Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Jun 1930, p. 9

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I anne ved a ' ® 3 ' ® ms Se SRE ey Wich, THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, JUNE 30, 1930 ---- AY PAGE NINE ENERAL MOTORS SR S. LOSE 4-3--TEXTILES'VS. P. AND S. TONIGHT xcelsiors Come From | Visi Bib Le ed Gen, Campbell) Bra Not Fxcolsiors handed he AWA (General Motors fen. ra their third straight defeat of he 'sedson on Saturday aftérnoon nd by so doing took undisputed LL] hip of the O.AL.A, Senior roup, and created a tie for seo. nd position between Kt, Simons ne wh, oing into the last period with the score § fo 2 against them, the Excelgiors repeated their perform: anes of the previous Hattie and Inunehed attack after attack and finslly: wore the Oshawa teéan down 'until Zimmer took a pam in front. of the net and althoush he hed his hack to Shannon he backhanded the hall into the twine to tle up the game, A few min. utes later Powell, a player who up until yesterday had never heen prominent in the Brampton line: up, spared the winning goal, He sooréd the goal from an almost impossible angle, being almost in A line with the two goal posts EL when he let, the shot go, In nine Pases out of ten a shot from this Angle would have gona on' Across the field hut on this nocasion, the hall hit just. inside the far post and Brampton won the game 4 0 Ls i «Metter Team Won While the winning goal may possibly be termed "lucky," there is no doubt that the Kxeslsiors desarvhd thelr victory, Usually they were not as dangerous on the attack as the Genaral Motors men but fhe had possension of the ball for the greater part of the gama and In the final drive they showdd a distinct superiority, As the fairly low score indicates, the BAMA Was a close, héavy checking affafr and "it was in this depart meft that the winners had the edge, Bill Coulter was the most usefifl man on the fleld but Ted: dy Reevd was a very close second and his teammates co-operated better than did the Oshawa rears uard, 'The three "H's" Beattie, upton and Burry, were sspacially effective, © Both "Toot! Jiite and Bob Btephenson wera watohs ed Very tlodely "thyoughout' the [entire game, "Toot#" worked . ham but a severe hlow on the leg robbed him of a great deal of his usual effectiveness, ftephenson wan iwatehed' lke the proverbial 'mouse' and usually had te come haliway up the field to. get pos: wesslon of the ball, Silk, White and Boviy were the arers for Oshawa, Rovin, a splayimg his fiver 'game Jo senfor company, turped in A creditable performance and. used nice judgment when scoring Osh awd's third goal, Hhannen turn. od Ina smart. game In the neta, Bond was given 8 Teal chance yesterday ag turned In a very nie 8, | ve "» o watched Kendall well hit was not so strony ® Attagh; oe was fairly slow, as Is us these two Leams meet and comparatively clean, only six penalties being served during the end pif + game; four In the second att 4 two in the Anal ses | slo Qshawa drew four of the pengities Bnd Brampton drew the . othér two, four of the penalties being given for Aghting, Coulter drew a penalty for an {liegal body oh Smithaon drew one for ell Geo, Mproule, Golden an a staged a short b ut in the ond period and the 'had an'! Ella had another battle With a minute before th me ; is no doubt that wa the services of Dedde- and Davidson but whether noe of these twe ore have Brought the ha or, pr hawa team, lu ure, Now Oshawa and Bt, are tied for second rampton Ly Bag ann or send rov LIT HEN ¥ ¥ 994 AHOTH RN hh : ; BY § # in oy on foal Brampton both times, AR i ier n ooo fl Beer: ho cof OL autalde , Bimons and Brampion have each to visit Oshawa. snd the lockls Brampton once : have to he to more, e longue race is very Intérasting and (hers should be Rood crowds on hand to ses the remaining Hames. HE GAME Brampton