Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Jun 1930, p. 5

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pe Be SERA BR THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SASSER, june &) 1930 \ PAGE FIVE | Womens' Interests in the Home --- and the Community SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Miss Louise Black of Ol City, Poeun, is the guest of Miss Kleanoy V. MoeLsughlin, Parkwood, Osl- AWA, ; Misses Marjory and Mildred Waelr, nurses-in-training at (he Westorn Hospital, Toronto, are visiting with their brother, Mr, H. J, Welr and Mrs, Weir, Alle street, Mis, Charles Bianley, of King ston, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Grant Hutchison, Jarvis street, Miss L, Green, 185 Mary street, has entered the Ontario Hospitul RE A nurse-in-tralning, Jack Glekis, a student nt Up: per Canada College, Toronto, re: turned to Oshawa yesterday and will spend the summer vacation With his parents, Mr, and Mrs, I Glekie, Miss Pauline Cond, daughter of Mr, and Mya, W, A, Cond, 'Simooe Etrest north, has returned to town from Mattield Mall, the school she attends in Cobourg, Ontario, ana Nhoer Pull Fashioned HOSIERY At ATKINS HOSIERY & LINGERIE SHOP Near Cor. King & Bimeos St. Final 'Wind.up of Ow Semi-Annual Stock Taking Sale Coats $8.95 Dresses $7.95 The Fashion Shoppe BM Nimooe Nt, N, Phone D0SBW COLOR AND RHYTHM AT GARDEN RALLY Girl Guides Festival on Sat urday Should Attract Large Crowd esa Probably one of the most spec tacular and colorful events that has taken place In Oshawa for some time will be the garden fete and rally of the Oshawa and Whithy O4rl Guides on Hsturdey afternoon, By the kindness of Col, and Mrs, B. W. Phillips, the beau- titul 'grounds of thelr home, "Heathwood" on Park road north have been thrown ohan for thin occasion to aid the Guides' sume which will take mer camp funds, The program, place on the tennis courts at the northwast of the house, is varied and includes several seotiofis of Guide work, that oan be shown Both Oshawa companies, the: one will spend the summer months here, Messrs, Nobson Schell, Junior und Kdward Robson, students at Trinity College Hehool, Port Hope, returned to thelr homes in Oshawy yesterday for the summer vaoa- tion, Messrs, lan MoKay, Jack Menry, Harry Deyman, Brenton Hasle wood, and Ralph Irwin, left today for Gull Lake, where they will spend a few weeks at Dr. McKay's Bummer cottage, Mr, and Mrs, Charles C, Warne, Misses Muriel and Helena Warne and Master Frederick Warne of New York City, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs, W. K. Davis, Bimeve Street North, and will be in town for a week, Mr. Marold Milllchamp son of Mr, and Mrs, R, W. Miflichamp, Himooe Nt, North, sailed this morn. Ing fram Montreal on the "Mont: vars" for Kngland, He will ate tend the closing of Beaufront, Camberly, Shirley, the school where his sister, Miss Elisabeth Millichamp has been in attendance for the past year, Miss Milliohamp will return te Oshawa with her brother, sometime in August, after touring Mngland and the contin- ent, MRS. GIBBONS Head Corsetiere of the CANADIAN GOSSARD CO, will be in our CORSET DEPARTMENT FR AY viee, TO GIVE FITTINGS AND ADVICE Mra, Gibbons is an outstanding auth. ority on Corset Fitting and this is a rare opportunity to have experi ad: Phone 828 for an Appointment LAMBLES 9 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH Garden Fete and Rally Oshawa and Whitby Girl Guides SATURDAY, JUNE 28th AT 8 PM, SHARP On the grounds of "Heathwood", Park Road North, Oshawa Through the kindness of Lt, Col. and Mis, W. ¥. Phillips nd : exercises lat, "Tree International Pageant. Goo PROGRAM ' ceremony=-"Breaking the flag", Shih Brownies, ou " Hinge=2 fantasy==The ntry dance==2nd. Oshawa Co, Oshawa Co. Song' '==A Croatian melody, Team games==Whitby and Oshawa Cos, Country dance--2nd, Oshawa Co. d Bye--The Brownies, "Lowering the flag--"0, Canada." awa Co. OMISSION In Ald of the Bummer Camp 'Toa will be served in the garden after { : the program==25 cents. § Mes, Byert Van Dyke, wife of the Dutch aviator, cospliot of the Nouthern Oross oh Its successful Atlantie flight under the command of Capt. Charles Kingsford-Nmith, in Whithy and the Oshawa Brown: fon are taking part, making a total of about one hundred girls, The program starts sharp at 4 o'tlock, and no one should miss the open. ing, The opening ceremonies consist of "breaking" the flag In the old Dritish traditional way by a color party consisting of Dora Sweet of the 2nd Oshawa, Millicent Bilston ofthe 1st Oshawa and Madeline Mihalko of the 1st Whitby, after which the National Anthem will be sung Miss Ruth Farthing, of Toe ronto, will