Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Jun 1930, p. 10

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, JUNE 30, 1930 i i SRR oe BS WIN GOOD GAME FROM PETERBORO RAYBESTOS Aarabs Get Off to Good Start in 2nd. Section Defeating Raybestos 7-3 Oshawa's Smart Intermedi- ate Team Wins Sixth Straight Victory and Gets Flying Start in *2nd Half of Schedule -- Dainty Hurls Aarabs to Fine Vie tory Over Their Old Riv. als, Peterboro Raybestos ~Losers Pull Triple Play in Third Inning to Provide Feature of Good Game rey (By Stall Reporter) The Aaribs scored their first win n the second section of the sched ule on baturday by defeating the Peterboro Ruybestos team by the score of7 to 8, The Aurabs bunched hits in the third, fourth and eighth innings against Kitchen, the Petes twirler, Although they made 15 hits they did not use them to as much | advantage as thelr opponents, who had five hits to score three runs Features of the game were the wif tight pitching of Dainty, who struck out eight; and the triple play injects ed by the visitors in the lust' of the third at the expense of the locals, Nine errors were made during the game, five of which were ghalked up against the Aarabs, A fale crowd twrned out to see the geme, but not the crowd that should be supporting the league leaders, No doth the lacrosse game in Brampton took & goodly numeer ol tans ouf oF town bt there hould have been enough left to muke more of a showing than there was Play by Innings Ist, Peterboro--=Hillier walked on four straight balls, Rogers struck out on a galled third strike, Moore got a safety on an error by C, Elliott, who failed to plek up his grounder, Hall flied out to Fair, Rogers doubled off second on the throw in, 0 Hits, 0 Runs, 1 Error, Oshawn=Fuir, thrown out at first, C, Elliott, out pitcher to first, Rows den flied out to centre field, © Hits Q Runs, O Errory, duh, Peterhoro-- Nichols, Mein and Barry struck out in order mmid the pinudits of the crowd, 0 Hits, 0 Runs 0 Errors, Oshawa-~Young fied out to Hall, Dal vy flied out to Moore, T, Kl: lott struck out swinging at the third, © hits, 0 runs, 0 errors Jrd, Peterboro==Kitchen out, pitch» er 10 first, Hope walked and Hillier hit into a double play, Oshawa=Cummow bunted and Nichols let it roll, the ball finally ended in fair tervitory, On the first iteh he stole second standing up, hitely walked on four straight, Gray popped (0 the pitcher whe threw to second to get the renner, while the throw to first got Whitely by inches 10 complete a benutiful triple play, | hit, 0 runs, v errors, ih, Peterboro--=Moore singled to centre, but died attempting to pilfer second, Hall popped to Dainty, Niehs ols. flied out to aFir. 1 hit, 0 runs, 0 errors Oshawa==Fair safe at first when Barry let the throw get away from him, LC, kilos flied out to Moors, Rowden singled between. rat and seoopd scoring Fair, Young dropped a t6xun leaguer back of second, Dainty singled to contre sebring Rowden, Gingeroakl now running for Young, T. Eiliott fied out to Hall and Gingeroskl scored on the throw in when he made a fine slide right under Roger's arm, Gummow thrown out third to first, J runs, 3 hits, 4 error, Sth, Peterboro--=Mein singled into left, Barry made first on a wild throw! by C, Elliott and Mein went to third when Young threw his glove into the air at the ball passing over his head, Kitchen singled into left, Mein' scoring, Dainty pleked Kitchen off') tiest on a fast throw, Hope flied out to Fair, Barry scoring om 'the lay, Hillier flied out to Rowden: 3 is, 2 runs, 0 errors, Oshawa, ~Whitely dropped a Into right but was out trying streteh it into a double, Gray "" to Kitchen, Fair doubled to ME Ce C, Elliott hit a three bagger and Fair