Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Jun 1930, p. 9

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BE a a sige tis HE LEE LH Ssoracal id hecomes PANATA Twa INSTALMENT In August, when the figs were beginning to ripen, and the prines lay fel and luscious under the rye ah relly "iy Na 40d , tim YounY. neve the hapiest month ot her whole starved, . she felt for was the To gh t Hng_u love phe had ev ' hsp the fourtu day of her fours week stay, Mrs, Pringle began to |A8 tr weep when any one stiggostad ho venturi, or nel, going home, They 8) liked Dules. Bhe was the soul of good nature; it was ime " possible to exhaust her infinite wdapiability, Any plan suited Dulce or any change of pian, Any meal, aaten under Any olrcumatances, was 1 liked, fuel, what Ad to. belittle hewdalt, and they found her much finer then wa scornful self-portrait, hy ™ vetorred te her own bad up: pringing as the soures of her idavil' temper, and her selfish ness, And her Inginess, and hor gon eral lack of character, "My father thenght' ef nothing hut horses, and my mother died when I was three, 1 bossed eve pody on the place, and the naugh- tier 1 was, ®the funnier they all thought it." A have lagy little -seltish faults, Cassy knew, Tut she Was goneyosity's well, apd her aharitios knew no law, When Dules's sym- pathies were once AFOM she flung herself inte the busines alleviating suffering or batte aonditions with snoukh ardor to in- spire ten investigating cammittess and advisory boards, Also sh utterly unspoiled in heart. money, her beauty and the she had always occupisd by nptur. al right had bred in her mone of those sterile, ohilly attitudes that Cassy rather associated in her own "mind with such sdvaptages. Dulce Continued On Next Galley. was no sneb, and she regarded her fneome an A pure accident. Whe never want anywhere or did any. thing for its secial value or effect: dagsling Invitations 1eft Dules in- indfterent, and her name in the so- oial column of the lpoal papet meant nothing to her at all, Capsy was Astonished to discover that the Pendleton, and consequ- ently the Halloways and the Carters of Fan Matea were all valated te u don't stay with go down?" y're all 48 horribly thought; Dulea wap (® for, and Gertrude very affected. Hha wanted to be loyal to Gertrude, of course, but "she could net but think that Dulce "aame host out of the encounter pretty Dulce, whose hurning cheeks ming hair 10oked so pretty plight. sontrasted {n Ger aool contours and lifeless +] an, as the water des. contin. 108 them, te ha conselons f A genuine devotion te Dulde . each other every J 3 of norhi paned in ait ne » family that wan not fully discussed between them. Du came loitering over to ays an at ahout neen, an hie fod the Riv lured them oft far nans, Dulce sat at t of the table, Home. < w times for a arambled one o'clock neh | hair lay on her neck happy yours, he nad on her wie : the soft ol ot Ker ris dar asieop. noross the hall, but, Mar- garel. was wide awake. hopefully, auiiting hor. ton Mii) Doe. 4 oy m throu fh Jo 3 vr a five In t [ warm, The lamp threw a slow in its own immediate vicinity averywhers else wears mellowed shadows, in and out of which Cas- sy came and went, A (all slender woman, with a brown face, and loving merry eyes, she was busy with un dosen things at odes, f pg darling, are you drowns "Pretty neat it!" "You must have run both ways." "1 did, It's simply streaming. Dules didn't ask me to come in; she told me to got back, and got dry, an fast as T could" Billy Townsend, at. the left, Can adian lightweight champion, who not only knocked out Jack Purvis, but frastured the jaw of the Indianapelis lad, There was ne doubt shout his or about his superior Fone Carer ftalian Soar . ger, at the right, who won on a foul in the Afth veund in his beyt with George Godfrey. It was an un- tisfactory ding to a of