Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Jun 1930, p. 8

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Ear ¥ one who saw that game last night, . Cornish watched the third strike go THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JUNE. 28, 1930" + WA BAKERY JRS. WIN FINE GAME-WHITBY LADIES BEAT O.M.1. shawa Bakery Defeat Parts and Service Jrs. in Smart' Softball Battle Whitely and His Teammetes Have Bad Inning in 7th wand Bakery Scores 5 Rune "to Clinch Victory ~-- First Six Innings Produce Best Softball of Sesson--En- couraging Crowd Attends Game and Is Well Satis fied by Display -- Bakery Pitcher Gets Excellent Support (By Gee, Campbell) Oi! Yoi! Yoi! What a Game, More than 200 Jeovle were on Chand fast night, eold as it was, to see the game between the Oshiwi Bakery and the Parts and Servied * Juniprs and ifs a safe bot that every {8 a junior softhall fans for the rest of the season When one realizes the large num her of people who passed by the Nas diom last night and went to see a girls' game in Whitby and passed up # softball treat such as was given at the Stadium, one wonders just how many real softball fans this ety as, Not since the Textiles and Parts and Service Intermediates met a few weeks ago, has such a smart softhall battle been put on at the Joel star dium, 'The Oshawa Bakery won the ame hy the large score of 10 to mt the score gives absolutely no ides of the ganie played, One Bad Inning For six innings these two (epms battled tooth and nail. Never in'the first six innings were there any more than four batiers fage the vival hurl: er in one inning and. usually the side was retired, one, two and three, The solthall. fans who have seen a few of these junior games belore, just sat back and smiled, cheered and en- Joyed the game, 'Lhe new reeruits, of whom there was a good humber, who weeo seeing thelr first junior game stared for the first three fnn- ings and ther when they realized the smart game they were seeing, they sat amazed, After the game the spee- ators. could be heard taiking of and praising the excellent brand of ball they had just witnessed, | Une bad Inning ganged the aspect of the game, made the outcome prac: tleally a surety and took a Brant deal of interest from the game, The Bak: ery scored first In the forth inpin when an error Norris gave Ha u safety and Leydon singled to seore Wm, The P. and 8. team got the run back in their half of the Sth when Bradd was safe on an*error by (ors nish and scored hy means of Top: pings' sacrifies hit and Barker's ingle, The Bakery scored once agali in the sixth when Trott singled and an error by Bradd allowed him to get home, Then came the fateful seventh innipg, Daniels, former P, and 8 player, started the rally off with a clean single. Amsbury bunted and wis safe and Towns also got a life on Bradd's error, Hurst singled seors ing two, Toppings had an error to ive Trott first base and a sacrifice Ri by Hall got Trott home hefore the side wan retired In the eighth Goodall doubled and Whitely gave way 40 this guy Campbell, nlels flyed out, Amsbury walk: od and Towns went ont, Bradd (0 pis and Hurst fiyed out to left find to retive the side, nthe ninth, hy andsthen Trott rapped out a nice hit dead jeentre between loft and contra Aelds and he touched all the a Tailor-made | Tolormade © 695 (0 Scotland Woollen Mills | 8 HUTINH, Manager VnoMeiat buses, Hall got on first hase when Barker /) is only mispluy of the night, Leyden 'grounded out Bradd to Norris and the next two batters Goodall and Daniels both singled 10 sore Mall, This rally was cut off when Amery watched the impert- ant strike go by, The loosers started out well in the ninth when Norris pasted the ball over Trott's head for w° home run, Boyce singled but Lortie fouled out to Daniels, Little singled again and Boyee was caught trying to take more bases than he was entitled fo, Bradd singled but Cornish endedethe rally when he went well back into the Aeld to pull In Topping's hoist, Wonderful Wonderful support won the game