Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Jun 1930, p. 13

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-= THE, CIASS BLE THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, JUNE 30, 1930' D SECTION . meets iS RRISTERS Ete. Con- bes: Gooch, D, Conant, PHREYS, BA ele, (tf) BARKISPER op k Bid, iPhone Toh A while, Convey~ gn, Third floor opposite Post " + J ei 060, Ottice pn, Dr. B tvention to BH H children's , Sunday 18%. N, SU and rel clan @bop, | - FFICE | Bast 'Hou "id OVE and throat, ys T %0 1 rest 3-1 mo.) AS 0 Xenv se In at COE R- % Siricoe ln _Menev to Ioan res! Victoria BTCTAN ses of t and battery sets, tubes and * | stairs.) Dp 5] TOT GPTONETRIOT, muscle snomalies, o ht glasses. Author of oe roiand Bye Btrain, The 11a and its Develppment. Dis ney Bloc] opposite Pos Office Phone . 208, | (June 15-1 mo) 1 Surveying TNO SHIT ONTRY. ors and Civil Engin. ous, town soi 02) or, 254, Undertaking TL C0, 8 N pi me bone. #104, 434 . 5 TNE ft. N. Johve, #0_ Your fnsurasce ve » to aod your nterests pro Transportation Li nort tend tect i West, Specialists storage ware oqui in ¥.4 mo ofl und pment org wn cil AGB, . } a" Hrs. Sassts he 024, 10 ' MOVING, , GRAVEL Ah) 4 ond Bt. West, 8 ou oor || All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Etc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of loss arising from handling a large number pps pend of this nature, For thy convenience of customers who find it Inconvenient to come personally to The Times office, a telephone call ertisoment | will bring a messenger who snd collect for same. . "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMEN] and unte will recelve the adv iE For Rent YOR RENT--5 ROOMED #TUC- co houbs, Apply 63 Alexander Blvd, ? (162¢) A ' ' ' electric stove, $15, 127 Park Rd, (162¢) y bungalow with bath and furnace, Newly decorated, Modern conveni~ onces, Good locality, Two minutes from car line, Apply 661 Carpegle Ave, (161¢) D PATH apartment, Reduced price for the summer, Phone 680, (162b) D CR) ront, Private entrance and central, 198 Celina Bt, (1628) to rent outboard motor Saturday and Sunday, July 5-6, Fons ois, y (160¢ Real Estate For Sale FOR WALE==VOUR ~ ACKREE OF land with new foundation, quan- tity of lumber, also these acres of land, half mile west of pavement st North ' Oshaws, Cheap for quick sale, Apply 8, W, Prevost, Orchard View Blvd, North Osi Work Wanted and garage floors, sidewalks and roadways, sand, gravel, + cinders, Chris Graham, Phone 2621M, - (May 29-1 mo) AWA'S OLDEST _ ESTAS. J! furn'ture movers. Park Road we, Loeal and Jong distance, Ge. fren 65 Park Ri hone 215, (June 20-1 mo) SPAYS TO MOVE~SUDBURY, onto, Ham{lton, Trenton, Delle. 0, anywhere cheapest in the , Eagle Cartage, phone 200. (May 20-1 mo) os AN HOUR, MAN AND TRUCK, bving, express, cinders and gravel @tled, long distance moving, heap, Phone H74W, June 11-1 mo) aa eeu A ' Beauty Parlors KTTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE Special.sts In permanent, inger and marcel waving, Ver manent wave prices $6, $7.60, §10 nd $15. All other liner of Beauty fulture. Phone 2008, Apply sb Nimeoe street worth, A +4 Betty Ward at Betty Lou Permun- ent Wave Shoppe. Marcel and sham one sid u : 9 Cal § We Hieauty r Shop, Celine St. We spe-| ng, shampooing, fasials gia For. awpoipiments oAG Ad - anist end choir master of King treet United Cliurch will accept pupils io plano, organ and voesl musie. For particulars apply 60 William street east. Phone 2806. (June 2-81) 5 sessorive for sale, repairs on elec: char, HET od. $1, Phone rental supplied. §1, 0 33507, Charles Wnles, 146 Bigin \ (June 9+1 mo) [} with rental $1.00, Repaired ang rebuilt, Called for and delivered. Prompt service, Stan Bligdon, 20 Mill St, Phone 1880W. (June 20-1 my) od, Prices reasonable, batteries re~ charged 50¢, reutals 8°c delivered Phone #806W. Geo Burroughs, Certified Radlotrician; . June 10-1 mo) tiers BPIREL ; | disoriminating woman and miss. Phone Mrs, Blatter for demonstre- tion 8180M, Junefo-1 mo) available for first mortgages on well located residences. Bradloy ros. 80% Simeon south (up (June 98-1 mo) COANS ON GOOD CITY PRO: farm . Park: BAL" Kian Rain 'phone. 