a bs Q \ THE. OMAN IAIN, TIMES, MONDAY. TUNE. 30. 1930 'THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, 'SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 1930 ¥ ey Ul) EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS MUST. VACHE EBRIAL Pembroke.~A, J, Blair, plano dalosman, won committed for tin) harges of theft totaling about 400 from & Toronto music house, ------ ' W. I, DISTRICT MEET | Pembroke.~AlL the, district con vention of North, Renfrew Wo: men's Institutes, Mrs, David Mor. dy, of Forester Falls was returned to the office of district president; first vice-president, Mrs, G, Doug- Jeny Bonchburg; second lee. president, Mrs, Herbert Lench, Micksburg; BOO'y-LrORN, Mra, James Childerhouse, Cobden, ------ CHAPLEAU MAN KILLED Chaploau,~Roland C, Beaudry, son of Dr, Beaudry and Mrs, Bean- dry of Chapleau was fatally Injur. HAVEN'T NECIDED YET Well, it doesn't really make a great deal of differ. once as long as it's out in the open 'spaces. Plan your holiday NOW, gather your agoossories together and , make sure you haven't overs looked any of these, Holiday Needs JULY 1st Vacuum Bottles and Kits I LI Gallon Thermic Jug ,. 82,00 Eastman Mims ,,, 880 up Cameras with tiims 08 up Bwim-Xaps ..... 0.200 up Bathng-Bhoes ,...700 palr Satin Bathing Bag ...81,60 Har Stoppers ,...20c pair Froneh Balm ,.... +800 Gypsy Cream (best for sunburn) 50o : ne Rollups ,..500 up light with Battery sess nssanesver 800 Up Rum and Butter Toffee esses vaneses B00 pound Rose's Lemon Squash , 360 Mosquito Stopper .....20e Jur Lovell Li EER RRS Nimeoe HM, Phone J8 od near Saskatoon when he fell be- honth u moving fretght train, GOLDEN WEDDING Brodkyille, ~The 50th anniver- ary of the murriage of Mr, and rs, Ambrose Ladd of Lyn village has been celebrated, ---- -- TO ERECT THEATRE Brockville ~~Plans, have heen completed and approved by the Pro. vineinl treasurer's department ot Taronto for the erection of a talks Mf -moving pleturo theatre at Car. nal, CONSERVATIVE OVFICERS Cornwall, ~=Stogmout Copserva- tiyos have elocied the following of. figars: Honorary presidents Dr, ¢, J, Hamilton, ex-M.P,, D, A, MeNaugh- ton, MLA; John 0, Oto and A, James Milden, C.K | president, A, A. Maglean; vice-presidents, Chor- les A, Jount, John ©, Broderick, Madame Oscar Loblane and Miss Ldllian M. Ross, Cornwall; Miss Lelia V, MeEwau, Newington; so- eretary, W, A, Houston, Coruwall; nawistant secretary, Ovilw Invin, of Cornwall; treasurer, W, Gibbens, of Cornwall; auditors, ¥, D, Me Lennan and Samuel Moke, WIN SAVERY SHIKLD Cornwall,=Proyineial Paper Fimited Mille 'Roches, were the winners of the safety shied offered by the Pulp and Paper Magasine at ardonvale, Quebec, for the Matest Mill in Can da Contest conduct hy them in 1980. WEEKLY DISCONTINUED Patorboro,~~Another hreak with the past was made In The Examiner plant last 'woek when the last Weekly Examiner was run off the roaring press. For the past elghty- three years the "Weekly" has gone out to the homes of Peterboro ana district, keeping its many readers in touch with loeal and national news, DIES FROM WALL Carleton Place, ~Mrs, (ieorge Dennett, widow of George Hennett died from injuries received when she sipped and fell, striking on the back of her head, Mrs, Bennelt wag in her sixtieth year, POLICE BEEK ATTACKER Kingston,--The police are ooking for an unknown mah alleged to have attacked Roy O'Neill, 45 on Hickson Avenue, O'Neill was taken to Hotel Dien suffering from sors fous injuries to his head, Police were told that two men were fighting and when two con- stables arrived on the scene they found O'Neil unconselous, mutters ing that he had been attacked by 8 man who had hit him with a stone, SENT TO BURWASH Pembroke. ~Terms of one year each at Burwash prison farm were imposed by Magistrate MacGregor on Warren Verdon and Thomas Middleton, who had previously pleaded guilty to charges of for. gory and shoptlifting