Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Jun 1930, p. 5

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| 1 ' THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, JUNE 30, 1930 PAGE FIVE Promotions at Oshawa Public Schools Based on Term Work And Results of Final Exams Days Are. Hore "Again" for Thousands of |) == Entrance Studs Wait Until July 15th Pupils. of Oshawa's public school, nombering about 2800, are now en- ing the long summer vacation, nse who were, unfortunate enon 16 hve to try the final exams, finish. ed school on Friday, A large number of students were promoted, however, on their term's work and have been on holiditys singe June 15, The results of the promotion ex: aminations held on Juns 4, 25, and 27 and alse names of pupils whe assed oh the term's work are given hotow: trance class pupils must he content to wait until July 15th be fore they learn of their success, KING ATREEY ,M, Holmes, principal) it Wy, IV, on term work---<Marguerite White, Kath- jeen Harper, Marion Palmer, Wilk Ham Cexson, Kathleen Nandtord, Lillian Bond, Biwyn Hayton, Bills worth Legott, Aubrey Thompson, Jean Anderson, Jack Towry, Mae Ekingley, Harry Mediand, Edith Daleiel, tells Brooks, Bdith Swithenbank, Nelson Hoge, Audrey Tombough, Hagel Weir, yithe Greig, Lorraine Greentree, Chars 1e8 PA ineav. George (loheen, one, Paane examination ~Poris Rundle, Gladys Batten, Bill Tanson, Heleu Armour, Trma Rutledge, Jeun Bounae, Hen eine GAMDLS mble, Ma ' Donaig, on ©, M, Cruse, teacher, Promoted ta Jv, 1V, on term work==KEarl Phillips, Jean Jarrell, Doreen Dobbie, Elma Merrick, Do: lores Rate no Wake eo Taylor, Roy \ har wi wilhur, Bimer Eadie, aines, Douglas , Bly Moe Evelyn Weir, Luke, Ruth Audrey gott, Examination=-- Trene Kins: 2.4 James Moon, Jack Gaynor, Evelyn Bowden, Mary Sheridan, Jack ' Brinning, Walter Hooper, 'Alen Gavdner, Bila Preston. Jack Dart, Donald MeDonald, Orville Dingman, Piva Clark, Bernice Smithson, V, 0, Kaiser, teacher, ameoted to fr, 111 on term work a Steiner, 'Muriel Platten, James Plekup, Jack Lockwood, Keith Krants, Mack Rwitser, belle Baird, Douglas Hoanes, (larice Gordon, Afleen fileen, Jean Con: nolly, Margaret Meek, Ralph Meche in, Thelma Lowry, Rtanley Park: nson, Margarst Lockwood, (ladys Lg Hla Wanda Gamble, Mar orie Culling, Mike Drendrowski, pne Randford MoKensie, Fidel Olsen, Dorothy Haverson, Joyee Sarnel, Stirling Grimmon, feeley, hy Examination - Grierson Way; ten, Allan Plowright, Helen Cowie, Jack Miller, Vioe Quirk, Derethy , Wima fage. Bhapmen Fisle Lyon, teacher June Doris Bone, Vernon fh ; Ar owle, OPE Me Bo Adair, teacher, Promoted 3 Junior TIT en term Gordon, Don rv, Amy Brown, Jack Sage, Al- {stair MacDonald, ne Pr ted to Junior Il-=Albert Knob Ross Rdmunds, ty Roy, Billy Perry, Marian Tein, Netty ve, Laverne Gaynor, Arthur j. Enamination-_Pramated to pior 11 ==Clarice Harriott, James | Fry, = Doris "Promoted fr. 1 to Jr, II on term wor bo | Kariharine ] IH ; Gordon APMAR, Ay A ter, Hilda , Hugh MeIntyre, Betty Kift, Paina veras Mation Miller Andre Rin \ fr. 1--Grace Hutchinson, ndrew thd Be Promoisd 0 J1. T (arm work ay Andros, (Bll AE n \y glas For rawsk Will "Have 'to 26 Cha pell, ARNae | ld Joan Weil, Stanley Lawrence, Bil- iia bo, Jask BADenck: (hugh Cy "Trew A David Moors uel) 1] toff, Gerald Keanis diath on Irwin, George tL] ot "rom i Ruth Hou, lett i rhael, Irene Mitchell, teacher, ALBERT TRENT 7. A. Patton, Principal Promoted to Renioy Fourth on term work--Voltto Lehi! and Ines B Gordon Anderson, Melva George Holt, Georgina Leonard Tyrrell, Bessie Douglas Chesehraush, Billie Herein, Madeline Smith, ¥lor- ence Pratley, Manley Ayres, Nor. man Rowley, Peggy Hays, Joe Zuh. kavieh, Alhert Bufelt, Jack David: son, Calvin Norton, Frank Vanvolt, Helen Wilson, By Examipation-= Edith New- man, Flovence MeGahey, Marion Oster, Doris Hornby, Mianley Mo: Hugh, Gertrude Adalr, Peter Musik, Mike Bepepar, Lorraine Lee, Jack Milne, Doreen Sullivan, John Boyd, Christine M, MacLennan, Teacher, Promoted to Junior Fourth on term work=- Olive Cunningham, Winnie Griffin, George Paterson, Charles! Thrasher, Irene Meech, George ' Waite, Agnes MeHugh, Alex Melynk, George Lemere, John Atenik, Bric Cheetham, Harold Cal ford, Robert Lawrence, Bert An: thony, Adele Cebulski, Helen Smith, Mary Anthony, John Lesun, Mary Awithenbank, William Evans, Vie tor Tyrrell, Luella Pattield, Vin: 'sent MeGahey, Mary Cebulski, By Examination=Edna Baxter, Rosle Walte, Annie Snudden, Leslie