Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Jul 1930, p. 10

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20s Lo BR Lh 28F Rs \ " PAGE TEN 1 OI - THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1930 A SA PI SS AA POTION WT SAS RP 7 Jimi ve Dr. T. W. G. McKay, Medical * Officer of Health, Presents ~~ Annual Report to the Board City's Hoalth Is Discusied in ,/ Comprehensive Document Covering 12-month Period 636 BIRTHS AND 239 DEATHS OCCURRED Of 23 Cases of Accidental Death 7 Were Due to Mo- tor. Accidents Dr, 1, W. (1, MiKay, Medica Officer of Health, fins presented to the Board of Health his annuui ree port for the year ending ( Bint, 1080; Tt Ix a large an prehensive document covering vars lous phases of heulth work the period of time indicated avidently the result of much pains. Mepacats copies have taking work, heen piven each honrd for persual, memiay With a populatioa of 25,600 tae eity: experienced favorab's natural growth ay there wera 30 compared to 880 denths, thus ine dicating a gain nfl / 10 dn a signitieatit fin deaths caused hy K.AK par nent were die fo | tha neoiden', v Jotober d erm during and Is of the births inf 24 ov njuries deaths, 2; deaths from Cancer, 161 total deaths, 250, Non-Resident, Live Birthe---=74; SU births, 6; total births, In hospital, 80; deaths, 0-1 year, 0; maternal deaths, 2; deaths from Concer (outside), 1; total dealhy, 20, Harcoma of glands of neck, (In sida), 1, Total Live Births reported, 710, Non-resident casos and deaths of communicable disease: Tuber oulosis 8, Measles 1, Influenta 2, Pneumonia 4, (Deduct these from above desth tolals to Aseerialy Clvie deaths), NOTE: 1 Diph- therin case mentioned above di of RNospiratory Paraylsls 0 weeks after recovery from. Dip, The following specific measures for communicable diseases preven tion were employed hy the Loca) Boara of Hoalth: ' Immunisation by Scarlet Fever Vaccination against smallpox; Immunization by Toxold against Diphtheria, Toxin against Heariet Fever: lwo. Mtion of all cuses of Communic. nble Disease reported; quarantine of contaots as per Negulations, Of 14 canes of roported deaths from Tubsrculosis, two wers af children---one Pulmonary 'Tuber- Sommunicable Disease Plas Terebro-apinal Meningitis , , +, Cancroid, Ohlekenpox Diphtheria Diph, Carriers, 2 Gonorrhodn, «vss s Gorman Measles os +4: Influenza Measles Mumps |, re a Pneumonia .. CU ER CE a NR TE EER ie oe aan Pollomyelitds , oo +0 +4 Puerperal Nepticasmin Nearlet Fever Neptie More Throat Amallpox Syphilis | Tuberoulosls ,. ! Typhoid Vever (Para) Undulant Fever Whooping Cough ., Buspeet TB, oii |. 4 i wt 0 fn 0 1 " n 0 0 x { \ 1 (adult) x x (8 of these are alo listed under Influsnsa denthw) !(Colleginte) 11 (Adults) 1 (Congenital Hl (rest adolte) vacelved In automobile m Inhaps, There were five canes of drowniny, two persons lost theip lives count of bad falls, three ware kill od by trains and one In an. aeroplane arash, met El stances of electrocution occurred Dr, McKay stressed the need of hotter pre-natal care to reduce the number of deaths among new horn babies, Phe tollowing facts and OxLYACtS | perwons at the from the report may torent | prove Vital Ntatisties According to the records Division Registrar, there turing the year Realdent, Live WIL births, 28; homes, ANB, In foathe, 0-1 year, Hirths total birt hospital, in; on ns' | death wo in of In of the were a0; he, In 240; maternal, Dissuse CANSR reported and one 19 Pots old} Al vilosis with Cervienl Meningitis, three years Pulmonary 'Tuberculosis YOAIs Whether either or both of theses, wera associated with Bovine T.B or not, was not indicated in the cune history, All the other cases monary Tuberculosis, with associated other factors, | prime of life, elghteen years being the minimum age and seventy vears tho maxi mum, but ten In this group were hetween the age of 34 and 41 Acute Communicable Diseases Hy rveforring to page (1) of the report, one in partieularly struck hy the uiven age of the great ma jority of canes of Communicate The ware Puls sometim a ~ \ 'a a Wy - [3 . x w, 7 B More Power and Pick-up Of course it is an "age of machinery" ~but man-power is still the most im- portant factor in human achievement, Shredded