THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JULY 5, 1930 PAGE ELEVEN iets" where meets D SECTION. eller "300 4 r 5 Oshawa. Phore 4. G oui Goud BA. LLB: & 7. Aun, B.A. N. SINCLAIR KC. BANK! * of En GRISRSON, ORBIG Vraser, Barristers, Notarigs Pulls, oto. Standard Rutrance Simone VYMAN, BARRISTER. vo' Vo i0an, 16 Stmeos Sands ouls. S He hove 67. Residence AND IIUMPHREYS, BAR- Haters, peter ele. 24% Siricoe St. N. Phone wir Monev to loan, ALBX U. HALL, B.A, BARRIS ter, otc. Conveyancing and general 33% K'ng St Bast hone 5337. (tf) A PARKHILL, BARRISTER. ete. Money to loan. Alger Bldg, op- nosite Post Phtice. Phone 1614 A Solieitor, Notary "sublie. ancer, money to loan, Third floor new Alger Building, opposite Post Office. Phone 2096, i ~~ Madd WOOL Disney Block. Phone "080, Oftice hours 9 a.m, to 8.30 p.m. Dr, B. J. Jaslawood, special attention to Surgery and X-Ray. Jr. B. H, Har per, special attention to. children's Diseases and Obstetrics, Sunday and i calls 7416 or 122, PHYSICIAN, R eon - Accous wT Office i) resi. en ng St. Best, corners Victoria St. Ciba Phone 94. es a rici di TG A Sul betetrician, diseases. © inantn and children. e An te 97 Bond East. Phone 1155. VID ARCHER, M.D y = Aly d SOE vubute: A eon An cr 16 Since si. Pore residen Phone Tish. adillac Ave. North. HR. O. W. CARE, PHYSICIAN, Surges, 0 Obstetrician, Office and 13 Simcoe street a Phone 16, DR. J] ARCHER R BROWN, y PHYS cian, ia oa iS 'Simcoe Street, North og 07, ~~ Surgeon DR. Specialist Diseases Bon Anim- als, Cat and Dog Hospital, 203 King West, Telephone 629. ; duly 3-11 3-1 mo.) EH fa. Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist D T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOK RET West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lovells D im fo turday, from 1 till or © onsultation and treatment of disenses of ear, nose and throat only. be mate ut SY a Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat PR, 8B. I, RICHARDSON, specialist. Office over Mitchell's Drug ada Phene 2600 and 482J. Hi OE, Bank ¢f Bo Simcoe and King. Eye, ear, nose and throat, Hours 9 to 11.30, 2 to §, 8.30. Phones, office, 167; dence, 596. (June 13-1 mo.) Dental DKS. Te HILT LIPS, OVER BAS. seit's. Si attention to X-rav work. 'Gas. -'raction. Nurse J. at- tendance. e : Rorth over Mitchell's Drug Store. Gas or ex\! PR L 3 HUB ELL EN 5 DAV . Ri E. fal at Agta i Rey in attendance. Phones seen i hy Br ©. | soe ! | CARTAGE, M HOVING: 4| Cheap. Phone 974W. June 11-1 mo) | slabs, 3020.1 'snop, '| Phone 2806W. Geo / tatoo anomalies, bright and glasses. Author of and Eye Strain, The Chita and Its Development. * ney Block opposite Post Phone i616, (June 15-1 mo) specialist in Grieg 1] AL £0 oh bol nen dence hee, 34 in Sam; 210W. OSHAWA BURIAL CO, M, F, Armstrong & Son, . Proprietors, Funeral and Ambulance Service, day and night, Phone 1082W. 87 Celina. (4t0) ' lusurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. wast, Oshawa, The old. est Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 Re putable Fire anies. consult R. N. Johps 80 Simcoe north, Your Insurance wants at. Jered to acd your. interests pro- , Tra CARTAGE A man's, 86 Bond West, Specialists in furniture moviag. storage ware: house und moving van equipment Phone 83. SRAYH, A cl Local bi Saul uiing. A Cox, Phone 924, 10 Bond St. West, OSHAWA'S OLDEST _ EST, a lishe! Rarnty ture movers. Park car age. Local and long ood Frank Caw owle, fig 65 Park RA (June 20-1 mo) -------------------------------- 90¢c AN HOUR, MAN AND TRUCK, moving, express, cinders and gravel hauled, long: distance moving: Beauty Parlors BETTY LOY PEURMANENY WAVE Special.sts in permanent, fingér and marcel waving, Per manent wave prices §6, $7.60, $10 and $15. All other liner of Beauty fulture, Phone 2008, Apply 8b Himcoe street worth. R y X ard at Bet ent Wave been? Bae arcel and sham. WA ON'S AND Beauty