Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Jun 1930, p. 6

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Call the Churches Bid You a Hearty Welcome gucor United Churc PRG pr nein INE osbodbn dns dh ote d 0000000000000 King Street United Church 0 Chas, E. Cragg, M.A, B.D. 11 AMe-- HUD CHURCH T HOLD OVER 10,000 Liverpool Catholics Plan / Huge Building on Hill Above City He------ Liverpool, Eng~Over 10,000 people will be able to see the high altar In the new 'Cathedral of Christ" to be erected by Roman Catholios here, ned by a Pro- tostant, Mir Kdwin ytons, the pullding will be second 1n size only to #t. Peter's at Rome, with a domo larger than that of Ht, Paul's In London, and an archway ot the west front 150 fest Kigh to the summit of the great arch, Standing on Brownlow Hill, highest point in Liverpool, the massive fiustyre will dominate the whole eity, A unlgus feature of the plans In the division betweep the pave and the west end of the bullding called the "garthox." This Bir Edwin ox. planed would bs Avays heated And Always open as a # Siter for the poor of Liverpool, Wherever they might be in the 'narthex' they would bs able to ses the high altar, For the homeless it might NOrve as A sleoping place, The cost of the bullding is up known as yet, but the Archbishop, Dr, Downey, bas nearly $1,000,0 0 on hand to begin the work. and W receiving $5,000 a month In pen nies from the poorer members of the Churelh, The site Is being pur. chased from the City of Liverpool ut a price of $450,000, The foun: dations . of the oathedral will be sunk in the red rock of the ridge, AL Its summit, This bullding i the thirg great monument to be erected in Liver. will he thd] ool, taking Ité place with St. Beorge"s Hall and the Anglioan Sathedral which stands at the other | Sd of the ridge. It Is a coinels Owes that just as the new Ro. (CHURCH ON SKIDS MOVES WITH TOWN United Church to Dedicate Farthest North Mission in July Sunda) Services Tn The Oshawa Churches w. A Anglican Canon C, dePenciér, the wotor, will ln bol. services W Bt, George's Anglican Chureh Anorrow. 'The choir will sing Grave Lutheran forvices at Grace Lutheran SP ECIAL F LORAL SERVICE Church, Sunday, will bs conduct- The vegular Church Service and Church School at 11 od by Rev, A, C. Hahn, the pastor, to attend this special service, Will all members of / ChHation Svionce hots 4 the the school be present at 10.48 a.m. : "Chri Holencs" will be the i. ie in op od Ya arly wubjoct for discunsion at the Morn.) yi Lunder gtandtord's "Te Deum," APM p {| (vg worvice of the Bru Church " --vrl : reacher | [ Christ. Scientist, Sunday, mone Special | y al "Adamiliay Figure" will be the Rev . A. M. McLellan Free Methodist subj the pastor, Rav, X, Har of Claremont ! 10 AM.~SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 am, ' AFamiliar Figure" 7 pm, "God in Chains" The Minister Will Preach at Both Services Evening Service will be concluded in one hour Bright Brief , Beneficial 'Good Singing - - Fine Fellowship - Helpful Services A HEARTY WELCOME AWAITK YOU HERK, Edmonton, Alta,~Farthest north among United Church missions on the prairies, the church and mane at Notikewin, Alberts, are to be dedicated early in July by Rev, D B. Cochrane, D.D,, secretary of the home mission board, Standing among the green wheat of the Peace River Country sctu- ally located at Hattie River, the buildings have been erected on skids ready for a journey if the town has to move to & new site when the raflway comes up 76 miles from the south of Notikewin, Omit the Yukon and this is the most northerly United Church in the country and, with the exception of missions to Indians and Esquimaux, is nearer to the North Pole than any church east of the Rockey Mountains, Three hundred or mors home. Oshawa steady occupied by frontier fam- | Rey, RN, L. Capdment, the pas-| sion, the morning service of tor, will conduct the services AL) ¥imeos Mreet United Cherch (o- the Free Methodist Mission 10°] morrowi \n (ha evening the pas- morrow, tor will, preath on "God In Novthminster United Chains. Rev, A. M, Irwin, thé