f Ro | yesterday to spend three week's vi- leaving for New York, ena. Co dic pe ot Aim BD THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 1930 PAGE FIVE Womens Interests in the Home --- and the Community home of Mr, and Mrs, I. Rowhot- tom this week, Mr, and Mrs, Roy Kellett and son, of Oshawa, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs, 1) Clark, Scugos Pletcher, SOCIAL AND "PERSONAL "Miss Isobel Blair, of Oshawa, left Rev, Willlam ©, of staying with his, parents, Dr, and Mrs, W. P, Vietcher, Oshawa, dur- ing the Youth Conference in To- ronto returns to his home today, Mr, and Mes, Milton Werry will spend Sunday with friends in Port Hope, Miss Myrtle Poever, of Almonte, bas been visiting for the past week with her sister, . Mrs, I. Grass, Pronch Btreet, Oshawa, Misses Clara and Ruth Pesver, daughters of Mr. and Mrs, B. H. Peyer have heen the guests this week of Miss Dorothy Reynolds, Stratford, My, and Mpa, W. H, Ross and Micses Elsie and Alice Moss, King Street Kast, loave for thelr summer home at Sturgeon Point, Rev, C. B. Cragg 1» inking the Anniversary services at Claremount on Sunday, cation with her sister, Mrs, EK, Al len, Richfeld, Conn, Mr, and Mrs, Jnmes Fitzpatrick, Drew Street, entertained at a fares well party Thursday evening in honor of Mr, Word Wentzell who 10 The gucsis played cards and enjoyed music, The guests included Misses Edun Smith and Margaret Beasley, of To~ roonto and Karl Hurd, of Tovento, Mr, and Mrs, Thos, W. Kaiser, 786 Cedar Bt, are motoring to Atlantic City, where Mr, Kaiser 18 delegate to Kiwanis International Convention, Mrs, W, J, Ross and Cochrane, were visitors of the haby, at The Rev, Cragg has been in To: ronto attending the Internationa' Sunday School Convention, Mr, #ind Mrs, M, McIntyre Hood and children loft this morning for a moter trip to Cape Hreton Island, where they will visit the Nev, and Mrs, Donald MaeLeod at West Bay, on the Bras D'or Lakes, They will g0 by way of the Gaspe Poninsyla and return hy way of the New Eng. Innd States, FINAL CLEARANCE of Coats and Dresses at THE FASHION SHOPPE 34 Simcoe St. 8. Sheer Chiffon Full Fashioned HOSIERY At ATKINS HOSIERY & LINGERIE SHOP | Noar Cor. King & Slmcoe Ht, After spending ton days in the uity with Bisters Gillard and | ehwarts, Mrs, Lucey Richmond, of I't, William, left ¥riday for Hamil- {ton while here, whe also visited [and was entertained hy Kisters Jes. = | wie Goype, Iva Cliff, Ethel Northey * land Mabel Disney, Mra, Richmond Is Grand Junior of the Grand Tem. Weatwood, Ontario, who has been |. Mrs, Cordon Wright, of London, Ontarin , prosident of the Dominion W.C.T.U, and contender for sens~ torial - honors with Hon, Cairine Wilson, who died suddenly at her home on Thursday evenlug In her 68th yenr, Miss Finn Gough, Athol Brest Kunt, is spending the week-end und holiday with friends In Kingston, The Women's Ausilinry and the 1rl's Auxiliary of Bt, George's Church held thelr anuunl plenie vesterday, The usunl custom is to have the plenle at Lukeview Park but yy special Invitation of Miss Mothersill It was held this year on the rounds of her beautiful home The thirty-five ladies who attendad spent a very enjoyable afternoon, duck Henley and Douglas Hen devacn left today for the Ottawa Y MALA, Camp at Golden Lake I'hey have nitended this camp for he past four years and have been honored this year by the appoint ple Pythian Sisters of Ontario, | An itching 3 skin? | Noy plngiest | The active fluid DDD will ht Ainense f the skin Tours bad spote--watch the one, two, popes. oped font slightly spots have disappeared. ¥. W, THOMPSON DRUG STORE rer | Among those who have been at | tending the Young Veoplo's Confer. | ence in Toronto this week were | Mis Pearl Fletcher, Dr, and Mry W. P. Pletehar, Miss Hazel Dotiuer- | re, and Messin, Ocorge Melcher, | Fred Riding, Clifford Baker, Bd, Keifaber, Allen Thompson, Stephen | Nnywell, ' WEENIE TR had Vy vm and WOrETBIITRT YT | -- ; ord www (oni part be E * h-- \ NW ment as group leadors, Mr, Dry-«No, my friend, 1 don't touch Mauer, If I had n drink 1 should be able to taste It for sey oral days Mr, Wel-And can't you see that you've been granted a precious and remarkable privilege---and you're not ayatling yourself of it? a ERE rome oo A FIVE DAY CRUISE ili MACKINA AND RETURN $45 | Meals and Berth