Shop. 4 Celina St We spe- cialize in ladies' hair gutting mar. celling, sham facial Marcel an dan phone genta. For A June 16-1 mo) Radio Service OSHAWA RA ADIO SERVICE, AC cessories tor eale, repSirs on elec tric and battery sets, tubes and batteries tested, batteries re rental supplied. $1. Phone . Charles Wales, 146 Eigin BLL 9-1 el with' rental "$1.00, A Repaired and rebuilt. Called for and delivered. Prompt service, Stan Bligdon, 20 Mill St, Phone 1885W, (June 20-1 my) 8 OF SETS, R ed, Prices reasonable, batteries re- charged G0c, reutals 2 ¢ delivered Burroughs, Certitied Radiotrictan, (June 19-1 me) Money to Loan jaw, gy sud. Jasna, apply A. J. Park ill, 87 t, phone 1614 gan arinte a first mortgage on your: it it is well lo vg BES South, Ward's Aueti (June 28-1 mo) 16 J. SULL "Special att a Souham al atten sel furniture sales and Farm. stock and Implements. Your age solicited I rrowdale, Ll June 21, J. superintendent, June 13-1 mo.) § ¥ ORRO-OOLE | 3424W. All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Etec. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE Ti cas vo Fount oar iit Dumb dpi Aur vogd of this nature, because of "snd For thy convenience of customers who find it inconvenient to come personally to The Times office, a 'telephone call will bring a messenger who will seeeive the advertisement and collect for same. "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT Work Wanted 8, Lawn Mowers, Saws, Phone 421W, We call and deliver, 130 Celing Bt; B. Bottan, {Juss 9-1 mo) BRICK WORK OR CONCRETE work, New'or Repaired, Chimney's rebuilt, Oshawa or Whitby, R., Sim, 895 Pine Ave, Phone 1416W, Oshawa, or 8, Church, Whitby P, 0. (2c) CONCRETE WORK, CELLAR AND garage floors sidewalks and road- ways, sand, gravel, cinders. Chris, Graham, Phone 2621M, (July 8-1 me,) Sb -- Articles For Sale MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOD $3.50 per load. , Also bone dry body 'wood. Waterous Mek Limited. Phone 1288 (Apr. 2611) FOR SALID--RBINTZMAN go. Ltd., pianos, new and used pianos, Also 'radios, ALS, madsles eu arran ra 0 TT A Ap (111-40) FOR SALE.~- PAINTS, VARN: {shes. We have the largest assort ment of paints, varnishes, ete. a in the city. The Paint Store, Kin strat west. (Apr, 36 i) 8 ders, biack 'loam. $1.59 per yard. For quality and "Vice phone Es scry Bros. 832 r 11, (May 8-tf) NEW AND SECOND HAND FUR. niture bought and sold, 186 Bloor St, B, Phone 1617M. (June 4-1 mo) A -- used bicycles §12 up, New and easy terms. C.C.M, joycycles and flsh- ing tackle. 12 Richmond East. Phone 2774. (June 13-1 mo) $8, Phone 33738J, loam delivered. Phone nnw, For Rent Real Estate For Sale FOR BALE~~ONE ACRE OF Jand with four roomed house, Price $600, Bee Lycett, 26 King Bast, (%¢) 8 ROOMED HOUSE ON PAVED street, good garden, garage, water, and light, Price very reasonable, Must sell at once, Apply 200 King Street W, (80) good solid brick store 20 x 50 with Food apartment over (already let) also rooms at back of store with a snug little business which might be increased. Good terms, For par. ticulars see owner on premises or write H, Wilkins, Brock street, Whitby, Here Is a good opening for the right person, (8¢) -- For Sale or Exchange | on rent, 16 room dwell'ng, Ideal for boarding and rooming houke, Also 'store suitable for ~groceries or meat business, restaurant in con nection, 20 x 60, Fully furnished with equipment, Hot water heated, This property has clear deed, so owner can give any reasonable terms, Apply W, C. Hutchinson, 164 William St, BE, (168¢1) FOR" SALE, RENT," OR™ EX- change, brick veneer house, All conveniences. Oak floors, Will take car as down payment, Phone "| FOUR AND FIVE ROOMED MOL orn suites including electric retrig. eration, stove, laundry, conven) erces, etc, continu § hot water supplied. Apply Bupt. 