for Towns, I'he Parts and Service team gathered in ten safe hits while the Bakery only got ning but the Bakery boys gave "Towns wonderful support In the pinches and thelr vi tory was due to this fact, The PV, and 8. clu? had seven costly errors while their rivals had only two, Some pretty dumb baserunning hy some of the members of the Paris and Ser viee did not help thelr chafices any, Towns pitched nice steady hall and although he allowed ten hits, he kept them seattered anu was seldom In danger, The Oshawn Bakery outs field come In for the major share of the honors of the game, Hurst, Ams- bury and Trott all Jared sterling games, None of the three made even Fihe lightest slip, They gathered in everything within sight and their throws In eaught the P. and 8, base runners several times Whitely pitched smart ball for the first six innings but two hits and two errars In the seventh inning started him on the downward slide, Stepping In and trying to hold & team Which has just started a runaway Is not the easiest thing In the world, but it has been done better than it was Inst night, Yours Truly went into the game cold and at no time, looked so very hot, This Bakery outfit 1s a smart soft: hall tenn and it is Impossible to deny it, but they were given thugh bat tle last night for the first alx Innings and they admit it, 'The attendance should be at least doubled the next time thefie two teams meet at the Motor City Stadiom, The Parts and Service team were beaten and well beaten but they are 4 long way from being downhearied and they will come hack stronger than ever for the next game, 3 The heavy hitters of «last night's ame were Goodall, Trott and Daniels oo the Bakery, Goodall having three and the others two Gay, Poyee, Little and Bradd each gathered in two safetics off Towns' slants, Bark- er, Norris, Hurst and Leyden each got ane hit during the night, Every member of each team played well and tried hard, oN Parts and Service Barker 3b ooii00000 GRY € 40 inirnnnin Novels. Ib cvvanenin Boyee $f sivivinin Lortie efi senvsenyee 3 Little Li dnevirvoois 4 liradd Jb at rae 4 Toppings, 58 41000 | Whitely CARER. | Campbell poi! '" ABR 40 0 4 4x DD TD BG ERED BS Te TT 20 10 27 11 RHPOA | 0 in 3 wio ~ Oshawa Bakery Hurst vf Cornish 88 coven Trott LE Hall 3b Leyden 1h, coviinne Goodall 2b Daniels eg, pen Amshury ef. oon Towns Pe civriniins AA) AB or prrreenan rare a -------- Te 4010 0 Score hy innings 1 234 567 A i P, and 8 00001000 Oshawa Bakery, 00010151210 Struck out, by Towns, 1; by White: ly 4, by Campbell 2. © Walked by Towns 0, by Whitely 1, by Campbell 1. Home runs Norris and Trott Two-Base hits, Goodall. Sacrifice Hits, Hall, Amsbury, Boyes and Top: ings. 4 A ire Plate, A Goodall, Bases, 8. Goodall, 5 Time of Game-=358 minutes, Scorer, R, Bell. TORONTO LADIES MEET IN MONTREAL TENNIS FINAL Montreal, June 28,.~The Wo men's 'singles tennis ohamplonshipy of the Provinde of Quebeo will re turn to Toronto for at least &n- other year, Viotories 'of Mrs, B. Coke and Miss E, McDonald in the semistinals here yesterday made it certain that one of the (Wo v the honors won last year | Olive Wade, who did net a, Mea, Coke was extended to tha limit and barely emerged the tor aver her team-mate, Mian A, Burritt, of Torents, | ne three-set matoh y 0:8, Tab Miss Burritt led set, and With victory almost with hn her LL) aint t - hon, Jour ate t e net, The on that the two ladies provided wan one of eo to our "i xt of the to \ pty aten of \ * popu | the ( tos. alleron 3 Lf he Ag wa 1,80, eon City pl will carry back ueen City players Ty SACK oh Hamilton Tigers Beat Oakwood Greds. Toronto, June 2h. Hamillon detested Oakwood Grads by 10 1 at Oskwood Radium ast eviing in sn O.AL.A, senior BH fisure which attracted a fair-sised crowd Despite the apparent ons-sidedmss of the score, the game was inf esting, and the Grads had as muh of the play ag did thelr opponents Hamilton's superiority lay in '# strong home, which combined wel and made every shot count, Th /| visitors have not been heaten ye! this