Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Jul 1930, p. 2

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rs a v DT I tit sig, THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1930 'Bowmanville Daily Times News, advertising and subsc € the Bowmanville Office of - 'Block, King Street, .. fons will be received at The Times in the Cowan Telophones--Office--587; House--131, Bowmanville Representative--B, Herbert Mortlock FITCHETTE CASE 1S DISMISSED = I MAGISTRATE , Orono Man Acquitted of bho Joy Riding Charge Ralph A, Fitchette was dis charged by Magistrate Ward when vihe appeared in police court yes * terday charged with a breach of the code applying to joyriding In ., Butomabiles. The case was peculiar in many sc yospects and had its origin when Fitchette was alleged to have "taken the car owned by Percy C. ;{ Barry, of Kirby, and after using it for three days returning it. While it was away Barry who claimed that he did not give Fite chette permission to use the car, although Fitchette left his car at Barry's home, notified tho police when the car was not returned in 'two days. It appears that after 'the car had been returned he had * phoned the police to withdraw tho charge but thoy had not done so. The high light of the hearing WAS the constant interruptions by the defence counsel Alex Gerofsky of Torgnto, who also had words lu A case when the late W, I", Kerr Was crown prosecutor two Years Ago, Mr, Gerofsky frequently ob- ,Jectad to certain evidence being _ given as the past record of It " chette and at one time stated . When a reference to Fitchette's . character had boen made "this "court is charged with scandal and villainy and my learned friend, the Crown Attorney, has his mind . Also charged with villainy", The outcome of the case was , purely a matter of which witness had given the correct evidence and defence counsel asked that as i 4he evidence was such that it was sonlmost impossible to tell which was right that his client be given + the bonefit of the doubt, Magis {trate Ward agreed with defence 'counsel that it was a matter of oreditabllity of witnesses and ay 'there was a doubt existing his 'mind the requiroments of British / Justice demanded that the accused be given the benefit of the doubt, Charge was therefore dis- * missod. » Pr ----------------s -- ALBERT PIERCE IS COMMITTED TO HIGHER COURT Charge of Criminal Neglig- ence Arose From Fatal Ac. \,. Cident at Janetville Albert Plerce of Janetville, was committed for trial at the next '¢ourt of general sessions at Co- bourg when he appeared before Magistrate W. F, Ward in police "court yesterday for his preliminary hearing on a charge of criminal negligence, « The charge arose following an accident at Janetville on Sunday, June 22, when a Ford car, driven by Plerce turned turtle on the road to Lake Scugog killing Kenneth 4 inson, 14, of Janetville, "And breaking the arm of Gor don Stinson a brother of the dead 'boy. The case was investigated by Provincial Smith of Bowmanville who later arrested the boy and charged him, x A jury at Lindsay impanelled to uire into the circumstances of acoldent last week returned an «verdict finding that Kenneth came to his death when a . | OVALTINE || "The Tonic Food Bever. | bia ~~ LOW PRICES |' Small size ..... 50c Medium size .. 78¢ rge Size .. $1.25 B 'KARN'S Drug Store «car driven by Albert Pierce turned rin so ident of ng to ov seve eral witnesses Plerce, who is a home boy, was driving without a pernilt but had been driving for a considerable time but on making application for permit was told to &et more practice, On the afternoon Pleres mors Soyou for & iri vp Tako 2 going for a trip to 'Scugog and it was stated in evi. dence Plerce had removed his hat with his right hand and the car had sweryed first to the right and then ta the - left and then to the right again when it had topp over pinning Kenneth Stinson to the. ground be- geath the car snd throwing the other Stinson boy out of the cir, Plorce was not injured. Acting Crown Attorney Archie Cochrane of Cobourg conducted the case for 'the crown and suggested that the trial of the boy be pro- eded with as soon as possible so as not to keep the boy waiting in Jail. Mr, Foster of the Home from