Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Jun 1930, p. 6

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 1930 and Entertainment Promised For Oshawa Folk With Visit of Chautanqua Big 'Tent To Be Pitched oni Metcalfe Street--Program Opens Tomorrow Night LECTURES, MUSIC AND DRAMA ARE FEATURES "Broken Dishes" Is First Play To Be Presented ------ The Canadian Chautauqua will' a- gain visit Oshawa, bringing with it entertainment and education for thousands, The big tent is to be itched in the city's vacant property DP tveen Metcalfe und Bagot Streets and beneath its sheltering canopy the program will he given from to- morrow night, June 28, until Wednes- dy, July 3rd, Sunday excluded Broken Dishes," au play which held the attention of Broadway for "many weeks will open the perform ances Saturday night The play con- serns real genuine folk, with Pa Bumpstead, a "henpecked husband" as the central figure, But even (he warm will turn and Pa Bumpstead surely did, But see for yoursell Monday afternoon Dr, Owen Rowe O'Neil will present his lecture on "Adventures in Swaziland" 'EBhis is something different and as truth Is often stranger than fiction the lees The man who would eves walk afain. " a oF da ao mol age. After taki a i £2 mn A wou i OH pra gd lat ly (hl ti) tobi fire promises to be thrilling as well us educational, The big musieal feature of the Chautauqua is to be given Monday ovening with productions of scenes from "Rose Marie", "The 1 Song," "Ihe ( 'hocdlate Soldier" and "I'he Student Prince" The Gray Sisters, artists on the violin and vielin-cello are scheduled to appear on the afternoon of Tues day, Dominion Day, They have made tours of many Huropean countries, winning.the highest acclaim, Tuesday evening Tom Skeyhill will be heard in his famous lecture on "With Mussolini and the Black. shrits," "The children should not miss the afternoon performance on Wednes- day when Sue Hastings will show her delightful Marionettes, The Martin: Erwin players will a- gain appesr Wednesday svening when they will present "Pollyanna hissed on Eleanor Porter's famous no- vel Thursday siterncon Elliott James gives his notable exhibition and les. ture on "Liquid Air" Thursday eve. ning Chautauqua will bid adiey to Oshawa when Vierra's Hawaiians present the apecticular snd glamor: ous musieal production "An Evening in Hawall DATES OF SCHOOL FAIRS IN COUNTY | First Fair Will Open st Man- chester on Sept. 8th The dates of the school fairs to he held in Ontario County have heen issued hy W. M, Croskery, of Ushridge, agricultural representa tive, The dates are as follows. Name of Fal Where Held Date Manchester Manchester Rept, A Port Perry Port Perry Hept, feugog Twp Reugog Rept, North Reach Cvesnbank Rept, Yeott Twp Zephyr fapt, Claremont Claremont Kept Brougham , Brougham Rept, Plekering Plekering Rept Oshawa Oshawa Nept Hrooklin Brooklin Rap! Beaverton Neaverton Sept, inra Twp, Mara Twp, Hall Bapt, tama Twp, Longford Mills Rept, Cannington Cannington Sept, UUxhridge Town Uxbridge Nept. (Ixhridme Twp. Pine Grove Rept, Bunderiand BSunderiand Rept, Home men are horn great, soma achieve greatness and some remain [ 1ntle to the and, ~~Detroit News, HEAR