Kinsman, Nick Romaniski, Cech mith, Billy Platt, Delia Hornby, Myrtle Chesehorough, Walter Horn hy, Manley Cebulaki, Orval Kirby, Jack Minacs, (Ree) . M, Kidney, teacher, Promoted to Br, HHI on term work==Eilean Orr, Edith Barnes, Gladys Mullen, Helvl Kansikens, Alex Grant, Lillian Bateman, Irene Anderson, Mary Melnyk, Dorothy Mepham, COeorge Adams, Mary Rymk, Tony Romaniski, Annle Terech, Rillle Boyd, Margaret Brown, Pearl Taylor, Jean Muglk, Jack MoTaggart, Eimer Mullen, By Examination-- Bruce Ander: son, Bobby Griffin, Loreen Cooper, Russell Brant, Milford Heard and Dorathy Morris (equal), Wert Amey, Lillian Wilsen, Lloyd Pat terson, Ceoll Keys, Nancy Looke, Peray Amith, Myrlin Davidson, Harry Elllett, HEvelyn Mepham, Mary Adair, John Romaniski, , White, teacher Promoted to Jr, 111 on term work Marie Proctor, James Patterson, Dorothy Keenan, Isabel Nmith, Charles Keys, Oliford Marnlen, Raymond Attersley, John Reynolds, Kenneth MeGee, Blanche Cooper, Jespie Newman, Lorraine MoTag- gart, Helen Lee, Norma Black, Bes. ple Anthony, Margaret Heard, Lyle Menaul, Jaek Farver, Annie Melnyk, Louise Sponder, Marion Judd, Dolly MoMugh, Bisie Marehuk, Lena Fud ger, By Examination---Rruce Milne, Jennie Terech, Hvalyn Cowle, Fred: die Bercham, Ceell Chambers, Ken: neth Twaltes, George Lee (Ree) Teddy MeCombe (Rep), Dick Orr (Ree) Allee Harston, teacher, Promoted to Sy, 11 on term work wLdlian LaMere, Laura 'Clement, Mauriee MoGahey, Crela Chese- borongh, Cameron Atuart, Ry Examination== Olive Ander: son (Hon) Catherine §mith, Stans ley Menecko, Wilen Lavoque, Netty Rolson, Mike Deckert, John Deckert, John Hrynink, Niek Hey: niek, Mary Hrocklsay, Howard Tueker (Ree) I, 6, Rone, teacher, Promoted to Jv. 1 on term work Lona Rledgwaska, Betty Graham, Rileen Clanoy, Betty Clark, June fmith, Billie Rrabin, Robby Cals ford, John Heard, Ruth Cooper, Ti lia Taylor, Kauke Kansikas, Julia Clement, By Examination-=Hvelyn Hous: ton ((Hon,), Wildemine Crawford (Hon), Warren Holt, (Hon), Bye. Iyn Wilson (Hen), John Chepiaan (HWon,), Peggy Orr (Non), Ottn Young (Hon, ), Harold Lee, Linvd fweet, Johnnie Gingeriaki, 1, 6, Rone, teacher, Promoted te Junior Necond on term work---Joe Nponder, Mary Lesun, Phillis Twaites, Harold Res. sant, Helen Yuskin, Audrey Karvey, Ry Examination--Lottla Tereek, Wiltred Whiting, Allee Waite (Ree.) M. Morison, teanher, Promoted to Bentor = Wirst iar Crawford, ¥ Lee, a, Mi prison, teaghar, Promoted to Juniar First en {on work---Mary Yuskan Jean olok, Freddis Tayler, nyk, Marry Topham. , Morison tougher Promoted from 8» ary to Junior First -=Annie 0! io and Wallace Mason (equal), Leora fte- t lie Fudger, Maitland Boon ra Mason, Florence Williamson, Recommended--- u Marion Or he Te Brawn: dy Jespersen, n, Rivoham, am Pav mar. ., Reea mended: Harold Keenan, John ely : Junior Primary te Intermediate Doris LL) Primary=--Retty on wiry (Kelven | Torrech | KON, PAW Amith, Jesste Paterson, Peart | h CEDARDALY (3 BB fmith, Sr imipal) Promoted to Br, IV on term work «John Goodes, Victor Henkelman, George Kupmeliuk, Lily Johnston, Ruby Smith, Charlie Bartichuk; Lorne Curry, Trens Duftield, Hieve Petryohyn, Florence oulding. Paul Guleneryn, Nellie Shestowskl, Og Mavep, Stella Hiarcsewskl, Ads Cane field, Nellie Harvie, Vrank Singer, Wtanley Fraser, Frank Hayward, Marshall Gillard, John Bprages, w Kanmination.Phy I Lang. ford Ruth McDonald, Annie Glows askl, Persy Barviage, Mary Ander: Harry Clemens Hazel Worsley, Billy Boorman, V. M, Walling, teacher, Promoted to Junior Fourth on texm work=Jlilsie Lloyd, Mervyn denking, Peter Wysotskl, Dorothy Henderson, Lloyd Barviuge, John IaLonde, Jos Kosowsky, Franklin Gillard, Vietovia Goulding, Bilile Waddington, Veter Backwel), Kd- ward Maveo, A, Kurmeliuk, Nick Lyson, Steve Osmvok, Edna Bitre, dohn Worbacho, Iris Dingley, Brice Henderson, Marion Avnold, Everett MoVariane, Allen Leavitt, By Bxamination==Annie Jacula Lovet/a Bartiehul, Vera Andrews, Wugene Shaw, Dorothy Vryederivk, Mieve Dackwell, Fern Emmons, Olga Paconik, Norman Ohense- rough, Mary Clemens. Isobel Mal: lett, Amelia Buowepuk, Bob Cran: dell, Roy Mages, Ly, 1, Plerson, teacher, Promoted to Br, 111 on term work Doris Beewosuk, Pearl Blarcsew- ski, Verna Btive, Joe Maga, George Goulding Yvonne Bhaw, Patsy Ia Londe, ¥rnest " Wilkins, Lleyd Bpragas, Mary Goch, Ronald Thoms son, Raymond Lloyd, Alfred Wil: kins, Eileen Langford, John Gul enchyn, Annie Zoochodne, Albert Lappin, Clarence Mages, Alles Foskett, Mary