respectively, BUILD HIGHVAY 1134500000 York County Approves Linking of Kingston RJ and Yonge Street ET -- Announcement thal on KOs town highway may ho constietad Wnking Kingston roud with Ymie street and Iuvelving an oxtengen of Don Mills Mond eastwardiio connect with Dawes ond will tw yecelved with interest hy mdtor ists of thin distriet - ns I should fesson the stream of traffic in and out of Toronto fov a considerable distance enst of the Danforth, The new highway was given the approvil of Lhe York County Coun. cil yesterday, It in expected Work on the new wrtery, costing more than $460,000, whi begin ut an onrly date, The highway wns sponsorod hy Reeve R, M, Leslio of East York, Halt of the dost vill be borne hy the provinee and the remainder by the eity and county, Retief of the Kingston Road and Yonge #treet is expected from 'the construction of the trunk highway, which will, be slightly more than three wiles In length, Promoters of the thoroughfare are algo of the opinion that the northeastern section of East York will benefit, 10 HOLD TURNIP HOEING CONTEST INREACH TWP. Competition To Take Place on Farm of Cook Ashenhurst Bomething different in the way of contests will be tried out on the furm of Cook Ashéenhurst on the th of Reach Just east of Uxbridge, on Wednesday, July 2nd at 2 o0'vlook, The Contest Is being ar. ranged by Agriculture Representa tive, W, M, Croskery at the request of some local farmers and Is prim arily for young men under 41 years of age although thera will ba u elasy for men uny age for which Mr, Ashenhurst 1x offering a prize; The Prive List ls us follows: Clagg 1==0pen 6 nny young man in Ontario County 10 to 21 years of age, Class any age, 1-=0Open to all comers, RULES 1, No entry feo 2, Contestants in Class 1 must hoo for 8 hours, B minutes rest to be taken ut end of first hour, 3, Contestants in Class II will hoe one-=40 rod vow, 4, Contestants must furnish their own hoes, 6. Tha work will he judged by 8 practiced] farmevs according to the following wseore cnrd!e (1) Correctness and evenoss of thinning , vv. vs 36 pointy (2) temoval of ull weeds an grass from rows ,,,, 26 paints (8) Condition In which plants are 1eft vor vnsnnn in 2b points (4) Bpeed seer nrine 25 points PRIZES Clugs [-dpl==Ciold Medal; 2nd, $2.00; 4rd, $2.00; 4th, $1.50; bth, 31,00, All other contestants Boe, Clapp J1==18t=~Box of 26 Bach- olor Clgars==Donated by Cook Ashenhurst, 2Wndw=1 1b, Jar of Herbert Toveyton 'Tobaceo=donnt- od by Leask's Tobuceo and Pool oom, drd+"Turnip Hoe--Dopat~ ed by The Uxbridge Hardware Co, Ath == Turnip Hoe == Donated hy Moore Bros, Hardware Co, 4,80 Notreshments, --- « WILL SERVE THREE MONTHS Robert Nicholson, Havelock street, houry was sentenced to pay $i | costs with the option of three Mmwths In jail in police svurt Vri- diy, when he was found guilty ofavitg u bottle of Niguor In other sid legal place, The accused was I I---------- taka into custody Thursday and lode®l in the cells for the night to awnil Searing this morning, Nichol son #4 that he bought the liquor nnd oped the bottle in the armors iow anc had (taken some, The police stated (thd there was very little left in the bake when he was arrested, The aeomed had worked as a rall way switchman in Port Arthur and secured a pmit to get Wguor and the bottle famd on him was the first he hid purchased, It was learned that Nicholson wand teke the three months in jail, He Will be removed to the County Jil in Whitby today, rsp ho ---- MAK HENDERSON Prampton, Jung S4=-Mark Hen- derson, a former wellknown. resis dent of this town, hes passed away af his home In Los Angeles, Cul, niter on Jongthy ilingsy, Mr Henderson, 08 years of #8, was born in Croydon, England, soming to Cunada in 1005, and settling fn this town, 'He adapted himslg to flower culture, au' later establiy). od a greonhouse In Main Breer south, He sold thig business ten years ago ond went to Californsiy