season, The visitors scored twice in the first quarter, but soon after ths second quarter opened Artie Var: cos netted the ball for the Grads However, Hamilton came back to soore three pore goals and had the count BH to 1 At halftime, In the third quarter the visitors add ed another and finished off with three more' in the final quarter, One Britisher Survives at Wimbledon Wimbledon, Bag, June 2A One after anothér the tennis hopes of Britain to gain the men's singles orown were extinquished yesterday an Briton after Briton, including M, W. "Bunny" Austin, this country's ranking star, fell beforq the on slaught of the American Invaders, Now ft appears that but one Eng fishman B, 1, Perry, will enter the Inst eight of the quarter-finals of the British ehamplonships, The main mateh of the day, which was graced by the presence of thelr Majesties the King and Queen, was that belween Cregory Mangin of the United States and "Bunny" Austin, Austin had been favored to win his erratic game but the roekslike steadineny of Man. gin proved too much for him, The match was settled in three seinti)ia ting sets which Look two hours to play, Austin played a beautifully finish. od game, his Individutal strokes solipsing In grace those of his younger opponent, He took an early lead in the first set, but finally lost, it, 0:7, The second nel was a see MAW Affair, sach player winning his serviee; until it wan 8:8, Then Man Kin broke through and took the next game and set at 10-4, There the real battle ended. Mangin's olinehing wet consisted of alx games, A-0, Mangin's win was a tribute to his pluck, ax the English star held i point three times in the Arst set, Wilmer Alison, United States, Also had no easy task when he de: feated G, 1, Hughes, Britain, The two staged an exciting four-pet mateh, doing an unusually large amount of network for a singles contest, Allison wan, 44, 6:1, §.8, 6:8, 'The number of hard-fought deuce games belied the seeming ohe-sidedness of the score Scared O'Nothing Wins Feature Race ' Hamilton, June 28.---Boared o Nothin', K, P, Summertisld's good performer, van his string of vig tories to three straight, when he Captured the Advance Handicap, feature event on yesterday's oard Alaghe [amiion Jockey Club, and LS" finish wan #0 close that the outcome remained in doubt until offieial figures were posted, Table Talk and the winner ran n close race, Half way down the stretoh it lopked as if the "Thorn clitte horse would met the prise, but Cannon found an opening on the rail and, making a wonderfu) finish, got his mount Jean than a nose In frent of Fantad, whieh Also staged. 'a strong finish to he Up with the leaders, Table Talk was third, and fourth money want (n French fsx, Sweet Baby, the only other starter, "was far baok, AMERICAN LEAGUE Y OF HOMBRE Philadelphia, Jung 28,«=The Athletic divided a doubleheader with the Kt, Louls Browns yeater day, winning the aetond eneount: er by a moors of 8 to 3, after turn: ng In tive " that aided the Missourians to heat "Lefty" Grove in the first game, 8 to 9, Dick Coffman kept the Mavk 'hits 'well scattered in the or but in the eh ] world's champl ve ney a sound lugging, Grove, A pikeher, ha homer In the first game, nd ie J L] J "B=8 In the tinall gees Mmates were 1 uni Ing bk ivan for ton hits, oh got homer = et 3 th looted tWo 4 : uh kot Ld nd ro Silay Wl INDIANK THALT TONING STREAK New York, June 38.=-The Clave: ond Indian found a favorite role HOME RUN STANDING Nd) tion, 11. Simmons, Athletios, 1 HE a af vay i PORT SNAPSHOT By Gmo. Causa, Sports Bditer Large Crowd Bees Vine Game At Tani junior softbull Is beginning to get the support It deserves, There wore more than two hundred fans at the Motor City Stadium lust night to see the Oshawa Bakery and the Parts and Service Jrs, play und they were trested to six Innings of the finest softball anyone could wish to see and & real good game, 'The P, and 8. team took to Luviation in the seventh liming and the Bakery shoved five runs across ihe plate, to put the game more or Jews on