ON THE RADIO Hon. James Malcolm Minister of Trade and Commeree Major (. G. Power, M.C. Chalrman of Pensions Committee Saturday Jun 10 10 13 Daylight Pll allo Addresses aden wow, 14s, RD, Dunes Satlons CEC, inden Onterie Liberal Eastern ndard Kincardine CFRB, CFCA, e228 ving Time "me Eastern Time will from be MAJOR POWER NC, Toronto CO, Chatham Campaign Committes=Toronto Tale Travel The King's Highway Daily Coach Service NSHAWA + TORONTO FARE 88¢ LEAVE 0 HAWA "Coa ig opnariions 4 Puffalo and Interm: eh connections at Eastern Standard LEAVE TORONTO pas ay AT nd a ro hn Toronto for Barrie, Orilli Nanilton, Branerd! Na HE for al v § a LE Tick and Intormation af Pom COACH LINES Jesert | i The children participated on. thusiastioally (np all the races at St, Gregory's School" plenle yes erday afternoon ai Lakeview Park. The Hist included children of every school age, from the little tots In the primary to boys and girls of the entrance class, A Mist, of the prize winners appears below: Rumning Race Children under uo' years: Warold Begley, Jimmie Monahan, hildren under 5 years (girls): arbars Monahan, Inequeline Ed wards, Boys 0-7 Jaany Jackie Brennan, Billie Marshall, Girls 6-7 years: Vivian Gosleigh, Anna Gerace, Boys 8:0 years: Bernard Buek- ley, George Almond, (iris 8+9 years: Rita Perron, Lor. rains Keenan, Boys 10:11 years: Donald Brock. man, Jack Bell, Girls 10-11 years; Dorothy Man- ila, Margaret Bryne, oys 13-18 years: Frank Me- Kenna, Jack Walker, Girls 12-15 years: Mary Gifford, Nora Moore, Boys 14-16 years: Ted Marks, Boys 16-17 years: Jack McAdam, M, Gorman, Kinlen, Boys Wheel barrow Race: J, Maddam and Ted Marks; Wilbert May and Peter Krol, Boys Three legged Race! Ted Marks and Jack MeAdam, Donald Buckman and Rouben Monagham, Girls Three legged race: Geral dine Oatway, and Mary Oatway, Pilsen Cates and Doreen Bt, Thomas, Boys' Shoe Race: Jerome Mickey, Atanley Fudge, Girls' HBhoe Race Margaret Promotion List For St. Gregory's Separate School The term has heen completed at St, Gregory's Separate School and the pupils wre now loins the long, summer vacation, he great majority of pupils will be promoted to higher clashes when they return next fall and the promition list ag published below will he of special interest, The namer ure given in or- der of merit, Promoted to Sr, IV. Honours j= Lawrence Kinlin, Rita Wilkinson and Charlie Brockman (equal), Jerome Hickey, Vicpss McAdam, KKohert Beatty and Vincent Duguatie (equal), Annie Morris, Eunice Vraversy, Pass i=Mary Whiteley, Kearney, Peter Kroll, John Buckley, annie Mazurk, Lome Craddock, ernice Higgins, Peter Baron, Fran- cis Murphy, Josie Holick, Marie Milne, Charlie McDonald, Loretta Cates, Rita MeDonald, Helen Stazy- koski, John Walker, Teresn Doyle, Angela Moore, Donald Smith, Ver- onica Johnston and Geraldine Le. mee (equal), Alice Bernier, Nora Tucker, Margaret Mullin and Leon ard Lackie (equal), Geraldine Ont way Brown, Mary Gu lott, cent Ti A Recommended ; Baran, Francis Starzkoski, Te To %r 111, Billy. Hunter, Francis Brady, Passed ; Kenna, Lorraine Cotman, Veleda hue, Adrian Tai John May, Lym eon MeGrady, e gher and Mary bert Cates, W Clarke, Frank ( Ta Jr. IY. Hinours