pastos, Kan Proshyterian will ha in eharge of both services Rev, Dunan Munroe, the pas at Northminster United Church tor, will cOMuct both services tomorrow, Baptism and the sacral at Knox Prebyterian Church tor ment will be administerad In the] morrow, morning, St.Andrew'sUnited Church Cor, of Bruce Bt, and #imcoe #8 REV. F. J, MAXWELL, Minister Oshawa Pentostal Holiness Morvioes at OMAWA Pentecostal Holiness Church omomow will he conducted hy Paster OG, Lagge, Holy Trinity Angliogn Mr, ©, C. Btenhouse wil) give the address At hoth morspg and evening services of Woly Trinity Angliean Church, Sunday, in the abaence of the rector, Rev. a, Jarrett, There will be no cMgbra. tion of Moly Communion, Albert Street United Rev, J, F, Lane, of Cangy, will be the special preacher both services of Albert Kireet ny, od Chureh, Sunday, First Baptist "Souls and Clothes" subject of the sermon by Rev, W. Small, pastor, at the morning werviee of First Baptist Church, Runday, In the evening Rev, small Christ Anglican Hervices at Christ Anglican Church on Runday will he cone ducted by Rev, R, NB, Patterson, the rector, Nt, Andrew's United "Herole Service'! will he the subject of the sermon to be preach. od by the pastor, Rev, I, J. Max- well, at the morning service of Hi Andrew's United Church tomor- row, In the evening the pastor will preach on "A Hidden Danger." St. George's ©. ANGLICAN doPENCIER SUNDAY, JUNE 29 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 am, "Herole Service" 7.9m: "A Hidden Danger" CANON C. R, M.A, | Bagot and Centre Sts, | | | Cor, Organist and Cholrmaster=- Matthew Gouldburn, ALCM, $ am~~Holy Communion, 10.15 a.m. -~Bunday School 11 a.m~Morning Prayer, The Cholr~"0lorin In Excelsis" and "Btandford's Te Deum", Salvation Army Prigadior and Mrs, WH, Ritehie of Toronto, divisienal command ers, are to take charge of the ser: vices at the Salvation Army Clits del, Bunday. The band will give a goncert of sacred musle at Lake view Park, Sunday afternoon Evangel Tabernacle {lion and bachelors provide the con- ||| Pentecostal stituency., The home mission auth~ | 'H I Ch h there, for lant summer under direc. oliness urc tion of Rey, M, H Wilson, DD,, Ed monton, a survey of the district Pastor G. Legge In Charge Rov, Harry ¥, Parker, M.A, of 10 a.m. Sunday School Winnipeg, Iate of the University of |} Chicago, in tha tirst resident mis [|| 11 aan, Pastor G, Legge have gon in over the trail to make . rendy a substantial frame church Tues. 8 Pm, with pointed windows, square tower Prayer Meeting nent MAnse Attest the purpose of Fri. 8 pm, -- the home missions board to start Notikewin well, orities know that the people are 811 Celine Wiroet Was made by college students, slonary, Mr, Parker and hiy wife 7 pm, Pastor G. Legge and simple porch and alongside a Bible Study For the dedicatory services the The Minister Will Preach at both Services Christ Church (ANGLICAN) Cor, Hillcroft and Mary Sts, Rav. RB. B. Patterson, M.A [neumbent, 503 Masson Bi, AC ------ 8 am. Holy Communion Special invitation to those confirmed since the Par- ish began. 9.50 a.m.--Sunday School Service, 11 a.m. Morning Prayer. 4 p.m. --Baptism, 3 i 7 pm. Evening Prayer. First Baptist hurc KING §T. EANT Rev. Aubrey W. Small 18 Aberdeen Nt. 10 am, CHURCH SCHOOL i 1am | "Souls and Clothes" T.00 pom "Happiness in Hard Times" Monday, § pom, = WYP, . Waduaaday, 8.00 pin, - - Prayer Meeting, WE INVITE YOU TO WORSHIP WITH US KNOX Presbyterian Church Kimcas, Street North and firook Street Rev. Duncan Monroe #4 Brock Ht. W, Phone 20554 p45 a.m~Sunday Sehool, The minister will preach at 11 am, and 7 pm, Friday 8 pov Preparatory Service, found Doctrine, = Hearty Singing and a Real Wel come Ara features of Knox Chureh, Revival Meetings Evangel Tabernacle 200 King St. West J. Ti BALL, Pastor Hear Evang. T. Johnstone of Nanaimo, B.C, With live messages from God's Word, Divine Heals in Second coming; Haptisme=in Holy Ghost, Salvation, Bring the Blok, Sunday Services 11 am, and 7 p.m, Meetings Week Nights, g, TNED diay F » (i) oun, HAs HD, Minister Bhisid LLL || ea oy Nghbrow na dor atthews "When a