scored, Rowden got another threo base blow when Hall lost the all in the sun Elliott scoring, ¥Y é i fogdlul Ll htm 2 runs, 4 in th, Peterboro==Rogers out shor to first, Moore popped to frst tal go a safety when Gray dropped the Il, Nichols struck out, 0 hit, 0 runs, 1 ervors, shawa Dainty out second to first, T, Elliott flied ous to left, Ww grounded to third, 0 hits, 0 runs, 0 errors, 7th, Peterboro==Mein grounded to C oy whose throw was high, Barry flied to second, Kitchen singled to centre Mein scoring, Hope struck out swinging, Hill fer struck out the SAME Way, 1 hit, 1 run, @ errors, Ovhawa-=Whitely singled Into vight, Gray flied out te Mein on an eany lift, Fair lined into left for single, C€, Elliott singled into right but Fair held fiest too long and was ieked off ut second on the throw in, awden flied out on a long lit, J hits, 0 runs, 0 errors, Gingeroski now playing right field fer Oshawa, Kth, Peterhoro~=Rogers flied out to shone centre, Moore out second to first, Hall out on a nice running catch by Rowden in left feild, 0 hits, 0 0 crrors, Y singled fn to dei ta th ity on 5 10 king | business be ot - 7 » 4 Oth, Pete Nichols struck out ing, 'out on & fine rune catch by Pair, Holmes batting for Barry struck out to end the game, 0 hits, 0 guns, 0 errors, Box score; Oshawa Fajr, of eo, Eloi, Rowden, It Young, 1h Dointy, P vives T, Bilott, 2h , 00.8 (Gummow, #8 400.4 Whitley, o& ,,000:8 Orey, vf i008 Gingeroski, rt .,.1 #4 AB A 4 AR vi thapanh Ih rh Yiiranh rannenth = = = = i DODD m--m-n cove -"RRBRR Ld 1 -= Q oR¥Micmss=omana® bb Seu" IRIRIgT DODD AWVWD Patarboro Hillier, #8 Rodgers, ¢ ,.... Mooye, ef ,,..... BR Nichols, 8b 0.00, Main, 2h Barry, 1h Kitchen, Hope, rt Holmes, a ws EERE vievenid rien 8 rere ni 8 ver dl IR p x > " X-Rated fop ninth, Boorse hy innings Patarboro 0.0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0efl Oshawa 0.0 08200 2 0-7 Biruck out by Dainty 8; by Kit. chen 2, Walked by Dainty 2, by Kitchen 0, Home runs 0, Stolen bases, Fair 1, Gummow 1, Three base hits, C, Willott, Rowden, Twa base hits, T, Elllott, Umpires--Alex Kay, Peterboro, nt the plate; A, Corrin, on the hanes, Time of game-| minutes,' Boorer----A, Walker, GOVT, RESPONSIBLE bh in 24 52 8 Hops the hour and 40 FORUNEMPLOYMENT SAYS DR. KAISER > w-- (Continued from Page 4) twenty-four hours too late, He urg: ed all fair-minded electors to support him on election day, Saturday night's meeting was much more successiul than that held =» week previous, from the standpoint of attendance, Many were forced to stand ws all the available seats were taken, The audience listened at tentively to the remirks of the speak. ers and showed its favor by loud ap- plause and oceusional shouts of "Hear, hear," Mrs, George Hoo, energetic Con servalive worker of Seugug Island, and who has appeared on 'tory plats forms In several election campuigns, both provincial and federal, wlso spoke Saturday night. She charged that the Liberals were ruining the duirying Industry and laid the pre. valence of unemployment at the dour ul the King Government, "The Premier promises that he will discuss the subject from every angle,' Mrs. Hood sald speaking of unem- ployment, "but what good will diss cussion--do te hungry men who are out of work and "an not find the means 10 muke a livelihood, Premier King had shown his at» titude towards this great problem in his "five cent speech", she seornfully asserted, Men are out of work be causs the government has failed to provide proper protection for indus. fry Person! tribute to Dr. Kuiser's | and industry while representing t riding at Parliament was paid by Me, ACM, Edwards, of Galt, who is seeking wnother term as member for the federal riding of South Water { "hers are a large number of un» employed omy ely," Mr, Edwards wild, "und doubi conditions here are Just an bad, Unless our indus. tries have proper protection how can herwite than bad" "When the government recently ralsed the duty on furniture from 30 to "4 er gonty the result was that the uniture manufacturing business wis given Impetus in Canada, Sim» Alarly "he helleved that if sufficient Protection were given to other manus actured products there would be an improvement in conditions "We would have the biggest boom n Canada wince 1878 when the Na- tional Policy went Into effect," the speaker claimed, The woolen industry had suffered seriously during the King adminia« tration he continued, = The reduction of duty on yarns made it impossible kp yuri ih Canada, In a town In hiv riding he knew of a great woolen mill where the spining des partment way absolutely idle. Men were thrown out of work and condi+ tians were deplorable, "The tariff board is only a joke and a buffer to the minister of fine den" he sontinuti p.) his Abaer utely no power but only gather facts and data, At a dinner thers in the Cheateau Laurier a woolen mill man from my riding was told by ' Moore sthat he would have liked to have helped the woolen ine dustry if it was within his power, This shows how little veal authority he had as chairman of the tari Me, Edwards was confident that on July 28 the news would he flaghed over the radio of the election of Dy, T, E, Kaiser for the riding of On taro, Saturday night's esting and refers red briefly io the unemployment ait uation in this city, He believed that things would get worse if the preas ent government was returned to power, FL, Mason acted as chajoman for don NATIONAL LEAGUE CUBS TAKE FIRST PLACE | Chica, dimputed pons biin of frst plate in the hot Nationa) League race yesers day br defeating Brooklyn, § 10 1, "Phe victory wis the third out of for in the series and gave the chamy ions the lead by one full game, ' CARDS WIN FROM GIANTS ot, Louis, June H==Behind the ex cellent pitching of svivester Johnson and Bill Hallshan the St, Louis Cay. dinals took both ends of a double header from the New York Giants 3 to 2 and 5 to 4 2 victories gave the Cards three obit of the five-game series, In the first game, Walker, young Giant hurler, held the Cards score. Jess, and allowed only five hits until the seventh when Bottomley hit 8 homer to tie the score, Walker then pulled a charley-horse and had to retire, 'the Cards nicked Heving fun four hits and two runs in the Jas two frames, BRAVES BEAT REDS TWICE Cineinnat, pine ML he Boston raves took both ends of a double header from the Reds yesterday, wining the first game 4 to J and the second 10 fo 3 The Braves massed their attack in the frst two innings of the Arpt game 10 score all thelr runs off "Red" Lueas, who hed them safely for the remainder of the Ira PROMOTIONS AT OSHAWA SCHOOLS (Continued from VPage bh) Pellka, Mary Vebbrini, Tony Feb. beint (Ree,), Arthur Foster, Hilda "Hall, Muby Heard, Grace Hoar, Raymond Johnston, Olga Katuskl, Mylvin Kowanulk, Roddy McPhee, Betty Macfarlane, Peggy Nelson Olga Porayko, Brude Pym, Mary Sheyan, Ruth Stephenson, Lillian Btringer, Toots Bweeney, Freda Baxby Promoted to Rr, Pr, on term work----Arthur Bathe, Audrey Craw- ford, Winnie Hall, Franklin Latta, Daniel Potipen, Mary Ritzle, Bobby Emart, Clarence HNweenay, June Tonkin, Promoted to Jr. Pr. on term work-Peter Gow, Carmealetn Loki or, Cocll Massay, Bophie Pletrayk, Dilly Tonkin, Bisie MeClimond, 1.. 