Wheat is a power food. It is rich in the elements that build mus- cular and mental energy -- making it an ideal food for children, Shredded Wheat is nothing but whole wheat, supplying every element that growing bodies need. Delicious with milk and fresh fruits. WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY. LTD, grout majority of all those report od cases have occurred In the Pre-School and Sohool-Age group, In the case of Diphtheria and BSoarlet Vever, two of the most serious diseases dealt with, and #lso in the case of Measles, the Pre-School age group is pointed out as the one that has the poor. ost chances of surviving the type of 11inoss, In connection with these dis causes mentioned, there can be no question of the really great value of the immunization against Digh- therin and Scarlot Fever, which has been carried on by our Local Board of Health, among the chil dren of our City, It in known that all the canes of Diphiheria reported arose from sources of contagion outside of our ety, It is very interesting to note that eleven cases of Hoarlet Fever reported occurred In adults, employed at business or industrial work, and, therefore, with mark. od opportunity for contact and spread of the disease, Our Public Health Nursing Ser- vice cannot be too highly con. gratulated on the very valuable work It is doing, Influenza and Pneumonia Although both Influenza and Pnoumonin are, In the Regulations for the control of Communicable Disease, under the Public Health Act, declared to he notifiable dis Oason, they have not yet beon give en by tho Medical Practitioners that consideration, In fact the only record available of the pres anca of either of these diseases i8 the death reports showing those people who have died from Influ- onsa, or from Puoumonias of whatever kind. Both these dis oases have taken a fairly heavy toll of the population of the City and surrounding country, to judge by the reported number of deaths. By heresay one knows that Influ- OnEA was rather frequent from September on, during 1020, and had been also rather frequent in January, February and March of the same year, but the general consensus of opinion was that the manifestations of tha disease were fairly mild, nothing lke the sever. ity which the disease exhibits In Ith acute epidemic or pandemic form, Other Diseases Bronchitis---Two cases of doath from Bronchitis are reported Neptic Nronchitis and Hronehlecs tanls, 5 yours; Chronic Bronchitis and Hypostatie Pneumonia, 44 YOArS, Asthma --Two cases of from Asthma aro reported le Bronchial Asthma, 46 Chronle Bronchial Asthma Emphysema, 50 yoars, Cancor--<The deaths from Can cor reported number 17 and this In squivalent to 6.50 per cent, of the total deaths reported, The canes are all in adults, starting al the prime of Ife, and going over the divide of life into advanced years and are an follows Diseases of the Kidneys Five cases of death where dis onie of the Kidneys was present have hoon reported and these all cour An the ages past maturity from 40 to 84, P Dinbetes Five cases of death from Dia betes have boen reported. These CANON (are of Interest, not ae much beause of the diabetic condition present, but because of the lowe: ed physical rosistance caused by (he presence of this disease and the readiness with which a com plicating disease produces an un fortunate outcome Cirrhosis of the Liver Two cases of death from Cire hosin are reported. Hypertepphic Cirrhosin (Chronfe) and Haem- orrhage, 60 years; Cirrhosis of Liver, 70 yearn Gioltre Two cases of death from Goltre (Toxle' Type) are reported, Old Age Fourteen cases of death In old ake, with complicating conditions have heen reported, Vascular, Cardine, and Vascular Conditions By far the most Important causes of death recorded are those Associated with diseased and de generative conditions associated with Cardio-Vascular mechanism Approximately, 13.8 per cent of the cases of death recorded for 1020 wore due to diseases which oan he classed In this mroup, where heart and main blood ves sein are affected and excluding vasoular conditions in the cere bram, which In amount account for 10.4 per cent. of total deaths roported, 27 canon of disease of the ves soln of the