Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Jul 1930, p. 6

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gt AA RA SS THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1930 Interests. in the Home --- and the Community Social and Personal Will those who wish to insert items in Social and Personal column kindly address letters containing the information to Editor of the Women's Page, Oshawa Daily Times, or Phone uy Nnumber 35. . Miss Frances Bell, of Toronto, is the guest of Miss Geneviene Conant, Simcoe Street South. 2 Mrs. Gordon Conant returned yesterday from spending the week- end in Winona, Ont, While away Mrs, Conant attended the garden fete given by Col, Sodden Irwin, at Niagara on Sunday afternoon, Rev. A, M. Irwin, Ralph Irwin, Kenneth Kelly, Jack McCauly and Billle Perkins, are spending this week at Irwin's cottage at Bastiste Lake, Ontario. Miss Madge Dorsey, who has been an exchange teacher from Edmonton on the staff of the Oshawa Public Schools, has accepted a position as a Chautauqua director, and has already commenced her duties. Mrs, ¥. G. McTavish and Mrs, A. B. Creighton attended the strawberry festival and concert held at the Ontario Hospital at Whitby lust evening. Mr. and Mrs, Richard Stockill and family of Ritson Road are spending their vacation at Blind River, Dr. and Mrs, F. Lumber and Mr. Leask, of Boneraft, brother of Mrs. W. J. Leask wore recent guests of Mr, and Mrs, W, J. Leask, Highland Farm, Oshawa, Billle Mcllveen of Walkerville, formerly of Oshawa, is visiting in town, the guest of Malcolm Young, son of Mr. and Mrs, J. C. Youhg, King street east. Mr. Ray O'Hara, of Oshawa, is spending his vacation at his home in Renfrew. Mr. L. Currell is whort time with his Trenton, Mr. and Mrs, George Wigg, of Rochester, New York, are visiting Miss Mamie Wigg, William street, Cromwell Young, son of Mr, and Mrs. J. C, Young is spending tho summer at Christie Lake Boys' Camp where he is swimming fin- structor, Mrs. A. J. Stalter has just re- turned from visiting her cousins in London, Ontario, and while there she attended the funeral of the late Mrs, Gordon Wright. spending na parents in Mrs, F. G. McTavish and daugh- ter, Miss Dorothy McTavish, of Stratford, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs, A, B. Creighton, 69 King Street, East, Miss McTavish has béen appointed to the position of Occupational Therapy Ald at the Ontario Hosital at Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. John Craig who Have lived in Oshawa for the past year and a half are leaving to-morrow for Winnipeg where Mr. Craig has ac- cepted the position as director of the Winnipeg Little Theatre. Not only Avenue overiooking Soardwalk and A Hotel Distinctively Different' JUST COMPLETED IN ATLANTIC CITY UNEXCELLED COLONIAL 13 SPITALITY Now Ready for Yi u/ ADJUTANT CRANWELL WELCOMED TO TOWN A hearty welcome has been given to Adjutant and Mrs. James Cran. | well, formerly of Mount Dennis, who arrived in Cobourg this past week to succeed Commandant Hargrove who was transferred to No. 1 Corps, Windsor, after a most successful min- istry in Cobourg. Adjuant Cranwell is a native of England but has been in Canada for 25 years, 18 of which have been de- voted to Salvation Army work. He started his career at Dunnville and has since heen stationed at To- ronto, Newmarket, Lindsay, Sudbury and in the Maritime Provinces. One of his most important appoint- ments was that of chaplain to the Burwash. Prison Farm in 1915, the first appointment of that kind made to the institution, Adjutant Cranwell sees a great op- portunity for service in Cobourg and paid a feeling tribute to the great work of Commandant and Mrs, Har- rgove. TEACHER HONORED Fenella, June 3.~Marking their ap- preciation of his six years' service us teacher of S. S. No, 22, Haldimand, the pupils of that school on Friday, June 27, presented Leslie Roberts with an illumiated address and a handsome token of their esteem, The address was read by Donna Lonsberry and the presentation way made by Marguerite Macklin, The address follows : "Dear Mr, Roberts: It is with sincere regret that we have learned of your departure from us, and we join in wishing you every success in your new ficld of labor, "We, the pupils of S.8, No. 22 Haldimand, in conjunction with our parents, desire to express our heart felt appreciation of the services and kindness you have so cheerfully ren- dered "You have always shown a ready willingness to assist us in our work and we have been helped forward on the royal road to learning by your cheerful