staried out stron and Gibson treated Shannen wil A hard backhand shot, Ply sée-sawed up and down the feld, Both teams played very loosely And several passes went astray, Brampton got the first goal by « sort of fluke, Gibson shot at the net but the shot bounced. off a player's back, The gver alert Geo, Sprouls pleked up the boune: Ing ball and drilled it past BHAN- non for the frst goal of the game, Oshawa's passing was woefully || weak and many fre chances were 1oAL when poor passes went Ase tray, Brampton pressed hard for A While and then Oshawa took a hand, #ilk sailed through the contvd And evened up the Adore With a hot shot, Brampton cAme back strong but the Oshawa de: fence stiffened and they were hold AL bay, Oshawa began to press but good work by Burton kept Large free from work and the in- ji MARIA onded with the scord Recond Quarter Brampton. started out and kept Oshawa hemmed In until DeGray magged off » pass and Mpencer fol. a shot in, Play surged un and down the feild with plenty of mid-Aeld play predominating, Oshawa made a smart combination Attack and Mtephenson passed (0 White whe put it in, The Bramp« ton goal umpire vefused to oall a onl bul the referees, N, Bennett WAS right on the play and he eall- ed it "In", The Wrampton players did not argue, Bilk made a nics try and then speéded hack up the field into position, Bond (oéled Sproule nicely but Brampton cams hack with a goed attack, Zimmer took a pass in the erease and scored hut Gore saw the play and would not allow the geal, Coulter bodied Wilson hard, He left his fest when making the check and Was given a penalty, Rhannon oamd out and made a lovely save whep an odd man got through, A faw 'seconds Inter he lost the ball Wheh he made another save, Emithson clipped Rproule over the heal, and was given a penalty, With two men already on the béneh, Ella and Golden staged a SOAP And wera hoth given a pens Rlty, Brampton pressed hard but Coulter got back on and the Oshe Ava defense tightened up, Fox And Bpencer played well and Lhe Exoalsiors were kept out until Enithson mot back, Milk waa hurt when he slipped, Brampton bégan th press but half time came with the store, Oshawa 2, Rrampion 1, T™ird Quarter Play opened slowly with Rramp- ton doing most of (he pressing. Mrampton's homes and Oshawa's defence staged a few heotle mo ments with plenty of slashing thrown in' te add excitement, No penalties wera Issued however And, finally: Coulter cleared, Osh. Awa' took a hand and White hit Large'n padn with a closesin shot fnd followed this up by hitting he post Reeve cleared and eam, own the field, Coulter got the all and passed to Barron, Step enson mot a hot. shot away but "Large made a lovely save, Oshawa of A nice goal when Rovian and inom staged & nica passing play whith ended by Wilson giving Hovin a perfect pass, Bovin scored With a high shot, A minute later Rrampion fot the goal back when etve. engineered a play which ended by Wilson scoring with a wicked shot, Brampton were ene Aged by thelr 3 0 press hard, Oshaw a hack and were forced ht hard, Finally Oshawa got the ball and broke away, They 108t the sphere when Large saved Coulter's hot shot, They recovered But lost it again when Spencer fodslpd a pass. The period ended with Rramp- ton pressing and the score Osli+ awa 3, Brampton 3, : Final Quarter Qihawa ow the ball and made An Attack, Brampton got the ball and to press, Kendall tried n #0 by qd it was not i) hi [] up and down the hy] He were given lenty. of work, Bimmer finally Brake wags fram Jrubbell aud " #8 from Reeve an ta the " up with a lovely backhand » dan and W wa launched an attack but Large saved Spencer's shot, Oshs| hut his steady snabled him me fo press hard an the to the runneis Who were the : ong but the Bram: | early A re old firm, DeGiray a started and AHaRed a wreatling matoh and {at Raulevard, oa from the 16 both asnt oft with only & 5 r tenth place, 16 10 go, Reeve got the hall ald MoDong nd Rube He AL oft and the game ford both of adillao team 3 ® 800ve Brampton 4, | tought it out for the lead for move Wa 1, than halt the race, al reached the ten mile mark fn § "Th LH Excelaiors--Goal, Large: point Teatty; cover, Reeve defen urten, Burry, Rls; 0 A il ix, oer: gent SHR a Py of Pay, Gallant Fox and Earl Sande Win 'Another Big Race --------yy 'Now York, June 80.