1014+ Auctioneer tioneer. 346 Simcoe St. 8. Oshawa, Ont, attention given to Farm» furniture imp Patrons OUMENT BLOORE, SAND AND ravel for sale--Ta fnnire prompt 'dell wders in advance A RN. superintend : " Phone 880, Walthy: o PIE, worv phone. Be Ave, 811 kinds of canvas Jl ont, SHARPENINO--8CISSORS, KNIV. os, Lawn Mowers, Baws. Phone 431W, We call and deliver, 130 Celina St. BE. Bottan, (Juss 0-1 mo) FTRET CUARE LAUNDR in Phone 1284M, (May 81-1 mo) a --- Articles For Sale MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOD slabs, $3.50 per load, Also bone dry body wood, Waterous Meek Limited. Phone | r, ) FOR BALN--HBINTZMAN 00. Ltd, pianos, new and used pianos, also radios, Istest models; terwe , Apply ©. Trulk Phode A (31048) A PA 8 ishes, We have the largest assort- ment of paints, varnishes, ete, in in the city. The Paint Store, 80 King street west. (Apr. 26 te A " 4 ders, black loam, $1.67 per yard, For Bality Sud agivine phone Hs ros. r 11, id (May 8+tt) ture, beds, dressers, tables, chairs, oll stoves, coal stoves, bicycles, eta, A4 ¥ ited 0 », at 13 Athol street west, for your auto parts and tires, Phone S475W, Residence 2183J, (May 80-1 mo) A y A hy all kinds of jewelry on easy pay. ments, Terms from 060 cents per week. , 0, H, Dell, agent for Peo- plos' Credit Jewelers, 20% Bimooe South, Oshawa, (May 81-1 mo) NEW "AND BECOND HAND FUR. niture bought and sold. 180 Bloor , B, Phone 1617M, iy (June 4-1 mo) used bieycles §12 up. New and easy terms, C.C.M, joycycles and fish- g tadkle, 12 Richmond Bast, Tone 8774. (June 13-1 mo) ator, suitable for store. 800 King street west. on 06) cook stoves for sale at the Harry o Wilson Hardware, 20 Kiog street west, (160¢) TENT FOR BALW. 0 x 19. Apply 823 Rowena Bt, (1680) FOR BALE--0 or conl oll stove, ope day hed, cook stove. Phone 8373J. (1680) Oshawa Mausoleum, numbers D nd B, section 3, Apply Bo ime, A A - 4 Yerandsh Suttalns, Phi sg . r, 088. | (Apr. 1046) oods, Uome ulpment for rent. Fox 5 or 86. Agents rd 1 Bon, Voter (May 80 i ist MADAME BROWN, P Phone appointments S630F, ol Louisa Street, (June 83-1 mo) y Chicks PADY CHICKS -- PROM HIGH class breeding pens, backed by males from dams of 23% ho reo ord, Immediate shiynent; Barred Rocks, Rhode Inland Reds, $17 par hundred; White jagnorn, 816, 100 per cent, live arrival guaran. teed. Modern Hatchery, 8305 Dan: forth Ave, Torento, (June 4-1 mo) n+ awnings, tops Wotalied sh phone plete camp Hardware, for J. J, boro, "ntarlo. hy. 1) and surgical nursing, reasonable A ane Whitby 508. June 84-1 mo) ity or general nursinj y | mation phone 34: with fish and ET) | For Rent orn suites including electrio refrig- eration, stove, laundry, cenveni oroes, eto, continy '9 hot water supplied. Apply Supt. 'phone 3671, or The Trusts und Guarsotes Uo id, manage: for owner, Trop (37e0) APARTMENT TO LET, CENTRAL All conveniences, hardwood floors Apply Bradley Bros, (B6L1) PERIGHT APARTMENT, CEN tral, four rooms, bath, 8lectric stove, newly decorated, hardwood tioors, Possession Immediately, Apply Box 655 Times, (11281) NINE ROOM HOUSE TO RENT, All conveniences, partly furnished or unfurnished, Would exchange for bungalow, 94 William Street Bast, (148¢) FOR RENT--AT 650 OXFORD St. Oshawa, seven room -house, $15 per 'month, conveniences, Ap: ply Ell Waters, 143 Bloor west, (160¢) ONE. FIVE ROOM FLAT TO rent, Separate entrance, water and lights, Phone 806M, (1b0¢) BIX ROOM HOUSE WITH ALL modern conveniences. 