Included Steamship "Manitoulin" Via the Georgian Bay, Manitoulin Island and Sault Ste. Marie | | The most wonderful five-day cruise on the Great Lakes'is provided by the Str. Manitoulin's Five-Day Mackinac cruise. During July and August this fine steel steamer leaves cuch Monday from Owen Sound, across the beautiful Georgian Bay to North Shore, calling at Man- {towaning, Little Current, Kagawong, Gore Bay, Blind River, Thessalon, Manitoulin Island, and among the islands of the Bruce Mines, Hilton and Richard's Landing to Sault there Str, Manitoulin runs via St. Mary's River to Mackinac Island, whare provided for seeing all the points of interest on this picturesque island--the tourist centre of the Great Lakes, ample opportunity is . The trip provides one of the most wonderful and restful holiday outings in America. Wan Round trip from Owen Sound to Mackinac and retur y | including meals and berth is $48.00, 9 Modern Comfortable Ship The Str; Manitoulin 1s « splendid com. fortable ship, of steel coustruotion, 190 HY long, modern tn every respect, and acoon- modating 100 passengers, The staterooms are large and well equipped and all have running hot and cold water, From the observation saloon on the hur ricane deck a full view may be had in any kind of weather; comfortable cabins, and a Rdsenindone Sibing.room from whigh pase watoh the i enjoy holt ments goa dudes ots and Resor vations fpom any Steamphip or Rallway Agent or from Owen Sound Transportation ! ) Gi Company Ltd. \ V) . Al Paiyem A Killarney, then to Ste. Marie, Ont, Irom Week -End Trip To Manitoulin $12 Every Saturday evening during July and August the Str. "Manitoulin" = leaves Owen Sound on a week-end trip of 275 miles to Manitoulin fsland; The steamer calls at Killarney, then on among the Is. lands to Little Cure rent, . and returning calls at Manitowaning and Killarney, arrive ing In Owen Sound on Monday morning. The _ return fare for this 978 mile week-end orulse, including meals and berth is $12.00, | Thursda | Brantford, Ont, June 28. ~Honored hy ihe presepee "of the wife of the Lieut, Governor and his daughter, 4 wedding of nation=wide interest wis solemnized in Grace Church, Brant ford, this afternoon, The lovely bride Miss Isabell Cockshutt, daughter of Col, Henry Cockshutt, former Lieut enant-Governor of the Provinge, and Mrs, Cockshutt, went to the altar wearing a hand pin of di Is and rubies, the wedding gift of Her Excellency, the Viscount SV inningdon, the groom was Charles Ardley Wil- mot, son of Mrs, Wilmot and the Inte Mr, Charles Wilmot of Belleville, Two clergymen officiated at the ceremony the Rev, Dr, Cody, of To- ronto, and the Kev, Archdeacon Fo- therington, The church abloom with summer flowers, palms and ferns was i pleturesque background for the bri- dal party, the colo. of the talisman rose prevailing throughout the dee- oration scheme, The bride, who was given in mar- riage 'hy her father, wore an exquis ite nuptial robe of egg shell met and Ince, A chanel" model it was fashion- od with zigezag applications of the luce which slmost entirely covered it. A handsome veil of pointed venise lute fell in shimmering folds and al most covered the train which extend- ed twelve feet or more behind the bride, With it she wore egg shell slip pers and garried an arm bouquet of Easter Lilies, Lilies of the Valley and Spray Orchids, Her only ornament was Her Excellency's gift, a bean- tiful pin of yubles and diamonds, etch ing in the stones the Viscountess Wil lingdon's monogram and coronet, The pieturesque procession bridesmaids Included Miss Margare! Cockshutt, sister of the bride, as maid ol in the palest shade of the tallsmar rose. Miss Isobel Williams, of "I'o ronto, and Mrs, George Cockihut walking together in the midtone of the 'alisman rose, and Miss Herlin Fleming, of Windsor, and Miss Fier ence Buck, of Brantford, in the deep est tone of that rose Fashioned of chiffon in a series of horizontal folds, the gowns wefe all cut alike, very long and Rutiering in points, Elbow length sleeves fell als most to the wrist in flares, They wore of honor, walking alone, and frocked/ Fashionable Wedding Takes Place At Grace Church Brantford p---- Isobel Cockshutt, Da: of Former Lieutenant-Gover. Marries Wilmot of Belleville luce mits in egg shell tone, Their hatgf crepe de chene