Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Jun 1930, p. 3

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III TA am om ty THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 1930 PAGE THREE ccidental Death Is " Operation of Hydro Dept. | For First Fiv Year Shows Good Surplus e Months of Public Utilities Commission: * Informed of Slight Deficit + in Gas Department PLAN TO PAINT | "BIG WATER TANK, Chairman Mason, City En-| 'gineer and Utilities Super. intendent to Attend Con: vention at Bigwin - | The statement of revenue and 4 penditures for the first five months of the year which was presented to | the public utility commission at its! meeting in the city treasurer's of- fices ast night, showed that there has been a favorable surplus in the electric department; while there has been a deficit in the gas department: The surplus for the sale of electricity is much larger however than the deficit for the gan department, As the commission Is unable to transfer funds from the ons de. partment to the other without the consent of the Ontario Hydro Elec. trie Power Commission Jt wus des cided to approach the provinelal body with a request that a portion of the, surplng might be used' to meet the deficit for mas, thus re- Heving the commission of the ne- cessity of borrowing money, Although showing a deficit for the first five months there is Indication that the effort to improve the gas business Is meeting with results, During the month of May the production of gas at the gas plant show: an increase over the preceding mouth, Over 70 new gas services have beon installed and there is every Indication that 4 graduel im. proyament may take place, Due to {nereased production the cost of manufacturing gar at tha holder has shown a slight decrcase per 1,000 cuble feet, More than one member of the local commission ex- pressed the opinion thet the hydro body need not be tdo stringent In ita attitude toward meeting the de. fleit in this department ns it was felt that the present situation was largely the result "of the methods employed by the hydro in operat. ing the gas business before It wan taken over in the purchase by the city of the hydro.and gas utilities, Upon motion of G. D, Conant, seconded hy W. H. Ross, it was do. cided to request the auditors for a report concerning the adjustment of accounts which has been made sinea the city took over the two public utilities, Chairman F. L, Mason, City En- gineer C, Smith and C. T. Barnes, utilities superintendent, were ap- pointed delegates to the annual convention of the Ontario Muniei- palities Electrical Assoclation which is being held at Bigwin Inn, Lake of Bays, on July 7, 8 and 9 "I 'am always pleased to nomin- ate someone else 'to go on:a oop- ,vention," Commissioner Conant (commented, He hinted that he had at one time attended a law society convention which had given him his fill of such gatherings to suffice for a life time, But the chairman, eity engineer and utilities superintendent seemed quite pleased with the prospect of meeting 'with the Municipalities Electric Association. "You know there should be some good fishing up there," explained Mr, Mason. The big water tank on Simcoe street_sorth 18 in need of scraping and painting, Clty Engineer Smith informed the commission. The city a | | REGIMENTAL BAND 10 GIVE SPLENDID CONCERT TONIGHT Program at Memorial Park | Tonight--Band Goes to The band of the 34th Ontario Re- giment will present one of the series of band concerts in Memorial Park this evening commencing at 8 p.m. The program is as follows: O Canada, March, Militaire, Tal- bot, Overture, The Bridal Rose, C. Lavalle, Concert Waltz, Bower of Beauty, Brooks, Idyl, The Glow Worm, Lincke, Selection, Sullivans Operatic Gems, Seredy, March, Stars and Stripes, Sousa. Popular numbers (a) When it's Spring Time in the Rockies, Jakes, (b) Shidin' Kasy, Al- fred. (¢) The Whistler and His Doy, Pryor. Patrol, Blue Jackets, Rimner, Overture, Lustspiel, Keler-Bela, Hymn, Rock of Ages, Lambert, Regi- mental March, John Peel. God Save the King. The band will leave for camp at Niagara on the Lake on Saturday and