be the pianist for the day, The Brownies will give demons steations of thelr pretty little singing games, and will also Eive the "good bye" at the close in real Brownie style, The Brownies are also a most important part of the International Pageant, ax they oarry the big name cards of the nations, There ia Girl Guiding in. HD countries of the world, of which the British Kmpire make 32 Owing to lack of numbers, the Guides will not "a able to show them all, but 156 will be depleted in he Pageant, If you have not seen 'he national dress or flags of Po- 'and, - Hungary," Crechoslovakia, Oarmany, Holland, Irish Free Mtate and others, you will wen them In all thelr splendor, telling the story of Gulding and Goodwill at the garden rally, Many centuries ago, It was ous tomary In the evenings In old Tingland, for the lads and lasses to gather on the village green, and to the "tunes from the fiddler, to (ance happy friendly dances. These country dances have re cently been revived, and are be roming mora and more popular, as their Joyous ourefree actions cannot but appeal tn averyone, 'qung and old alike. The Girl Guldes for some years have bewn onjoying this, revival, and at the tally will dance two old favofites "Sellingers Round", a dance of the sea, and "Rufty Tufty", Both of these will be done In costumes, Team games, such as are played at guide meeting will be conducts ed by Mra, Malcolm Hicks, captain of the 2nd Oshawa Co. A signalling squad under the direction of Miss Lillian MeDowell, lieutenant, will send in Morse the message--"We hope you are having an enjoyable tine, We are doing our best to please you, We thank you for your patronage." Mrs, Wilson, captain, of the 1st Oshawa Co. Will he in charge of her company for physi Cal exercises, The admission is 25 cents, The proceeds are in ald of the summer camp for Whitby and Oshawa, The Mother's Council will serve tea in the garden after the program, for Which an extra charge will be made, 2,000 GROUNDHOGS TO, BURROW NO MORE Powassan, June 28.--8ince Baw ter the groundh population of Chisholm Township has undergone ® heavy reduction, No census en umeration ia necessary, since tails toll the tale, In all, 3,136 tails have been handed in by rival teams m up of members of the Chis holm Debating Society sines von: test opened at Easter; One family bas delivered 470 tails, almost all the animals having been' killed on Ite own farm. Although ground. hope are not yet extinct in Chis olm Township, the contest hax dons much te check Its ravage: The loaing team gave a pienie for | ita rivals i IP he ever becomes a Presidentin' sandidate. Mr. Morrow can run ac A wet in the wat States and a» Lindbergh's father-in-law in the dry i] I LIFESAVING ~~ (GUARDS PRESENT FINE PROGRAM Proceeds of Concert Will Be Used for 8.5. Picnic The #alvation Army Sunday #ohool and the Life Saving Guards gave a splendid program in the Citadel last night under the direc- tion of Mra. 0. Langfelt, Although the heat was intense, a large crowd was present and thoroughly enjoy. od every item, Adjutant MeBain, the Divisional Young People Hecre. tary presided, while Rev, Dr. Cross opened with prayer, During tha evening refreshments wers ser- ved, The proceeds raised will go fownrds the 8, 8, plenie, which will ba held next Tuesday, July 1st, at Brookside Park, At the closes of the program, Mrs, Walker, Y. P. Mergt, Major (thanked all who as. slated In making the entartaininent 0 Muecesy Pl The folowing presented, Opening song, prayer, Introdue tion and remarks of Chairman; drill, Upside down Group of boys; recitation, KE, Clarke; song, Prim. ary; selection, Boys' Band; Japan. ove Drill, Group of Girls; Vielin nolo, Bro, Gentry; recitation, Guard Leader: selection, Boys Band: planoforte solo, ¥, Clarke; mouth organ solo, Bille Askew; tug of War, Right versus Wrong, 9 Boys; Club swinging, Young People; vio- lin solo. Pro, Gentry' sash drill, Group of Girls; Bible reading, Y.P, §.M.; selection, Boys' Hand; Doxo- ORY. MME. TOLSTOY LIVES FOR ART'S SAKE Paris, June, 26.