auty com comes to ua, with it comes a power to enable ua to {pertorm he in Coolidse, oa a a inh as not by the w wing, y the ohidren it : di Durant, "The w Ost WY Wa 13 te begin with A An yo day and work backward." a Abo... te onltion==It . may Ati be ele: wie into A real means of grace 11 the situation whem such a- man as ond his inden Nn . Hoervices at Fvangel Tabernacle tomorrow will be conducted by the pastor, Rev, J. T. Dall, Evangelist T. Johnstone, of Nanaime, Is con tinuing his special addresses and will preach at both morning and evening mervice, | | God Is Craftsmen is to preach on the subject "Hap piness in Hard Times" Contre MM, United Rev. A, K. Admison, of Little Britain, will he the special speak or at the services of Centre Sirast United Church tomorrow A delightful passage in the Book of Exodus tells how Besalesl and Aboliab were called of Ood and filled with the spirit of God, with wisdom of heart, to work all man« ner of work for the sanctuary, The Hebrews were not by nature great bullders or handieraftamen, but thers was work to be done, and they wanted it to be worthy of the ser vies of the sanctuary, and they felt that it should be the work of thelr own hands, Read over again that vi. vid sketel in Exodus (35: 00-35: 84 1-4 and nee how the artist-orafta- men, stirred by the enthusiasm for making things, felt the call to carve thelr beautdful thoughts on wood And brass and stone, and to weave their fine dreams into embroideries of blue and purple and scarlet and fine linen, Sea how Mones had the good mense to snateh up these arts iatathe finest of their day=-and comminsion them te beautify the sanctuary, And note how thelr an. thusinam spreads to others, For people do erave for beauty and will always follow when wisely led In that direction, All the tribes of In. rael had a hand in the bullding of the sanctuary and shared in the in. stinet that led them to make it a hoautiful work, We have just been reading of how the New York Building Congress has presented certificates of oraftamanship te the builders of a church, The men who Iabor te clothe with excellence and beauty the structure which the architect nobly designed deserve re. cognition, and the Building Con. gross in surely to he commended for an act which emphasizes the religious significance of work, It Is to be hoped that certificates of araftamanship will yet be given to all men and women whose work is An expression of the hest that is In them---whether it be the making of phoughs or of plotures, vessels for the kitchen or vessels for the sane. tuary, Why should such a practies not become As common As the granting of academia diplomas to students or medals to warsors® Meanwhile, we would emphasize the truth that the spirit of man 1a sustained by all the beauty which he makes part of his lite, And we would draw the attention of all who have anything to do with the build. ing of churches to the story of Ne. walesl and Ahollab who put into the service of the 'sanctuary all the beauty that God had fest put Into their souls Getting Good | George Merhert, poet and divine of the 17th century, whose verse was supposed to have brought much, comfort to Kng Charles I n the English prison, had a very wise re- mark to make about tedious And uninteresting sermons even if he does mix what seems lke a little koon sarcasm with it, In ha quaint Way he says! The worst apeak something good; If all want sense God takes a text and preacheth Pa-ti-ence, That is, even 1f the great busi ness of preaching is At its worst, and contains in itself not one single atom that has help or inspire plan in {teefiively An imps be)ng made the cause and ocohs of a lessen in ge, 8 son, in Wi Sonseiones. a enough needed at times and very hard to learn Ny afom I Dare we take ful ron thin oldst writer mistio crtimate of the HAIR oft in cher Load pussy f hin uses slat that are not avers bt Ak ey doen ie pen Alimnes ost "10 Teale 'on AA a Ie a and retrieving it after some very te make out [tors point for many things that are het. ter and more hii It is a somewhat alfirmative and FOARBUPIRE ARAWOr to Auch