4, Yorsyth, teacher Promoted to Jv, T-~Bam Broad, Douglas Corby, Kenneth Dawson, Evelyn Engel, Harry Ferneley, Olga Kulynko, Jennie Lancaster, Gloria MoKean, Pearl Olenik, Bobbie Ost. rousk!, Charlie Parfitt, Mika Popp Florence Ranowich, John Rosnak, Alexander Rayehuk, Harry Bieh, Annie Thrasher, FloryJam Tomalak, Jack Wood, Promoted 10 Br, Proe=Annie Bley kowskl, Mary Kelomen, Angela Mason, Elsie Saunders, Ruth fehwarty 6, Plarheller, teacher Promoted to Br, P'r,:D, Rowler, P, Brown, BE, Brudik, EB, Corby, H, Crosmon, M. Kawai, N. Vallen court, ¥', Willits, Promoted tn Smith, Promoted fAmith, By sxamination--Ir, don Corby, Je Ie Gaorge to Br. Il-~Maudle Cio Anne Gibson teacher RNTRE STRERT (A, W, Jaeklin, Principal) Promoted to Ry, on term work-zArohia ~~ Whitelaw, Jean Honds¥; Basil Roraback, Doris Mountenay, Harold Woods, Wil. liam Hooey, Connie Donevan, Jack Eistons, Muriel Braun, Mary Al dred, Phyllis Armstrong, Audrey Davis, Verna Goring, Ry examination ~~ Walter Fry, Velma Kemp, Ian Clements Frank Layooe, : Recomended. Albert "Rarnes, A. W, Jacklin, teacher, Promoted te Jr, IV.son term work «-- Joan Reed, Mildred Rob. inson, Winnie Rice, Viola Rooks, Nita Irwin, Margaret Keller, Ear 1een Rarvis, - Bernice Rimmons, James Gordon, Winnie Brown, Ry Examination Herbert Manning, Douglas Sutton, Jimmie Wiliams, Harold Richardson, \ "8. A, Molise, teacher, Promoted fo Br, 1V, on term work-~Harry Robertson, Florence Kirkpatrick, May Nwallow Adam Hamilton, Roy Pureell, Nick Lak: ination «= Melville Cure , John Walker, Helen t Rows, 'Lorraine oy Reynolds, Doro. ; zh esoommaended--- Fred Manning, George Kdmondson, 8. A. Molise, teacher, Promoted to Jr, IV, on term work = Albert Burr, Marion Jou. Irena Hartford, Adelatde J on, Ruby Cook, Robert' Johnwon, Henry Dell, - Gwelda Moynes, Lloyd Bhort, Verdun Nadgley, Ernest Hohofield, Mary Coedy, Orville Branton, Alicea Cols lis, 11a Irwin, Charjie Patton, George Prunslow, Harold ' Righ- ards, Marie Carruthers, Bdna Crumb, Jack Fletcher, Clara Ens gel, Thelma Lalonde, Ny Bxamination = Russell Das vis, Mabel Knox, Vielet MeMillan, Pat Hobbs, Rey Martin, Gua [aks ¥L Taft, Bert Kaveh, Glen. { ron, Aubrey, Gray, Recommended ~~ George Good child, Mlorence Drew, Bary! Walla, Kath M. Dunbar, togoher, Promoted to #r, 111, on term work «« Miriam Saulres, Wilma" Cronk, Annie Calllson, Charlie Up in M's on 14, Boyde #yle, Just fant fo avery defended ed Ike pulled uy thres ha Dougall out A cliffe sco By Kx roll, Froud, Bonnetin fecom ly, Ross work Dougles (equal), Wy row, In Griffith, Recom tham, Promo tion Roberts Marion 1 Euan, Promo ation Clark, kingon, Rohertan Drow Promo work James, Marston, Hood, J Johnston inson, smith, Ry Ex kaw, Kit Burgess, Recom Barnes, Promo work da Dare Pearse, Beatrice ny Gwen Promo work - Ry vin, Promo Dumigan Frank B Poaroe, Londe, Dean, Glbner, 1} urtis, Preston, son Park work = Promo Wilson, Rowden, Thom pao. Walter Lobban wards going and mismng RAME was now (ravelling at a very going ona end of the field to the other wpeed now passsd io Smart Johnston, Margaral Promoted Thornton, Bennett equal, Junior Banfield, Ina James Seaver equal Pa ton, Stanley Bmith Valentine, Minard, Chrissy Walker, Gertrude Gooch, Kya Toase, Jane Murdoch, Grim shaw, John Badulek, y Flor. ence Bourne, Kxamination Nigholson, Bessie Nolwon, A Keith Clarke, Lila Palston, Reta .M, Robinson, teacher torn Lorraine Towns, Marjory Heckford, Ron: ald Manning, Betty Norris, Examination ®impkins, Audrey Barnes, Lenore Storkes, Alda Jordon, Leslie Col Mary Ruokaruck, 0, June 30, The Cubs took un Oshaws City Winning Str ing Close, Hard Fought Game From Anacondas, 1.0--Oshawa City Moves League Race whieh he did now got a few upright in h the the bal) w minutes, Gilhe in A brillant mw sure woring, D y for offside rd shots of whie) haa to Ast two of fow minutes Inia rod from a pass David amination Boddy Harold Very mendad Foote Colem Vv, Pile, 1 