Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Jul 1930, p. 14

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___ PAGE FOURTEEN a det ots jot Stl © / EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS| DESTROYED BY LAOH NING Belleville, Charles J, Symons' summer home at Peach Point wis destroyed by lightning, GOLDEN WEDDING Marmora,--The golden wedding anniversary of Mr, and Mrs, Hugh Shannon was celebrated at their home, North Marmora, NTATION AGENT MOVES Tweed, --W, A, Donnelly whe hes been in charge of the CPR, station at Tweed Is leaving to go to Walkerton, COACHES DAMAGED THR pty sab thousand dol. fars damage was done to two CN, R., conches that caught fire on Durham Sirest Vast where they were parked and only the efficiency of the Lindsay 1Mre Brigade kept the damage from being consider- ably more, ASSESSMENT INCREARED Cornwall, -- Assessment of Corn. wall was Increased by $567,000 hy the Equalization of Assessment Committea of the United Countiae Counell The Assessment of Corn. wall which was fixed at $6,248,225 has been raised to 6,815,710, The net assessment of the counties of Stormont, Dundas and (lens garry is B30,808.022, as compar ed to 838.748.0072, APPOINTED J, 1, Cornwall, ~--Word has heen re. eelved hy D, A, McNaughton, M 1, A. Vinh of the appointment of George D, Pollock, former reeve Ea UL This ONE Reason is enough, yet. . . Here they are: THE PRODUCT ITSELF 1: ie aman es ond, ater: or an 'wd To ba wear, REPUTATION Goodrich Silvertowns are haok 2; a ation of one of the industry's and' argeat tire manufacturers, SERVICE . wh pa tips sitracted a high-class 3 fence and unau 3 iG po} v fies ervice Organisation, PERFORMANCE KA om LE MILEAGE Mileage facts, proven hy aetus encing mors an ash, neh peta: niger: iriing of Berwick, ns justice of the peace for the United Counties, BASS FRY PLACED Kingston, Vive thousand black bass fry from the hatchery at Glenora have been placed In Loughbero Lake under Instructions of the Ontario Department of Game and Fisheries, ---------- HAYWIRK WHIP LASHES Kingston, Inspector, n Ward of the Humane Hoclety 1s checking up on owners of horses who are using haywire as a whip The inspector has removed saveral of these but ag yet has not been abla to find anyone in the act of using such a brutal instrue ment, WATER AGAIN BAVY Lindsay ~=After 20 days of tests and work on the part of the Water Board and Lindsay Toard of Health the town water has at last heen puritied and the last test re- ceived by Dr, IV, Blanchard, MOH, from the Government laboratories graded the water pd a DEATH'S HAND TVALLS TWICE Campbellford,--Macintosh Fes phens, better known as "Tosh" Btephens, ploneer farmer of Sey- mony and one of the best-known men in Northumberland - County died just twentystwo hours after Wis son, Charles K., whose sudden death occurred after having spant the night with his father, GATES DEDIC ATED Pieton,~=Lieut.-Gen, Sir George we EE, fgpvers day TLL standardise on Goods VALUR to your own state that no ves You a better mile per doll DEPENDAN wry VE sandsof motoristadriving cara simi= Sher ire . lok Silvertowns | | « Si manufactur ee ow famine to ho. 'to ine vu aha Jou The Goeodrioh Silvertown Tive is made in standard and extra heavy sizes, One of them is Performance: WEN ou burs tire from a : Goodrich Dealer « + you don't buy promises . . you don't have to guess . . The name Goodrich the world over goes hand in hand with time-tested, proven, guaranteed performance, Guaranteed moneysworth! Un« | 'matehed roadability, woarabil- ity, stamina and comfort , + We i fallin she Guugtrich Silvertown a 'masterorafted tire supreme in its feld « « Wholcheartedly backed by us and broadly guaranteed by one of the world's oldest and largest tire manufac turers, Como In, lot us prove it, Then let us show you how Goodeleh Dealer Service can add thous. oq. of extra miles to your Goodrich Silvertowns Silver Fleet Tested BOND BROTHERS i King Brest East and Ritson Road South . Phone 2861 Cory of the Imperint forces in Tn- dis unveiled avd dedicated the war memorisl gates at Wellington be- fore a crowd of 3.000 people, bn cluding matt military on of i district, ® 'memoria y which form an dorm to Wel: lington Park, are of eolored stoue with seats al the sides snd uly tractively lighted, Post 160 Can- adian Legion, Wellington, was res ponsible for thelr erection and tho celebration, VIREMAN INJURED Brockville ~Elwood Stewart, 42 Murray street, Canadian National Railways locomotive firemen was cut over the right eye when a train on which he was ongaged as fire- man sideswiped a standing freight car at Cardinal, PENSIONS CONTLY Cornwall 01d Age , pensions will cost the United Counties of Mtormont, Dundas and Glengarry approximately $26,000 more in 1030 than last yeur, according to & report made At a swesion of the Counties' Counell, HAROLD E TRIPP LEADS IN PRIMARY EXAMINATIONS Local Candidate Obtains Honors in Accountants' and Auditors' Exam- inations The results of the May, 1030 examinations are announced by the Association of Accountants and Auditors in Ontario, Out of twen- ty candidates who sat for the pri- mary examination there were four faflures, Three of the four writs ing upon supplementary papers passed, In the Intermediate sec- tion there were two failures out of eleven candidates, Three candi- dates writing upon supplementary papers passed, There were three enndidatos for the final examina tion all of whom were successful. Highest Ktandard examinations are of the highest standard, and form a severe test, Moreover, candidates unre required to obtain a minimum of 656 per on eae the twenty pa) nthe exam iu long} 16 per cent, higher than the pass requirements of other bodies hav. ing similar standards of examina- tion questions, Harold 1, Tripp, a clerk in the Canadian National Nallway freight office led the year in the primary examinations, obtaining honors, To obtain honors. it was learned, the candidate han to got at least 76 marks on every subject and 80 por cont, of the tot&l marke, Mr, Tripp took the course through the Shaw Dusiness Bohol, Toronte, by correspondence, The years worl In the course taken by Mr, Tripp Included six subjects, all of which wars taken this year The Times joins with the many frionds and agquaintances of Mr, Tripp In: wishing him success in the continuance of his course nest your, . The CLARENCE BAILEY NOT EMPLOYED BY SPRING & AXLE C0. Min Who Was Injured Had No Right To Be in Plant rem ro-- Clarence Balley, Church street, who was injured while a compan« lon, Harold Jollow, was sharpen. ing a butcher knife on an emery belt at the plant of the Central Spring and Axle Co, last Baturday, {8 not an employee of the com: pany, Mr. T. A, Adalr, manager stated to-day, Balley and Jollow had entered the building without permission, Mr, 'Adair stated, and the accident oocurred shortly after 13 o'clock noon, after employees had left for the day, The knife slipped out of Jollow's hands and was hurled by the belt toward Bailey, striking und Jenotratiog hin chest near the heart, Boy Scout Activities News of what the Boy Scouts of Oshaws are doing contributed by the scout lead. ers, Contributions to this column will 'be welcomed, and should be sent to the Times office not moming each week, SCOUT EDITORIAL The Hoops and Camps Committee of the loesl Association met . last Wednesday to discuss some very ime portant items with regmia to Seouts ing in this locality, Among other things, plans were laid to take care of any boys who signified their desire to attend campy, but were unable to do so owing to financial reasons, or because their Troop was not holding a Camp this year, Besides this, there came under dis- cussion a Scouting Week: End, dur- ing which a Field Day would be held on the Saturday, and a Church Pa- rade on the Sunday, It was decided to hold this week end if possible on September the 6th and Wh and to invite the surrounds ing I'voops of Bowmanville, Whithy, Port Whitby and Brooklin to take part y A Sub-Committee was appointed consisting of Scoutmasters 5, Terry and H. Rigg, to draw up a tentative program of events, which, of course, will be of a Scout nature, It Is expected that all boys having work to display, will be given an opportunity to show their models and collections on this occasion, Fire by friction races, message cur rying hs oy water boiling and other Scouteraft tests will be on the bill, and all boys are advised to get in practice, so that when the officiul announcement is made through their Scoutmaster, they will be well on the way wih thelr practice for the ev. ents Kach Troop will also be asked to give nu display of some kind on the programme, whether it be something of a Scouting nature such as signal. ling, stave drill or first ald, or some thing in the spectacular line for the amusement of the onlookers It Is hoped that arrangements will be made to entertain visitors from outside towns to their meals on the Saturday and if so desired to arrange billets for them on Saturday night so that they may attend the Church Pa rade on the Sunday Qf course, none of these plans are definite yet, but it is hoped that bar ring unforseen circumstances, and with the co-operation of all Scouts and Ceouters in the vicinity, the plans will quickly mature into definite ar rangements, In the meantime, any suggestions egarding the proposed programme, will be thankfully received by the Scoutmasters mentioned or by Fire Chief Elliott, who is the Chairman of the Committee, SCOUT NOTES Rather bad weather conditions put rather a dampencr on Seout mets ings last