disposition to do your part, "It is natural for us all to desire to know that our efforts are appreci- ated by those among whom we have labored and who have enjoyed and profited by our services. Therefore we beg you to accept this gift as a slight expression of our appreciation of your faithful rervice, "Signed on behalf of the pupils of Haldiman, S, S. No, 22" The address was read by Donno Lonesherry and the presentation was | made by Marguerite Macklin have Mr, and Mrs. Craig * orked to make the Oshawa Little Theatre a success and give t a place among the others of importance in the country, but they have establish« ed valuable friendships among the people of Oshawa and it is with re gret that their friends sec them leav.- ing the city, AM essage to Mothers of Bottle-Fed Babies E YOUR baby is not thriving on his present food we suggest that you and your doctor consider Eagle Brand Milk. Eagle Brand is so casy to digest that it is comparable to mother's milk in this respect. Practical tests over a per- iod of more than 70 years have proved it the food most likely to 'agree' --not only with healthy babies, but in difficult feeding cases where other foods fail. And Eagle Brand is al- ways pure, always uniform, always safe, even in the hottest weather. We have on fyle thou- sands of letters from grateful mothers all over Canada who have successfully reared their babies on Eagle Brand. TWO BOOKS EVERY MOTHER WILL DESIRE ' 'e Welfare" is a booklet containing practical feeding directions and ee ction io to mothers. *'Best | " is an exquisite little book in which you may record baby's growth and progress. It is free, also. Use the coupon below. J very » LIMITED, 140 ST. PAUL STREET WEST, MONTREAL Vraulien Cilly Aussem of Germany, who fainted on the Wimbledon contre court while playing a semi-final match with Miss Eliz. abeth Ryan of California. The American girl won, giving her the right to play in. the finals. | WOMENS MEETINGS NORTHMINSTER W, A, A smal) business mooting of the Northrainster W, A, war held yes- terday. afternoon Plans were formulated for the Street Jair that is to be held on August 22nd. The Fair this year promises to be better than any previous event of its kind put on under the auspices of the Northminster Chureh, CEDARDALE UNITED CHURCH W. A, Mrg, H. Day the president ocen vied the chair at yesterday's meet- ing of Cedardale W, A, Arrange- ments for the W. A, Garden Party were made. The date of which fe not yet fully decided upon. In all probability it will be sometime in the middle- of July, Other ar- rangements were made for the Auxiliary pienie which will be held on Wednesday, July 16 Mrs, H. Day, at the conclusion of the busi- ness session gave a pleasant little talk on the conversion-of Paul, This was followed by a piano solo by Mrs. MeFarlane, TO ABANDON ISLAND (Calgary Herald) St, Kilda, o) the west coast of Scotland; the loneliest of the Bri tish Isles, isn definitely to lose its 35 inhabitants and the long battle of ity natives Lo win their livell- hood from barren hills and storms tossed seas Is ended, Mr, Adam#on secretary for Scotland, says that he has decided fo accede to the des- pairing islanders' petition for Gov ernment help (o enable them to leave the island and settle on the mainland, Armangements for the removal will be made by the Scottish Board of Health, and the islanders will probably be taken off within the next few weeks, Some families may he given crofts on the mainland and the eldery people and those who cannot support themselves wil] possibly be accommodated in insti. tutions. NEL NS tlantic City is always 'in season" There's never a dull moment at Atlantis Bracing slr--aperte™ wonderfulfood BN ation! Spenda wi a week-end, with you'llreturn home feels IngAt=fresh~vigorous! pri, Sa a Tb . to Dotbiaiizeenl? od Rives "One of rhe Finest Hotels gy City end enjoy the luxury of hid hari bid hub ats without exorbitant 0 or wire for reservations, OVERLOOKING THE OCEAN "Skinny" other of 8 Children Gains 10 Lbs. in 4 Weeks Mant, Joli, P.Q~"Was skinny, weak, run-down, looking after 8 chil dren," says Mrs, Eloi 'Gagnon, 44 "I'ried Ironized Yeast. Gained 10 Ibs, in 4 weeks, New strength." Don't be "skinny," weak, nervous. New Ironized Yeast adds § to 15 lbs, in 3 weeks, Ugly hollows fill, bony limbs round out, Blemished skin tlears, Constipation, indigestion, "ner ves," [+4 overnight, New pep first day. Rich red blood, Ironized Yeast is two great tons ics in one, Weight-building brewer's Yeast plus strengthening, blood-en« viching Iron. Many times more eof« fective than