'phone 3671, or The Trusts und Gua vo. 1979W, (4a) Motor Cars WASHED AT Dominion Garage, 88 Bond strect west, Phone 3108, All cars at oue price $1.00, (June 16-1 mo) Ltd., manage; for owner, Toronto. (470) oi dwood LL ardw 00 Apply Bradley Bros. Tt FOR RENT - LIG 0 keeping rooms, all conveniences, furnished or unfurnished. Rent Jeasonable, Apply 33 Bond Bt, (168d) APA All conveniences, FOR ENT AFLRINENT CRN: newly decorated, lease or by the (168te) tral, 6 rooms, all édonveniences, month, Box 746 Times, G VL A | business section, newly decorated, by the month or year, Box 747 Times, (163-1) J ING living room, dining room, kitchen, 3 bed rooms and beth, heated, $85.00 per month, Location, 81 Bruce St, Phone 1560, (2¢) [a ENT, 60 Westmoreland Avenue, Apply at 70 Albert street, Jerry Hallowell, (S0-8¢) unfurnished, "Every convenlence, Phone 1560 or 2347TW, (at) (] NIT newly decorated for light house keeping, all conveniences, central, Phone 2307. 105 Colborne, East, (2¢) hardwood floors, garage, All cone veniences, Central, "hone 1168), (8b) ROOM for two gentlemen, (lose to Ped: lars and Skinner plant, Apply § Jackson St, Phone 3833, (3b) "ROOM HOUSE, CENTRAL ALL conveni Immediate posses. Shoe "Shoe Repairing THE BEST PLACE WHERE YOU get your shoés fixed like new {a by Menko, corner Simcoe N. and William W, (June 30-1 mo) 'Nursing INTC MEDICAL, MATERNITY, WM. al and surgical nursing, reasonable Phone Whitby 606. June 24-1 mo) Refreshment {OB GOLD LIGHT BEER BOLD AT Oshawa Cafe with fish and chips, Corner Bond and Ontario 'streets, (June-21-23wks.) Auto Accessories MOTOR ACCESSORY C0, 31 KING Street West, Auto parts and acces. sories for all makes cars. Autos mobiles bought ' for wrecking. Phone 2066J, (June 25-1mo.) OITY AUTOMOBILE" WRECKING { Co, New and used parts and ac- ries, cars, trucks, prices rea sonable; cars 'wanted, Phone 2980W, 15-17 Bond Street West. (June 26-1 mo) } alterations, plastering, electric on (13t0) Phone 139 for estimates. MADAME BROWN, , Phone appointments' 2030F, 03 Louisa Street. (June 23-1 mo). Appointments. Phone (July8-1 me. Buena Vista, pool room $1,500, change, good 200 acre farm King Street East, will take one good terms, One '| house balance easy ) { hundred acres -- exchange on on - kinds of nvi goods. Com: ~ pia for rent, phone 25 or 26. . J. Turner and Som, = (July 3-1 mo.) for J village property, Ji . SO oS Me Ty registered, good watch dogs, i with children. wi dy ! change for 2676W, (8b) ply James Fle North Oshawa, Phone 920 R tha mr 80), oud, 5 anything. Phons | North. sion, Twenty-five por month, Apply 50 Colborne 1. (dn) in all parts. Apply Oshawa House and Land Co, 38 Simcoe Street (4c) ROOM brick House; © on Alexandra street, facing golf links, All conveniences, Apply 125 Alma street, Phone 1267TW, (4c) FOR RENT--HOUSE 187 RIT son road, also 26 Alexander Blvd, Apply 260 Athol St, I, (4a) Position Wanted first-class Old Country gardner looking for gardner job. . App'y 194 Celina St. (30) Sunarem 108 YOURS MA education desires permanent posi tion, Rreforauly i office, Phone 1637 4. es 4c) Rates for Classified Ads. Piet tnsertion--113 cents per word, Woo charge 80¢. LJ uent consecu- BY TOR etupbile tner (Three cents a word), Minlmom Sharks for three + Insertions, 60 cents, Bos rim 100 pdgtiana! ! Bloep at home, Phone (20) Wanted THOBE WHO ARE TROUBLED with some chronic ailment, such as nerveusness, paralysis, varicose veins, goitre, arthritis, heart weakness, rheumatism, ete, Phoue 260 for a free treatment in your home, Tune in 'on eroncid Health Talks, over station CFR) Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 1,80 p.m, Theronold of Osiiwa, 164 Willlam Street East, (Juno 26-1 mo) Help Wanted--Female CAPABLE BXPERTENCED COOR general, over 24 years of age, Ap- ply Mrs. F, G, Carswell, 312 King St, B., or phone 1066, (80) ENCED waitresses, Apply Monday at tha Employment Service of Canada, 8 Bond street west, (dn) A NG GIRL, MUST bo experienced on telephone, Ap. ply