a member of our club r, of 10 T i St., Pittsfield Mass, who expects to be in Toronto Monday June 9. "She has asked us to write you || and find out it you could make an appointment with a hairdresser for a shampoo and finger wave on Tuesday, Jung 10, preferably in the afternoon. There is another lady who would also like an appoint- ment on the same day. "As we do not know any hair dressers in Toronto, I am asking this favor of you, "If you can make these appoint- ments for Tuesday, will you kindly write us the name and address of the hairdresser so that Mrs, Van Rensselaer can go direct to the parlors, . "Thanking you for the trouble in this matter and assuring you that if there is anything we can do for you at any time, we will gladly do it (Signed) "Eugene E. Donnelly, "Clerk of Touring Bureau." "Automobile Mub of Berkshire County." ROYAL YORK Ye Tea Pekoe |e 28€ At all Superior Stores PER See A Let me finance you--Addt- tional Cash Given, G. R. Holden MOTOR LOANS , Room 6, 143; King St. East Use : CEMENT BLOCKS For Fireproof Garage W. BORROWDALE 800 Carnegie Ave. Phone 1618 ep -------------- CHEVROLET COACH 1928 Model PRICE $415.00 Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. 00 Simcoe St. Sonth Phone $00 $2000--$300 cash, balance $20 monthly securcs 6 rooms ed frame, electric, water, Conant St, near Skinner Plant, Newly decorated, Im- mediate possession, DISNEY, 20 King E.-

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