which much had been expected. Carnera surprised with his boxing skill and is evidently & much fighter than was generally supposed, plaught upon the closed rain sisshed ageinst the old house in the derk, He was in his wrapper now, warm wife with his afhgling smile, that smile that siwkys had something plaintive, something wistful in it, and always would have, no mat. tor how Nappy or how successful Dan might be. And suddenly sheer love for him, for this squarely built man with the disordered fair hair and the appealing eyes, so wrung Casey's heart that she felt Almost faint, an I give. har the bottle? hp "yy but don't vouse har up, Pan, her go off if she will." He took the baby, and sat down in the rocker, and Cassy came across the room with the bottle in her hands, Suddenly she went dows on her less beside the two, DAD sep e! Ho looked at her in surprise, oven, in faint alarm. "Dan, ' she asked, quickly {noen. sequentially, 'do you love me ap much as you used Loin the old days, 1 mean--when woe=when we had so mich troyblg-=and no maney~before the bables came?' Halt laughing, half orying. her brown face was close to his, leaned across the baby, and put a half kiss on the bridge of Lier nose. "Why, you peor sep,' he mid, He shifters the child on, his arm, 'What makes you think 1 don't?" he asked innocently. "I don't think you don't," she hastened to protest, shoeked, "It's only that, in some way«--.-' "Wall, sheet!" Dan ssid expect. antly, py she paused. "It's only that in some wiy we don't seem ay elope ¥ etch other as wa uped 'te be, Dal." Dan looked pussied for a mo. ment. Then a oe doybtfully, Ian': gust that swe've both so busy, Cassy? You're tied up with the kids herep and I'm working Hike nh hores at the shop." "You, that's all {t {s1" ghe agreed, a0 he paused, cup anxious to' reas- sure him as herself, 'Only I sort of miss our old worries." "We'll. be sunk agein!' he pre Sontinued ou neat al0lye we netaiment-=Galiey Three dioted chaerfylly, Apu '" 'Member the time I sold your old Shaufisurs Taitarme, Bent" "" y 0 ---- at's " t did, Cealn nl erm "And the Cannon house, Dan, on 8 hot summer afternoon?' His pleasant face olouded, vy hate to think of that dump.' "oh, I 1uve to think of it, Dan," You're going to be fixed pretty soon se that you wen't have te remember all that" I'm not ao sure," she sald, her i | head Maint his arm as she halt SAL, halt knelt on the floor beside hm, I'm not gure that t over want to be fixed that way.' "'"Bottley-broken, bottley-broken," Marparer contributed conversation. "Did you bre pou ad. + My AK another bottle, No, that's that She loves to - 340 sla amu. "Ten't she pretty, t wh erm" ty, with the light think. she underst avery word wa may." hig] EUMIY to her feet, stooped to take the ohlld from Me arms, "Brill tove Joa old wife? she asked lightly, Ut the words still meant maglo to her, and tears came (nto her smil- ing an she spoke, el, w 3 you think?" Dan questionsd in turn, T same ov vita roar! Mig By a bie weary head off his arms. While ® was settling the baby for the Right, Casey saw him stagger like Fellas En ward trom the pillow, "1 ui. Ani later Canny went to kneel [} back, his face youthful and. innes cent In the tempe v knelt there a lon oy i oie INE {hardly thinking, and saw her snp A "of ° Hi Agr goghay pt 0 dine with her . sera were ries has) , for the Chine hog d Yor & URRY man ules 1 wothing undone to sig an opporiuns | had the radio, or | ® n tears shining on h Id: | she herself, Ba. Mand bafary ali 0 §o oa BE Walhut ear and oro ioe oly bin. beside him, Thoush but. ; Franee, he al AA NOW ambitionge oh, to get aotuainted with 'all that arts mary on he Sande The wind made a violent on nutters' and' dry, We looked over at his | Ho | games are played. 