Cangemi, Joe Pals terson, 'Helen Zochodne, By examination--=Tom Goch, Weve Paconik, Lawrence Fleury, Fabian, Wieury, Rosa Powlensuk, (laorge Thomson, Jean Murray (Ree), Leonard Wilson (Ree) H, M, Oke, teacher, Promoted to Br, 111 on term work Grahame Clapp, Mary Bartichuk, Fred Climpson, Nella Chryk, By sxamination==Ian Fraser, Noreen Arnold, lola Henderson, Lillian Carey, Annie Anderson (Ree,) a, A, Newman, teacher, Promoted to Jr, 111 on term work «Ads Llopd, Annie CGulenchyn, Nick Rhrodis, Billie Jefery, Curtisg Lalonde, Harold Pringle, Rert Dingley, Larna Deeley, Margaret Leavitt Douglas Meikle, Jack Bhaw, Ry oaxamination--Hilda Dalby, Netty Curry, Vernon Dayle, Anna Brewster, Annie Opyehany, Albert Carey 0, & Newman, (eacher, Promoted to Jv, 111 on term work Margaret Jenkins, Joan Wrooks, Marvin King, Stella Zochodne, Rerniea Branton, Heatriee Glow: anki, Gladys Canfield, By examination--Kathleen Cran« dell Khen Millar, Annie Kettela, Fred Carey, Dave Carey (Ree,) M, B, Oke, teacher Promoted to Br, IT on term work Wallace Kosownky, Jimmie Top. ham, Mary Kushnir, Btanley Nkir- row, Wiltved Duffield, Willie Ruth erland, Catherine Waddington, Lotne Pringle, Margaret Wadding: ton, Lorna Minger, Violet Milne, Stuart Kellar, Ronald Doyle, Pearl Harris, By examination--James Taylor, Adeline Carey, Nophle Melynehuk, Audrey Harper, Claude Magee, Thelma Greenfield (Rée,) M, HB, Oke, teacher Promoted to Jr. IT on term work Frank Henkelman, Mildred 1a Tonde, Willie Wenglars, Ena Ma! thews, Grace Emmons, Annie Wip othhl, Tom Ringham, Frank Hai asymahuk, Shirley Wilson, June Henderson, Annie Maga, Billy Hu sar, Koaty Aharky, Hubert Roor man, Robert MeKenna, Margaret Carger (Ree) Ny examinations=Mary Jackson, Elisabeth Chryk, Dominio Fleury, doe Woinakoskl, Mavian Fodder! Annie Lyson, Cliford Pringle; Kd 'Ith Locke, M. I. Hanceck, teacher Promoted to Mr, T on term work Annie HEpisak, Helen Dalby, Frank Adams, Ruby King, Robept Nalmers, Grace Gillard, Niok Gul enohyn, Kenneth Meikle, Ceol Treahall, Irvine Gall, Edith Green. field (Ree) Ay examination-~Clordon Klean, Fred Niokitoruk, Carl Maro, Billy Kueherik, George MoKinairy, Perey Dalby, Annie Horbache, 1, Ritson, teacher, Prometed from Ar. Primary to dr, T==Flopence Ringer, Margaret Millar, Annie Henderson, Hihel Hoy, Mary fplaak, George Harper, Jack Johnstone, Mavian Thomson, Winsome Tutin, Alan Tutin, Paul Ketella, Norman Magee, Hhella Allan, Douglas Curry, Donald Lea. witt, Harry Maat, Kathleen @low- aki, Adam Morris, Earl Wood, Htella Wenglare, iva Sharky, Frollek, Ruth Lalonde, Jean dington, Norman Pringle, Looke, Norman Marnlen, From Jr, Primary to Br, Wanda Meringer, lushen, Richard Barriage, k Reasie, June Neatar, Richa \ Douglas Crandell, Mary Kellar, Margaret fhaw, mmy Reattle, Robert Hoy, Gwen Lalonde, Jack Hugging, Lorne Chesebrough, M garet Stevenson, ) Trove % (1, ©, Stora, aT, . ir IV | to hol, Nitgred. unean Amy thon, Neta , Ruth #8, ¢ Ng Recommended-~ Baith Horion Catherine Merritt, " A, 1, Warne; teacher, Promoted (0 Av, IV on term work Honouts=Keith Smith, Helen Cobourn, Jean Weiss, Mary Dunlop, Kdith Statham, Lorns Wilkie, George Davis, Bernies Tarvis, Bi Evans, Pass ~ Bruce Wiles, LL] floughley, Gordon Wilson, Jean MoLaughiin, William Hall, Norman Ward, Billie Doldge, Gordon Burns ott and Earl Harloesk (equal), Alex Prager and Rows Morgan (equal), Brice MeFariane, Bruce Cameron, Victor Keenan, Norvel Allan, Recomended on year's work-- Anna Hellberg, Hagel Hopps, Don. ald Mokachern, By examination «= Honours Verna Hogle, Brnest Andrews Pass==Nonald Odgen, Margare! Kewin, na Mack, Grace Luke and Karl Parry (equal), Norman Mich. nel, Audrey Campbell and Gloria Wright (equal), Lawrence Mes Knight, Kdwin Branton, Willie Fraser, Recommended ---(leorge Nold Gindys 1, Donn, teacher, Promoted to Jr, 1V, by examina: ton= Honours = Gordon Young, Lois Cottingham, Billy Kelly, Rob. ert Hendrie, Jean Hopkins, Myrtle A, Wilson, teacher, Promoted 10 fr, 111 on Lerm work Honours==Raymond Bitepheuson, Howard Nest, Arthur Cory, Edouard Bartlett, Dorothy Bale and Billy Beamish (equal), Catharine Bulmer, Jean Noxon, Krnest Bomis, Ferne Wilson, Vera Bouckley, Roh ert Kelly, Avthur Long, June Luke Perey Grin, Pass---Doris McBrien, Catharine Campbell, Lillian Sathrang, Isobel Peacock, Barbara Winkworth, Thelma Brown, By examination Pass-Law renes Wragg, Mary Miochas), Borden Nlack, Jaok Hobbs, Ruth Harvick, Delberta Luke, Billy Woland, Reo, «Rosemary Hobbs, Rvelyn Wright