will be away for a few days It is wegretted hat two of the bandsmen will be unable to make the trip owing to illness. Mr, Jack Broad bent is in the Oshawa Hospital re- covering from an operation, while Mr, aJck Lee, who has recently ree turned from Christie Street Hospital in. Toronto, is still confined to his home, Both the members of the band who are indisposed are well known to the music lovers of the city as solo- ists of repute, having appeared many times in the concerts presented by the band, engineer will submit specifications and call for tenders for this work, the .materials, including paint, pro bably to be provided by the com- mission, It Is evidently a big job as one momber intimated that an ordinary sized house could be drop- ped into the tank. With the excepton of His Wor. ship Mayor Mitchell, all members were able to attend last night's meeting including ¥F, L. Mason, chairman, John Stacey, G, D. Con. ant and W. H, Ross, F, E. Hare, secretary, City Engineer Smith and C. T, Barnes, utilities superinten. dent, were also present. Card of Thanks The officers and members of Oshawa Branch No, 43, Canadian legion BLS. L., and the Ladies Auxillary wish to take this means of publicity 'thanking all mer. chants and citizens whose generous donations made possible the suc- cess of our pilgrimage to Christie Street Hospital on June 21st, The boys in the'Hogpital were loud in their praise of our efforts, which wore successful by reason of this splendid co-operation, G. Walsh--President, A. H, Power--Secretary, (150a) | Mr, and Mrs, Claude Wilson, 246 Bruce street, wish to thank Dr. Archer, also neighbors, friends and relatives for their kindness and attention shown them, during Mrs. Wilson's recent illness, and for the lovely floral tributes. (1508) OXNBOXOH axNpH® Chautauqua 2 Plays--Wonderful Music, Outstanding Lectures, Scien- had gome to Oshawa © havi quantity of articles stolen from a local hardware store, At the Smith home. additional loot was recovered, i od on Danforth Ave, in Toronto, (} given Oshawa, Barrie at the time of the robbery, but denied ever being in the hard- ware store. y LEGION T0 SEND DELEGATES 70 THE ONT. CONVENTION Five Local Members Will Go Four delegates to represent the Oshawa Branch of the Cadadian gion at the provincial conven tion to be held in Hamilton on August 20 to 22 were selected at the regular meeting of the branch last night, these being J. T, Dal by, George Walsh, 'William Jen- kins and Bob Gibble, In addition to these, M. Mcintyre Hood wil) also attend as a member of the provincial executive, giving the local branch a representation of five at the convention, These dele. gates will go to th convention with the strong cCetermination to make sure of securing the 1931 convention for Oshawa, The meeting was held old dugout, in the market ing, on account of the counci chamber being in use by an ine quest, and the room was filled to overflowing by the members, who took a keen Interest in (he many matters under discussion. Interesting visitors who spoke briefly, and were given a hearty welcome, were. Comrade Watson, of the ¥ort Eri» Branch and Com- rade Groom, of the Lindmy branch; It was decided to hold the ple. nic of the branch on Civic Holl duy, August 4, and I' permission can be secured from the Kiwanis Club, the picnie will be held at the Kiwanis Camp grounds, ro that tiie boys in camp can be guests of the Lesion for the day, and can be z'ven a part in the games and entertainment, The sports and entertainment commit. tees were authorized to go ahead and complete arrangements for the pienic, 1t was also intimated that the district pienic would be held in Oshawa on a suitable date during the summer, There was considerable discus- sion of ways and means of adding to the relief and bullding funds of the branch, the relief funds being Yractieally exhausted, and the hard-working sports commit. tee divnlged some plang already under way for the holding of in door and outdoor events with that end In view. It is likely that a fleld day, with scftball tournk. ment and military tattoo will be considered. for - L:bor Day, and the