sioes to match and were large panamalac models in he sume tone as their frocks, tur down on the right side and np At the Yack, where they were cagght with four Jittle velvet bows in self tone, Ther' ornamenty we: diggiiiie bodice clips the gifts of the bride and they carried quaint colonial hoghe! of talisman roses, blue conflowers and | larkspurs, | Mr, John Coats of Scotland, acted as best ran and the oshers were Mi George Cockshutt, Mr, Harold Wi, ren, | Toronto, Mv, Johw Chapman of Toronto, C, R, A Macfarlane, of Toronto, Mr. Allan Hagg' of To-| ronto, Mr, Wm, Davida of Detroit and Mr, Charles Crangits of Montre al, Mr, Mervin, oggnist of the church, played the wedding mush and bridal hymns were rendered by Mr, George Sweet Followi' ¢ the cer®hiony a recep tion was held at "Dufferin House," | beautiful residence of the bride's par ents, where a mage had heen ere ted on the lawn from which to serve refreshments, Summer flowers in pro. | fusion filled the Apacious rooms of the house for the occasion, Receiving with the bridal party, a winst 2 background of ferns and lowers, were Col, and Mrs, Cocke shutt ind Mrs. Wilmot, of Belleville, | mother of the groom, Mrs, Cockshutt | wore pa graceful gown of delphinium | bluegeorgette, with lone Aoating side { ' po a three quarter length coat of the sume material was richly trimmed with lac. in matching tone, she wore a lnrge spectre hat in eggshell tone ath touches of blue, blue shoes and pried teheman roses, Mrs, Wilmot wis smart in dahlia shisde with match Ing hat und carried pernet roses Later the bride and groom left for thelr honeymoon trip in a smart mo tor, the gift of the groom to the bride, For travelling the bride donned a pretty ensemble of two shades of grey in eavy corded sill, with shoes and small turban to match, On their riurn they will reside in Belleville IN HALIFAX Other "HOTELS 3 DISTINCTION" Chatesu Lausier, Oraws, One, The Font Oat, The Macdonald Edmonton, Alta, Prince Arthur Hoel Pore Arthur, One, Prince Edward Hote) Brandon, Maa, Juopér Park Lodge Jasper, Alta, Minskl Lodge, Minski, Ont, Pictou lodge, Plewu, N.8, *The Canadian Nations! Howl Chatlowwwown, P.B.1, *The Canadian Nadions] Howl Vancouver, B.C, Nationa! Hol Bashatoon, Sask, innipeg, Man, - *The Canadien INOVA /COTIA WATE HE SONA A new architectural gem breaks the skyline at Halifax, The Nova Scotian, hotel of distings von, brings Canadian National traditions of service to this city that keows and practices good living, a ALOR IAN Ideally located for railway and steamship traffic; convenient to all favored Nova Scotia resorts; the Nova Scotian offers a perfect background for a Maritime Prove ince tour or vacation, Notable public rooms; & hu : of appointments met with only in the greatest of metropolitan ho. tels; 170 beautifully furnished guest rooms; and a real Canadian National welcome, Full detalls from any Canadian Natlond agent or CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS" Under cmsivneiion A.B. ERAN, Gonmd By WALTER PRATT, Grad 4 Among the many Toronto guests at the wedding was Mrs, W, D, Ross wife of the Lieutenant-Governor and Miss Susan Ross, PYTHIAN SISTERS ANNUAL CLOSING | Many Noted Visitors Attend First Meeting of Season Ontario Temple No, 1 Pythian Sine ters held their regular meeting on evening, in Engel's Hall Sister lmmy Larke, MECC, was in the chair and a large number of mem hers wis present, Sister Luey Rich: | mond o Fort William, Grand Junior of the Pythian Sisters of Ontario was y guest af the meeting and spoke a ew words congratulating the Temple nd wishing them success, It was just i short business came to a close, the the meeting came to a4 close, the doors were thrown open to the pub lie Most excellent Chief Sister Larke then wu nounced to the public thut this being our closing meeting we vere prepared to make this a social vent and hoped that all would en | joy It, It is also constitutional for the Pythian Sisters to celebrate Flag | Day, to honor the flag of our coun try, same during the month of June and the ladies of Ontario Temple No I did this in a very fitting manner, namely an follows, First Sister Ethel Northey Man: ager marched inta the hall carrying iu large flag, the Union Jack, every: hody present saluted it and then sang "Gord Save the King" Sister Schwartz | presented