Myrtle A, Wilson, teacher Promoted to Jr. III on term work Norman MoBrien, © Margaret Bone, James Cameron, Robert Ma Kay, Joyoe Roucklay, Owan Rouse Marjoria Graham, Richard Cobourn, Douglas Happs, Allan Hepburn, Jaek Palmer, Marie Thom, Cecil Moore, Annie Noimarseth, Marjorie Hartrick, George Cameron, Lottie Smith, Margaret Doldge, Ferne Dae well, Douglas Love, Glen Hranton, Audrey Tryon, Glenda Ward, The) ma Tayler, By examinations=Hetly Nurrows, Jack MaEachern, Peter Burke, Donald Dean, Adele Partiett, Ky. olyn Yarrow, Lorne (ray, Rhea Newsome, Jack MePherson, Wyelyn Ashman, Helen Dobney, Lewis Als Ian, V Marjorie B. Crowe, teacher Promoted from Mr 1 te Jr, 1 on term work, Wilms Chapman(H), Harold Bramley (H), Joyce Buys rows (MH), Eimer Peavey (MH), Mary Turnbull (Hy, Trene Ward (MH), Orval Berry (Hy, Luella Phil lps (MH), Wilma Rennls (MH), Ray mond Care (HH), May Finlay (HD), Raymond Drinkle (HM), LeRoy Pey ton (MH), By axamination--Cordon Oraw ford (MH), Alex Mackay (H), Phyl Ha Bdwards (FH), Chloris Hartrick Dorothy Holbrook A.M, Allin, teacher Promoted from Jr, 11 to Me, 11 on term work--Honours==(leorge Mtonebridee, Willy Werry, Vernon Billeott, Marion Norris, Joyoa Roe Pilly Hastings, David Bt, Andrews, feta Allan, Sidney Bmallbone, Verna Ntratham, Pass-==Joan Ralph, Arnold Me lGaehern, Gordon _ Wiley, Roena Dean, Mtewart Bool) By Kxamination--Coral Hole (H), Evelyn Taylor, Frank Heam- ish, Rtanlay Hobbs, Harold Kirkley Harel Tuck (Ree, A.M, Allin, teacher Promoted to Jr. 1, on term work Ronald Compaton, David Camer on, Petty MoCartney, Margaret Coline, Nylvia Copping, Petty Me Oullough, Earl Morphy, Morris Love, June Perry, Ada Kirtley, Mona Robinson, Donald Crossman, Winnifred Campbell, Russell An draws, Frank Humphries, Roy Weanton, Earl Peavey, Irene Bur nett, Wilma Garrard No sxaminations Jean Hoover, teacher Promoted to Ir; 11 on term work ~=Heatrion MaLean, Marl MoKit triok, Freda Tryon, Evelyn Collin, Delbert MeFariane, Betty Hill, Ry examination -- Lawrenoe Crowe, Roale Btonehridge, Gladys Mellon (Ree, ), Jean Hoover, teacher, Promoted to Jr, | on term work =Doreen Colbhourne, Cliard Putt, Raymond Northey, Ruth Hilts, Vernon Hobbs, Harvey Johnson, Rillle Troebel, Marjorie Arthur Hawkins, Douglas Kewin, Leonard Manning, Lorna Halloway, Netty Cook, Jean Cobourn, Albert Oke, Maurie Kemp, Irene Fuller ton, Gladys Nicks, Marion Gibson, Harold Canfield, Betty Hartriok, Harold Vansant, Irene MoEaohern, Rilver; Kerr, Billie Sanderson, Neat, Ne Raiminaslons, on Mary (HW) Ahern (NH), Ma Kvmatron A h loli diy & Brie Porter Ry ination==John Mean: mont, Arh El Drides, 5) ude O. Hamley, teacher, 'Doug Olive ugent, ety Andrew Darelay Baniiee Perry, By . examina raaret Beamish Ruston Smith, Anat ur worth, Gordon Rae, Billy Baldwin, Eilean Burke, David Lander, Amy AAT ing, Dean Hallevan, Melville Monte gomery, Frank Young (Ree) J. Mcleod, teacher, Promoted to Jr, IV on term work «Helen Byvans, Donald Burns, Roy Hamilton, 1da Clifton, Joan Hehole field, Betty Henley and Marion Gowady and Harold Waison (squad), Dennis Penson, enys Bink, Mar. yusrite Moldaway, Vrank Bheridan, Bobby Germond, Arthur Vaillan- sourt, Doris Cole, Mildred Wilson, Botty Deans, Margaret Watson, Raymond Adair, James Reid, Agnes MacLelland, Vranke Kirke, Doreen Behosnau, Marjory Mae. Donald, isabel MacDonald, Mildred Perry, By examinationWrnost Bouoky jay, Karl MoMaster, Lorraine White Jack Copd, Milton Kellar, Gond Morrison, Katiwtoen Sheridan, Lorna Taylor, Billy Beamish, Bd ward Brisehols, Derwood MacDon- aid, Tom Wright, Margaret Adem, Lieanor Walker (11); Res,) Ella Arnold, (esther Promoted to Jr, 1V on term Work w=Joyon Priest, James Ashworth, Joan Axling, Dorothy 1a¥réence, John A, MeDonald, Rohnert T: Gray, Wilma Smith, ' By examination--fusrt Cun- ningham, Alice Burley, Norman Adair, Tred Wood, Fragsls Noxon, Jack Pletoher, Madge Domen, eacher, Promoted fo Hr, 111.00 Lerm work Mary Manning, Constance ¥arn- somh, Alber LaBesh, Floranes Walls, John MacDonald and Auds voy Morphy (sequal), John Dorie and Dorothy Braek (equal), Done ald Cranheld, Raymond Clifton, Joan Mason, Walter Roberts and Owen Yorke (equal) By examinstion-- David Cope fand and Margaret Smith (equal), Thelma Btouffer, Bruce Anderson, James MoClelland, Margaret Nott, Liovd Wilking, John #ly, Thelma Hallavan, Ktanley Shine, Marion Cox, Floreen HKheridan (Ree), Pollard, |. Hardion: daha Trager, Novag rvs | Napuerst Enid Hall (Ree), va Collis (Rae, ) Madge