the fea, Nevertheless, it Wu real softball treat and the fans certainly 'got thelr 15 cents' - With, 'There was plenty. of smart pliching, enough heavy hitting' to the game Interesting and plenty of thrills were provided by the stiawy plays of both teams, After the game, the speetutors were heard ta and there Is no doubt the game ast night proved an education to A peat many and the next time these twoteams meet al the Sia dium, here should be double the attendance, » LJ ¥ ¥ Whitby Rovers Defeat Malleables The Whitby Rovers thowed clearly that theif victory the Cheys, on Tuesdiy night was no fluke when they handed the fast travelling OM. team & setback last night in Whitby, before a large crowd of fam, The game was very interesting, but did not produce great deal of smart gofthall, Errors were fare 'too plentiful and the pitchers were hit hard and often. This win gives the Whitby Rovers u fighting Nance 10 win the first hall of the schedule and: thelr pro gress will be witehed with » great deal of interest, If the Malleables can defeat the Chevh. in thelr next meeting, the race will be very in- teresting ' * Oshawa Sr, in Bramptlon Today The Oshawn General Motors Senior lagrosse team Is in Branipton this afternoon, playing the fase Brampton Lxcelslors, 'Ihe locals will likely have two Juniors In wniform this afternoon, Daniels and Bovin, These two boys have been taying smart lucrosse with the Junlors and intermediates and they shoul make good with the Seniors, Oshawa has to win this game to 8% In the running and there should be « merry old battle this afternoon. It j§ expected that a large contingent of Oshawa fans will journey 10 Brampton to see the game, Phone 35 for the results LJ LJ ' ' . ' Revival of Intewst in Lacrosse Interest In lacrosse has heen wyived, thanks to the international series, and Ontario Amateur Lucroms Association teams are entering Into the combat with renewed vigor, horn of that spirit of encourage mnt that Is contagious, Before the sevor race commenced It wus the general opinion thet the General Moton (eam of Oshawa would dom inate the situation and make It & runaway affair, but the United States all-stars came along to question thu Invibbility of the Mann Cup hold ers, Wonkneases that were not previously suparent were detected by the conchas and players of rival teams, wd Si. Simon's 'of Toronto and the Excelsiors of Brampton stepped hn 10 show that the Osh awans were not monarchs of all they surveys, Right now those three teams appear 10 he well matched, and Oshaws will not find it 50 easy to win the title again. The Excelslors of Brampion, combining youth with experience, are due to give them all & Mule, while St. Simon's with everything to win dnd nothing mucly to Ise, will be dangerous Now the Oshawans have a great attack, they are fast in the feld, but their defense leaves something to he desired. Bill Coulter stands out af the best defensive player in the sport, Whether it be in Cane adit or the United States, but he has not received hat co-operation that Is necessary for success, Shannon, too, Is another star, one of the best goalkeepers in the national sport, and Hubbell tan play inspired ncrosse at times, Tt would therefore, behoove the other defense men to combine effectively and offset the odd-mun attack that epposing teams Wave specialized in of Inte. Put whether Oshawa retailing the title or not, the fact remains that Yhe sport is regaining iis former popularity, and this is as it should be. Taken from The Globe . LJ + . Big Softball Game on Monday Night The last time the Textiles and Parts and Service Imermediaes met, they provided one of the best softball games of the 'semson, and since that time, the fans who saw the game and a great many others as well, have been waiting anxiously for their next meeting The time has arrived. These two teams will play at the Motor City Sta dium on Monday night. in a nine innings game, starting at 7.00 pm sharp. Another pitching duel between Art, Rodgers und: Alex. Web ster Is on the bill aud there should be & big crowd on hand, These two teams certainly put up a smart battle and the Inst game was mar red by serious injuries to two of the Textiles players, early mm the game, Roth teamp will be at full strength, Don't miss this game, + . 