questions on those that many of 'us are in very bad need of: to he able to fee! that if God fen't willing te have such a potentially good thing as & sermon fall, He would be much more eager that the thing of vastly grenter potentialities, a human lite, should not fall either, Some of ua haven't made a tremendous au of living, looked at from sev points of view, but the thing we specially need now, with thosé mote or leas partial fallurea behind us, in some vivid and convinced realiza« tion of the faot that, no matter what the past has heen, time and opportunity for making good on fine fashion, are Iving Just ahdad of " pit we will apen our ages to see them and will face up to them cours Ubly, The thing isn't all over oy ft would seem that the ser or the lke hadn't succeeded doing much: God 1s still in lite hy Hin. purposes are set in ways that we Bn know naught of to bring succes Phy of failure, to re. detm past inadequacies and to turn mistaken te naw onda of unefulnoss and good, p en | TEXTILE INDUSTRY FACES LEA LEAN PERIOD Montreal, Que, We Jute. While the worst of the current depression in the textile industry has been pass. od, the immediate future will not be Driductive of the earnings shown for nine months of last year, according to a statement " president of t 'of the rman, | Sie ox meeting was oth Th 0 pai, ria rec. dent and the les Gordon, an e routine, were adopted, Mw Cutholla Cathedral was desig- Nk hy 4 Protestant, so the Angli- OAN Cathedral was designed by a Rona Catholio--8ir Qilés Gilbert TO BUILD HALL FOR OVERSEAS STUDENTS "LORdor House'! fn to be the | NAmS KIVOA 1a 4 naw hall of resl- dence for ovr sean students in the Eront oApital in cost a quarter of a million pounds and te be built in Bloomsbury, In commending the project Promise Ramsay MacDon Ald remarked that London could |! be i very oold Md inhonpital place and that he was greatly delighted that the eity was About 16 de some. neighboring drawing morning services on July 4 no that missionaries and people may join with the Notikewin con- grogation in A day of Worshippers from a radius of b0 Ty miles around will have A basket plenie after the formal upening, A |} week later Dr, preach at the dedication of the new mission chureh at Hythe, the most westerly point of the Northern Ale Country, Pécs River area for the summer and with a large spools) train ear- rying the New Outlook tour inte Year" in the United Carada missions are With. | Everyone Welcome rejoleing. 1 | Cochrane {sto |} | | yerts Rallways in the Ponce River With 28 missioneries In the he north, thin 1s A "Paace River Church of TRING to give A masure of weleome and care to the thousands of stu- dents doing post-gadusts work within ita borders, Londen Mouse will be for men students only, but the proposition for a similar place IN THE CHURCHES OF WHITBY WS re a CALVARY BAPTIST Gospel Jentre Athol Nt. WostemNorth Wiae ROBT, SIMPSON of Toronto Bible College will preach am'"Ablding in Heavenly Bugene Ayton will sing Sunday Hehvo) 3 p.m, Monday, 8 pm.-BY.P.U, Friday, 5 pm.==Uhoir prac: tise, Prayer Mootings Wednoa day 8 pm, and Saturday 7.80 for women students Ws under con. sideration, I ------------ NOTED ELECTRICAL MAN J8 AWARDED || COVETED MEDAL| T done 290, 10 am, W. (By Canadian Press Losssd Win) Toronto, June 26. Rudeipn © Hallamund, ohidf electrical eng! neer of the Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, Kast Pittsburgh, was last night awarded the Lamme medal for ha contribu. tiona to the design and develop: ment of retatl leotrioal machin ory. The presentation was made be. fore a Iarge gathering of delegates attending the American Institute of Klectrioal Engineers hore, In ncotpting the award Mr, Hell. mund suggested the method now prevailing of conferring university degrees upon students and young enginesrs offered little {incentive for special Accomplishment because it does not take inte accout the may fundamental requirement of work, LONDON ADOPTS SMILING PRINCESS London, Eng, June London: ra have taken the petitie smiling rincess Takamatsu to their hearts Cltinens lined the streets in