members and visitor each | with a small flag, Sister Betty Hyman, M, of R, and C. guve a reading on what the flag stands for, followed hy a recitation hy Sister Annie Lee, KE. J. the living flag, The Degree Staff of 16 ladies, wll dressed in white, onch carrying a large Union gk performed a beay- tful flag drill forming the letters I, LE, and I, which stands for Purity, Love, Equality and Fidelity being the principles of the Pythian Sister Or- der, also other floor work which was enjoyed by all. The Degree Captain Sister Ada Gillard, G, L, and her staff are to be congratulated on the able manner in which all this work was carried out, All then indulged in sing- ng patriotic songs with Sister Budge ly at the plano, after which Sister Lthel Northey Manager escorted Sis- ter Badgely to the platform, Sister Marie Schwarts SSR, read a short address of thanks and appreciation for the beautiful music Sister Badge. ly rendered to the Temple and on be- nali of the officers and members of ntario Temple No, 1 Sister Mabel Qunmingham, M, of F, presented her with a beautiful gift which she aps precited very much and expressed er thanks in a few suitable words, A contest on "Nuts to Crack," then took Jace and Mrs, L. Hyman and Mr. H, G Farmers were the prise winners Little Miss Helen Loe gave recitation on "Our Flag" whith was very. Alpropriate and much appreeias ted, Delicious refreshments were then served by Sister Pearl Wallace, PC, and her gommittpe, the rest of the evening was, spent in dancing and musie, Moat excellent Chief Sister Larke wishes to thank all those who helped to make the evening a success The Pythian Sisters do not hold meetings during the summer months July and August, but hope to open up {iin in September with a bang ateh for the annonuncenent of the opening. The Grand Temple Convens tion of the Pythian Sisters will cons vene in St. Thomas, Ont, July 14 and 15, Sisters Ada Gillard GS, Marie Schwartz, SSR, Ellen Gra ham and Fithel Northey, hoth past Chiefs and Grand Representatives and other Past Chiefs will attend the oenvention, The officers and members of On tario Temple No, | wish to congratu- Inte Sister Mabel Disney on her res cent election to Grand Wardneen in the Rebekah Assembly, Sister Disney is the first mest excellent chief in Ontario, a Past Chief of the local Temple and a Past Grand Protector of the Grand Temple Pythian Sisters, We wish her luck in her new office That Was That, "This Is a prise hick town all right," growled the man who was compeled to lay over for the night, 'Mebbe, Mister," sald the hotel keeper, "but wa've got something your big burg ain't got and would give a lot to have "Yeah! Res you. And what Is all that?" demanded the hored one. "Parking space, Oodles of it," retorted the other one, PORT HOPE DOMINION DAY Afternoon Program At TOWN PARK 1180 PM, Lakeshore Leagne BASEBALL Peterboro vs, Cobourg Oshawa vs, Port Hope HORSE RACES 2.12 Class Purse $300 2.18 Class Purse $300 2.24 Class Purse $250 PULL ENTRIES "The theory of sclectivity-«" as applied to this laundry in simply this: Some housewives are quite pro. perly fussy about deing . certain parts of the fam. ily laundry work at home, e have five different kinds of "family wash" service to accommodate just such requirements, each one taking the wash one step nearer to com. pletion. All washings are | done scparately in soft water and without any marking, The prices are extremely moderate, One of the services is sure to fit your home laundry lans, Let us advise you, one today = or stop any one of our courteous drivers, Phone 788 Daylight Fireworks Roxy Theatre Artists 6 Separate Acts High Wire and Comio Cobourg Kilties Concert Band Port Hope Citizens Band Large Midway Evening Program At TOWN PARK Mathews Softball Team of Elwood City, Pa, in a challenge game with the ; Mathews Conveyor Team of Port Hope One How and Half of Solid | Vaudeville ROXY THEATRE ARTISTES Morning Program Bankers vs. File Beavers vs. Sanitary 9.30 at the Softball Park 10.30 am, Unfurling of Flag by LLOD.E. at Memorial Park Display of Fireworks Promised by Hand & Co. To excel all past efforts | Presentation of Rotary Park to the Citizens of Port Hope BAND CONCERT Admission - 50c Including Tax Admission - S0c. Including Tax NO ADMISSION FEE FUN FOR ERYBODY Bigger and Better Than Ever! t LJ i