Smith Cleaners & Dyers, 434 Simcoe South, (dn) Male Help JA A R . dred store route; this county; ex. perience unnecessary; no selling; distribute and collect, Should net seventy dollars weekly, Shamas Mtg, Co, New Toronto, Ont, (48) Books TOBERTEHAW'E CIRCULATING library. You will enjoy roading the latest Fiction at minimum cost. Phone 1472, 37 Simcoe St, North, (T-F8 tf) Room and Board THREE BOARDERS, SEPARATE rooms, All conveniences at $7 per week, 241 . Dearborne, Phone 2028W, (40) For Sale or Rant OR brick Yowest house, coment drive and garage, Mary street noar Aber. deen, also six room frame, West. mount, Avply to owners, 883 Mary street, (80) Notice . . 1] dies Office is now located at 456 Simeoe South... Medicine repeats and froe consultations given by same experienced Herbalist, i \ t) For Exchange Oshawa, Clear of 'encumbrance, for a house valued at around $6,000, Subject to one morgage, or will accept a good second hand car as first payment If a straight sale, Balance as rent, R, A, Savage, Port Perry, Ont, Phone, Port Perry 242, (8b) Lost and Found LARGE THREE COMPARTMENT Black leather ladies' purse contain. ing pair of glasses, diary, red foun. tain pen, arch supports, some oash and toilet articles. $5, Re- ward on return to Box 749 Tab " 0 wrist wateh, on Elgin, Simooe or down-town district, Finder pleaso phone 89M, Reward, (80) 44 YOUNG COUPLE. WIRHING TO filled, motor to North Bay and othor points would Mke to hear frow tleman with car, Expenses ald, one 4873). Slscrimihatiog woman and Phone Mrs, Blatter oo demonstras tion: 2180M, (June20+1 mo) RA. X Bird Slide Library A limited nmber of colored bird: bird life can be bo by res. msible persons by communicats ng with mitaionen; Rational Parka of Cans Ar Sapa t of the. Interior, r. JooB, Harkin, Com. | been The king and queen gave special permission for six-year-old Lady Mary Cambridge shown here to inper sonate Queen Victoria in the court scene of a charity matinee held re cently in England. CHIMNEY IS TRAP TO CATCH BURGLAR ENTERING STORE -- Saint John, July wedged 30 fect down inside the chimney of the N.B, liquor store bullding on Main Street, William C, Stackhouse shouted two hours for "ald yesterday, before police located the source of his smothers ed cries, Firemen and police ex- tricated him by cutting a gap in tho wall and removing chimnédy bricks, Charged with breaking and en tering the liguer store with intent to steal, Stackhouse pleaded guilty and was given two years in Dor. chester penitentiary by Acting Magistrates Willams in police court; Police sald" Stabkhouse tried to enter the liguor store via the sky- light, He had fallen into the chim« ney and had been unable te climb out, LINDBERGH RECORD IS STILL STANDING Roosevelt Field, LI, July B= James Collins, who took off from Los Angoles at 4.33 am, (BAT, in an attempt to lower the trans- continental flying record set by Col, Charles A, Lindbergh, brought his ship down at Roosevelt Field last night at 9.30 o'clock, Collinge' total flying time unef- flielally was 16 hours and 18 mins utes, Total elapsed time, from Los Angeles to New York, .was ,16 hours and 30 minutes and 8&0 seconds, Lindbergh's record, which he set In his Lockheed-Sirius mono- plang with wife as co-pilot, was 14 hours, 23 minutes, 27 seconds, 6. ~Tightly BARONESS FIGURES IN HOUSE DISPUTE London ~~Judgment was given In the King's Bench Division re- cently against Elizabeth Florence Baroness de Strabolgl, who was sued for $2,126 rent alleged to be due for premises at Prince's Gate, Knightsbridge, Sir Patrick Hastings, K.C,, for "Mr, Arthur Rains, the plaintif, sald that the Baroness and. R, Mullor had an interest 4) Songur, as and they wanted $20 A firm of soligitors rif ap proached to 10d that sum and they were given a mortgage on a house at Prince's Gate, the lease of which Mr, Muller had secured, and were Informed that the