to Jr, 1V, © Dorothy Birchall, and Winnie Kilen Alldred, Jae ene Foreman, Eva Goulding mended Herbe Vv ted to Jr Myrtle Amy Pile, IV. hy © Beckman, Disney and mvenport, Marga rn ted to Br hy Pilly Sutton and Dorothy Tommy Wynn, Ma Nawhall, Reed, Owen n, Henry ©, 0, Mallinson, ted to Hr. II, 0 Dorothy Wilson, Krie Lundy, Donald Morris, oan Gibbs, John , Audrey Smith, Melntyre, Russell Hamilton, Hamilton amination le Morgenthus, Dorothy Heard Arthu (ty, mended Hilda Annis, ard, Lloyd Hodgson, P. M. Sonley, teacher on . George Whitelaw, Ntew- art MeRoberts, Ruth Sparks, Hil. Adams, ted to Sr. 111, yy Ernest Roland Stewart, David Francis (in Ludlow, Kathleen Hane! Ilison, George ted to Jr. II, © Mildred While ted to Je, II , Mleanor Nora all, Violet Joan Nolan, Dennis Abbott, Clark, Jim Koch, Roxie Healey, Jin Klvin Las Carson Kaith Ivan Males, Henry Hewett, Bert Huggins, Examination Faulkner, Kdna Watson, ervilly, Gordon Willson, Doreen Varna Harry Dorothy Nyan, An Verna Sunderland, Iris Gibiner, Gooduhtld, Gordon Foreman, %, Roy Duncan, T, I. MoRaghern, teacher, Promoted to Sr, 1 Ora Irvin, T. MoKachern, teacher on term work «= Kiloen Ford, Roy Sprati, Joyeo Bryant, Russell Wilson, Fd. Lwin Misnett, Harold Taft, Jean Nparks, John Irena Courtice, Norma Western, Muriel Poids) ted to Jr, 11, Poaraon Margaret Clarke, Marion Leigh, n Gladys Brant, nd Brown had Gentry, on |Oshawa City Team Wins Game from Anacondas 1-0 Their by . Tak Oshaws Clty defeated Anscon- Baturday in. Toronto by # y Lobban won the toss and Tew for for Anaconda sot Lhe ball in motion and soon made (racks for the City's kos] and Shields, the City goalie, wag soon in setion He hed » hot ghot tn save from great is for: minutes The from re and Daley were hard pressed but they nnner, Daley had to head Lhe hall hack fo | #hields when Taeefer simost look unstall Wh i Maes them yr Cune from a Enushesky, ghrat Crumb, Virgie Trotter, Halen Car Lorening Dorothy Mar. an Bl encher n tern Huda Chariton Lillian #pratt, Roger Alehin, Marie Good child, Charlie Gray, ¥thel Dick, Kxamination kh Car Harriott re hen toncher samina Dori and Neil ret 0. Mallinson, teacher b examin Wat Hale Ros n teacher n Kdn fimith, Donald Heard, Helen Rob- Wilfred Williams, Alec Knox, Clins Gold: Mar Viol William Ass Lawrence A Pv Phelps, Gertrude Btephenson, Ar thur MacNally, r teri Ro Donald Hagel Kvelan Goodehild, Bennett, Carew, n Y Ernest Reta M, Robinson, teacher, term work «= Margaret Ackerman, Lily Inman equal, Patten, Kirkpatrick, John == Patricia Norm Frank Laws on term Edna Grime shaw, Melvin Bowden, John Bon. netta, Philip Lakan, Ry Examination «- Howard Darlington, Androw, A Watherup, Billy Reynolds, term Kelvin Geoffrey William Hood, Walter Ros, Trissle Groves, Mars fon Klleanor, Owen Hales, Helen Col Fred Jack Hows Tiobbhn, Crockett Had to leave the 'feild, the Anagonda's right back after being hurt In a colli» elon with Brown, A few minutes inter half time came, City 1, An~ neonda, 0, Brown started the second half | ngainst a strong breeze night from tha start the eily went fo the aitack and from Dunstall's pass Cuncliffe hit with a swift shot, The game was now very fast and exciting, fouls were now frequent, Lhewallyn up. Dunstall and smagt were now playing great football and from Iwo of Rmart's erosses Brown handled the ball, Dunsiall was lirought down when going through Just outside the penalty area from # free kick, Brown shot over (he bar, Anacondas now went to the attack and Oshawn's defence played a great game by keeping them ont, Lobban played n grenf game, his tackling and making of openings were great tn watch, The final whistle went with Oshawa 1, | Annconda's 0 Line ups Anneondn ett, Drown, MueDougnl, Crock. | 