which Pierce came," represented him, at the hearing, When asked at the conclusion of the hearing If he had anything to say, Plerce declar- ed that he had nothing to say, Sidi dAdo iddl lls s ss ye ve 3 News About Town | addled ML a Vital Statistics For June Unlike many other towns and cities in Ontario, Cupid guiding star of those whose fancy 1o springtime turn to love and such kindred affections of the heart, Was not so busy in Juno as he might have been. According to the monthly report of the Town Clerk this mythical matchmaker was only able to direct hig arrows into the hearts of five couples during the month but no doubt what numbc:s wore lacking in Bowman- ville were made up elsewhere, Death claimed one ) .» than mar. riage during June while the stork was most prolific acd the popula tion was increased by 14, mostly of the male sex, Sedo PPT TTeYYY White Shield Plenic Two bus loads of members of the White Shield Club and thelr families had a vory enjoyable out- Ing at Lakeview Park, Oshawa, yesterday afternoon, The plenie was an annual affair and thosy attending report a real good time. Races and sports wers indulged in for a major part of the afternoon followed by a sumptuous supper sete by the members of tho clubby Softball Tonight Owing to an error when looking at our softball schedule we an- nounced that tho Goodyear-Front Street game was last night and In consequence many turned up at the school grounds for the game, We are sorry for any inconvenie ence wo caused these people and are sure this timo that the game is tonight, BTS, Openi The formal opening of the Boys' Training School summer camp wii! take place tomorrow afternoon when hundreds of visitors from all from Bowmanvil'a will no doubt attend this interesting event, Will Induct Minister The Rev. W, T., Todd of the Nairn Ofrcuit will be inducted to St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church tomorrow night, The Rev, F, C, Harper, of Cobourg, will preside and the sorvice will be conducted by the Rev, R. B, Nelles, of Port Hope. This church has been vacant since the retiremont of the Rev, Robert McDermont last year, Public School Board The regular egtnly meoting of the Public School Board will take place in the Central School tonight at eight o'clock, It is ex- pected that at this meeting the vacancy made by the Luigtiion of one of the staff will be filled and The Times was Informed ou good authority that over 25 ape _Dlications have been received to HIl this vacancy, Mutt and Jeff Goorge Cosgrave's comedians presented thelr farce Mutt and Joft at the Opera House last night before & small audience, The audi. ence though small was very ape preciative and applauded loudly the many fine features of the pre. sentation, Finds Brother Is Vietim Montreal.--When Victor Latour aided police yesterday in recover. ing a body of a drowned man from the S.t Lawrence River, he was amaged and shocked to discover that the body was that of his brother, Georges, aged a, Cairo Police Fire on Mob Cairo.~Two persons were kill od and many wounded when police fired on a mob storming the en trances of the Blibels Rallway Station yesterday, to greet Nahas Pasha, former premier, who opens od a campaign against the Govern. ment at is. LE SE ured in Blast IAs Donovan and Clark * Drumbond of Wyoming, highway construction employes, are in hospital at Petrolia with severe head and body burns ra ceived whan gasoline exploded .in a company garage. over Ontario will |) jresent, Many le RAGLAN er -- Raglan, July 2~The annval Sune day School picnic wus held at Osh awa Lake on Saturday afternoon, The ladies softball team played with Prospect with a score in favor of glan and received the prize of a bat, Thé young men played with both Manchester and Prospect and the score was again in favor of Rag- lan and the young men also received a bat, The: children enjoyed the rees and other sports, also a free de on the merry-go-round, Mr, and Mrs, Geo, Bray and Mr, and Mrs, John Wilson When Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Will Bray in Aurora, Miss G, Kemp, and Mr, Arthur Ormiston, 'of Toronto, spent the week-end with the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Irwin Ormiston, Mrs, Wm, Davidson is under the