Victoria Colgovis, John Bell, Francis Baran, Margaret O'Donnell, Violet Hoink, Marion. Sammut, Bernard Kennedy, {ohn Brockman, Isuhel St, Pierre, Ta Sr ohn Stanton, Donald Wilton, Hazel | 1, Farkas, Benson, Meintyre, Pass i="Theodors Pas i=-F Normoyle, Josep livaw, Stelln Ho well, Alhert Cirenler, Helen Recommended W vk. | M. Crossmns Ht To It Pauline Recommended, desk), George Moore, O'Donnell, 1] Eliza Pietrisink, A ---------------- O'Donnell, Doreen Bt, Thomas Relay Ruces Girls' Bhoe Race Kicking; Yaros, and Mary Murphy, Br Jr. IV (hoys) Junior form; Sr ve, Br, IV (givis) Renlor 111, Kane, \ Dorothy Wg Etna Kelly, John Pair, Annie Ko- Arthur fhm Kutachensk, O'Rielly, Cameron O'R Fddie Kroll, Mary Brennan, Patriein Room 4 Bernice Fsposite, Stella Colgovis, in, rR beth McPhee, Jean Krawkeuk, Helen Marjorie. Douro, Vincent Morrow, John Sme- sl, atway, Margamst Law, wh Magy Ow face ' N ie Pearce, Stanley ine Rospond, Delong, Jamison, ephine ihiam weleo Smith, Jessie Starekoski, Joseph ress Davis, Noru Moore, Carl Meagher, Room 9=Honours j= Donald ~~ Broekman, Fred Brennan, Tom Monaghan, Bil fel Wit Me Brockman, Doris Cotnam, Mary Sme- , Reuben Monaghan, Tom Dona- Hon, Stanley Fudge, an Beatty and Ter Aual; Marion Galle. Rogers, equal; Ro bert May, Hazel ;ontin, Linda Vair hart, James Power, Sr, TH ~Annie Ro Rita Mullin, Hambly, Dan Desrosiers Honours Noonan, Jean leo Nellie Kuz, P Mary Sul Hallo Kelly, h Quilty, lick, James Joseph Quilty Murgaret R Byrnes Hemeirs Doro nom 4 incent Care thy Guirev, Howard Kane, Marks, Vriank O'Rielly efte, C, Sheridan, 'H Eyre, £, Clarke, Pass i=, McCabe, Nicol, M. Milne, M, Adam, Berna dette Meagher, %, Bernier, Eddie Curtin ¥, Brown, Gordon Moore, A Thiaran, G, Davis, R. Dwyer, Recomriended: yosephine Cooper, G, Murphy, To Jr. 11, Room S=Honours = Mildred Haberfield, Gertrude Noon- an, Grete MeDonald, Margaret Mary Buckley, Betty Fair, Julia Kupi, Mars garct Kinnesrd, Marguerite Smith, Vdward Kodesky, yrile Jodoin, Lorraine Keenan Puss i=Constanee Almond, Helen Heyer, Irene Delong, Doris Bird, Norman Hannan, Mildred May, Ger ald McKenna, Fihel Bird, Wm, Kin lin, Prank Pearce, Marjorie Crad- dock, Maury Donahue, Vergus Brady, Madge Kennedy, Betty Brockman, Bert Jamieson, Yoelte pawyer, Theo. dore Guiturd, Tony Fsposito Recommended s=--Wm. Bawks, Ber nard Buckley, Wm. Dionne, John Dayrie To Sr, 1H=Pask =Albertls Hard. ie, Llecta Byrnes, Mary Jodoin, Se- hastian Conlin, Maurie King, Nan Cox, Russell Pleay, Helen Sullivan, Douglas Conlin, Room 6 to Second Class=Honours ; «Billy McIntyre, Dlcanor Mothers sill, Maury Baron, and Edward Pow- er ®aqual), Catherine Bell, Joseph Habberfield and Jennie K roll (equal), Billie alr, Chester Kroll, Kathleen Kervin, Eileen Szidor, Muxwell St, Ihomas," Mary Starykoski, Eileen Johns, Mary Moore, Gordon Oat way, Gerard Forestell, Bernadette Whiteley, Josephine Melean and Maury Sabal (equal), Bernice Truve {erpy, Kathleen Kelly, Grace Kearney, | Wilfred Lepine, George Almonds, {and Bernice Buckley (equal), Helen | McGrath, Stanley Rospond | Pass i--~Audrey Gates, Julin Rospond, telly Laviol rennan, J K, Wilson, M, Francis Philip Bavmgactner Murrow, Clarks, Iceommended (=Kilecn