Dorsen, teacher Promoted to Kr, III on term work==Honours=="Teddy Miller and Hugh Balley (equal), Doris Crowe, Keith Ross, Malcolm MoMechan, Bila Cowie, Lyle Pepino, Maxie Yourth and Jack Newall (squal), Jack Dell and Wriine Lott (equal), Patsy Tuber, Gertrude Ntenhouse, Claude Amith Pass Renoma . Brault, Jessie Kidd, Ross Corbett, James Davie, Lorne Fenton, James Barclay, Burnedette Lalonde, Blanche Gib son, Lorraine Dafoe, Vera Cane and Ruby Ktirling (equal), Nessie Kellar, Barbara Hartley, Bertram Williams, Ny examination==Jim Claughton (MH), Norma Dunford, Reggie Noakes, Jack Raike and Douglas MoCullough (equal), Douglas Bur den, Wilfred Npittiehouse, Cameron Lott, Lyell Adair, Helen Battle, Mary ¥ox and Ivan Morrison (equal), Velma Rramley, Muriel Lott, Donald Daniels, Helen Var row, Marion Adams (Ree,) I, Mtephenson, teacher Promoted to Jr, ILI on term work A clan «Henrietta Bavage, Mar. guerite Nradley, Noreen Ramsden, Margaret Bell, Malse Yourth, Alex "Reid, Olive Cain, Donald Manning, Doris @Gurcott and Ntanley Willson (equal), Jean Burke, Bobhy Dafoe PB Class---Kathleen Wallace, Mil ler Alloway, Donald Fox, Dolly Corte, Alfred Brisebois, Lois Knight, Billy Watts, Yvonne Fin ny, Gordon Hare and John Ward (equal), ladys Watson, Daisy Nhackleton, rma) Leavens, Ry examination--Retty Germond, Rae Baldwin, Jack Chapman, Dor othy Irving, Willy Fraser, Fred Bmith, Eddie Wright, Cecil Yeo, Clarence Manning, Lois Lott, Mar old Fowler (Ree,) K. XK, Hervelwood, teacher Promoted to Nr, IT on term work Olive Hawkshaw, Helen Ntewart, Jean Wallace, Gladys Martyn, Ray mond Topping, Charles Patterson, Nell Rutheriand, Billeen Small, Ry examination Albert Wilson, Vernon Welsh, Lewis MoLean, Don Ald Oke dna Johnston, teacher Promoted to Br, [1 on term work =1inabath Morphy, Dovethy Wil lame, Billy Kempling, Doreen Emith, Wallnee Wilson, Edna Cole, Ry examination-Martha * Reid, Nernios Lott, Harry Tresine, George Tresine, Robbie Bimmons (Reo) Kdna M, Johnston, teacher Promoted to Br, 11 on term work Margaret Bown, Hugh Joyee, Stuart Jacobs, Ralph Jones, Doris Kempling, Hilda Sheridan, Ruth Reeson, Margaret Mountendy, Paul Barton, Marie Hoekin, Jimmy Wright, Irena Belknap, Helen Kidd, By examination--Wilma Rednon, Arthur Fowler, Phyllis Marahal, Jack Mason, Annie Ross (Ree) Li I, Cordiek, teacher Promoted to Jr, HI on term work Parbara Morphy, Esther Hall, George Nugent and David Buchan (equal), Dorethy MeTavish, Gor. don Lofthouse, Irena Corben, Irene Rutherford and Muriel Starch (equal), Ruby Dayman, Harold Topping, Bam Fox, Grant MoKit. triok, Marion Roas, George Fisher, By examination==Audrey Yourth, Keith Leeky, Willy Jordon, Jamea Fraser, 1a W Gordick, teacher Promoted to 8r, 1 hy axamination ==Noh Rouokley, Barl Rahme, An< son Henderson, Fred Rouckley (Ree) H, 0, Patty, teacher, Promoted to Jr, 11 on term work Willtam-- Richardson, Muriel Frasey, Joan Clifton, Donald Mao Donald, Gordon Toulthes, Joan Burne and Hilda Hawkshaw (equal), James Ritohie, Moira Rexx and Alan Detenbeck (squall, Jean Lind Beryl Hall, Agnes Rarelay, John Brack, Tommy Barclay and. Rpy Comrie (equal), Inabella Low- od he it i TA an he It 3 examination---Retty oh. LA) don Stevenson, in ne, Gor Cratg, Glen Rottrell, Bernice Lang: maid, Dilly Keel, Donald Burden, Hilda Cole, Stewart MeTavish (Ree) \ NH. @. Batty, teacher, Promoted to Jr, I «= Louise Loa, Rillie MeLarty, Barnard Morrison, Doveas Meaton, Mervin Parkin and Magn (squad) Yourth, Barnie Carlyle, Joan Wilk Kins, leslie Gouldburn, Betty Cor. bett, (Walter Bown, Muriel Mor- vison, Dorothy Smith and Mavis Thompson, all squal), Grant Ander~ son, Melsn Hastwood, Barbars fmals, Billie Blight, Kenneth Brise- hots, Clinton Hall, Mavis Wallbank, Muresy Newhall, Donald Branton, ean ¥rench, Joan Ross, Bobble Burden, Tommy Caldwell, findie Vox, teacher, Promoted to Br, 1 on term work «Frank Kilduff, Dorothy Hmith, Ruby Guseott, Jean Datos, By sxamination---Dorothy Sharp, Emily Holdaway, Norman Taike, fadie Vox, teacher, Promoted to Jr, 1==Heity Mart. ley, Kenneth Andison, Freddie Mid. diston, Bileen Glide and Walter Button (equal), Busy Watson, Al- win Ashworth, Philip Patterson, Willy Carlyle, Joan Bradley, Holon Nelknap, Nesta Chappell and Wil fred Gillette (equal), Billy Dafoe, Audrey Blowart, Elmer Armstrong, (squal) Marion James, June Bellis, John Nott, Billy John. ston, Jack Wilson, Connie Brock. Ishurst, George Melaughlin, Ras Jones, Isobel Robinson, Bobby Mas. on, Jean Hayball, Ivan