~Aghin answering the challenge to their reat Gallant Vox and Earl nde continued on their way Saturday in the parades through the G-year-0id theroughbred fistd a8 they won the Dwyer Stakes and $11,600 at Aqueduct, Four colts, meeting the Fox and his great riding partner for the tivst time, strove to match strides with the brilliant son of Sir Gallas had 11, from William Wood- ward's ftable, but they wers no more sucessful than the thor oughbrads that took up the issue in the Belmont stakes, the Ken tueky Derby, Preakness or Wood Memorial, A, A ---------- Oshawa Lady Bowlers Take Part In Lindsay Tourney -- On Friday, June 27, a contin: Koni of the newly formed ladies division of the Oshiaws Bowling Club vigited Lindsay to participate in the tournament for 'Ladies amr." organised hy the Lindsay uh, The members representing the Oshawa Olu were! ~Mvs, Gittins, Kkipper; Mra, Baunders, vice; Mrs, Ellis and Mrs, W. C, Bonetti, The Lindsay Club have & mem: bérahipiof '00 strong and all of them vied with each other to make the tournament a pleasant sucosss, 'Although the Oshawu Iddies' division bowlers have on ly taken the green threes weeks, they were able (po bring back (0 Oshawa the consolation prise Awarded hy the Lindsay tourna: ment, We consider this a most creditable i should act as a big incentive tn the local ladies' club to develop their game by continunl practice Aohievement and Oshawa Lawn Bowlers Tourney | Draw Announced The draw for the Oshawa Lawn Rowling elub's tournament 10 be held tomorrow follows j== First Draw=~0.30 a.m, F. Button (Stouffville) v. A Greenwood (Port Hope), L, B, Nichols (Bowmanville) v, I A. Cochrane, (Oshawa), : H, MeConnell (Vermont Park) v R._ Coleman (Peterborn), H EERE H, J. Klerman (Whitby) v, A, Good man, (Osh.wa) iv Murray (Port Perry) vo. Qke (Peterboro) A Bryce (Oshawa) vv W (Whithy), A. Mitchell (Bowmamille), v, Gentle (S11 Matthew's), W. J, Oke (Port Hope) v. C, Bran don (Oshawa), J. Seort (Nogwood Parks) v, R, Rosebar (Port Hope), N, Thomas (Whithy) v. Swanson (Oshawa), Sesond Drawe11,15 am, W. Mackid (Lindsay) vi J, wolm (Markham), M. Lethér (Port Perry) v, K 'Counter (St, John's Norway), Peacock (Guelph), UC Stenhouse (Oshawa) v. ( AC Sturgess (Whithy) vi W, Cad well (Unionville) J. Conrle (Oshawa) v, ). 8 bert (Lindway) A J. Meyers (Campbeliford) v, | Kennedy (Ushridge), C, Deténheck (Oshawa) v, W LI vingatone (Cannington) B, St. John (Sunderland) v. M E. Gould (Bowmanville), W, Goold (Oshawa) v; E J. Pure dy (Port Perry), A. A Ellis (Withrow Parks) v J. Cairn (Peterborn) J. Fluker (Cobourg) v. Dr. Butler (Newcastle), Cook Mal W Cul Percy Wyer Wins Troph Outright Detroit, June 80. Perey Wyer, 44-year-old 'paperweight' runner of the Monarch A.C, Toranto, oap. tyred the Cadillan Athletie Qlub's maraton te Dearborn And return, Baturday In 2 hours, 69 minutes, boating out "Whitey" Michelson, of the Millrase Athlatie Club, New York, member of the 1088 Ameri: oan Olymplo team, " seven mine utes, an winning, Wyer gained ermanent possession of the Des roit News Marathon Trophy, Ne had previeusly won the Detroit ) A YOar, Wyer minutes, then he , reached ™ bern and a wreath was thrown round his neck by Jude Lila M, saunefeldt, The ceremony had an Adverse effect on' MeDonald, for int on he fell hack ord Was 4 J, JekkeIL of New VYark Club, en Py Wren Top to, asventh: four minutes and 0 seo: onde the leader, PORT SNAPSHOT By