Kervin, Yo becond Class, Room le iione ours =Lorothy Doran, Albert Hicks ey, Noel Rivers, Bert Moore, Mary Doyle, Kathleen Shields, Eddie Kraweyuk, Jimmie Fudge, Gregory Brady Paws ==Billic Burke, Billie Marsh. wll, Billie Lee, Doris Sherdan, Mary Holtfuster, Helen Kolynko, Isabel Joduin, Recommended i=Gregory Warner, Kathleen Brow, Room 6, Lo Br, |==Vuss i=~Cecilia Koliand, Belty Marshall, Jack Gallas gher, Vincent Kelly, James Callugh- an, Ted Kelly, Henry oMnughan, Recommened ; rks Gerace, Gor don Desrosiers, Rita Perron, | Trenter Roum | to Br, J=Puss i=Leo Mer Kenna, June Clement, 'Tony Gerace, Wilfred © Reilly, Anim Bubal, Greg ory Kivers, Barah Whitely, Mury Lrady, Anna Mclesn, Pauline Gree niet, Gladys Outway, Anns Gerace, Rita McKenna, Jos, Davis, Kenneth Martin, Kathleen Smith, Mary Joey. koski, Raymond Fontaine, Billie Beg- ley, Vlorence Cleroux, Antoinette Daurle, Jack Brennan, aHrold Moth- ersill Promoted to Sr, L=Honours je Catherine Thomson, John O'Brien, Moni Kearney, Maury Tharan, Jose yhine Heflerman, Mary Flynn, Mur» piret Heffer, Botty Somes, Mary burnice, Vred aFirhart, Kenneth Mi. nard, Helen Gates Puss iow gohn: Driscoll, Joan Blair, Ralph Murphy, Edward Gresik, Ure mile Morron, Mary Conlin, James alr, Grace Smyth, Edward Kutien ski, Orel Sawyer, 'Tom McGrath, Claude Depratto, Janles Dionne, James McArthur, Mary Murphy, Athur Narman, Jaqueline Lepin Johie Curtin, Vivien Gasleigh, Deon ald Smith, Helen Jaros, * Stanley Doreen Almond Michael Paul Morrow, Marguenge cdward Smega! Ponte _: __"_. DODDS KIDNEY OBITUARY MIS, THOMAS A, ASHTON The death occurred at the Osh awa General Hospital yesterday of Mary Matilda, beloved wife of Thomas A, Ashton, in her 64th year, The lute Mrs, Ashton had been In eritical health for some time but her death removes a well known and highly respected resi- dent of the district about Courtice wwhere she resided for many years, The funeral service is being held on Saturday afternoon at 2,30 o'clock fro mihe residence of her daughter, Mrs, W. VV, Stewart, 24 fthyl Ave, Toronto Interment will be made In the Searboro Lawn Cemetery Besides her husband and daugh- ter, Mrs, Stewart, the deceased I» mourned by one son, Frank, of Buffalo, N.Y, An Town man has perfected a new kind of wheat that looks like harley and tastes like oats, Bounds like just one more thing for the farm ara tn raise ton much of Judge i i yi jor ay | Le i Atl I BE = Surging power on the speedway . ---- wil Mim --_-- -- anal RT ali, ; "0 extra pull for + + » smoother, smarter pick-up in traffic . . . these benefits are in every drop of McColl-Frontenac products! You'll cut your engine worries in two, with Red Indian Motor Oil in your crankcase. And you'll breeze Kaoth steepest grades in high with Cyclo Gas Motor Fuel or Marathon Hi-Test Gasoline under your spark plugs. Wherever Turn in at next one ee : drive, you'll see the Red Indian s for motor fuels that har recommend, and service you'll remember! wh dion doin aAvoLINE A otraightsrun gasoline LEE 000 voc and reliable! ECOLL FRONTENAC MeCOLL-FRONTENAC OIL iL COMPANY LIMITED Yanan Ture Mone ud Mosman pf S-------------------- < .

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