doctor's care, A speedy recovery is hoped for. : isses Greta and Effie Brawn have returned after spending several months in Manitoba, Miss Hazel Pierson, Toronto spent the week-end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Fred Pierson, Mrs. J. Johns, Owen Sound, spent a few days with her mother, Mrs, Richard Stacey and Mr, and Mrs, Bob Bryant, Mrs, Wales, Misses Florence and Mary and Mr, Bruce Wales, Osh awa, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, , Lyle, Mrs, Chowen, New York, and Mrs, Sheer, Toronto, spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs, Wm, Squelch, Misses Jean Pollock and Miss Grace White are spending their va~ cation at their homes in Norval Sta- tion and Bethel, Mr, Charles Fox, Mr, Lauter, Miss Hazel and Mr, Frank Grose Toronto, spent the week-end with the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs, A. J. Grose, Congratulations are being extended to Mr, and Mrs, Meredith Dring (nee Ruby Reeson) Columbus, on their re- cent marriage, Mr, and Mrs, Bice, London, Mr. and Mrs, Muir aud daughters Kath ering and Edna, Toronto, Mr, and Mrs, Johnson and family, Manches- ter, and Miss Reesor, Claremount, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Carl Avery, Mr, Lloyd Hughson, Toronto, spent the week-end and holiday with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Norman Hugh- son, Don't forget. the garden party which is being held at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Ged, Wilson on July 7th, Duncan Cowan and his com- pany of Toronto, have been secured for the program, Brooklin and Rag- lan men's softball teams are playing in the early evening, Born--to Mr, and Mrs. Ray Way on Saturday, June 28th, a daughter, Messrs, Gordon and George Thompson, Toronto, spent the week- end at the former's home here, On Monday evening the young men defeated Columbus, On Tuesday evening they again played with Myr. tle, The score was in favor of Rag- lan, 14-12, Mr, and Mrs, Jones, Toronto, Spent Tuesday with their cousin, Miss live Thompson, Miss Violet Thomp- son returned home with them after spending her vacation with her sister, The following are the results of the June examinations held in Raglan Public School, S. 8, No: 9. Names in order of merit, Entrance class--~George Ormiston, Harold Bray, Sr. IV~=Bruce Thompson, Jr, TVestlifford Wilson, Sr, IlI--Lorna Evans, Doris Bray, Marjorie Bray, Dorothy Bright, Jack Bray, Lloyd Evans, ' Jr. Hl-<Harvey Wilson, Miller, IT~Blanche Wilson, Jack Bright, Stewart Bray. I--Ruth Bray, Frank Pierson, Sr. Pr~Jean Davidson, Lloyd Davidson, Edna Evans, Gordon Mil. Miss E. J. Pollock, teacher. PORT PERRY Port Perry, June 28.-Mr, and Mrs, Snell and Dr, Snell, of Tor. onto, spent the week-end in Port Perry, Miss Dos Nind, of Toronto, la home for the week-end, Congratulations are extended to Miss" Annie Farmer, who passed in her art course, at Central Tech. nical School, Toronto, with first class honors, Also to Miss Frances Christy, who graduated in the Homeniakers Dept. of MacDonald Hall, Guelph, Misa Irene Martel, Mr, John Horseman, Mra, ©, C, Keele and Miss May Cockburn, of Toronto, wore week-end guests of J, OC, Cockburn and family, Howard Park United Church, Toronto, was the scene of a pretty wedding when Edith Romanna, youngest daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Philotus Bibbie, became the bride of William Oswald, son of Mr, Wn, Nesbitt and the late Mrs. Nesbitt, of Port Perry, The church was prettily decorated with Palms and peonies, Mr, Troupe played the wedding music and the ceremony was performed by Rev. Amos J, Thomas, The bride, who was glv- on away by her father, wore a gown of white satin, with train, and vell of bridal blush net, caught in cap effect, with orange blossoms, She carried a bouquet of Calla 1H. fos and bables breath, Her at. tendant, Miss Edna Morrison, wore a frook of ghartreuse green georg. otte, with a beige mohair hat with green and carried a boquet of pink roses and baby's boquet of pink roses and baby's breath, Miss Shirley Bibbee, niece of the bride acted as flower girl, Mr, Erpest Dickenson was best man and the Ushers. were, Mr, Clair Plokett, of Hamilton, and Mr, Clif. ford Greer, After the ceremony & reception