Les, Promoted from Jr, Pr, to Br, Pr, wLorraine Harmer, Helen Glide Billy Cane, Billy Morrison, June Bowers, ¥. A. Taylor, teacher, Promoted to Br, 1 on term work George Corfe, Margaret MeDiar- mid, By sxamination Maris Cain, F. A. Taylor, teacher, MOUTH SIMCOE NTREDY (4, 1, Annand, Principal) Promoted tq Br, 1V on term work Reta Thompson, Vietoria Yus kiw, Joan 'Townsend, Margaret Smith, Sophie Mreisuk, Wm, Your: kevieh, Mable Bhort, Hattie Law rence, Mary Peleshok, Joe Parson, John Drewniak, Vivian Snider, Mary Hund, James Canning, Neska Sheplae, Tony Huochan, Mike Kup- nicks, Mary Beblook, Billy Suddard, Irene Adams, Dora Mouskiluke, Dudley Deeley, Lila Thomas, 7, Maxymulk, By examination Edwin, Coch rane, Peter Jushnir, Roy Lawrence, Bdward Crawley, Jersolaw Baimers, Jack Dateman, Charles Hester, Clara MoLaughlin, Jack Shortt, Paul Herola, "Douglas Favell, A.M, Hope, teacher, Promoted to Jr, IV on term work Ellen Williams, Bill Shortt, Mary Bellingham, George Brynsan, John Kalenko, Olga Luoska, Nellie Nroldra, Arthur Sargant, John Rowe, Marjorie Noble, Gwendoline Harvey, Alec Bhestowskl, Busle Kupnieki, Jean Clark, Kugenius Balmers, Thelma Morton, Rita Lee, Waldomyra Salmers, Harry Mero, Mary Lokey, Lloyd Lang, Mike IBinger, Alsc Mouskiluke, Queenie Hills, May Crawley, Tom Parkel, Renvy Buddard, Lawrence MoCon- ay By examination=Lena Wanylyk, Irene Warren, Mandy Connaghan, Gordon Clark, Bobby Parish, Doris Thomas, Kathleen Recalls, Helen Klima, Ethel Reyner; Ella Blowin ski, Harold Ling, George Klima, Ni: WB, MoConnell, teacher Promoted to Br, 111 on term work Douglas Langtree, Alec Bourne, Annie Gurnichl, Kathleen Nash, Pauline Glasier, Emily Myles, Rob. ort. Modgson, Albert Bteele, Grace Holmes, Tony Zakauvle, Pearl Mo: Fadyen, Charles Hamilton, Bam Nheps, Ralph Wescott, Helen Drog: mots, Albert Porter, Nettis Mala. chouskl, WHma Vann, ¥lla Ons borne, Ola Westlake, Edna Mills, Louise Foster, Dorothy Blackley, John Henderson, Dy examination==David Mages, Pearl Connaghan, MNdith Barrow, Mteve Peleshok, Margaret Bell, Rob: ert Buddard, Clara Logeman, Amy Parker, Amy Barker, Mina Craggs, Annie Mroldra, Stella Derewnick, Mary Kalenko, Vi. A: R, Langmald, teacher, Promoted to Mr, and Jr, III on term work-=8r, 1Hi==Robert Btuart, Bmily Matthews, May Shaw, Erma Welsh, William Daniels, Jr, IH==Frank Hooper, Marion Paul, Ohester Horak, Grit Ford, Violet Wodlschy, Nick Hebulak, Marshall MoConkey, Iris Marvey, Anna Samboluk, Wiltred Parish, Ny examination---Br, 1] Hye lyn--€ b, Phyllis Oramb, Mary Herola, Willlam "Tutkaluk, Fred Bulllvanty Vera Ling (Rec) Jr, 1H==Anna Knihinieka, Mike Bibulak, Jennie Wasylyk, Annie Kotyk, Mita Zakaurle, Helen Her ela,. Carl Noble, Madaline Bhort, I Warder, teacher, Promoted to Jv, (11 on term work Kisie Arnold, Mildred Brant and Teddy Clark (equal), Benovi Balm ors, Lena Cebulaki, Teddy Martin, Mary Andrianiok, Norman Smyth, Helen Krawee and Mack Van Allen (equal), Alberta Judd, Bruce Gorm. Joy, Joe lgel, Lilian Davies, Marie Gooden, Annie Iwasnk, Stanley Lok. oy and Dick Walker (sual), May Fowler, Kathleen Hunt, Mary Star. opewakl, Dorothy Saunders, Mar. old Reaumont, Bernice Wilcox and Dorin Wilkinson (equal), Dy examination==Paul Osmok, Peter Baker, Risie Nolmen, John Marsh, Pauline Blusps, Clarence Harrison, Helen Shortt, Mary Kup. nloky, Steve Herola, Pauline Shaw, Helen Mrehoruk, Joe Spencer, George Powlensuk, @ 1. Annand, teaoher, Promoted to Jr, IIT on term work ==John Puki, Joyes King, Ambrose Shestowski, Clara Price, A My examination-=Paul Tureske, Ethel Parson, Polly Kotyk, A. Striokland, teacher, Promoted to Br, IT on term work = Andrew. Peter, Annie Tureske, Dora Rheplae, Marie Keeler, Gray. ophie nek Mil Itred | braith; Mary Yourkievieh, William Jar! Anne Rohoyehuk, Joseph Coutuk, Charles Elliott, John Ploaky. A, Striokland oF, work mand | Wii \ \ Ww By examinations~Irens Daniels, Kathleen Twasinik, Leonard Baund- ors, George Hester, Budd Suddard, Bana Henry, Jean Chariton, Peter Rutka, Hazel Barrie, teacher Promoted to Jr, (1 on term work «firma McMurter, Gordon Mire, Myrtle Dabring, Morley Rorabeck, Nadie Musika, Jos Puhky, Jeun Vord, Ronald Inche, Teddy Parish, By examinstion==¥rances Jones, Harry Peleshok, Helen Bohoychuk, Kdns Wheaton, Bruce Suddard, Harold Hudson, Adrian Claus, Junior Vermoen, Billie Beaumont, Hazel Barrie, teacher, Promoted to Jr. 11 on term work «=Ruby Connaghan, Julius Dravey, Helen Blake and Freda Chesseman and Dorothy Parker (squal), Loret- ia