Guo, Oasrasis, Operts Bditey S Another Defeat for the "Champions" The Oshiuws General Motors Senor Incrosse team have not heen doing so well since they attained the title of "Champions of North Amerien" They have played three games since acquiring this title und they have lost every one of them, On Saturday, Brampton Ex _ eelsiors Increased their wverage, by taking the locals Into eamyp In a very close, well-played game, by a score of 4 10 3, The Oshawa team held & lend of one goal at the end of the third quarter, but the Ix- calsiors excelled themselves in the Anal spasm und, scored two goals 10 take the decision, Strong work by the resrguards of both tes featured the game, and the home men were given a very busy uit" noon, Before the game It was 'rumored that' Brampion's star gone was sick In bed, but when the team took the field, he was rliht there as Large ae Brampton was the better team on the day's play ' LJ Ll Ld Aarabs Win Another Oshaws has on real smart intermediate basebs!l team, and (he sooner local sport fans realise it, the better, On Saturday #lterncon therd was only a very small crowd on hand to see the first gume of the second hall of the schedule, between Oshawa Anrabs und Peters boro Raybeston, 'I'he Petes, defented the Asrabs in the league opening game, but the Aarabs got thelr revenge on Saturday by winning « smart ball game by the seuré of 7 to 3 and, Incidentally, getting off to an excellent start In the second hall of the race, It was uw very good baseball game, and was (eatured by some snappy plays, including a triple play, and the smart hurling of "Duke" Dainty, for the locals Ld Ld LJ] ' A Triple Play The Paterbore -Raybestos provided tha Aelding (eature of the game with the Adrabs on Saturday when they put a quick stop to threatening Aurab rally in the third inning, by pulling off a smart triple play, u fest which has very seldom been done around these parts. At the thine, Gummow wap occupying second base and White ly had been given a walk and wis on Aral base, Gray, popped out to Kitchen who threw to second base putting Gummow out and the sec ond baseman threw to the inbinl saek Just In time to nip Whitel These plays de noticome every day that & ball game Is played LJ . LJ L Big Intermediate Softball Game Tonight Ihére will be a lurge crowd of softball fans at the Moter City Stadium tonight to see the Ylnming softball battle which is heing put en by Oshawa's two premier intermediate softhall teams, Party and Service and Textiles, These two 1éams put up a great game the last time they met and the P, and 8, squad had a hard time to win, All softball fans love « pitcher's duel und thers promises to be a real duel in the game tonight, between Alex, Webster and Art, Rodgers Costly arrors did not help Rodgers any, the last time these teams met, but the Textile players have been practising hard and they are expect ed to give thelr hurler mueh better support, Ir will be a veal smart game, This is the only game of the evening, and If dated 10 sturt at 700 wm, sharp LJ 1] LJ L No Junior Game Tonight I'heve will be no junior league softball game at Cowan's Park tos night. Tha next junior game will be played on Priday night next, and the edtestan®s will be announced at a later date . '. . 1] Ogawa Juniors in Toronto Tonight Pho Oshaw Flieneral Motors Junior laerosse (eam travels to To rontodonight , play their second game of the schedule with the stro Maw £4 team, The Maitlands are noted for providing stiff oppdition up's) the "Square" and the loeal boys will have their hands ful tonight, . . LJ . hawa Team Plays Fine Game in Toronto An Lshawa softball team, named the 'Loxtiles, but strengthened hy the /addition of several members of the Parts aivd Serviee inter mediaths Journeyed to Toronto on Saturday night and played an ex. hibithfn game with ona of Toronto's premier senior softball