Cerebrum are reports od , 86 canes of disease of the Mare and blood vossels are report. o death Chron YORrs and Cardio. This means that nearly 25 per aent, of the total deaths recorded for 1080 are due to disease con: ditions associated with the clreus latory pumping mechanism of the body and its vessels, In any event the figures seem to point out that, after 40 yoars of age, the human machine can very rapidly undergo degonerative conditions, which so materially at foot the whole body economy as to soon lead to death, The weak spot in the whole mechanism seems to bo primarily the elroulas tory mechanism, Provision Preventive Work And Intant Weltare The valuable work being done by the Medical snd Nursing Sere vices of the Looal Board of Hoalth, | Discussion of and with the co-operation of the Hospital officials, If such co-0peritive action can not be granted, then we shall be compelled to look once again for location in the Northern part of the City, where such work can be carried out by our staff, At presont, the only suitable and logical places are to be found in rooms connected with some of the schools of the City, As the work Is too important to be al- lowed to he neglected, action must immediately be taken to deal with this situation, The need for such Clinle nee commodation Is made much mors evident as the result of the sure veys continually being made of pre-school age children and the work required to be gone for these younger citizens, The more one does In Public Health Welf ro Work, the more one realizes that the major ore fort, and the one which can glve the greatest and most striking re- turns, is the immunization and preventive medical, dental, nurs ing, and other Heulth Welfare Work, to he done for these chil dren, During the Department © your from November 1, 1028, to Octo bor 41, 1020, there wore reported 60 cases of Venersnl Disease, with one doath, Concise Survey of Death Returns With Analysis of Findings Approximately one-third of al the deaths registered were associ ated with Maternal, . Fmbryonal, Foetal, Natal, and first yeur In fant morbidity, that Is, with re productive processes gone wrong and safety of the new-horn In fant Murely such figures demand ner fous attention and consideration What industry could survive such a terrific depreciation and wastage of manufactured product? Wao know that our Public Health Nurses had observation in a pre natal srvey over 224 mothers; that the Metropolitan nurses gave Pre natal way over 224 mothers; that A follows: Salary, Medical Officer of G0 per eent, of resident mothers It in quite possible {hat private | duty nurses , engaged oeurly In| pregnancy gave similar wervice to | wovernl more mothers und. that | family physicians also looked af ter the Pre-natal care of several more, When, however, one r¢ members that a total of 744 birth wera registered for the year, if would uppenr that there mus! have been a considerable numb of prospective mothers that had Httle or no pre-natal care, and that while they have heen given ndoguate Intra-patal care, thai the Post-natal and Infant Welfare Care was not as Intensively car ried out an could have been de sired Follow up ora 1s the apt to he neglectod, and yet, it i» so Absolutely necessary A culm survey of these figures should sti up research and good Samaritan spirit in all rvightthinking eit) gens, In that point where ther will be gtrong desire to show a re duction in these listed causes of death, and, If possible to secure A commesurately brilliant and sue consful return for proper advices and care given lo prospectiv. mothers, mothers, new:horn hh fants, and Infants Inside of the first year of Jife, Surely we should hope for Just an spectacu lar returns as have beon procured In the Diphtheria and Searle: "ever incidence and death returns, | during the past ten years, hy a conearted Public Health attack There can be no doubt of the henefit which should follow the ine of a Clnle for Pre natal, Postnatal, and Infant Wael fare Care, as an Out<door Deparl ment, undor the aegis of the Osh awa Hospital and Its Medien! Stal, [ mont Death Return Communicable Diseases Influenza and Pneumonia Influenza and Pneumonia have together taker a toll of over one olghth