~<Mme, Tatiana Noukhotine-Tolstoy, nged daughter of the famed Russian novelist and social reformer, Is living in Paris for the preservation of her coun try's art alone, Mme, Tolstoy left Russia in 1025, one of the last of Russian nobility to leave, came here and opened the Academy for Russian Painters near the Doulevard Raspall In Montpar- nasse, Mere, with' some of the heat of her country's artists, she has taught and supported numerous Russian artists, as well an those from Bweden, America and France, Some of her pubiin have achieved t programme was . fame 8a a result of her training, RITUALISH COMING INUNITED CHURCH Service to be More Aesthetic Is Prediction of Pastor Ottawa, June 2u,-=Dissatisfac tion with present methods of ef. feoting ministerial changes was ox- pressed by several members of the Ottawa United Chureh Ministeria) Association which met to bid fare well to 14 ministers who are leas: ing the olty and district for other pastorates, or are retiring, "I consider it the Imperative duty of the General Council at {ts next meeting to forge a proper system for facilitating pastoral changes In the hest interests of the Church an a whole," sald Rev, Allworth Kardley, Greater emn- phasis should be placed on the "Gospel: Call," Rev, H. I. Horsey contended, Rev, B. R, Kelly predicted the United Church will soon develop the Episcopal system which, he ald, wes much more workable than the present method of chang: ing pastorates, "Wa are going to have forms of service," he added "I'hat are more aesthetic and ritualistic than those which we have had in the past." A "Fo achieve success, keep your ears open and your mouth closed" pays a lecturer, To eat a melon, re. verse the process <The Passing Show. Affluence is the enndition that impels a man who left the country to live in the olty to leave the vity dye can be . CI} Sunset is made in Canada NORTH AMERICAN DYE CORPORATION, LTD. |S TORONTO "ln May and June 1 was badly Pou Bo and had faint spells until it was a drag to do my work, In July and August | didn't seem to pick up so [ de cided to try Liedia + Pink. ham's Vegetable Compound because!l saw it advertised, 1 took two bottles and now [ am the picture of health, 1 feel fine, do all my work and milk two cows. any woman writes, 1 will certainly answer her letter." Mrs, George R. Gillespie, Punnichy, Saskatche wan, Lydia E. Pinkham's Veoetable Compan BRITAIS, VATICAN ARE IN DEADLOCK Pope's Demand That Premier of Malta Retire Is Refused London, June 26. Lord Pass field, Minister for the Colonies, yes- torday told the House of Lords that the situation In Malta at present is al a deadlock between the British Government and the Vatican The Colonial Minister sald the Vatican has stipulated that Lord Btriekland, Promier of Malla, should not remain in office. The Secratary 'added: "It would .be intolerhble any foreign authority, even the Vatlean, should way that it could not endura the presence in his Ma. Jouty's service of any particulary person "hs British Government, on ita mide, has Informed the Vatloam that a resumption of negotiations must be conditional 'on orders be ing given by the Moly See to (he Bishops of Malta and Gozo whieh would . restore to the people of Malta thelr ocowmplete freedom to exercise polition] rights." These instructions, he sald, had not as yet been given by the Vati- can, The deadlock in the conmequ- ence, he asserted, The British Government recent. Iy suspended the Constitution of Malta, in order that "that country might get back to freedom of elec. tions," '". that UNIFORM MOTOR LAW THROUGHOUT DOMINION 1S AIM Good Roads Association to Draft Act for Submission to All Provinces Toronto, June 26, .« Uniform Dominion-wide traffic laws covering speed, road rulex and all problems of highway motor travel will be drafted during the next year and presented to the departments of highways of every province of the Dominion, Such was the decision of the delegates to the lifter-pro- vineial conference of the Canadian Good Roads Association which end. od {ta session at Queen's Park yes. terday, Theough there laws it in planned and hoped that motor travel throughout the Dominion will be made more facile and convenlent, acvident rates will: be lowered and closer observance of provincial laws will result, It was pointed out hy compari son of the laws of different pro. vinees that at prosent na wide givew gonoe oxists even in adjoining pro- vinces, This. ft was den causes unnecessary inconvenience for motorists traveling from one province to another, tends to in orease the possibility of aceldenty and results in confusion for wmo- torists in every instanpe, InterProvinclal Committee, The proposed . Namintana'® laws will be dratted by a commits tee of engineers and provincial ue fiolala working in unison during the next few months, Its finding will not be Minding in any way upon any province, but will be submit. ted to each provincial highwev: a partment with the hope that each rovinoe will co-operate to esi ity of traftic laws, ------.. market, bnt contidence is felt that the Free State Govenmnt will not Ish as nearly as possible uniform. » The lakes of Killarney are in the ; MISSION CIRCLE HOLDS MEETING The Young Women's Mission Cirele of the First Baptist Church met In the #, 8, rooms, Tuesday ove, June 24th, at 8 