sports committee will take this under consideration at once, In the course of the evening, five new applications for member ship were accepted, and a num- ber of comrades initiated BARRIE GOURT AGQUITS LOCAL. MAN OF THEFT No Evidence To Prove Case Against Lloyd Dales : Spocial to The Times Barrie," Ont,, June 27,--After spending weveral weeks in the county jail here, Lloyd Dales, of Oshawa, a former resident of Bar. rie, was, acquitted by Magistrate Jeffs on charge of breaking into two hardware stores here on May 20, Charges against his mother, Mrs, Jean Dales, 14 Grove Street, Osh- awa, nnd Bdward Smith, 146 Clare- mont Road, Scarboro, with whom tho accused boarded were with. drawn, J Chief Alex Sfewart tostitied oe 0 Dales under suspicion, A search of the mother's home revealed a identified as in the build: Dales' was arrests * Dales, Jemied ; RAvias een, fe LL ce e0 nd stated 3 brother Burdett ha Bim the articles found in He' admitted being in In dismissing the case, Magis. tific lecture and demonstra- tion on liquid air, SEASON TICKETS AT Mitchell's Drug Store, Bassett's Jewelry Store, Conger Coal Office STUDENTS, $1.00 (tax included) ADULTS $2.00 (tax extra) Don't Miss This Year's CHAUTAUQUA "NORTH END Memorial Park he PAQOIY MZ=Z M M E 8s | trate Jos said. "there is strong sus. picion of the goods being found in his méther's home on Lloyd Dales but you can't pnvict a man on sus. pielon, , There is an element of doubt in cases and while suspicion points to Lloyd the goods were found closer to his brother, who should have heen up instead of Lloyd." ye : OBITUARY 'MRS. GORDON DRINKLE The death of Mrs, Gordon Drinkle in the General Hospital yesterday, cast a gloom over her circle of friends and acquaintances. The de- ceased was born in Picton, Prince Edward County, 35 years ago, Since 'coming to Oshawa she had been a member of King street United Church, She leaves to urn her passing. one daughter, Burley and one son, mond, both at home and her husbind as well » her mother, Mra, Lloyd Bloomfield and one bros 'ther, Elio Tattersoll, The funeral will take place at the family residence 128 Alma street on & nday afternoon at 230 pm, Rev, U of "E. Cragg, pastor of iKng Street nited "ehareh will have "charge. Vices, ad -- . of | members were anxious The first donation to the Red Cross Society's funds for, the carrying on of its work of mercy at the Red Cross Cottage on the leke was reported this morning by Mrs. M, Hezzelwood, treasurer of the society, In the form of 0 cheque for $6 from the Phythian Sisters of this city. This cheque 1¥ gratefully acknowledged as the start of the fund, for which # strong appeal is made to the citi zens of Oshawa, This year, with so much distress in the city, the needs of the Red Cross Hoclety are much greater than usual, for there are scores of children who are in great need of the body- building and health-giving holl- day at the Cottage on the lake shore, where they are given expert care and attention, plenty of good food ,and healthful play and exer- cises during the summer *months, The Red Cross Society has a Joug First Donation Received By Red Cross Society for Its Cottage at Lake Shore 1ist of names of childien, supplied through the public herlth nursing service, but to carry on the work will requiro generous financial support from those who are in a position to help, The 1st is slow In starting this year, but it is hoped that this first contribution will be the meany of bringing many others, and that enough money will Le subseribed, and goods such as meat, grocer: fes, and vegetables, will be do- nated, to enable the Roclety to carry on its splendid work for the full summer season, Contributions will be received at the office of The Times, or may be sent direct to Mrs, M Hezzelwood, treasurer of the Red Oross Society, 97 Albert street, The list has been siarted with the following donation: Phythian Sisters 85,00 Today marks the end of a three day ordeal which has been an epoch in the live. ot 198 youngsters of Osh. awa and its environs, This afternoon 198. public school children who are candidates for entrance standing, will write