teams, the Natige Sons, and they battled for ten innings until darkness stopped the (game, The seore was 1:1, It 1s very seldom that a softball game I) Ais score, There (x na doubt that this was ona of the finest soft ba) games played in Toronto this season, Art, Rodgers, pitching for thie Oshawa team, gave the Toronto fans an eyveful when he struck (ut eighteen batters, The Toronto hurler fanned thirteen, Textiles Rot the Arar run when T, Elliott poled out a long hit te right field and by speedy baserunning just managed to streteh it inte a home run, The Native Sons tied it up in the sixth, The Toronto team had a great chance to win the game in their half of the ninth when the first man up hit a three-bagger, but the next batter hit to Rodgers, and Art struck cut the next two men to retire the side. A great many of the local softball fans have been wondering just what Art, Rodgers could do if he had "Doc" Rowden to receive for him, Eighteen strike: outs in ten innings from one of the best softball team in Toronte, is the answer, The batteries were: Oshawa, Rodgers and Rowden; Na: tive Sons, Downs. and Rody. . elie iis hibition Game Tomorrow Thare ds very little doing in this city (dmerrow, most of the le: cal sporting teams visiting other cities and towns, Ab the present time the only loeal sporting Attractions which are known of for tomorrow are the Oshawa Lawn Bowling Club's annual tournament and a sma exhibition softball game at Lakeview Park at 3.00 pm. in the afters noon, 'The Parts and Service Juniors will play the Aluminium Comp: "any of Canada's intermediate softball team in an exhibition tilt. The Toronto team ix at present leading the Toronto Intermediate Associa tion and has a very strong linevup, Several well-known senior bases hall players play for the visiting Toronto team. No doubt there will bo a fairly good number of softball fans go over to the diamond at Lakeview Park tomorrow afternoon to see this game. Admission is, of course; free. LE y Tiny Golf Course for Oshawa Construction been. started on a Tiny Tim Golf Colirse: which will be located tireetly opposite the main door of the Genoshw Hotel. Local golf enthusiasts and thoan) who 'are anxious to take up the "fore" gaffe, Will, no doubt, be very much interested In this mes deen novelty, 1t will be still somte time before the courts Will be in aperation, a gh hy ! 4 Lay LL - 0 : t 4% ha The oy ar foro ariel scheduled league game wiiel Cobourg ------~ "the other game, Both games a 5 Port Hope at part of the programot te Port Hope Dam bration, Horse taees, ; games, acrobats, bands, fray and ami ont the entertainment, The Arabs will a Mihtind \ to injuries and absentees, but if"they can defeat Port Hape th strengthen thelr position, LJ] LJ o \ Ll] . io OMI, in Toronto Tomorrow : The OM. ladies' softball team: will play' the. Alberts, smart To. vonto ladies' softball veam; in an exhibition game at Sunnyside tomers row night, starting at 615 o'cléels : ; Diamond Seulls Draw London, June 20.11 Jos Wright, Toronto: seullsr, wing his first 'hort in the Dismond Seulls, he will face his colleague from To ronte, Jack Guest, in the seeond, according to the draw announced Maturdny, In the first hest Wright fag Ciroves of London and Guewi drew » bys, Bhould wright sure vive the first contest the two nadian entrants will oppose sash other in the second, Groves (London) v, Jos Wright (Torontn), Gentry (Ibis Club) vv. Collet Leander Club), donen (Lincoln) v, West (Low don), Bradioy (Pembroke) v, woen (Werlin), Boet- Guys (London) v, Gentry or Collett, Guest. (Torontey v, Groves or Wright, ' E---- faa ---- RE Leats Have Double Win Over Royals Montreal, June 30,-/The Royals re- turned home from their long rod trip yesterday morning and & groat throng of neurly 20000 fans turned aut mt the Stadlum In the afternoon to mike It wu day of rejoicing, but they