Friday, later than Tuesday This did not stop the 2nd and 3rd Troops under Scoutmasters Sutton und Terry respectively, from attend. ng a joint. meeting with the 4th Troop under Scoutmaster Ingham at thelr headquarters in Rotary Hall, The bth Woll Cub Puck ure en- joying a number of hikes these days, Instead of holding meetings in the evenings they are going on one or two hikes during the week, under the cure of thelr Cubmaster, N, Ibbot- son, Ihe Pack is also planning on a camp, and will be under the direc tion of their Cubmaster at this event, Acting Cubmaster, G, Bickle, and his very able assistants, ure forging right ahead with the 7th Puck, and the boys look quite smart in their new fo kneckerchiefs, Several Scouts, Cuby and Scouters were noted ut the Girl Guide Rally J Saturduy lust, One Cub was able to do a very special good turn bv holding the mu sic steady on the piano during the performance of the various musical numbers, owing to the fact that a gusty wird was trying hard to spoil Sings by removing the music entire. yi We enjoyed the Rally immensely, and emmot help remarking on the general smartness and good work of the Brownies, The Guides gave a very fine dis play and the Tableau showing the nitive costumes of fifteen of the countries in which Guiding is estub- lished was exceptionally fine, The 5th Troop met in the Y.M.C.A on Friday last owing to the inclem- ent weather Stave work was taken up, and dur Ing the course of the evening several exciting boat races were run, at which Cambridge beat Oxford, and Harvard beat Yale Harvard won the International boat race when Cambridge swamped their skiff floundering in the imaginary water by the victorious American team A letter win given to each boy ask- ing his Dad to help ay the floor on Jamboree Mut on Tuesday of this week SCOUT NOTICES STH TROOP: 'The 5th Troop will meet on Friday next at the outdoor meeting place on Mary Street North an usual on Friday next Court of Honour--7.00 p.m, Troop Meeting=7.30 p.m In ease of bad or threaten ng wens ther, the meeting will be held in the Y.M.C.A, in which case rubber shoes must be worn Don't forget the competition, (00D HAY CROP IN ONTARIO REPORTED ------ Rains Have Provided Abund- ant Moisture--Fruit Crop Best in Years Toronto, ug o The rains for the past three Weeks has given the necessary moisture to the soll in most parts of the province, nee cording to the weekly crop report of the Ontario Department of Agri culture, and it Is now estimated there 1# nearly enough* moisture 10 carry spring crops through to the ripening stage, In Eastern Ontario rain bas in. terfered with haying and In some gounties In. western: Ontario the heavy rains has caused some lod- fog In the wheat crop, The cutting of alfalfa is now pretty goneral, There will be a very good hay crop of all kinds througheut the province, The tender fruit section reports one of the bent erops of fruit of all kinde In recent years, The apple reports indicate the crop will be smaller than a year ago, More than the average yield of potatoes Is expected this year, with early brands now on the market. m The Best Jeddo Premium in America At Usual Coal Prices Produced Telephone 262 DIXON COAL CO. Five DirectLines RELIEF FOR TOURISTS The United States It {s reported. has abandoned the Idea of having 10,000 armed mon patrol the Cans dian border, Touring motorists Stoning the line will heave a sigh of relief, A ---------- a ANGLICAN BISHOPS GATHER ON JULY 3 Mest at Lambeth to Consider Problems Facing Church London, July 4.~The Lambeth Conference of Bishops of the Angll- ean Communion, the seventh confer once of this character to hs held since 1867, will be formally mau- gurated on Saturday, Jyly 6, when the Archbishop of Canterbury will deliver in Canterbury Cathedral an addross of welcome to the 311 dele. gato Bishops, For the last month the Archbishop has been resting In preparation for the heavy labor of presiding over the maln proceed. ing of the conference, which will continue until the second week in August, This great assembly of Anglican Bishops Iw called together by the Primate of all England every ten years; The conference has no le gislative powers, neither fs it a synod for laying down definitions of doetrne or rules of ecclesiastical practice, It is obvious though that the opinlons of the gathering, so re- prosentative of Anglicanism at large carries great weight in every quar. | tor of the globe, The forthcoming conference has hesn requested hy Church In South India to express its opinion upon the proposals for union between that Church and cer. tain nonepiscopal bodies, The conference will conduct Its proceedings in Lambeth Palace, They will be private but a compre- hensive report upon them will be issued very shortly attor the close, ASHBURN Mr, Harry