their final exam, and leave their fate to the discretion of the exam ing officers who will mark their pa pers in Toronto during the next few weeks, Altogether 400 pupils are candidates for entrance in Oshawa and district this year. Of that number, 202 are students in city schools who have obtained "their standing on the strength of their term's work, The remaining 198 include 155 from the eight Oshawa public schools, St, Gre. 198 Entrance Pupils to Complete Exams Today gory's Separate Sciool and West- mount school, divided as follows: St. Gregory's +. Westmount Cedardale .......oo0o000 South Simcoe street ....... Albert street | Ritson road ,.. Lentre street King street ..., Mary strat North Simcoe street ,....... Of the 43 from outlying sections, 16 are from North Oshawa, while Harmony is represented by 12 can. didates, The other 15 are divided be tween S.S. No, 2, Conlan's and other rural schools, Charges of deliberate "stalling" on the registration of 80 applications for naturalization from this riding, are being made against the Honorable Ferdinand Rinfrew, a member of the King cabinet, by Dr, T, E, Kaiser, Conservative candidate for re-election in this riding Dr, Kaiser declares that he has lost 160 poscible votes in the approaching fede. .]1 election because of the hold. ing up f the applications for citizen~ ship of 80 members of the Ukrainian colony in this town, all 6f them mar ried men," whose wives would re. ceive citizenship through the natpe- alization of the husband, "Rinfret is wrong," Dr, Kaiser stat ed to The Times this morning, "1 approached him in the 'House of Dr. Kaiser Charges He Will Lose 160 Possible Votes Due To Action of Hon. F. Rinfret Commons weeks ago, and he prom- ised me. immediate action on. those applications, Three weeks after that, 1 wired him, asking him for action, and he wrote back, promising to look after them right away. And now they arrive exactly one duy after the last possible date on which these people could be enrolled on the voters' list, Those people in Ottawa have been sitting with their eyes on the clock, and as soon as they knew that the Court of Revision had Afnished its sitting, they put the applications in the mail for their return to Oshawa." Dr. Kaiser has announced his in« tention of "ripping up Rinfret," in his address at the Conservative meet ing to be held here on Saturday eve: ning of this week. CITY AND DISTRICT NEWS | A WORD TO THE WISE A word to the wise is sufficient--a report from St Thomas says that Chautauqua brought "the best prox. ram ever put on in'that city, Don't fail to see this year's programs here, TO HOLD RALLY Conservatives of the riding will liold a mass meeting in Memorial Park, Oshawa, on Wednesday, July 2nd. Dr. T. E, Kaiser, present mem- ber at, Ottawa' for Ontario county, will address the meeting, while Mr, Gideon Robertson, well known as a leader of Conservative thought, will also speak, CHANGE IN MAILS "Owing to change in train times ef- fective Jung 30th, 1930, the following mails will be closed at the Oshawa Post Office: 7 pom, instead of 215 p.m, Train No, 28 for Bowmanville, Port Hope, Port Hope and Blackwater R, P.O, 1230 pm, instead of 1245 p.m. The above Sfagdard Time, no oth er changes. HOLIDAY POSTAL SERVICE Tuesday, July Ist, being a Statute Holiday in the Dominion the follow: ing service will be given at the local post office. No letter delivery will be made that day in order that the posts men may enjoy the holiday, with the members of their families. Only one collection from the boxes throughout the city is to be made; that collecs tion will be made at 5 pm. The post. master announces that all mail res ceived up until 12 noon will be diss patched as 'usual, The public lobby will be open durs ing the day from 8 am, until 6 vl while the General Delivery and Reg istration wickets are to be open only from 9 am, to 11 am MEMORIAL FLOODLIGHRTS Ww, ago, as the result the local bra of the Legion, the city council authorized ' the {ustallation of a floodlight to illuminate the . awa War Memorial, Last night, at the Legion meeting, it was re. marked that this light had not