was held, at 117 Fer managh Ave, Where the bride's mother regeived in a gown of gold lace over blue and hat of black mo hair, and wore a boquet of pink roses. - The happy couple left Jater for a tr The bride travelling in a suit of Bright, Howard Clayton Langerle Tweed and Biege felt hat, i to the Thousand Islands, On thelr return they will reside in Toronto, ' Messrs Glenn Collacutt, of Belle- ville and Hubert Collacutt, of Tor. onto, are home for the week-end. Mg, Walter Brewer and son, of Toronto, spent Sunday in Port Perry, The sympathy of the Community is extended to Mrs, W. H, McCaw bereavement, and family in' thelr recent sed Miss Barnes, of Toronto, visited Mrs, Ceo, Contes over the week- end, Mr, Lachlan McPhail was the guest of his Aunts, the Misses Mc- Phall, this wee' Messrs Tom Harris and Beverley Smalilman were leaving this week tor Copperclifft where they will be engaged with Electric Construction work for the summer, Congratulations are extended to Mr, and Mrs, Melvin James, on the birthsof a baby boy on Monday June 23rd, . COURTICE NEWS Courtice, June 30~Mr, and Mrs, Otis Warden, Misses Patty and Dora, Toronto, were weok end visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Frank Rundle, Mr, Cordon Pickell, Detroit, is visiting relatives in this commun ity, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Courtlee, Ottawa, are visiting Mr, W, I, Courtice and Mr. Kenneth Cour tice, Mrs, Johnson, Whithy, has re. turned home after visiting her daughter, Mrs, (Rev,) J. H, Stain. ton at the parsonage, Mr, and Mrs, G. F. Annis and Miss Ada spent the week end In Fenelon ¥alls, with Rev, and Mrs, 0, C, Washington, Miss Lyla Qshorne, Toronto, is home for the summer holidays, Mrs, Jones, Whitby, was a Sun. day visitor at the parsonage, On Thursday evening of lost week the Dramatic Club held n meeting. dn the Sunday School- room and a social time was spent, During the ovening Mrs, Stainton, who has taken a prominent part in "Gypsy Rover" was presenied with two pretty pleces of glass ware, Mrs, Ross Pearce called the members of the club to order and Mrs, U, ¥. Annis read a suitable address In which wsowe pretty verses of poetry about the play members were written, At the proper time, Miss Hazel Rundle made the presentation to Mrs, Stainton who replied in her jovial way, Ice cream and cake were served and a pleasant time spent, On Thursday evening of this week the Mission Circle are hold ing a strawberry social, at the Church, Bupper will be served at 6 pm, and afterwards a program is being presented, We hope to see a good atten dance at Church next Sunday to greot our new pastor, the Rev, H, C, Wolfrain who comes here from wilfrid, The C. G. I, T, met at the home of Mrs, K, EB, Courtice on Satur day afternoon, when the officers for 'the coming year were elected, Miss Hazel Waltors, 14t Viee- President was in the chair, Three groups in the C.G.LT, have had a» contest for getting the girls to at- tend the meetings and Miss Vel ma Gay's group won in the con~ test, The other two groups treat~ od to candy and Migs Arnold treat. ed all the girls to ice-cream and cookies, Afterward they played baseball and had a lively time, Mre,, Courtice as usual was most gonial to her guests, COLUMBUS Columbus, July 2.=Mrs. Orchard, Enniskillen, spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Heddon, Mr. and Mrs, T, Paul, Toronto, spent the week-end with Mrs, Jas Ashton Mr. Chas, Roberts, Havelock, visits ed relatives in this vicinity, Mr, and Mrs, Paul Purvis spent a few days in Chatham, Mr, and Mrs, Gorden Murison and family, Scarboro, and Mr, Lotton "NO ONE HAS BEEN BENEFITED MORE" "T don't holleve anybody was ever more henefited by Sargon that I have heen, Rheumatic paina in my lower limbs and feet were no "MRS. GERTRUDE GILES bad at tmes I could hardly walk, My whole system was rundown and 1 was susceptible to the worst kind: of colds, My liver was {inactive and my whole system was filled with poisons, Sargon strengthened me wonderfully, I enjoy sound, Jthe rheumatic pana restful sles 1 get about an good ns are gone an anybody, "I consider Sargon Pilla wonders ful for stimulating the liver and ridding the system of poinons,"s= Myra, Gortrudp * Giles, 29 McLean