p.m, The pre- sident, Miss Peggy Ries, occupied the chair and conducted the meet- ing, the general theme of which was "Christian Stewardship; The report of the White Gift Ser- vice wus given by Miss Hinman, The heralds were then called on, Miss Audrey Morison glving a re- port on Home Missions and Miss Hinman on Bolivia and India, Pasim 24 was repeated in unison, The Study Period for the evening was taken by the Fidelis Class of the Sunday School. They present. od a dramatized sketch, "Dollars and Diana", Those taking part were Misses Helen Reid, Elsie Small, Annie Anderson, Verna Watts and Ruth Morison, Meeting wan closed with prayer, ion sun br ------ PRINCE MAY ATTEND THE EMPIRE GAMES Humilton, June 26, Officials here believe that the Prince of Wales may come to Canada to at- tend the British Empire Games, to be held here In August, Mayor Pee- bles has conferred with M, M, Rob- inson, Chairman of the British Em. pire Games Committee, and it Is likely that an invitation will be sont to his Royal Highness, THE POET TO HIS MUSIO "Our sweotesl songs are those that tell of - saddest thought,'- Hhelley, Art thou an angel, that my grief should he Unfalling supplication charms, To loose my hopes longings free, And wake my soul to musie In thine arms? to thy wet fettered thou some dread vampire of the night, Who waits my darkest hour of woe and fears, To fashion, for thine other loves delight, brightest jewels from my blood and tears? ~=May Herschel Clarke Or art Thy In this time of, trouble our sym pathy goes out to Mussolini, It must be pretty discouraging to find that he has not scared anybody after all, The New Yorker, By the time a man reaches the AK® where he really does know somthing, he has nlso reached the age of discretion and doesn't brag TWILIGHT TIME A little pause in life while day- Hght lingers Between the sunset and the palz moonrise, When dally labor slips from weary fingers And soft. grey shadows, vell the aching eyes, Peace, peace,--the Lord of earch and heaven knoweth The human soul in all its heat and strife Out of His throne no stream of Lethe floweth But the clear river of eternal life. Serve Him In dally and earnest ving And faith shall Jif sunlit helghts, Then shall a psalm of gladness and thanksgiving Fill the ealm hour that comes he- tween the lights, work thee to His "There's heauty all around our paths, if. but our watchful ayes Will trace it In familiar things. and In their lowest guise." Weak-Knd Specials In DRESSES styles thi Intogt Prices ranging from $3.95 $8.95, $10.00, $12.00, $16.00 and $18.50 Every Dress ig worth while to sed ang real values, The Ideal Shoppe 158 Bimcoe Mt. Mouth Blzes from 14 to 44, Betty-~Dorothy, did you ever buy in the Iden! Hhoppe, 1563 Bimecos #t, South, No, hut I have a friend who told me about the Ideal Shoppe. They have a real niles stock of Dresses I have . heer thinking of going over f(o the Ideal Bhoppe; now you remind me, let us go over and see thelr Dressy SAMUEL SOHWARTZ and Smallpox. All children protected----Parents own Doctor, y S * ummer Clinic FOR CHILDREN STARTING' July 2, 1930---Wednesday--Mary St. School at 9.a.m. July 3, 1930--Thursday--Ritson Rd, School at a.m. To immunize children against Diptheria, Scarlet Fever parents are urged to have their Held | Weekly are advised to consult their Sponsored by The Local Department of Public Health. ALB h 13 "PLAN A Strombola Admission Free about it.--Detroit News, NIGHT WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY DANCING WHITBY BEACH Featuring SID SMITH and His Orchestra 9--MUSICIANS---9 Bc Dance save money. mendous reduction. VacationTimeS$S If you are planning a vacation, you will certainly need a new outfit to go away in, e are offering all our Travel Coats, Summer Flannel Coats, Dresses and Hats, at a tre Buy your outfit here and Buy a New Dress for Vacation Time. Silk Crepe Dresses. designed. Sizes 38 MISSES' DRESSES Printed Celanese Dresses and Plain ---- SS ---------- WOMEN'S DRESSES Printed Tricotine Dresses, ee TE CELANESE CREPE DRESSES New smart styles, All Pastel shades Regular $11.93... 00nensressone $3.95 Sizes 14 to 20 smartly $6.95 CRE to 46 $8.95 You Can Purchase a Hat For Less Than Cost $5.9 HATS All our Mohair and Straw Hats at two prices, $1.00 $1.95 2 TRAVEL COATS Tweed Travel Coats. SUMMER FLANNEL COATS Flannel Coats in White, pink, yellow, or green. Reg. $13:50 .. -- Se ---- ALL OUR SPRING COATS ARE REDUCED TO LESS THAN HALF PRICE Sizes 14 to 42. t $10.95 $10.95 PHONE 1887 ARTISTIC SHOPPE 38 SIMCOE ST. S. allow them to leave the country e London Punch : 7 . ha X BANARIATRS ude EEE EE---------- LL Lb

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