0, Millar, ¥, Lbhewei- lyn, A, Millar, J. Lhawsllyn, Prit chard, Teofor, I, Millar, Boydell, | Oshawn City Bhields, Gilbert | Daley, Grant Lobban, Lappin smart, Dunstall, Cun- | | ¢liffte, O'Hearn { | Neferes---I, | Brown, Lindsay John Jonckson, John Hughes, man Wetherup By Examination walter, Alan Smith genthon, Freda Marsh, Gordon Logeman, © Viola Murdoeh, Harry "om y Rocommendad Quaig Not | Bmmerson Mors Mue | Laan | Helen fol | | | Maorrd Itichard Perking, Minley Knox, Billy | Russell Mc M "romoted to work Peggy Pourn, Madey (iroves, | Holliday, Valma Dowson, Bronk |) Margaret Brenkell, Francis Brown, Douglas Maclual 1¥, Dorothy Beck, Gordon Wilson, dune Hikelon Cameron Murray, Catharine Lowe, Dennis Linton, lve Carruthers, Bihel Muldmun, | Kvn Bwallow . By Examination Norma Penryn, Helen Wenles. Kddie Disney, Lean Nash, Ceell Gibson, Hilda Kim Recommended Roy Gwen DeGuerye Ramsny, Jr. mn MeKibhin teacher { term Vimy Howard Robert on Alex Bowen Poll, Hairy Godfrey, | Tons I funre, teacher term | Valmu | Promoted 10 work Donnldg «| Gray n By Examinadon « 5 | Inge): Bmith, J Turrell, on od 1 rae, | ong, Elma Wed Hin RoMyeacher " term | Marg John Hille 1PKion | Mari, rod Wet | Theodore Lak Promoted 14 work Hob arel. Harding, | Hobbs, Albert Crumb, Betty Hogel, Cecil ton Recommanded on ol | Douglas DeGiuerre, \ | Hy Examination ton, George | Hood, Edith Roughley, Clements, Kenneth Kvelyn Goldamith, | Recommended R, to Poulter, n y Knlght, Promoted 8r, 11, work Roy Gordon, Toare, Mary Beaton, Ruby ¢ Nancy Murrall, Atleen Fau Joan Sayyae, Jack Rukaruek, Ny ixamination Tor Murphy, Jack Burdge, Doris gel Recommended Donald Waga R, Knight, toachet Promoted to Jr, 11 on term work Hazel Sanguing, Phyllis Rorabeck, Lois Griffith, Margaret Mmith, - and Lloyd McQuaid and Leonard Watson equal, Barbara Worrall and Cecelia Bmih equal, Frances Rundle and Margaret Rorigkon equal, Harley Rell, Pauls ine Darey and Vera Richards equal, Clara Schubert, Kddie Rundle, nnd Dorothy Elston equal, Irene Wood and Lillian Watson equal, Roger Conant, Vernon Bickel), Roy Rone, Willard Irwin, Ruth Durgeas, By Examination «= John Siew: art, Donald Douglas, Herbert. May. nard, Carlotta Pators, Buster Wils son, Hagel Roott, John Wetherup, Annie Buokurue, Jack Neil, Nore man Bennet, Vivien Hill, Rennie Severs, Jack Sleep, Earl Wilson, Elgin Moynes, Recommended «« Rryea Gurrls aon, Jr, 1 te Sr, 1-Poggy McCals lum, Arthur Bilton, George Bilton, Katharine Macdonald, teacher. Promoted to Sr, | on term work «« Dorothy Dumigan, Clif. ford Wilson, Olive Goldamith, Sale 1y Hughes, Garfield Peters, Grant Beal, Noman MoMaster,: Helen Bukoskl, Dorothy Wright, Lillian | Giooch, Bennie Penkhurat, Hood, Ronald Cooke, Ry Examination Knox, Winnifred Stephenson, Douglan Gibbs, Marie Colton, ldel. la Demill, Tommy Bryant, Bthel T, Hoar, teacher, Promoted to Jr, I on: term work «= Roms Godfrey, Betty Smith, Doreen Perkin, Norman Alford, June Snowden, Robby Wannakmaker, Glen Allin, Bruce Askew, Lillian. Keeteh, Alan Brash, Nobby Abbott, Recommended ~~ Douglas Hol. Jiday, Pearcy Snoddon, * Ethel Hoay, teacher, Promoted to Jr, 1 on term work -¢ Ernje Cowle Nancy Cums mings, Tommy Seton, fithel T. Hoar, teacher Promoted to Ir, | on term w=David McKibbon, Shirley Smith, y y Rochester .iivives Baltimore A Newark ... Reading +00) YESTERDAY'S RE Montreal , the cross bars |" and Cuneliffe having quite a mix- |, | Washington N x | New York Cleveland | Henry, | Walker, | Joan Mason (equal); | Hauler, Rotty Jimmie BASEBALL RESULTS INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Won 48 A4 42 M 5 A J) 27 Lorontw Montreal siiviners Sutfaly Jersey City cash eraes shia bare ries ceevees Toromo $115 wee lL innings Rochester ,,.12:4 Jersey City 25-1 2-10 innings Baltimore ATURDAY'S Yotonto y... } Rochester Baltimoare ,...12 Reading +... GAMILS Buffalo at Rochester Baltimore Reading Toronto at Montreal at Jersey it Bulalo Reading Newark , RESULTS Montreal ,,,.. 