Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Jul 1930, p. 7

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i dl 5 - LAL IY ae PAGE SEVEN BIG RALLY HELD BY CONSERVATIVES IN EMORIAL PARK (Continued from Vage 4) diffiauition were in the way the De. partment of Tabor communiening with the heads of the provinelsl governments, the pmployevs nf li hor and the leadérs of the labor unions, Co-operation vesulted anil the government. spent over B760, 000 in nssisting to find work for the Joblow, He contrasted this to the "innetivity' of the King admin: itration, "Pha premier has ut lust stated that he will hold a conference If veturned to power and disousy this problem, ho asserted with seorn, he speaker charged that the Liberals 1ncked pn sonstruciive pols fay on the employment problem, On the other hand he claimed that i, B, Bannett, the Conservative leadey. proposed fiscal changes to give more work to Canadian works men and to inereasn the buying pawer of the souptry, Sonutor tohevisen rhallvnged the statement of Pramier King that Canpdn had enjoyed inorepsed trade during tho Liberal vyagime, During a Conservative adiainistra: {lun the nation's trade had jnmpnil from $742,000,000 in 1611 to #8,» 450,000,000 In 1081, Bul from 1081 until 1080, the period in whieh tAberil government has been in of: fioe trade veturns showed an actual deovense from #5,450,000,000 to $2,000,000 In Mareh, 1084, the wpeaker stated that the premier hid Ans nounced a new tall poliey which would bring prosperity to Canadi, He proposed to reduce the duty on agvieultural implements from 18 per cent to 6% perv cent, on the theory that the farmer would pry Yess for his tools, he would he ahle to sell his produce cheapey and the consumer would benefit, 'fhe duty was placed In effect, The re. sult was that whereas Hd factories formerly mpnufpotured farm im» plements in Canada, now there are only 11 The cost of these im. plements has aotuslly inoreased and the consumey pays as much and more for produce, Moreover thousands of Canadians lost thelr jobs and had to cross the border in order to find work, Hon, Mr, Robertson laid mueh of the blame for unemployment on what he considered the fallure of the government to provide adequate protection for Canada's industries, His adviee to the women of Can adn was to support the pellicles of the 'Conservative party in order to frea themselves from the dread that the home might suffer bes gause the husband and wage ssrney might be out of work "Vale for Hen, RN, HB, Rennett and Dr. Kaiser," he urged his hearers," and asslet to remove this spectre of hunger from our doors," Dr, Kaiser veveived a loud ova. ton from the big crowd which had gathered in the park: Ho spoke praviously te Henater Robertson, touehing upon many of the mare important issues of the campaign both from a uations) and local standpoint, "In the forly years in whieh 1 hava realded In Oshawa I have played a humble, hut devoted part in the uphullding of (his eity," the candidate stated, "T have at all times heen faithful to the viding which I vepresented in Parliament and although wy Judament may not always have heen of the best | have tried to serve well your ins terests," Dr, Kaiser agreed with a states ment which appeared in a Toronto" paper that Premier King, Hon, Mr, Dunning and W. H, Moore were staging a elrous, "My opponent recently claimed that he was trying to sell his pers vices to the publie) he comments ed, "Ho In addition to a eirous we now have an auction sale" Pr, Kaiser wondered why Mr, Moore should relinquish & luora- tive ponition as chalrman of the tariff board to attempt to mun a sonal in parliament which carried with it a much smaller salary The candidate contended that the Conservative a had at heart the interests of the Milos and the tollers, It was heartily In [tavor of the distum of John Bright that "the nation tyes In the eol- ge nf not In the palace" © he Liberal party, he ehurged, had practically ruined she deirying industry in Canadas through I ow Zenland Lroaty and subsequent honvy imporiations of buiter, The small farmer and market gardener needed protection but the Koyern- men had refused Lo supply It Tha anu aet ring indstey