1 LJ Oshawa Bakery va, Duco Boys Monday ; The Oshawa Bakery juniors will play the Duco Boys in a scheduled league game on Monday night at Cowan's Park. Since Towns, hurled for the Bakery last night, it ia very probable that Knox will 'oppose the Duee Doys, The Dueo Boys were given a bad lacing by the Bak: ery In thelr last meeting and they are out fo make a much better shows ing. 1t should be a good nme. \d Oshawa Juniors in Toronto Monday The Oshawa General Motors Junior lacrosse team will play Maity Janda in Toronto on Monday evening in a scheduled group game, The Maltlands held Brampton 3 to 2, but the locals are determined to make a much better showing on Monday night and Maitlands will' have to do no sleeping If they want to win the game, The locals are smarting' from their defeat. on Wednesday and they would, ke nothing better than to take the strong Maltlands' toam into camp.' The League's Answer tive in 'Cousin' Gecrge Ulpkpas yesterday and evehed the serien hy winning the second game frown the Yankeea today, 11 to 7. They drove Pipgras trom the mound in the fifth inning, making 'the seventh Atraight time in two sea. son they have sent hm to the | Mehmeling, showers, WHAT THE LEAGUR SAYN Dear Bir: ; Re thin controversy over the rowdylam at this game Whithy va, 'Tannery in Cedardale, Phe South Ohtario Leagus will not tolerate rowdylsm at ahy game in the Leas fue consequently the Tannery team pe Ay 4 A oharge at a hel In Whitby en Friday al ne June 28, and the boys claimed 3 are made to look wnaportmaniike by a few over-salous tatora shut have asked continue home ardale wih Cleveland broke its losing reak be piling up 16 hite ott ode B oe Ownle Carroll, inclu: ing homers by Falk and Averill Sfahe" Ruth's twentysaaventh Boma run of the year was the one big Yankee clout, Ee ---- Ruth, Yankess, 1; Fox, Ath: Athleties, 1; Quinn, Ath: lotion; 17 Falk, Indiany, 13 Avedill, i Hum, ators; 1} a an, Havin a rier, Cuba, , 11 Friseh, Car \ & guarant i Kelly, Reds, 1. will doll in thls 'Ruth, Yankees, ren & A angi th aying ih Phils rr dee Ben Th, he \ North Oshawa i| Codardale Mondon night, June 81, 1930, hil in Cod. that they are. one mors ohance tof annery) in: Mandell and Singer 'Do Not Like New Foul Blow Rule ------ New York, June 28,~Sammy Mandel), world's Nghtwelght sham: plon, and Al Winger of New York, appeared before the New York Slate Athletic Commission yesier day-and asked approval of an agreement whereby neither boxers will accept victory by a foul nm thelr. champlonshiy bout at Yan kee HKtadium on July 17, If the agreement is approved the boxers will wear a new type of "foul proof" protective cup and the only penalty for low blows will he the loss of the round in which the {legal punch is delivered, The commission took the re aquest under advisement and In structed the boxers Lo reappesr Tuesday, Schmeling Whitby Rovers Defeat OM.I. Team 21-18 Before Large Crowd of Fans Rovers Prove That Their Victory Over Chevs, Was No "Fluke" By Defeating Strong OM.L Team -- Heavy Hitting and Many Costly Errors Feature Game--Winners Get a Few Breaks Which Help a Great Deal---Pitchers Are Pounded Hard Whitby Rovers proved to all and sundry that thelr victory on Tues day night over the Chevys. was no Intario Malleadles by a 21 to 14 Blames N.Y. mere luck when they turned under Commission 28, Netore night Max New York, June wailing for Germany last whoard the HN, TNremen, heavyweight cham pion, laid responsibility for the ourrent epidemic of fights which ond in foils squarely at the door of the New York State Athletl Commission, "When un comming' in protects fighter as Jack Mhurkey was pro. tected, then it falls to punish him in any way after he has hit you, when It makes It possible for him to fight again for the worlu's championship