Blvd,, Toronto, Sargon may he obtained in Ouhe awa from Karn's Drug Store. Adv), Shaw, Dunbarton, visited st Mr, A Murison's on Sunday, Miss Evelyn Scott, Ottawa, is visit Ing her \rosdmother, Mrs. Doolittle, The W, YM. 8. and Women's Ase sociation presented Mrs, Clugston with & silver flower basket and half a dozen stainless knives as a token of appreciation of her services, Mr, and Mrs, H, L, Pascoe and Mr. and Mrs, Wallace Scott spent the week-end at Muskoka, Mr, and Mrs, Levi Ellens and Mrs, Geo, Hay.s visited friends at Whitby on Saturday, Miss Mary Dyer, Oshaws, spent Sunday at home. A large number of friends Jaber. ed ut the home of Mr, Jas, Reeson on Friday evening last und gave shower to Mr, and Mrs, Geo, Me- Culloch; Mr, and Mrs, Searle spent Sunday at Epson, Congratulations to Mr, and Mr, Kenneth Fraser (nee Muriel Grass) on thelr marriage, The Woman's Association met on Wednesday last at the home of Mrs, C. Hayes after devotional exercises, arrangements were made for the gar- den patty on July 15th, Mrs, John Sutherland and sons, and Mrs, Sonley, from Utica, spent Sun- day at Robt, Sutherland's, Cavirinintions to Mr, and Mn, R, Stacey (nee Florence Grills,) on their marirage, - Mr, and Mrs, Thos, Cook, and Wm, Ward spent the holiday at Oshawa, The annual anhiversary and garden party of the Columbus United Church will be held on Sunday, July 13 and Tuesday following. Sunday services ot 11 am, and 7 pm, E, 8, Time, On Tuesday, tea starts at five o'clock program at eight o'clock by the fam- ous Orpheus male quartette, of To- ronto, music by Ontario Regiment Band of Oshawa, SEAGRAVE - Seagrave, July 1A pleasant 'time was spent at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Albert Dance on Monday even. ing, when a number of their friends athered to bid them farewell before eaving for their new home at Col. borne, Ont, Mr, and Mrs. Dance were presented with a floor lamp in ap- preciation of their faithful services in the community, Mr, Dance has been station agent here for a num- ber of years, The services in the United Church on Sunday was withdrawn owing to special services +t Sonya and Green. bank, A number attended these scr. vices, Sunday School was fairly well attended in the morning as usual, School has closed for the summer holidays and the children are looking forward to a wonderful two months holiday, The teacher, Miss Spoffard will spend the holidays with her par ents at Greenbank, A number attended the recital giv- en by the pupils of Miss Lucelle Leask, in Port Perry recently, Those taking part from Seagrave were! Ruth Stone, Lexa Stone, Fernie Moon, Oliver Martin, Ruth Clements Marion Eagelson, Iva Reynolds, Dor othy Reynolds, all doing their parts well, showing the ambition of both teacher and pupils. Miss Dora Orchard, of Stouffville, is spending the holidays with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, A, Orchard Miss Una Sleep, of Pleasant Point, Is sepnding the holidays with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, A, Sleep, Mr. and Mrs, H, Parker and two children, of Una Park, New Ont, and Mr, Parker Evans, of New Lisk- eard, visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. L. Scott, and other relatives while on their motor trip south, Mr, and Mrs. F, Skarret and sons and Mrs, F, McTaggart, of Toronto, bwere guests of Mr, and Mrs, C, W, Clarke over the week-end and holi- tay. Nr. and Mrs, J. Harding and fami- ly, Mr, and Mrs, Roy Scott and family, Mr, Elgin King, Mr, Rey Cross, Mr, A, Aberham, Mr, B Stubbs, spent' Sunday afternoon at Port Bolster, Mr, Elgin Frise, of Toronto, visited the former's parents on Sunday, Mr, and rs. Orr Skunk and daughter, of Port Perry, accompanied by the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs, J. Skunk, of Seagrave, motored to Jackson's Point on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. A, Butcher, of Wood ville, and Mr, and Mrs, 11, Parker, of New Ont, visited Mr, and Mrs. C. W, Clarke on Monday, Mr, and Mrs, G, Clark and family Mr, Sharpe and daughter Gladys, o Little Britain, motored to Niagara Ralls, where they spent the week- end, Mr, and Mrs, John Mark visited in Prince Albert on Sunday and were accompanied home by the former's sister, Mrs, McPherson, of