Inened ules anupte protective tnvifts and the res Kult was that Gaunda imported Ingo quantities of muannfaelured gonds from abroad and the Capu: din workman found himself with: out employment, A Touching upon the problem of the vaplucing of men hy mashines, Dr, Kaiser stated that heve wis 4 matter whieh requived deep study, The Conservative party he olaimed was ready to go Into all nupects of the unemployment pros blem in an earnest: endeavor to provide work for ull, He had great faith in the ability of Hen, I, B, Bennett, whom he regarded as a great statesman and business exe. cutive, "I am confident," he said in sons clusion, "that Mr, Bennett will he the next premier of Canada, I want to have the opportunity of sitting on the government side of the house and In view of my past record as member for this grand old viding 1 trust that 1 shall ve. selva your vote and support,' Pr, James Moore, genial physi alan wnd staunch Tory, of Brook. in, presided over last night's meets ing In very able faghion and heart. ily welcomed the large sudlence, V, Lx Mason, prominent local Con: pervative, alsn spoke stressing the met that the Conervatbve party fact that the conservative party through its leader My, Bennett, had promised to hasten the develop: ment of the Bt, Lawrence waterway projest, He regarded the Bt, Law- rence development as of vital im- portanea tn Oshawa and this riding and for this veason urged that the Conservative eandidate receive the support of voters of the distriet, Mrs, Dr, Jniner, wife of the cans didate, and Miss Alma Roberton, daughter of Henator Robertson, were inoluded on tne platform, Previous to the opening of the rally musie was rendered by the Ontario Regimental Band, The Week in Whitby (Continued from Mage 6) Miss Jean MeAdam, of Toronto, spent Tuesday with friends In town, Miss Irene Shillington Is in Niagara Falls, Ont, Mr, Geo, Allin and daughter Fil oon, of Vancouver, B.C, have been visiting Mr, M, L, Jennings, Dr, and Mrs, Crabbe, of Montreal, have been the guests of the Misses Wilson, Dundas street east, Mr, H, 0 Tayler Chief of Rallway Polige at Bt, 1 8 and ater provineial police officer at Whithy, with Mrs, Taylor and family have hien visiting friends (n Whitby and distriet Mr. Harry Jermyn, son of Mr, and Mrs, W, " Jermyn, of Whithy, whe has been teaching in Brougham, has heen engaged as teacher at Broek street school, Whitby, to suceesd Miss Kennedy, Rev, Dr, €, R, Carsoallen and family are holidaying on Peninsula Lake, Muskoka, Rev, Capt, 'T, I, Best and family left.on Tuesday to spend a month's vacation in Montreal, Miss dhannen of Bt, Bernard's gohool staff, left on Tuesday to spend the summer holidays at Iter home in Campbeliford, Mr, and Mrs, Fred Borbridge, of Ottawa, were recent guests of the Misses Wilson, Dundas street east, Mr, XEmery Southwell and Miss Florence Southwell, of Toronto, are holidaying with Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Holliday, ROVERS GOING STRONG The Whithy Rovers' last three vietoPles were no "flash In the pan," They first defeated the champion visiting Cheva with the Hheridan girl pitehs Ei AL Tala Travel The King's Highway Daily Coach Service OSHAWA + TORONTO FARE 88¢ LEAVE OBNAWA Cone conneotions at x » Rr to LEAVE TORONTO AM wi lo All U8 A I ---------------------- Tiokets and fatormation at, ing, The Malleables then went un. dev by the steady pounding of No» yor hats Mrs, Lott (nes Viera Boott) pitehing, The Alerts of Tor: onto met the same fate ni Bunny. wide on the holiday (Puesday), The peors in this game helug 6:8 in fayor of the Rovers Miss Bheridan ngain bein the dispenser of the "elusive pill" but the Alerts swal- lowed it in a true sportsmaniike manner, The Rovers are ceriainly going good these days and Holly do nerve the excellent support given them by the townspeople all of whom are anxiously awaitieg the announcement of the next home game, In conclusion, may we state that the Oshawa Malleable girls met de- font at the hands of the Alerts at Bunnyside on the holiday evening (Tuesday), the score heing 14-0, All of which makes the Rovers, win look better, Keep It wp girls, THY JUNIOR ROVERKYTEN This smart team of Whithy Ju: nlor girls are fast