Dungar, Mary Rutka, Mike Your. kovich, Walter Kostur, Prank Sul- fivan, Earline Shortt, Dorothy Kim, Joan Welsh, Kisie Logeman, Albert Hyde, Leslie Bowers, Oresia Lazar and Tosie Bibluck (equal), By examination-1sa Myles, Gor» don Stacey, Isabel Henry, Blanche Clark, May Newman, John Panko, Campbell Marchant, Carman West- fake, Jaek Goulding, Ernest Bell, Evelyn Mtirnevant, Geraldine Bar rott, Betty Mills, John Horky, Jack Crages, Bobhy Mills, Clara Wilkins, Sidney Henry, A: Barrowelough teacher Promoted to Jr. I on term work Gwen Hayward, Kthel Walsh, Rowland Arnold, Lena Blok, Annie Cebulski, Mahal Reynor, Marcella Kupehinski, Anzelda Shoyeott, Joan Harvey By examination==James Drawey, Marion Casselman, teacher, Promoted to Br. 1 on term work Hove Medwed, Helen Slanena, Elsie Kostur, Mary Lang, Broum Majdu, Katie Tutkaluk, Vietor Biackler, Dorothy Pennington, Joseph Bohum, Vera Goch, Nellie Phutka, Jack McConkey, Kdgar Tremble (I), Reo.) Py examination Ethel Sargeant, Clifford Johnston, John Powlenjuk, Royal Zillow, Paul Youesceni, Beity Henderson and Jimmie Nash (squal), Eimer Lewis, Annie Mac- Donald, Bernice Wiggine Nick Klim, Marion Cassalman, teacher Promoted to Br, 1, by examina tion-Anna Troub, Promoted to Jr, 1 on term work Mary Irvine, Muriel Roberts, Violet Marsh, Annie Bibulak, Mary Hrehoruk and Helen Vago (equal), Annie Horky, Gordon Bennett, Law rence Langtree and Mike Turesk! (equal) Bobby Henry, Evelyn Fum- orton Mophie Chrustawka, Annie MoLaan, John Kochany, Ruby Dov ne, By examination Peter fgoldrs, Irene Barrow, Phyllis Bowers, Bill Woodnloky, Promoted to Br, Pr.-~John Hand- Kuk, Alee Pelesok, Jimmis Goodes, Blanche Tremble, Marie Bhetler, Billie Tweedie, Leda Musike, Wes. ley Kesler, Harold Melonald, Arthur Ladd, Teddy Marchant, John Gooding, Promoted 10 Int, Pr.eHeolon Marsh, Norma Frisell, Vernon Clays, Tony Bibulak, Nellie Ture. ki, Peatrioa Minaker, teacher Promoted to Jr. | on term work Billie Myles, Donald Townsend, Lut Majdle, Peter Bohoyehuk, Jop- ephine Luoeka, Harry Drogmats, Maggie Pentland, Vera Bennett, Roy Holland, Helen Lokey, Nick Rutka, By examination Paul Nhetler, Vivian Radway, Jack Claus, Sam Dmyhrow, Anna Malnuchuk, Billie Van Allen, Fred Elljott, Margaret Pennington Netty fake, Danny Bhutka, Mary Slobolsian, Frank Suddard, Mary Brynsan, Annie Blisuk, Promoted to Nr, Pr. on term work-<Audrey Wilson, Emil Les unko, John Miles, George Powlen- juk, Jimmie Swoffer, Peggy Col: vin, Betty Johnston, Mary Bohun, Pthel Henry, Ly 1. Kneeshaw, teacher RITSON ROAD (MN. W. Kunight, Principal) Promoted to Ar, IV, on term work-~Hessie Brown, John Chmara, Loalie Stevens, Joan Muir and Sydney Chandler (equal), Mary Sa- bat, Teddy Friend, Annie Gadyk, Allister McKean, Mary Kalynko and Edith Wright (aqual), John Siwokowski, Bernice Gutofaky, Al bert Cockerton, Alleen Beauprie, Joe Miseresky, Neana Shelenkof, Phyllis MoMabon, Kva Broad, Jeskie Tiling and Maxine Noble (equal), By examination Gerald Ner- rington, Willlam Zaleshohook, Con. nie Donable, Mary Glecoft, Billie Loople, Mary Xrawohuk, Harold Harmer, Albert Walker, Henry Koberniek, Bill Chaserwaki, Rob ort Gow, C, Btinson, teacher, Promoted to Br, 111 on term work «Helen Barker, Madge Heaver, Myrtle Crawford, Doris Docherty, Milton Engel, Annie Oblinsky, June Stone, Mae Meyer, Polly Ritule, Mary Olanick, Donald Brown, Mary Siwokowskl, Dorothy Lee, Billie Saxby, Annie Menko, Dorothy Mall, Phyllis Bathe, Helen Bowler, Bern. ard Higgins, Olga Stebaw, Rdith Andrew, Wvelyn Meyer, Peggy Rob. orts, Fred Stevens, Phyllis Morey. By examination---Roy Stoekill, Minnie Saunders, lana Shelenkoft, Marguerite Howard, Jas, Maofar | wm lane, Frances Behwarte (Reo), Lawrence Latta, Arthur Crowell, Flin "Ro Bon ion Go nN Marlon Courts foe, Abner Banger, » \ rayth, teacher, Promoted to Jr, IV on term work - Thrasher, John Ataman- chuk, Robert Moody, Bvertt Hare mer, Lindert Van Drie), Billia Bale lan, Gordon Ashton, Alfred Gall Mike Wiadyka, Oharl} wit Wiadyka, Ivan Fer examination=-Bill Daeneko), Willot Killbank, Joseph Riggins, Gordon Kitohen, Clarence Cory, John Cusndier oe Liyeett, teacher Promoted to 8r, III on term work «Richard Donald Albert rs, Kenneth Aston, Clifford MeQuarrie, Sylvester Rano. wich, David Bowler, Walter Makh, Walter Baleachook, Gordon Fergu aon, Morel Olok, cs. Wells, LL By sxamination-~Bilile Barket, Garfield MeXnight (Ree) K. VV. Lycott, teacher. Promoted to Br. 111 on term work Kathleen Lancaster Angels Toth, Emma