unmedicated yeast, Re- sults in half the time. Start now to gain weight, health. Avoid danger of serious ills, Take these pleasant little tablets, No gas; no yeasty taste, If not delighted with quick gaifis, manufacturer refunds money, Get Ironized Yeast from druggist today, Feel great tomorrow. New pounds quick. MARIONETTE SHOW AT CHAUTAUQUA Children Delightfully Enter. tained by Tiny Wooden Actors "How did they ever get Poter Rabbit to be in Chautauqua?' one little totot was heard to ask on the wiy out of the Chautauqua tent yesterday, Her youthful com: panion could not aaswer the ques- tion and only remarked 'Wasn't it funny when Mother Rabbit made Peter take the medicine?" Yes, Peter Rabbit was actually at Chautauqua and the audience, composed for the r eater part of children, had made real to them the much loved characters of Burgess' story books, Flopsy, Mopsy and Cottontail, Mother Rab. bit, Farmer McGregor, Mr, Frog and others all appeared and for the first time the children could really see and hear those delight- ful little people known before only in the land of make-believe, It was Sue Hasting's marionette show, The tiny stage complete In every way measured only a few feet in length and eight while the wec wooden actors were eoighteen inches in height, Of course they are. manipulated by strings, but there is very little* these puppets cannot do, The first to capture the child. ren's hearts was "Jerry", From his miniature parapet he loaned down and with a cherry "Hello", a Jaunty shake of pale green ruffle color and a toss of his black-cap- ped head he greetod his Oshawa audience. Before he announced the very first number he and the youthful members of the audience were on speaking terms, After the Peter Rabbit play, tiny dancers appeared, all in the prettiest of costumes, Chinese puppets staged a dainty playletto called "The Gooseberry Mandarin", the her- oine of wliich was a beautiful prin. CONS, A hoy and girl of the "eighties" did a comical little sketch featur- ing the old favorite *A Bleycle Bullt For Two, "Wheez" and "Sneeze" were two clowns Just as funny as in any cifcus, when they danced and sang | Tt was with real regret that the | children and all the audience | realized the delightful afternoon was over, but it shall not soon ho forgotten, at least not hy the it tie tots who glggled with delight at naughty "Peter Rabbit" ane frowned at the cruel "Chinese Mandarin', the father of the beautiful princess, OLD BONES When 1 was ten great joy 1 took Pressing flowers in a hook, At fifteen T filed away Dance cards for a danceless day. And at twenty 1 began Hoarding letters from a man, At twenty-five 1 saved the curls That had been my little girl's. At thirty, clippings from the press Keep my bureau in a mess. At thirty-five, receipted bills May be the foremost of my ills, At forty, though my attic's vast, I vow I'll go feonociast, And destroy each worshipped treas- ure Hoarded for old age's pleasure. Souvenirs are utter waste, Each year brings a different taste. Teaching us that buried meat Loses all that made it sweet , Fivery season brings its own, Succulent, appropriate bone! ~-Angelo Cypher, in the Yorker, New ---------------- An illusionist performing in a northern town put a woman into a box from which there was no ap- parent outlet, and shut the lid. When he opened it again there was Bothing inside but a couple of rab- tn, After the performance a Scots. man went to the {llusionist and ask- ed him {if he could perform the same trick it his (the Scotsman's) wie wore to get into the box, "Why ves," answered the {llu- slonist, 'But are you anxious to get rid of your wife?" "Weel," answered the Scot, 'it's no sae much that, but wee Wullie got me tae promise him twa rab. bits for his birthday!" -- Americans are forgetting how to walk, one writer says, But the walkers are learning how to jump, and that helps some,-- 'Dallas News." At the next disarmament con- ference England will propose that the "United States scrap Robby Jones, Kingston Whig-Standard. Only when Gandhi dons a Sam Browne bolt will the British people take the revolution in India ser- Joust em Port Arthur News-Chron- cle. Women's Corner NOTICE! "The Times" will publish re- ports of meetings of all Wo- men's Organizations in the community, Kindly address such to Women's Page Ed. itor or Telephone Number 35. When writing remember to use only one side of paper, HOISERY SHOWER LUNCHEON June is over but by the long list of engagements it looks as though there are going to be just as many brides this month as there were