within three months, In It any wonder there are so mary fouls?" asked Nchmeling, "1 het you"s==and hers the serious young German leaned over and tapped me op the knee to emphasize his point=="1 hot you that if Bharkey had been punin'red for fouling me us Another fighter not under the commission's protection woul surely have hoen punished, there would have. been no foul in the Godfrey-Carnera fight at Philadel phin last Monday," Behmealing sald he was planning to return te most Bharkey in a return hout in September, He said It with a touch of hitterness in his usually goodsnatured, modulated vole,e for he feels sincerely that he has been forced unwarrantedly inte this sudden defence of the heavyweight title, "If 1 had had the misfortune to foul Sharkey, although 1 never fouled a man in my life, where would | he?" demanded Max "Would they have called me, as Comm issloner Muldoon called fharkey, 'the most anhappy man in the world'? Would they have insisted that Bharkey defend the title against me in the Fall?" pete | | | poOUBLES XX. DOUBLES Doubles play in tennis iy essentials ly a matter of teamwork, As in all matters of succenpful partnership, it ina matter of combining individual effort and ability toward a commen goal, Very often two medioere plays ork who combine well, Win from two vory high class individual players, The main object in doubles play. is manogvre the opposing © team in a bad position. The success or doubles play hinges on Service 'and the re turn 'of "agrvice. The team that ls serving has the advantage shee one of the players iv already at the: net and the server comes directly in to his'side, If service is won each' time, the next problem is breaking through the: other side's serve, Concentrate a retury of Service, Get the ball in play at 'all costs, Two doubles plays ors must always he approximate side by side, Never allow yours solves to be caught, one at the net ahd one at the backline, During | play always relies the ball to the ops ponent who (x farthest away from the net. The lob is the great weapon for doubles play, The doublos team must take the net at every possible opportunity: One player should be able to'make openings and the other finish. off the point, The groatest asset to a donb ho a STEAD! NESS and CO TENCY. Cont oentrate pon hive lities for any Mahe ut hiv RRA in value pd Atternoon, "Lefty" Arted oh the hth She : 'mance, give 'But three hits HA seore al Whithy last night, It way 11 Countries Make Entry to B. E. Games Hamilton, June 28.~The an nouncement was made here youters day to the effect that the British Kmpire Games Committee of this oity will know by July 1 what reprosputation will be sent to the big games by each country in the Kmpire, July 1 is the last date swt for notification of representation, but the countries have until Aug, 1 to name the personnel of téamuy, Kleven countries have been heard from to date, Kngland, Ire land, HNeotland, Wales, South Afrien, Australia, New Zealand, Dermuds, Newfoundland, British Guisne and Canada and expecta tions are that Jamaica will be hoard from shortly, Athletes competing in the Brit Ish Empire games will npumbor between four and five hundred, it in said and with officials, the tots) will run' to more than the latter figure, For International and na- tional evidents, the number of vontestants will reach 1,600, mak: ing a total close to 2,000 athletes that will compete here, Guest Shows Improvement Henley, Kng., . June 38,.