Toronto, A number attended the field day at Sola and Greenbank on Tuesday, r. and Mrs, H, Eagleson and daughter Marion, Mr, and Mrs. H, Leask motored to Wasago Beach where they spent the holiday, Dr, E, Woolridge and Mrs, Wool. ridge, Mr, and rs, Johnson, of Ornese, Illinoise, were visitors at the home of the former's brother, Mr, 4 { Wooldridge on Monday, They will spend a couple of weeks among relatives, The July meeting of the Woman's Association will be held at the home of Mrs, Gordon Fishley, All mems bers are expected to be present. Vise ftors welcome, Mr, L. Scott and Mr, M, Stone |'spent the week-end at their homes | here, TYRONE NEWS ---- Tyrone, June 28~Mrs, James Dudley is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. Bradd, of Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs, Chas Yates, of Tor onto, spent a day with Mr, and Mrs. Yates here, Master Bill Hughson, of Toronto, is spending the summer with Mr, Robt, McCulloch, Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Robinson and Bernice, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs, F\ L. Byam, of Toronto, y ; Mr, and Mrs, Byron Farrell, Mr. and Mrs; C,'D. Hodgson and Glenn apent Sunday at Mr, W, R, Smiths, ronto. Several of the girl friends ar ranged .a miscellaneous shower in honor of Miss Margaret Moore, a large number gathered at. her 1 home, on Monday, snd literally showered her with beautiful gifts, snd congratulations, Mrs, Dean Hodgson, Mrs, Russel Virtue and Mrs, Floyd Dudley were the tea hostesses, Rev, Andrew McLaughlin, of Grafton, added to the enjoyment of the company by his happy remarks of good wishes and" congratulations, Margaret has lived in Tyrone since childhood and is a respected member of the community, Tyrone W.M.8, visited Enniskil- Jen Branch, on Wednesday after- noon, and reports are of 8 good programme and a pleasant social hour, Several of the members of the Women's Institute attended the District Convention, at Nestleton, recently, Badge Saves Lite Calgary,~=N, J, Macdonald, motorman on the city street rail. way, was shot and wounded in the head by a hold-up man here, The badge on the motorman's hat prob. ably saved hig life, The bullet glanced off the badgé and tore a path through Macdonald's hair, failing to wound him seriously. Rains Check Fires Port Arthur.~-~Several rains dur. ing the last few days have greatly improved the forest fire situation in the district, but & new out~ break has been reported from the vicinity of Onaman Lake, suggest. ing that the menace has not yet been entirely removed, New Price 30. LABEL ITEMS FOR WEEK ENDING JULY oth, 1930 CALAY TOILET . SOAP 3 Cakes 25¢ AND 1 CAKE Free GLACIER BRAND Sardines 2 tr 23¢ SUGAR CRISP Corn Flakes we. 15C Pineapple Sliced or Crushed sie Tin 25C Size Tin AYLMER CHOICE Corn No. 2 Size 2 or 27¢ Powdered " You Need This Money The money you spend for food should be spent where you get the best quality at lowest prices and the finest serviee--but it should stay in your distriet=if it doesn't your community cannot grow and n the ond' you suffer directly by the loss of property value and pres. ports. There are close to seven undred Superior Chain Stores in Ontarlo--each Is owned by an a dent grocer, lori they y 68 ome in antities, Deal at these stores i you would J ROYAL YORK % Orange Pekoe TEA 12-1b. 28¢ 1-1b. §§¢ and benefit your community, WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS - HAWES' Lemon ofl ote BIC Granulated SUGAR 6m. 31c Libby's Pork and Beans large tin ,... Chocolate Biscuits, Veau, per 1b, ,.. R8c Catsup, Tiger, qt. bottle iv. Bio Fly Coils, ,.8 rolls 100 Hand Cleaner, 0'Boy, Btns iii Jelly Powders, Jewel 8 pkgs. «v2 170 Molasses, Aunt Dinah, No. 134 tha .,...200 Olives, Mason Jar ,.88¢ Custard Powder Khovah, 10 on, tin 000s Butter Finest Pasteurized Creamery INGERSOLL Cheese Cream or Pimento 2 vee. 25C LEALAND Sweet Mixed Pickles vottie 45€C French's Mustard = 14¢ Family Blend Toa, 1 1b, bag 3 Patteurised Choose, por BEARER LARRY Reise + Red Salmon, 1's +. 10 \ Pa tall coining Parowax, 2 for «iii Me Shed Dandie ath nr SN Pure Strawberry Jam, 4 ou. fd Hes svt useYs SAUER - KRAUT Noa1a g 40 Vinegar a 10¢c

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