1-6 Buflalo viv0vi B58 Newark 71 Jersey City , 16-5 wewirk rc MN M2 H45 HZ A79 Ado Al7 A SULTS +o 10-3 Lost ow | Al 2 TODAY Cit AMERICAN LEAGUE Won Philadelphia 4 41 4 Wi [Detroit MN sf, Lowi Boston ({ ") 2 FZ) RI Jhieago YESTERDAY'S Philadetphin 0H New York iif Boston 20-0 1. Louis 0 SATURDAYS Washington 12 New Yor! Phitudelphin Hh St Boston { GAM} Chiergo at St, Loul Detroit York IN OW a! NATIONAL Won hicage es 4? rooklyr 9 ew York ries F] St. Lows 13 ( i Jean Crichton, Noland Locke, Peggy Mountenay, Alfred Mehubert Inckie James, Joan Curtis, Gahrlel Haynes, Muriel dna Henry Kvn Billy Cooper Itchell Dorothy Willlama ecommended June Cooke, Vivian | Payne nt Washingt Philadelphia Cleveland at Boston Lost PC 2 Hi Hl Hl S00 42 120 JN 81 yULTS Detroit Cleveland , ., Chiengo Washington EL] 0-2 RESULTS 2 Detroit 15:14 Cleveland , Louis Chicago 0 DAY n LEAGUE Lost PU " HIN 2 Ho i 2) 12 508 Jimmie Firth, Petty Mary Noreen Nash, Olleluser, Blateh, Wilder Bukoskd, Rowden, Mualdman, lone, Harry York, Audroy Clifford Smith Irene Brown, Murks, Phillips, Marshall, Wilson, Joan Cacolla Bobby Francis Robert Mary Billy Miller, "red Q. Ramsay, teacher Promoted to Jr, | Harry Cott, May Harry Butler, Anne Morley den, Jimmie Wilson, and Earl Richards Hares, Rae Polley, tyre, Islay Ross, ly, Dorothy hoy June Clark, John Bureh Vivian M wood Goyne, on term work Wenles John Miller, Clark, [rude Robinson, Inn Simpson and Irwin tequal), Helen Bow. Doris Wilson (equal), Billy Lyle Kenneth James nnd Earl Dane (aqual), Lynn Willlams, Alan Jorry and Ger Mein. Melnnl- Black. ie or, Parts and Service and Textiles Clash in Big Game at Stadium Tonighi Oshawa's Two 'Best Inter- mediate Softball Teams Meet at Motor City Stadi- um in 9-Inning Game To- night at 7.00 pm -- Large Crowd Expected ---- Tonight at the Motor City Sta- dium, what should prove one of the finest softball battles of the your will be presented, when the snappy Parts and mediate team lash with Service inter. the strong Textiles team fn thelr sec ond meeting of the schedule, The last time these two teams met, they put up what has prove be the best battle of od to softball dgte, intermediat this season ! There was a good crowd on LJ LJ hand the Inst time, when the Parts and Service won by a score of 7 to 0 and there should twice ns night, large an attendance be at least to. It will be remembered that the Textiles team suffered a very sor fous loss early in the other kame whan Gord, Creamer and "Stew." Carver crashed head both players were Pittsburg Boston Cincinnati Philadelphia, YESTERDAY'S Boston 4-10 Cir St, Louis 35 Chicago 5 Only games schedy A whe fl 1 on, fielding » A7 4 n y 0 0] 103 I RESULTS einai ew York 2 Brooklyn led SATURDAY'S RESULTS Ne Pl Be St, Louis ih Pittsburg 04 Cinglonati oooh 8 Chicago civivei id York w 7 ladelphia 30 ston Brooklyn 5.0.0. GAMES TO Joston at Pittsburg, firooklyn at St, Loy New York at Chi (Only three schedul AMERICAN ASS Ww Louisville St. Paul I'oledo Kansas City Columbus Indinnapoh Minneapolis oii, Milwaukee ivi s YESTERDAY'S Milwaukee . 