8 him, We wap sleep! baby, his handsome A us on RAGLAN PERSONALS ---- Raglan, June 24==Mr. DD. Thomp- yon has returned from Montreal where he 'was sent, as a delegate, to the Canadian Order of Foresters' convention, The annual Garden Party is be- ing held en Monday evening, July 7th, 1080, en the spacious lawn of Mr. and Mes, Gao. Wilson, whee it has been held in previous years. A good program has been sheured. Watch for bills. Miss Violet Thompson, Toerento, is spending her vacation at her homs here, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Avery and daughter, Allie, spent Sunday with friends in Oshawa, \ Misses Hazel Plerson and Thelma Turner, Toronto, spent Sunday with My, and Mys, ¥red Plorson, On Tuesday avening last the soft ball team from Phillips Glass Co, Oshawa, played with our hoys, The poors was in faver of Oshawa, On Monday evening our Raglan boys journeyed over te Myrtle and play. ad a friendly game, The score was in favor of Myrtle, Wa wish the boys more success when the return Miss Edna Blaksly, of Port Perry, is visiting with Mrs. Carl Avery, The Ladies Ald held their month. Iy business meeting at the home of 'Mrs, Wm, fquelch on Wednes- day afternoon, At the close af the mesting the hostess served a very dainty lupeh, Mr, and Mrs, G. Brent and son Bill visited with Mr, and Mrs. Thos, Gook, Columbus, recently, Mrs, Chowen, of New York, has returned homes after visiting her mother, Mrs. Mm, Squelch, Mr, and Mra, Irvin Ormiston and son, (aorge, and Mrs, D, Lyle spent Tussday in Toronto, Mr. Russell Davidson held a suc- cessful barn ralsing en Tuesday evening. A number from here went down to see the seaplane which made a forced landing at the fishery at Mr Norman Whitney's. © Although the plane was somewhat danaged the pilot was not injured. Mr, Irvin Ormiston is having the hyde installed (n his house and arn, Those trying th€™sntrance sxam- {nations at Port Perry are George Ormiston and Harold Bray, We wish them the best of success, Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. Idris Stacey (nee Yiorence Grilly, Columbus) on thelr vecant mar: riage. ---------------------- . THORNTON'S CORNERS Thornton's Corners, June 28. The Entrance class are writing their examinations this week and all wish them success, The many friends of Mrs, Bdgar Pascos will be glad to know that the ix able te be out again, HBhe still has to he very careful of her fool which was injured about ten weeks ago Mr. and Mrs, Robert Fully en. tertained friends from Toronto on Sunday, Many from Were attended the Rotary Wair last week and pro- nounced it a huge success. Miss Bernice Luke in spending a few weeks in 'Toremte with her aunt, Mr, and Mrs, 'W, A. Seott, Pear! and Walter, recently visited Mr Boott's gister at Quaker Hill near Uxbridge, Mr. Edgar Buss, Oshawa, apent the week-end with hia brother, Nor- man Buss and Mrs. Buss, Sunday gu of Mv. and Mrs James Luke were: Mr. and Mrp Lawrence and daughter: Mr, a Mre, /s Shaw, of Toronto: Mr, an ughton a of W § hors tn make ha | bw 1g np her ation In o amen "Aw | a Li 5 "and " a | rod to Cobourg on Sun. family of Enniskillen spent Sundey with Mr, and Mrs, Bimer Bradley, Mr. A, Booch and daughter, Ads, spent Sunday with Mr, end Mrs, Austin Larmer of Burkton. Mr, and Mrs, James Kennedy and tamily and Miss Cottrel of Mt, Doge nis, and Mr, and Mes, Cyrus Ashton of Cartwright called on friends here recently, Miss Mota Ashton has réturned to Toronto after spending oldars at home, Mrs, H, Wotton and Wilms spent the week-end with friends in Osh. awa, Mr. and Mrs, Sidney Trewis and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Malcalm st Nestleton. On Sunday, June 20th, snniver sary services of the Sunday School will be held when Rev. L. 8. Wight, B.A, BD, of Beltevilla will preach afternoon and evening. Special musle by the school,' also singing at both services by Newcastle Male Quartatte, ' On Tuesday, July 1st, Dominien Day, there will be an afternoon of sports, including, horssshos piteh- ing contest, noftball game, Tyrone and Courtice, League football. En ninkillon and Leskard Tes will be gorvad-on the church lawn, In the avening Duncan R. Cowdy and his All-Btay Company will present shelr entertainment in the enclosed shed, Mr. and Mrs. Will Smith and Wil. ma, of Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mry, Fldney Trewin recently. Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Disney and family of Oshawa visited Mr. and Mra. John Wright on Sunday, Miss Amy Disney remaining for holidays, Arthur and ®ilas Trewin spent Bunday with thelr uncle and tamily, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert foott, of Qrono ORONO NEWS Orono, June 38«<Mre. Bertie Adame, of Toronto, spent the week. end with her sister, Mish Florence | Cobbledick, Min Sadie Brown, of New York, NC, in visiting her 'people here, the guest of her aunt, Mrs, James Brown Mr. and Mra, Andrew Carruthers, Harwood, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Davey, Coldsprings, were week-end Yision with Mr. and Mrs, E. Sher. in, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Adams, Mr. Nelles and Miss Florence Ad. ams, Migs Nicholson, Mr, $id Lath: en and Mr, G, Pigeon of Toronto, and Dr, and Mrs. D. J, Holdroft and baby, Betty, of Havelock, were ve- cant visitors at the homes of Mr, Will Cobbledick and Mr. MN. J. Walsh, The regular meeting of the Orene Horticultural Society was held on the beautiful lawn at the hems of the president, Mra. O, W, Ralph, Mondey evening last, when Mr. Il, Fletcher, of Bowmanville, gave a very instructive talk on ress oul ture, Plans were made to hold a combined rose and peony show in the near future, also a motor bus trip to peony gardefis at Greenwood Thin out-of-doors meeting was muah enjoyed by the large number present, Cake and coffes wey serv. od by Mes. Ralph and program com: mittee and a social hour spent. Messrs, F. W. Brown, W, M, Jackson, ©, A. Gamsby, and Frank Richard attended the funeral of the late W, I, Kerr Crown Attorney of Cobourg Saturday. The County road men are build. ing a shoulder en the east pide of Conorete road running over the hill at the south end of the village to prevent further wash.outs snd danger § Are being placed at the "A" oyrve at Dean's Corner, supplied by the Ontarie Motor Les- through the efforts of ©, M. int . Provincial . Mare pc rn £) iat L ONCE « ALWAYS J HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM... KOOLMOTOR Gasolene gum in gasolene is harmfnl. Cities Service experts were among the first to recognize this fact----and among the first to overcome it Neither time, money nor effort has been spared to remove the harmful gum from Koolmotor Gasolene, the original high test, anti-knock green gas. A special process--the mini-gum process-is employed by Cities Service to reduce the gum con- tent in Koolmotor Gasolene to s harmless minimum. All this has been done for your benefit--to free you from the menace of sticky valves that steal your power and result in faulty engine performs ance and expensive repair bills. Play safe--don't pay the penalty of gummedsup valves. Drive to your nearest Cities Service Station or dealer today for a tankful of Koolmotor Gas olene--the gas that is free from harmful gum. CITIES SERVICE OIL COMPANY Limited 7 HARMFUL EFFECTS of Excessive Gum) in Gasoleme 1. Clogging of intake menifold 3 Dglazed sopting of intake 3 on td of & Low of compronsion; 81 Laws of power. mA 6. ilesing"erlinders snd supine 7+ Unnecessary repair bills 72 3 Sth tme | ROR fu AL i RR I CoRR CA A | lamer. | WE ight, when Dulce be ugh of th 4 1 LT LPhat's my Nusbandl' : he ent : What down tment htm OTTER FEES Did. youn, CULE a bl » he . 0 \ M ean SLMS | Er, HE AA a. we thet!" voi he at anniversary on i me >. Ua hud + -- F.5d Mrs. Waller Oke ant! 5 ;

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