Mr, Handorson was a member of VRANK A, ROSCUS, JR, Meve slip of n Ind, who killed his playmate in Concord, NH, bor cause the latter "squealed" (o the police, Ho Is being veturnnd to his former home in Cobalt, -------- TT -- ------------------ HARMONY PUBLIC SCHOOL PROMOTIONS Junior Room Report I'vom #1. I to Jr, 1l-=Viola Goy- ne and Tommy Taylor (K), Pate rieln Wilson, John Richardeon, Joan Gardner, Moyd Bitton and Ce. oll Cook (1), Alvin Beolt, Leona Grills, (wbsoent for part of examina. tlonn) Prom fr, Pyimer to Jr, L-Morla wont, Oladys Taylor. Margaret Clarke, Shella Lewis, Iiitian Ke- busky, Elleen Rodgers, Mvereit Wakely, From Jr: Primer to Sr. Primers Arthur Kteher, Stanley Hollman, Helen Smith, Annle smith, Norris Dafoe, Bobble Valller, Ruby Mare Bt, Vsul's United Chureh during his fiftean yoars' residence in th's town, and in politics was n Liberal, Ho was twice married, His first wife: was Misg Clara Pescud, who predecensed him about fifteon yoars ago, By thig union he Ins sur- vived by two daughters, Mrs, Al bert Walley, Brampton, and Mes Albert Pope, Oshawa; and two sony, Albart of Oregon and Stan. ley of Calgary, His widow, form erly Annie Avery, Newcastle, Eng land, ulso survives, "I understand you want a new cook," ' "I engaged one five minutes ago, Call again the day after tomorrow." "Think of something very nice," sald the dentist as hb started to deft, then you won't notice the pain," The patient did not move, ""Bplendid! What did you think abot 1" "You know, 1 have a bows," "You?" "Wall, T'thought he wag here In my place," w i ro IT'S WISE ro AUNEROW cuoos: A SIX Chevrolet Gives You Six-eylinder Superiority with Economy Second to None What a vast difference there is between Chev. rolet performance and that of any other ear 18 A CH EVRO PATS. TT SR let in the lowest price field ! Chevrolet is superior in smoothness and silence + + because it has the outstanding advantage of a 50-horsepower six-cylinder motor, with a har. monic balancer and a big 48-pound crankshaft. Superior in comfort and stability . . due to Lovejoy hydraulic shock rear. Superior in control because of fully enclosed Distinctive Appearance And more striking in appearance! Because in combination with its features mance, Chevrolet offers bodies t costs mo more for gas, i . with lavishly appointed interiors, upholstered in richer, more dnrabl eclally di twwork, chromium plated ir EVROLET SIX § BETTER BECAUSE IT'S CANADIAN absorbers, front and onso and security . , four.wheel brakes. of finer ore new, i Saar pation o plush . . " ht value! Because is offered the Chevrolet Six RY ritt, Murjorie Dunn, teacher, Senior Room "rom Br, 111 to Jr, 1V Cletus Dyer, Csorge Barlow, Catharine lander, Muth Tooley, Garnet Coys ne From Jr, 1V to Br, 1V---=Edith Gdwards, George: Hunking, Rey- mod Coyne and Della Tooley (K), Josh Civile, Ruby: Brown, Lileen Teulbund Karl Wakely (1), Dotty Lewin Hortha Hern, Douglas Best, Rronton I, Timmins, principal, Intormediate Room Tr. Ito gr, JH, ==Margaret Sug- den, Carkon iciehar, Irene Floming, Warren Boiors, Doris Dart, Ross Edwards, Eva Hazell, Raymond Grille, Gra Munking, Constance Peters, Jack Vowel), Dorothy Mare Fjtt, Bertha Kuff, Ross Winter, Vel a Smith, ire 11 to Jr, 111,~-Helen Wliison, Vera Mason; Isabel Cooke, Donald Sugden, MoMey Vicher, Audrey Kollatt, Blloon Luke, Lyndia Powe amma SA En oll, Jockie Sanders, Joyce Bmiih, Glndys Bugden, Bunies Chipps, Jr, 11 to Br, 1l-=joyce Powell, Gordon Kellelt, Tommy Hart, Aud. roy Terwillegar, Kenneth Conlin, Albert lodgers, Lorothy Ios, Bob- bie Sugden, Edward , Ssunders, Bruce Verguson, Cameron fSmith, Vivienne Herne, John Prost, C, E, Willlampon, teacher, OPPOSITION HEADS MAY BE PRESENT AT IMPERIAL PARLEY ta. 4 Britain Would Welcome In- novation If Dominions Agree (By George Hambleton, Staff Cor: respondent Canadian Press) London, June B"1f the Domin- lone agree to the suggestion that the Opposition