rounding into shape for thelr first home game, which it is expected will take place at the Town Park on Haturday evening of this week, 7 o'vlook sharp, Look for small handbills an- nouncing the same, then he pre sont along with your eellection, which the girls need to purchase n playing outht==uniforms, bats, halls, ete, The Playing of these home junior gamen will please you, Bome 40 odd wirls are practielny faithfully, Mayor Bowman is taking # kindly interest in these girls, acting as the voach, The girls get another tralning lesson at the park tonight (Thurs day) at 7 o'clock, AN Junior girls, 16 And under, are invited to he present and participate in the practice, -- MIMICO STARK WIN ONN The Whithy Maple Leafs, lead ers in the B,0,B.A, took (he first game of double header played at the Whithy Town Park on the holiday evening, The seore was f:h with Herbie Neal pitehing, The only batter up in the last Inning (Doug, Maundrell) scored a home ran wallop, clnehing the game The second game was a miser able exhibition of hall on secount of the heavy rain which fell, leav Ing the diamond in miserable shape and extremaly slippery to say noth ing of handling the ball properly This game resulted in a 14:4 vie tory for the visitors, and they de served it on the play, The writer In of the opinion that another elose game would have resulted had it not rained, Sr---- MALLEABLESN TOO The fast Malleable girls' team from Oshawa met with the same fate at the hands of the Whithy Rovers (on Friday evening last) Ax befell the ehamplon Chevs al Oshawa on the Tyesday evening before, Thess Rovers, at the pre ent time, are oortainly treating all teama alike, The writer Hepes that the Novers will Rot become over-eonfident, hut attend striekly to "thelr knitting" until the close of the season, If they do thin the championship will certainly come to Whithy, and it will be a good thing for all econ cerned of such proves to be the OREN, Here's the personnel of the Rover team! Flora Lott, pitgher; Martha Wher: Idan, pitgher; Oracn Newman, ontoher; Mary Blow, 1st bane; Kay Irwin, 8nd base; Joan Willson, tird hase! Lena Watson, shortstop; Nobby Lond, felder; Xifia Watson, fielder; Wileen MoRride, fielder Helen Alloway, fielder Mary Nes kell, fielder, ROUTH ONTARIO NOFTRALYL LEAGUR REMUVLTN Results of Bouts Ontario Hun: day Rohool Hofthall League games Of past week are an follows date, June B6,=Thornton's Corners al Whithy, game postponed until late June 87.-=Myrtle won from Port date, Perry by soore of 199.4, dune 27 = Hrooklin-Rrougham game protested, will likely be re Played, June 88,<Whitevale won from Columbus by a seore of 96.5, Thin Is the third week of the Loagne series and the games are gelting more interesting as the weeks pass He at the soheduled games and help your team win through to the end, NEW HYDRON NXTENTION The Hydro is making a two mile extension of ita lines to serve the Mildmay Camp, The line, which 1s being constructed under the super Vislon of the Whitby Publio Utility Commisson, with Whitby men em. layed, Will extend from (he Liowon (roms Li nts Bona | an Plekering, and then south, pany Sm ------ IN NOR at wop RA Ac) Vision of the Bublio Utility Qom. Mission construgting a new mix Inch 'water main to serve the coun. 6 corner of King and Ontari treets and standpipe wil igri stalled at the gaol to serve two t A ) floors of the building, thus pro. viding better re protsction. © DEATH 18 REGRETTED It wan with fel of very sin: at members of the local 0 en's Christian | ot the pass: on Wright, Ne Bo. resident, To those whe were vileged hear her speak at the Ly n > week MR It was a great shock, no doubt that the strain of a recently undertaken in IN wich } ad an too an or yaieally a another faiths ful servant has Deen on od te "tone up higher, : SOROOL OF N wil hold Ht. Suminr Suhoot ot 0! 