23 Albany street, Reasonable rent, Apply 152 King Bt, W. Phone 749. (15 CUT Ba rr lght house keeping. Apply ut 101 Louisa Bt v (1800) TO RENT=HOUR "ALL TON. veniences, Good loeality, Apply 283 Dearborne Ave, Pho» 10014, (1610) 0) tad house, Apply 204 Oshawa Bivd, Phone 3028J, (161¢) HOURE™ T0™ HENT=1 RoOMS3, light, water and sto |, Apply 83% St, Jullen street, (1610) tage at Pleasant Point on Stur- goon Lake, Apply 23 Elm street, Phone 1800F, (1600) FURNIFRED HOUSE ~~ RENT. Modern conveniences, ardwood floors throughout, Call at 80 Centre St. Phone 484W, (151b) FOR RENT--SLARHING REDUC- tions In 3 and 4 room apartments, suites, newly decorated, Blectric stoves, i plece bathroom $20 up, Phone 117), M. Henneck, (1610) 1 62 Montrave Ave, wired for elec. trio stove also 'mas and garage and furnace, Phone fu Louse, #20.00 month, Phone 1683W, (151b) to rent, furnished and clean, reasonable. 289 Dearborne Avenue Phone 2038W, (1610) i SMALL FARM, miles north Port Hope, fine buld. ings, garage, orchard, close to sta- tion and school, hay and 'potatoes Ronit Asay 1." a 0 dor '¥ A ply Li. A, Jam Camborne, Ontario, Rates for _ | Classified Ads. | i -- Bach subsequent consecus tive Insertion io per word, Three consecutive inser * tions for Ah price of IL 8 § ious Tse fa tes Bok number 100 additional b= Dana (Turia) ve. (162) awa, (160¢) FROOM HOUSE FOR GALE WITH nll conveniences, very central, pride reasonable, Phone pi FT "Motor Cars ) Dominion Garage, 68 Bond strect west, Phone 3108, All cars at ous price $1.00, (June 16-1 mo) 1997 OHBY, ~COUPE--IN GOOD Condition, Privately owned, Phone 148, (1481) FOR BALE=--ONE A good running condition, cheap $60, Apply H. Bateman, 102 Church street, Phone 24904M, (160b) VOW FALE--TORD APREDETEN, Will well cheap for cash, Apply 187 Arthur St, Phone 100, (16%¢) Auto Accessories MOTOR ACCERSORY Co, 71 KING Street West, Auto parts and acces- sories for ull makes cars. Auto. mobiles bought for wrecking, Phone 206407, (June 2b-1mo,) CITY AUTOMOBILE WRECKING Co, New and used parts and ace cossories, cars, trucks, prices rem sonable; cars- wanted, Phone 2080W, 15-17 Bond Street West, (June 26-1mo,) ran ER IS TT TIT RY Room and Board ROOM AND DOAR YIN PRIVATE CaO COTO 1h AR NG 5 Mb ENT sv. Sot i Dancing iv HENDRE'S™ BCHOOL ol 4 ¢ and physical culinre 160 Church Street, Lewsons given each svening from 6 pm, For terms cnll or phone S74M at above Bours (June 24-1 mo) I Yaa ee e------,---- Wanted THOU, WHG™ ARY™ TROUBLED with some chronic ailment, such as nerveusness, paralysis, varicose veins, goltre, arthritis, heart weoaknoss, sheumnatism, ete, Phoue 200 for » free treatment in youg home, Tune in on Theronold Health Talks, over station CFRY Monday, Wouduesday and Friday. 1,30 p.m Cheronold of Oshhwa 164 William Street East, (Juna 26-1 mo) Lo wlan ] t and Found CORT" WIH 0 6TY --WATCR on chain, knife attachod at bases ball diamon Lakev! Park, Finder kindly notéfy A, Turner, Hell Telephone Co, and receive reward, (161b) Male or Female elp WARN UPWARDS OF JIT WHEE: ly growing mushrooms for us, Il Justrated booklet for stamp, dian Mushroom Co,, 141 Lauder Ava, Toronto, ' ots and. Live Stock. CANARIES FOR BALE, "A FEW cholce guaranteed singers, five dollars eich, Oshawa Aviaries, 185 Centre Street, Phone 8118) (16380) p 'Want Male some knowledge of machinery to learn presswork and stereotyping (departments of printing' trade: Small 'wages to start but steady work and opportunity to learn ood trade, Apply Mr. Alloway, awa Dally Times, (16att) | SOME COUNTRY FLIES! (Kitchener Record) With a population ranking 87th among the worth's countries, Can. ada is seventh in total exports [third in total trade turnover, NO LONGER "LONE" % (Toronto Btar) ~ Bupplies with' a wife and baby Colonel Lindbergh is no longer the "Lone Eagle," BUSINESS HANDICAP (Robert Dollar) Drink on intoxicating liquors: in these days of keen competition whiskey, and business won't mixe-- 'you can't do both, WHERE? There {an't anything much more restful than sitting an hour or two An a movie theatre, surrounded by nice people who are generous enough to let the screen characters LH SE : ga.nll the wh » Cuni- | . Seller 20 NIIe0 Rodney McNeill, whose wife, in a rowboat, dragged him from the ri- ver after he fad been flung, with the few others of the living erew of the drill ship at Brockville, Ont, into ice-cold water after the dyna+ mite explosion, He is abdly injured, and King, who won a medal for