Lane uppearance of his ad » nold Mr Mrs, Mrs Ashburn, June 28 is improving the I Thomas Wilson, is holidaying with her Balfour Reginald Doubt and baby, of Peterboro, is visiting Silver speaks. ... : the language of good taste There's no question about it, silver does reflect the good taste of the hostess, A silent tribute, more eloquent than words , , . And yet, when you consider the reasonable prices of our fine plated ware and sterling--silver is decidedly not a luxury . . . A visit to our store © will convince you of this , end cur newest Gruen Guild Watches will interest you, too, 12 Simcoe St. 8. FELT BROS." "oie. "Established 1886" "Buy Where Satisfaction is a Certainty' -- de rt i a USS Mr. and Mrs, Robert F, Heron Although the Dominion election 1 so near everything seems very quiet around here, Some are of the opin fon that this is a good sign of the return of the present govermment of Toronto, sister-in<aw, her parents, RU BB Ll EE ES La on oid house, with a fresh coat of paint, Miss Florence Balfour, of Chicago, in visiting her mother, Mrs, James Balfour, Congratulations to Misses Glennis Stephen and Galilee O'Boyle who were successful in their promotion examinations at Brooklin Continuu- tion School from here went to Myrtle lust week to have a ride in the sero plane that was hovering around there, One yOUng man was so infatus« ated with it that he went right down to the lake and back, Mrs. Wm, Brash has returned from a pleasant visit with her sist ers, at Guelph Mr, Jim Whitton, of Dagmar, Is making some improvements in, his house, Everyone is anxiously waiting the completing of the sports ground There has been a lot of work put on it already and situated us it is just west of the Manse on a hill, it wil he one of the village's most attract ive spots, Mr, Dan Parrott has the contract of wiring is so that games may continue after sunset, What about the annual Garden Party? The date will soon have to be fixed in order to make further preparations for it, Mr, and Mrs, George West ats tended the birthday party of Mrs, Sonley, of Utica, during the week Some from here are showing stoek at Newmarket Fair, next week, Miss Rose Reynolds, of Toronto, Some BARGAINS USED CARS 1927 CHEVROLET SEDAN in beautiful shape . ... 1927 ESSEX SEDAN extra special | 1928 ESSEX SEDAN like new 1929 ESSEX SEDAN cannot tell it from a new car Ross, Ames & Gartshore 1356 King Street W, IN GOOD $325.00 $400.00 $600.00 PR EN RR A) very small mileage Company Limited Phone 1160 is spending her vacation with ler parents, Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Rey- men -- Ladies A beautiful embossed POWDER PUNY worth 205e And a Tin of DUSKA TALC worth be Both - 39¢ sr ---------- ie tive, a -- SE -------- THIS BUSINESS OF "SAVING" Regesan Fruit Saline A refreshing effervescent laxa. Jaleves billioustisss. sick headaches Plensant to iy Regular Price $1.00 | Sue Pris . vee 79° a aa ML Kagor l'eople are going to mako the most to save money, Nationally Advertised Articles at Thursday - Friday Through the co-operation of the manufacturer your Rexall Drug Stores offer you these regulary High-Standard, exceptionally - Saturday The Bargain Hunters Column 880 Kruschen Salt owe 300 Listerine ... #% $1.80 Scott's Emulsion ..,, 9 "BOOTS" B00 Phillips Milk of Magnesia ., 48 DUSKA Face Powder Reg. $1.00 Duska Perfume Reg. 50¢ 200 Sloan's Lin, 80¢ $1.30 Pinkham's #00 Bromo Selt- 860 Minard's Lin, 88c $60 Chase's Kid- . Boys and Girls A glant many colored Rubber WATER-BALL And a 350 Tube of KLENZO TOOTH PASTHR 49¢ of this opportunity low prices on Both - age Rikex's FRENCH BALM The soothing thick liquid cream that keeps the hands and face soft and smooth, Regular Price S0¢ LC Ae Sale Price , , CI 39° Hawk-Eye CAMERAS Dependable and oasy to operate, No, 2 Sige .. 08¢ No, 2A Bize $1.40 Vegetable Comp, ,.... $1,00 BOP ivvaaaae HB0 ney and Liver PIS soviviee 830 BATHING SHOES Smart--All Sizes, all Colors, Protect your font while 79 ¢ swimming ..! Electrex Jr. Curling Iron Can ba used on any 110 volt lighting current, Regular Price $1.56 * Sale Price 89¢ YOU SAVE WITH SAFETY AT JURY & LOVELL'S "The Rexall Stores" ade ie MWe B00 Gin Pills ,.. B00 Ipana Paste 860 Mocea Oint, 100 Palmolive Soap, 8 for .. 400 Castorla ,., 500 Dodd's Kid ney Pilla .... 500 Willlam'y Plak Pills ... 760 Woodward's Gripe Water a We 600 Virol ivy 430 760 Bisurated Magnesia .... Oc 600 Robinson's Patent Barley 40u B0c Gin Pills ... 830 d6¢ Italian Balm 20¢ 600 Chase's Nerve Food ., Bue with a beautiful NAIL BRUSH (i Reg, .35¢ | Simcoe St, 8, Phone 08 FREE This Fine WASHCLOTH with a 28e tin Tiny Tot Baby Powder the two for 25° The newest and best fn Sanitary Pads. Oue dozen in a 39 c King St. K, DOR savsr'van Phone 28

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