last, Perhaps you know someone who is going to be married hefore the end of July and you would like to enter- tain her in some manner and are hay- ing difficulty in thinking of some idea that has not already been over done for previous brides=something that will be new and novel, How about a hosiery shower luncheon, Showers are always in order for the brideselect and luncheons are not out of the ordinary but try combining the two, und a hosiery shower does sound a little different, Let us plan for eight, then there are enough for two tables of bridge in the afternoon if you choose to play, Invitations must be sent out of course and this time instead of merely phoning your guests send them through the 'mail a little card bearing a simple but at. tractive verse, Here is a verse by Jean Walden: Dear Elsie: There's to be a young Bride who'll live in a shoe Though her stockings, alas! are a limited few! So to help her travel Life's path- way with case you" bring her hosiery, please? Come to luncheon o'clock Tuesday (7) the (Don't forget the For this is a "Shower for and-so Her name? Well, she's someone | know that you know! The luncheon table should be ar ranged formally, We centre piece can be a large crepe paper shoe, which the hostess can make without a great deal of trouble, Pink is a very pretty color to use and the eye- lets may be laced with pink ribbon, Ask your guests to send their gifts on earlier and this will give you time to roll them into small rolls and place in the shoe, Slip into the end of each package a tiny fifteen cent doll leaving only the head visible, tie it with a pink ribbon long enough to extend from the centre of the din- ing table to cach guest's place, Fast en upon the end of this a dainty and appropriate place card such as a bride's slipper design. Dyring the luncheon progresses the hostess asks Won't one pair of too, at one On third (7) sock) Miss So NOT IF YOU USE RINSO, ITS L,THICK BUDS LOOSEN GREASE IN A FLASH DISHES~POTS~PANS THREE TIMES A DAY! \ IT'S AWFUL, JANE Dishwashing so easy with these suds that soak of f grease soups, even in hardest water~it's 80 compact, A marvellous worle-saver on wash. day, Soaks out dirt, Saves scrub- bing and boiling, Washes clothes whiter, tog! Get the BIG package, basing, floors, woodwork--=and all inso cleaning, Cup for wp it goes twice for the ween s as far as lightweight, puffed-up all cleaning Guaranteed by the makers of LUX~Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto, INSO makes short work of dishwashing. In its rich, soapy suds the grease floats right off, Even pots and pans soak bright and shiny! You don't need to wipe dishes when you use Rinso, A hot rinse ==and they dry clear and sparkling. Thrifty women use Rinso for tubs e granulated son wash, dishes an R a % hetter than a Yehild" Hotten: "What's t| man you can trust Tott: "A man you," one guest at a time to pull her from the shoe and present her gi to the surprised and delighted little bride-to-be, who will trust Two men had a cheery "night out," and when they met a few days later they compared notes. "That was a night and no mistake," sild one of them, "Do you know I finished up in the police station? "Lucky dog!" sald the other. bit- terly, ** I found my way homel" A schoolgirl's essay in a Montana paper ran as follows: "When we go camping, we must keep the place neat, we must be very careful to put out our fire, This is God's country, Don't burn it-up and make it look HER hen Don't Miss This Week's Bargains! Everything we sell is of the highest quality, and carries our guarantee of perfect satisfaction or money gladly "SALADA" Brown Label Black TEA SUGAR Finest Gran. ulated refunded, Ib. Pepe by Ibs. Large New FRUITS AND VEGETABLES POTATOES § lbs. 25¢ 1] C GOVERNMENT INSPECTED MEATS =-- TENDER YOUNG LAMB FLONTS LOIN CHOPS LEGS ARNOLD'S McLAREN'S CLARK'S SIZE 2% -Faney Lobster, IMPORTED LICORICE Allsoris HAM 0% BEEF MACARONI LOAF sliced Calay Soap ONE CAKE 3 ues PY e Dinner Blend Coffee. ....lh 44¢ Peanut Butter, toy pails. .... 19¢ Grape Nuts ........... vkg 16e Pork& Beans 2 Tins 19. Sunera Cereal .........pkg 23¢ 14's, tin 21¢; 14's, tin 37¢ bh Bde Cooked Meats FINEST QUALITY COOKED 1b, Bologna ruc b. 24¢ ib 29¢ Watermellons i' each 59¢ bh Jew DIJen. Je HIGHEST QUALITY BEEF PORTER HOUSE ROAST. . .,.lb. 86¢ RUMP ROAST, square end ...lb. 26¢ BLADE RIB ROAST. ....,...lb 24¢ TENDER CHUCK ROAST... ,.lb 19¢ SWEET PICKLED PORK Shoulders : 18e¢ | MEALED SLICED Back Bacon © 42¢ Mealed | SOTTAGE | ROLLS 1b. . 26¢

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