thou. sands and cheered heartily as the Japanese prunes and princess, ith the Duke of Gloucester, fave nu tate procession from Buckingham Alice, to mansion house with an es: | cort of life gu uy The, scene Nstorle mansion house was Brilliant, ord Mayor received the hi ors in the midst of a Rg aru, n levee Attire brilliant pt Luncheon was rid in the pe tian Hall where the famous mansion house gold plate was used, . Ar ------------------ FRANCE SUFFERS FROM BAD STORMS y Canadian Press Preis end Wire) rid, France, June 38 South. ern France, Jarichiarly the lower Rhone valley dnd 4 depart. ments of Ga Ny Arden oH fered héavily olent. Wtorms Thutaday, Towns anubdated, Bulldings wreaked, and railway hv yo bar Hy gi of order. re + ¢ damage hay not bedn det ils wa RE ---- ig # Site, without | of Wngig and: failure the starting gE Aretha' A A tna pareth after Trinity, Hol mn Prayer m. Bormon=""Pater." Ea! All Saints' Church nd' Sunday Communion 8 a, y School 10 am. Morning 1 am. Evenin Frayer 70 oly Commun. on after Evening Prayer. The United Chute = Minister, A. L: Richards, B.D, Sunday, Sabbath, School, orship, Preacher, The Rev. A Mel Lalla, of O fare mont, 2.30 cian A Worship at Almonds, 7 p.m. oon ing Worship' conducted by the Min. heme "The Personal ity of Jesus." Friday, 8 pm, Pre. irate Sen Service a Reception of embers, Members are re. minded that en Sunda , July 6th the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed for the Joint Ere tions of the Baptist and United Churches, Whitby Baptist Church T, F, Bam, Pastor, Sunday, 10 Am. ble hool, Prizes given ho ch hare at tendance, 11 a. "° Jeol, * priv in Ts in a lad here » Mm, Traces. The LL t each. service, Ay, § pm, yor meeting Hi prev invited, St. John's, Port Whithy=-Rector, Rev. D. B. Langford: Sunday nextes Sun 1 am Meming (ster, Sermon T' HOLY TRINITY CHURCH KEV. 8. C. JARRETT incumbent 30 Fairbanks St. 10 a. m.==Sunday School 11 am. Mating & Sermon 7 pm. Evensong and Sermon, Mr. Stenhouse will ba giving the address both morning and evening. Owing te the absence of the Rector, there will be no early celebration of the Holy Communion, 7 pm,~-Kvonsong. The Cholr--"1t Come at Timen', Captisms second Sunday eich month, Free Methodist MISSION (Over Arcade) 10 SIMCOUR 8T, N. Mev. I. L. Casement, Pastor Sunday, June 29 2.30 p.m. Sunday Scheel 3.30 p.m. Preaching Ser. vice, Wed. 7.50 p.m. «==Prayer Meeting. Cordial Welcome Land -- Christian Science I"irat Church of Ohrist, Selentist 64 Colborne Street East Sunday, June 29 Morning Service at 11 am, SUBJECT "Christian Science" Wednesday Meeting, 8 p.m. lnoludin jistinanies of Healing through tence. "You iy cordially lavited to Attepd the services and to make use of the 10 am, Sunday school and Bible class, 11 am, and 780 pam, service, Monday, June 30th, * pm, Walf Club meeting, Thursday, 'uly Ard: Dean: ery Sunday school and AYSPA, pies wie conference at filen Avis Park, Frenchman's Bay, § pm. to 930 pm, ------------------ ' Gift When I am gone And fast asleep, 1 give the dawn To you to keap, My dear; the too- Exquisite pain Of spring; and you Shall sed again The Salvation Army "'Simooe and Oak Sts, Brigadier and Mra. H, Rite chia of Toronte, Divisional Commanders in charge of services, 11 a.m. ~<Holloess service, 8 pm~=Band program keview Park, 7 p.m, ~=Salvation meeting, Suldey School, 10 am, and in gy A 1st, Brookside The stars that burn At candle-light; The golden urn, The moan, at night; Th he 1] Wh || ANE Ts the Sie ep | In my deep alesp. New York Evening Post, heride ta the ---------- | | "= Wiitred J. Fok, in the H | | United Church | | Rev. "lansell Trwin, NA, BD Pastor 80 Greta St, Phone SRESW | Free Public Reading Room 'where the Bible and all Authorized Shilatisn Seaton Ui literature way be ae oo urctistie 1 and Gai hart SAR Marts Centre St. United Church REV. W. P, FLETCHER, ° Sunday, June 29 10 dm.--Sunday School Rev. A, A Sdinbson of wl enciat 1 a.m. pbs soo Teople's ---- 10 am~Sunday School 11 am and 7 pm | Pastor at both services July 6=11 am, Baptismal Rk montal Servies: Si

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