Bar oness would vent the house at $4,350 per annum, No rent had been received for two years and a olaim for two quarter's ront was made to test the question Whether the 'Baroness should pay over the longer period. The Baroness aid that she waa pot a party to the mortgage, She aired to rent the house at §4,360 a year on condition that should be given a loense to con- vert the premises into flats, She had not takon possession because the condition had never been ful« Mr, Justice Swift said that the proceedings were full of suspi- 'elon and he had 'no hesitation in ) | coming to the conclusion that Mr, Muller and the Baronoss arrang- ed the system by which they would induce the solicitors to part miss,' with the $20,000 for the purpose ot the Honduras concossion, LINDY JUST ANOTHER Paterson, NJ, --The man at the wheel of the automobile would have recognized at the controls of the Spirit of 8t, Louis or of his she [| MOTORIST TO OFFICER | slides and motion pleture films on | Lockheed Sirius monoplane, but at | - Madison ad Third avenues he was Just another motorist to Patrol man Fred Thompson, the only Neg- ro on the force, "Give me a lift to headquarters," Thompson shouted, J'Bure, step in," agreed, "Oh, you're Colonel Lindbergh," Thompson gasped, Thompson alighted at his destin. ation," shook the Colonel's hand, and sald: "I'm very glad to know you," "I'm very glad to know you, too," Colonel Lindbergh replied, und drove on to the Wright Aeronauties al Company inspect the motors for navy planes, CAROL'S DIVORCE TO BE CANCELLED IN NEAR FUTURE Bucharest, Rumania, July B.e= Well informed circles say an agree. ment had been reached for cans collation of the divorce of King the motorist '| Garol IT, and Queen Helen with the courts soon to issue a degree of annulment, As an indieation of the approach. JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORS J. W, Womll, Oph. D, Eyesight Specialist Phone 8215 EATON GROCETERIA | It Pays To Shop Here Alwase Before placing Automobile In- surance, get my special rates, Bargain prices for lots in Dears born Park, subdivision, west of Simcoe N, J. H, R, LUKE Regent Theatre Bldg, | Wash Suits, Special i 08 King St, Ww, Boys Broadcloth 9c Dominion Clothing Co. | Phone f14 Ye CAREW LumBiR (0 SHA Hi RE Diamonds ! Bassett's On Oshawa's Mam Corner Ing reconciliation, King Carol to- morrow will Actompany the Queen and thelr son, the former hoy-king Michael to the rallway station as they leave for Rinaia, The King will' joiz his family $herg in a few days 1! Is under. stood, DARK SHIPS Do others know them! Are souls that come Seeking the contact of .a former home? they. Or are they dark-winged birds thet, in the gloom, Have lost their way and fouid my quiet room? Strange shapes they are, against the uncertain light That filters through the curtains of the night, Now high, now low, upon their airy sea They weirdly float, around and over me, A silent leet, whoseharbor nene may kno Nor yet a reason why they céme and ge, So near they pass that I, but for alarm, Might almost touch them should I raise my arm, So, while the hours with eumbered Khe deck shot ca [nd a ain Ld bot n ly Toronto, A Hy . to ELLA G FO THEY ALL 1g THEN Bertha: 'Well, I know one wos man who thinks her pusband. fa in peniectiy wonde erful," fst eatrice: 'So, you've Just come from a wedding Ly : RR SIO RENT, Bonnie Point, O Oshawa, G. Db, CONANT," OSHAWA Good Weather Ahead! -------- as -- w=D0 not lose your cAPe= Let me finance yous=Addh tional Cash Given, G. R. Holden MOTOR LOANS Room 6, 1444 King 8t. East Use CEMENT BLOCKS For Fireproof Garage ol BORROWDALE 900 Carnegie Ave, Phone 1018 CHEVROLET COACH Mator Sales Ltd. I ---- Bi 2000-8800 oash, balance 20 monthly secures 6 rooms ed frame, electrio, water, Conant St, near Skinner Plant; Newly Hotouion, Ame mediate Divi, easton, 290 Ring 6 ROYAL YORK Tie Tea At all Superior "he 28¢|