life-saving a year ago, was drowned sooking his master, NORTH OSHAWA North Oshawa, June 24--Mr, and Mrs. Selleck and children spent Sunday with relatives at Dunbar. ton, Miss Bharlton, of Toronto, has re- turned home from a week's vaca tion with Mr, and Mrs, Selleck, Mr, and Mrs, W, Glover and Mrs, Wm, Blight spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Chavies Blight at Whithy and attended the decora« dion wervices. at the Union Ceme- tory, Mr, and Mrs, 2, Tattersall and family, of Orono, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, T, H, Solomon, Callers at the Bolomsn home Bunday were, Mr; and Mrs, Russell Bheckelton, of Toronto, Mr. leo Kealor and ehildren of College Hig of Wyoming Btate, Mra. ATC STORY und two children, of Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs, Henry Btrong and child, ren of Eniskillan, Mr, Hen Corson and family of Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs, M, Hare and family of King, visited Mr, and Mrs, James Woolley and Mr, Bolom- on Br, and family, and attended Decoration Services at the Unlon Cemetery, Sunday, Twenty pupils from N, Oshawa 8.8, No. 11 tried entrance exam- inations at the Oshawn Collegiate, last week, Mr, Jowse Arnott is the principal, The pupils are Marie Conlin, Walter Taylor, Fred Park- er, Howard Powell, Noreen Heas- lip, Margaret. Tattersall, Florence Boott, Velma Solomon, Mary Chinn, Alico Hughes, Fred Buprows, Al bert Phillips, ur Moffott, Ale bert Wheeler," Parl Huntington, Harold Farrow, Douglas Brock, Charlie Chinn, Ruth Whitaker and Douglas Hinton, Mr, Jowse Arnott Is deserving of much oredit with such a large class and hig pupils have our host wishes for success In thelr exams ination, TROUBLE USUALLY 18 SOUGHT (From the Hoston Transcript) Nine times In ten you must go Out of 'your way to find trouble, I NAVer' saw a telephone pole in the middie of the highway, WHO 18 GOLIATH? (Chatham News) Two candidates named "David" are contesting the alection in North Porth, It should 'he a hot fight if there are enough brooks with stones in them, Travel reallly ix broadening, Note the Inoreasing width of .the orosscountry passenger bus,~-Los Augeles Times, HARDWOOD FLOORS by, expert mechanics) 60) "finished iike new. ' Contractors "ola 161 King Ht, Phone 481 - Residence B8078W Motor Ambulance Service Day and night phone 1082W 0! WwW BIRIAL CO, Puneral Home 87 Celina Ht, M. ¥. Armstrong & Sons, Prop. Woe Suits, Special 79¢| Dominion Clothing Co. || il 68 King St. W. Phone 21414 I ne | EATON GROCETERIA | It Pays To Shop Here Always Ye CARI W UMBIER (0 A ATHOLL STW OSHAWA 1H Diamonds ! Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner { ROYAL YORK Tos Tea re 28¢ 5 At all Sunerion Stores pe Good Weather Ahead! w=Do not lose your care HELEN MARY WEDDBURN Three-year-old baby of Saskatoon, who. was on the way to seo her grandmother and dying aunt in Toronto and who was Killed | fn the teain derallment near Capreol, \ 4 ORANGE CUSTARD Take, 2 large oranges, 4 table. spoons sugar, 3 cups milk, i ten apoon sult, 4 egg yolks, teaspoon vanilla, Arrange .in serving dish orange sections which «have been out. fi half, Soald milk, in double bollar and pour over egg yolks, beaten with sugar and salt, Re» turn to double botler and cook, stirs ring constantly, until mixture coats spoon, Cool, add vanilla and pour over orange sections, Serves four, There are more good fish in the sea than have ever been taken out and more good shots in a golf club} than the average man ever utilizes. == Arkansas Gazette, ---- An ant is the busiest thing there 18, but, it always has time to go to Plenion = Woodstock Sentinel-Res view, Let me finance you=wAddie tional Onsh Given, G. R. Holden MOTOR LOANS Roows 0, 14% King St. Engt Use CEMENT BLOCKS For Fireproof Garage W. BORROWDALE 900 Oarnogle Ave. Phone 1618 CHEVROLET COACH 1 PRICE $415.00 ' Ontario Matos ony Ltd, 4 one ( account of 'infe vig will sell or ' exchange ha hg TE Xe small town Property,

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