0 Nselond a4 Shy Qularis Lagioy y eol, A bh hn A hydrant will be installed | i y he shove is a photograph Whithy Private Hospital which was ory opened on Baturday of last a ---- or lege, Whithy, An impressive group of speakers and leaders will he pres pent, including be, O, 0, Pidgeon, who takes the morning worship and Bible study, and Dr, J, €, Cochrane who lends the study group on "Yhe Chureh In Canada, Other Mission Biudy groups will he led by Dr, I, Holmes of Japan, und Dr, W, Noyes of the Oriental work in Cannda, Mrs, Prank Rae who sponks on W.MH, methods, Miss Lols Holman and Miss Tannis Nemes mens, In the avenings there will he mestings at § o'clock, open to the public, at whieh the speakers will include Rev, J, W, Netrama of In din, Miss Garrett of China; Dr, Thompson of (lasgow,- Beotland, and Dr, DW, MeLaehlan, Further Information hout CLECILT) or spenkers can ho obtained trom Rey, A, We iehards Sm ------ Y. PN KXCURKION The Young People of the Bay of Quinta Conference of the United Chureh of Canada, are holding thelr Annual Exeursion to Hoehes ter on Wednesday, July Oth, 1080 A special CNR, train, aecommod ating us many as 600 people will leave the uptown CNN, station nt Whithy at 7,00 o'clock In the morning, daylight saving (ims, arciving at Oshawa at 7.00 o'oloek, wt Bowmanville at 7.68 o'vioek and Noewenastle K.01 o'clook, The trip to Rochester hy water will be hy way of Ontario Car Farry No, §, holding one thousand passengers Tho time spent in Rochester will he approximately four hours, The Belleville Band consisting of twen ty pleces, and the program on honed the heat will sonsist of Com munity Winging and entertainment hy the various societies, On are rival in Rochester the young peo ple of the Federnted Churches of Munron County will conduot the Ontario Young People around the olty on a sight-geeing tour, They will meet the Ontario Young Veo ple in one hundred oars of thelr own Nvaryhody Is invited to this Exeurslon, young and old aldke, Tiekets are obtainable from Miss Mildred 1, Prioe, Whithy, Ont, PROMOTIONS AT AT, BERN. ARDS SCHOOL Results of Promotion Wxamina tions al HL, Bernard's Heparate Fohool, Names in order of merit, de TL ta dr, He Pasied with honours rank Kapunoinaki, Ads din Giroux, Magy Nteffler, Joseph Htovens, Mury Fhaughnessy, Passed Christie Calnan : Recommended Mary Anders won, passed in each subject, falled on total Jr 1 Plerre, ton First to Jr, HL oe=Pansed Lennon, Mike Anderson, Podvineky, NWrnest Fusoo, Recommended==Jonaph - O'Cone nor, failed on total but had missed two months of sehool Christine Calderone=1'alled ou total, ' de 1 lianours "een Passed = Joseph Unlderone, Kyveiyn Mt, Plerve, Ronala Brags, Douglas Brown, Nickie Marngelk, (Douklan and Nickle missed sone examinations) Ny, Primer Ht Dar to Hr, He=Bernice Mary O'Brien, John Joan Mike ta Br LesPansed with George Htefller, 'reddie, to Flrat=dophle Kapuseinsky, Hdward Calnan, Alex Brown, Htella Burtinaky, Wiltred O'Brien; Eileen Terwilles ar, Louie Rousseau, Gerivide uno, Carl Parise, Lucy Vale why, "rank Calderone, Number on the rell 88, Teacher, Gertrude Moliyery, . SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC I'he Sunday School scholars and thelr parents and friends of St. An deaw's Presbyterian Chureh held thelr annual plonte at Frenphman's uy on Wednesday afternaon, I'he weather was ideal for the outing, A programme of races for old and young was carried out during the af ternoon, apd towards five e'elock the open alr lineh, without whieh ne pies nie is complete, wan enjoyed by all SALVATION i SALE OF In connection With the Home Lehgue branch of the local Corp, a sila of work, fancy nesdlawork and home-made cooking was held in the hall last Thureday, which was opened by Hoalgn Mys. Dixon of Oshawa, and a faly amount was realised from the sale, In the even: ing the Oshawa Young People's Band, under the baton of Hand Leader Gentry, save a mood pros ram of musio, The leader's violin solon were rendered in grand style and highly appreciated, as was alee the recitations and dialogues gran by the Girl Guards under the derahip of Mra, Langfeldt, The Cols | ohilyman yap Kuslga Dixon of Oabs |, WHITBY'S NEW PRIVATE of (week, It Is owned and operated hy Miss J. Mi MeKee, RIN, and has SETTER, WI HE ERR -- awa, who Hed thet eapueity very onpahly, COMMISSIONER On Wednesday night last the lo onl Bulvation Army Corps Was fay ored hy an unexpected visit from Torritorin! Commanders, ploner und Min HOSPITAL 4 ¥ Viv : ji twelve bods with all mewern furnish: ings and convenlences, men PEA ------------ a ---- ad were nceompanied «hy Brigadier and Mrs, Ritohie, the D.C, and others of headquarters staff, The Commissioner spoke of Army mits 1ers reviewing a period of 44 years of wotive service, which was enjoy ed hy all, His text taken from the Commandments of Joris, Wie dwelt on In & concise and Instrae tive manner and made applieahie HAY PAID A VISIT TO WHITBY Commie James Huy, who to present dey nesds of Christian ite and the church of Christ, Ow- ing to such short notice It was not possible to announce it earlier, but those who attended enjoyed the visit and the message very much, The commanding oMcers, Capt, Cambell and Lieut, #ilver, In ohargs here nearly a year, have received marching orders to a new opening In Toronto, They will he #lucossded here by Capt Kelly and Lieut Wilson, a -------- WwW. CT. U, OFFICKRS The following Is the Mist of of Siouty of the loss! Union of W.C, President Miss Harper, Viea Presidents--Mry, I, G, Oke, Mrs, CU, A, Goodfellow, Mrs, John Thomson, Troan Miss RN, J, Mitchell, Cor.» Bou==Mrs, Robert Thomp son, Hoa, Koo Dept, "Mrs, Harrison, Buperintendents golistie, the vies president; Var meetings, Mrs, ¥W, Harper, Mry Robins, Mrs, McBride and Mrs, Hogers, Mower, frul and Mrs, Armutrong, Mrs, CHhson. Mrs, Crahtres) IAterature=n, Mra, daokson, Miss Robins, Miss Crab. trae; Press, Travelers Ald and Willlard Mall=Mrs, J, Keun; Tom. peranes in Munday Hehools==Mryy, Goodfellow, Mrs, John Thompson Mri, WN, BW, Harrison; Musle =Mrs Maundrell, Mrs, D, J. Kean, Mrs, Moliride, | Weddings | vane dellonelep Sm ------ - At the manse, Dunbarton, on Maturday, June 1, George Doug Ing MetUulloeh to Marion Verna Heeson both of Columbus, Ontario I ----" a A | July At the manse, Dumbarton, by Rev, J. I, Fraser, on Monday, June 29, lars George Bincey, of Raglan, Ontario, to Florence Muriel Grills, of Columbus, Ontario MUST HAVE HONOR MATRICULATION No Students Will be Admit. ted to 1931.32 Session Without This Standing Toronto, July 4.--The senate of the University of Toronto has announced detafls In connection with the ahotition of the first year In the pass conrse In the faculty of writs by prescribing honour mats lemiation for andmission, The affect of this will be to re- fulre all students desiring to en- ter the pass course to have honor matriculation in. certain defined eubjects dnd to allow these stu dents to take the pass bachelor of ars degrees on the satisfactory completion of a thres-year course, This change will eome Into ef- fect for the session of 1981-84 and no student will he admitted in that sosslon or thereafter who has not obtained the necessary honour matrienlntion standing, with the axcaption of certain mature stu dents for wham special provision will ha made, Westminster Paper Company at New Westminster, 1,0., will, at the ond of Muy, sturt operations in the new plant erected to relace the structure destroyed hy fire last his plant 18 Lhe most mods arn of ity kind In Canada, Liseral or C onservalive? the Victor will bring them fo you Victor Radio with Electrola is Victor's supreme achievement in 33 years of leadership, Go to The Dominion political campaign is yours... news of vital interest to every Canadian! Vietor Radio with Eleotrola in your home will give you the entire picture, spreading the actionanap of Canada's vital sectors before you . . , graphi- cally , « « truthfully, More than ever before, radio is being used as a major weapon. The country's leading statesmen speak . «to you! Actually to you, for Victor Radio's mirroring of the original is so true that "the speaker's subtlest inflection is heard . . , his platform « personality sensed, Such fidelity of tone is due to micro-synchronous balance... an exclusive Victor feature, your Victor dealer NOW, His demonstration will prove that this mighty instrument has brought an entirely new beauty to music from air or records. LJ Victor Radio with Electrols RES Cotplete with tubes 8378 Te Victrola owners: Your Victor Dealer will allow you $80 for your old Victrola against the purchase of " Micro-Synchronous Victor Radio with Electrola. Take advantage of this unparalioled opportunity TODAY? 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