Thomson, Annie Kalynke, Katies Katuzki, Connie Cooper, Mar- old Ramshaio, Ernest Hilts, Ken- noth Dobson, - Oakley Crawford, Harriet Williams, Nellle Walls, Mike Loople, Madeline Joynt, Ney, Corby, Phyllis Taggart, Mae Gall, Vera Rock, Annie Tembell, Jessie Yudge, Gladys Jofivey, Julia Katr uk, By sxamination--Jjohn Menge, Victor Lokics, Kathleen Ranowich, Evelyn Higgins, Marjorie MeNieol, Jimmie Bmurt, Marie Hewitt, Ray~ mond Cochrone, Kathleen Docherty, Dorothy Cockerton, David Mitchell, Mary Cuteher, Velma Morey, Irwin Boauprie, Margaret Grifin, Dor« othy Kashi®, Jean Dawson, 11, Allin, teacher, Promoted to #r, 111 on term work Eleanor Meclvars, Robert Ga)- braith, Pearl Tubb, Murray Stacey, Laneslot Pugh, Kdward Lesniek, Douglas Dash, Morris Markushew- oki, By Samination--Millle Brown, Alice Bowler, Mary Doboshinski, Alice Cory, Reginald Jones, B, W, Stinson, teacher, Promoted to Jr, ILI on term work Annie Brooks, George Oblinski, Helen Hall, Amy Steels, Evelyn Mlesls, Beverley Haard, Delmer Dash, David Brown, Jos Sapinski, Robert Pratisy, Dorothy, Runkoest~ or, Boatrice Terry, Gertie Jones, Bert, Dobson By oexamination-=Paul Kraws, chuk, Keith McQuarrie, Laura Ovenden, Jack Mtacey, Betty How ard, Peter Chasceowski, Walter La- banovich, B. W, Stinson, teacher. Promoted to Jr, 111 on term work Jean Watson, Mary Antonyshyn, Thomas Speirs, Pauline Engel, Tom Miwokowski, Nellle Mydan, Jennie Yanowskl, John ¥rolis, Mary Wells, Joa Mydan, 1sobel Magill, Leonard Wall, Vietor Parfitt, Edna Wall, Erie Pym, Dan Thomson, Doris Petre, Norma Buss, Earl Owen, Stanley Lokies, Doris Stoekill, Margaret Van Driel, Maudie Wright By examination--Irens Piney, Mary Pallan, Peter Ritsie, Ed- mund Lesnick, Billy Willits, Bia Ktaphenson, Miroslows Ostrowski, Douglas Hall, Nina Glecoff, 0, V. Robertson, teacher, Promoted to Mr, 11 on term work Annie Wilson, Margaret Glad- man, Evelyn Cochrane, [ By oxamination--Dilly Wilson, Fraser Clarke, Josie Labanovioh | (Rec,) | £, V. Robsrison, teacher, | Promoted to Jr, 111 on term work John MePhee, Nora Mulr, Plot once Kennedy, Dorothy Bathe, Lil« Han Krawehuk, By examinationeHonors---Alma Cooper, Gordon Baxby, George Crowells, Pass--Hugh MoMahon, Douglas Jacklin, Mitchell Glecoff, Erie Jacklin, Billy Rutherford, Har. old Morris, M. M. Hoag, teacher, Promoted to Br, IT on term work Robert Moon, Dorothy Milne, Vernon Fickes, Robert Mitchell Connie Tribble, Kenneth Wecles, Dorothy Carey, Gertrude Brown John Dgenekaj, Billy Willlams, Ry examination--Violet Rosnak, Stella Crosmon, Marry Zajac, Doris Dean, John Gow, Rosie Kawah, | Cloyd Morey (Rec), George Loopls, Tommy Mitehell, Marie Markuskows ski, Jean MacTlarlape, Lucille Mas« my, M. M, Hoag, teacher, | Promoted to Jr, 17 on term work | Edith White, Irene Lovelosk, Madeline Jollow, Norman Webster, | Pearl MoClimond, Elisabeth Mahk, Vietor Beott, Perey Hawley, John MacMillan, Lloyd Beauprie, Cyril Gladman, Marion Nichols, Marry Williams, Robert Plowright, John Jardine, Audrey Moss, Nan Smart, Marion Loreno, Mike Temball, Lional Rchwarte, Alice Williams, Frank Stockill, Gordon Dawson, Vincent Reddings, Jack Sutherland, By examination---Norman Passe bois, David Baxby, Arthur Nelson, Christine Baxby, Margaret White, Mary Bilenk!, Ernest White, Leila Savage, Helen Yourkevich (Ree), BE. J. Bayne, teacher, Promoted to Jr, 1 on term work iheima Howls, George Kasuk, Lillian "Hawley, Margaret Carey, Kilmer Luke, Gordon Donabis, Greta Clement, Promoted to Br. Pr, on term ' work==Aldens Dash, Billesn Calver, Ernest Barker, Belle Buddia, Jack Anothony, Violet Wright, Stantey | Dadyk, w m. F. Wendt, teach Promoted to Br, I on term Work ~-Mary Longhottom, Helen Siwok. | owski, Mary Chandler, Ruth Libby, Arnolds Thrasher, Sylvia Mitohell, Margaret Corbett, Anne Bapuki, Jimmy Carey, Donald Johnston. By examination=-Anne Herels, Isabel Williams, Jack WM Hitsabeth Visi, Lawrence Galbraith, ' Philippine Menko (Rec), Teddy Clark (Rec) i Wm, F. Wendt, teacher, Promoted to Jr, 1 on term «Ruddy Gall, Olge Wi v Elaine Dash, Douglas Howie, By examination--Jeante CaMags han, Claudia Kooan, Wie Wm, ¥F, Wendt, teacher, Promoted to 8r, I on term 3 ~<Rinine Haselton, Kenneth orle , Nellie Dubyk, Frank Keloman, Resford Helen Bimoo, Pearl Dobaon, MeMahon, MR pp le 0) 1} Vs ¢ Buss, Gladys Coombs. : 4 vA Hawkes, A hv or, Billy a IC work--« Danny Charuk, chuck, Mary Karkush, Arthur Pitman, | Morey, Kei! Violet Wilson, RA

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