reckoned not with the Toronto Maple Leafs Steve O'Neill's men took both nas of the doubleheader, the Arst game 110 in LE dnwnings, the second 5-3 fn seven innings, and greatly to the dis tress of the locs! citinenry pushed the Koyali'out of third place, The dotble viefdry was most oppor tune for the Leals In view of the fact that the leaders, Baltimore and Rochester divided thelr double bil Almont avery kind of baseball, good bud and indifferent, was on display In the Arst game, a hoavy-hitting struggle, In which seven pitehers were belted for 3M hits But the Leafs played smart base ball all the way, while the Royals were gullty of some four errors and one misplay that cost them the pas time when they were apparently well on the way to winning In the tenth Score Tied Four Times The socre wus tied four times he fore the Leafs won cut in round ele ven, for the local heroes staged a twosrun rally in the ninth to sew the game up and came back again with another tally in the tenth after the Leafs forged to the front in thelr hall I'he Leafs and Nick Harrison had A narrow squeak In the tenth, The Ving run was already across the pan and the bases were loaded with only out when Smith, pinchsrunning for Gulley, rashly tried to steal home, Young Mr, Smith saw the Leafs In deep consultation behind the pitehs ers' box and concluded that they were completely ignoring him, He made a dash for the plate, but War ren Lote, who held the ball, tomed to O'Neill and Smith was out by ses veral feet Pineh-hitter Vangilder made the third out when he popped foul to Harris, Harrls' Fine Play A sparkling play. hy the same Mar tin saved the day for the Leafs in the ninth just hefere Graham got knocked out of the box, With twe men on hase, Pinch«l.itter Ripple line ed one to right that Joa nailed with A spectacular dive and the" ran te Arat to double Henry off the bag, Each team made the same number of hits In the two games, 17 in the first seramble and eight in the night cap, hut the Leafs gave an able de. monstration. of that ancient adage that it's not how many you get, but what you do with them that county, In the second inning of the late af. fair, in particular, this was shown te best advantage, for. three of their eight blows bunched with a walk got them three runs and this was almest enough to see them through, Three mora bunehed in the Afth decided the {sane Art Smith was belted out of the x In the second round uprising and Johnny Pemorakl Anished the game REBUILDING WHITE AOX Chicase, June 80.~Another step In the reconstruction of the Chicago White Sox waa taken Saturday with the purchans of Gordon Mulleavey, sensationd shortstop with the Toledo olub o the American Assoglation, THe White Hox gave Lwo players for the young star, Willlam Hunnefleld, an (ntield- or, and Dob Welland, Soing loft. handed piteher, were sént to the Toledo club in exchange for Mulls: » vey, Hunnstisld and Welland were released on option, Juaning trom the interference, the radio broadoasting statiohs have started that war in the alt we have heard prodioted, «Port Arthur News Chronlole, Oshawa Nationals Defeat Earlscourt Kenwoods 1.0 AMERICAN LEAGUE ATHLETICS WIN Detroit, June 30~'The Philadelphis Athletes defeated Detroit hy 6 to § in thelr one-day stand here, The Tigers staged a rally In the ninth, which fell one run short of & tie, Timmy Shevlin, Detroit rookie, wis the third out when he tried to score from first on Stone's single, It was a close decision and the ttowd disagreed with Umpire Guin. rie, REESE'S HOMER WAS TIMELY New York, June 30,~Jimmy Rees: es home run with the bases full pro. ved to be the winnig blow in the Yankees 7 to 6 vietory over Cleves land in the final game of the series, The Yankees won the series, four games to one, Charley Rufing relieved Ed Welly with the score tied dnd blanked the Indighs for the Just three [rames, getting credit for his sixth straight vietory, Fe also scored the winning run on Lucedrl's sacrifice fy BR" '"/NS STOP SENATORS Washington, June 30,~Hall of the Browns' sale hits yesterday were for extra baces and the visitors won the openirig game of the series from Wa. shington by 6 to J, The Senators started the game with a three-run lead, but the Browns overcame that In the second and third innings and added two more in the fourth and seventh, TED LYONS HALTS RED 50X Bi ston, June 30.