yet beon installed, ahd wany of tha Train No, 9 for Toronto and west, b PERMISSION NOT SOUGHT It has been learned that no permission was sought by the Com. munists for the meeting which way held yesterday afternoon in Mem: orial Park, Neither the mayor nor the' acting police chief were con: sulted on the matter, Plainclother policemen were on hand, however, during the proceedings, which were more amusing than enlightening, But they did rot find it necessary to Interfere in any way with the meeting or the speakers, CORINTHIAN LODGE HONORS ALD. BUNKER AM. W, Gordon Bunker, a prom- inent member of Corinthian Lodge, No, 61, 1.O,O.F, who was honored by being appointed Grand Marshall the Grand Lodge of Oditario, at Toronto last wuek, was tendered a banquet last night " his fellpw mem bers of the lodge, An open meeting was 'held and a large number were resent including District. Deputy seand Master Bro, «George Mowdt, of Eastern Star Lodge, itby, and representatives the Warriner lodge, Port' Perry and. the Phoenix Li , of this city, Previous to adjourning to the ban. quet hall Ald. Bunker who is a Past Grand of Cor. Lodge and a Past Dis. trict Deputy' Grand Master of Ont, District No, 41, waz made the recip. ient of a beautiful bouquet of roses thus Sapressing the atulations and esteem of his many friends, Following. a sumptuous repast a number of toasts were proposed ine cluding ong to the Grand Lodge by Bro! WA Saunders, an old and highly respected member of Corin- than Lodge. Ho spoke in eloquent ro, Bunker's activities an terms of splendid werk in the order, Bro, Bunker pads fttiny reply in which he voiced appreciation for the good will which had been manifestea toward him, il The program was enlivened hy Reg. Terrett's comic songs, Mr, Ter rett being accompanied on the piano oe Contibun panel + Too Late To to rent outboard motor Saturday 10 know the cause. of the delay, i hy Fd 1) and Sunday, July 6-6, Ph 3075. tnd Sunder, Jul 44. Phone S018 . BOY KILLED BY TRAIN AT SUBWAY NEAR PORT HOPE Morley Moore Was Sent to Bring Cattle Home Port Hope, June 27.---Morley Moore, aged 16, son of Mr, and Mrs. Albert Moore of Hope Town: ship, was {instantancously killed when struck by a Canadian Nu~ tional passenger train at a subway, 1 mile onst of Port Hope yesterday afternoon, The youth has been in: structed to bring cows home from nn pasture half a mile from the house, He failed to return within # reasonable time, and a search party was formed, There was a heavy fog at the time, and it is be lHeved that he failed to notice the westbound train after passing from behind a freight train going in the 'opposite direction, A post- moMem examination was conduct ed hero tonight, and an inquest will be held, The victim is sur. vived by his parents, one sister and four brothers, DR, KAISER CALLS ONW. H. MOORE TO | PAY COSTS BIL Statement of Coste in Con.| nection With Names on List Submitted The following bill from D, A, J, Swanson, delivered fo Dr, Kaiser, for wervices rendered In regard to the "Trip of the Primrose Dredge" is of public interest, particularly as W, H. Moore has promised to pay one half, Dr, Kaiser, who pub lishes the bill, states that he is not responsible for the collision at all and that H, Moore's "Overly-en thusiastic boys" as the Hon, GG, W, Ross used to call his 'machine' were driving on the wrong side of an honest political highway, and under the circumstances, the doctor calls upon Mr, Moore to pay the full costs, or he will pay them him- self ~~From Dr, Kaiser, (Advt), Mr. Swanson's Bill June 20,~Interviaw with you as to cortain names which had heen placed upon the Voters List hy the Registrars in Polling Division No, 13 of this city. Perusing and law herein, WL Advising that these names, which had been entered on the sald List by the Liberal Party, had been en- tered frregularly, and that an Ap- peal should be taken to the Revis- ing Ofcer to have the names re- moved from the said List, Preparing 44 Individual notices herein for service, Attended to have same registered and paid $6.28, June 23, nterview Sinclair herein, Attending at Lake Front secure, evidence as against men (all afternoon). June 24---Attending again at Lake Front to secure further evi dence at against these then--three hours, June 17.