--The workouts yesterday of Jack Guest and Jos Wright, the Canadian scullers, proved, according to the experts, that both men-~despite the stories and gloom of which Wright has been the subjectiware fit and in prime condition for the Diamond Soulls contest of next week, Both practiced hard today, Guest wet out in the morning with: Harry Arlett, the Henley professional who Is coaching him, and paddled downstream to Temple Island. Then he dame back to the regatta staritng polut to row to Remen: ham Barrier, Guest got away smartly, striking 80 strokes in th fest minute and dropping to 3h In 2 minutes and 23 neconda---five peoconda better at this point than hin trial of Wednesday, NSKEETERS WIN PITONERS' BATTLE deraey Clty, June 88.Jack Hopkina turned the Reading Keys back with four hits here yesters day and the Jersey City Skeeters romped off with the first game of the wnorien by a score of 2.1, Nelson Greene, on the mound of the Keys, limited the pests. to but five hits, but they bunched (wo each of these in the third and fougth inning to score twice, and with Hopkina pitching manstertu) ball they were enough to insure a viotory, Your troubles are like your chil. dren: yon must take oare of them and keep them out of other people's way. HK, W. Howe, a sparkling game throughout with heavy hitting from both camps fens turing. Moth teams were connects ing regularly, and Whithy's'win was purely the result of a little bit of #dded punch, "Pwas, n batters' game all the way through, and the pitchers and fleldors had little of the limelight, Thirty-two solid hits were crashed out by the two teams, Whithy having the ad- vantage with 17 to the Malleables' 16, Apart from thelr margin in runs and hits, the official scorebook would show ttle to the credit of the Rovers, They were gullty of 14 of the 20 errors plied up during the eight and a half innings; they pilfered four hases, against. the Malleables' nine, But it's runs that win ball games, and the Whit« belans produced the runs which gave them a desorved victory The third and fourth mnings were Lhe two spasms that settled the result of the game beyond A doubt, In the third, the Whithy batting order moved right around once, and scored six runs In the process, with. J. Wilson's homer A large contributing factor. They enjoyed the experience so much that they decided to repeat in the fourth, Once more nine Whithy batters paraded to the plate In nuce cosslon, Mix of them hit, and vi¥ of them scored, Those two savage hursis' estube lished the ultimate winners in a comfortable lead at 16-8, and from then on it was just a question of protecting thelr lead, The Malle ables ware not the last bit dis. courngod, They hammered away at Efleen Pipher's offering and, assisted materially by the Whithy arrors, ncored four runs in the sixth, a brace In the seventh, and another couple of pair in the eighth, Coming Into the first half of the ninth the Malleables needed threa runs to tie the pcore, ('. Larson was retired on an infleld play, Long to Wow, M. Spencer rapped out a sngle, and Isa McDonald fol- towed her on the paths when she got a life'on J. Wilson's fifth er. ror of the game, With runners on second and third, A, Plekard, in. jected to pineh hit for A. Nialr, could do no hetter than a rollar to the box, while Eileen Pipher follow od with a fly to the second bane man that ended the game, Malleables ABR, M. Epencer. of 0 J. MeDonald, 3h 8 A. Blair, of 8 B. Pipher, p 7 ), Atteraloy, ¢, .f . MoLean, 1b # M, McDonald, 11 6 M. Xay., sn 5.8 CG. Larson, 2h , A A. Plekard, rf 1 fd 18 Whithy J. Wilson, 2h 4 1. Watson, ss 8 M. Blogr, 1h b 0, Newman, a , 0 ¢, Watson, If , .% KK, Irwin, ef 1 RN, Long, 2b ..A MoLott, pou ib W, Melride, vf 4 Nell; of Dts De DT A L] 9 HP, 0 a a 1 0 3D wn 0D STR WB WWI SW oDSoaD - - = > 1 PE So=awizite D0 EE a Da Dem De - RT| 44 21 17 87 11 4 Struck out.--By Lott 2, by Pip. her 8, Base on halls, off Lott 3, off Pip. her 6, Threa base hitsIsa McDonald, LL. Watson; two hase hitai-= M, Kay, A. Blair, Lott, IL, Watson, Mo. Bride; home runs:--Wilgon, At toraley: sdorifioe hitaie Jd; McDon« alr, M. Blow: stolen hares, M, Spencer 2, 1, Pipher 2, H. MoLean, MH. MeDonald, M, Kay 2, 0. Larson, Noll, XK, Trwin, B. Long, Malleables 032 404 240-18 Whithy 136 621 20x21 Yh CAREW LumBLR (0 A Spray for Rose 3% « $1.25 BERRY Quart size in any KING 'A dry dusting powder for potatoe bugs and cabbage worms etc. 25¢ Tine and 20 Ib, Bags. BLACK LEAF '40" Bushes, Shrubs, ete. . $325 Bottles quantity you wish, 16 Celina st, Oshawa COOPER SMIT H CO. Phone §

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