=After the Red Sox won the first game of a double. header White Sox turned around and took the ou al 2 ta 1, behind the cle- ver pitehing of Ted Lyons, Boston's victory in the opener was thelr eighth straight over the White Sox and Faber, the losing pitcher, thus Tost his tenth game this seas on, OT ------------------ American Tennis Stars Prominent At Wimbledon a Wimbladon England June 40, When the big eanvan cover that protects the precious turf of the famous centre vourt was drawn In. to place last night at the close of the first week's play in the Wim. bladon championships, the names of American players dotted the Anal stages of the draw sheets, Unless untoward avents noeur next week, AL 10ant thre 1950 Wimbledon ti: tien are likely to go to the United States, And that ian't counting on a pos: aible victory for Big Tilden over Henri Crohet, velgning slugies champlon, but only on Helen Wills Moody winning her fourth wo. men's singles titla in an many years, Wilmer Allison and John Van Ryn repeating their men's doubles tri Umph of ast season and the new firm of Mra, Moody and Blisaheth Ryan taking the wamen's doubles orown, INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE DANFORTH WINA Buftalo, N.Y, June 80,--Dave Danforth's powerful relist pitois Ing saved the Nisons from utter *out In their four-game series with the Roohestér Red Wings, Which concluded in an sven split yeaterday afternoon, The Winas Put on their Homer battery again to pound out a 13 to 4 Vietory in the opener, Ten of thelr twelve tallies moorusd on long fourbase shots by Oarleton, Southworth and Wilson, The Wings were going after : Milla hammer and . ton in the second when Dave Danforth step. Jed in and pulled through with a to 4 Bison victory, The former major league southpaw entered in the third inning, with the sacks loaded and no one awdy, but held the visitors runiess, Me went on Mriiianuly, whitfing seven of his oon, | RAUBER WITH HIS 90 Newark, NJ, June 30, Balti more and Newark split a double: header here yesterday the Orioles capturing the first game, 15:0, with the Tears coming back (0 "is the nighteap, 5.4, 00 Mauser, the Rirds' home: Tun artist, connected for round trip wallops in the frat nt to hooat hia season's total 0 26, Oshawa Nats, Win on Saturday afternoon when they defeuted the " wT peourt Renwoods , The Oshawa Nationals secesr team 4 Eh Ko form by & score of 1 to O/ The Nats, were: decidedly 0 better team and only foose playing in the last halt kept the score. ay low as it was, This vietory pute the Naty right Back in the running a gh : 8 ' Oshawa City Wins Again Oh The Oshawa City won'a game away from home on Saturday afters noon when they deleted the Anacondas of 7 to 0: The game was close and hard-fought, but { edge and deserved their vietory, » . Attention, Mr, N Mallett h oN » 19; by a score of | Clty had a slight wa hs oN . oo» % .l * It,is rumored that Norm, Malet hay been cleaning up on ali'hiy fellow members of the Kinsmen's Club in the good old game of pitehs ing horsethoes, hut While he may be the Champion of the 'Kinamen's . Club he does not do xo well when playing his fellowswarkers over af Hoge and Lytle's In claimed that all fhe bays ar the Graln and | Send eerablishinent are able to "take Norm, for a ride)" A | benefit of these who don't Oshawa Nationals Win From Earlscourt Kenwoods snd Move Up in Major League