of the total deaths regis tered, This indicates how deadly the so-called "dommon cold", Flu Grippe, or Influenkn can become, It indicates also how Important i» the necessify for education con cerning the dangers associated with attacks of Influenza Mall Paesumonia, and how much effort should he being directed to make people realize those dangers and to practice every proper protec tion and safeguard which coun be adopted. Especially it is in dioative of the necessity to urge oare on all adults In the prfme of lite, when, because of good health nnd well-beimg, they are inclined to helleve protective caution un- necessary. Hdueation in health protection Is the key to thin situ. ation, Tuberculosis Tuberculosis, that dread onse, has accounted for a over one-eighth of our, total deaths registered, This rate ia far too high, In the light of our modern understanding of, and methods of handling Tuberculosis, through Preventive Medicine, A vigorous effort should be made to lower thin black mark on our death records, One hundred and two cases of this disease have been under observation, in homes, by the Public' Health Nurses dur ing the past. year, Twenty-seven new cakes have hoen reported this year, Expenditure Wor Public 'urposes The cost of Public Health Ad- ministration this year amounted to $26,663.05, a por eapita expen. dis little Health In immunisation against Diphther- ia, Soarlet Fever and Smallpox. and also in Infant and Pro-schoo) Child Welfare Work, ia belng very badly hampered by the need for A olinlo centrally, or better, north. arly situated, in.- our Oity, It Would be an éxtremely great ad: vantage in carrying on this work It the Ooh wa General Mowpita: would consider the advisability of ostablishing an Out-Door Depart ment, corrolated to the general health inapectional olinfo pres viously rvoferred ta, and in which thin class of work could be caw ried out by the Looal Board of Health officials, with the consent, Announcing THE OSHAWA FRUIT STORE Will open up for busi on Friday, July 4th, with a large and select stock of Frosh, Fralts and Vegot- abies, Call in and see us. 17 King St. West fture of 1.087 dollars divided us Henlth, $2,000.00, Other Public Health expeditures, $24,663.05, Conclusion In conclusion | wish to thank all who have aksisted in the work of publle health in the City of Oshawa this year, particularly the Provinein) Dopartment of Health, Officials of the Loeal Department of Henlth, Bocinl Welfare Investi- gator and Relief Officer of the City, Community Associated Wels fare Organization, Red Cross (los cal), Rotary and other Social Sor viea Clubs, I have the honour to he, Gentle men, Your obedient servant, T, W. (i, McKay, M.D. Madieal Officer of Health, for Oshawa, Ontario, H8 King Hireet, Woust, CITY INFANT MORTALITY First Day 2 Lived 1 hour Premature 1 4 1 day-=Monster, I 2 hours Premature 4 ' I day-Premature 1 1 day-<Injury at Birth 1 1 day Placenta Praevia 1 1 g | day <Diftfeult Labor Few Minutes Pramafure 1 hour Cardiac Dilatu tion 1 1 day Breech Pneumonin | 3 Vow Hours 1" 1 day~Dystcin I'remature | | | and | | | | | » EF FEE COFFE Viest Week 3 days---Undeveloped, 8 days--~Fromature 4 days--Premature § dayn--Haomorrhage 3 days--Asthenin 9 days~Spina Bifida 4 days -- Pre Kclamplc Mother 4 days--Byncope Hecond Week 12 days Pneumonia and Whooping Cough 12 days-~Jaundico Third Week H weeks---Murasmus 4% weeks---~Marasmusy First Month 1 month--Bronehitiy second Month months Congenital Syphilis months 2% monthw 2% months Third Month 4 months Toxaemin 3% months sony months Marasmug fourth Month 4 months Toxnemin 4 months--Pneumonia Fifth Month hig months h months hl months 'neumonin Hh months Ponewmonla ! months Diarrhoen Lived 1Aved lived 2 ~Dysontery Dysentery Diarrhoea Lived Intestinal " Convul- " 3 Lived Intestinal " Drowning Marasmus Broncho Lived Lived " b One of the best attributes claim is FRESHNESS, { When we say that Pride of freshness, we I coffee is roasted and supp! to be able to say truthf Fresh from the Roaster R course there is only one pr. Hixth Month I Lived 6% months--#pina dn, Seventh Month Vv Lived 7% monthe--Pneumonia Kighth Mouth I Lived &4 months-- Pneumonia. 1." 