parties, as well us Gov- ernments, should be represented at the Imperial Conference this Gove ernment would welcome the Innvouas tion, but it would be absurd to seek to impose such a condition should the other parts of the Lnwire not be agreeable" In these words Right Hon, J, I, "Thomas, Secretary of State for the Dominions, replied in the House of Commons to a suggestion by Right Hon, Ly CG. M, 8, Amery, who wis Seeretury for the Dominions in the last Conservative Government, His tentative acceptance of the idea that the Oppositions might be represented came during debate on the estimates for the Dominions Of- flee, The Increasing and rationaliz- ing of Empire trade formed the chief tople, and the discussion was fruitful In ideas Sir Herbert Samuel, who has late ly been taking almost as prominent un part as Right Hon, David Lloyd Cieorge In voleing Liberal sentiments, urged the need for a new Committee of Imperial Development, similar to the Iniperisl Defense Committee This committee, he submitted, should keep In constant touch with matters of Empire trade, DISASTER MAY STOP WIDENING OF RIVER Ottawa, June 28.~Work of widen Ing Brockville narrows will probably heseriously delayed on necount of Thursday's disaster, J. B, Hunter, deputy minister of public works, sald, The expectation was that removal of the shouls would he completed in September, Dr, Hunter explained that the contractor might have dif- fieulty In obtaining another drill hoat an most of these vessels are now in use at various points on contracts, It is possible, he said, that the work may be Interrupted until next year The death has occurred at Conls ville, Lelcostershire, of Amos Clarke, aged 78, who, although blind, wan for 63 years organist at the parish chureh, BUSINESS YViRWY An old Lancashire miller, noted for his keoness In financial matters, was In a bout trying to got across the stream which drove his mill, The stream was feded, and he was akon past the point at which he winted to land, Later, still dogged by misfortune, the boat cap- wized, His wife, renlizing the danger ran slong the pide of the stream orying for help; when, to her ame. |GHT unzement, she was suddenly brought to a standstill by her husband yell. fai " ing out! "If I'm drowned, Molly, don't forgot flour's gone up two shillin' 18 COMING TO THIS IN U8, A stealthy knock at a mysterious door a furtive peephols opened a suspletony taco peers out and on fow 8 30~ vounsuring words are spoken, The Wt yes door is opened, the visitor eniers Whieve. 'Bao uezop ¥ wAWG pum i of the 1 piloted "* foplane, 7 wasn M. W (Matt) Armstrong NEW PROPRIETORS OSHAWA BURIAL C0. Funeral Hom FUNERAL DIRECTORS ' WE AIM TO GIVE SATISFACTION & SERVICE Private Funeral Chapel, First Class Equipment, Ambulance DAY AND NIGHT---PHONE 1082 | return thod In Mein) ' fimated long Datwoon 4 But opt ime Boru. Me dot -- 87 CELINA STREET AW. (Army) Armstrong Without long ing on Be Col. hes Lo milton Weared ty bo ge aa -- EE ---- Wg the a ------_----------c----r 3 1 J ng and TELEPHONE B= 262 FIVE DIRECT LINES TO CENTRAL COAL Eopo PREMIUM COKE seMeT. SOLVAY WOODALL kins & DRY Service (20) Delivery Vehicles DIXON COAL CO. lg TITAN) BO -- need, rel dol delle lalels Pur a ul Hs LET DEALER NEAR YOU TO SERVE YOU | Give Me the Open Road ! BUT FIRST GIVE ME GOOD TIRES Goodyear Tires Are Goodwear Tires GET THOSE NEW TIRES We've got Goodyear's in wide variety as to size, tread and price. But all offer the biggest value money. Our service for putting them on your and seeing they are properly inflated is F! ree. VULCANIZING MADE CELINA STREET _ ALL.WEATHER TIRE $ ¥ IN'CA } GOOD WEAR WILLMOTT | HOP - PHONE 2462 -- BS -- -------- for this Week-end and holiday, Don't spend your time by the roadside. Spend it on the road, Come in now and we will fit you out with the new tires you I the wheels \ LJ] ow middle name. Call once and be satisfyd, ADA SOIT N\ 258 FP roam bY