-Interview with Police of the City of Oshawa as to when this ship arrived, 4 Interview with His Majesty's Customs as to when the "Prim. rose" arrived and as to when the "Brant" departed, Arranged to have witnesses ap- pear to prove; (a) that these men were not residents of this Riding on May 30th, (bh) that they appoar- od first In this Riding on June 0th, and passed Customs Jyne 10th, Interview and arranging to have wittnessas present to show the fole lowing, re the members of the erew 'of the "Brant," who wore upon the Voters List irregularly; (a) to prove that they were net continuous residents of 'this Riding. (hb) to prove that they had left this Riding, Attending before the preparing with * Mr, to these Rovising Drivers Argue After Accident -- Third Car Completes Mixup = While two motorists who iad col- lided were out of their'autos Argus ing the right-of-way oh the Kings pron Highway about two miles west of here yesterday afternoon, an east bound car suddenly topped a slight rise in the road and crashed into the rear of one of the wrecked machines. Little Marjorie Wright of Brighton, was hurled through the windshield, and is now in Oshawa General Hos- pital suffering from bad cuts about the face and head, Highway Trafic Officer Schelle of Oshawa, stated that a few minutes reviously a coupe, driven west by onald R, Shaw, of Toronto, had collided with a sedan owned by 'I, Waterhouse, King street, Oshawa. Leaving their cars entangled in. the middle of the roadway Shaw and Waterhouse went into a heatedr dis- cussion, ) . . Without notici the, previous wreckage, the third car, whose Qriver as not been found by the officer, came over: the hill, and crashing the Waterhouse car, drove it into the teh, i "The Times learned this morning, that Miss Wright was removed to hee home in Brighton, aiter the treat. ment of her injuries, eo = Verdict at Inquest Over Jas. Redding Jury Attaches No Blame to Driver of Truck in Which rr DAHLIAS BLOOMING IN LOCAL GARDEN Magniticent dahllax In bloom before the end of June Is the unusual sight which is to be seen in the garden of D, J, Thomas, 147 Oshawa Boulevard, Mr, Thomas, who specializes somewhat in dahlias, has had many visitors to his garden in the last few days to see the (wo large and healthy hlooms on a plant of the Mepnistophles var- ioty of cactus dahlas, The blooms, are a salmon color slightly tinged with red, | aro full grown and excep- | tionally large, and are well worth seeing, In addition to these two beauties, on one pant, Mr, Thomas also has another dahlia bush, | of a smaller and nfore or- | dinary variety, hearing a bloom, He stated to The Times last night that he had not given these plants any special attention, and attributes the rapid devel opment to the richness and fertility of the soll in his garden, W. H. MOORE WILL SPEAK AT MEETING HERE THIS EVENING Liberal Workers to Gather in Club Rooms to Hear Candidate The first appearance of W, H, Moore at an Oshawa meeting since kis unanimous nomination as the Liberal candidate in the Ontario riding, will be this evening, when a meeting of all workers of the Lk beral party in the elty and the sur« rounding district will be held in the committes rooms at 19 Bond Street West, At this meeting, Mr, Moore wil address his workers and there will also be brief addreses by other speakers, The Liberal organiza- tion is rapidly being perfected, and it is expected that tonight's meet. ing will be a largely attepded and enthusiastic one, Gordon D., Con- ant will be the chalrman of the meeting, and a hearty Invitation has been extended to all interested in the Liberal cause to be present, J. EK, canes OMcer, His Honour Judge Thompson, when all these came before him, Proved: ' (a) Parties appealed ngainst not entitled to be upon the List, as not residents within the meaning of the Act, (b) that they had been properly served with the Notices, as provided for by the Act, W, KE. N, Sinclair, Esq, K.C, sald that he appeared for