Race -- Fairley Again Plays Well--Poor Finish Responsible' for Low Score--Nats, Much the Better Toam ---- Nationals gained 0 valuable points when they bedt the strong Karinoourt Kenwoods of Toronto in A Major Leagues fixture al the sta. dium on Saturday, The Nats were the hetier team throughout and should have finished with a higger margin of goals, It wan Ideal won. ther, and a good orowd was on bend to see tha locals win, Nation. Als started the game going and wers soon down on the visitors defence, when Brockbank was called on to clear, It looked us If the Nats would seore at any minute, but their fin. ishing was poor, "To add to the anx- Ioty of the home fans Kathrang missed a penalty sending high over the bar, This was tough on the Nats who should hava been ead. Ing two gonls, Karlseourt now took A hand and were always danger. OURS NOAr gos), * Play continued Around midfeld, hoth teams trying hard for gouls, It was touch and Ko for hoth goals but the defences were playing strong, Malf time cams with hoth goals Intact, Nats 0, Earlscourt 0, Neeond Halt The second half opened strongly Kenwoods swooping down on the Nats gon! but thay were sonn Again on defence with the Nats forwards pounding away at thelr gon), Brooks bank the Kenwoods goalie was plaving a great game, hut he could do nothing with the shot which bent him, Fairley was the marke man, The goalie came out to Inters 0OPL A croaN from the wing Yair. lay mot 4t frst time and put it in the far onrner, the goalie heing helpleas ta save, Nats now steadied Up And gave a hotter exhibition afe ter this, The defences of hoth téamy played well throughout, clearing thelr lines in Aine style, Prom a fair standpoint it wan & good Fame to watch, bother teams serving np a Kood olane of football, Full time fame with the score standing at'1.0 for the Nats, Nationals--8mith, Brodie, Bo MaolLaap, Coll, Patterson, Phi Mulr, Bathrang, Fairday, Davidson, Referee, Craig, Toronto, Henri Coohet reigning singles Three Hamilton Winners Repeat On Saturday Hamiiten, June 80. Weather nonditions were {deal here on Bate urday and there was An exceptions Ally large orowd on hand at tha Hamilton Jookey Club te witness the running of the various events, Which were mostly olniming ate falrs, There ware no oArded feats ures, although tha seeand race for IWosyonr-idy probably snoupied the post of honor, In thin Patriek Callahan © scored hia Ascond win of the meeting when he beat Als tire by half a length, Jookey Paul MeGinnin wan aboard the winner | And thin win was nne of the triply that he anored during the afters noon, Golader, hy Derialon, a first the Reagram stable, aconunted for the opening dash by twe lonigthe over Fatal Gift, whila Colans! Both made a runaway of the third ovent hy two lengthe with Sanas tose Majo second, Eweetest Sone provided a aurprise In the fourth event when she took Varsity and Master Bobble into camp, while in the Heth the Canadiansbrad Sabana outlasted Madder and Sule ivan Trail, { Paula L, and Meridian Queen, previous winners at the mesting wore: repeaters In the last twa races, The former won from Proms Andale and Fair Gold in the sixth, while: Meridian Queen = spreads oagled her field in the Inst aver the turf 'oourse to bent Judge Bartlett, Qolden © Sphares time starter in SKERTHRS WIN 16INNING GAME Jersey City, NJ, June 30,0 The Jersey City Skeeters won both ends of a double-header from the Reading Keys here yesterday by neores of H+3 ang 1.0, ) Jule Wera'n home Joss Rream stopped the Keys K 00ld in the second tussle Naiting x them to but two hits, Na Now Jeraay fs entoreing a 1798 Bus Jaw, At that rate, prohiby will be sntoroed about the | 8 2080, ~Chioago Bvening Pest, Tn Indiana a campaign in on te | odane painting barns ved nth i ® barn In Wy old-fashioned gan Dayton Da : ly News, ~~

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