8 months----Pneumonfs and Pleurisy Eleventh Month | 1 Lived 11% monthg -- Tubsrey- lar Meningitis Bifi. U.S. TAKES ACTION ON UNEMPLOYMENT Appropriation of $150,000, 000 Authorized in New Bill for Emergencies Washington, July I'he stop to deal officially and govern mentally with the problem of un- employment Lins been virtually rompleted hy Congress, IMinal enactment with President Hoover's signature of two of the Waggner program bills was vir tually nwsured when the House persed the measures, , One wet up a hoard of four cabinet wen hers 10 survey the unemployment situation periodically and author. fzeu an appropriation of $150,000,- 000 for use In an emergency, . first | great mystery of the problem by directing the government to collec adequate. statistics, Lack of in formation in the current erisls hai prevented the public and the gov ernment from knowing even wha the situation remlly was, LINDY'S SON NAMED, . TO BE CHARLES M New York, July 3-The little sor of Colonel and Mis, Charles A, Lind bergh probably will be named Charle Morrow Lindbergh, after his famou Dwight and grandfather Ambassado Dwight W. Morrow, it was leaned ir well-informed circles The forme Anne Morrow and her child inten: to go to the Morrow summer hom at North Haven, Me, I'he plano it is stated Is nov fighting for is life in the moder: home---with- fis back against the wall Kitehener Rocord Stop that Head Aching Why suffer headache, or any other pam, when ZUTOO TABLETS, taken when ou feel it coming on, will give relief in 20 minutes. Harmless and re- liable. Used by thous. ands, The other supplios a key to the | good coffee should rightfully of Arabia coffee is the very mean, that just sufficient ied to each of our Groceterias ully that Pride of Arabia is to your percolator, and of ofit involved, the saving being passed along to you when you buy 'PRIDE of ARABIA at Valb. Tin 25° it 49 "So Good You'll Want More" THESE SPECIALS ON SALE FOR WEEK OF JULY 3rd to 9th SPECIAL Featuring This Week SOVEREIGN SOCKEYE SALMON vw 91° Shield Brand Mayonnaise MAYONNAISE DELIGHT A delic- 8 os. jar 2c h ' ] 3'4 on. jar 13e PIMENTO MAYONNAISE = Ideal 8 oa. jar 23e "The Pick of the Catch" fous Sandwich Spread for Salads Sat, 8 ROMAN MEAL 34 01, jar 1Je MAYONNAISE DRESSING Has a 80s. jar le Raver all its own Closed Wed. 10 p.m. "Try It for Better Health' Open from 8 a.m. SPECIAL--LOBLAW"S Delicious p.m, 12.30 am, til} CHERRY CAKE = 39¢ 'Tastes Like More" SPECIAL--Non Acid-Forming PACKAGE 26c¢ Cheese-- 2 Pkgs. Sheets Sunwheat Biscuits --Theonly Biscuit of its kind in the Park Brand Packa world, Package Serviettes--Hig 50 to a pkg. 24¢ PURCH ge 12¢ CALAY SOAP 1 CAKE FREE WITH THE 3 for. 23¢c Sanitary Boneless A F SO or Hall ib. Jar » and Youle, Wholesome" Shirriff's Pineapple MARMALADE 47¢ Cream Crackers--Jacobs, pkg. 24¢c Ingersoll Cream and Pimento--Spreads like But- ter --~Medium Size Package Lunch Rolls--Imperial--18 to a Roll....3 Rolls Straws, 2 Packages 10¢ Se fc Drinking Cups--Dixie Brand Package... ; Chicken -- Beaver 's, Tin, . Tuna Fish--Light Meat-- Shell Brand sives Tin 29¢ Libby's Homemade PICKLES wo 24c Pearl White Naptha SOAP 4 ]bc L Kipper Snacks--Real Tasty 3tima.....n Herrings--In Tomato Sauce aconochie's-- Imported 14 ox. tin .... Toddy--The Health Drink --Serve Hot or Cold 11b. tin......... Olives --Lunch Queen-- Somor Br. No. 8 Bottle Prepared Mustard--French or Libby's, Jar... SPECIAL--DIXIE DAINTY GRAPEFRUIT Buffet Size toa tin two sérvings on. "Antiseptic and Preserving" POLIFLOR WAX tin 530 ile Soap? 20c Refreshing and Fragrant UX TOILET "A Cube to a Cup" 0X0 10.Cabe 9 4 0 SPECIAL--AYLMER BRAND TOMATOES No. 24 Size 10¢ 13e¢ 2 "TINS A Useful Food at a Saving! for Grape Ju Bottle. C&B's, 25¢ Medium Size Tin 21° The Food Tonic Ovaltine HAND CLEANER 75¢ Peanut Butter -- Jack and Jill Brand--' The Children like it", Pail Klim -- Whole Milk -- Ideal Camping,.. 2X oz, Tin ice~Welch's--The National Drink, Med. Size Lime Juice--Montsetrat Bottle .................. Lemon Cup & Orange Cup ttle... = SNAP 2 ™ 25 BLACK FLAG INSECTICIDE Rid Your Home or Summer Cottage of Insect Pests More Quickly and More Thoroughly than by any other method. TIN 8-0Z. 27° 16:02. 46° We Sell For Less

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