W, H, Moore, and the parties appealed against, and that after looking in- to the law, he was persuaded that these men should be struck off, Note: Mr, Sinclair sald ho was act. ing for all of these men, but wheh Mr, Willlam Graham pointed out that two of the parties, being the Greenwoods who were on the List, had a right to be on the List; he admitted he did not know them. I am inclined to think that Mr, Sin. olair had simply 'looked into the Law, and had no personal instrues tions from these men at all, and that 'the only Instructions he had received wore from the Liberal Cane didate, Mr, W, H, Moore, Revising Ofcer struck off 44 names, being all those appealed against on the "Primrose" and the Brant." Our fees herein $100,00 $5.28 100,00 100,00 Total | $106,288 This is our bill herein.--D, A, J, Swanson, Fruit Dealer Was Injured Toronto Man's Death Fol lowed Accident on High« way West of Here Last January WM. SPINKS WAS DRIVER OF TRUCK Heavy 'Machine Skidded. In« to Ditch and Struck Hydro Pole--Redding Died on May 29th Accidental denth wax the verdict returned last night by the jury ems« panelled under Coroner ¥, J Rundle, to inquire into the death of James Redding, Toronto, The oficial verdict is as follows? "We find that James Redding came to his death in the Toronto General Hospital on Thursday, May 20th, 1940 at about six a.m,, as the result of injuries received in a mo tor cdy accident which occurred on King's Highway No. two, on the eighth of January, 1030, in a Ford truck, driven hy W, Spinks of thw city of Toronto, We find that ths death was purely accidental, and attach not hlame to the driver William 'Spinks was thus coms pletely mbsnlved from any blame in connectich with the accident, Only four witnesses gave testis mony at the Inquest, William Spinks, driver of the car In whien Redding met his fatal isjuries, and Nobert Redding, brother of the deceased, who was the third oes cupant of the ear, deposed cone corning the nature of the aceldenty Their evidence established tha Spinks had been driving at the time at a moderate rate of speed, but in passing another ear tne truck in which the three were trae rolling had swerved on the soft shoulder of the road, The car! ploughed through a deap ditch, and struck a telephone pole just at the! cab, James Redding on the outs side, had heen fatally injured; Row bert Redding, sitting in the mide dle, had been quite seriously ine! jured, while the driver had escape! ed with a cnt over his eye, The evidence of detectye-sers geant Flintoff of the Oshawa polles force, the. fnvestigator connected with the case, and of Dr, W, IL, Robinson, Toronto, the attending physician, was also taken, The coroner's Jury was made u of John McDonald, Morley pl chart, Leonard Peters, Robert Coss sar, Ernest Weeks, Al Weeks, Charles Moore, R .H, Andrews and| Fergus Shaw, i With improved roads, improved ears and improved gasoline and oils it is about time something in being done to improve the drivers, Petros lia Advertiser-Tople, /| Coming Events 8 Cents por word each fine sertion.. Minimum charge CONSERVATIVE rooms, over . Arcade, Saturday night rally. Hear Mr. A, M, Edwards, M.P, Galt, and Mra Hood, Scugog Island, (148-150-151 THE PEARSON HAT SHOP HAVE all hets specially - priced for Saturday and Monday before the holiday, 7% Simcoe St, N, (upe stairs), (1500), CHAUTAUQUA THIS YEAR PRO« vides ideal entertainment ¢ over the week-end ani t holiday, Starting Saturday evens ing at eight o'clock, north end of Memoricl Park, The play "Broken Dishes" will. be long remembered, Season tickets should be secured at once, > (150a)) IF YOU ENJOY GOOD PLAY music and real entertainmen don't fail to be numbered wit the many, who will enjoy these things at the big Chautaugus tent on Saturday evening, (150a) COMMITTR IMPORTANT 1 Motorcycle and side car. We will sell for amount of storage and towing charges outstanding, the undermentioned motorcycle. PUBLIC TRUSTEE SALE ' Persons desiring to inspect same may do so at Ontario Motor Sales, Lid. (Red, Indian Station) WHITBY, ONTARIO Make---Super Excelsion,'

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