10-4 Toledo St. Paul Louisville Ka In Mi 5 7-3 Columbus DAY ii} CHRO, ed.) OCIATION on Lost PJ 087 580 A 4 Re AS 2 I) 58 435 380 RESULTS &1 nay City 48 dignapolis nneapolis Second game. Indianapolis- St. Pa Rain SATURDA Kansas City Milwaukee St, Maul Minneapolis Ce I'e Le In wl 19 S RESULTS slumbus edo. iisville dianapolis GAMES TO-DAY Toledo at Kansas Cit Columbus at Indianapolis at St Louisville at M y Milwaukee Paul, inneapolis 4 7 2 ul Lomdon | v ball, Both players had (o be ats tended by a doctor and of course) were unable to continue in the game, There Is no doubt that this accident had quite a hearing on the game and the Textile players but whether it meant defeat can be better decided after tonight) game, : Pitching Duel The fans always turn out droves 10 see the pliching due which ars provided by Alex, Web~ wier, star hurler for the Parts and Bervice, and Art Rodgers, speed ball artist of the Textiles, These two smart pitchers will oppose each other again tonight and the outcome is creating a great de of Interest, Both plichers are backed by elght smart softball players and each squad has plens ty of capable reserve material, A win for the Parts and Service will give them a big lead in the league an they have not lost # game sines losing thelr Initial start to the "Newnlen" In May This Is the only local sporting uttraction of the evening and there should be a very large crowd on hand, Come and see a real interesting battle, which will not be over until the last man has bewp called "out," ONTARIO LEAGUE Won Lost 9 13 16 PC 743 089 Vy. 14 155 el 82 27 250 St, Catharines London Cruelph Brantford st, Thomas Hamilton ..ooviae RESULTS Hamilton ,. 4-1 Guelph vide ld Brantford .., 2} SATURDAY'S Catharines 11-1 0.4 10-3 St t. Thomas GAMES TO-DAY Hamilton at Brantford Guelph at St. Catharines t. Thomas at London CALLS IT NONSENSE (Collingwood Bulletin) Some silly arguments are bein put up to show that votes shou! [| be cast against the King Govern ment, Here is one taken from an advertisement over in east Simcoe, "Under the Liberal (overnment Canadian wheat has been shut out of the markets of the world, The following duties have been placed against Canadian wheat since the Liberal Party came into power; [ne ited States 42 cents a bushel; France 98 cents a bushel; Italy 87 Germany 04 cents a bushel; cents 4 hushel; those markets have heen lost to the Canadian farmer by the Liberal Party." Is that not too silly for utterance? Ig it not dishonest? How could any govesn. ment, Conservative or Liberal cons trol the tariff policies of the counte ries named, or indeed any other country? It Is impossible and those responsible for this class of publicity should be called to ace count Fraudulent advertising 1s ugninut the law in everyday bhusie noek, Why not In our political ale fairs? £ Women candidates do not seem to be over popular in Alberts, Lethbridge Herald, : Breaking New [rails in thé Rockies a few days, cover penetratin ond in a songs are sung and is per attract travellers the when the weather is at its doors gain an experience w repeat it, will furnish them stories for a life-time, broken, the one last year he! named after the founder 'of m Ever: ------------ YS. tA very year the Order of the Trall Riders of the Canadian Rockies gathers together its devotees who set out into the unknown, or the almost ums known, on mountain ponies from the starting point | at the Banff Springs Hotel or Chateau Lake Louise. For those new to the game there is a trail ride of , however, little travelled paths, while for the exper there {8 a ride of three Weeks to the heart of the Rockies, and both rand Pow.wow " Shmptire meeting Ww eoling of genera tuated, These Trail Yides are held in August t and lovers of the outs : y oven if they neverjand from Europe, and some With memories and year new {rails ave ng over Gibbon Pass, the Order. Avery part of the continent Jollity The vides |in of lled in the Order, nati , taking Xv a chgto nd, an Clore the Hanging Gla tH \ h 1,600 of them are ut shows riders passin, throu Shadow oR with Mol fording an arm o

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